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niversity of Western Ontario London, Canada

Vol. 6 No. 36 March 25, 1971

New Chancellor New Principal Faculty and Staff To Be Elected At King’s College Make The NEWS

An electoral board for the appoint­ A man currently on leave from Dr. W. H. Feasby, Chairman of the ment of a new Chancellor has been Laurentian University to be a direc­ Department of Paediatric Dentistry, set up. The term of office of the tor with the Prices and Incomes will be guest speaker next week at current Chancellor, Dr. Albert W. Commission in Ottawa, has been the Sudbury and District Dental Trueman, of Ottawa, expires Jun. named to succeed Dr. Owen Carri- Society next week. He will speak 30 of this year. gan as Principal of King's College. on "Saving Primary Teeth'-'. The lecture w ill be presented as by the Senate representatives on the elec­ Dr. Arnold F. McKee will take up Royal College of Dental Surgeons, toral board are: President, Dr. D. his new duties Jul. 1, 1971. Dr. continuing education extramural C. Williams, Mr. C. D. Cudmore, Carrigan is leaving to become Pres­ lectures, in co-operation with the student; Professor G. L. Reuber, ident of St. Mary's University, Hal­ Faculty of Dentistry at Western. Dean of the Faculty of Social Sci­ ifax. ence; Dr. R. J. Rossiter, Vice-Presi­ Professor J. A. F. Stevenson, Dean dent (Academic) and Provost; Mr. Dr. McKee is from New Zealand of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, D. M. Scott, President of the Alumni and has worked in England, Au­ has been appointed a foreign mem­ Association; and Professor J. C. stralia and the United States as ber of the Program Committee for Taylor, School of Business Admin­ well as Canada. He joined Lauren­ the XXVI International Congress istration. tian University in 1961 and has of Physiological Sciences to be been Chairman of the Department held in New Delhi, India, in 1974. Board of Governors members of of Economics, Acting Dean of the the electoral board are: Mr. W. C. Faculty of Arts and in charge of Dr. George W. Manning, of the Fac­ P. Baldwin, Mr. W. J. Evans, Brig. the Extension program during his ulty of Medicine, has been elected W. H. Hemphill, Mr. R. M. Ivey, career with Laurentian. one of three vice-presidents of the Capt. J. Jeffery, Miss J. M. Mac- American College of Cardiology. Farlane and Mr. J. A. Taylor. He holds a B.A. and M.A. (Econo­ The election took place at the 20th mics) from the University of New annual scientific session of the Col­ Zealand; a doctorat en droit (eco- lege held in Washington, D.C. nomie politique) from the Univer­ sity of Paris and an M.Sc. (Econo­ Mr. Bernhard Beutler, of the De­ IMPORTANT MEETINGS mics) from the London School of partment of German, has been ap­ Economics. pointed co-ordinator of the Langu­ University Senate will meet Fri., age Program by the Goethe Haus Apr. 2, at 2:30 p.m. in room 112, Montreal, a branch of the Goethe School of Business Administration. Institute Munich, a cultural insti­ 1970 Medical Claims tution sponsored by the govern­ Faculty of Social Science Execu­ ment of the German Federal Re­ tive Committee will meet Tues., All staff enrolled in the U.W.O. public. Apr. 6, at 4:00 p.m. in room 111A, Group Supplementary Health In­ University College. surance Plan are reminded that all Professor E. S. Nowak, of the Fac­ 1970 drug and medical charges, ulty of Engineering Science, recent­ Council of the Faculty of Arts will other than those covered by OHSIP, ly gave a talk to a member of stu­ meet Wed., Apr. 7, at 3:30 p.m. must be submitted to Mrs. S. Munro dents in the Science and Techno­ in room 101, Talbot College. in Room 110, Stevenson Hall before logy and Trades stream at G. A. Mar. 31, 1971 in order to qualify Wheable Secondary School about Alumni Association Council will for payment. These invoices will engineering at Western. He also meet Tues., Apr. 13, at 7:30 p.m. be processed and returned prior to described Canada's nuclear power in the Alumni Lounge. the Apr. 30 Income Tax deadline. program. Cancer Researchers