COVID-19 Vs Yemen in Defiance of New Wave of Coronavirus Psychological Repercussions Multiply Victims Corona.. A Double-edged Virus 5000 Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Including 1000 deaths Corona; Issue Destinies of 6

(Heaven) Pages and Reports Sawt 12 of the Earth! By: Abdul- Price Aziz Oudah Free

he health situation in Yemen- before the spread of Coronavirus pandemic- was T not in the best condition: the health sec- Voice of Hope tor - even before March 2015- was suffering from imbalances and stumbling blocks in many of its Independent - Newspaper (Towic a Month) Puplished by Yemen Information Center facilities and despite all efforts made to improve health services, the needs were much more than 15 / 4 / 2021 the available resources. During the past year- when the Corona virus attacked Yemen- the country was experiencing difficult situations in various fields and at vari- Dealing with Corona ous levels: vertically and horizontally; Because of the state of conflict and its repercussions that have exhausted the country and its people. It was natural for the health sector- in our coun- try- to be unable to cope with this virus which between Intimidation shook the most powerful health systems in the world. This assumption was inevitable and even acceptable, despite its bitterness for all segments of Yemenis on the official and popular levels. and Understatement Starting with the United Nations, bodies and international organizations- not ending with the ordinary man in the street, in Yemen- all expec- tations went to the fact that Corona as soon as the first case appeared in the country would take away the lives of large numbers of Yemenis. But the destinies of (heaven) were more mer- Impacts of ciful than the reports and expectations of (the people of the earth). Despite the announced and undeclared numbers of victims of the disease, the situation is much better at least up to the moment than the most optimistic expectations! COVID-19 on the It is not fair, to burden the health sector (be- yond what it can bear) and to demand it with re- quirements that it cannot afford; Everyone knows about the difficult conditions the country has been going through since 2015 and by the way, it is not Yemeni Economy new, insofar as it (made matters worse). In this issue of (Sawt Al Amal) we tried to get to know the situation of Coronavirus in Ye- men starting with its economic effects, passing through education, health services, the role of civil society organizations, youth initiatives and the impact on the women and children sector. We also tried to touch on the way the public Yemenis Use dealt with the virus, and we fed it with human stories: about cases that lived through the infec- tion. We discussed the psychological and neuro- logical effects of the media aura that surrounded this virus, and its effects on increasing the num- Alternative Medicine to ber of infected people. We know with certainty that the situation re- quires more serious work and a deeper approach, but we tried to open the doors, and put words- at Face COVID-19 the beginning of the lines, which need someone to complete them- to reach a point at the end of the line. Hadramout ... Yemen’s First Gateway to Confront Corona! 02 Report Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 Hadramout ... Yemen’s First Gateway To Confront Corona! Governorate is the eastern gateway of Yemen to the world, and therefore the governorate formed the first line of defense to confront Co- rona virus crossing the border into Yemen. (Hadramout Governor- ate: Eastern Yemen) is one of the most Yemeni governor- ates- in which cases infected with Coronavirus (Covid-19) have increased since the first confirmed case of the virus appeared in the (first wave) on April 10 of last year, 2020 (according to what the Yemeni Emergencies committee of the Ministry of Public Health and Population announced).

By: Omar Bahfi 1- Al- District: the capital of by the local authority in the governorate and medical services necessary to combat while performing their humanitarian work Sawt Alamal- Hadramout Hadramout governorate (74 seventy-four with solidarity of all concerned parties. the epidemic. Selah Foundation for De- 4- The brotherly Chinese people have also confirmed cases) and (11 eleven deaths) He appreciates the efforts of the lead- velopment is one of those organizations provided safety clothing for doctors. Quarantine: 2- Al-Shahr city: (5 five confirmed cases ership of the local authority in the gover- supporting the confrontation of this virus. He adds: The Foundation has trained (E.S.: 65 years old: citizen) reviews and 5 five deaths) were recorded 3- Al- norate, as well as local and international (Executive Director of the Selah more than 450 (four hundred and fifty from within the quarantine in the Falak Raida and Qusayr Directorate: (7 Seven organizations which have contributed to Foundation for Development: Ali Hassan workers) in isolation centers in the gov- area - his experience with the disease. He confirmed cases and two deaths) 4- Ghayl alleviating the suffering; by providing Bashmakh) said to (Sawt El Amal): The ernorates of Hadramout, Shabwa and Al- says: I did not know that I was (infected) Bin Yameen District: recorded (7 seven health and medical supplies: for isola- Foundation sought to establish a sustain- Mahra. Major interventions have been until after several days, especially after I confirmed cases and two deaths) 5- Al tion centers, for their workers, and for the able partnership- with the local authority made to provide oxygen cylinders for iso- knew the symptoms. I suffered from - se Dees Al sharqeya District: (two confirmed health office and implementing training in Hadramout Governorate- to combat lation centers in Hadramout and the foun- vere weakness in Breathe, and exhaustion, cases and one death) were recorded, in activities for the medical staff working in Corona virus; through many health in- dation is still providing the necessary sup- I realized during those days that I would addition to confirmed cases in Douan and isolation centers in Hadramout, Al Sahel. terventions represented in: 1- Providing port to the isolation centers and the Health not survive this virulent virus. Burum Mayfa districts... and cases incom- He adds: The office- during the past peri- health tools and supplies to the Ministry and Population Office in Hadramout Al I had to go to the (isolation center) to ing from outside the governorate - most of ods - carried out a number of awareness of Health office and isolation centers 2- As Sahel in the face of this virus and work to receive treatment, and upon my arrival to them are from the governorates of (Shab- campaigns: in various media: The visual, well as working to equip isolation centers implement plans- with the Health Office- the center, I was received by the nurses and wa and Al-Mahrah). audio and readable .. This is because the (in Hadramout) with various necessary to confront the (second wave), to which workers at the center, who strive- despite He continues: During the period media has a great role in educating the supplies 3- Providing tools for the center's the governorate of Hadramout is the most the weak capabilities - to provide adequate (January 1 to March 21, 2021), the total community about the danger of this virus. workers In order to preserve their safety vulnerable to it. health care. cases of suspected infection with Coro- Likewise, a number of (awareness flashes) He continues: During my stay in the navirus in Hadramawt Al Sahel Gover- have been prepared that urges the commu- center for several weeks, all that I suffered norate - reached 529 five hundred and nity to adhere to the means of preventing was alleviated and now I am practicing twenty-nine suspected cases, including infection. my life freely, and I am committed to the (300 confirmed cases) with a PCR test “The medical staff - in Hadramout - precautionary measures- to preserve my and (39 thirty-nine deaths) With a total faces great challenges and difficulties due Human Experiments in Yemen with Virus Corona health - through the use of known preven- recovery of 13%, while the governorate to the influx of many cases to the isola- directorates affected by the virus reached tion hospital. A number of the medical Since the emergence of the first wave tive measures. of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandem- He adds: I hope that citizens do not (12 twelve districts), and there are records staff has contracted the virus, while they of cases (and deaths) for different age are performing their work in the isolation ic in Yemen at the beginning of 2020 underestimate this disease as it is a very until now, there are many people whose groups. There were 47 (forty-seven con- center as confirmed by Dr. Reem Salem dangerous disease, especially for those lives and health have been affected by firmed cases) for the age group from 30 Bamahdi Hed of Dr. Riad Eljariry Hospi- with chronic diseases and they should the virus. Some of them were infected to 44 (35 thirty-five cumulative cases) for talfor fever and Corona Cases Treatment take the necessary measures to maintain and recovered, while some could not the age group from 15 to 29, while (4 four Center). their safety. withstand against this virus. confirmed cases of the age group) 5 years She also expressed her concern about (: 27 years: from Aden) tells (Sawt Haroun Hadramout in confrontation with - 15 years were recorded. the increase in cases in the isolation cen- Alamal) - the story of his recovery from She indicates that there is an increase ter, especially in this second wave and Coronavirus Coronavirus, so he says: In Aden, dur- his room (As a home quarantine) and "The emergence of the disease posed a in the number of (health personnel) infec- warned that most cases infected with the ing the emergence of the first wave, was isolated from the family. He adds: great challenge to the local authority in the tions during the time period from January virus arrive at the isolation center (late), Coronavirus has spread, in a situation Despite the deterioration of my health, governorate; especially as for how to con- 1 to March 21; It reached (20 confirmed which makes it difficult for us (she says) that was described as tragic and cata- the disease did not scare me, but my front this dangerous epidemic in such dif- cases), including two deaths; Explaining: to control them. We also suffer from a big strophic as a result of the increase in psychological state was affected as I ficult circumstances which Yemen is going that these cases were monitored by the problem which is represented in the lack the spread of the epidemic and the fever was afraid of transmitting the infection through from a security and economic col- health personnel (doctors and nurses) and of (oxygen) and the availability of only with increase in the number of deaths to my family members. lapse. The city of Hadramout is one of the that this increase in cases necessitates that small quantities of it, compared to the during that period. Haroun takes a deep breath and con- first governorates that fell in front of this we adhere to the precautionary measures number of infected people, which are- at He adds: In the area in which I live no tinues: During my stay in the room, I dangerous virus, as it killed thousands of represented in: 1- The continuous use of the present time- constantly increasing single days passes without hearing the consumed vitamin C and paid attention citizens. However, this wave has not ended sterilizers 2- Wearing masks, especially in which represent a great responsibility for news of (the death of people) close to to a specific diet; by relying on fruits, yet. With the beginning of 2021, Hadram- crowded places and in the event of feeling us in treating the injured as required. us. As in only one day, a number of fu- vegetables and some drinks, which in- out began to face a new confrontation with symptoms, The person must go to health She added: We continue to serve the nerals took place because of the spread crease immunity in my case. this virus, after discovering many infected centers, cooperate with rapid response governorate as required and we alert the of the epidemic during that period, in A few days later, I began to lose my cases. This is what (Director of the Epi- teams in collecting samples and adhere to community to the need to adhere to the in- addition to the spread of the Corona sense of taste and smell and this con- demiological Monitoring Department: in home isolation, in confirmed cases. structions of the Ministry of Health office epidemic in a frightening manner with dition continued with me (for a whole the Office of the Ministry of Health and such as instructions and preventive infor- the continued closure of hospitals and month) from the beginning of the home population in the coast of Hadramout: Dr. The Governorate is living a big chal- mation that protect them from the spread health facilities. On the seventeenth of quarantine, I followed the instructions Rola Baadriss) confirmed: lenge! of this virus and we wish everyone to pray Ramadan in the last year, I’ve contract- and advice provided to confront Co- Badriss shows to (Sawt El Amal) that For his part, (Director of the Ministry for us: for steadfastness in fighting this ed the virus in that difficult health stage rona virus; As I was reading the Brit- the number of cases infected with the vi- of Health and Population Office: in the epidemic! which Aden went through. ish newspapers; as it is one of the most rus in the city is constantly increasing. coast of Hadramout: Dr. Muhammad Al- Regarding the symptoms which common means that used to provide During the epidemiological week no 11- Jamhi) pointed out to (Sawt El Amal) that Organizations in conformation with the Haroun suffered he says that they are: 1 advice to confront the virus, and I was 21 March 2021 only, a number (164 one there is- with this virus - a major challenge virus! - A sharp increase in temperature 2- Pain confident of what it say. I recovered, hundred and sixty-four cases) were regis- that Hadramout governorate is experienc- In Hadramawt governorate, there was in the throat 3- Associated with severe but I lost my sense of taste and smell tered, of which (111 hundred and eleven ing. Being the most affected provinces by a prominent role for local organizations, cough 4- Burning in the rib cage. At that and then my mother got infected with cases) were confirmed and (22 twenty- this epidemic, since its emergence. De- in confronting this virus, and in support- time he decided to stay in his room and the virus, and she dealt with the dis- two deaths). The cases were distributed spite this, we are still working - according ing the local authority, and the Hadhram- get isolated from his family. ease, just as I dealt with it. Thank God Haroun stayed (14 fourteen days) in among Al Sahel districts- as follows : to the capabilities available to us provided out Health Office in providing assistance my mother recovered too. Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 Economy 03 The Repercussions Of The Curfew Due To Coronavirus, And Its Impact On The Yemeni Economy (Covid-19) is the catastrophe that has afflicted the world since late 2019. Its damage was not limited to the health and social aspects only ... it also affected the economy, and created an economic crisis; poverty exacerbated and owners of small enterprises were affected while the workforce was primarily victim as a result of the repercussions of the curfew. Report Rajaa Mukred

