Bulawayo Metropolitan Province Team 1 Ward Centre Dates 1 Milton

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Bulawayo Metropolitan Province Team 1 Ward Centre Dates 1 Milton Bulawayo Metropolitan Province Team 1 Ward Centre Dates 1 Milton Junior P School 10/06/13-14/06/13 2 Trenance P School 15/06/13-18/06/13 2 Airport P School 19/06/13-22/06/13 3 Khumalo P School 23/06/13-27/06/13 3 Centenery Pschool 28/06/13-01/07/13 4 Lochview P school 02/07/13-05/07/13 4 Tennyson P school 06/07/13-09/07/13 Team 2 Ward Centre Dates 5 Moray Primary School 10/06/13-13/06/13 5 Henry Low P School 14/06/13-17/06/13 6 Greenfield P School 01/06/13-21/06/13 6 Fonders P school 22/06/13-25/06/13 7 Losthe P School 26/06/13-29/06/13 8 Mcdonald Community Hall 30/06/13-04/07/13 8 Losikeyi P School 05/07/13-09/07/13 Team 3 Ward Centre Dates 16 Fusi Primary School 10/06/13-13/06/13 17 St Peters P School 14/06/13-15/06/13 17 Robert Sinyoka P School 16/06/13-19/06/13 19 Pumula Community Hall 20/06/13-23/06/13 18 Magwgwe Community Hall 24/06/13-27/06/13 20 Mqoqo P School 28/06/13-01/07/13 21 Sisinda P School 02/07/13-05/07/13 22 Nkulumane Community Hall 06/07/13-09/07/13 Team 4 Ward Centre Dates 9 Mpopoma Communnity Hall 10/06/13-13/06/13 10 Entumbane Community Hall 14/06/13-17/06/13 11 Emankandeni Sec School 18/06/13-21/06/13 12 Lobengula Sec School 22/06/13-25/06/13 13 Iminyela Community Hall 26/06/13-30/06/13 14 Inkanyezi P School 01/07/13-04/07/13 15 Beit Hall Community Hall 05/07/13-09/07/13 Team 5 Ward Centre Dates 23 Queen Elizabeth II P School 10/06/13-13/06/13 24 Nketa Community Hall 14/06/13-17/06/13 25 Manondwane P School 18/06/13-21/06/13 26 Senzangakhona P School 22/06/13-26/06/13 27 Pumula South Community Hall 27/06/13-30/06/13 28 Mthlathini P School 01/07/13-05/07/13 29 Mazwi P School 06/07/13-09/07/13 Harare Province Mobile Voter Registration Centres Team 1 Ward Centre Dates 3 & 4 Mai Musdzi hall 10/06/13-13/06/13 11 & 12 Mbare Netball Complex 14/06/13-16/06/13 24, 25 & 26 C.J Hall 17/06/13-21/06/13 27, 28 & 29 Glen Norah A Community Hall 22/06/13-25/06/13 30 Glen View 2 Primary School 26/06/13-28/06/13 31 Glen View 3 Primary School 29/06/13-28/06/13 32 Glen View 6 Primary School 03/07/13-05/07/13 16 & 41 Marlbrough High School 06/08/13-09/07/13 Team 2 2 Cranbourne Boys High 10/06/13-1106/13 10 Sunningdale Community Hall 12/06/13-15/06/13 1 St Johns Retreat Primary School 16/06/13-20/06/13 1 Draycott Farm Hall 21/06/13-22/06/13 1 DDF Manyame Hall 23/06/13-25/06/13 1 Southlea Park Consortium offices 26/06/13-27/06/13 1 Crest Breeders Primary School 28/06/13-29/06/13 23 Waterfalls District Office 30/06/13-02/07/13 43 Budiriro 5 Primary School 03/07/13-05/07/13 33 Budiriro Community Hall 06/07/13-09/07/13 Team 3 35 Rutendo hall 10/06/13-13/06/13 34 Tendayi Primary School 14/06/13-16/06/13 39 & 45 Kuwadzana District Office 17/06/13-19/06/13 37 & 38 Kuwadzana 2 Primary School 20/06/13-22/06/13 44 Kuwadzana 8 Primary School 23/06/13-25/06/13 40 Dzivarasekwa Extension Poly Clinic 26/06/13-29/06/13 39 & 45 Dzivarasekwa Community Hall 30/06/13-02/07/13 7 & 17 Magamba Community Hall 03/07/13-06/07/13 13 & 14 Kambuzuma Community Hall 07/07/13-09/07/13 Team 4 5 Haig Park Primary School 02/07-13-04/07/13 16 Belvedere Primary School 05/07/13-07/07/13 13 