McGill Professor Guest West Indian Receive Grants At 4th Annual Teaching and Research Biology Colloquium Opportunities Outlined The Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation has awarded The 4th annual Biology colloqui­ Professor George Cumper, Profes­ grants totalling $117,000 to re­ um will be presented next week at sor of Economics on the Jamaica searchers in the London area. Western. Guest speaker will be Dr. Campus at The University of The C. P. Leblond, Chairman of the West Indies, is doing special stu­ The largest portion of the grants Department of Anatomy at McGill dies at The School of Business will go toward projects being car­ University. Administration until August 1971. ried out by doctors at the Ontario Cancer Foundation London Clinic He will speak on "Renewal as a Part of his task is to play whatever at Victoria Hospital where $97,145 Condition of Life" Mon., Mar. 29, role is appropriate in the develop­ has been allocated. and on "Formation of the carbo­ ment of cooperative programs in hydrate side of chains of thyroglo- Management Studies between The Sharing in the grant are Dr. J. A. bulin" Wed., Mar. 31. Both lec­ School of Business Administration Collins, Dr. F. C. Heagy, Dr. W. R. tures will be at 8:00 p.m. in room and The University of The West Inch, Dr. J. C. F. MacDonald and 1, Natural Sciences Centre. Indies and he will be working on Dr. R. M. Sutherland, all on the a text in the intermediate econom­ Faculty of Medicine at Western, Professor Leblond's main research ic theory and a survey of the Ja­ and physicist Mr. J. F. Drew. interests have been concerned with maica business environment. the dynamics of body components. Dr. Kathleen Stravraky, of the De­ Using radioautography his work As an adjunct to his task he will partment of Community Medicine has included the biogenesis of th y­ be glad to assist students and mem­ at Western and a research fellow of roid hormone, bone and tooth for­ bers of faculty who require back­ the Ontario Cancer Treatment and mation, cell renewal mechanisms ground information on research Research Foundation, received including synthesis and migration subjects in connection with man­ $15,296 for work on a study on of proteins and carbohydrate mole- agement and the social sciences in breast cancer and a geographical clues. Recently his interests have the West Indies or who propose to and environmental study of cancer been directed towards the role of take up research or teaching posts m ortality in Canada, specifically the Golgi apparatus in the synthesis at The University of The West In­ cancer of the colon. of secretory materials. dies.

Dr. F. R. Sergovich, also on Faculty Professor Leblond has received The West Indies offers a rich and at Western, and cytogeneticist with many honors for his work includ­ accessible field of experience and the Children's Psychiatric Research ing: Prix Saintour, French Aca­ investigation for cross-cultural and Institute, received $4,269 for a demy, 1935; Fellow of the Royal comparative work, in such fields study of chromosome studies of Society of Canada, 1951; The Fla- as social and economics develop­ cancer tumors he is carrying on at velle Medal, Royal Society of Can­ ment, race relations, linguistic evo­ Victoria Hospital. ada, 1961; Fellow of the Royal lution and biligualism. The Uni­ Society, 1965; Province of Que­ versity of the West Indies (5000 bec Biology Prize, 1968; and Hon­ students) serves Jamaica, Trinidad, orary Member of the American Barbados and the Leeward and Third Elizabeth Laird Academy of Arts and Science, Windward Islands; it has good re­ Physics Lecture Scheduled 1970. lations with the Universities of Guyana and Puerto Rico and with The Department of Physics will He was born in Lille, France and re­ the Centre d'Etudes Régionales hold its third Elizabeth Laird Mem­ ceived his Licence-es-Science from Antilles-Guyane. orial Lecture Fri., Apr. 2, at 2:30 Nancy; his M.D. from the Univer­ p.m. in room 137, Physics bldg. sity of Paris; his D.Sc. at Sorbonne In addition to the cooperative