בס"ד OnegShabbosarmest Mazal Tov W oneg edito w r-in-c ish hief es Rabbi Yonasan R to North West London’s Weekly and Fam oo n the birth on ily dy Torah & Opinion Sheets o his da n ugh A Torah publication that enables local Rabbonim and ter Avreichim to share their insights and Divrei Torah on a variety of different levels, to provide something for everyone For questions on Divrei Torah ,29TH APRIL 2017 please contact the Editor in Chief | ג' אייר תשע”ז | פרשת תזריע-מצורע Rabbi Yonasan Roodyn LONDON MANCHESTER GATESHEAD
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[email protected] לעילוי נשמת הש"ץ שלמה בן אברהם משה ז"ל לעילוי נשמת חנה בת אלעזר ע"ה (Cost per week: £500, which covers production costs) לרפואת אריאל יהודה בן יהודית נ" י Rabbi Joseph Dweck Senior Rabbi of The S&P Sephardi Community Parshah Tazria begins with instructions for ritual purification after a woman has given birth; commanding that she must bring korbanot (offerings) in the Bet HaMikdash. Two korbanot are brought: one is an Olah (completely burnt on the altar) in thanks to Hashem for saving her from the dangers of childbirth. The other is, interestingly, a korban hatat or sin offering. The hakhamim question this strange korban; why is incredibly humbling. How much more so for a must a woman who has just given birth bring a sin mother who has carried the developing life in her offering? An amusing answer is offered by Rabbi womb for nine months? Shimon in the Talmud (Nidah, 31b) explaining When we are aware of, and involved with, such that at some point during childbirth every woman wonders we tend to become awe-stricken, humbled swears never to bear more children!! The sin and grateful.