Southern Primary School 08/07/13-09/07/13 Team 5 42 Hatcliffe Community Hall 10/06/13-14/06/13 19, 20 & 21 Mwanandishe Primary School 15/06/13-19/06/13 8 & 9 Courtney Selous Primary School 20/06/13-24/06/13 10 Mt Pleasant District Office Hall 25/06/13-28/06/13 Epworth Local Board 1, 2 & 7 Epworth Local Board Hall 29/06/13-02/07/13 6 Chinamano Primary School 03/07/13-05/07/13 3, 4 & 5 Epworth Secondary School 06/07/13-09/07/13 Chitungwiza Municipality Team 4 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8 Huruyadzo Shoping Centre 10/06/13-13/06/13 4, 5 & 6 Zengeza 2 High School 14/06/13-16/06/13 13, 14 & 15 Mberi Primary School 17/06/13-19/06/13 9, 10, & 11 Zngeza 4 High School 20/06/13-21/06/13 12, 17, 18 & 24 Chitungwiza Community Hall 22/06/13-25/06/13 19, 20 & 21 Seke 4 High School 26/06/13-29/06/13 22, 23 & 25 Seke Teachers College 30/06/13-01/07/13 Mashonaland Central Province Mobile Voter Registration Centres Bindura District Team 1 ward centre Date 1 Chimbure primary school 10/06/13-15/06/13 2 Cowley primary school 16/06/13-21/06/13 5 St Basils 22/06/13-27/06/13 3 Rosetta Rust Primary school 28/06/13-03/07/13 19 Foothills primary school 4/7/13-9/7/13 Team 2 21 Primento primary school 10/6/13-14/6/13 4 Chivheri farm 15/6/13-19/6/13 20 Zvakwana primary school 20/6/13-24/6/13 7 Chipadze farm secondary school 25/6/13-29/6/13 8 Bemberero primary school 30/6/13-04/7/13 16 Gwaze primary school 5/7/13-9/7/13 Team 3 6 Trojan primary school 10/6/13-15/6/13 11 Chigiji primary school 16/6/13-21/6/13 12 Maravanyika primary school 22/6/13-27/6/13 10 Manhenga council office 28/6/13-3/7/13 9 ChirekaPrimary school 4/7/13-9/7/13 Team 4 12 Chiwaridzo Primary school 10/6/13-11/6/13 4 Salvation primary school 12/6/13-13/6/13 1 Bindura primary school 14/6/13-15/6/13 13 Murembe secondary school 16/6/13-20/6/13 14 Musana primary school 21/6/13-25/6/13 15 Chakanyemba primary school 26/6/13-30/6/13 17 Mupandira primary school 01/7/13-5/7/13 18 Mashambanhaka primary school 6/7/13-9/7/13 Static 3 DA's complex 10/6/13-9/7/13 Muzarabani district Team 1 23 Kairezi primary school 10/613-12/6/13 24 Chiwenga primary school 13/6/13-14/6/13 Chibombo primary school 15/6/13-16-6-13 2 Gumbochuma primary school 17/6/13-18/6/13 18 Mutemakungu primary school 19/6/13-20/6/13 17 Kambudzi primary school 21/6/13-22/6/13 Charunda primary school 23/6/13-24/6/13 Hoya primary school 25/6/13-26/6/13 Sone primary school 27/6/13-28/6/13 1 Gunduza primary school 29/6/13-30/6/13 Chadereka primary school 1/7/13-3/7/13 Chimoio primary school 4/7/13-5/7/13 Musingwa primary school 5/7/13-6/7/13 3 Nyadukutu primary school 7/7/13-9/7/13 Team 2 27 Museredza primary school 10/6/13-11/6/13 3 Machaya Secondary school 12/6/13-13/6/13 19 Utete primary school 14/6/13-15/6/13 4 Batanai primary school 16/6/13-17/6/13 Dambakurima Primary school 18/6/13-19/6/13 5 Mufudzi primary school 20/6/13-21/6/13 Kapembere primary school 22/6/13-23/6/13 8 Muringazuva primary school 24/6/13-25/6/13 19 Boore primary school 26/6/13-27/6/13 6 Hwata primary school 28/6/13-29/6/13 7 Nyahwanga primary school 30/6/13-1/7/13 Kapatamukombe primary school 2/7/13-3/7/13 6 Kahungwe primary school 4/7/13-5/7/13 8 Muzarabani secondary school 6/7/13-9/7/13 Team 3 9 Mhene primary school 10/6/13-11/6/13 Chiwashira primary