pro­ and his Ph.D. from McGill. Most gram of development of manage­ Guest speaker will be Dr. Lothar of his professional career has been ment studies (teaching and research) W. Nordheim, of Gulf General spent at McGill. with the School of Business Admin­ Atomic, talking about "Energy istration, The University of The for Man, Past and Future". West Indies has links with a num­ ber of Canadian universities in Dr. Nordheim was born in Munich other academic areas. Interested and educated at the University of Arthritis Club staff or students can contact Pro­ Gottingen. He was Professor of To Hold May Meeting fessor Cumper at room 113 in The Physics at Duke University and has School of Business Administration. served on the staff of the Oak Ridge The I nter-Urban Arthritis Club will National Laboratory as a consultant hold its annual meeting in London to the Los Alamos Scientific Labor­ May 15. Staff Positions atories. Joining Gulf General A tom ­ Open at Western ic in 1957 he served as Chairman The Inter-Urban Arthritis Club is of the Theoretical Physics Depart­ an organization which meets year­ Secretary IV - Computer Science ment and as Senior Research Ad­ ly and draws its membership from Secretary II - French visor. rheumatologists in Ontario, Penn­ Secretary II - Purchasing sylvania, Ohio and upper New York Secretary II - Law He is a fellow of the American State. Physical Society and the American Technician III - Physics Nuclear Society and serves on the Scientific papers will be presented Technician III - Bacteriology editorial advisory boards of Annals and a special lecture w ill be given Technician I -Anatomy pf Physics and Nuclear Science and by Dr. Malcolm Thompson, Uni­ Technician I - Physiology Engineering. His research interests versity of Newcastle. Further de­ center on nuclear and reactor phy­ tails will be published at a later Administrative - Graduate Studies sics and quantum theory of matter. date. Officer 1953 No award 1967 F. E. Sparshott "Philo­ President Announces 1954 Dorothy Livesay "Lam ent" sophy and the 'Creative Pro­ 1955 James Reaney "The Horn" cess' " 1971 President’s Medals 1956 Louis Dudek "Keewaydin 1968 Ramsay Cook "French Competition Deadline Poems" Canadian Interpretations 1957 Jay Macpherson "The Fish­ of Canadian History" President, Dr. D. C. Williams, has erman—A Book of Riddles" 1969 Andrew Brink "Sylvia announced the opening of the 1958 James Reaney "The April Plath and the A rt of Re­ 1971 competition for the Presi­ and May Eclogues" dem ption" dent's Medals. 1959 F. E. Sparshott "B y the 1970 A. I. Silver "French Can­ Canal" These medals are awarded annually ada and the Prairie Fron­ 1960 No award tier, 1870-1890" for the best single poem, best short 1961 Irving Layton "Keine story, best scholarly article and Lazarovitch" best general article submitted. A 1962 Wilfred Watson "The Neck­ General Article cash award accompanies each me­ lace" dal. 1952 Blair Fraser "The Secret Special Award for Poetry, 1962 To be eligible, work must be w rit­ Life of Mackenzie King, Spiritualist" ten in either English or French by Anne Wilkinson, "Notes on Robert 1953 Robert Thomas Allen "I a Canadian citizen or a person re­ Burton's 'The Anatomy of Melan­ Am Looking for the Man sident in Canada and must have ap­ choly' " peared in a Canadian publication We Celebrate" 1954 Bruce Hutchison "The in the calendar year preceding the 1963 Eli Mandel "On the Death Dangerous Luxury of Hat­ year of the award, that is during of Dr. Tom Dooley" ing Americans" 1970. The deadline for entries is 1964 Al Purdy "The Country 1955 Bill Stephenson "There'll April 30, 1971. North of Belleville" Never Be Another Model 1965 Richard Emil Braun "Nia­ T" Competitors should submit three gara" 1956 Ralph Allen "The Land copies of each entry, at least one 1966 "The of Eternal Change" of which must be a tearsheet from Settlers" 1957 Sidney Katz "The Seven the issue of the publication in 1967 Raymond Souster "The Who Survived" which the entry appeared. Each Farm out the Sydenham 1958 Sidney Katz "What Kind copy should be clearly marked Road" of Man Was Herbert Nor­ with the' name and address of the 1968 "Paris" person submitting the entry, and man?" 1969 Joan Finnegan "Death of with the name of the category in 1959 "Confes­ a Psychiatrist" which it is submitted. No entries sions of a Fellow Traveller" 1970 Glen Siebrasse "The Hu­ will be returned. 