No. G-/PO2.. * «


FOR 18.69-70. .




GOLF, the National Game of , and one of the most enticing of out-door exercises, is now so extensively indulged in as to deserve, at least, some statistical publication. A few years ago a work similar1 to this was published, but was not continued. Since then the practice of the Game has rapidly extended; and many solicitations having recently boon made to the Editor to bring out a GOLFER'S ANNUAL, his love for the Game, and his desire to gratify Golfers and others, induced him to undertake the work. The ANNUAL contains much interesting matter, such as a record of all the Clubs at present known, with their respective. Competitions and Tournaments during the last three years, the llules of the Game observed by different Clubs, as well as other incidents; and the details of tho Competitions for the Champion Belt since its institution by the have been deemed of sufficient importance to entitle them to consider- able space. While imperfections may be apparent, it. is hoped that, though not claimed on its merits, the object of the ANNUAL will secure it a passport for this year, and that sufficient encouragement will be j^'ven for the appearance of its suc- cessor. The thanks of the. Editor avo due, and are now warmly tendered, to the Secretaries of the different Clubs, and others, who so readily furnished information in aid of his efforts.'


ABERDEEN". GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1815. OOOTELXUS THOMPSON", Captain. i. 0. THOMSON, LTONEKT DUTHIE, E. B. F. SPOTTISTVOOD, P. H. CHALMERS, Cowndl. D. B. MOBICE, Sea-etary. GEORGE OGILVIB, Olub House , Keeper of the Links. LIST OP MEMBERS. Charles Chalmers W. D. Foi-ayco, M. P. Alexander Stronach Alex. D. Fordyco Alexander Ohivas James D. Fordyco George Davidsoa Gordon Pirio William Black C. B. Fisher John Angus Alex. MuiTay John Duncan John Oomrio Thomson Newell Burnett Keith Jopp William Fisher 1\ A. W. A. Yomigson Alexander Pirio Alox. Simpson, jr. •William Jopp Charles UORO J. F. Hadden George Thompson, yr. D. E. Morico John F. Whito Alexander Davidson P. M. Ohaknars Alex. B. Whyto James F. Lumsdon Alex. Jopp 0. Ii. Pavidson Hugh Hogarth Fra.ncia l'jdmond, ]'r. •William Ycata Frederick Ilollaud John (1. Chalmers Gavin Todrt John Bluikio Alexander Mac.farlaiuv E. L. F. Spottiswood Thomas WIIKOII Benjamin Moir W. Millipan, D.D. Johu Oatto Ghnrlos Duncan Eobm-t Fletcher Alex. Edmund Fraaer J. A. Sinclair Ilobort D-uthie William M'ilmi Alexander Itosr J\. H. Cliiilmem Alex. P. Hiigarth Thoman Ferguson Sir A. Anderson A. E. Sniitn THE GOLFERS ANNUAL.

John Boss Alox. 0. Atlam Dyce Gay Thomas Adain Gavin Hadden Harvey Hall James Todd "William Good John Whyte David Wyllie Jsssel Stephen Eobert Drysdale David Littlejohn William L. Beid James M. Gardon George Wilkio J. F. Gardon Alex. Ooohran Peter Dnguid James Matthews W. F. Smith, M.D. T. Y. Wardrop J. P. Criming Georgo Davidson, jr. Cornelina Thompson Alex. Edmond COMPETITIONS IN 1867. (Course of H holes, 2 rounds.) April.—The Gold Medal, won by Alex. Eose. September.—Johnston Cup, won by Robert Duthie. COMPETITIONS IN 1868. (Course of 14 holes, 2 rounds.) April.—Gold Medal, won by Charles Rose in 156 strokes. September.—Johnston Cup, won by C. H. Chalmers in 147 strokes. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. (Course of li holes, 2 rounds.) April.—Gold Medal, won by D. Littlejohn. September.—Johnston Cup, won by Cornelius Thompson in US strokes. All competitions by the above Club are played in strict observance of the rales of the game as laid down by the Hoyal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.

BLACKHBATH. BOYAL BLACKHEATH GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1608. CHAEIE8 SUTHERLAND, Field Marshal. Captain JOHN ANTHONY EUOKHI, Captain. GEOBGB GLENNIE, Hon. Sea-etary and Treasurer. Committee. The Field Marshal The Captain James Lindsay Bonnot Thomas Stirling Bcgbio Hayter Thornton Reed Henry Mason Buskin The Hon. Secretary , Stephen Smith BOB KIEK, CMtodkr of the Links. BLACKHEATH CLUB.

XIST OP MEMDEI18. 1826 Charles Sutherland W. E. Arbutlmot 1837 George Glenny Anderson J. Eose 1840 Sir H. Hume Campbell, Bart. Edward Kynaston 1841 Sir Francis Grant 1866 Thomas S, Bogbio 1843 Alex. Duncan Anderson I J. D. Martin. 1844 Bt.Hon.NisbetHanulton,M.P. J. Gover Sir Thoa. Moncrieff, Bart D. G. Brown John Blackwood A. B. Walker 1816 David Henry Frank Ford Freeman Archibald Hamilton 1867 Wm. M'Caudlish 1847 Sir John Lowe, K.O.B. H. G. Sharpe 1852 Hon. Ool. Charteris James Thomson William Steven. Wm. Smith 1853 George Fry J. S. 0. Eenneck Thomas Jacomb 1868 Oapt. Alfflc. Lindsay George Glennie J. 0. Baldwin Bobert Boothby Lieut.-Gcn. Sir Hopo Grant 1854 Hayter Thornton Eeed E. W. Hawker Charles Tennant Arthur Oheyno S. William Hyde Alfred Gilbert 1856 John Komanes Joseph Russell Sir Bobert Hay, Bart. Thomas Parker J. A. Eucker John Aiton Captain David Campbell W. D. Pordyce, M.P. 1856 Henry Buskin J. C. Miller 1857 Captain Stewart Francis Gilbert 1858 John Kettlewell Stephen Smith William Kieaer 01ms. A. Winchester Robert Sutherland G. '£. Farqulmr 1859 James Wilkie Adamson Walter Knott Graham 1860 A. Duncan William Wynyard W. Adams W. P. Mooro James Lindsay Bennct I860 Henry J. Wyllie 1861 Henry It. Kynaston Francis WitlicrB David Aitahison Alex. Young Thomas Pxirdie- Hon. Charles Carnegie, M.P. Peter Steel Captain Konnard 1862 M. S. Townend George T. Karrar James Lawaon David Latow Captain James Andrew Mackenzie A. A. Vanaittarl George Austin 1863 Robert Whyto Edward M. Earla Jamea Stevou Major Bjftndrara Thomas Pcrgiisson William Brand 1864 Thomas Marsh T. B. SiniKon John Aird, jun, S. B, Bimson Charles Sutherland, jun. Thomas Prew 1865 Edward Huutir Wickliam NoakeB 10 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

MEDAL HOLDERS, &C, 1867. 9th February.—Handicap Clubs and Balls.—Brown, 141 strokes (allowed 14) 127—won Clubs. Glennie, 130 strokes—won Balls. 13th April.—Spring Medal—Adamson, 132 strokes. 13th June.—Summer Medal—Buskin, 117 strokes. 12th October.—Bombay Medal—Glennie, 123 strokes. MEDAL HOLDERS, &G., 1868. 8th February.—Handicap Clubs and Balls—Bennot, 144 strokes (allowed 18) 126—won Clubs. Glennie, 127 strokes—won Balls. 4th April.—Spring Medal—Buskin, 121 strokes. 11th June.—Spring Medal—Buskin, 121 strokes. 11th June.—Summer Medal—'Buskin, 124 strokes. MEDAL HOLDERS, &C, 1869. 13th February.—Medal presented by the Photographic Society of Blackheath—Glennie, 135 strokes. 10th April.—Spring Medal—Buskin, 120 strokes. 10th June.—Summer Medal—Fordyce, M.P., 120 strokes. 9th October.—Bombay Medal—Buskin, 127 strokes. All Competitions are 21 holes, and there are 7 holes in the round. IIULES OF TOE GAME. 1.—Order of Play,—At the commencement of tho day, if tho parties cannot agree which of them is to play first, n toss must take place, and whoever wins it plays first or not, as he or they please; afterwards whoever wins the hole to play first from the too, After the teed strokes have been struck, the ball farthest from the hole ti> which the parties are playing must be played first. If the part}' not entitled to play first at any hole should do so, ho shall loso a stroke. Partners in a double match to play alternately, and if one plays twice in succession they lose the hole. 2.—Place of Teeing,—No ball to be teed nearer the hole than .«'.)• Club lengths, nor farther from it than nine. The turf on no account to be raised for the purpose of toeing the ball. 3.—dgainst Changing the Hall.—A ball struck from the tee must not be changed till the hole is played out; and if tho parties be at a loss to know the one ball from the other, neither ball shall be lifted till both parties agree. 4.—Lifting Break Clubs,

amongst nettles, in sand, in a Tmnker, or in a road. Nothing that is fixed or growing can be removed at any time, either on the driving course or putting green. When the ball is in gravel, or in sand, or in a hazard, the player must take care, in aiming at his ball, that he does not alter or improve its position; if he does so he loses a stroke. 5.—Soles,

•original ball is found before tha party playing a new ono has como opposite to the ground whore it was lost, the first continues the one to be played, without any penalty. 12.—Club Breaking.—If in striking, the club breaks, it is never- theless to be accounted a stroke, if the part of the club remaining in the player's hand either strikes the ground or passes the ball. 13.—Hubs of the Green,—"Whatever happens to a ball, by acci- dent, such as striking any person, or touched with the foot by a third party, or by tile forecaddy, must bo reckoned a rub of the green and submitted to. If, however, the player's ball strikes bis adversary, or his adversary's caddy or clubs, the adversary loses tha hole; if it strikes himself, or his partner, or their caddies or clubs, or if he strikes the ball a second time while in playing, the player loses the hole. If the player touches the "ball with his foot, or any part of his "body, or with anything except his club, or with his club moves the ball in preparing to strike, he loses a stroke; and if any player strikes his adversary's ball with his club, foot, or otherwise, he loses the hole j but if he plays it inadvertently, thinking it bis •own, and his adversary also plays the wrong ball, it is then too late to claim the penalty, and the hole must bo played out with balls thus changed. If, however, the mistake occurs from wrong informa- tion given by ono party to the other, the penalty cannot be claimed, and the mistake, if discovered before the other party has played, must be rectified by replacing the ball as near as possible where it lay. If the player's ball be played away by mistake, or lifted by a third party, then the player must drop a ball, as near tha spot as possible, without airy penalty. Whatever happens to a halt on & medal day, such as a player striking his caddy, or himself, or his clubs, or moving the ball with his foot or club, or his caddy doing so, or striking it twice before it stops motion, the player in such cases shall lose ono stroke only as the penalty. 14.—Parlies Flaying.—Every party shall go in the same direction on the course, and to the same holes, and no party following shall play olf till the party in advance shall have played the second stroke; and no party is to play when another is on the putting green till that party shall have lioled out. Parties playing two balls, whether by two or four players, shall bo entitled to puss parties playing three balls. 15.—Medal Day.—New holes shall always be made on the days the medals are played for, and no Member of the Club shall bo allowed to play at such holes before he starts for the prizes. 16,—Playing for Medals.—The match to consist of 21 holes; and such Members as intend tn compete for the medals must give in their names to the Secretary at or previous to the meeting to be held, on the day of competition ; they shall then be matched together in. parties of two, each jilayer being attended by a marker, for the pur- BURGESS (EDINBURGH) CLUB. 13 pose of recording the strokes as they are struck on a card prepared for that purpose. On comparing these cards, ho who shall be found ta have made the holes in the fewest strokes, is to be declared the -winner of the medal. If two or more of the highest competitors finish the match in the same number of strokes, they shall play an additional round to decide the matter; no member shall he allowed to compete after the first party shall have completed the first round, unless previously ready, and present at the starting hole. 17.—Mistakes about Soles.—Mistakes relative to the reckoning of any particular hole cannot tie rectified after the parties nave struck off for the next hole. 18.—Disputes about the Game.—All disputes about the game shall T>e determined by the Captain or any Member of the Cormnitter. present, or, if none be present, by a mutual referee. N"o person in allowed to advise either party, except their own partners or caddies, or interfere in any way. It ought to be understood, that whilst any party is in the act of playing, everybody present should remain quiet and not speak aloud. 19.—Split Balls.—In playing for a medal, if o ball be split into two or more pieces, flattened, or otherwise rendered unfit for being played with, a fresh ball may be substituted, and no penalty in- flicted; but in playing a match, -where a ball is so damaged, a i'resh one may be substituted, thfi player losing one stroke, 20.—General Penalty.—Where no penalty for the infringement of a Rule is specially mentioned, the loss of the hole shall be under- stood to be the penalty.


INSTITUTED 173C. Incorporated by Charter from the Magistrates and Town Council of Edinburgh, 1800. WILLIAM MAJ?H, Captain. EOIIBRT STEVEN, W.S., 8 Hill Slroot, Secretary. WILLIAM EBID, Treasurer, OWEN (ioucm, Chaplain. Council. John Ehinrl, D. Ilnnrlorson, IVrr Sii-vrnson, Jinn™ With'ftmson David Cunningham, Allan Ikak, and Alexander MiHi oJl, PETER M'EWAN, Officer and Kftper of the Gmui. • Ball Maker. TEE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

IIST OF MEMBEHS. 1836 John Rhind, 18 Viowforth P 1805 James Kirkwood, 29 South 1847 David Henderson, 6 Ulipe Bridge Gilmoro Place Geo. B. Wilson, 32 Queen St. James Leggat, Port Hopotoi Thos. Bird, 20 South Bridge 1850 Peter Stovenson, 51 Georg Wm. Millar, 125 George tit. IV. Bridge 1800 Andrew Henderson, 20 An- 1854 James Williamson, 18 Port nandale Street land Place 1SG7 A. Lumsden, C.A., Mansion 1855 Peter Lang, Queen's Crescent House, Groenoelt WilliamMann, 119 Princes St. Hugh M'Millan, 5 Thistle St. 1857 Eobt. Johnston, 17 Dublin St Robort SetonJ 81 Georgo St. Owen Gough, HolyroodPal'e John Wallace, 31 Alva St. Alex. Mitchell, Commercial R. G. Wilson, 42 Hanover St. Bank 1808 liobt. Hunter, !l Archibald PI. 1858 Thos. Brown, 10 Torphiclien Wm. A. Wallace, Dnnnniond Street Lodge Wm. Brodie, Cambridge St. A. J. Young, advocate, 20 Ohas. S.Law, 185 Princes St. Albany St. E. B. Shaw, 52 Gilmore Place Chas. M'Arthur, 29 Hanover John B, Chisholm, 15 Duke Street Street. George Eobb, 3 Thistle St. 1859 John Anderson, 74 Gilmore 1809 John Bryson, George IV. Place Bridge David Cunningham, 01 North Geddes Calder, 24 St. An- Bridge drew Square Allan Boat, 53 West Port Robort Wallace, Commercial 1860 Edward Peck, 51 Hanover St. Bank 1802 Henry Hutcheson, 4 Grosve- Wm. Elder, 2 CioatM Place nor Street Win. Snowden, 74 Gllmoro 1803 John Disher, 5 Palmerston Place Road, Grange Richard Stewart Brown, 2(i 1SC4 Robert Steven, W.S., 50 Great Pitt Streot King Street John Tod, Regent Arch Wm. Reid, 13 Howard Place William Duncan, !) Lousdalo 18G5 James Barclay, 10 GeorgeSt. Terraeo Tho Society holds its annmil meeting on the first Saturday of April, when the election of office-bearers taken place, and Members compete for the Society's Gold Medal, and which is held for one, year by the winner. The Society also gives annually for compe- tition a Silver Medal, to be played for subject to handicap, and in retained by the winner. The competition for this medal takes placn on the first Saturday of October. The Society also gives four times a year prize balls for competition. The regular meetings of the Society are—The annual mooting on the first Saturday of April ; quarterly meetings on the second Satur- day of JanunTy, and Cunt Saturday of July and October; and monthly meetings on the first Saturday of each of the other months. Tho SUSGJSSS (EDINBUMGJI) CLUB. 15

members of the Society and their friends dine together in their Club- room on the annual and quarterly meeting days. COMPETITIONS IN 1887. On 6th April the Society's Gold Medal was competed for and resulted in a tie between Mr. Shaw and Mr. Law, each having holed the two rounds in 59 strokes. The tie was decided by their pHvinjf another round, which resulted in favour of Mr. Shawl ie bavin* holed the round in 33 strokes against that of Mr. Law in 38 a On 11th May a handsome album, presented by Mr Anderson and a new hat, preaented by Mr. Cunningman, were competed for'over liruntslield Lmlcs, when at the close of the competition Mr Cim ningham was declared the winner of Mr. Anderson's prize and Dr Robertson that of Mr. Cunningham's. On 5th October the Society's Silver Modal was played for and resulted in a tie between Mr. Mann and Mr. Bird, with a score of 67 each, lessI handicap, and on the tie being played oft1 by one round of the $ Man, u was declared tiw winner, the score standing— hMdi« 82* ^ & °niimdicll'P. 29; Mr. Bird, 36, less 8 of Mr. Bird was the winner or the prize presented by the Captain.