Indications: According to (the Central Agency for Statistics), the latest reports issued in April 2020 indicate that 50% of health fa- cilities - in Yemen - are totally or partially out of service. Only (ten) health workers are available for every 10,000 (ten thou- sand person) in Yemen. (The Studies Sector at the Ministry of Planning defined (3.3%) as the expec- tations of the contraction of the real GDP in 2020, in the event of the spread of the Corona virus and that (19.7 nineteen mil- lion seven hundred thousand people) need help in accessing health care and more than 80% of Yemenis live below the pov- erty line.

Second wave forecasts: (Head of the Economic Centre for Research and media: Mustafa Nasr) says: The Economic Centre for Research and media prepared (a study) previously on the first wave of Corona and the second wave came more violent and stronger. The they were closed without (visitors) who the field of personal services in the orga- June 2020), then the total losses for this affected by the deprivation: such - asun problem is that in light of the current crisis represent consumers and customers for nized sector that accommodate (29,335 sector- if we assume that it was closed covered food, drinks and juices, etc. The of the Yemeni economy, it can no longer them while malls and markets continued twenty-nine thousand three hundred - we will reach (14528250000 fourteen health curfew method in Yemen almost tolerate more of other crises include the open. But it worked in accordance with thirty-five workers) and the productive billion five hundred twenty-eight million eliminates small crafts. closure, the decline in remittances from the requirements and precautions circu- value of these establishments per year two hundred fifty thousand riyals). Al-Jamai added: Large organizations expatriates, and other crises that could lated by the Supreme Committee for Epi- is (56210780000 fifty-six billion two The most damage to small facilities: and institutions have benefited by reduc- significantly affect the Yemeni economy. demiology. hundred and ten million seven hundred (Muhammad Al-Juma'i: Economic ing the working hours. Some of the Yeme- Nasr continues by saying to (Sawt Al- Altayyar adds: Among the economic Eighty thousand riyals (according to (2014 expert) tells (Sawt Al-Amal) that those af- ni governorates only have abided by this Amal): It is expected that the second wave losses, the service sector was completely accounts) (the dollar = 221 riyals), while fected in the first place are the owners of curfew not all of them - as for the (popu- will have a greater impact, perhaps inter- paralyzed and suffered heavy losses dur- the added value of these establishments in small enterprises, which depend on weak lated) areas, they have not been closed, nally than the previous wave. Given that ing the months in which its activity was the year is (46189740000 Forty six billion trade and on the basic needs of citizens, and have not been affected by the curfew. the pandemic has subsided somewhat in suspended. According to economic data, one hundred eighty-nine million seven and sell them by grain (not retail). These Therefore, the effect was very slight on other countries, especially the countries of the stoppage caused losses to these activi- hundred forty thousand riyals). Workers institutions may have been affected a lot. some governorates, and he believes that expatriate ... and its effects on the owners ties. get wages up to (6461328000 six billion The owners of the individual projects the curfew has harmed the country's over- of oil will be somewhat limited. As for the and four hundred and sixty one million such as hawkers and carpet weavers who all economy. internal level, I expect that its effects will Losses Size: and three hundred and twenty-eight thou- have also been affected by the deprivation be significant, especially if the disease According to the latest research sand riyals annually). As for the interme- and not only by the curfew during times of * Attached is a picture of the table of worsens more and many projects may prepared by (the economist: Ahmed Al- diate consumption- of these activities- it movement and selling but they were also losses on the services sector. bankrupt, especially small and medium Tayyar) for the period (15 March - 30 amounts to (1021,000,000 ten billion and enterprises. The governorates may resort June 2020) on the size of losses during twenty-one million riyals). to closure, and this may lead to damage to the period of precautions against (Covid- many activities. 19), the research stated that: The Supreme Calculating the monthly production He adds: Certainly fragile countries Committee for Epidemic Control had ap- value: with weak economies have greater fear proved preventive measures and Proce- If we know that the value of pro- of epidemic waves, and are affected by it dures to combat the epidemic represented duction for this private sector exceeds more than others. It is assumed that efforts by stopping economic activities charac- (56371000000 fifty six billion three hun- will be intensified to request international terized by human interference, movement dred seventy-one million riyals) for the support- in this aspect- by bypassing the and confrontation between people in or- year 2014, as (the dollar = 221 riyals), epidemic. Nasr defines the first stage der not to contribute to transmitting the then we find that the value of production as the stage of necessary need to reduce epidemic. Economic activities have been was equivalent to (87,651,583 eighty- harm, strengthen the health aspect, and stopped at the level of the capital, Sana'a, seven million six hundred and fifty-one put the necessary protection for vulner- and the governorates, including: basic, thousand five hundred eighty-three - dol able or marginalized groups as they are secondary and university education, ser- lars). According to the calculation of the ones that will be exposed to the most vices, restaurants, parks, hairdressing this figure in 2020, we will find that it repercussions of this wave. shops, clubs, and training centres. reaches today (58113000000 fifty eight Ahmed Al-Tayyar: An economist, The research came out with the results billion one hundred and thirteen million says to (Sawt al-Amal): In some prov- related to the personal services sector, and riyals) considering the price of the dollar inces, a partial curfew was implemented the calculation of the value of local pro- to be equal to 620 riyals on average. By on designated sectors in the Yemeni econ- duction as a result of measures and pre- dividing the total, we find that the value omy and it often targeted a service-pro- cautions to combat Coronavirus Covid- of the monthly production reaches about vided sector. Here we mean: restaurants, 19 during (the period 15 March-30 June (4842750000 four billion, eight hundred hotels and entertainment activities: such 2020). and forty-two million seven hundred fifty as parks, gyms, clubs, hairdressing shops, (9500 nine thousand five hundred thousand riyals). bridal supply, and hairdressing salons as enterprises ranging from small, medium, If we know that the closure period large, and very large enterprises) work in was about three months (April, May and Staff Abdul-Aziz Ali Oudah Mohammed Bawazir Sawt Manal Ameen Rajaa Mukred Alya Muhammed Hani al-Nasheri Editor in Chief Managing editor Editorial Secretary Mona al-asadi Nada al-Bukari Design & Layout Voice of Hope Haneen Ahmed Independent - Newspaper (Towic a Month) Puplished by Yemen Information Center 04 The File Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 Corona Virus in The Eyes of Doctors and Specialists

