
The Lesser Gods Name of God Title Additional Information Athene The Spoiler Aurora of the Dawn fingers were the color of roses Cheiron The The Dread Goddess Dawn The Goddess A mother to Goddess of Childbirth One of the Gray Sisters Eos Goddess of the Dawn Mother of The Graces Fates All will kneel before them Snake-Headed Graces May They Bless You Goddess of Youth Wife of The Sun Herakles Penultimate Hero Goddess of the Underworld Messenger of the Gods Goddess of the Hearth Sisters of the Fates The Titan, Father of Dawn Sleep, Brother of The Heifer Maiden The Swift Footed Messenger personification of the rainbow Kalypso The Queenly Nympth Kronos Lord of the Mother of and Medusa The Gorgon The Nine Sisters of arts and sciences Daughters of A Very Resourceful Traveler The God of Shepherds half goat and half man Wife of The Rebel God Psyche Personification of the soul Rheia Mother of the Olympians wife and sister of Rivers in The Skylla The Beast with Six Heads The Oath River Thanatos The God of Death Mother of Achilleus Goddess of Chance Winds Children of the Dawn


Family Tree


Part 1

Chaos | Gaea (earth)______Uranos (sky and the mountains) | | | | Six Titans(One was Cronus)____Six Titanesses(One was ) - father of Leto - The bright one, mother of Leto - Personification of the ocean - Wife of Oceanus, mother of the Three Hyperion - The father of the sun, the moon, and the dawn. Hecatonchires - father of (monsters with 100 Thea hands and 50 - Personification of justice Three heads) Memnosyne - Personification of memory Atlas - holds the sky on his shoulders Briarus Leto - mother of Apollo and Artemis Cottus Gyes Asterie Prometheus - Savior of mankind


Cronus - Father of the Rhea - Mother of the gods, identified with | | | | | |

Hestia Hades

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Part 2

Family Tree - Zeus

Hera______Zeus | |

Family Tree - Zeus

Eurynome, The Graces(charities) ______Zeus | Aglaia

Family Tree - Zeus

Themis______Zeus | ():

(Peace)  (Order)  (Justice)

Moerae (Fates),

- spinner  - apportioner  - inflexible (cutter)


Muses: (Presided over the arts and sciences and inspired those who excelled in these pursuits)

 Polhymnia   Thalia 

Charities: (Personifications of Grace and Beauty)

 Kleta  Phaenna  Auxo 


 Alseides   Calisto  - The concealer  - who only repeats.   Oreithyia  Orestiads  Salamacis 

Hesperides (guarders of the golden apples of Hera)

 Hestia  Arethusa  Hesperia


 Centaur  Sirens  Sphinx  , many headed monster  , whirlpool  Chimera  – lower-half man, upper-half bull  - very large snake 

The Furies (three ladies who pursued evil doers and sinners - They were persistent but just.)

The Gorgons (Three ladies with snakes as hair and eyes that could turn people to stone.)

 Medusa  Sthenno 


 Teles, Raidne, Molpe, and Thelxiope  Parthenope, , and Ligia  Pisinoe, , and Thelxiepia

Wind gods:

- King of the Winds  Boreas - North Wind  Zephyr - West Wind  Notus - South Wind  Eurus - East Wind