COMPETITIONS IN 1808. On 4th April the Society's °.ola Me

COMPETITIONS IN 1869. On !)d April tho Oold Modal of thn Society wan gained by Mr. James "Williamson, with the SUMO of CO, and is so held by Mm for th© your 1888-70. On 2d Qotobor Uio Silver Modal, given ammally by thn Society for competition, suldaat to handicap, wiw galtiQd by Mr. 1). Hender- son with n sooro of 87, \™H H of hanclioap (70). On Oth .Iiuiunry ahandions copy of the Wuwsrley Novels, bound in Pour vnluim-R, prnmuilwl to flw Society by Mr. Soton for compo- tilimi, waa plnyecl forMidgainedbyMv. AUim Boak, with the sooroof 6d, IOBS 8 «i handicap (fid). On IOth May twoDonuilfol Courier Bags, one for a liuly and tho other for agi'iiLli'iuiui, were prosontod by Mr. Allan Boalc for compe- tition ovor Musaolburgh Linl(s,wlien, at tho finish of the competition, Mi1, Roid and Mr. Soton tiod, the former eomplortu^ tho two rounds in 07, ifHH H ofhimdicap (88), and tho luttci' tin! two rounds in 100, ICHS 12 of handicap (SH). On the followiiif? dny both parties met ami pl ayod ofl' tho, when, at tho oloso of the contest, Mr. Suton was duclnt'L'tl tho winner with a siiore of 1no, loss the above handi- cap ,bring tho samo scow as on the former day, whilo Mr. Iieid took 11fi', IOSB above handicap, thus making Mr, Seton tho winner over Mr. 'Raid by 1) tokos, BURGESS (EDINBURGH) CLUB. 17

On 26th May tlie members of the Society met at Musselburgh to compete for a splendid Dining-room Time-piece, presented liy Mr. Steven, the Secretary. Six couples started, and at the close of the competition Mr. Charles M'Arthur was declared the winner with the score, less handicap, of 80. On 12th October sixteen members met at Gullano to compete for. the following prizes, viz.:—£2 presented by Capt. Mann, or what- ever tile winner may ohoose of that value ; Mr. Stevenson, a Baro- meter; Mr. Bryson, a Gold Seal; Mr. David Cunningham, a set of Clubs; arid Mr. Kirkwood, a Hat—in all five prizes, which were each to be considered of equal value, and the winners were to have their choice according as they stood at the euc! of the play with the fewest strokes. Mr. Duncan, 1st, the. Captain's prizo ; 2d, Mr. Bird, M r. Stevenson's prize ; 3d, Mr. Kirkwood, Mr. Cunningham's prize; 4th, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Kirkwood's prize; and 5th, Mr. Shaw, lr. Bryson's prize. The prizes were all played for under handicap. On 11th December the members met at Bruntslield Links to compete for a dozen of wine, presented by Mr. Lung, and a fine Courier Bag, by Mr. Bird, as prizes. Sixteen started. At the close of the competition, Mr, Bryson was declared the winner of Mr. Lang's prize, having completed the two rounds in the score of 54 ; and Mr. C. Macartbur that of Mr Bird, being thn second prize, he. having completed the two rounds in 57. Mr. Steven was third, with the score of 58. The prizes were played for under handicap,

1HJLES OP THE GAME. I.—In starting from a hole, the Imll shall he teed at a distance of not more than eight nor nearer than five Club lengths from the hole. 2.—The. ball furthest from the hole to which the party is ad- vancing shall be first played. 3.—The balls shall not be changed or touched after being struck from the tee, under the penalty of the party doing so losing the hole; but in case of doubt as tn whom a ball belongs, it may be lifted of consent of parties, to decide the point. 4.—When a ball is within ten Club lengths of the hole, a party playing out of turn shall, if previously checked, lose a stroke. 5.—If a player strikes his opponent's ball in place of his own, ho shall lose the hole, except when; he does so by mis-direction of his opponent. 6.—A ball maybe lifted on losing two strokes, the party so lifting to face the hole he is playing to, drop the ball over hia right shoul- der on the green, not nearer that hole than where the ball lay. 7. If a ball strike a player or his cadie, the parly struck to lose the hole. 18 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

8.—A player whose Ml is missing shall be allowed five minutes to search, for it; if not then found, the hole shall be held to be lost, 9.—If a player strikes at his ball aud misses it, it shall be counted a stroke. 10.—In starting, or when two or more players meet at a hole, the party who play first shall bo allowed to play their second strokes before the succeeding party strike off; but should the first party's ball bo lost, and not found within three minutes, then the succeed- ing party shall bo entitled to play and pass them. 11.—In holing no mark shall he placed or lhm drawn to direct the hall to the hole. This ball must be played fairly and honestly for the hole, and not on the ndvorsary's ball, if not in the way; nor, although lying in the way to the hole, shall the player be entitled to play upon it, so as to injure his adversary's position, or otherwise than is necessary honestly to send his own Ml the distance of the hole. 12.—In all matches a party shall be entitled to ask advice from Ma partner or eadie, hut from no other person. 13.—The party first holing his ball where the hole is halved, to play first to the next hole; and when the hole is 'gained, the party winning shall lead off, and afterwards continue to do so, so long as the holes are halved. Id.—Mistakes relative to the reckoning of any particular hole cannot, unless protested against at the time, be rectified after the parties have struck off for the next hole. 15.—In a double match, if a ball he struck twice successively by the same player, he and his partner shall IOHG the hole. 10.—All loose impediments may be taken away, except in hazards, provided the Ijall he not thereby moved; but should a bull lie upon clothes, they may be drawn from under it. 17.—Whoft the. balls lie within six inches ol1 ench other, the ball nearest the hole must be lifted if either party require it. Ou the putting green (viz., that is, within twenty yards of the hole), it is optional to the player to have a ball in such circumstances lifted or not; the six inches to be measured from the. inner surface of each ball. In a three ball match the ball nearest the hole must, if required, be lifted or played out. In all cases where a bull is lifted it ought, if possible, to bo done by a disinterested spectator, and replaced by him as nearly as possible on the same spot. 18.—A match shall consist of two rounds of the green, unless otherwise arranged by the parties; and in the event of the parties being equal at the end of the second round, another round shall be played to decide, aud if not then Hettled, the party first gaining a. hole shall be the winner. 19.—All differences regarding the play shall be referred to the Captain, if on the green, whom failing, to the office-bearers, or other- BRUNTSFIELD LINKS CLUB. 19 wise, in the order mentioned in articles 1 and 3 of the Society's Itules, und their decision shall "be final and binding. 20.—Any player striking his hall when it is in motion, shall lose the hole. RULES IX PLAYING FOR MEDALS. Iu playing for medals the following alterations on the foregoing Itules are to be observed :— 1.—All medals shall he played for in matches of two, each player being, if possible, attended by a third person, for the purpose of marking the strokes, as they are struck, on a card prepared for that purpose. On comparing these cards, he who shall be found to have completed the two rounds in fewest strokes to be declared the gainer of the medal. 2.—A party playing out of turn shall not be subjected to any penalty. 3.—If a ball be lost, another to be droppod as near as possible at the place from whence the last ball was struck, the player losing a stroke. 4.—If a ball be stopped by the adversary or his cadie, the player to have the option of playing his ball over again. 5.—Should two or more members hole the two rounds at the same number of strokes, such members must play an additional hole or holes, and the party gaining the first advantage shall be declared the winner. (>.—A]] stymies may be removed on medal days if the player wishes it.

BBXTNTSFIELD LINKS (EDINBURGH). BltUNTSFIELI) LINKS GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1781. ANDUEW ITBOTH, Captain. R M. RUSSELL, Tremum: | ALEXANDER WHYTE, Sccretanj- f •tmni'il. \V. It. Okppertoix. T>. T. Lews. William Lees. William lluirlieiid. .1. K. Chalmers. H. D. Praia. And the Offloo-Bearers. DOUOLAS M'EWEN, Keeper of the Links. THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

LIST O3T MEM11EUH. John Millor B.. M. Eusscll Alexander Aitkon Goorgo 0. Adams Anthony Sldcll W. H. (Huptierton James UreohUill Alexander Whytn John Itobortnon Alexander Whytn "William Cotton IleiiiT liudgo James K. Chalmers William Jluirboiul Jam ES Eryson John Olnjpparton Jitobert Chambers, jutu Obnaics Itimdorson Thomas Dall O. M'lntosh Jamps Eitchio ltobcrt I'atprflon Josiab Livingston John A. Morrison James Lowis Jamcfi lkibertson O. IT, Scbnoider Thomas 11. Cooper J. W. YoutiK 0 outgo Lorimor ThomftH Ushcr H. D. I'rain A. F, Scmimervillo John f'raiK J. li. WilliamBon Tugh Bommoi'Tillo Dr. William Tlryoo Itobert Tiryeon AlexandiT HUHSCU David Croall John Ovaliam A. B. Walkor W. 0. Morrison J. CaTOiichriMl William Beattin William Dall Alexaniii'T Aitkon, jun. Dr. A. FimllntT John T. Ciiinniighaiu D. T. Ijoeg Thomas Aitkoa William Loos J, J. Millidgo T. R. AitcluHon' Willinm 'rhomcion James T. Jnmleioii John Taylor "Or. Jam™ Stdoy OcnrgO liiiliertucin Dr. A. IT. Bryoo G. W, WillinniKiin John Purdlo A inlrew (', 'TawHe Andrew Fulton ]). 1,1-iKlilnn D. .1). Sidoy ,1. I). Nicliol John Klchurd •lolin Hlhbiilil

LIST OP PIUZK.H PTiATED )FOR BY THE With name of donor, when! played for, imine ol winner, mnnber nl' strokes and holes. 18(17. FVb. i).— Hallantino'a Life of David liobmls, I'.A., by Mr. John 'luppi'rton, at UrantsHuld, won by Mr. J. GvoenliiU, (in strokes, la bolus. Marali 30.—Gold Meinl, by the Club, at linmtslield, won by llr. J. K. Cliiihupi's, (iii strocos, li IKles. Muy li.—Silver Denscrl Frame, by Mr. Jolm Purdln, at Bruuls- Ilold, won by Mr. H. M Euasell, 55 strokra, LULIOLRA. SKUNT SFIBLI) LTNKS CLUB. 21

May 7.—Silver Modal, by Mr. A. P. Soinmervillo, at Musscl- Tmrgh, won by Mr. W. It, Clapperton, 89 strokes, 18 holes. May 7.—Meerschaum Pipe, by Mr. Colin M'Omig, at Mussel- burgh, won by Mr. William Less, 91 strokes, 18 holes. May 21.—Slit of Cluba, by Mr. E, M. Kussell, at Musselburgh, won by Mr. Alexander Whyto, 90 strokes, 18 holes, May 28.—Silver Flask, by Mr. W. R. Clapperton, at Mussol- burgh, won by Mr. William Caldwell, 84 strokes, 18 holw, May 28,—Gold Medal, by Mr. George Cairns, at M.ussclburghT won by Mr. William Caldwell, 90 strokes, 18 holos. Oct. 12.—Silver Medal, by thn Club, at Bruntslield, won by Dr. A. H. Bryce, 62 strokes, 12 holes. Oct. 12.—Barrel of Beer, by Mr, T. S. Aitchison, at Bruntsueld, won by Mr. Alexander Wliyte, 63 strokes, 12 holes. 1868. March. 28.—Gold Modal, by the Club, at Bnmtsfield, won by Mr. It. Chambers, jun., 56 strokes, 12 holes. April 21.—Set of Clubs, by Mr. Alex. Aitkon, at Mussolburgh, won by Mr. ,T. W. Young, 86 Btrokos, 18 holes. May 26.—(Jhambnrs's Encyclopedia, by Mr. R. Chambers, jun., sit Musselburgh, won by Mr. Andrew Fulton, 89 strokes, 18 holes. Juno 2.—Silver Medal, by Mr. W. E. Clapperton, at Musselburgh, won by Mr. David Croall, &i strokes, IS hofoH, Juno 9.—Gold Studs and Sleeve Jinks, by Mr, David Croall, at Musselburgh, won by Mr.

Jane 1.—Hold Modal, by Mr, George, Cairns, at MussolVmrgh won by Mr. John T, Cunningham, 00 strokes, 18 holes. Junu 1.—Parian Group, by Mr. Andruw Usher, at Musselburab won by Mr. John T. Ginnlnjmatn, 8G strokes, 18 holea. Junu 8.—Fluid Qlnsa, by Mr. Alex. Whytu, at Musselburgh, won by Mr. Alox. Young, 87 strokes, 18 holes, July 10.—-Silver Cup, Try Mr. James Bryson, ut Gullano, won try Mr. U, Todil Leas, 60 strotces, 18 holes. July 10.— Silvor Porter-Jug, by Mr. J. Millidgc, at Gulkne, won by Dr. A. H. Bryer, 00 strokns, 18 holes. Jnly 10. —Silver Vlaak, by Mr. James ItoTiortson, at Gulknc, won liy Mv, Andrew TWIni1, 62 mokos, 18 holes. July 10.~—Box HttTOBiah Cigars, by Mr. Alex. Young, at Quttane, won by Mv. William Lws and Mv. W. 11. Clapperton, 63 strokes, 18 holes. July 10.—Twelve Golf Balls, by Mv. Vm, Lees, at Gulknc, won by Mr. Ales. Whyto and Dv. J. Sidey, 01 strokes, 13 holes. Oct. f).—Silver 'Mcdul, by the Oho, at Druntsfield, won hy Mr. Jolm T, Cunningham, 57 strokes, 12 holes. Oet. 9.— Table Ice-Pnil, by Mr. John Clnpparton, at Bnmtsfield, won by Mr. Thorans Aitkon, C8 strokes, 12 holes. In lVramilirr, 18R0, Mr. David Oronll -presented n silver ehallengp nip to hi' plnyi'il for ty thti moTObsrs, to DBOOTBO the property of him who ilioiilu Ih'st win it l.hren times eitliot uoiweoutiyely or at inta- vuln • llm iHip Ln liavo tmgruvi'd on it the imitiu of the winner at euuh ] titi Al the nineteen i-oniin-iilinns wlii^li Iuwo taken pliwi', the fol- lowinB gnnlimncn have i«'i>n aurecsBful:— 1, Mr, ('illin M'Guolgin Olfltrokra rorl2]iol('.a, atBnmtsfleld, on 27Ui Mnrrli, 1807. 3, Mr. I!. M. llu»miU in SG strokes fov 12lioles, at Bmntsfiold, on :M Miiy. :\. Mv. \V. It,ClivpporUm inSOHtrokcsCorlSholuB, atMusadburgu, i>ii 71 h May. 1. Mi-. Ales. Why Ln i" 00 strokes for 18 holes, at Mussellmrgh, en UIH! May. fi. Mr. \Villinm Culilwell in Ml strokns for 18 holes, at Mu.ssrl- Imvuli, »ii '-WHi May. ii. I'r. A. II, HrytT in 03 HlrokoH for l2 lioles, at Bnintsfield, on I'illi OrUibiT. 7. Mr. John Purdio in SO strokes for 12 holes, at Bruntsuold, on "Ktll Dcn'tnher. K, Mr. W. H, (!liipii«rl(in in B4 uLrnkoa for l'Jholes, at Rrnntslicld, ,,n -.Wi ll Muirh, 1808. BRUNTSFIELD LINKS CLUB. 28

9. Mr. J. W. Young in 86 strokes for 18 holes, at Musselburgli, on 21st April. 10. Mr. Andrew Fulton in 89 strokes for 18 holes, at Mussel- burgh, on 26th May. 11. Mr. J. W. Young in 84 strokes for 18 holes, at Muaselburgh, on 9th June. 12. Mr. James Bryson in 62 strokes for 12 holes, at Bruntsfield, on 10th October. 13. Mr. James Bryson in 85 strokes for 18 holes, at Musselburgh, on 10th February, 1869. 14. Mr. Thomas Usher in 88 strokes for 18 holes, at BruntsGeld, on 29th April. 15. Mr. L. B. "Walker in 88 strokes for 18 holes, at Musselburgh, on 4th May. 16. Mr. J. A. Morrison in 86 strokes for 18 holes, at Mussel- burgh, on 18th May. 17. Mr. John T. Cunningham in 88 strokes for 18 holes, a.t Mussel- burgh, on 1st Jmre. 18. Mr. D. ToJd Lees in 60 strokes for 13 holes at Gullane, on 10th July. 10. Mr. John T. Cunningham in 57 strokes for 12 holes, at Brunts- field, on 9th October. RULES OF THE GAME. 1.—Place of Teeing.—The ball shall not be teed nearer the hole than two club lengths, nor farther from it than six. The. turf of the putting green shall not be raised up for a tee, nor shall sand or clay be taken from any part of it. 2.—Charujing Ike Balls.—The halls struck off from the tee must not be changed, touched, or moved, before the hole is played out (except in striking, and the raises provided for by Rules fi, G, and 10); and if the parties are at a loss to know the one ball from the1 other, neither shall be lifted till both part'es agree. 3.—Parties Playing.—Every party shall go in the same direction of the course, and no party following shall play off till tho party in advance shall have played tho second stroke ; and no party is to piny when another party is on the putting gram, till that party shall have holed out. No hole is gained unless the ball is holed (except by consent of parties), and a party losing liis ball loses the hole. Five minutes to he allowed to the party losing his ball to seek for it. i.—Entitlcd In Ga First.—The party holing out at any hole, is entitled to go before any new party commencing to plav. 5.~ LVting of Break Oluhs, i-c—All loose impediments within twelve inches of the hall maybe removed when tile ball lies on turf. When a ball lies on the road, or in a hazard, nothing whatever can 24 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

be touched, and the player must take care in aiming at it that he d,andtheplayermusttakecareinaimingatitthathedoes not alter or improve its position; ii' he do so, he loses the holt*. When a ball lies on clothes, they may lie drawn from under it. A ball stnek fast in wet ground may be taken out ami replaced loosely in the hole it has made, and the player shall in all cases be entitled to see his ball. 6.—Ball iii Water, or in a. Bole, ,