1960 McKenzie Porter "Varley" man Being Who Wished 1961 Blair Fraser "Free Asia's He Were a Flag" Editors of Canadian periodicals Revolt Against Western may also select and submit what Ways" they consider the best pieces in Scholarly Article 1962 Barbara Moon "The Nuc­ their publications. lear Death of a Nuclear 1953 Norman Ward "The For­ Scientist" There is no entry fee. mative Years of the Cana­ 1963 Wynne Francis "Montreal dian House of Commons" Poets of the Forties" Entries should be sent to the Chair­ 1954 Northrop Frye "Towards 1964 Peter Gzowski "Conversa­ man of the Awards Committee, a Theory of Cultural His­ tions w ith Quebec Revolu­ Professor R. G. N. Bates, Depart­ to ry " tionaries" ment of English, University College. 1955 Emil L. Fackenheim "Kant 1965 Mollie Gillen "The Mas­ and Radical Evil" seys" Judges reserve the right not to 1956 D. M. Stanley "Kingdom 1966 William French "The Cul­ make an award if the calibre of to Church" tural Guerillas of Quebec" the entries does not warrant it. 1957 Blair Neatby and John T. 1967 "L etter Announcement of awards will be Saywell "Chapleau and from Africa to an American made in the fall. the Conservative Party in Negro" Quebec" 1968 Hugh Hood "It's a Small * * ** * 1958 J. E. Hodgetts "The Civil W orld" Service and Policy Forma­ 1969 Sylvia Fraser "The Thou­ The U.W.O. President's Medals tio n " sand-Year Week" were established in 1951 by the 1959 Pierre E lliott Trudeau 19/0 Christina Newman "Mr. President, then, Dr. G. Edward "Some Obstacles to Demo­ Mackasey Goes to Ottawa" Hall, as a recognition of Canadian cracy in Quebec" literature and are designed to be 1960 A. S. P. Woodhouse "Tragic an award supplementing the Go­ Effect in Samson Agonistes" Short Story vernor-General's literary awards. 1961 Hubert Guindon "The Soc­ The University offers these awards ial Evolution of Quebec Re­ 1952 Farley Mowat "Lost in the because of its avowed interest in considered" Lands" periodical publication and in crea­ 1962 F. E. Sparshott "The Cen­ 1953 W. O. Mitchell "The Prin­ tive writing. tral Problem of Philosophy" cess and the Wild Ones" 1963 R. Morton Smith "Tradi­ 1954 Colin McDougall "The Winners of the medals have includ­ tion and Modernization in Firing Squad" ed most of the well known authors India" 1955 P. B. Hughes "Catherine in Canada. Following is a list of 1964 R. B. Parker "Dramaturgy and the Winter Wheat" winners. in Shakespeare and Brecht" 1956 EvaLisWuorio "Call Off 1965 Philip Stratford "Chalk Your Cats" Single Poem and Cheese" 1957 Ernest Buckler "The Dream 1966 Ramsay Cook "The His­ and the Trium ph" 1952 Earle Birney "Northwest torian and French-Canadian 1958 Ernest Buckler "Anything Star" Nationalism" Can Happen at Christmas" 1959 Howard O'Hagan "Trees are Lonely Company" 1960 Henry Kreisel "The Travel­ ling Nude" 1961 "A Gourdful of Glory" 1962 Margaret Laurence "The T omorrow-Maker" 1963 Hugh Hood "The End of It" 1964 Margaret Laurence "Mask of Beaten G old" 1965 David Godfrey "Gossip: The Birds That Flew, The Birds That Fell" 1966 Austin C. Clarke "Four Stations to his Circle" 1967 Dave Godfrey "The Hard- Headed Collector" 1968 Clark L. Blaise "The M ayor" 1969 John Metcalf "The Estu­ ary" 1970 Alden Nowlan "There was an Old Woman from Wex­ ford"

Experimental Mass Planned for Alumni Hall

On Sun., Apr. 4, at 8:30, students, some of the university chaplains, the Sunday Nine O'Clock Commit­ tee plus the group called Hunter with a 30 voice choir will be spon­ soring an experimental mass in Alumni Hall.

The Music will include the Mass in F. Minor performed by the Elec­ tric Prunes. Like all worship, this is to be a service the people are in­ vited to participate, through sing­ ing, reading and sharing of the communion together.