Socotra) according to the statistics which are- is sued by the Ministry of Health on a daily basis. After the (interna- This is what Dr. Salem Al-Shabhi said hoping that international and local bodies shall cooperate tional organizations) jointly in reducing the severity of infection among the community, receiving cases and dealing with warned of a (second) them ... according to the followed procedures. Here (anesthesiologist and intensive care- spe wave of the Corona cialist, general physician: Dr. Maha Al-Habashi) says to (Sawt Al Amal) "According to the avail- pandemic (Covid-19), able information in international reports, it was countries of the world found that this wave is less severe than the previ- ous one and that the world has knowledge of how took all necessary to prevent it (by the right method) that reduces the Dr. Salem Al-Shabhi incidence of infection and even death by not ne- Dr.: Adham Awad measures and neces- glecting to follow the precautionary measures and awareness-raising instructions for citizens - and sary precautionary doctors as well who are considered the most af- Dr. Al-Shabhi : “We still fected group by the epidemic. Dr.: “ Awad measures to confront She indicated saying "We, as doctors, take all necessary precautions to protect us from infection "Doctors face a major the outbreak of the suffer from difficulty in the by following the familiar instructions, represented virus, in a way that in: wearing safe medical uniforms, masks, wash- professional and ethical non-commitment of society ing hands frequently, wearing gloves and staying contributes to reduc- away from crowded places as the first wave was very strong compared to this wave; Due to the challenge, in light of the ing the human and to the importance of lack of complete information about the prevention, protection and treatment process. However, at the spread of Corona virus material losses that present time, the whole world knows how to deal following the instructions with this virus, and takes all the necessary mea- occurred in the first sures to prevent its spread. Covid-19 and the weak wave of the emer- and precautionary Impact of the virus on pregnant women: medical capabilities available gence of Virus. On the part of pregnant women- and how could measures” she be affected by the Corona virus- Dr. Al Habashi says "Pregnant women are affected by the same as in the health sector.” other people; as there is nothing in excess for the By: Rajaa Mukred, Manal Ameen clinics in the hospital have been closed to prevent rest of humanity: there is no multiplier effect, and munity report- or positive results for Covid-19- re- Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope) overcrowding of (cold) cases that do not need no major risks. If a pregnant woman is exposed to sponse teams- in the directorates- go to follow-up emergency treatments, and to reduce infection with infection with Coronavirus, she will have mild or contacts or take swabs from the reported cases. the virus, and to inspect the functioning of medical moderate symptoms such as: shortness of breath, Awad also reviewed a cumulative total of con- In Yemen, all necessary measures have been quarantines in Aden (Al-Amal and Al-Jumhuriya fever, cough, headache and often loss of the sense firmed cases infected with Coronavirus, which taken to confront the second wave- after what was Hospital quarantines for Corona cases)". of smell and taste. But then she recovers when con- amounted to 5000 and 1000 deaths, and 1546 thou- announced- despite the exceptional circumstances He continues "Alamal Quarantine is managed tinuing to follow the health procedures. sand five hundred and forty six recoveries accord- that the country is going through in all respects according to the capabilities available to it by a lo- ing to (The Daily Report of the Primary Health and the continuation of work with all concerned cal team. That is why we ask the (French) Doctors Focus on infected people: Care Sector: Administration General for epidemic authorities and international organizations to pro- Without Borders foundation to return to the quar- "Doctors face a major professional and ethical control and epidemiological surveillance) April vide the necessary support represented in: Provid- antine and carry out its medical and health activ- challenge especially at this difficult stage which 05, 2021. ing medical and health supplies, counseling and ities from the quarantine to manage it, especially the country is going through, in light of the spread awareness-raising as well as the required vaccina- during this period. The quarantine of Al-Jumhuriya of Corona virus Covid-19 and the weak medical Corona vaccines: tions to alleviate the suffering of people, who are Hospital was also handed over to (Doctors Without capabilities available in the health sector. Despite Dr. Awad continues "Local efforts are continu- still enduring many difficulties; due to the current Borders: Belgian foundation) to manage it during this, the priority is focused on infected patients. In ing- with international organizations (the World situation. this stage, after handing it over at the end of last health centers and isolation centers, the cases are Health Organization)- to provide the Corona vac- February by the (International Committee of the sorted according to the necessary needs of the in- cine in Yemen during this year 2021, as the first Society's lack of commitment to procedures: International Red Cross, to the Yemeni Ministry of fected person. This is confirmed by (Director of the batch of the vaccine will arrive at the beginning “The world- including Yemen- is facing, since Health), which enjoys its free services (nutrition, Department of Epidemiological Surveillance and of the second quarter of this year and it will be- last January 2020- a major health crisis,- result drugs, and tests) a triage area, laboratory, x-ray Epidemic Response in the Ministry of Health: Dr.: gin to be used for people with priority of (medical ing from the outbreak of the new Corona virus- scouts and tons of medicines. Adham Awad to (Sawt Al Amal)). personnel, academics, the elderly and people with COVID-19, which has led to huge losses in various "There is an increase in the number of cases He said: When the infected person reaches the chronic diseases) as the first batch of the vaccine sectors. But there are- despite modest capabilities- infected with Coronavirus in the governorates of quarantine, the cases infected with Coronavirus are is (380.000- three hundred and eighty thousand continuous efforts, in an attempt to cope with this (Hadramout and Shabwa), and there are separate evaluated and the infected cases are sorted out to doses). virus in a way participating in alleviation of people cases in (Abyan, Lahj, Al-Dhalea, Al-Mahra and determine the level of infection to start taking the suffering. This is what was indicated by (Acting necessary health measures. Upon receiving a com- The importance of alternative medicine Director of Al-Jumhuriya Teaching Hospital in On the importance of alternative medicine or Aden: Chairman of the Coronavirus Confrontation (herbal medicine), (pharmacist: Fathi Al-Fatih) Committee: Dr. Salem Al-Shabhi). clarifies that there is no source that proves that al- He reviews to (Sawt Al Amal) the current health ternative medicine has contributed (directly to the situation in the city of Aden, in particular, and ultimate recovery) from Corona disease at least at most of the Yemeni governorates in general. He We Were Treated with Alternative Medicine! this time and there is no Any scientific reference says "The situation is better than before; despite that proves the importance of alternative medicine the continuing emergence of cases infected with (Doctor: Umm Taj Al-Nahar: from Sa- meric 3- lemon 4- fennel 5- black seed 6- mu- in contributing to alleviating the symptoms of the fevers in relative terms and with Corona virus, naa) narrates her experience with (alternative nicipal honey as we used to drink (daily) after virus infection. but we still suffer from difficulty in the non-com- medicine) in the past year 2020, which- wit breakfast a glass of this drink. When we were He explains to (Sawt Al Amal) "Some people mitment of society to the importance of following nessed the tragedy of the first wave of the -Co infected with the virus, it was easily bypassed, think - through eating (ginger, thyme, star anise, the instructions and precautionary measures which rona virus. praise be to God; thanks to following the pre- turmeric and other natural materials), that it will (international organizations and the Ministry of She says: Many Yemeni families had cautionary instructions and home quarantine. protect them from infection, but those natural symptoms of Corona, but they had no oppor- Dr. Umm Taj al-Nahar believes that (gen- Health) warned of represented in reducing move- ingredients only contribute to raising the body's ments between Governorates in large numbers, tunity to go to hospitals and be treated under eral medicine) originally was the cause of the general medicine, so they turned to herbalists death of many of the inflected because of their immunity and relieving symptoms but it is not gatherings in clubs, wedding halls and Khat herb enough for the treatment of diseases, and it is markets, which must be moved outside the city in to take precautions and to take treatment from dispensing of drugs that were used for AIDS herbalists as an alternative medicine. and influenza patients which weakened the not an alternative to the medicines suggested by order to implement precautionary measures (effec- doctors indicating that the inability of people to tively) to prevent the disease from spreading. She continues: My family and I were infect- immune system of the inflected and then led ed with Corona virus, and we had its symp- to death as well as the lack of oxygen, and that buy appropriate medicines- or that strengthen toms but we were treated by raising our immu- hospitals were closed in face of infected. Al- immunity- in addition to the lack of a specific Inspect the functioning of the quarantines: nity, through the use of alternative medicine, ternative medicine really was a helpful factor, treatment for Corona virus; all this forced peo- About the measures taken to reduce the spread through the use of: 1- green ginger 2- male tur- in addressing Corona virus. ple to search for alternatives in herbs and natural of the virus Al-Shabhi explains "The outpatient ingredients. Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 The File 05

Psychological repercussions and collective trauma were caused by the Corona virus in 2019. During that period, a large number of people were exposed to a huge amount of analyses and speculations about the reality of the disease and its spread. The ways people deal with the virus varied. A large number dealt with Corona with anxiety, fear, and psychological dread (more than dealing with it as a disease), which contributed to the doubling of the number of victims. Another section doubted the matter, and did not take it seriously but dealt with it with negligence and carelessness who also caused the spread of the disease among people. By: Alya Muhammad Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope) Psychological Repercussions Multiply The Victims. Corona Is A Double-edged Virus