10.—Lifting Balls.—"When on any part of the course, or off it, ov in a hazard, the balls lie within six inches of each other, the ball nearest the hole must be lifted till the other is played, and then bo placed as nearly as possible in its original position. In a three-ball, match, the ball in any degree interposing on the putting greeu between the player and the hole, must be played out. 11.—Clearing the Putting Qreen.— All loose impediments may be lilted on thie putting green, when within twenty yards of the liole. 12.— -Holing (hit (he Ball—No mark shall be placed, nor lino drawn, to direct the ball to the hole: the ball must be played fairly •and honestly for the hole, and not on the adversary's ball, unless that be in the way, when the player is entitled to play only with such strength upon that as is necessary honestly to send Ms own hall the distance, of the hole, but not needlessly to injure the posi- tion of his adversary's ball. Either party may smooth sand lying around the hole, but this must be done lightly, and without pressure or beating down with the feet, club, or otherwise. All halls must be holed out in medal play, and no stymes allowed. 13.—Medal or Prize, Hay.— New holes shall always be made on the day the Medal or Prizes are played lor; and no competitor shall play at these holes before starting for the prize, under the penalty of being disqualified for ploying for it. 14.—Asking Advice,.—A player must not ask advice about thn game by word, look, or gesture, from any one except his esidy, his partner s eady, or his partner. 15.—Playing for the Medals or a Prize.—The Oliib Medal, or prizn given by the Club or any member, to be played for under the follow- ing regulations:—The match to consist of two rounds, and such members as intend to compete shall be matched together in parties of two, either by private agreement or by the Council, efiah player being attended by a marker, for the purpose of recording the strokes* as they are struck, on a card prepared for that purpose, oi in tlio event of there; being no markers, the one player shall mark for the. other; and if it happen that any member competing for the medals or prize be without a partner, such member shall be allowed to piny by himself, and shall have a marker along with him. On comparing these cards, lie who shall be fauml to have made the holes in fewest strokes to be declared the gainer of the medal or the prize. II' two or more competitors finish the match in the siimc number of .strokes, they shall play an additional round to decide the matter. The fore- going shall also apply to the Cairns Medal. 16.—Balls Splitting.—If n ball shall split into two or more pieces, a fresh ball shal! be put down in its stead. 17-—Mistakes about Holes.—Mistakes relative to the reckoning of TEH GOLFER'S ANNUAL. any particular hole cannot ho rectified after the parties have struck off for the next hole. 18.—Disputes about the Gavio.—All disputes ahout the game shall he determined by the Captain or the Senior Member of Council present, or, if none he present, by a mutual referee. 19.-—Keeping the IArilcs.—The person appointed to take charge of the Links shall make new holes when required, and in such places as to preserve the putting green, and shall see that the Links arc kept in proper order.

BRUNTSFIELD LINKS ALLIED GOLFING CLUB. INSTITUTED 1856. ALEXANDER BOSS, Captain. ANDIUSW KIKKOSS, Vice-Captain. JOHN INOLIB, Secretary. | JAS. HUTOHISOK, Treasurer. Council. John Maekay. David Yule. Frank Boll.DavidYule. Alexander Crighton. William Eldor. John Auchinclosg. LIST OP 1lEiiiiEn 185G John Stevens Alexander Groig James Hutchison David Yulo Jamas Walker 1801 lohn Younp; Thomas Ttolmrtson 1865 William Kmith Alexander Orighton P. Oruii'kslmnk ]'ol,8 J. M. Gardner fohn Auc-hinelnss James Barelay lohn Ash 18(10 Charles Hogg Iivhn Avidorson John Inglia J. Stewart OoMri'.TITTONS IN Two rounds; 0 holes in each round. The figures given in aX. oases arc actual snores. All the prizes are handicapped with tin exception of the gold medal. Jan. 1.—Four prizes of Hooka and 1'nlls; nine members com- pete•ted. The following were tiro winners:—J. Walker, 7C; A. Kin- roaa, 75; ,1. Hutchison, 81; W. Eldur, 78. SllUNTSFIELD LINKS ALLIED CLUB. 27

March 30.—Two Sots of Prize Chilis; three prizes. Sixteen com- peted. Winners—P. Bell, 69; W. Smith, 66; W. Elder, 69. April 6.—Gold Medal and Prize Clubs—one club to each "couple. Eighteen competed. Gold medal won by Mr. J. Greig at 63. win- ners of clubs, with score—A. Ross, 70; D. Yule, 69 ; G, Dickenson, 79; W. Smith, 67; J. Mackay, 72; W. Elder, 73; J. Dunn, 70; J. M. Gardner, 75. May 4.—Sot of Clubs and a Book, divided into six prizes ; sixteen competed. Winners—W. Smith, 63 ; J. Hutchison, 70; J. Walker, 72; J. Barclay, 68; D. Yule, 74; J. Inglia, 72. June i.—Prize Balls and a Writing-desk—three balls to every couple of players; twenty-two competed. The desk was won by J. Inglis at 65 strokes, and the winners of tho balls were—J. Inglia, 65 ; A. Boss, 73; J. Maokay, 67; W. Smith, 65; C. Hogg, 60; J. Gardner, 72; D. Yulo, 72; T. Calder, 76; G. llobb, 70; J. Young, 78; J. Dunn, 78. July 6.—A copy of Shakespeare's Works, Two Clubs, and Three Balls—Four prizes; twenty-four competed. Won by J. Dunn, 66 ; T. Robertson, 66; P. Cruickshank, 00; T. Cnlder, 71. Aug. 3.—Two Prizes of Cut Glass and a Book; seventeen com- petitors. Winners—A. Greig, 62; J. Walker, 73 ; W. Smith, 68. Sept. 7. —Silver Modal and Prize Balls—three balls between every couple; twenty-threo competed. Medal won by Mr. Gardner at 09. Winners of Balls—J. M. Gardner, 69; A. Greig, 02; C. HogR, 72; P. Cruickahank, 73; J. Stevens, OS; J, Inglis, 78; J. Dunn, 84 ; A. Ross, 89; T. Robertson, 85; K Hell, 8i); D. Murray, 103; J. Young, 98. Sept. 28.'—Finish of a Compntition extending over the four Satur- days of this month, for Four Prizes of BOOKS; twenty-three com- petitors. Winners—J. Barclay, 20!!; 0. Hog'-,', 2S4; J. Gardner, 297; A. Greig, 204. COMPBTITIONH [N 1868. Jan. 1.—Five Prizfla of Maps, won by J. Inglw, 0(1; A. Kinross, 67; W. Elder, GO; G. Rolib, 66; A. Crighton, 70; 18 competitors] April i.—(iiild Meilul ami One Club belwenn every two players. Medal won by Alexander (Jrci-j;, (57. Winners of clubs—John M. Gardner, (il ; ,T. lnf,'lis, 02; ,1. Mnokay, 04 ; (!. Rnhb, 82; W. Smith, 63; A. Kinross, 65; W. Elder, 68; A. Greig, f>7; A. Crighton, 08; C. Hogg, 67; ID competitors. April 25.—Seven Prizes of Books, Chilis, &c, won by O. Rohb 02; J. AuohinoloBS, 02; ,[. Walker, (W; J. Dunn, 69; I). Yule 09 • A. Rosa, 74; ,J. Inj^lis, 07; 20 competitors. May 30.—Seven Prisjea—Set of Clubs, Books, Bulls, Ac., won by J. Mackiiy, 05; J. Stevens, 60; A. Crightun, 00; T. Hobcrlsoii, TITE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

won by J. Man; ...... 3:irdnnr, 75; 72; J. Maokay, T. Robtirtaon. , r*r 1869.

ll 1 i! A rlh?;T '™ » f. Writing-desk, 4okS> and Balk, /J, u. uaranar, 78; 19 nomputitors. A ^ Glass, Boota, Ornainentecl Put-

.Mum 13,-pSot »l Cabs and Three Halls, between every two liuyrrs. Clnba wmi by J. Stovens, 69. Witraora of hJL-3 N,V,IIH, n»; W. Ki.fcr, 60; J, Andonion, 65j J. Anobinolosa, 67 . . Dunn , I; .1. Mopkny. 80; J. Uutohison, 71; A. Ma, 74; A KinrusH, 70; IS [•iiin|ii.|,il.i)rH. Hcpt, 4, -HiIvor Minlftl and Ttiroo Balls, between every couple of pluyvw, Mmlnl wrnn l>y Tlioima Roberts,,,,, 83. Winners of balls—Hcpt,4,-, (ill; ,1 |iiR|iH, «(); J. Stuvcns, 01; A. Kinross, 71 s J. 7 l l kflllllllU 8S 1 li , 'i",',"' "ir •-' ; "V - i '™' Bell, 64; J. Stewirt iO\ (•. II..-4 (15; -p. itolmrUnu, 03; 19 competitors.

WAnilANIHCR OOLP CLUB. INSTITUTED iHfiS. .IAMKI; YHt.F, Captain. JOHN [>.\VTITRFON, Treasure?', 'I'lKiMAH CiriiBOrsr, AVrrrfrery. Mum, Oisunuu (IUKID, JOHN LAMB, and BOUEKT KAY, Council* WARJiANDER CLUB.

MEMJ1EKS. Samuel Aitken Eobert II. Law W. Andorson, eon. Wdliam Lawson W. Anderson, jun. Alexander Leannonth. Alexander Ballantina David Lockerbie, James Ballantiiio liicluud LiBter J. W. Barrie William Mann William Barton John Mill A. Beveridge Jamos Muir David Baird Isaac Maclean Edward Black James Millar Alex. M'Donald John Black c George F. Blaikio » GregorM Gregor Thomiia Bonnar Robert M'Intosh David Bryuo, jnn. Charles M'Kenzio James Buehannan Charles M'Kenzio Charles Oalver David M'l'herson Hugh Cnmeron arles Oalver Matthew Combo Thomas Paiorson Henry Oochraae James Philpot David (.'nupia William Porteous W. B. Cranston John Hhind John Uockburn William liobertson John Davidson Thomas Kobb A. Doig Davjd Hollo William Donaldson Peter Sinclair Kobert Hmart Thomas B. Douglas K. Spflrrow Alexander Forbes John Blark GeorgeFux Willium tiLcven David Geddee Alcxaudor Stewart Thomas Gibson Charlra E. Btott Duncan Grant Joseph K titott Eiohard Gravotl Jttiuas 1 aylor Duvid Groig James 'I liumson George Greig Juhn '1 honibou John Grindlay William Grossot J. A. Hamilton David '1 nd W. B. Hamilton Alexander Turner Andrew Henderson Janus 'lurmr Hugh Hnndrio \v illiiiin 'I honiBon Alcsn-nder Hialap WiUiitm Viriuu Henry Inglis Henry WatBOU William 1nfj;lis Jumeb Watt Robert Kny Dav.d Wilson TiLVeriiur Knott David Wright William II. Low James Yule John Lamb The annual meeting of tho Club ia hold on the third Saturday ol THE GOLFER'H ANNUAL.

Ootobw, when the offioe-bearers are elected, and £«%£ y TEo following Club PIJBM are competed for annually, and held only for the year, with tho exception of tho Club Si and the OTto from tho " fiaxtsr'a Fund" (Silver Cup) which are rrtnir1 by the winners. The Silver Claret Jug and <'illk" %fu n ^gained by tho lowest scores, and^the otheSe h^eappe"

Sflrar Belt on tho anniversary in June of the birthdav nf+l »T Club Silver Medal, "Inglis" Cross, and Cann'ofS, ^ 4S urday of Oetobor; Prko from Baxter's Fund 3d Thursday of Cv I ho Members and their friends dine afterwards in their Club-house on each of theao competitions. Club prizei balk aw also played for on the second Saturday of January, April, July, and December. y COMPITTTIONS IN 18(i7. On 18th March, tho Claret Jug, with 6 balls added, two sets of prize Clubs, Telescope, and Meerihaum Pipe, were played for. The Claret Jug was gained by Mr Alex. Forbes, with a score of 59 and the olher prizes by Mr Homy Watson, Mr William Anderson, 'inn. Mr George Pox, and Mr E. M. Law, respectively. (in 18m May, n set of prize Clubs, and the "Smart" Medal, with

COMPETITIONS IN 1868. On 14th March, the Claret Jug and 32 bulk added, and »ot of prize clubs presented by the captain, Mv Jamtig Mulr, waro played for The cWt Jug was gained by Mr T. Thomson, with n aeoro of t>4 ami the clubs by Mr Tavernor Knott. >, On 9th May, the Smart medal and 8 balls nddetl, and Alexander medal with 6 balls added, wora played far, and won by Jlr .1, A. Hamilton-and Mr Duncan Grant respectively. On — June a match was played between 8 members of tlio Bnnit- island Club and 8 members of the Warrander Club, over tlw Link* of Burntisland, and won cosily by tho latter Oliil). On 20th June, the Gillillan Beit, with 8 balls added, W jilnyiid for and won by Mr James Thomson. On 27th June, the return match with 8 members of tho Burnt- island Club was played over BruntHlleld LinkB, tmd easily won by the Warrander Club. On 16th Oct., the Club Silver Medal, four Hctx atw&a lulw pre- sented by the following gentlemen—Mr Jamea Muir, i-aptain, Mr James Ballantine, Mr William Macgregor, and Mr Alex, Ballantinn —and the Cannon medal and 0 balls added, were played for. Tim Club medal was gained by Mr T. IVterson, and tin1 prize rlulw by Mr Charles Calver, Mr Duneau Gnttit, Mr it. Mackcnrif, nnd Mr 'I, Thomson. The set gained by Mr Thomson wiw a aon-lmniUoap prize. The Cannon medal was also gained by Mr Thomson. This meeting wns the lavgcst over held in connootian with tin* Waixander. Upwards ol' (SO gsJltlsfflOB sat down In dlsniT, mill additional interest attached to tho occasion from the Aiet Iliul il tm* the first held iu the pTCiniaes of tho Club Mince bring eonnidi'ritbly enlarged and. improved. The nltsmtiona, whteli haw cost thi< Club about £200, have rendered the jironiisos comiiioilioim ninl I'niiifnH able. The Club-room, jirnviously HO small IIN to proVWl tnnylliii like .1 full muster of the memliors, linn liccti eonvciipd inlnrt Hpni'lnim iipartment, capable of accommodating a company of aliuul *tl, Th« walls are dccoi'dti'd with portraits of vnriouH MOIIIIHTH nf llin Club, among others one in oil of Mr Jlames BuHuuline, ex i-nplivin imd nun of the founders of DIP, Club, by MrTawniM' Knoll, inn fuitlifiil likeness ant! does mneh credit to the ability of llm nrliHl. Ono nn mid of the room the Club anus ai-c disploynd (lUTortlinK I" n t|p»|gu by Mr Alex. BaUantilio), with (he reprcsmitation «f n llyiuu lull ami having on a scroll underneath the motto " Knr and mins" On 12th November the Baxter's prize, gol dpin, |iriwiiliti by Mr W. Maogregor, ami smoking EAII, by Mr Vytt; wcro iilnyed for ' Thr Jirst prize was gained by Mr William Doimhlaoii, nud [lir I,IIUT lw« prizes by Mr K. H. Law and Mr J. 0. Hay n'spcetivcly Upwards oH 20 balls, presented by vui'iou.s member*'were i.lnvnl lor during the year. 32 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

COMPETITIONS IN 18G9. On 13th March the Claret Jug and 12 "balls added, and two sets of prize clubs, presented by Certain Muir and Mr W. B. Hamilton, were played for. The claret jug wa3 gained by Mr A. Doig in 61 strokes, and tho prize clubs by Mr James Yule and Mr William Andorson, sen. On 8th May two seta of Prize Clubs, presented by Mr. John Masterton mid Mr Isaac Maclean, and the Smart medal, with 8balls added, and Alexunder medal, with 0 balls added, were played for. Tho first set of clubs were won by Mr Thomas Thomson, and the second sot by Mr David Wright. The Smart medal was gained by Mr Thomas Gibson, and tho Alexander medal by Mr William Porteous. On 17th Juno tho Gilfillan Belt, with a set of prize clubs added, presented "by Mr Thomas Gibson, and a sot of clubs for a second prize, presented by Mr David Wright, were played for. The belt mid clubs were won by Mr James Philpot, and the second set of clubs by William Anderson, jun. On Kith October the Club Silver Medal, sot of prize clubs, pre- sented by Mr John Davidson, silver golf ball snuff-box, Cannon

|>vizn clubs by Mr John Davidson, the golf ball snuff-box by Mr James Thomson, and tho silver cross by Mr K. Kay with a score of HO. On lSth November the Baxter's prize (silver cup), retained by tho winner. Prim clubs presented by Mr James Philpot. Gold medal to be played for on two occasions, and if won by two members, to be ilayod off for and retained by tho winner, presented by Mr Charles Mvor, were plnyed for. Mi- William Virtue gained the silver cup, the prize clubs, MrT . Gibson, find the. medal, Mr David Eollo. 140 balls, presented by various members of the club, were also nlnyod for during the year.