This service is very similar to others but there is something different about it. Some of the music con­ tains faint remembrances of Gre­ gorian chant but the modern rock gives it a more universal quality. Four of the university chaplains will participate in this service and this is a first in ecumenical co-opera­ tion on this campus. The hall will have an altar and candles but the color, the visuals, the music and the seating will give expression of a different community. WESTERN EVENTS at 12:15 p.m. will be a panel dis­ Sociology Seminar w ith Mr. Regi­ cussion on Drop-in Centres: Are nald Carter, Michigan State Uni­ Visiting Speaker in Chemistry, Dr. They Necessary?" Speakers will versity, will be held TUES., MAR. J. W. ApSimon, Carleton Univer­ be Mr. Hugh Creighton, United 30, at 11:30 a.m. in room 27, U.C. sity, will speak on "Approaches Community Services; Mr. Don portable. He will present a talk to Triterpene Synthesis" THURS., Fulton, Kinsmen House; and Mr. on "Im pact of Percieved U tility MAR. 25, at 10:30 a.m. in room Jim Girling, Salvation Army. of Social Science Research-The 9, Chemistry bldg. Validity of Questionnaire Data". History of Science Guest Lecture French Department Film Series w ill be presented by Professor Wil­ Civil Engineering Seminar Series continues THURS., MAR. 25, at liam D. Stahlman, University of continues TUES., MAR. 30 at 12:30 p.m. in room 186, Univer­ Wisconsin FRL, MAR. 26, at 3:30 1:30 p.m. in room 210, Engineer­ sity College, with a showing of p.m. in room 147, Medical Sciences ing Science bldg. Professor R. H. "Les Etudiants". bldg. He will speak on "M yth and Science: A Continuum from Pre­ Mills, University of Toronto, will speak on "Engineering Properties History Lecture Series will present history to Present". of Concrete in Relation to the Mr. Alan Borovoy, Canadian Civil Micro-Structure of Cement Paste". Liberties Union, speaking on "The Plant Sciences Seminar with Dr. D. right of dissent in Canada" THURS., B. O. Saville, Canadian Department Physics Colloquium with Dr. J. A. MAR. 25, at 1:30 p.m. in room of Agriculture, Ottawa, w ill be held Davies, Atom ic Energy of Canada 103, Middlesex College. FRL, MAR. 26, at 4:30 p.m. in room 46, Biological and Geological Ltd., w ill be held TUES., MAR. 30, at 3:30 p.m. in room 36, Physics Special Physics Colloquium w ill be Sciences bldg. Subject of the sem­ bldg. He will speak on "Channel­ held THURS., MAR. 25, at 3:30 inar will be "Co-ordinated studies ing of MeV positive ions and its p.m. in room 137, Physics bldg. of parasitic fungi and flowering application in solid state and nucle­ Professor W. B. Thompson, Chair­ plants". ar science". man of the Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, Kodaly Concert and Demonstration M ilton Scholars Lecture Series con­ will speak on "Progress toward will be presented by the Faculty of tinues TUES., MAR. 30, at 3:30 Fusion". Music SAT., MAR. 27, at 7:45 p.m. in Althouse Theatre. This is a con­ p.m. in room 85, University Col­ History Panel Discussion on Quiet cert to introduce Zoltán Kodaly as lege, with a lecture by Professor Diplomacy will be held THURS., a composer and music educator. Irene Samuel, City University of New York, on "The Regaining of MAR. 25, at 3:30 p.m. in room Taking part will be elementary and 101, Talbot College. "The Heeney- University students and members Paradise". Merchant Technique for the Solu­ of the Faculty of Music. No ad­ English Department will present tion of Canadian-American Prob­ mission charge. Ionesco's Chairs directed by Rae lems" will be the subject. Panel- Davis w ith Julia and Bertie Watts i sts will be : Dr. John Wendell University Club President's Dinner TUES., MAR. 30 , Wed., Mar. 31 Holmes, Director-General of the and Dance w ill be held SAT., MAR. and Thurs., Apr. 1, at 8:30 p.m. Canadian Institute of International 27, in Somerville House. Recep­ in Talbot Theatre. Tickets are $2 Affairs; Dr. Douglas V. LePan, tion at 7:00 p.m. in the lounge; for