Newsletter - July 2016 (Issue 07) KIRKCUDBRIGHT GOLF CLUB Follow us on Twitter: @kbtgolfclub Facebook: Kirkcudbright Golf Club Email:
[email protected] Phone: 01557 330314 Captain’s Desk At this time of year many of you will be torn between cutting your own grass or watching our green staff whizzing around the golf course. With growth at its peak there is little time for anything other than cutting, yet summer aeration of the greens and foliar feeding, all part of the summer programme, move on a pace. I am particularly pleased by members and visitor plaudits regarding course condition. All congratulations to competition winners, whether team or individual, details further on in the newsletter. Remember this is your newsletter so contribute. I also try to do a weekly update, at the beginning of the week, and if you wish to contribute with information please let me know. Just a gentle reminder that we have only 5 buggies and you can book online with your tee time. You need a number (see the office) and you create your own password. (Simples). A big thanks to all who returned the Member Satisfaction Survey. It is difficult to create a forward looking plan that meets members needs, without your input. I will publish the outcome on the main notice board and action areas with the appropriate people over the next few weeks. We are now looking forward and on the course, our convenor Adam Gray (busy man), will be working with head greenkeeper John on a winter programme. If you have expertise we would like to talk with you.