J. E. PAIKMAN, Captain. ,1. COLLIER, f'i(T-Ctiptuiii. e -, Secr tary. \ D. UOTJBLAND, Treasurer- Council. Messrs. IInrcun, Fnisw, Goodfollow, Blake, and Officc-Betvrers. BURNTISLAND CLUB. 33

II.Karens 0. Oanu'gie I). (Jousliuicl 0. J. Thomson ,T. Bryson T, 1'iwblos D. Baird A. Kirkwood D. Oowule J. M. Adamson J, Oollior A. Henderson L. Butters, juii. A.. f}onilEellow T. Prasor J. Bkke G. Aikiuan" Williiuii Thomson J. Ii. Pairman" WilMiim Taylor The above Club, being composed of gentlemen whose principal object is exercise of a healthful kind before breakfast, have no com- petitions of sufficient importance to be specially recorded. The present holder of the elub medal is Mr J. Bryson, and the present holder of the challenge medal (played for fortnightly during the season, "viz., from the beginning of May to the end of October) is Mr T. Peebles. All matches are playeil on Bruntsfield Links, 12 holes, at 6.30 A.M., and the riles followed are those of the St- Andrews Royal and Ancient Club.



Williiim Duff. William JMville.

THOMAS MOIVMS, Kei-ptr of tlw Link*. LIST or JtEMllEllH. .Ifiiiif'H ('arjuicliu William Melville Williiim Cowau I'liter Lpitch David Wood Thomas llorrln liobwt nttalo ,T. (j. Diukson William Ihiff <'. .T. Thomaon Thftiiiiis !Nicol Thonins Grahtim (J THE GOLFERS ANNUAL.

W, B. Hay D. Perguson A. B. Dowar Andrew Cook Hugh Hfiddie Andrew Reid Archibald Stocks William Iieid Alexander Chalmers David Barrio W. D. Falconer John Barrio IL Plenderleath Thomas Barrie Georgo Prentico "William Barrio — Crawford James Eluck Alexander Foster John Venters Kobert Gordon. Andrew Heekie David Gordon Henry Moyes Thomas Melvillo Andrew Gilmour John Louie D, Gilmour Bobert Smith John Murray James Young Alexander liobortson Alexander Dowm'o John Smith Archibald Knox Martin M'Neill D. Morgan The Club was, on 28tli July 18G7, presented with an elegant •Silver Medal hy a number of the summer visitors interested inthe game, to he played for annually on the first Saturday of July The (scratch) Medal of the Club is played for annually on the first Saturday of September. COMPETITIONS IN 1868.

April 18.—E. Gordon, 73; D. Gordon, 74• TN icol 76 • W Cowan, 78; D. Barrie, 70. July 28.—Edinburgh Visitors' Modal and Prizes (Handicap)—A Keelcie, 70, less 6, 64 ; T. Melville, 71 less 6 (i^'- ]). )Vood, 78, less 10, «8; P. Leitoli, 77 less 7' 70 ' August 8.—T. Nicol, 68 ; 1). Gilmour, 73, less 5, 08; A. Gilmour 70, less 10, 09 ; II. Flenderifiath, 74, less 5 09 ' August 29.—"W. Cowan, 71; 1). limiic, 76, less 5, 71; A. Chalmers 72; I). Gordon, 72; J. Smith, 72; H. Plenderleath' 75, less 3, 72. September 10.—Silver Modal of Club (aeratoli)—E. Gordon, 73 Medal holder. October 81.—D. Gordon, 7-1; It. Pittilo, S3, less 9, 74. R. Smith, 8-1, less 9, 7!i; I). Wood, 81 less 9 75 Dec. 2C. -B. Gilmourour,, 7755,, less4less 4, , 77 11 ; A. Stocks, 73. T. Morris, 81, less 0, 75j T, Nicol, 70; J. Lonie 81 less (i, 75. IT. ltcddic, 80, less -1, 7fi; A. Robertson, 84, less 7, 77. COMPF/ITl'IONS IN 1809. . 27. -A. Storks, 73; J. Smith, 77, less 2, 75, It. Pittilo, 84, loss 7, 77; T. Melville, S3, less 0, 77. BUMNTISLAXT) CLUB. 35

June 2.—D. Barric, 70, less 6, 64; M. M'Neill, 73, less 7, 66. July 3.—Visitors' Medal and Prizes— D. Ferguson, 72, less 7, 65; G. Cook, 71, less S, 66. W. Cowan, 67; J. Veuters, 75, less 8, 67. Sept. 4.—Silver Medal of Club and Prizes— Peter Leitch, 77, less 8, 69; W. Melville, 71. E. Gordon, 72; D. Gordon, 72; W. Falconer, 73. Jas. Carmieliael, 77, less 5, 72; J. Blyth, 81, less 8, 73. D. Ferguson, 76, less 3, 73. Medal-holder, W. Melville. MATCHES m 1868. May 30.—Biyrntisland and Warrender Club, Edinburgh, on Burnt- island Links. 8 men a-side. 3 rounds. Burntisland, 8 holes; Warrender, 25 holes. Majority for Warren- dor, 22. June 27.—Return Match on Bruntsfield Links. t8 men a-side. 3 rounds. Burntisland, 0 ; Warrender, 59 holes. July 18.—Match at Burntisland between married and single mem- bers of Club. 12 pairs. Married, 13 holes; single, 31 holes. Majority, 18. Aug. 25.—Match between summer visitors and Burntisland Club. 10 pairs. Visitors, 19 ; Burntisland Club, 13. Majo- rity for Visitors, 6 holes. Oct. 17.—Eeturn Match between married and single. 13 men a- side. Married, 2; single, 30. Majority, 28. MATCHES IN 1869. March.—Match between Wemyss and Burntisland Clubs, 9 men aside. Burntisland, 24; Weniyss, 10. Majority for Burntisland, 14. May 1.—Return Match at Wemyss. 2 rounds, or 24 holes. 12 men a-side. Wemyss, DO; Burntislaiul, 17 holes. Majority for Wemyss, 33 holes. Aug. 21.—Visitors and Members of Bumtisland Club. 10 men a- side. Burntisland, 18; Visitors, 11. Majority for Burntisland, 7 holes. Aug. 23.—Eeturn Match, Visitors v. Bunrtislancl Chik 59 men a-side. Burntisland, 40; Visitors, 12. Majority fur Burntisland, 28. Sept. 18.—T. Morris, 70, less fi, 05; A. Gilmour, 74, less 5, G9. A. Stocks, 70; E. Gordon, 71; W. Falconer, 72. IX Wood, 78, less 5, 73; W. Melville, 73. Oct. 30.—John Smith, 04; John Venture, 01), less B, G4. T. Niool, C>7; James Cannichael, 71, less 4, 67. W. Dull1, 72, less 5, 07; R. Pitlilo, 72, less 5, 67, THE GOLFER'S A2TNUAL.

BtniBOWS OF NORTHAM. THE ROYAL NORTH DEVON AND WEST OF OOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1884. It. B. IT. The PHINOB OP WALES, Patron. Tlio night. Hon. LOUD CLINTON, Tin* Hem, MAIVK HOLLO, Hh'O. lloi'U (iiiANT, Yke-Ptttron*. V. M. MoLliBWOiiTiT, Km],, President.

OuoitOB (IOSSHT, Uoq.i Captain.

Rev. I. Hi OIIOHHHT, Novljuwn Vlnnrago. iouk-dolollll lihlTOinNBON, Wi'NtWIU'l lHo. (Japtain It. N. IiUMl'F, Bldoford Liovit-Ool, WiutKrEit, Northam. L'AIRI. Wir,jioT, Esq., NcivHiam. JOHN ALLAN, Custodier of the Green.

Win. Ilrairy Arklaml, Esq., M.n,, loorgo Qlonnio, Esq., Blaokhoath Biilntord I lev. [.Hi (innsi't, NovlhainVii'di'iign .1. W. Ailaniflim, Esq., Illui'lihrath I, \V. ( inKHut, Esq., KXOTOI '.OoUogt', iipl, Ai'i'liilull, OrlelgliCourt, Dlilo Oxford fnrd I. (InHHi't, ]5nq., Ktng'B Oollogo,

•I.(1, Ikldwlii, KHI). II. M. liw.nlpy, Esq., Uldofimi F. (JIIHHI'I, I'IHII., H.M.A., Wniilwii' 5 Miijur (iiMii'val Hi-ilfnvil, Nnrt.liiini \ II. (iiwHi'i, 1 sn,, Northam .1. 11. ItnmiPt, HHIIM llliii'.ltlicnlli. (,1'if'' lolmif] (inHHi't, lt.K., Woohvldh MlWlllPI'.) [«'. (idiirlny, 10m]., M.O., Wi'Slcw- I.lnil.-Cnliini'l Hrowiin a ('upt. ('liii)-li'wuiiil, II.N., Niivllinin, Lii'iit.-(ii'iH'i'iil Hie .1. ITopo (Ir ni-, K'ijflil Him. l/iiril Clliilini, 11 inn 11 >n i |,(!,ll,, llni'HK Cinnnls Knl.i-livilln Itcv. .luhn (luard, Ijfl.ngfcvt!n .1. IMLH' I'ofllll, lJ«q,, I'NRLLL'ILFLI' lfli'•v. .1. l.ynwlirar Ifnviling, Ultlu- liuin Iti'i'Uiry, lllclcfnrd

I'* Dnlzii'l, lOnq. . l lnrl, KHIJ,, Ayr, N.I!. 'riinniiiH l*n\VHnn, l-'.^ij., Marvvilli' Sir liobi'it l iny, ilai'L, I'poblosslifi'o. r Tnuiilnu (Tilfi'Mnmbc ) - \V. Anlliony liniin', Ivq., Wi'lilwry, Clini'b' MHub, ICHI]., lliilcfnvd li. (I. llnyln, I'lsq,, M.I)., liiili'fiml

iipuiii Dlrllmm, II.N., Iliilnfiiril ..-I'ill. llllll'llillHOll, (illlfstOll, CniiUiln |)uwiill, II,N., (Ml., Kuril, iiitwiwl Ho fjipuL-Urncml ifnU'liingon, Wcllos- A. W. |liiil({f'im, I',MC|, BIUIRNI1, Niivlliam {'ill, Kiiirlir, I'miilliiiiu, Kilmiiruiu'k, i 'nplniti .InniiiH, I'lvnumilibiuirni1,Niivlli u m It. Ki'iilH, KHC|., P rtlitll, Biilcfi ) T W. H. Pimlyi'i', BHIJ., M.P. H. . Kcki'wii'li, Eui]., M.I'., 1'eauioro J.J.,„ mill Wheeler, Nortluun Townsend Kirlcwood, Esq. YeovaloJ.J.,„,..-.lone Captain AVillett, Pel tii'.oinbo Captain Kirkwoud Paul Wilmot, Esq., Nuvtham Eev. IT. Kirwan, Buckish Major-Geni.'i-al Wilson James P. Ley, Esq., Bideford. F. Withers, Esq., Shorter.'*! Court, John Lyall, Esq. Lranion Captaiu M'Orea, R.N. A. B. Wren, Esq., Northam G. Moleswortli, Esq., North Down Captiiiu Wren, Abbotnham House, Bideford W. Ai'iuulell Yeo, Esq., I'reming- Pi. Molesworth, Esq., North tnn, Barnslaple House, Bideford Wm. Yeo, Esq., Richmond House, Professor Muirhoad, Edinburg Appleduro J. J. 0. Olivier, Esq., Kose Hill, Northam, Bideford Honorary Members. H. Packo, Esq., B.N., Northam A. D. Anderson, Esq., Blao.ldion.tli Scv. Charles Padley y\ B. Chanter, Esq., Lord of tho G. P. H. Paty, Esq., Bideford ' Mauor Claude Patersou, Esq., NortUara Members FAected since. Reuben Phillips, Esq., Northam II. M. Birdwood, Esq., Olenlmrnio Her. J. C. Pigot, ThmmptoiiLodgII.M.Birdwood,Esq.,Ole Geo. Hughes, Esq., Offlcy Plaee, Weston-super-Maro George Pincknoy, Esq., TnwstockW Luton, Bedfordshiro F. Williams, Esq., Lieut. li.N,, Court Ilfracoinbe T. L. Pridham, Esq., BidefordC F. Hutchinson, Esq., 4ft Font, Captaiu 1'yke, R.N., Ford, BidofonF.Hutchinson,Esq.,4ftFon A. Tlntehinson, Em]., 28d Foot Thomas Pynsent, Esq., Northaiu Lord Eloho.M.P., Haddingtonshire Itev. E. Reynolds, AppledoraTho ITon. C. Carnegie, M.P., 20 I'nll George Heynolds, Esq., Littlohan on. J.. KlReynoldsl , Esq., , Littleham Mall Captain Hodd, K.N., Nortlnun IT. Knskin, Esq., Blaelchenth Tho Hon. Mark Hollo, Steveimtone li, W. 8. Vldal, Esq., Oorubm'cmgli Tomngton Kigflit 1-Ton. J,Moueripff, Lovd-Jus- ,T. A. Bucker, Esq. tloo Cleric T. T. Olipli.iul, Esc]. ltov. E. W. Sergeant, Wtneheator f E. N. Snow, Esq., Edoncliff, -Hoi Captain i ordyno, Aljordeen B. Oliplmnl, Esc]., Hen. eomb, Dawlish l The Earl of Stair, K.T., Oxonfnor Williii ni lrand, E«q., Mylnollokl, Castle, near Edinburgh PertliHliirn Piev. 1!. Stevens, Carol us, Kowporl,T.Parr,IOsq.,Cli ,T. PARR, IOsq., Cl if ton Chas. Tennunt, Esq., llviinks' ('hi1 Dr. Fletelii'r, Hope House, Iliglii' Captain Thrupi,'ipp, it.N., Bidi'fonl lihBroughIonl , ManelienleMll r Lieut-Colonel Tl*iscott Major Stanley HIIULL, Hlnuitl, lliili1- E. U. Vidul, Esq., Cornborough fonl S. Vidal, Esq., Coruborough Steven Kniil.1i, E»q., Morion Rimil, Itcv. E. 0. Vincent, Bideford Hlai-lihcnth Captain Walker, Northam COMl'HTTTKSH IN ISO", (IS holes in the Hound,) THIS MAY MKHl'INIl. 10th May.—The Challenge C,old Medal wiw fur; a set 1)8 THE GOLFERS ANNUAL. of 0 ftrat-ciMB Prize CIUIIH, mien to nil coiners; two sets of Prizu (Hubs for members of the Clubj ami the Monurieff Challenge Cross. Nino oouplp Mpy playadd. Mr. Uknniiu anild MMr. Attention tied at 100, and in plaving off Mr. aiunnift won the dtaUanga Medal, thus becoming bk absolute property, as he had won it three, consecutive years. Mr. Adamson Won thu snt of Clubs, us well as tho Moneriaff Cross. Thot !wo ants of Oluba wero won by Sir Hope Grant and Mr Molpsworlh at 108. Mr. Fremnan got an extra prize of two Clubs for tho best speci- men of K(1'linK at any mm hole. Afterwards Sir Hope Grant and Mr. lkmldu played ugaiimt Mr. Stevens and John Allan (the profes- sional of the Club), when the latter won by 4 holes. run ommKti On Wwlnoaday, Sir Mope (.rant's Gold Medal was played for. Ton couiikB Htartwl. It was won by Mr. Adamson at a score of108. On Thursday tho Club Silver Medal and the Moncrioff Challenge <^M!*a we ldaywl for, Sevan couples started. Lieut.-Colonel HutoTilnaon won the Medal at a score of 114. Mr. Ailunmmi wtm tho Cross at n SOOTS nf 116. Tlio weather was very bad, blowing a gale and ruining in showers both ilnys. C'OMPETTFIOXS JN 1868. THIS MAY MKKTlN'd. On HIP 20th of May tlw l'rino.B of WalBR1 Gold Challenge Medal W(W pliiyril for I'ni' tin1 first limn, oiieii only to ini'inhers of the Chili. n Te COJIJIIRS Htnrtiul. Tliin miigtiiflt'cnt giftj SO rocontly jwaseuted to Ihe( 'lull by Hi* Royal ITlglmoHx the Priiion of Walos(who is alao I'nl.fnn "I" ibi' luli), was won by Sir Robert Hay in i>7 strokes. (in LIN' 'J^d of Miiy Urn Uolil OlmllenRd Miulal of tlio Club was |ilnvccl fur (npi'ii In all flubs), MM WELL us tho Monorieff Challenge ('LIMM, Thirteenr» il|ili'K slurleil. Mr. liimkhi mill Mr. AIIIIIUHOU tied at 101. Tho tie was de- cided by |iliiyiiu; 7 liob'S, when Mr. Buslcin won hy scoring 43 to Mr. AdmiiHiiil'H 17, Ilin Mnnerii'll' CroHS fullhlK to the latter, while Mr lluakin biu-aiuc lln> winner nf Ilic (lohl Mcitnl. Till'. lirl'IIHUR MKKTIKO. On Thui'Nilay the Sir llupp (Irant Medal was played for and won by (liuirp1 (IIISMCI, K«[., ill Itifi alrok™. This attendance was not liil"j,t\ tin' Kridnv HIP silver club Medal ami the MoiH'rieff Challenga CI'UBB wi'iv 'jiliiyi'il Cur. Mr, (.U'orgo Molcsworth won tho Silver ROYAL NORTH DEVON CLUB. 39