students and $2.50 for non-stu­ University of Toronto; and Pro­ dinner at 7:45 p.m. in the Great dents. fessor James Eayrs, University of Hall and dancing at 9:00 p.m. in Toronto. the clubrooms. Tariff is $7 a per­ son. Dress is black tie. Reserva­ Sociology/Anthropology Seminar Second London Science and Tech­ tions 3534 or after 3:30 p.m. 3533. w ith Dr. Stephen Polgar, Carolina nology Fair begins THURS., MAR. Population Research Center, Uni­ 25 in Centennial Hall. It continues Music Recital with Johanna Quartel, versity of North Carolina, will be Friday and Saturday. It is an ex­ trumpet and Kathryn Baker, organ, held WED., MAR. 31, at 9:30 a.m. hibit of science and engineering will be held SUN., MAR. 28, at in room 27, U.C. portable. He will projects of students in London 4:00 p.m. in Elmwood Avenue take on "Culture and New Methods and area high schools. Presbyterian Church. A program of Birth Control". of compositions by Telemann, Association Française de London Hovhaness, Purcell, Vierne, Con­ Symposium on Lunar Material pre­ will present films suitable for chil­ rad and Sowerby will be presented. sented by the Department of Geo­ dren and adults including the award­ Admission is free. logy, w ill be held WED., MAR. 31, winning "Aventure Dans La Baie beginning at 11:15 a.m. in room d'Or" THURS., MAR. 25, at 7:00 Music Recital with Malcolm Hines, 1002, Dental Sciences bldg. Spea­ p.m. in the auditorium of the Lon­ saxophonist, will be held SUN., kers are Dr. G. Simmons, NASA; don Public Library. Admission is MAR. 28, at 8:30 p.m. in the Fac­ Dr. J. A. Maxwell, Geological Sur­ free. Everyone is welcome. ulty of Music annex. He will play vey of Canada; Dr. J. A. V. Doug­ works by Lantier, Bach, Heiden, las, University of Ottawa; Dr. E. Nursing Research Seminar will be Hindemith, Eccles, Bozza and Bru- Roedder, U.S. Geological Survey held FRL, MAR. 26, at 10:00 a.m. beck and will be assisted by Rebec­ and Dr. G. M. Bancroft, U.W.O. in room 200, Nursing bldg. Pro­ ca Wicks, piano; Arthur Beers, fessor R. Miller, Queen's Univer­ vibraphone and Frederick Parsons, Kinotek Film Series at the London sity, will speak on "The Use of electric bass. Admission is free. Public Library continues WED., Role Playing in Psychiatric Nurs­ MAR. 31, at 8:00 p.m. with a show­ ing with Low Income Patients". Special Physics Lectures will be ing of "The Third Man". Admis­ Ms. F. Howard, a graduate Nurs­ presented by Professor Peter Cle­ sion is 50 cents. ing student at Western, will speak ments, of the Faculty of Music, on on "Adjustm ent to Work of Neo­ the Electronic Music Synthesizer, Visiting Speaker in Zoology, Dr. phyte R.N.'s from Two-Year Pro­ as part of the Physics 33 course R. H. Stinson, Ontario Institute grams". (The Physics of Music) MON., for Studies in Education, will MAR. 29 and Wed., Mar. 31, at speak on "Man" a new course in Noon Hour Program at the Lon­ 11:30 a.m. in room 137, Physics elementary school, WED., MAR. don Public Library FRL, MAR. 26, bldg. Everyone is welcome. 31, at 8:00 p.m. in room 22, Bio- — .A

. . fellii PhD Orals and Lectures

ENGINEERING 3CIENCE PH.D. Published by the LECTURE will be presented by artment of Information Services ' '“ :versity Publications Mr. Michael Hogan, on Mon., Mar. 29 at 2:30 p.m., in room 118 of ir Margaret Chartrand e 679-2329 the Engineering bldg. His oral examination will follow at 3:30 Deadline Friday prior to pui p.m., in room 6 of the Graduate Studies Portable. His thesis is on "The Influence of Wind on Tall Building Design". WESTERN EVENTS Residence Fee Increase FRENCH PH.D. ORAL EXAMI­ logical and Geological Sciences NATION of Mr. Remo Faieta will Residence fees at Western will be bldg. be held on Fri., Apr. 2, at 9:00 raised by $50 for students for the a.m. in room 6, Graduate Studies Geophysics Visiting Lecturer, Dr. 1971-72 academic year. Approval Portable. The title of his thesis is Gene Simmons, Chief Scientist was given to the raise at the Board "Bossuet et la querelle du