This disparity in dealing with Corona goes beyond fected with the virus. There must be awareness that She continues: A person infected with Coronavirus (Dhikra Muhammad: A social worker) says: The psy- individuals to states and governments- between in- Corona has affected a large number of people and needs, in order to overcome the disease, anything that chological state strongly affects the psyche of people timidating, frustrating people, spreading fear and is not limited to a specific group. We must adapt to raises his spirits, but unfortunately, the infected person in quarantine and it is considered a very important panic among them and causing worldwide great these changes and adapt to the reality imposed by the finds himself trapped between false news, huge num- factor. The changes which took place in light of the economic losses as well as minimizing and under- pandemic. bers of deaths and wrong information about the virus. Corona pandemic increased the material and family estimating which resulted in negligence and indiffer- The Al-Qadi affirms that those who suffer from (Jumah Muhammad) who was influenced by the pressures. In turn, it left psychological scars. ence that also contributed from the other direction in previous psychological pressures are the people most media, agrees with her saying: I committed to home Emergency numbers and psychological support! the rapid spread of the disease and the increase in its affected by the virus; Because of the new psychologi- quarantine, and I used to spend long hours in front of (Imran Hilal: Official Spokesperson of the Health victims. cal pressures As feelings of fear and anxiety increase the TV, but I did not find any content that supports me Bureau: ) says: During the first wave According to the (World Health Organization), and these effects are reflected in the patient's mental psychologically: every channel I open talks about the of the Corona pandemic, a large number of people nearly (one billion person) worldwide were suffering health. spread of the virus, about deaths and about economic needed psychological support and the psychologi- before the Corona pandemic from mental disorders. (Ibtisam Hassan) says: As if before the pandemic, conditions; so I felt that life stopped, and we no lon- cal teams (in hospitals) were working through health In a field survey conducted by the organization, I was suffering from some kind of (obsession) with ger had a chance to live, and I became frustrated. education units and we assigned the emergency num- in the period: June to August 2020- to assess the ef- cleaning and sterilization. During the period of the ber 195 for complaints and consultations. We were fects of the Covid-19 pandemic- 93% of mental and virus spread, my fear increased, and I exaggerated Corona is a psychological condition, more than a keen for there to be- among the medical staff - nine neurological health services were closed, and are no my handling of the situation, and it formed a great pathological one psychiatric consultants. longer operating because of the preventive measures pressure for me- I could not deal with it. a lot of peo- Fouad Mohamed says: The Corona pandemic did He continues: A number of psychological precau- from Corona. ple were upset about my behaviour. not affect me and my family physically, nor were we tions have been taken in the manner of dealing with In Yemen- in Aden and the southern regions- the Impact of rumours: infected with the virus ... But what we were exposed the infected, and how to inform them of the infection health authorities dealt in the same manner prevailing (Imran Hilal: Official Spokesman for the Ibb to, was more harmful than that. I lost - due to the and punish all those who deal with severity and cru- in most countries of the world; by raising awareness, Governorate Health Office) says: The huge amount quarantine - my work. The problem is that I work for elty with the sick in order not to make them feel ill alerting the severity of the disease, and publishing of false news and fake pictures which spread during a daily wage, and many changes have occurred. I or societal isolation. These decisions had a positive the numbers in a step that aims- according to official the first wave of Corona virus doubled the size of could not cope and adapt to it. effect, and this contributed to the increase in cases of statements- to increase people's awareness of the dis- societal horror while it is assumed that people need He continues: I did not care about the number of recovery from disease and the reduction of the num- ease, methods of its spread and prevention. what raises their spirits. deaths and infections as much as my psyche was af- ber of the dead. In , the authorities dealt with the disease (in Whereas (Sana Ahmed: a housewife) believes fected. Because I was not working and I wished at In her turn (Doctor: Zahha Al-Saadi: Al-Amal a different way) relying on neither spreading fear nor that social media is a source of public concern; As it that time if I had contracted the virus; So that I do Health Isolation Centre, Aden) says: A large number panic about the disease in an attempt to reduce and was a focal point for promoting a number of rumours not feel unable to provide for the living requirements of people infected with the virus had their psyche curb the psychological fear of disease among people which in turn increased the suffering and affected the for me and my family. affected; because of isolation and infection. They which leads- according to official statements - to- re infected greatly. On the social factor and its psychological impact were in urgent need of psychological support. She duce its spread and limit it. adds: The Red Cross Organization ensured provid- Between these two heterogeneous methods, the ing psychological support to those infected with the Yemeni citizen lived all the details of the disease and virus in the (isolation centre) of al jomhoria Hospital society- in all its groups and social strata- suffered in Aden, and a large number of them benefited from from the disease in light of the Yemeni health sector this support. suffering (in general) from a scarcity of capabilities We Didn’t Pay Attention to the Matter! and the necessary equipment to confront the epidem- Tips to combat Corona: ic because of the general situation that Yemen has In Hadramout governorate, the city in which the panied it for a week. Psychiatrists advise to carry out several activities, been going through for years. number of infected people increases compared to The family of (N.M.) did not believe that she to alleviate the increasing psychological pressure. Fear and isolation: other Yemeni governorates due to its proximity to had contracted the Corona virus and they were hid- As for the most important advices that we must take (Dr.: Abdullah Al-Qadi: Specialization of Psy- the border ports and the large number of arrivals in ing the matter from her, saying: It is normal with the to confront Corona and improve mental health - Dr. chology) Explains the nature of what people go it from all Yemeni governorates which contributed variability of weather but her symptoms intensified, Abdullah Al-Qadi says: We must be informed of the through as a result of the preventive measures. He to the increase in the number of cases infected with and her health condition worsened, so her husband latest developments, and the recommendations of the says: The increase in staying hours at home, the ab- the virus. Despite all the measures followed, from was forced to take her to the hospital where she national and local authorities in the country. How- sence of direct contact with family members, friends the official authorities and International organiza- was examined and diagnosed with Coronavirus. ever, he stresses the importance of staying away- as tions. After confirming her infection, she was taken to the and colleagues and the boring daily routine which (M.N: 35 years) from the (Hadramawt Al-Sahel) (quarantine) and added: During my arrival to the much as possible- from the media, which deliberate- many people lived during the period of the Corona- governorate narrates her story with Corona virus quarantine, my case was sorted according to what ly provokes. Instead, we rely on (reliable) sources for virus outbreak- all of these created a new reality and (Covid 19), saying: I was at one of the family events is needed and I stayed in the quarantine for more the latest developments and advice on the virus. imposed changes in the way of life and managing and the place was crowded with guests, in light of than (16 sixteen days). After suffering with the dis- He emphasizes saying: We must maintain a healthy the feelings of fear of contracting the virus infection the spread of Corona virus recently but we did not ease, I passed it arduously, especially since those in body balance by organizing our times, and making in addition it reinforced the feeling of anxiety about pay attention to the matter: in terms of commitment charge of the quarantine exerted all required efforts sure to take breaks away from electronic devices and relatives who are particularly vulnerable that affected to social distancing, or the prevention process. to relieve pain. screens in addition to trying to acquire new daily their psychological and health state. (M.N.) who is a mother of three children ex- (N.M.) did not know that four of her family habits; to break the boring routine. You must avoid He continues: Fear- in cases of uncertainty- is a plains that she suffered from: 1- Shortness of breath members had contracted the disease. While after using any stimulants or drugs as a means of dealing 2- severe headache 3- Sudden fatigue. She did not being cured she left the quarantine, her (four) rela- natural reaction. He warned that expressing fear may know that she had Coronavirus and she was using tives are still in (the quarantine) until now due to with fear, anxiety, and social isolation . take offensive forms to others and to self at some headache medicines and some vitamins. However, their poor health; because of their old age and pre- In conclusion, he stressed that everyone- who times and a person must face his fears, and not dis- it was not enough to alleviate the pain that accom- vious chronic diseases. owns one of the means of social media - should use it criminate against people who are believed to be in- to promote stories (positive and full of hope). Sawt 06 Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 TheFile Voice of Hope Corona Imposes Its Agenda On The Education Sector He seemed to be enthusiastic about the end-of-semester exam, wandering around in the crowd of students, asking some questions, a voice mentioning the page number, and another listing where he had arrived while studying! Different voices are raised and varied ... all of which means that the exams are approaching, and there is nothing left until they begin except for a day; this is because the Ministry of Education issued a circular to bring forward exams (for all school levels) as a precaution against the second wave of (Covid-19) and work to accelerate the accompanying steps, which ensure the implementation of the safety agenda and the precautionary measures in schools.

By: Rajaa Mukred, Manal Ameen Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope)

The course of education and bringing exams forward: The beginning was from Baghdad School in Sana'a, where the school’s repre- sentative- Professor Nabil Al-Asbahi, says "Since the beginning of (the second semes- ter), the educational process has passed nearly two months and some lessons were not introduced, but with the teachers’ steadfastness, despite their difficult- cir cumstances and suffering, they were able to complete the explanation of the lessons to the students. He confirms "The school’s commitment from the beginning of the tensification of the lessons to complete the cational process has been affected by the a break, where it follows up the validity of school year to (the fifth and sixth) classes curriculum on time and to be prepared for emerging corona virus pandemic, which The role of organizations: the canteen and the products that are sold to prevented an obstacle that might stand in the exams. has caused- once again- fear and panic for Nabil Al-Asbahi says "The role of orga- in it and follows the cleanliness of dishes, front of bringing the exams forward at this Bringing forward the exams dates is a parents, which in turn led to many students nizations has recently become very scarce frying and cleaning pots, the cleaning re- point of time. race against time being absent. Some of them failed to pay towards schools as they rarely provide aid sponsibilities for each class, the cleanliness In the context, (Vice-Chancellor of The announcement of bringing forward attention to the educational process and services to schools. He also adds "The abil- of the classes, emptying garbage bags, and Rabaa Al-Adawiya School for Girls: Mona final exams due to the Coronavirus caused neglected even the final exams. ity for students to wear masks (every day) educating students about the importance of Al-Tabib) confirms that the decision to great pressure on students, as (The princi- (Radhia Ahmed: one of the parents) in- is difficult. This is due to the short validity personal hygiene. bring exams forward was surprising to pal of Rabaa Al-Adawiya School: Mona dicates that the educational process differs period of wearing the mask (24 hours only) the teachers, and some lessons needed to Al-Tabib) indicated that there are two di- from one school to another: some public and the problem is that its price in the mar- The importance of awareness be completed. But the teachers made ef- rections in the students ’opinions: Some of schools- under the pretext of taking pre- ket is 100 Yemeni riyals, and certainly the Al-Atami continued "In the first wave, forts and she confirms that the educational them are happy with bringing the exams cautionary measures against Coronavirus- student’s budget does not allow him to buy it was difficult to believe the existence of process is good, and that all the difficulties forward as Ramadan is approaching; while have not been teaching as it should be. a mask every day, especially since most Coronavirus, until cases appeared in the they faced have been overcome. others did not like the decision as- accord- That is why it is natural for the student’s students are from low-income families". community. Here, people began to adhere On the student’s commitment to - pre ing to them- they did not complete the sci- information to be weak, while there are (Mona Al-Otami: Health Supervisor in a to the instructions- especially in schools - cautionary measures in the classroom, entific material which may pose obstacles excellent schools and they were not af- High School) says "The health role in the as students and educational staff began to (Ahmed Hamzah: a student in the primary in front of them in the coming stages due to fected by any measures or decisions about school is represented in: school activities, wear masks and use sterilizers throughout stage) says: "We- in the school- adhere to the fact that the educational materials are Corona, and they were- throughout the forming a health group that is distributed school days and during exams, and there preventive measures against Coronavirus related to the coming years; that is, the se- school year- concerned with students and over (the canteen, the school yard, class- was a strong response from everyone. by wearing masks, gloves, sterilizing our mester following the previous semester. the education system. therefore we cannot rooms, corridors) and monitors hygiene in In the second wave, the female students- hands, and continuing well in the course (Mukhtar Abdul Salam: Arabic language evaluate the quality of education nor the the school". because of the media- became aware of of the educational process; despite the in- teacher in the Al-Shaheed Elhagary Com- level of success because they differ from She adds "The follow-up phase takes the importance of adhering to the precau- plex for Girls - Taiz) indicates that the edu- one school to another. place at different times for example, after tionary measures and this helped in raising Coronavirus: An Overview On The Virus In The World And Yemen! Prepared by: Manal Ameen to its transformation to (pandemic) on of December 2019 to January 2021, and "The Corona pandemic has caused a se- one thousand four hundred thirty-two Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope) (11th March) 2020)!. more than (83381330 eighty-three million vere setback. Our latest forecasts conclud- cases) in early March 2021, while the More than three hundred and eighty-one thousand ed that remittances will decrease by 14% number of deaths reached (37,554 thir- (83 eighty-three million) cases and three hundred and thirty people) in by the end of 2021, which is a (slightly ty-seven thousand five hundred fifty-four, Currently, there has been no event Many countries of the world have dealt the world including 52,534,200 fifty-two better) outlook that does not contradict the and the recovered cases reached 85,623 that takes the lead in the world, more with the Coronavirus pandemic, since its five hundred and thirty-four thousand and fact that these are unprecedented declines eighty-five thousand six hundred and than the spread of the new Corona virus, emergence and spread- with great care and two hundred) at least recovered according compared to earlier during the pandemic twenty-three cases). The first four - cen COVID-19- since the end of 2019 until strictness as all kinds of strict precaution- to (census) conducted by (France-Press which is indicated by (David Malpass: ters came as follows: 1-The Kingdom of now- which has claimed many lives in ary measures have been imposed to con- Agency: January 2021) based on daily President of the World Bank Group). Jordan 2- Iraq 3- Lebanon 4-Libya while all countries of the world. That is why the tribute to mitigating its spread, as much as figures and reports issued by (health au- (Comoros) came at the bottom of the list world - since early December 2019- has possible and to prevent the emerging virus thorities in each country). Arab countries: 125 twenty-five thou- with the lowest number of cases. mobilized its maximum energies to con- and reduce the risk of its transmission. On the impact of the Corona virus- from sand injuries: front the virus, which began spreading The (World Health Organization) rec- an economic point of view in the world- a In a report issued by (the Arab Center Yemen and its confrontation with the from the Chinese city of Wuhan and led ommended 1- that individuals avoid report was issued in June 2020 entitled for Disaster Preparedness affiliated to Corona virus: to enormous human and economic losses. contact with people who suffer from (Global Economic Prospects) which con- the Arab Organization of the Red Cres- In Yemen- which is witnessing the On January 30, 2020 the World Health acute respiratory infection 2- wash hands firmed that the Corona pandemic caused a cent and the Red Cross- March 2021) on largest humanitarian crisis in the world, Organization (officially) announced an frequently. However, the pandemic has major economic recession the world had new infections with the Corona virus in a the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak of the Coronavirus in some caused the death of more than (1818946 not witnessed since the Second World number of Arab countries, it relied on fol- pandemic has contributed to the doubling countries of the world as it constituted a one million eight hundred and eighteen War and the report predicted a contraction lowing up on official data issued by Arab of its suffering, especially with the severe public health emergency of international thousand nine hundred and forty-six peo- of the global economy and the low aver- countries. He indicated that Arab coun- shortage of sanitation facilities and clean concern which led within a few months- ple) in The world in the period from end age per capita income. tries have witnessed more than (125,432 water as only half of the health facilities, Sawt Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 07 Voice of Hope TheFile Corona Imposes Its Agenda On The Education Sector