Medal at 108 strokes, and Mr. George Gosset at 110 strokes won tho MoucrielT Cross. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. THE MAY MEDAL D AT. 19th May, 1869.—The Prince of Wales' Meilal was played for in. u heavy gale, with much rain. Thirteen couples started. Sir Robert Hay, Bart., was again tho winner at 104 strokes. On the 20th May the Gold Challenge Medal of the Club and the Moncricff Cross were played for. Sixteen couples started; weather very fine. Mr Buskin again won the Gold Medal at the vory small score of 93. Mr Adamson. "was for the fourth time "winner of the Moncrieff Gross at the score of 100. The 6th of August (being the birth-day of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh), who is Patron of the North Devon Athletic Snorts, was chosen to play for tho Boys' Bronze Medal. Open to sons of members under the age of 18. Nine started. The Medal was won by Osmond Reynolds, at 122. THE OCTOEEK MEETING. 7th October.—Sir Hope Grant's Medal was played for. Seven, •couples started, George Hughes, Esq., winning the medal at 101. 8th October.—The Silver Medal of the Club and tlie Moncrieff •Cross were played for. Six couples started. The Medal was won by Mr-. George Gosset at 103. The Moncrieff Cross, for the fifth time, by Mr. Adamson, at 109. 9th October.—The Ludies' Chili played for the Bennett Cold Chal- lenge Medal. 18 holes. Thirty ladies startsd. Miss Hutchinson was the winner of tlie Medal at a score of 5i • Miss E. Hutehinson, the 2d prize, at 55; Miss II. Choi'lowood the :jd prize, at 58. RULES OF Tin: ClAME. I,—Mode and Order of Playing the Game.—The game of Golf is played by two persons, or by four (two of a side) playing alternately. It may also bo played by three persons, paeh playing his own baft. The game commences by each party playing off a ball from a plaeu .•ailed the tee, near the Home hole. In a match of four, those, who are opposed to each other, and to play oil', shall 1«>. named at start- ing, and shall continue so daring the match. The pm-son entitled to piny oil' first shall be named by the parties themselves! and, although tlie courtesy of starting is generally granted to old Cap- tains of tho Club, or members, it may bu settled hy lot or toxx ol a coin. The hole is won by the parly holing nt fewest strokes, anil THE GOLMti'8 /IXXUAL.

IUP reotaing of the givnm is raada by tlio tarns odds and Hh, inmt, iwnmm, &i>. Tho party gaining the hole is to lead, HIM udvcrnury luiH won tlvo -match; in wmoh caaa the tulvciwy hatto "II, imd in entitled to cluim his pdvUoge, and to racall his advcv- Mnry S xtiiikr, should lip play out of order, Ono round of tho links UMckoBiscl u mutch, UNLESS otlicnvisd stipulated. II1, in a double. match, niii' pwaon «hull iilny twioa in suooeaalon, he IOSCN HIP hole. 9,—1'lnvr of Tfcimj.— Tho "bull must lie tucd not nrarev tlie hole- (cillicy in front ov ulaa of tlic l>nli') tlnvn ten yards, anil not i'avthir 1'itiin it (liiui linivliH'ii. On Mcilnl Ddm playax'a, wlii'ii atvikiiip; oil" IViim the hole, miurt lei' within a chalk line, tmosdon the tnrl'. Tins turf miiHt min u aoootuvt ba raised to the pmpose of tselag tho hall. Aflrr tlm imllH RVO Btnick nir, the linll mrtllBSt lVom the holeto. \yhii-h tln< pHvliis apo ]ilnying IUIIHI, lie playdlivst,<«u(!]rtinplaplayee d livst, <«u(!]rt in playing [to iladnlit when it »lmll' lm in t3va opraon »i' the, jilnyer next to tli^. liols mi I lin \iutlhii? grson to play first, if h« thinltH projier. When two purlieH meet (111 (JIB imtliiif; green, tho ]iavty there may ••liiii nIlic privilags of holing out; and any party coming up must vuit till the other party has played out theliolc, mid on no iouotmt play tlicir liallw tip, ieat tlicy slioiild annoy tho pnvties who aro put- ling, >Iii phvyi'V mi\y pliiy'hin ti'i'd hull till the pivty in l'vonthavt" Vluycd their Ki'nmd strokas. 8,—Clumping the Balls,—The hnll.s .stnii'k oil' from the too must lint lie rhiitignl, touohed, or movi'il, buibrc the lioln is plnyod nut (evrep! in Btrikilig, nml tha cased proridcil Tor by links 0, 7, 8, 13, unit I'.'l; mid if Ihe pni'lii'H aw at 1 1IOBN In know tho one hull from Ilir nlhi'V, ni'iHiiT HIIIIII lie lil'ted liel'nvi- both pnvllra agivo, •I, Lifting af/ifcak-rhiia, «0iv All LOOSE Itnpodhuputa within a

flir hole it I in- Ini ide. (i. I'lfiifiiii iihf I'uilimj-ijrftn. All Itirmi* hnpi'dimenti*, of wlmt- vvi-r kind, may lie liflcil nil ihe |iulling j^iven, or liible-liuid uuwhirli n Ilie Imli- i.i pl Vcil, which is eoltsiili'l'i'dl iol 1" e.xreed twenty yiiri l!,nit Hi,, liulr. Noihing can br lilted cither on tho course or put- IHIK ({iTi'ii, it il is lii IIIIH'I! die Imll mil of ill position ; nor win aiiy- lliinj; Ihnl i« Iheil nr growinj,' lie ri'innveil, cillirr on Ihe driving i ROYAL FORTH DEVON CLUB. 41

7-—Liflincj Balls.—-When, on any part of the course, or ofl'it, or in a bunker, the balls lie within six inches of each other, the hall nearest the hole must he lifted till the other is played, and then planed as nearly as possible in its original position—the six inches to be measured from the surface of the balls. In a three-ball match, the ball in any degree interposing between the player and the hole on the putting-green, must he played out, if either party desire it. 8.—Ball m Water, and place of Me-tceing.—If the ball is in water, tlie player may take it out, change the ball if lie pleases, tee it, and J)lay from behind the hazard, losing a stroke, or the player may play it where it lies, without a penalty. 9.—Rubs of the Green.—"Whatever happens to a ball by accident, sueli as striking any person, or being touched with the foot by a third party, or by the fore-caddy, must he reckoned a rub of the green, and submitted to. If, however, the player's ball strike his adversary, or his adversary's caddy or clubs, the advcrsaiy loses the liole ; or if it strikes himself or his partner, or their caddies or clubs, or if he strikes the hall> a second time while in the act of playing, the player loses the hole. If the player touch the hall with his foot, or any part of his body, or with anything except his club, or if lie with his club moves the ball in preparing to strike, he loses a stroke; and if one party strikes his adversary's ball with his club, foot, or other- "wise, that party loses the hole. But if he plays it inadvertently, thinking it his own, and the adversary also plays the wrong ball, it is then too late to claim the penaltj1", and the hole must be played out with the balls thus changed. If, however, the mistake occurs from -wrong information given by one party to the other, the penalty cannot be claimed ; and the mistake, if discovered before the other party has played, must be rectified by replacing th.a ball as nearly sis possible where it lay. If the player's hall he played away by mis- take, or lifted by a third party, then the player must drop a ball as near the spot as possible, without any penalty. Whatever happens to a ball on a Medal-day—such as a player .striking liis caddy, or Jumsclf, or his clubs, or moving the ball with his foot or club, cr liis cuddy doing so, or the player striking it twice before it stops motion—the player in such cases shall lose one stroke only as the penalty. 10.—Ball Lost.—If a ball is lost, the. player {or liis partner, in u double match) returns to the spot, as near as possible, where the ball was struck, tees another ball, and loses both the distance and a stroke. If the original ball is found before the party bus struck the other ball, the first shall continue the one to be played, without any penalty. 11.-—Olub-hreaklMJ.—If, in striking, the. club breaks, it is, never- theless, to be counted a stroke, if the part of the club remaining in the player's hand either strike the ground or pass the ball, 42 THE GOLFERS ANNUAL.

12—Holing nut the. Ball.—In holing, no mark shall bo placed or lino drawn to diroot the ball to the hole; tho ball must be played CnMy ami honestly for the hole, anil not on your adversary's hall, not lining in the way to tho hole; nor, although lying in the way to tho hole, is tho player entitled to play with any strength upon it that might injure, his adversary's position, or greater than is neces- aavy honestly to Bend your own ball the distance of tho hole. Either party may smooth sand lying around tho hole; but this must bo •tone lightly and without pressure, or heating down with the feet, club, or otherwise. 18,—Unplayable, Balls.—In il/i/Wi-playing, every hall must he played, wherever it lies, or tho holn be given up, excepting when it lius iu water (seo Rule 8), or in any of tho holes made, for golfing, or in a rabbit burrow; in which latter cases it may be lifted, dropped behind tho hazard, and played with tin iron, without losing a stroke. In Jl/wiW-phiymg, a bull may, under a penalty of two strokes, he lifted out of ti difficulty of any description, and teed behind the hazard ; and if in any of tho golfing holes, or In a rabbit burrow, it may be lifted, dropped, and played as above, without a penalty. In nil cases where a ball is to be. dropped, the party doing so shall front th(! hole to which he. is playing, standing close on the. hazard, and drop the hall behind him from his head. 14,—Mtdal Days,— New holes shall always he made, on the day fil e Medals are played for; and no competitor shall play at theso holeu before he starts for the prize, under the penalty of Doing dis- qualified fur playing for the Modal, All halls must bo holed out on Mcdiil-duys, ami no Kliniies allowed. 1 fi, •I'ltrying for Mi'dafa, —The match to consist of such a number of holes as th e (!oininiffec may decide ; and such members as intend hi compclc for the Medal nuisl, give in their names to the Secretary (Me Chili Uule No. S); (hey H1III.11 Ihen be matched together in - tLIES uf two, each player being attended by a Murker, fur the purpose ill' recording 1.1m Hl.rolcra (us l.lii'V uro .struck) <»i M. prppnrod for I hut| iurpo:,e. (In comparing Iliesc curds, lie who shall be found to have made Ihe holes iu Ihe fewest .strokes is to be declared the win- ner uf I he Modal. If twu or mure uf Ihe highest competitors finish 1he Modal,themulch in the KIIIIIP number uf Mtrokcs, they SHALL pluy an tuldi- n (he m ulc h in ti 1KH lil'st liveand two last .holes, to decide the mutter; lull, mi -iiilicr HIIIIALL be allowed to compete after the first party shall have compleli' il round, unless previously ready, and present at Ihe starting hule, hi. Adinti .Itlri'Y. A player must nut, oxl; advice about the, • 'ainc, by wui-.l, look, or gc'diirc, from any mm except his own cuddy, his purl IUT'H caddy, or his partner. Whilst any party is in llielid uf playing, whellicr un lb" course or pulting-grecn, every- body present, must remain quiet, mid not speak aloud. CALEDONIAN UNION CLUB. 43

7py p pcting py termined by the Captain and Secretary, if both are present, or by one of them; if neither of these is present, it shall be settled by the Committee at their first meeting. Mistakes relative to the reckoning of any particular hole cannot be rectified after the parties have struck off for the next hole. 18.—Parlies passing each officr.—Any party having lost a ball, and incurring delay by seeking for it, shall be passed by any other party coming up; and on all occasions a two-ball match—whether by two or four players—may pass parties playing three balls. Also parties having caddies may pass those carrying their own clubs. 19.—Balls Splitting.—.If a ball shall split into two or move pieces, a fresh ball shall be put down in playmg for a Medal, without a penalty, and likewise in a match on. the penalty of one stroke. 20.—As the Burrows are public pasture, great care must be taken not to drive, frighten, or injure any horses, cattle, sheep, or geese. Wo member of the Golf Club will be allowed to bring a dog with him when playing. If, after receiving notice from the Secretary, any member shall so offend, he shall be liable to a penalty of five shillings, at the discretion of the Committee, 21.—Breach of Rules.—Where no penalty for the infringement of a rule is especially mentioned, the loss of the hole shall be under- stood to be the penalty.

CABN01JSTIE. THE CALEDONIAN UNION GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1S48. The Eight Hon. the Earl of DALUOUSIE, K.T., G.C.B., Patron. ALEXANnER HAY MNX, of Woodhill, Captain mid President. JOHN JAMES DALYELL, Ciirnoustie, Son. Secretary and Treasurer. PATRICK AIIKLAY and JAMES C. LINDSAY, Committee and Council of fanagement. ROIIERT MILLAH, Local Secretary. LIST 01' MEMBERS. Archibald Tiirubnll Alexander f'owin Captain Scott Koliert Trail James Barrip James Calvert, Australia John Hay of Lethara James Jamie, Montrose John Grant of Kilgroston J. I!. Paton, Do. George Smart, Montroso Ciirni'pie, Tin. William itason, Prussia Captain M'Keil, Do. Georgo Burnes, Muntrose J. (.'. Lindsay, Broupjhty Ferry D. Grei'iihill, Foriar -David I'iUuiirn, Dundee u THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL. Duncan M'Lachlan, Dundee Dr. Dswar, Dundee Charles Chalmers, Dradsa John Dove, Dundee Francis Baxter, Dwndee. William Moil, Dtmdoo E. Cowie, Montrose J. B, Nicol, Dundee Captain Knit of Auniston William Blair, St. Andrews Dr. Praser Thomson, Perth Thomas 1'atrm, Dundee Dr. Hallcet, Perth Saml. C. Thomson, Bro'y Ferry Sir TIios. Mom-reiffe, Bart David Campbell Yiscount Dupplin Kobert Haig,.Camrrnn Bridge. Lord Ogilvie Hugh Watson of Keillor Carnegio Alexander 'Whitson Major Douglas, liroughtyFerry D. Keillor Jaa. Wolf Murray Chan, ltobertson of liuttermsk Sir John M"Kflnsae of Delvin J. Walker •William Gibson William Collier, Dunder William Keillor J. Duff Bobevt Miller, Camonstie, Archibald C'riehtmi, Dnndee Diwid Hunter of Blackness T. Noble, Dundee A. Drcghorn, Perth James Boll, Dundee James Ccmdic, Perth Win. Crostlvwtiite, Australia George Gray Alexander Duncan Colonel Balraird Kobert Ha%, Ht. Andreira If. Peddie, Eobert Oatlieart Captain Campbell James MitolipJl of Affleck A..F. Blair of Inclnnartine ('. Lvall, Cnreary John Colliej-, Panlatliio E. Philip , Dundi'O David Barrio, Dundee William I'eildio, loitll Alston Ferric, Dundee Major Jclf Sharp James Y. Miln of Mxrriu Dr. M'Farlano, Perth F. Molierly, England Alex, liny lliln of Wondliill Wtn. Condie, Perth Ilobcvt Miln, DiYfldoo Sir .Tames liuird, Bart, Andrew Brown, Dumli' William 1'aton, Dundee William (!. Tlioineon, Dunilco Lord Charles Kerr, Perth Major llootliby, St. Andrews Jolin Dun, England William 1J. House, Dundee William Mitchell ,T. J. Dalyell, Dundee ('aptain (lordon, India Daniel WiUkor, Dun.le Win. 0. Dal^liesh, Mayfidil Andrew Ninoll, St. Andrews rl'hos. C ollier, I'anlathie Capt. Wm.lI.MainiiiidDuugnl Titos. ('oilier, Dundew li.N., of Kenlserni^ David Lniii£, Dundno Daviil 0. Daljrleinh, Pundeo James Jlitehell, India tieoi-^e Keith, lhnulee Keith, Ksi]. of Usan t'.ox, Ih'irairlily Ferry David Arklav, Ameviea Patrick Arkley, Hvoughty Kevi David Diek, Dundee More Gordon of Cherlctou William Ktuni, Dundee PUMWJTIT: ONS IN 1S07. MKI3TIK0. 29th May.—Tlie " Monuruill'i:' Medal was won liy J. J. JJaiyell DALEOUSIJE CLUB.

in 03 strokes (18 holes), lifter n lrmnrknlily fl kueii, and axoitiug eontest with Mr. W. i'. IlKini- soii, win) wiw saooud at 95 Htvokm, ATJTiniN MKKTIKO. »tli Nov.— Tlio "itolmllW Modal wiw won by J. J. Dfuyeu ni 88 strokes, this batng the lowest munliel' oil PMQTO «<- which any medal liiw avsr JH-SII gitiueil on ««'«" Ivhikfl over tlio snjnn Bonr»u— two TUUVHIH of 0 \w\m uaoli. in 1808.