theatre of the Houston Manned Space of Governors meeting last Friday. (1680-1694)". Craft Centre, w ill give a lecture on Currently three options are open "Measurement and Interpretation BIOPHYSICS PH.D. LECTURE to residents. They may have room of Heat Flow in the Cayman will be presented by Dr. Derek only, room and board for the basic Trough" THURS., APR. 1, at Boughner on Mon., Apr. 5, at 1:30 academic year and room and board 10:30 a.m. in room 52, Biological p.m., in room 101 of the Faculty for the year as of October 5. and Geological Sciences bldg. of Nursing bldg. His oral examina­ tion will follow at 2:30 p.m., in Next year room only, will cost Physics Colloquium w ith Dr. Lo- room 6 of the Graduate Studies $650; room with meals seven days thar W. Nordheim, the Elizabeth Portable. His thesis is on "The a week w ill cost $1,150; and room Laird Memorial Lecturer, speaking Effect of Low Frequency Vibra­ with meals five days a week w ill on "The Double H um p-or the ma­ tion on Arteries". ting of the liquid drop and the shell cost $1,100. model for heavy nuclei" THURS., ENGLISH PH.D. ORAL EXAMI­ APR. 1, at 3:30 p.m. in room 215, The fees apply to all residences NATION of Mr. Henry John Ferns Physics bldg. on campus except Spencer Hall. $pecial fees will continue to apply will be held Wed., Apr. 7, at 1:30 p.m. in room 274, University Col­ Astronomy Colloquium with Dr. there because lunches are not serv­ lege. The title of his thesis is "The Anne Cowley, University of Michi­ ed. Cost will be $100 less on plans Forged Feature: of Functions of gan will be held THURS., APR. 1, with room and board. the Speaker in the Completed Eng­ at 3:30 p.m. in room G10, 1383 lish Poems of Gerard Manley Hop­ Western Road. She w ill speak on In addition to the fees a $10 resi­ kins." "Two Unusual Spectroscopic Bin­ dence council fee w ill be collected aries". along with the residence fee to pro­ vide ease of collection for Residence HISTORY PH.D. ORAL EXAMI­ NATION of Mr. William E. Eagan Plant Sciences Seminar with Dr. K. Councils. will be held Mon., Apr. 26, at 2:00 Maramorosch, Boyce Thompson p.m. in room 6, Graduate Studies Institute, New York, will be held portable. The title of his thesis FR I., APR. 2, at 4:30 p.m. in New Canada Council is "D r. Joseph Burr Tyrrell (1858- room 46, Biological and Geological Executive Officer Sciences bldg. He will speak, on 1957): Geologist and Miner". "Mycoplasma diseases of plants Mr. Robert Pichette, has taken up and insects". Copies of curricula vitae and ab­ duties on the staff of the Canada stracts are available from the Office Council as Executive Officer for of the Dean of Graduate Studies. Classical Studies Special Lecture two new programs in the arts, hu­ will be presented by Dr. Donald manities and social sciences. He C. Earl, University of Leeds, FRI., went to the Council staff from APR. 2, at 8:00 p.m. in room 201, his native New Brunswick, where Talbot College. He will speak on he was most recently provincial "The Problem of Cicero's Career". Director of Cultural Affairs. Conference for Nurses on Co-opera­ Mr. Pichette will help the Council tion in the Health Care of Patients formulate and then administer the with Cancer w ill be held at Althouse Canadian Horizons program, due College SAT., APR. 3, beginning at to be launched later this year. In 8:30 a.m. this forthcoming program the Council plans to extend its assis­ Cleveland Orchestra will perform at Western SAT., APR. 3, at 8:30 tance of the humanities and social p.m. in Alumni Hall, as part of the sciences to include a wide range Great Artists' Concerts Series. Tic­ of work on Canadian topics intend­ kets are available from CUTA, ed for a general public. room 109, Stevenson Hall or Words He will also be administrator of the and Music, 426 Richmond Street. Council's Diffusion of the Arts pro­ gram, launched last year with a number of experimental projects intended to enable arts organiza­ tions to reach new audiences in the communities they serve.