societal awareness, which reduced the psy- much better, compared to the emergence of Amal) "since the emergence of Covid 19- of the educational process into (three dif- field visits, examining eyes and teeth, chological pressure on the student, com- (the first wave) due to societal awareness in the last academic year 2019/2020 to the ferent study periods). This system has enhancing awareness among students pared to the emergence of the first wave, of the importance of taking the necessary present day from the current academic year been applied in all schools in the governor- through (Al Amin Organization) and (Ta- which caused a lot of fear and tension measures to preserve their lives, prevent in- 2020/2021, the Education Office in Aden ate of (Aden). The class time has been re- wasul Foundation) in addition to the sup- among students and their parents. fection, in addition to taking The measures is in a state of (alert) and careful follow- duced together with determining academic port of the (National Medicinal Program) Regarding the measures taken by the needed early in schools to preserve lives up of all the course of affairs about the vi- courses commensurate with the exception- with sterilizers and masks for schools and school if a female student had a case of any of teaching staff and students by providing rus as for its impact on the progress of the al situation. providing a (first aid fund) in all primary illness, she confirmed "It is necessary in preventive supplies, and making decisions educational process from the first moment On the role of organizations and the sup- education schools. the school to use a gentle method for peo- that contribute to preserving the progress to the start of the last and current school porting bodies in providing the necessary About the tests and the actions taken to ple with those suffering from cold or cough of the educational process, as required. year- as precautionary measures have been assistance to the educational sector, Abdul preserve students ’health, Abdul Majeed and not to intimidate them. The measures Alternatives in the eyes of parents: taken; According to the reality reading, and Majeed indicates saying "Communication explains "With the emergence of the sec- taken are to contact the parent and talk with To preserve the student's continuation to the general situation required by the work has been made with all the supporting par- ond wave, a decision was made to take the student to stay at home and not return engage in the educational process even if conditions. The health of the students and ties in order to provide the necessary sup- internal transfer tests for all school levels to studies, unless she is recovered and to be he stays at home, (Sami Ahmed: a parent) teachers was preserved together. plies which were provided by UNICEF, exceeding what happened last in good health. Thus neither the students says "Education at home is better than in On the efforts of the Education Office the Child Care Organization and others- year". nor the parents are intimidated. school, if the student is prevented from ac- to follow up the implementation of joint such as: masks and monitoring devices Notice: For her part (the social supervisor at cessing social media, and letting him ben- activities and follow-ups to confront the to measure the temperature when stu- I suggest that the Al-Saada Primary School in Aden, (N.M.) efit from the Internet Generally in develop- Coronavirus, Abdul Majeed explains say- dents enter each school. Works were statement of Aden- of indicates that the educational process - dur- ing his scientific awareness and using his ing "Since the beginning of the current done (daily) to follow up the situation fice be made as a news ing the past year was greatly affected by the time to learn something useful. school year, several meetings and inter- by the school administrations in each story with this same re- outbreak of the Corona epidemic, and the On her part (Abeer Al-Nashiri: female views have been held with all relevant directorate. port inside a box to be control of fear on everyone's souls which guardian) says "Distance education for parties to follow up the progress of the He explains "Last school year, the prepared by the director, in turn reflected on the educational process students in Yemen is difficult due to poor educational process, within the framework study was stopped by the decision as the statement is strong completely, especially on the future of stu- (internet) service, as well as power cuts. of the implementation of the required pre- of the emergency committee, which and more close to be a dents who wasted an entire academic year However, parents’ interest in the future of cautionary measures aimed at preserving prompted us- this year- to dou- news story. due to the (state of emergency) that was their children contributes to continuing to the health of students and the educational ble the efforts and the nec- taken during that period. educate their perceptions of the beneficial staff as well. essary preparations, so She adds "The psychological state in thing. He continues "According to a scientif- that the study does not which we are currently living with the (Head of the General Education Divi- ic study, several agreed-upon procedures stop. The school spread of news and reports as for the emer- sion: the Education Office- Aden, Mr. have been implemented represented in: the health department gence of a second wave of Corona virus is Nabil Abdul Majeed) says to (Sawt Al spacing between students and the division responded to the Coronavirus: An Overview On The Virus In The World And Yemen! which lack basic and necessary equip- Yemen) stressed the need to conduct the continuous warnings by the authorities in ment such as (masks and gloves) as well necessary tests to accurately know the Yemen of the outbreak of the second wave as oxygen and other basic supplies to treat number of people affected by the pandem- of the virus during the current year 2021, Covid-1, are operational according to a ic and that the humanitarian organizations which took a number of Procedures and report published on the official website are doing their best with the available decisions that enhance the prevention of of the UNICEF entitled (The Crisis in funding as more than (five thousand met- the spread of the virus in various Yemeni Yemen). The report emphasized that more ric tons) of medical equipment, test kits governorates. than 80% of the population in Yemen and medicines have been delivered to the Recently, in the year 2021, the (Ko- needs humanitarian assistance, including country. vacs) initiative, through the (World more than (12 million children). In December 2020, the British news- Health Organization) office, contributed On April 10, last year, 2020, the first paper (The Guardian) said "The war-torn to announcing the provision of (12 mil- confirmed case of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Yemen seems to have emerged relatively lion doses of corona vaccine) to Yemen was registered in the Hadramawt Alsahel unscathed from the epidemic. Although in batches during 2021 starting from the governorate in the east of the country tests and health care equipment -are al second quarter sufficient for (6 six million according to the (Yemeni Emergency most non-existent, doctors and health people). The first batch of the Coronavi- Committee affiliated with the Ministry of officials say "The virus is no longer a rus vaccine will arrive in Yemen at the be- Public Health and Population) in a (press concern". ginning of the second quarter of this year conference) held At Ataq city- Shabwa At the end of 2020, the World Health including about about (2316,000 two mil- governorate center. Organization warned of a "great risk" for lion three hundred and sixteen thousand In May 2020 (Lise Grande- United the revival of the Corona virus in early doses) sufficient to vaccinate more than Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in 2021, which contributed to the issuance of one million Yemenis. Sawt 08 Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 Civil Society Voice of Hope

The Role Of Local And International Organizations In Response To Coronavirus Ahmed was not interested in the news, nor the media and official reports which showed the danger of the spread of Coronavirus in the country, and the importance of following decisions related to virus prevention controls. However, in his opinion, youth initia- tives and local organizations have a great role in introducing the seriousness of the health situation as the parties closest and most influential to society. The opinion of Ahmed Abdel-Rahman (27 years old - Aden) rep- resents the opinions of many citizens, who have lost confidence in official and media reports regarding Covid-19. Local and inter- national organizations have become the closest to them, from any official bodies and have a strong influence on the course of their daily lives, despite the challenges that the country is going through, and the simple capabilities that these organizations possess.