23d Mny.— Tlip. "Mnncruiffu" Moilnl WM WOB byJ. J. DiUyi'U »t 94 sti'okos, AOTUJ1N M3EBTIHO, asili Oofe—Tlie " Rolmllion" Mwlal wiw won liy J. J. Diuywj at 87 strokes. Lowest modal BOOM Veciu'ilud in con- nection with those Links over tliu same course, CoarprcrrruiNM fN 188(3. KPBTNO MKKT1NIJ. 2d JIUM,—The "Mnni'TOiU'ii" Mi'tlnl wan wnn by TIIQIUM Ctilliornt il9 stvokos, AIN'IR.MN JIKHTINI; 1'iiHrriiNi'n. Rulos—Those in vogiio at St. Amli'nwu. Uouiw—Two I'oundn nT 1) IIOIPH CUPII. No lianilieiqi pvixpi) played lfur. N» IUIIIH givi'ii.

OAUroUHIK coi,K el,HII, l.\N-nri;ii:n is ISflR. This mo»t HonvMiiiig Clul), Dri^ijinli'il in ihi1 Iiiller cit'l nf IfldS, luiw nnisli'i'.s 183 meniliei'H, It him wwtnil on Llie Lin^u nl CnnituiH. ti« a I'OHUilodioUH('lull lumseniul Kwiinf's linilBt1, &e., IU'SIIIPM liiiviii^ pxpi'iuU'il a ooiisiuVvalili' luiinunl in iillering /mil ivmilVIK I'1" '"|1 mitlHtiii (lOlI'lIoui'He, IU ini'iuliei'Hlii|i is Mh'iulilv luiTPimilifd Mill rtu lnnir it will Im aniolifpi llie. Htrnnge«t. (lull' I'luli.i in Hetillinnl. 'I'lin Hifrlil, linn. Hi" Kni'l i>! DAIIIKII'NIN, K.T., li.l'.ll., /'uliim, v O. (1. MLI.UKIL "f I'iHi'iiiliii li, Cn/iliiiih i \iiuif Mm'*. WfUfiun I'riinil, 1'linrli'n Kilwnnl, .1. I'. Uuve, uiul I). II. Minli-tnii, TIKISRAH WII.T.OCIT, Tmumrrr, KliNNAU) I'1. IluNTRll, f) Itefill'lll Hll'i1>l, Dllmlw, Sn-lTlunj, Tnos. WATTY, CmtaiUer ofthe Link*. THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

MST OP M13MKEHB. (!.ArniiHtaml, M.P., Dundee (Life) John Eivan Alexander Auduraou A.William Knight (Lifn) Thomas (Jollier J. I'. Kyd Jamew OutllbartSOJl I). Luk.i W. B. Oolliar Andrew Lowson, jun. Josspb Oolliua J. L. IiOWSon Jumps t'.uiniiiiglmm, jun. Williftm Lindsay John Coupar Kaniuel Low W. 0. DiilglaiBli J. P. Low David Dick Alexander Lindsay W. B. Pick David 0, 0. Laing (Life) John Diok J. (5. Lindsay .1. F. DOTO Jolm M. LOAV J. J. Dalyell W. H. Laing Henry Daridson James Duncan TlioinaH Littlejohn Dr. DickHon Hobetr Lamb Btrpbon Divvidson Bvid Lumgair J, F. Enislin 0. G. Miller Alexander Eniolie 'Alexander Mathawson Charlra Edward J. Mitchell, jun. lULIIOUSlE CLUB, •17

Jolm Miller V. I,. Storrim William Moir W. Small Eobert Millar (Lifo) I). II. Siuiafcon James Mortia James Spenoo Alexander Honour Iharles apanoo John M'JJouald Stewart Strong James M'DmvcU W. Stowart, jun. ,T. Shloll, jun. H. M'Donald T o ,T. 11. Montgomery h mas Sandorson Dr. Miller Eobert Smith William Millor Frarjc Sandeman Major M'l'hi'raou T. A. Smleton (Llfo) Darid Myles John Steyen J). M'Donald William StiTon James Sh'attou J. B. Nicoll T Ohorlos Norrio H.' W. hain •T. K. Norrio A. M. 'J^iomB D. Norrio W. 0. Thomson Alex. Nil-oil S. 0. Thomson Alexander Ogilvie John Thorns J. (i. Orohoi Andrmr Taylor G. Ower W. W. Urciuhart. J. K. Praia Edward Wallace JameB l'utei'Hoix ,). V. WUito George Tattullo William Walker W. M. Paton Harry Walksp II. (iuo barth Danii'l Walknr H Thomas WilloiOv Petal' Puiid E, 11. Wybranl, II. B. Eitohlo P. "G. Walker (Lifo) "VV. EotertBon JameH Walkm', jun. D. Eussell W. I!. Wilson VV. , l!ininy J. H. Wftlkar J. S, .Kolierttinn George Wormll J. T. Robsrtsou Robert Watt I). Eodgar liov. J, Toung Eea Eobert Ycainan Eobort Kituhio W. Ycainan ]jyl» Eeid Oaptain Yoiiu William Scott (Lifi>) W. jr. Oorrle Patrick Sootfc W. W. Foirweathor William Soott, jun. D. Cirinmnmii Dr. iSturrork COMPETITIONS IN 1808. Course of 18 Holiw. A V T U M N M K K T1S C. C 7tli Nov.—Moilnl, presented by W. Brand, gained by "W" . . Thomson in 02 strokes. THE GOLFERS ANNUAL.

COMI'KTITIOXS IX 1869. gFJUNCI MBETINa 12th June.—Club Medal, gamed by J. J. DalysU iu 07 strokes. AUTUMN irnETixa. IStli Sept.—Mr. Brand's Medal, A. 0. Johnston ami T. Collier, a. tic, at 99 (tie yet undecided.) The Royal Bad Ancient Golf Chili of vSt. Andrews Rules adopted.


JAMES MITCHELL, Mar/an/. A. TATI.OK, Clydesdale Bank, Onpor, Treasurer. R6V. WILLIAM CJimi, Chaplain. Ssrgesart GmsoN, Keeper of the. Ground. 11ST OP MEMMSRS. Qeorga Hogarth Williaiii Hodgson Wiffiam Morrison Qom-go AVood Andrew Taylor Bobori Kiutnul Ooorge Hair Pagan Major Boftnino !ol. William Low John Lnko .Tolin L. Small Dr. Tnlce AlexaTider Nicholson Thomas Duncan Alexander BeEhune Dv, Huist . "William Pagan James Himson rlfimes (Jreenliill ThoiUM Andrew TiolKTfc Eioliiirdson William Hayue, Inn. Dr. James Walkor Onptilin Manwoll James Bryson lii'v. William Cxihh Oh. B. Fotliuviugliu niJoto M. Douglas Adam Wilson John Taylor William Eaid UiMiry Corstorpliino Andrew Hogarth Thniran M'Nab James Mitchell William Yool Alexander Braekonridg COMPETITIONS IN 1SG7. M^n.y 4.—Col. Hutchison's Medal, won liy A. P. Hogarth in 77 strokes. Oct. f>.— IIT Itiehavdson's Medal, won liy A. P. Hogarth in 81 strokes. CoMPBTITlONH IN 18CS. May 2.—Col. Hutchison's Medal, won by Adam Wilson in 81 strokes. DUNIiAE CLUB. 4fl

Oot, 17.—Mr Iiiclmrdson's Modal, won liy A. P. Hogarth in 80 strokes. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. April 17.—Col. Hutchison's Medal, won by A. P. Hogarth in 78 strokes. Oct. 9.—Mr Richardson's Medal, won by A. P. Hogarth in 7S strokes. The ground upon which golf is played !it Cupar is small, only six holes in the round. Three rounds or 18 holes fire played when the medals nre competed for. The club have hail two silver medals presented to them, one by Col. Hutchison, which is competed for at the spring meeting of the club, the other by Mr Riohardson of Beatalrig, which is competed for at the meeting of the club in autumn. The club meet twice a year, generally in April and October. At thi! first of these meetings the officers are chosen. The club adhere to thu rules of the Eoya.1 and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, and have only one or two in addition to provide for local peculiarities in the Gupar ground.

DUNB AE. THE DUNBAR GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1856. His GRADE TUB DUKE OF ItoxnunoiiE, President. WILLIAM DICK, Diuibar, Secretary and Treasurer. Committee. John Kelly, Conveiier William Anderson A.n

liavlcs Notman Thomus White Dr, David Janes Thomas Downie David Stobio Miijur THOE. Sharp of Houston Frederick L. Hoy, of Ncwlliorii Jamas Maotlonnell JFumes Somervillo James Murray Hir Thomas B. Hepburn, Bart, of JoilXk Drymlalc iSmoaton Eobsrt liliu-kweH Andrew Stein Lord Bloho, M.P. I'nuik Cox (Jhai'lea NOIHOU Major GL D. Dowell Kev. .lolm Buchanan .lolin Daweon of ]3onsido Thomas Broadwood Alexander Drysdala Patriok S. 1'aull Henry Davidson Jamss Miller Bev. Hubert Buchanan H(iv. Qaorge Marjoribanks George 'Webster George Mason, M.D., 1!,.N. Dr. James Dnnlop Eobort HawerK .lames Mnrtiu Burnett Tile medal round consists of 15 holes. The numbi'r of holes ou the green altogether is lii. COMPETITIONS IN 1SC7. April 13.—The competition for the "Warrender Modal took place to-day, tlic winner being Mr Dick, with a score of 87 strokes. A sweepstakes, for which the players were handicapped, was played for, and was gained by the following gentlemen, viz., Cajvt. Suttic and Dr. David James, equal for the 1st; Mr John Kelly, 2tt • and Lord Bowmont, Andruw Stein, and George Dunlop equal for the 3d. Oct. 10.—Tho Club Medal was played for to-day. After the first round it was found that Mr Alexander Cunningham mid Mr White had a tie in 82 strokss, and on the tie being played of)', Mr White was declared the winner in 83 strokes, Mr Cunningham taking 93. The sweepstakes was gained by Mr Alexander Cunningham, 1st; ('apt. Suttie, Mr Martin, und Mr Thomas Uownie equal tor the 2d • Mr Davidson and Dr. James equal for the 3d. COMPETITIOSS IN 1808. March 99.—The Duke of Eoxburgha having presented to the club a handsome, gold medal, the first competition for the Eox- burghe Medal took place to-day, and nfter a keenly contested round the coveted honour was carried off by Capt. Joseph Hume in a round of 82 strokes. The winners of the sweepstakes were Mr John K.elly, 1st; Captain Einloch, Sir T. B. Hepburn, and Mr Charles ]STot- man, equal for the 2d; Mr G. Dunlop, 3d. July i.—The Warrender Medal was competed for to-day, and as the ground was in excellent order and the day fine, it was taken IN. EAULSFERUY AND ELIE ULUI1. 11

tin: exceptionally low score of 70, the first time a medal lias bsen takan under- 80. The winner was Mr I!. M. Temple. Winners of Sweepstakes were, Mr Temple, 1st; Mr Dick, Mr White and Mr John Kelly equal for2d; Mr Stewart, 3d. Oct. 31.—The Chili Medal was played for to-day. The first round resulted in a tie between Capt. G. j. G. B. Hay and Capt. Hume, in 79. Th(! tie being played off, Capt. Hay was declared the win- ner, with a score of 85, his opponent taking 86. Winners of sweepstakes were Capt. Snttie, 1st; Dr .Tames, 2d; <'apt. Hay, 3d; Capt. Hume, 4th; Mr Stewart, 5th. COMPETITION'S IN 1869. April 3.'—The Iioxburghe Medal was phiyed for to-day, and gained liy Capt. J. G. Bairn Hay in 79 strokes. The-winners of the sweepstakes were Mr Martin, 1st; Mr Alex. .Drysdale, 2d; Mr Notuiau and Major Dowell equal for the 3d; Mr "Wilte and Mr John Waugh equal tw the 4th. .Tilly 3.—The. AVarrcmler Medal was played for to-day, and gained "by Mr White, in the fine score of 77 strokes. The winners of sweepstakes were Mr Charles Nelson, 1st; Mr Ch. K elly and Capt. Suttie equal for 2d; Mr Stein, 3d; Dr James, 4th. Oe.t. 9.—The Club Medal was played for to-day, and gained by Oftpt. J. G. Baird Hay m 78 strokes. The winners of the sweepstakes were Major Dowell, 1st; Mr J

ELIE. EAELSE1RET AND ELIE OQhV CLUB. The Earltferry and Elie Golf Club was instituted in 1858. There are eleven holes in the round, affording an hour's play; bnt all medal competitions and matches for prizes consist of two rounds of the links—22 holes. Sir Ii. ANSTUUTHEH, "Bart, of IMcaskie, M.P., Patron. Lieut-Colonel BAUINGTON of Giblistou House, Captain.. ANDREW SCOTT DIXON, Yke-Captain. JAMES DAVIDSON, Secretary and Traisnrer. .T. Luke, D. Givmi, J. Forrester, W. Cook, T. Sime, A. Adamson, W. Given, Committee for 186S1-70. BOB MACKIE and ANDIIEW llotAND, Local Professionals. J3on MACKIE, Green Keeper. THE GOLFEJt'S ANNUAL.

MEMJIEItH. Alexander Adnmaon Itev. James Hillhouso Andrew Aitkon Thomas Hodge Sir If. Auatruther Henry HntchiiiRon Hamilton Ans trutli er Eev. Walter Irvhio Lient.'-Oolonel Babfagton John Jack William Biii r& Allan Jamieson James Balfour W. 11. Kotohon George ISivrell John Kilgonr Sir John IJethunc, Bart. Alexander Xinlooh Major Betlmne John Howard BIyth D. Loighton Bev. Ii. B. Iliyth John Luke Major E. T. Boothby Captain John Lnko .Taint's Bowm;m Dn/vid Marshall David 0. Browoiag Willium Martin William Braid Martin David Bryce . Iflliidge•——Mathio Eobert Bruce Wyndhimi Milligan Thomas Buist Alexander Hay Miln John Oalraan Liout.-Ooloncl MonerieiT James Cook Captain Moncrieff William Oook fisnry James Moncrieff John Cook Eobert Ovenstono Dr. Charles Cumminff James Patursoii Thomas Chapman Alexandra' Patrick Thomas Curate Mawkell Peace Jamcy Cwiio Peter Prondfoot Curror John 0. Ttiildooh Balph Dalynll John Ci. Eobartson •I aiass Ddvidaon Dr. A. M. Kolmi'tbon E. A. Deano James lloland Andrew &, Dixon George LTUSHOLL Jlatthcw Elder Sergt. W. ltusHoll Dr. J. N. Forrest David Bchmelz James EorresUir, sen. TliomaH Simo James PorrcstGi1, jxui. Henry KiniHon G eorge Forrester Allan Stewart Captain David PoTvler A. Taylor Eobert Gibh Andrew Thomson David Given J. W. Thomson William Given J. H. Theilmaim Thomas Given WiHiain TliomBon Peter Given James Wallace tiergt. John Griffiths John 0. Walluuo William Gourlay .fohn Watson Captain Baird-ltay F. H. Whyto Andrew HenderHon James Williamson Alexander Henry James Wood J. I). Hill James Waddoll EAKL^FFAIUY AND ELIE CLUB. 58

