The Golfer's Annual for 1869-70
ONE ILLIKG AND SIXPEN : No. G-/PO2.. * « GOLFER'S ANNUAL FOR 18.69-70. COMPILED AMD EDITED BY CHARLES MACARTHFR. AYE: TROTTED AND PUBLTSIIED BY HENRY & GRANT. 16 PKEFACE. GOLF, the National Game of Scotland, and one of the most enticing of out-door exercises, is now so extensively indulged in as to deserve, at least, some statistical publication. A few years ago a work similar1 to this was published, but was not continued. Since then the practice of the Game has rapidly extended; and many solicitations having recently boon made to the Editor to bring out a GOLFER'S ANNUAL, his love for the Game, and his desire to gratify Golfers and others, induced him to undertake the work. The ANNUAL contains much interesting matter, such as a record of all the Golf Clubs at present known, with their respective. Competitions and Tournaments during the last three years, the llules of the Game observed by different Clubs, as well as other incidents; and the details of tho Competitions for the Champion Belt since its institution by the Prestwick Golf Club have been deemed of sufficient importance to entitle them to consider- able space. While imperfections may be apparent, it. is hoped that, though not claimed on its merits, the object of the ANNUAL will secure it a passport for this year, and that sufficient encouragement will be j^'ven for the appearance of its suc- cessor. The thanks of the. Editor avo due, and are now warmly tendered, to the Secretaries of the different Clubs, and others, who so readily furnished information in aid of his efforts.' 1JRUNTON C'OTTAGK, LONDON ROAD, EDINBURGH, Fubfuaiu, 1S70.
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