Special July 4Th Yarchei Kallah,Harav Povarsky Pre

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Special July 4Th Yarchei Kallah,Harav Povarsky Pre Special July 4th Yarchei Kallah July 2, 2021 The Torah Projects Commission of Agudas Yisroel will be having special Yarchei Kallah shiurim over July 4th Weekend on the topics of the three weeks. The shiurim will be given by Rabbi Pinchos Friedman and Rabbi Asher Weiss on Sunday July 4th, and by Rabbi Don Blumberg and Rabbi Avrohom Schorr on Monday July 4th. The Zoom access link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83528677424 and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424. HaRav Povarsky Pre Shavuos Chizuk 2021 July 2, 2021 Yarchei Kallah Continued 5/17 July 2, 2021 Rabbi Weiss 5-17-2020 Rabbi Erlanger 5-17-2020 Rabbi Spitzer 5-18-2020 Rabbi Sorotzkin 5-19-2020 Yarchei Kallah Continued 5-10 July 2, 2021 Rabbi Lieff 5-10-2020 Rabbi Wiess 5-10-2020 Rabbi Roth 5-11-2020 Rabbi Cynamon 5-12-2020 Rabbi Kaplan 5-13-2020 Rabbi Neustadt 5-14-2020 Virtual Yarchei Kallah Continued- 5-4 July 2, 2021 Rabbi Asher Weiss 5-3-2020 Rabbi Leuchter 5-3-2020 Rabbi Zilberstein 5-4-2020 Rabbi Kallus 5-5-2020 Rabbi Kaplan 5-6-2020 Rabbi Olebaum 5-7-2020 Virtual Yarchei Kallah Continued- 4-26 July 2, 2021 Rabbi Weiss 4-26-2020 Rabbi Geldwerth 4-27-2020 Rabbi Deutsch 4-28-2020 Rabbi Spitzer 4-29-2020 Rabbi Gelley 4-30-2020 Back by Popular Demand: Yarchei Kallah Shuirim Videos July 2, 2021 Rabbi Gottesman Hachanah Shiur 4-19-20 Rabbi Asher Weiss 4-19-2020 Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky 4-19-2020 Rabbi Cynamon 4-19-2020 Rabbi Gottesman Hachanah Shiur 4-20-2020 Rabbi Cohen 4-20-2020 Rabbi Cynamon 4-20-20 Rabbi Gottesman Hachanah Shiur 4-21-2020 Rabbi Schustal 4-21-2020 Rabbi Cynamon 4-21-2020 Rabbi Gottesman Hachanah Shiur 4-22-2020 Rabbi Sorotzkin 4-22-2020 Rabbi Cynamon 4-22-2020 Rabbi Gottesman Hachanah Shiur 4-23-2020 Rabbi Kallus 4-23-2020 Rabbi Cynamon 4-23-2020 VIDEOS: The Virtual Yarchei Kallah Continues with a Chol Hamoed Program July 2, 2021 Agudas Yisroel’s pre-pesach Yarchei Kallah was a tremendous success. The program blended beautifully as the Maggidei shiur delivered fiery shiurim to passionate participants eager to learn. With the learning and growth of the past weeks invigorating us, we are delighted to announce an additional extension to our program for this Chol Hamoed. This coming Sunday through Tuesday, world renowned Maggidei Shiur will be learning with us on Hilchos and Inyanei Sefiras Haomer. Rabbi Asher Weiss and Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth will begin the program, on Sunday at 11:30 AM EDT. Following later in the week will be Rabbi Meir Tzvi Spitzer on Monday at 11:30 AM EDT, and Harav Shraga Kallus, Tuesday 10:30 AM EDT. These special Chol HoMoed Yarchei Kallah are l’zeicher nishmas R’ Yaakov ben R’ Nochum Mordechai, ZTVK”L, the Novominsker Rebbe, Rosh Agudas Yisroel. Over the past weeks we have strengthened ourselves in seeing the light of Torah shine on in these dark days. If you haven’t participated thus far, now is the time. This Chol Hamoed, use the enforced isolation for a greater purpose. Use the time to give yourself and Klal Yisroel some much needed chizuk in Torah and Avodas Hashem. To connect: via zoom: https: //zoom.us/j/876513892 via phone: 1646-558-8656 login #: 876513892 Videos: Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman 4.12.20- Hachana shiur Rabbi Asher Weiss 4.12.20- Sefiras Haomer Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth 4.12.20- Divrei Chizuk For Our Times Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman 4.13.20- Hachanah shiur Rabbi Shraga Kallus 4.13.20 Hilchos of the Days of Sefirah for our Unique Times Heartful Inspirations and Renewed Dedication to Hasmadah as Yarchei Kallah Comes to a Close July 2, 2021 By Sandy Eller Photos by: https://www.shmuelheinemannphoto.com The morning dawned crisp and cloudy and overflowing with mixed emotions. Like marathoners nearing the finish line, participants at the Agudah’s 20th annual Yarchei Kallah were filled with anticipation as they readied themselves to soak up every word of every shiur. And yet, amid the exhilaration and excitement was a silent prayer that, somehow, Yehoshuah would miraculously appear to once again utter the phrase “shemesh b’Givon dom, v’yareyach b’emek Ayalon,” holding back the hands of time and extending the Yarchei Kallah, for even just a few more hours. Armed with the determination to make the most out of their final day and buoyed by the sheer joy of their newly acquired limudim, participants started Thursday morning with a sense of confidence, ready to be inspired. Preparing themselves for the challenges that faced them over the next few hours, lomdim took advantage of opportunities to learn b’chavrusah and to attend hachanah and chazarah shiurim as well as the Yiddish Daf Yomi given by HaRav Naftoli Gefen, Maggid Shiur, Kaminetzer Yeshiva, Yerushalayim and the English Daf Yomi said by Rabbi Elozor Kanner, Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur, White