COMPETITIONS IN 1SU'7. Fob. 16.—Prizes given by John Luke, Esq. of Muireambus. Handiaap. Two rounds of the Links. 22 holes. 1st,, won by Bob Mackie, in 103 strokes. 2d, won by J. G. Robertson, in 107 strokes. iSd and 4th, won by W. Thomson and G. Forrester, in 117 strokes. 5th and 6th, won by James and Andrew Roland, in 120 strokes. 7th, won by William Cook, in 121 strokes, witli odds. Marsh 2.—Browning Quaich, handicap, A. Adamson, US strokes, with odds, 22 holes. June 8.—Burgh Medal, serateh, J. G. Robertson, 109 strokes, 22 liolss. Aug. 31.—The Club Medal, scratch, P. Proudfoot, 100 .strokes, 22 holes. Oct. 5.—Balcaskie Medal, serateh, Bob MaoHe, 100 strokes, 22 holes. llec. 14.—Robertson Cross, handicap, Bob Muekiu, 110 strokes, 22 holes. COMPETITIONS IN 1808. Feb. 8.—A Photographic View of Balearres House, presented for competition by Mr. Thomas Buist, Elie, won by Bob Mackie in 110 strokes, without odds. 22 holes played. March 7.—Browning Quaich, handicap, Matthew Elder, 105 strokes, without odds, 22 holes. June 13.—Burgh Medal, scratch, Andrew Roland, 114 strokes, 22 holes. Aug. '29.—Club Medal, scratch, D. Marshall, 112 strokes,. 22 holes. Oat. 10.—Balcaskie Medal, swatch, A. Adamson, IIS .strokes, 22 holes. Dec. 12.—Robertson Cross and an Opera Glass, given by Col. Paterson of the Ferry House, handicap, P, Proudibot, 105 strokes, with odds, 22 holes. COMPETITIONS IN lson. March C.—Browning Quaieli, handicap, Sargt. J. Griffiths, 100 strokes, with odds, 22 holes. June 12.—Burgh Medal, scratch, John Luke, 112 strokes, 22 holes. Aug. 14.-—Set of Clubs, presented by Lieut.-Colonel Babbingtou, ('upturn of the Club, open to local professionals, handicap, William Thomson, 100 strokes, without odds, 22 holes. Aug. 28.—Club Medal, scratch, I). C. Browning, 104 strokes, 22 holes. Sept. 2.—Baird Medal, scratch, D. C. Browning, 49 strokes, 1 round of U holes. 54 THE OOLFMKS ANNUAL,

Oct. 2.—Baleaekafl Medal, scratch, Peter Proudfoot, 108 strokes, 22 holes. Dec.—Robertson Cross, handicap, not yet played for. IMJLES 01 THE (JA1IE. 1.—The ball must lie teed within a certain distance of the, hole, which shall be indicated by means of a painted mark. The ball on no account must he struck nearer than six clnh lengths of the hole. 2.—The ball struck from the tec must not be changed before the hole is played out; and if at a less to know the one ball from the other, neither must be lifted till both parties agree. "When a ball splits, a fresh one may be teed near the spot whence the split one was driven—the player losing a stroke. 3.—All loose impediments within twelve inches of the ball may be removed when the ball lies on grass, hut nothing must bo lifted either on the course or putting green if it is to more the bidl out ol. its position. The putting green is considered not to exceed fifteen yards from the hole, and loose impediments of any kind whatever, found lying thereon, may be removed; or if the ball Ml into a hole on the patting green, it may be lifted and played from the side of such hole without loss; hut if it drop into any known hazard, it cannot be lifted. 4.—When a ball lies in a hunker, sand, or cart track, there must be no impression made, nor sand or other obstacles removed, before or in playing it. If a ball be driven into a field under crop of any kind, the ball must be lifted, the player losing two strokes. If a bal) fie driven within fenced ground, the ball must be lifted, tli« player losing one stroke. ff,—When a ball lies on clothes, or within club length of a wash- ing tub, the clothes may be drawn from under the ball, and the tub removed. 0.—When a ball is covered with grass, bent, fog, or rubbish, so much thereof may be set aside as that the player shall have a full, view of his ball when going to strike, but in no other caso is any impediment to be heat down or set aside. 7.—In Match and Medal playing, a ball may bo lifted out of a difficulty of any description and teed behind the hazard—the player losing two strokes. If, however, it lies in any of the holes, or short holes, made for golfing, he may lift it, drop it behind the hazard, and play with an iron without losing a stroke. In all eases where a ball is to be dropped, the party doing so shall front the hole to which he is playing, standing close on the hazard, and drop it behind him from his head. Wherever on the green a ball is declared unplayable by both parties, the ball shall be lifted, dropped behind the bade and played, the player losing one stroke. S.—When the balls lie within six inches of each other, thu ball nearest the hole must be lifted until the other is played. F AND ELTE CLUB.

r ,,,R.!-N than two balls being played by the same 9.—In case of •>«" ^M by t]u, numtei' of strokes, if the lole, the one nearest tins bole S 1 - T (.id(mt ft ]UUMt be played whew it must be first e adveWy ov Us caddy, the party

shall return atl,0,.(, , ,• tlll, olis;nal liall ia rolui* other ball, the £ri shoJl eontinue theoneto^playeyecdL placed ov lino drawn to dir.Tt it imist be played fairly and honestly fur the tlie ball to the 1 y y ^ *\" ' ,,1„&bfll , uot beinbi g iin thth e way tto ttheh . hoe, ^ wStotta way tVO tin, hole, istheplayer en- ftel t"\ auy°strt.,«lh uW it that i»iKlit injure his adyersaiy a positi or greater than is neeessaiy honestly to send

" luit this must lie donelightly, and with- or ^g^^XX" doVn withthe feat, elub, or otherwise. pH g m>vnviiu,i,,sg, to be aeeountepressurd a, stroke it tho e part remaining in the player''s hanhd d eitheh r d oke it th "I^T^Mls ^alf'ln allowed precedence of three; but on no other occasion shail one party pass, or take precedence of, the other, unless by mutual agreement. No party shall strike from tho_ tee. until'the" leading party have. struolctW second stroke. the balls of the leading party must bo holed out bclorc any Other, party play Up to the puttina-srcoii. 15._The winner of tho last hole ahaU hare the privilegB of play- ing first from the tee. . 16 —New holes shall always be mado on the day the; Medals are. played for, and no competitor shall play at these boles before, he. starts for the prize, umli-r tho. penalty of lining disqimlihcd lor hold- ing tho Medal. All balls must be'liolod out on medal days, and no steimiesallowed. ,,,,,, .,-,,, 17 —Any dispute respecting the play shall be determined by the Captain or Senior Membe* of < lommittso present; or, if none or tho Members of Committee aro present, it shall be settled by a Com- mittee appointed by tin; parties interested, or by the < bptun and Committee for the time being, at their first moating, 18.—Ho one will be. allowed to break any part of the ground lor the sake of obtaining a. convenient spot for a ten-stroke. Hand may be used for this purpose. 19.—Where no penalty for tin; infringement ol a rule is specially THE QOLFEES ANNUAL. mentioned, the loss of the hole sliall be understood to be the penalty. 20.—No lookers-on entitled to make any observations respecting the play, which may be audible to the players. Any player is at liberty to ask advice from his caddy, or partner in a four-some, but from no other person.

GXJLLANE. GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1859. . KINLOCH, Esq., President. WILLIAM PALMER, Vice-President. JOHN CALLANDAH, Secretary and Treasurer. Committee. JOHN CHIUSTIE, THOS. AITCHISON, JAS. TODD, DAVID HANDYSIDE. GEORGE STEVENS, Gullane, Custodier of the Links. LIST OF KBXBXRS BXRS TO 30.) Thos. Begbie, Qneenstone-bank Thomas Hope, Xnowes Samuel Shiriff, Salleuats Alexander Kinloeh, Gilmorton John C.dlander, "Williiimston Henry Deans, East Fenton Thomas Aitchison, Edinburgh Thomas Usher, Edinburgh William Palmer, Dirleton James l'eddie, Edinburgh Eobert Trail, Aberlady , West Mains James Todd, Oastlemains TtoljeH Ttussel, Edinburgh Rtil>.it Todd, Edinburgh John Henderson, Meiklo Eobert Howden, Boggs James Dean, jun., I-Iaddington Thomas Nicholson, Nesbif, David Handyside, West Ffmton Andrew Tawse, Edinburgh David Croal, Edinburgh .Fumes Eichardson, Haddington Alexander Tweedie, Coats John Gib.srm, Woolmet Honorary Mevihers. William Hope, teith Egbert Richardson, Haddington James Mills, Prestonpans , Chapel iiirles J. Dodds, Haddington Peter Deans William Strachan, Edinburgh John M'Ewan There are 13 holes in the round, which is the guide of all Club matches. Length of round, 2 miles. COMPETITIONS IN 1807. Jan. 5.—Winter meeting called for this day, but stopped from frost. April 20.—The Silver St. Andrews Cross, presented to the elnb for yearly competition by R. Traill, was won hy J. Oallander at 7ti strokes. There -were also prizes of balls from club funds played for EAST LOTElAN CLUB. 57 in three classes. The winners in first class were J. Callander, (! balls, 76 strokes, 7 competitors; do. R. Traill and S. Sliiriff, 6 bulls, 7S, dividing 2d and 3d; 2d class, A. Tawse, 4 balls, SO, dividing 3d; do. W. Palmer, 2 balls, 85 ; 3d class, J. Todd, 3 balls, KG, divid- ing 2d. July 6.—Tlie Club Medal, won by J. Christie at 64 strokes, lie also getting 1st money prize from club funds; "W. Hope, 2d, 76 strokes, allowed 5, 70 ; A. Kinloch, 3d, strokes 71. A Field Glass, presented by J. Gibson, President, with money prizes from Club funds added. Glass won by S. Shiriff, 67 strokes, 1st, money, T. Aitchison, 70, allowed 2, 08; 2d, T. Begbie, 69; 3d, V. Palmer, 74, allowed 5, 69—divided. Oct. 5.—This being the annual general meeting, when the Bronze Statuette (the gift of A. Kinloch), of a caddy carrying his employer's club, was competed for, under the same system as last year, viz., holes being the criterion to decide by instead of strokes, and played off in ties, similar to the usage followed in running off greyhounds, each competitor being handicapped, then drawn against each other, the strokes allowed each being particularized on certain holes before, starting, never more than one stroke being allowed to a hole. FIRST TIES. Allow. Allow. T. Aitchison, 0, beat T. Begbie, 0, by 3 holes J. Christie, J. Callander, 0, by 3 holes A. Kinloch, H. Deans, 12, by 5 holes S. ShirilF, E. Trail, 0, by 2 holes W. Palmer, J. Todd, 7, by 4 holes E. Todd, J. Richardson, 4, by 3 hole, T. Usher, K. Howden, 0, by 2 holes H. Davidson, C. Dodd, 12, by 3 holes J. Mills, Win. Straclian, 6, 3 holes J. Nicholson, 1, a bye. SECOND TIES. A. Kinloch, h, „ T. Usher, by 6 holes "W. Palmer, 4, ,, H. Davidson, by 3 holes T. Aitchison, on, ,, S. Shiriff, by 4 holes T. Nicholson, n, „ J. Christie, by fi holes K, Todd, K, „ J. Mills, by 3 holes THIRD TIES. A. Kinlocli, 0, ,, A "bye. W. Palmer, 4, ,, T. Nicholson, 1, by 5 holes E. Todd, 7, ,, T. Aitchison, 0, by 2 holes FOURTH TIES. A. Kinloch, 0, „ B. Todd, 7, hy 1 hole W. Palmer, a bye. 5S THE GOLFERH ANNUAL.

FIFTH TIES. \r. Palmer, 4, beat A. Kinloch, 0, by 1 hole COMPETITIONS INT 1S88. March 14.—Adjourned winter meeting of 4th January held to- day. The Silver Medal gift of 3. M'Ewau was won by T. Begbie at 74 strokes; also 1st prize of balls, J. Callander, J. Christie, T. Aitchison, dividing 2, 75. April 11.—The St. Andrews Cross, gift of It. Trail, for annual competition, also a Card Case, containing four packs cards, the gift of T. Aitehison, were played for, the latter handicapped. Cross. Lard Case. T. Aitehison, 80 0 so 80 0 80 T. Usher, ,:> 0 70 79 0 79 R. Trail, S3 0 83 83 0 83 li. Howil'ii, 68 0 68 6S 0 68 S. SWriff, 79 0 79 79 0 79 T. Begbie, M 0 81 81 0 81 J. Callander, 74 0 74 74 0 74 1!. Mussel, 79 0 79 74 0 79 J. Todd, 88 0 83 83 7 76 T. Nicholson, 7-< 0 79 79 1 78 W. Palmer, 0 72 72 4 88 .T. Richardson, 8n6 0 86 86 t> 83 3. Mills, BO 0 0 90 7 83 li. Iiowden winning cross at GS; "W. Palmer, case, 72, allow 4, 63—they having played an extra round, wheu Iiowden came in with a score of 90, and Palmer with a score of 74. July 12.—The Club Medal and three money prizes from club funds, the latter handicapped, were competed for by one round of the green, and a set of clubs, the gift of tho President, handicapped, another round. Medal. Clubs. Medal. Clubs. J. Christie, 73 0 73 72 0 72 T. Usher, 74 0 74 60 0 60 T. Aitehison, 72 0 72 fifi 0 67 J. Piichardson, 80 0 80 71 3 6S S. Shiriff, 77 0 77 73 0 73 J. Mills, 88 0 8S 80 7 73 T. Begbie, 78 0 7S 78 0 7S J. Todd, 90 0 90 80 7 73 T. Nicholson, 73 0 73 811 SO A. Tawse, 79 5 74 W. Hope, S7 0 87 84 4 80 H. Deans, 81 12 69 R. Howden, 77 0 77 72 0 72 H. Davidson, 70 0 70 70 0 70 J. Callander, 74 74 74 0 74 T. Aitehison v.iimin medal, and 2d money, at 72 H. Deans winning SI 12 69, 1st do. at 69 J. Christie and T. Nicholson, 3d do. at 73 T. Usher, Clubs, and 1st do. at 60 T. Aitchison, 2d do. at 67 J. Piiehardson, 3d do. at 68 EAST LOTHIAN CLUB.

Oct. 3.—Finding that one day did not admit of the Statuette being played for satisfactorily on the same conditions as formerly, it was altered to a simple round of the green, with strokes, handi- capped, substituted for holes. There was also an additional round played for a Book-holder, the gift of the Vice-President, T. Usher. Statuette. Book-holder. Statuette. Bookliolder. E. Howden, 82 0 82 75 0 75 J. Callander, 77 0 77 78 0 78 It. Trail, 79 0 79 73 0 73 J. Mills, :•; : ! 106 9 5 T. Nicholson, 84 1 83 75 1 74 J. Todd, 92 7 85 79 7 72 T. Aitchison, 70 0 70 76 0 76 A. Kinloch, 69 0 69 74 0 74 T. Begbie, 72 0 72 75 0 75 H. Deans, 111129911412] 8, Shiriff, 76 0 76 77 0 77 T. Usher, 74 0 74 70 0 70 W. Palmer, 78 4 74 78 4 H J. Henderson, 72 7 65 94 7 87 J. Henderson thus winning Statuette at 72 7 65 J. Todd „ • Book-holder at 79 7 22 COMPETITIONS IN 18G9. Jan. 9.—The M'Ewan Medal and Prize Balls, in classes, were competed for. T. Aitchison winning Medal at 66 also 1st Prize, 6 balls in 1st class li. Trail „ 75 2d do. T. Begbie „ 76 3d do. J. Todd „ 84 1st do. 2d class OrJ". Dodds „ 83 1st do. 3d class. April 3.—The St. Andrews Cross and Prize Balls, in classes, were competed for. D. Croal winning Cross at 71 and 1st Prize, 6 also in 1st class T. Begbie „ 73 2d do. ,-, 8. Shiriff „ 76 3d do. „ „ W. Palmer „ 87 1st do. 2d class J. Mills „ 88 2d do. 3d class July 3.—The Club Medal and President J. Mills' gift; of a Silver Jug, with three money prizes from club funds, the two latter handi- capped, were competed for with the following results. T. Usher won medal at 64 and 1st money prize, 64 1 63 C. Dods, ) r•,,( 2d do do 79 15 64 A. Kinloch, { mviuta j 8d do do 66 2 64 D. Croal won Jug at 60 and 1st money prize, 60 0 SO J. Deans 2d do do. (>i 0 64 J. Todd 3d do do. 75 9 66 October 2.—The Statuette and balls, also cask beer and 3 money prizes, were played for, both handicapped, and won as follows:— A. Kinloch, Statuette and 1st balls—strokes 67—1, 66. O. Dodds, 2d balls—strokes 76—8, 68. T. Begbie, 72—2, 70; D. Croal, 70; D. Handyside, 7S—8, 70;. E. Trail, 73—3, 70—3d balls. THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

D. Croal, cask beer, 64. A. Kinlocli, 1st money prize, CG—I, 65. T. Begbie, 2d money prize, 69—2, 67. T. Aitcliison, 72—2, 70; J. Todd, 77—7, 70, 3d money prize.

