HaRav Povarsky Pre Shavuos Chizuk 2021

May 13, 2021

Pre-Pesach Rabbonim Asifa 2021

May 13, 2021

Pre-Pesach Rabbonim Asifa: Erev Pesach SheChal B’Shabbos HaRav : Rosh of Toronto, Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

Shiur Audio Agudath of America’s Project Commission Presents a Webinar Discussing the Intersection of Mental Health and Yiddishkeit

May 13, 2021

Agudath Israel of America’s Torah Projects Commission is delighted to announce a unique webinar discussing the intersection of Mental Health and Yiddishkeit. We are pleased that the webinar’s presenter is Yitzchok Zilberstein, Av Beis Din of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of , Rosh Kollel of Kollel Bais Dovid in , and the Rav of Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak. The webinar will be followed by a special Q&A session geared toward Rabbonim and Mental Health Professionals.

The is open to all Rabbanim and Mental Health Professionals and will iy”h take place via webinar on Thursday, June 25, at 2:00 PM EDT (9:00 PM Israel). The presentation will be given in Yiddish with simultaneous Hebrew/English translation.

Rabbanim who wish to register should click this link. Mental Health Professionals who wish to register should click this link.

Video: Watch Maasei Oreg, a Video Presentation on the Shabbos Melachos of Sewing and Weaving

May 13, 2021

Watch the video below or call 718-298-2077 and press 9 followed by 115949#.

The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel is delighted to present a timely and fascinating video titled “Masei Oreg” highlighting the melachos of Shabbos dealing with weaving and sewing. This video will capture the interest of the entire family and will introduce a brand new appreciation for these melachos.

The video will become available for viewing beginning 6:00 pm EDT, on Wednesday, June 24th, 2020, at www.torahanytime.com/AgudahTorah. In addition, the Daf Yomi Commission is pleased to say that the video’s presenter, Rabbi Meir Simcha Cohen from Gateshead, UK, is available for private Zoom Q&A sessions for daf yomi shiurim, shuls or other groups. Please be in touch with [email protected] to schedule.

Counting to Matan Torah- Week 2

May 13, 2021 Agudath Israel of Ohio’s nightly shiur series in preparation for Shavuos continues. The Zoom meeting ID is 85831256775, access code 645534. The call in number is 646-558-8656.

Virtual Yarchei Kallah Continued- 5-4

May 13, 2021 Rabbi Asher Weiss 5-3-2020

Rabbi Leuchter 5-3-2020

Rabbi Zilberstein 5-4-2020

Rabbi Kallus 5-5-2020

Rabbi Kaplan 5-6-2020

Rabbi Olebaum 5-7-2020

Virtual Yarchei Kallah Continued- 4-26

May 13, 2021

Rabbi Weiss 4-26-2020

Rabbi Geldwerth 4-27-2020

Rabbi Deutsch 4-28-2020

Rabbi Spitzer 4-29-2020

Rabbi Gelley 4-30-2020

Back to Back Halacha Shiurim Address Coronavirus-Related Halachic Matters

May 13, 2021

by Sandy Eller As students of history, we are accustomed to reading about life-altering events that forever changed the course of the world. Living through them, as we are right now, is quite another story.

Standing at the intersection of the coronavirus pandemic and Pesach while listening closely for Moshiach’s footfalls, we find ourselves facing unprecedented halachic conundrums. Hoping to address some of the many complexities that have arisen over the past two weeks, Agudath Israel of America’s Torah Projects Commission arranged a pair of livestreamed events on Torah Anytime that had an astonishing 10,000 people tuning in to hear prominent poskim addressing a broad array of questions submitted by the public.

Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rav of Agudas Yisroel of Baltimore, covered a variety of topics on Monday, March 23rd, discussing dozens of Pesach- related issues including tevilas keilim when mikvaos are closed, performing biur chometz during a time when people are asked to stay home as well as the halachically preferable way to go to the hospital on Shabbos. Reflecting on some of the most difficult situations that have arisen in recent days, Rabbi Heinemann spoke about triaging critically ill patients when medical resources are in short supply and quoted Rav ’s psak that it is never permissible to remove a patient from lifesaving equipment in order to treat someone else who appears to have a better chance of survival.