By: Manal Ameen, Hanin Ahmed the activities of the project, which tar- supplying and installing washbasins for and re-equip (twenty-six) 26 emergency the Khamer area of Amran governorate, Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope) gets (12 twelve districts) in the various washing hands. The centers contribute operations centers with equipment des- to admit patients with respiratory infec- by providing to treating patients with Covid-19 virus. ignated for Covid-19. Likewise, the re- tions, or suspected moderate symptoms health assistance and working on hold- port indicated that the United Nations of COVID-19; as well as in the Saada Organizations have an impact on ing meetings with staff of the targeted The role of international purchased more than (23839 twenty- governorate in Haydan .. awareness: directorates and the Health Office to organizations: three thousand eight hundred thirty-nine In a press release issued (by the or- (Director General of the Population determine the required intervention of On the role of international organi- metric tons) medical equipment, labo- ganization on March 26, 2021), it con- and Health Information and Education the organization- with regard to wom- zations in response to the Coronavirus ratory test kits and medicines from the firmed the increase in the number of Office: In Aden: Doctor: Riad Al-Ariqi) en and children- in light of the Corona (Covid-19) pandemic in Yemen- the global market while (22,908 twenty-two people infected with Covid-19 disease in says: Civil society organizations have pandemic, and working to provide them World Health Organization has support- thousand nine hundred and eight metric Yemen in the second wave in Aden and an effective role in educating society with health devices, oxygen, incubators, ed (5049 five thousand forty-nine health tons) (From the requirements arrived at various parts of Yemen. The statement and their performance was significant in sterilization devices, masks, and health facilities) of which (2528 two thousand Yemen. The interventions provided- by indicated that (Doctors without Borders) the first pandemic; because of its great suits for doctors and to open centers for five hundred and twenty-eight health the United Nations in Yemen- reached is managing the COVID-19 response ac- role in promoting societal awareness. motherhood and childhood, and provide facilities) are fully operational and 4.43 four million four hundred thirty tivities in cooperation with the Ministry Riyadh reviewed the mechanism of spray devices in as (1865) One thousand eight hundred and thousand people during 713,549 seven of Public Health and Population, and the the office’s work - in light of the Covid well as building a water tank in one of sixty-five facilities (partially function- hundred and thirteen thousand five hun- administration of Al-Jumhuriya General 19 pandemic- which includes the reha- Taiz's regions. ing) and (2779 thousand seven hundred dred and forty-nine visits from home to Hospital in Aden through the formation bilitation and training of many director- Organizations have an active role for seventy-nine facilities) providing health home, and social awareness sessions on of a working team at the Covid-19 Treat- ate staff members, in various governor- society: services to malaria and (1257 thousand the prevention of COVID-19. ment Center that includes more than 100 ates who have, in turn, trained others (as (Amjad Aref Al-Absi: Taiz) confirms two hundred fifty-seven facilities) -pro doctors and health professionals- work- associates) in large numbers, within an that organizations have an effective role viding cholera response services in (22 Doctors without borders: ing around the clock- to meet the needs. integrated framework according to the in confronting Coronavirus; It provided twenty-two governorates) according to a (The Doctors without borders founda- local authority laws. the necessary awareness on the risk of report on (activities of the organization tion) implemented a response program UNICEF: In addition to broadcasting educa- contracting it, how to prevent it, and dis- in Yemen) from (April 2020 - January to combat COVID-19. It started its first (UNICEF) also clarified in the- Hu tional guidelines, introducing the new tributing the necessary supplies in most 2021). activities to combat the emerging coro- manitarian Situation Report issued for Corona virus to the governorates and areas. The report stated that the number of navirus in January , by the period (January 1 - December 31, implementing educational posters that In the context (Nassim Ghallab: From cases infected with Covid-19 in Yemen focusing on the process of health aware- 2020) that the Corona virus constituted have a good role in reaching a relatively Al-Bayda), affirms that organizations- reached during the same period (2125 ness about the virus, the strengthening a great burden on Yemen in the past large segment of people, and preparing in light of this pandemic- have the great- thousand one hundred twenty-five cas- of infection prevention and control ac- year 2020, which affected the provision healthy scientific materials- in various est effort: whether through the tangible es) that were reported, of which (1428 tivities in health facilities and among the of services and programs as UNICEF media outlets- that are in line with the aid they provide to the community or thousand four hundred and twenty-eight most vulnerable groups. obtained $ 80 million to finance the guidelines of the World Health Organi- through the various educational means cases of recovery) and (606 six hundred The report issued by (the organiza- resources needed to confront the virus, zation and UNICEF. and methods that contribute to educat- and six deaths), while the value of Fund- tion, which was published on its official equivalent to 77% of the call amount. For his part, the Monitoring and ing society about the importance of pre- ing for Covid-19 reached more than ($ website on February 19, 2021) indicated UNICEF has implemented a training Evaluation Assistant at TYF "Tamdeen vention in order to alleviate the severity 385.7 million), and the number of inten- that among the activities - carried out by program for (7244 seven thousand two Youth Foundation" (Akram Al-Jubaihi) of the infection. sive care units in hospitals designated to the organization in Yemen to respond hundred forty-four health workers) on explains their role in the process of com- In (a report by the Renaissance Mak- treat Covid-19 has reached (59 fifty nine to Covid-19 in 2020- is to support the preventing Coronavirus, and has pro- munity awareness to prevent Coronavi- ers Organization: In Aden, January 2020 units). teams of the May 22 Hospital in Aden; vided (35,062 thirty-five thousand and rus. This is done by printing posters that - February 2021), it reviewed the activi- The report indicated that the activi- by donating personal protective equip- sixty-two) health care providers with include the danger of the virus, speed of ties that have been implemented in rela- ties and materials provided by the or- ment and training the medical staff to personal protection equipment in (2,158 its spread, and methods of prevention. tion to confronting the Coronavirus rep- ganization targeted (40 isolation units) triage patients suspected of having Cov- health facilities, in 23 twenty-three gov- The awareness process is also carried resented in the distribution of sanitary represented in the provision of (675 six id-19 .. In , a test for ernorates). 60 triage areas have been out on the importance of: 1- imposing materials and hand-washing laundries hundred seventy-five beds, an inten- the detection of Covid-19 was conduct- established in 60 health facilities in 10 spacing between beneficiaries 2- wash- as part of the emergency shelter distri- sive care unit in 63 sixty-three districts, ed in (Abs and Al-Jamhouri Hospital), Yemeni governorates. ing hands 3- wearing masks 4- not shak- bution project and shelter materials with 11,700 eleven thousand and seven hun- and the suspected cases were referred to UNICEF has also supported 4,250 ing hands .. This is during field visits the support of the UNHCR for the num- dred oxygen cylinders, and 300,000 per- treatment centers. educational test centers with personal and the distribution operations, which ber of 1804 families from the displaced sonal protective equipment in addition The organization has also supported protective equipment in order to allow are included in the organization's activi- camps in (Aden, Lahj and Abyan) and to 259 two hundred fifty-nine ventila- the process of referring patients: from 427,650 students to complete the exams ties in various fields. the implementation of the activity of tors in 52 fifty-two districts, and support the Republican Hospital to an isolation from (ninth grade to high school), and to (Project Director of (Search for Com- rehabilitating Covid-19 centers in Al- for 7 seven laboratories for testing CO- center in Al-Rahadi and the triage of train (1,200 thousand and two hundred mon Ground: Funded by the Canadian Khokha and Mokha. Installing water VID-19 in the cities (Aden, Sanaa, Mu- patients in the same center. A unit for teachers in 247 hundred and forty-seven government: Mona Al-Ariqi) reviews tanks, main gates, solar energy systems, kalla, Hodeidah, Ibb, Sayun, and Taiz) treating Covid-19 was administered in schools, on safe schools protocols). Sawt Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 Half of the Society 09 Voice of Hope The Woman In A Confrontation With Corona Virus ferent awareness initiatives and when income to cover their basic needs and the the Coronavirus invaded the world, the heads of families felt that their respon- woman found herself facing a major sibilities increased, and they became un- obstacle and challenge as the pandem- able to fulfil them. As a result, the rate of ic caused the dismissal of a number of domestic violence increased and reached women from their jobs and they searched divorce which caused the breakdown of for alternative opportunities to work at the family. home or through the Internet. The wom- (Athmar Khan: Activist in the Yeme- an found herself faced with a heavy ni Women's Union: Aden) confirms that burden; because of the lack of financial the Corona pandemic has formed a stum- return. bling block in front of a large number of families; and unfortunately, homes have Corona virus is fuelling domestic turned into a dangerous place because of violence! the quarantine, where women are strug- Yemen topped the list of the most gling with a health crisis and a family violent countries within the family: crisis as divorce rates have reached 60%, by 26%, according to the results of the and we have received a number of com- (Arab Barometer) survey for the years plaints on the contact numbers, which 2018-2019. monitor each directorate. (A.M.A.) has faced fam- (Community activist: Maha Aoun) ily pressures since the agrees and says: Violence - to which a spread of the Coro- number of women and children were na virus and the exposed, during the period of the quar- application of antine- contributed to the growth of feel- precautionary ings of fear, anxiety and depression measures. She says "My Educating children in light of the husband- pandemic! who used 1.57 billion (One billion and five hun- to work in a dred seventy million students) represent- restaurant- ing (91%) of school students in the world Under the weight of a global pandemic which repercussions has become have been suspended from education, due affected all aspects of life in the entire world; Covid-19 forced unemployed, to the closure of schools, as a result of the and of course spread of Corona virus (according to a women to face one of the most difficult challenges. Challenges he has been report issued by UNICEF in April 2020). varied among (health, social and economic) challenges and spending long pe- In another report on (22nd May 2020), Greater respon- riods at which made the United Nations Children's Fund women carried a heavy burden of responsibility on their sibilities: him more nervous, and I said: With the outbreak of Covid-19- The tasks entrust- shoulders. no longer understand what he the health crisis has turned into a child ed to women multiplied and wants?. His requirements increased and rights crisis indicating that without tak- increased their responsibilities, which By: Alya Muhammed the spread of Corona virus last year in accordingly troubles increased between ing urgent measures, 6000 (six thousand) formed a great pressure force with the Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope) 2020, when the country lifted the state us which made me leave the house. children could die (under the age of five) spread of Corona virus. The woman of alert and emergency together with A World Health Organization report every day. found herself at that time responsible for application of the quarantine and pre- entitled (Covid-19 and violence against According to a report issued by (Save additional requirements related to family Absence of reproductive health: cautionary measures. women in the Eastern Mediterranean the Children), 99% of the world's chil- and work. Reproductive health is considered She told (Sawt Al-Amal) "When Region) stated that the region ranks sec- dren- or more than 3.2 billion (three bil- (Atheer Al-Hashdi: A housewife) a very important issue, in light of the I felt labor pains, I went to one of the ond- in the world - in terms of the prev- lion and two hundred million children) says: "When the Corona virus spread, spread of the Corona pandemic from obstetrics and gynaecology hospitals alence of violence against women (37%) were exposed- indirectly- to the effects the woman became at home playing dif- the previous year until now, as a large .. but they refused to admit me at that and that- during the pandemic- there is of the Corona virus. ferent and doubling roles and she bore number of women have not accessed time and my neighbour tried very hard an increase in cases of violence by 50% (Umm Nermin) says: In the previ- all responsibilities; especially with the reproductive health services because of to contact a gynaecologist and obste- to 60%, based on the distress calls made ous year, my daughter was enrolled in husband's long stay at home because the spread of the virus. trician to come, but her attempts were by women, over the hotlines of women's a school, and I was happy for that. But of the quarantine and the precautionary According to the report of (World unsuccessful ... which forced me to re- organizations. soon the quarantine was applied, and the measures, which put additional pressure Health Organization issued in June turn to my home and seek the help of a (Sumaya al-Ghwizi: a lawyer and a de- schools were closed and I felt that my on her". 2020), women are more likely to die midwife. fender of women's rights) says "Like any daughter did not benefit from anything On her part (Sahar Murshid) explains due to complications of pregnancy and In Aden, the quarantine was imposed country in the world, the virus reached us and she was moved to the next school saying: "I used to go to work during the childbirth as a result of the collapse of at the beginning of the first pandemic in Yemen, and a large number of people stage. She was not well established and outbreak of the virus... and I was affect- health systems in many regions around in anticipation of the outbreak of the committed to quarantine in their homes this made an obstacle to her education- ed greatly; as I am the only breadwinner the world. Corona virus ... and here (the midwife: and according to this precautionary mea- throughout the quarantine period! in the family, and I have been forced to In a report issued by the (United Na- Ka'ema El-Alamany) says "We had a sure- several results occurred including In the same context (Umm Rahaf) work despite the difficulties. But I was tions Population Fund in the year 2020) great role in light of the spread of the positive results: such as limiting the ep- says: During the home quarantine peri- very careful not to transmit the infection it was stated that 47 (forty-seven) mil- Corona pandemic; as a large number idemic and preventing its spread among od, we used to teach children through the to my child and my mother. I was careful lion women had lost access to contra- of women were afraid of giving birth members of society while there are nega- Internet, but this was difficult for us, as when I got home not to mix with them, ception because of the quarantine, clo- in hospitals for fear of contracting the tive consequences- in a society like ours many lessons were missed because of the unless I sanitized myself well. sure and disruption in the entire world virus, in addition to the severe shortage in Yemen - most of whose members live lack of internet access or its low speed. (Community activist: Maha Aoun) which caused seven million additional in health services within health centres below the poverty line .. for these people, She adds: Because of poor living condi- confirms in her turn that Yemeni wom- (unintended) pregnancies. during that period .. But during that home quarantine was not sufficient, nor tions, a large number of families could an- facing the Corona pandemic, since (Umm Ahmad: From Aden: One of period there was a kind of trust in mid- was it a sound solution". not communicate with the (distance ed- the first wave- have proven her worth the women who did not receive health wives, despite the difficulties in some She continues: "People are cramped in ucation system), and that is why their through her participation in many dif- care): When she felt parturition, during cases of childbirth. their homes, so they no longer have an children did not benefit from the lesson. We Did Not Know, That We Are Infected With The Disease! Poor awareness and ignorance of the dangers of Aisha reviews her story with the disease. She says: and I) have suffered from the Corona virus significant- left the hospital as the doctors did not inform us- while Corona have caused an increase in the number of cas- After I contracted the disease, and after my condition ly as I am suffering from diabetes and hypertension we were in the hospital- that we were infected with the es in the community, especially in places with dense deteriorated- urgently - I was transferred to the city and my wife has heart disease and pressure as well. As virus, and they used to tell us: The infection is only populations and in rural areas that lack the necessary and the symptoms began to appear (within two days). is known, Corona does not have mercy on the elderly a cold. But the disease was exceedingly great for us; health care and awareness. Symptoms are: 1- High fever 2- Shortness of breath 3 in the first place. We were admitted at the hospital in Because of age. Of course; their behaviour in this was (Aisha Abdullah: 48-year- from Taiz: a Covid-19 - Cold 4- loss of the senses of smell and taste. the city of Taiz, and we stayed (in intensive care, for with the intention that our psychological state would survivor) was infected with the virus, when she was (Abdullah: Aisha’s husband: 60 years old) who con- two weeks). not be affected, which would necessarily be reflected going to visit her family, residing in the (Jabal Ha- tracted the disease as he was infected from his wife. They say: We did not know that the Corona epi- in the rate and speed of (recovery). Indeed, doctors bashi) district in Taiz. He tells his story with the disease, saying: (My wife demic had infected us; except when we recovered and dealt with us with great responsibility and concern. 10 Street Pulse Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 How Do Yemenis Deal With Coronavirus? "In Yemen, many people overlook the magni- tude of the danger caused by the deadly Corona virus and in light of the indifference- in which the Yemeni people are drowning- as well as the high prices of sterilizers, medical masks, and immune- boosting vitamin C to five times their prices before the first wave of Coronavirus in Yemen; as a result of all this, the situation is getting worse and more dangerous for Yemenis, and the virus, in turn, con- tinues to claim lives, unabated! (Sawt Al Amal) highlighted the extent to which people are aware of the danger of the virus and how do they deal with it and the extent of their commitment to the precautionary measures; To prevent the virus.