Shul, Far Rockaway. The first shiur iyun of the day was given by HaRav Pinchos Friedman, Rosh Hakollelim, Belz, who took the participants on a masterful tour of sugyos relevant to the topic of tefillah. Rabbi Friedman, author of the sefer Shiveli Pinchas and the highly popular divrei Torah bearing the same name, exhorted participants to pay special attention to every word of their davening in order to prevent errors that occur all too frequently through lack of attention. HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein, Rosh Kollel, Bais Dovid, Cholon rov, Ramat Elchanan, Bnei Brak, dazzled the participants with a real-time discussion of shaylos that have been brought to him on a wide variety of topics. Citing multiple poskim in his analysis, Rabbi Zilberstein explained how each source could potentially influence the outcome. A concurrent shiur for the English track was given by HaRav Yitzchak Blau, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Ateres Tzvi, whose interesting discourse into halacha l’maysa of tefilah offered guidance on multiple davening-related matters. The final shiur of the Yarchei Kallah was a halacha shiur given by HaRav Chaim Mordechai Ausband, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Ateres Shlomo, who discussed the concept of tashlumim in the fourth brachah of Shmoneh Esrai, Atah chonen l’adam daas. Rabbi Ausband reviewed the brachah’s application as a form of Havdalah, walking listeners through possible scenarios and what corrective actions should be taken when the special Motzoei Shabbos recitation of Atah chonantanu is accidentally omitted. The women’s contingent enjoyed a full day of hands-on learning that included a trip to Masada and a visit to the remains of the Bayis Sheini era village of Ein Gedi, returning to the Ramada in time to join the Tzeischem L’sholom banquet, the culmination of a week that will be forever remembered. As participants prepared to go their separate ways, phone numbers were exchanged and plans were put in place for future learning, cementing the special bonds forged during the Yarchei Kallah. “There were many tearful goodbyes but even more promises to continue the incredible hasmadah that we have seen over this week,” said Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman, co-chair of the Agudah’s Commission of Torah Projects. “It has been a transformative and uplifting week for each of our participants. We have no doubt that the inspiration of the Yarchei Kallah will touch their hearts every time they open up a siddur.” The amazing shiurim of the Yarchei Kallah are available online at https://www.aiayk.org/audio-2020/. More photos are available on https://www.aiayk.org/gallery-2020/. Videos by Moshe Coopersmith; Video Editing by Dovid Gross. Speakers HaRav Pinchos Friedman, Rosh Hakollelim, Belz HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein, Rosh Kollel, Bais Dovid, Cholon Rav, Ramat Elchanan, Bnei Brak HaRav Yitzchok Blau, Rosh HaRav Chaim Mordechai Yeshiva, Yeshiva Ateres Tzvi Ausband, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo Participants HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein, Rosh Kollel, Bais Dovid, Cholon Rav, Ramat Elchanan, Bnei Brak, Speaking with Participants Avoda Shebalev Takes on Heightened Meaning as Yarchei Kallah Marks Day Three July 2, 2021 by Sandy Eller Photographs by: https://shmuelheinemannphoto.com There is something about going back to where it all began to make you remember who you are and what matters most. Taking part in the Agudah’s 20th annual Yarchei Kallah, participants found themselves overtaken by an emotional connection to Eretz Yisroel, knowing that they were following in centuries-old footsteps and are crucial links in a chain extending back to Klal Yisroel’s origins. More than just an educational experience, the Yarchei Kallah has demonstrated that the seforim that have been their constant companions and the experiences they have shared are elements of a mesorah that has been handed down through the generations, one that defines us and has sustained us through the years. The air was electric in the batei medrash as enthusiastic lomdim dove headfirst into the day’s program, sponsored l’iluy nishmas HaRav Yechezkel ben HaRav Naftali Besser. Staples of the Yarchei Kallah, the hakdama and chazara shiurim were given, as always, by Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman, co-chair of Agudath Israel of America’s Torah Projects Commission, and Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon, Rav, Khal Bnai Torah, Flatbush. In addition to the English Daf Yomi given by Rabbi Yochanan Stengel, Daf Yomi magid shiur, Yesodei HaTorah and menahel, Bnos Yisroel High School, Baltimore, a parallel Yiddish Daf Yomi shiur was said by HaRav Chaim Yehuda Ullman, R’M, Yeshivas Bircas Aryeh, Pressburg, Yerushalayim. Both of the day’s concurrent shiurei iyun addressed the subject of tashlumim in tefilah, understanding how to correct omissions in davening.

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