Addressing the audience on Wednesday night, Rabbi Zev Cohen, Rav of Congregation Adas Yeshurun of Chicago, delved into the world of Choshen Mishpat. Rabbi Cohen addressed the financial angle of the global pandemic, touching on price gouging and dealing with tuition payments during a time when mandatory closures are in effect, noting that when Moshiach comes, he will stop first at the marketplace to ensure that Klal Yisroel has conducted all of its business honestly. Rabbi Cohen observed that despite the difficulties of being barred from our holiest places because of coronavirus, following the law of the land provides us with an unparalleled opportunity to be mikadesh shem shomayim in front of the eyes of the entire world.

While this is likely the first time that we have encountered many of the issues that have arisen over the past several days, situations of this nature are brought down in halacha, observed Rabbi Eliyahu Simcha Bamberger, national director of the Daf Yomi Commission.

“It is fascinating to see that while the word has changed over the years, we see that halacha applies in every generation and situation and the answers are there, even all this time later,” said Rabbi Bamberger. “There have been other epidemics and these shaylos have been asked before, albeit in different ways. Once again, we see the gadlus of our centuries-old Shulchan Aruch that still has the answers for every possible situation.”

Click here to watch both shiurim.

Rabbi Zev Cohen, Rabbi Moshe Rav, Congregation Heinemann, Rav of Adas Yeshurun of Agudas Yisroel of Chicago Baltimore

VIDEOS: Virtual Yarchei Kallah Program

May 13, 2021 The Agudah will be hosting an inspiring virtual Yarchei Kallah this week, with shiurim from world-renowned English speaking Roshei and Rabbonim from Eretz Yisroel. Every day there will be a hachanah shiur, a chazarah shiur, a shiur klali, and a shiur halacha l’maaseh covering the sugya of Leil Haseder. Call in at 646-558-8656 with PIN 876513892, or click here for zoom. You can see all the information you need about the Yarchei Kallah, including mareh mekomos and the full schedule, by clicking here.

Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman 3/30

Rabbi Asher Weiss 3/30

Rabbi Nisan Kaplan 3/30

Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon 3/30

Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman 3/31

Rabbi Yosef Elefant 3/31

Rabbi Meir Tzvi Spitzer 3/31

Rabbi Shraga Kallus 4/1

Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon 4/1

Rabbi Baruch Feivelson 4/2

Rabbi Asher Weiss 4/2

Rabbi Dovid Cohen 4/5

Rabbi 4/5

Rabbi Asher Weiss 4/6

AUDIOS: Pre-Pesach Teleconference Series

May 13, 2021 Rabbi Yisroel Reisman- English https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-YISROEL-REISMAN-3 .29.20.mp3

Rabbi - Yiddish https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-ELYA-BRUDNY-3.29.2 0.mp3

Rabbi Doniel Neustadt- English https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-DONIEL-NEUSTADT- 3.30.20.mp3

Rabbi Chaim Feivel Schneebalg- Yiddish https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-CHAIM-FEIVEL-SCH NEEBALG-3.30.20.mp3

Rabbi Menachem Greenblatt- English https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-MENACHEM-GREEN BLATT-3.31.20.mp3

Rabbi Yechiel Kaufman- Yiddish https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-YECHIEL-KAUFMAN- 3.31.20.mp3

Rabbi Chaim Schabes- English https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-CHAIM-SCHABES-4.1 .20.mp3

Rabbi Alexander Rechnitzer- Yiddish https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-ALEXANDER-RECHNI TZER-4.1.20.mp3

Rabbi Doniel Osher Kleinman- English https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-DANIEL-OSHER-KLEI NMAN-4.2.20.mp3

Rabbi Yitzchok Isaac Spitzer- Yiddish https://agudah.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RABBI-YITZCHOK-ISAAC-SPI TZER-4.2.20.mp3