By: Mona Al-Asadi Sawt Al-Amal (Voice of Hope) "Wearing masks Coronavirus does not exist in Yemen! confuses people". (Badr Hussein: Taxi driver saysto Sawt Al Amal): Corona does not ex- ist in Yemen: All symptoms- which As soon as someone people think that are related to Coro- navirus are normal (cold) symptoms. Adding: Coronavirus only affects the sees me wearing elderly; because they are basically of poor immune. As for young people, Najlaa Baktadha Wijdan Idris a mask, they they are able to bypass the disease and he confirms: It is rare for a person to ride the taxi wearing a mask. This- think that I have from his point of view- confirms the of the customers- who buy potatoes went on to say that she goes to uni- ion and says "The talk circulating absence of Corona in Yemen! from him - do not wear masks and he versity and notices that the situation largely among members of society Coronavirus” (Abed Al-Wasabi: 20 years old: po- thinks that this is normal. How could - with most of her colleagues- is not regarding Corona virus and that it tato seller) agrees with him, saying: a person protect himself from some- much different; it is rare to find a stu- did not reach Yemen- negatively af- There is no corona in Yemen. The ru- thing that does not exist?! dent wearing a mask. fects individuals' commitment to the logical factor is the one controlling mors about its existence did not affect On this, (Najlaa Baktadha: a media precautionary measures against the the disease. Yemenis depend on God him or any of his family. He adds: No Why do individuals not abide official in Rabaa School) commented virus. In addition to that the news of and they believe that no one dies un- one (of my family members) was in- by the precautionary measures "we are making great awareness ef- the existence of Corona virus was not less his life is over". Raed confirms fected with this disease, nor I know against the virus?! forts to combat Corona virus but in provided to us reliably. that most of the individuals- who go someone who got it. Indeed, most (Raed Al-Muntasir: 21 years old: light of the difficult economic situa- Whereas (Ruqayya Saleh: 23 years to the market to buy khat herb do not an accountant) says "In the first wave tion of the country, and the deterio- old: a student), said that she -is ex wear masks. of Coronavirus in Yemen, we were ration of the individual income; it is posed to widespread bullying from (Shakib Youssef: Khat herb seller) taking all precautionary measures difficult to adhere (completely) to people in the street as a result of comments saying "Wearing masks against the virus, but this was not a the idea of separation because of the wearing a mask which made her stop confuses people". As soon as some- “The purchase trivial effort for us; the purchase of (large) number of students that gov- wearing it to be imposed to the risk one sees me wearing a mask, they masks and sterilizers- in addition to ernment schools accommodate in Ye- of infection. think that I have Coronavirus and this of masks and vitamin C - has greatly affected our men. But we are doing the most that may make them refuse to buy, or at ability to provide basic meals. This we can; as a national duty, we present Khat Herbs markets are most vul- least the person who wears it may be prompted us to stop buying them, and it with love. nerable to the spread of the virus: exposed to ridiculous comments by sterilizers- in to be satisfied with washing hands As for (Malak Muhammad: 35 In a field visit (of Sawt Al Amal) everyone! constantly". years old, housewife) she says "I - to a number of khat herb markets, On this, (Abdo Thabet Naji: 35 addition to vitamin C (Sumaya Muhammad: 20 years old: make great efforts to educate my chil- we found that most of those who go years old: a customer who visit Khat a university student) confirms this by dren about the danger of Corona vi- to these markets are completely un- markets frequently) comments by - has greatly affected saying "The high cost of living makes rus and they adhere to their role, with aware of the danger that the virus saying "A major reason for the spread us not pay attention to what the Co- all the instructions they receive from may cause. Despite the great crowd- of Corona virus is the indifference of rona virus may cause and despite our me ... However, the failure of every- ing there, you will not find anyone the majority of society, especially in our ability to provide full knowledge of its seriousness, it is one to abide by the precautionary wearing (a mask or gloves) on the the Khat herb markets which people difficult to buy masks (daily) for all measures from the virus negatively least; To prevent possible transmis- frequently visit, without taking into basic meals" family members as this represents a affects committed individuals! sion of the virus. account the precautionary measures hardship and a material cost that we (Wijdan Idris: 14 years old: a (Raed Abdo Nasser: 30 years old: to prevent corona virus. cannot bear for long months. She school student) agrees with her opin- Khat Herb seller) says "The psycho- Issue No (6) -15/ 4 / 2021 Visions of Youth 11 Youth Initiatives In The Yemeni Street ... And The Corona Virus Youth have a great role in developing and educating society about the importance of preventing the risks of the outbreak of the Coronavirus through their participation in the aware- ness process through (social media) or through the formation of initiatives on the field and on the ground and the production of educational content. These initiatives have had the largest and most influential share in spreading awareness in the various Yemeni governorates.

Questionnaire Says "Young people are fully aware of the by: Hanin Ahmed seriousness of Corona virus through what was published on social media with its participation in all events, activities and "The current conditions and the reced- youth initiatives that contributed to edu- ing role of the state has generated a sense cating society about the disease and how of responsibility among young people that to prevent it. public health and providing community She affirms "Each person must, first, assistance are their responsibilities in ad- assume his or her responsibility by adher- dition to civil society organizations which ing to prevention and every head of a fam- made them take the initiative to provide ily should pay attention to his family by assistance according to the simple- capa imposing precautionary measures as well bilities available to them". That was the as staying at home to limit the spread of matter that most views of young people the virus and their commitment to wear- was about as for their responsibility to ing masks and continuous sterilization. society in spreading awareness about the seriousness of the outbreak of the Coro- Team for Humanity initiative: navirus. Team for humanity is a youth initiative (in Sana'a) that provided many health aids Initiative (as Full Step) (with limited resources) to members of the (Wadie' Nabil: founder of the youth same team. (Yumna Al-Husseini: Repre- Initiative Full Step: located in Taiz) says sentative of Team for Humanity) says "at "With the outbreak of Corona virus in the the beginning, the existence of the virus governorate, we had the determination was a difficult topic for society to accept. to play an effective role to contribute to This made us- as a youth initiative and spreading community awareness about as a matter of community responsibility- the danger of the virus with individual carry out community awareness about the support as we carried out field visits to danger of the virus and how to prevent it. had a great role in spreading hope among required support, which they should pro- some traders to provide sterilizers and She adds "The initiative has implement- the community members on how to over- vide. Awareness was limited to the theo- current situation in Yemen requires, and masks, and to distribute them to members ed (a field visit to the orphanage) to raise come all difficulties. It also contributed to retical side, and in his opinion, it lacked that efforts were very (scarce) compared of society. awareness through awareness stories and providing preventive health supplies, rep- the application of these precautionary to the large number of initiatives currently He continues "There was a great re- entertainment shows to convey informa- resented in: 1-soap 2- sterilizers 3- Masks measures. in place. She also indicated that the as- sponse from members of the community, tion to children on how to sterilize, pre- 4- and even water - for the poor and the He stresses "individual or collective sistance was mostly limited to awareness but not in the required manner. We found vent and adhere to all preventive precau- displaced. youth initiatives must (in the first place) be only. it difficult to convince many people (who tionary measures. Awareness programs (Ahmed Al-Awlaki: 24 years old- San- a role model for citizens and be genuinely (Muhammad Al-Sharabi: 27 years old- did not recognize the existence of the vi- have also been implemented by distribut- aa) says "We have- with a group of young committed to prevention and not to con- Taiz) agrees with her opinion, saying rus) that it was a serious and contagious ing: brochures, texts, photos, educational people- formed volunteer campaigns, duct campaigns through communication "Our society suffers from a lack of aware- disease, and that it was necessary to con- videos and publications on social media; about awareness of how to prevent Coro- sites and awareness advertisements only". ness, ignorance and disbelief in the seri- front it with all seriousness, take caution all of which include the instructions of the navirus as it was divided into (teams) He adds "The role of these initiatives is ousness of the situation as we see many and adhere to preventive measures. World Health Organization. working in each region; to spread aware- still deficient and insufficient. There was gatherings- in public places- do not abide Wadie' affirms that the youth affiliated As for youth initiatives, their role has ness of how to prevent disease, steriliza- no concerted effort; for the campaigns to by preventive measures and do not take with the initiative have full awareness of been influential and important in educat- tion and to use many and varied methods be practical and on the ground as well not matters seriously. the seriousness of the virus, its symptoms ing the community and helping it to know of raising awareness. just (theoretical) instructions. He believes that the official authori- and how to prevent it which facilitated the information necessary for the process ties and civil society organizations lim- the work of community awareness activi- of preventing the virus and preserving its Citizen initiatives: Initiatives represent scarce efforts: ited their efforts to the (awareness) aspect ties as appropriate educational methods health in light of the situation that clas- On the other hand (Hamza Najib: 25 Meanwhile (Norah Al-Qudsi, 20 years only and defining symptoms; but they did were used to spread community aware- sifies Yemen that it is going through the years old- Taiz) reviews his experience old- Taiz) provided assistance; by raising not have a field role: such as reinforcing ness, combat rumors and false news about worst humanitarian crisis in the world". in providing assistance to the community; awareness about adherence to precaution- ambulances, and providing sufficient -hu Coronavirus. This is what was indicated by (Amani by spreading awareness in the surround- ary prevention, the importance of wear- man capital (from volunteers) in response Ahmed: 27 years old, from Aden). ing area, and on the need to adhere to pre- ing a mask, using sterilizers and avoiding centers, whether through telephone, or Corona and the vision of youth: She adds "The youth initiatives- which ventive measures. He says "civil initia- crowded places. She sees that the initia- through emergency first aid in the city of (Heba Ahmed: 20 years old: Aden) worked on the field and on the ground- tives and institutions did not provide the tives had only a (minor) role in what the Taiz. The Last Ward Yemen Information Center Specializes On Research And Media That Promote Peace And Development In Yemen -