school 12/6/13-14/6/13 20 Chawarura primary school 15/6/13-17/6/13 21 Chawarura Prac Skills dev centre 18/6/13-19/6/13 Chitemamuswe primary school 20/6/13-21/6/13 10 Chiweshe primary school 22/6/13-24/6/13 St Alberts primary school 25/6/13-27/6/13 16 Mukwengure primary school 28/6/13-30/6/13 25 Westbury farm 1/7/13-2/7/13 11 Chiripiro primary school 3/7/13-5/7/13 Munhenga primary school 6/7/13-7/7/13 26 Takunda primary school 8/7/13-9/7/13 Team 4 Ward Centre Date 12 Hilbre primary school 10/6/13-11/6/13 Samanyanga primary school 12/6/13-13/6/13 14 Archiford primary school 14/6/13-16/6/13 22 Nyamaridza secondary school 17/6/13-18/6/13 14 Clearmorning primary school 19/6/13-20/6/13 15 Gatu primary school 21/6/13-22/6/13 14 Goromokwa primary school 23/6/13-24/6/13 28 Aranbira primary school 25/6/13-26/6/13 Chiparta primary school 27/6/13-28/6/13 Chidikamwedzi primary school 29/6/13-01/7/13 13 Mawari primary school 02/7/13-03/7/13 Geejay primary school 04/7/13-06/7/13 29 Minda Primary School 07/7/13-09/7/13 Guruve District Team 1 Ward Centre Date 1 Manyika Primary School 10/6/13-11/6/13 Tengenenge Art Centre 12/6/13-13/6/13 Horse Shoe Primary School 14/6/13-16/6/13 Siyalima Primary School 17/6/13-18/6/13 Muroyiwa Primary School 19/6/13-20/6/13 21 Gwakwe Primary School 21/6/13-22/6/13 Redlichen Primary School 23/6/13-24/6/13 Nyamuseve Primary School 25/6/13-26/6/13 Mutota Primary School 27/6/23-28/6/13 19 Nyagumbo Primary School 29/6/13-30/6/13 Negomo Primary School 1/7/13-2/7/13 17 Gota Primary School 3/7/13-4/7/13 20 Kadzimwenje Primary School 5/7/13-6/7/13 Mushoshoma Primary School 7/7/13-9/7/13 Team 2 2 Chikwidibe Primary School 10/6/13-11/6/13 Nyamhanje Primary School 12/6/13-13/6/13 6 Chimanikire Primary School 14/6/13-15/6/13 Muzika Primary School 16/6/13-17/6/13 22 Kondo Primary School 18/6/13-19/6/13 8 Chimbumu Primary School 20/6/13-22/6/13 Gangarahwe Clinic 23/6/13-24/6/13 Chakaodza Primary School 25/6/13-26/6/13 12 Chifamba Primary school 27/6/13-29/6/13 Mucherengi Primary school 30/6/13-1/7/13 Chikwirandaombera Primary 2/7/13-3/7/13 7 Magwenya Primary school 4/7/13-5/7/13 Ruvinga Primary school 6/7/13-7/7/13 Kugotsi Primary school 8/7/13-9/7/13 Team 3 14 Impinge farm 10/6/13-11/6/13 Birkdale Primary school 12/6/13-13/6/13 13 Mt Fartigue farm 14/6/13-15/6/13 Kelstone Primary school 16/6/13-17/6/13 Brandon Primary school 18/6/13-19/6/13 Mutendamambo Primary school 20/6/13-21/6/13 Vivelkia Primary school 22/6/13-23/6/13 15 Nyamangore primary school 24/6/13-25/6/13 Chihwe Primary school 26/6/13-27/6/13 9 Magaya Primary school 28/6/13-30/6/13 Nyanhunzi Primary school 1/7/13-2/7/14 10 Nyandoro Primary school 3/7/13-4/7/14 11 Nyamhondoro Primary school 5/7/13-7/7/14 Mupinyuri Primary school 8/7/13-9/7/14 Team 4 23 Kemutamba Primary School 10/6/13-11/6/13 Mudhindo Primary school 12/6/13-13/6/13 16 Manini Primary school 14/6/13-16/6/13 24 Vira Primary school 17/6/13-18/6/13 Mushongahande Primary school 19/6/13-20/6/13 18 Chingwaro Primary school 21/6/13-23/6/13 3 Mbizimwenje Primary school 24/6/13-25/6/13 Muzura Primary school 26/6/13-27/6/13 Mavare Primary school 28/6/13-29/6/13 Nyakapupu Primary school 30/6/13-1/7/13 4 Mukwenya Primary school 2/7/13-3/7/13 Chimufombo Primary school
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