Independent - Newspaper (Towic a Month) Puplished by [email protected] Yemen Information Center Issue (6) - 15/ 4 /2021 Rajaa Makrad Stop For A Moment ... And Think! Confirmed cases, recoveries and deaths- this is what occupied the first importance, in the news list #Stay_Home, which is a call launched by interna- tional organizations; As a temporary solution to avoid the Covid-19 epidemic, which has swept the world traveling from country to country and through sev- eral airports, without an identity, No station could stop it or know its cause.. Some locals may see that this epidemic may be part of a Biological conflict or economic plot. But what is important now is what accompanies that epidemic (as for technology and environment). Despite the importance that technology attains in times of crises, there are negative things that reflect the image, that it is not only technological means that need to be taken into account, but also the environ- ment as it is a must to reconsider the disability it en- counters as a result of mankind actions, and had it not been for Covid-19, the environment would have been a file in 2021. What the media should - in the stages of crises and disasters - pay attention to, is the news that is published: Just as a simple (medical) error may lead to the death of a person. The word also equates to that medical error and more; as medical and thera- peutic errors may claim the life of one person, while the word may lead to thousands of victims of peoples and nations. No one can deny the accompaniment of misinformation and fake news to media coverage, but with the outbreak of the epidemic, it has become necessary adhering to the following: 1- Taking into account the psychology of the recipient 2- Trying to purify The content from impurities, and to make it- as far as possible- to serve the public interest; So that its benefit is more than its harm. Why are we stressing the topic of the word here? and what does this have to do with the epidemic? Of 86% Of The Participants Assert Poor Health Care, In Light Of The Presence Of Corona Virus In Yemen course, as the one who is responsible for the media

What Are he Precautionary Measures hat ou ake How has the Corona pandemic affected the health situation in Yemen? message is no longer just the channel, the radio or The Information and Public Opin- o Avoid nection With he Coronavirus 36% Public Survey for Sawt Al-Amal Regarding 16% 46% 38% the newspaper; rather, it has become social media, ion Survey Unit of the (Yemen In- COVID-19 In Yemen 27% with different applications, and different people who formation Center) conducted a spe- choose and publish content. The world had witnessed 23% - – What Are The Groups Most cial questionnaire for Sawt Al-Amal 14% Affected By The Corona Virus? previously spread of epidemics, but at that time, not newspaper on how the Coronavirus The Marginalized everyone was in contact with technology and it is not (Covid-19) pandemic affects the -liv 28% fair to blame (with full responsibility) the one who he Doctors he Displaced People 25%3% Indifferent publishes, nor on the medium, as because society has ing conditions of the Yemeni citizen in 50% 22% Alternative Home Nothing Social Weak Strong- Average Medicine Quarantine Distancing 24% solutions to put it off. It can combat any false news, various fields. 29% Cautiously Level ducation: Bachelor 9% with the ability to find the facts, and deter everything niversity Student How Was The Role Of Civil The questionnaire- in which a sam- 46% aturally Postgraduate Society Organizations In Strong Facing The Corona 3%3% cellent that is fabricated which lacks credibility. 16% High School ple from various Yemeni governor- Ho Did ou Deal With he Second Pandemic Health Diploma 2% Wave he Corona Pandemic 52% There are also negative aspects of communication Weak- 24% ates participated- of whom 58% were 24% Average 10% Age 39% No Thing media and their users, as there are also positive as- 53% males and 48% were females of dif- 1% 41% 8% 73% 19% Weak pects, most notably is awareness. Technology has fa- ferent age groups and educational lev- What s our valuation he Quality cilitated the process of disseminating guidelines and Of Education In Light Of The Presence Of Corona? -ways to prevent the virus and it provided an opportu ا  46 35 - 26 ا  els- showed that 46% of citizens were 18 Do Educational Institutions Imple- affected by the pandemic in a strong ment Preventative Measurements nity for the public to communicate with specialists in 18 - 25 36 - 45 Corona Virus? 58% 42% way, while 38% were moderately af- 19% 81% medicine and psychological counseling. The means of communication had a role in communicating the fected; while 36% of the citizens con- 17% 29% es o Have ou Been nected With he Coronavirus opinions and demands of the people- if they wanted firmed that social distancing is one Do ou hink hat Women Face Special Challenges In The Presence Of Corona? of the most important precautionary o to pressure a certain party- to quickly find a solution. Ho Do ou valuate Healthcare Standards And Health o 2% Recently, an effective role has emerged for it, which 75% Facilities n he Presence he Coronavirus measures that must be taken to avoid 13% Ho Do ou valuate he Impact Of The Corona Pan- Positive is to fill many free times with what is beneficial to demic n he ducational infection with the virus and 23% of Process n emen 84% es Weak them. What the world is witnessing today is a unique 87% Negative ood es citizens believe that (home quaran- 14% No Effect shift: from borders that were drawn by nature, to lim- 86% 14% tine) is an appropriate way to avoid 25% its that do not go beyond the room. This move calls infection. for contemplation of the environment and the human The questionnaire reviewed how indicated that they dealt with the situ- indifference. Regarding the evaluation Coronavirus- 86% confirmed that the condition, as if it was not Corona; the environment Yemenis dealt with the second wave ation normally, while 29% of citizens of standards of care and health facili- standards are weak, while 14% of citi- would have been still experiencing its struggle with of the pandemic, as 46% of citizens dealt with caution and 25% dealt with ties- in the light of the presence of the zens indicated that they are good. humans but what has been observed by some envi- ronmental studies is that the cessation of economic activity- which came to coincide with the Corona cri- sis- reduced environmental pollution. Human beings must be reconciled with the envi- ronment. Balance must be made and solutions must be proposed to ensure protection for the environment Precautionary Decrees Taken To Confront The Outbreak Of Coronavirus and double the oxygen, which most of Corona's vic- A number of government facilities, institutions While the (Ministry of Education: in Sana'a) ministries, institutions, bodies and public interests tims today died because of its shortage. The man must and bodies in various Yemeni governorates have issued on March 20 a circular providing tests for for the public and mixed sectors- in the governorate understand the relationship between him and the bio- implemented precautionary decrees to confront the moving stages for the 2020-2021 academic year of Hadramout Al Sahel to adhere to precautionary sphere in which he lives, take a lesson from the past, (second) wave of Coronavirus (Covid-19), in order from (first to eighth grade) to the date of March 27, measures among employees during work hours, and think more, of what was he falling short? The re- to avoid the outbreak of the pandemic in the coun- provided that exams for the first and second- sec reduce the workforce to 30% and lay off what ac- lationship between him - and the sphere in which he try. ondary grades start from the third date of April, the counts to 70% of the functional forces within the lives- is continuing. The (Ministry of Local Administration in Aden) secondary school examinations in its two sections procedures. The environment and the new media are two files issued on March 23 a circular to governors of the (scientific and literary) will start on June 26, 2021 Among the directives of (the Governor of Taiz which we must pay attention to what is happening governorates, to adhere to precautionary measures and the ninth grade exams on June 27, 2021. and the Presidency of the University), studies in the in them: the environment must be appreciated for its to confront the epidemic by imposing (social dis- (The Ministry of Awkaf and Guidance: In Aden) university’s colleges and centers in the governor- right, and we raise the hat of respect for it; that is be- tancing) in markets and commercial centers, clos- issued on March 25 a circular to take precautionary ate have been suspended starting from the date of cause mankind bears responsibility for the pollution ing mosques outside prayer times, as well as closing and preventive measures against the Coronavirus March 28 until further notice. This is to avoid an that afflicts it. As if this epidemic- which is sweeping halls, clubs and wedding halls- organizing markets pandemic. By stressing the cleanliness and -steril outbreak of Corona virus (Covid 19) among stu- most of the countries of the world- reminded many of and malls- reducing the duration of their work- sus- ization of mosques, reducing the waiting time be- dents. their mistakes towards it and the new media (means pending all public activities and official events- tween the call to prayer and Iqama, shortening the Based on the decrees of the (Supreme Emergen- of communication) has become available to every- granting leave to the elderly and those with chronic length of prayers and reducing the lectures, lessons cy Committee: in Aden), the study was suspended one, but the matter depends on awareness of how to diseases who work for the local authority with the and words between prayers. for the second semester in all study programs (BA + use it- or not - and it was a must to mention its valu- necessity of social distancing among students dur- The (Civil Service Office in Hadramout) issued MA + PhD) in colleges from the date of March 27, able aspects- as well as its disadvantages- in order not ing exams in schools, institutes and universities. on the date of March 22 a circular to the offices of 2021 until the end of the Eid Al-Fitr vacation. to become the "carrier enemy".