(SCOONIE LINKS, FIFE). INNERLEVEN GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1820. J. T. OSWALD, Captain. Council. W. H. Haig. A. Wilkie. H. V. Haig. H. Thomas Peter. James Anderson, jun. R. Eintonl. John Wallace. John Haig. EOBEUT SMITU, Secretary and Treasurer. LIST OF MEMBERS. John Ilaig J. T. Oswald Jaines Anderson, sen. Henry Lees James Balfour N. Johnstone John Wood William Morrison David Wallace Alexander Bethuno Henry ¥. Pete William Graham H. T. Balfour John 0. Fernie William Haig John Martin George T. Cheino John Wallace B. Cathcart H. Thomas Peter James Stuart George Lochtie W. Henry Haig Peter Bonthron Kennedy Erskinc Henry Wylio David Itussell James C. Lindsay John Luke James Balfonr, W.S. Alex. Ballantyne H. II. Dongald Major liootliby Henry Watson Charles Anderson Hobert Smith John Ohienc Jaines Groenlull J. F. Ramsay Andrew Wilkie J. M'Briar James Anderson, JUIL Kenmuro Maitlanil John Dun Win. 0. Thomson Adam Morrison H. V. Haig Andrew Webster James Sibbald John Sibbald James Bryson Charles Lees Captain Lindsay David Marshall Eobert Eintoul James Cornfoot Hugh Christio INNERLEVEN GLUB. 01

D. A. Robertson F. E. Xminsden II. M. Alexander Harry V. Hunter John A. Hamilton Sir Ii. Anstnithor Andrew Mcoll Major Betlmne Charles Briggs John I'mdlater B. 0. L. Blair H. L. Normand George Chiene Win. M. Dow Alexander Stuart N. Ballingall David Croall Hobert Tully John Jameson Arthur Russell DJ\ M'Quaig Thomas Bruce William Boaze E. J. Jamison J. M. Collyer Alexander Hutchison L. Smith John Balfour Thomas Hotlgo Payid Adamson J. B. Haxton Wra. Mnuntgomery ,1. P. Morgan E. L. B. Blyth Colin M'Quaig Glover Dr. Wilson COMPETITIONS IN 1867. SPRING MEETINO. (Course of 18 holes.) April 12, 1867.—Silver Medal, gained by J. M. Dunlop in 90 strokes. AUTUMN MEETING. Sept. 6, 1867.—Gold Medal, gaiued by Dr. D. A. Kobertson in 90 strokes. Sept. 7, 1867.—Weinyss Silver Cup, gained by D. Marshall in 89 strokes. COMPETITIONS IN 1868. Course of 18 holes. June 5, 1868.—Silver Medal, gained by D. Marshall In 101 strokes. Oct. 1, 1868.—Gold Medal, gained by John Dun in 93 strokes. Oct. 3, 1868.—Wemyss Silver Cup, gained by D. Marshall, after coming in twice a ti« with John Dun; played a third time a short, round, when D. Marshall gained it. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. Course of 18 holes. May 14, 1869.—Silver Medal, gained by D. Marshall, in 85 strokes. Sept. 23, 1869.—Gold Medal, gained by D. A. Robertson, in 91) .strokes. Kept. 25, 1869.—Wemyss Silver Cup, gained by Geo. Chiene, in 93 strokes. «3 THE GOLFERS ANNUAL.

RULES OF THE flAME. I.—ifodeand Order of Playing the Game—-The game of golf is played by two persons, or by four (two of a side) playing alternately. It may also be played by three or more persons, each playing his own ball. Tlie game commences by each party playing oil a ball from a place called tlie lee, mar the first hol«. In a match of four, those who arc opposed to each other, and to play off, shall be named at starting, and shall continue so during the match. The person entitled to play off first shall be named by the parties themselves ; and although the courtesy of starting is generally granted to old captains of the club, or members, it may be settled by lot or toss of a coin. The hole is won by the party holing at the fewest strokes, and the reckoning of the game is made by the terms odds and like, tun: -'more, lieu more, &<:. The party gaining the hole is to lead, un- less his adversary has won the match; in which case the adversary leads otf, and is entitled to claim his privilege, and to recall his adversary's ball should he play out of order. One. round of the links, or eighteen holes, is reckoned a match, unless otherwise stipu- lated. If, in a double match, one person shall play twice in suc- cession, lie loses the hole. 2.—Plane of Teeing,—The ball must be teed not nearer the hole {either in front or side of the hole) than twelve club-lengths, and not further from it than eighteen; and after the balls are struck off, the hall furthest from the hole to which the parties are playing must be played first. When two parties meet on the putting-green, tlie party fust there may claim the privilege of holing out; and any party coming up must wait till the other party has. played out the hole, mid on no account play their balls up, lest they should annoy the parties who are putting. No player shall strike oiF his teed bull till the party in front have played their second strokes. 3.—Changing the Balls.—The balls struck oil' from the tee must not be changed, touched, or moved before the hole is played out (except as provided for in the Rules following); nnd if the parties are at a loss to know the one ball from the other, neither shall ho lifted till both parties agree. 4.—Lifting of Break-Clubs, &c.—All loose impediments within a club-length of the ball may be removed on or off the course when the ball lies on the grass. (See Rules 6 and 12.) "When a ball lies in a bunker or sand, there shall be no impression made, nor sand or other obstacle removed by the club or otherwise, before striking at the ball. When a ball lies within a club-length of a washing-tub, the tub may be removed; and when on clothes, the hall may be lifted and dropped behind them. 5.—Entitled to sec the Ball.—When a ball is completely covered with fog, bent, whins, Sec, so much thereof shall be set aside as that the player shall merely have a view of his hall before he plays, INNMRLEVEN CLUB. c,?, whether in a line with the hole or otherwise. A ball stuck fast in wet ground or sand, may be taken out and replaoed loosely in the hole it has made. 6.—Clearing the Futting-green.— All loose impediments of what- ever kind may be lifted on the putting-green, or table-land on which the hole is placed, which is considered not to exceed twenty yards from the hole. Nothing can be lifted either on the course or putting- green, if it is to move the ball out of its position. *" 7.—Lifting Balls.—When, on any part of the course, or off it, or in a bunker, the balls lie within six inches of each other, the ball nearest the hole must be lifted till the other is played, and then placed as nearly as possible in its original position—the six inches to be measured from the surface of the balls. In a three-ball match* the ball in any degree interposing between the player and the hole on the putting-green, must be played out. 8.—Ball in Water, or m a Watercourse, and Place of llc-teciwj. —If the ball is in water, the player may take it out, change the ball if he pleases, tee it, aud play from behind the hazard, losing a stroke. If the ball lies in any position in a watercourse, the player may take it out, tee it on the line where it entered the same, on the opposite side from the hole to which he was playing, and lose a stroke; or he may play it where it lies, without a penalty. Should a ball be driven into the sea, the ball may be placed on the green opposite, a club-length from the edge, aud teed, the player or party losing two strokes. S.—llubs of the Green.—Whatever .happens to a ball by accident, such as striking any person, or being touched with the foot by -a third party, or hy the fore-caddie, must be reckoned a rub of the. green, and submitted to. If,, however, the players ball strike his adversary, or his adversary's caddie or clubs, the adversary loses the. hole; ov if it strikes himself or his partner, or their caddies or clubs, or if he strikes the ball a second time while in the aet of playing, the player loses the hole. If the player touch the ball with Ms foot, or any part of his body, or with anything except his club, or if he with his club moves the ball in preparing to strike, he loser, a stroke; and if one party strikes his adversary's ball with his club, foot, or otherwise, that party loses the hole. But if he plays it inadvertently, thinkin" it his own, and the adversary also plays the wrong ball, it is then too late to claim the penalty, and the hole must be played out with the halls thus changed. If, however, the mistake occurs from wrong information given by one party to the other, the penalty cannot be claimed; and the mistake, if discovered before the other party has played, must be reetilied by replacing the ball as nearly as possible where it lay. If the player's ball be played away by mistake, or lifted by a third party, then the player must drop a ball sis near the spot as possible, without any penalty. Whatever hap-

pirns to a ball on a medal-day—such as a player striking bis caddie or himself, or his clubs, or moving the ball with his foot or club, or his caddie doing so, or the player striking it twice before it stops motion—the player in such eases shall lose one stroke only as the penalty. 10.— Ball Lost.—If a ball is lost, the player (or his partner, in a double match) returns to the spot, as near as possible, where the ball was struck, tees another ball, and loses both the distance and a .stroke. If the original ball is found before the party has struck the other ball, the first shall continue the one to be played. 11.—Club-breaking.—If, in striking, the club breaks, it is never- theless to he counted a stroke, if the part of the club remaining in the player's hand either strike the ground or pass the ball. 12.—Moling out Che Sail.—In holing, no mark slnill be placed or line drawn to direct the ball to tho hole; the ball must be played fairly and honestly for the hole, and not on your adversary's ball, not being in the way to the hole; nor, although lying in the way to the hole, is the player entitled to play with any strength upon it that might injure his adversary's position, or greater than is necessary liouestly to send your own ball the distance of the hole. Either party may smooth sand lying around the hole ; but this must be done lightly and without pressure, or beating down with the feet, club, or otherwise. 13.—Unplayable Balls.—In mafc/i-playing, every ball must be played, wherever it lies, or the hole be given up, excepting when it lies on clothes, in water, or in the bed of the burn or railway (see Eules 4, 8, and 21), or in any of the holes or short holes made for olfmg; in which latter case it may be lifted, dropped behind the. fazard, and played with an iron, without losing a stroke. In medal- playing, a hall may, under a penalty of two strokes, he lifted out of a difficulty of any description, not provided for in any other Rules, and teed behind the hazard; and if in any of the golfing holes, it may be lifted, dropped, and played as above, without a penalty. In all cases where a hall is to be dropped, the party doing so shall front the hole to which he is playing, standing close on the hazard, and drop the ball beliind him from his head. 14.—Medal-Days.—-New holes shall always be made on the day the medals are played for; and no competitor shall play at these holes before he starts for the prize, under the penalty of being disqualified for playing for the medal. All balls must be holed out on medal- days, and no steimies allowed. 15.—Asking Advice.—A player must not ask advice about the game, by word, look, or gesture, from any one except his own caddie, liis partner's caddie, or his partner. 16.—Disputes.—Any disputes respecting the play shall be deter- mined by the captain, or senior member present; or, if none of the LEITH CLUB. 65 members are present, it shall be settled by a committee appointed by the parties interested; or by the captain and Ms annual council for the time, at their first meeting. 17.—Parlies Passing each other.—Any party having lost a ball, and incurring delay by seeking for it, shall be passed by any other party coming up; and on all occasions a two-hall match—whether by two or four players—may pass parties playing three or more balls. Also parties having caddies may pass those carrying their own clubs. 18.—Ballt Splitting.—If a ball shall split into two or more pieces, a new ball shall be put down where the largest piece lies in play- ing for a medal, -without a penalty. 19.—Breach of Sides.—Where no penalty for the infringement of a rale is specially mentioned, the loss of the hole shall be under- stood to be the penalty. 20.—Repairing the Links. —The person appointed to take charge of keeping the links shall make new holes every Mondny morning, and in such places as to preserve the putting-green in proper order. 21.—Balls Itnffnn Railway Fence.— When a ball lies within the railway fence, the player shall have the option of playing it as it lies, without removing any impediments, or he may lift it, and, standing within one club length of the fence, nearest the spot where the hall was lying, drop it behind him, facing towardsthe railway, the penalty being one stroke.

LEITH. LEITH GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1863. JOHN JOHNSTON, Captain. MURDOCH MACKENZIE, Secretary. | EOBEUT NAISMITH, jun., Treasurer. Committee. Robert M'Intosh. James Philpot. Daniel M'Laren. Alexander Fairloy. ALEX. GKEIG, Custodier of the Lints. LIST OP MEMBERS. Alexander M'Intosh James Doig Daniel M'Laren Alexander Porteous David Geddis Bobert Nnismith, iun. Kobert M'Intosh Thomas Thomson Alexander Doig Murdoch Muckensrio Bobart Naisniitli, son. Davii Wilson John G-. Wallace Bifiiaxd Gmvett Alexander Porbes George Smith 1 George Adamson /iUitun Grosset B 66 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

John Johnston Henry Harc us George Fox Jolm Muir John Lamb George Eobb David C. Proudfoot Eobert G. Bauchope Walter Smith Thomas Gibson Bobert Bruce John Ehind Eobart Kay James Harrison "William Anderson, sen. Matthew Combe John MiU David Wright John Tilack Peter Moir Peter Bell Isaac Maclean Alexander Fairley John W. Bime William Anderson, jun. David K. Barrie James Philpot Andi-ew Hoy George G. BlaiMe David Uro Andrew Slater Jolm Ord William M'Gregar Charles J. Thomson John Dougall Andrew Frier Thomas Gray Peter Shaw Alexander M'Donald Archibald Stocks Duncan McGregor James G. Cownie Hugh Cameron Eobert Dudgeon Murray Thomson James Grosset William S. Smart George Murray Thomas Anderson Bobert Little Edward Black William Carstairs William Trotter Eobert Fortune Eobert Henderson William B. Hay, Hon. Member Joseph Sutherland Thomas Hood, do. James Millar, do. Charles Calver Alexander Greig, do. COMPETITIONS IN 1867. February 21.—Champion Medal and Handicap Prizes, won by— 1st, Richard Gravett in 80 strokes, 14 holes; 2d, James Doig, 84, less 6, 78; 3d, John Lamb, 82—4, 78; 4th, David Wilson, 83—2, 81; Sth, George Smith, 8S—7, 81; 6th, Alexander Doig, 82—82; 7th, E. Naisrnith, jun., 82. May 9.—Sets of Prize Clubs and Balls, 21 holes, won by—1st, Joliu Mill, 118—12, 100; 2d, K. Naismith, sen., 109—3, 106; 3d, James Philpot, 131—24, 107; 4th, D. M'Laren, 111—3, 10S; Sth, Wm. Grosset, 118—9, 109; 6th, M. Mackenzie, 113—3, 110; 7th, E. Gravett, 110. Sept. 26.—(Musselburgli)—Sets of Prize Clubs and Balls, IS lioles, won by—1st, D. M'Laren, 04—4, 90; 2d, J. Alexander, jun., 91— 91; 3d, H, Kay, 95—2, 93; 4th, Alexander Forbes, 95—2, 93; Sth, George Smith, 103—10, 93; 6th, M. Mackenzie, 101—4, 97; 7th, ,T. Lamb, 107—10, 97; Sth, W. M'Gregor, 115—16, 99; 9th, Alex. Fairley, 112—12, 100; 10th, David Wilson, 10G—6, 100. LEIT1I CLUB. 67

Oct. 17.—The Alexander Medal, sets of Prize Clubs and Balls, 21 holes, won by—1st, M. Mackenzie, 110—0, 110 ; 2d, "Win. M'Gregor, 1-23—12, 111; 3d, A. Forbes, 112—0, 112; 4th, Alexander Doig, 115—0, 115; 5th, M. Thomson, 118—3, 115; 6th, D. M'Gregor, 125—9, 116; 7th, K. Naismith, jun., 120—3, 117; 8th, W. Ander- son, Jan., 119—0, 119; 9th, Charles Carnegie, 12S—6, 119. Dee. 23.—Extra Christmas Prizes, 14 holes, won by—1st, J- Alexander, jun., 71—0, 71; 2d, K. Kay, 74—0, 74; 3d, J. John- ston, 80—6, 74; 4th, M. Mackenzie, 75—0, 75; 5th, D. JM'Laren, 75—0, 75; 6th, D. M'Gregor, 79—4, 75 ; 7th, Alexander Doig, 77— 0, 77; 8th, A. Forbes, 77—0, 77; 9th, John Black, 90—12, 78; 10th, G. G. Blaikie, 82—4, 78; 11th, W. JI'Gregor, S2—4, 78; 12th, J. Alexander, sen., 90—12, 78. COMPETITIONS IN 1868. February 20.—The Champion )Medal and Handicap Prizes, con- sisting of clubs and balls, 21 holes, won by—1st, M. Mackenzie, 106—106; 2d, Alexander Doig, 107—3, 104; 3d, D. Wilson, 114— 9, 105; 4th, D. Geddis, 119—9, 110; 6th, W. Anderson, jun., 115—3, 112; Cth, J. Doig, 122—9, 113; 7th, D. M'Laren, 117— 3, 114; 8th, W. S. Smart, 121—6, 115; 9th, J. Lamb, 124—9, 115; 10th, J. Black, 130—15, 115; 11th, J. Johnston, 122—6, 116; 12th, R. M'lntosh, 128—12, 116. June 18.—(Musselburgh)—Clubs and Balls, 18 holes, won by—1st, D. Wilson, 88—4, 84; 2d, M. Mackenzie, 87—0, 87; 3d, A. Doig, 8S—0, 88; 4th, J. Gilfillan, 108—18, 90; 5th, M. Thomson, 94— 2, 92; 6th, A. Fairley, 102—S, 94; 7th, J. Doig, 101—6, 95; 8th, J. Johnston, 100—1," 96; 9th, A. Forbes, 99—0, 99; 10th,George G. Blaikie, 106- 6, 100. Oet. 15.—The Alexander Medal, sets of Prize Clubs and Bolls, 14 holes, won by—1st, J. Doig, 77—4, 73 ; 2d, George Eobb, 75—2, 73 ; 3d, William S. Smart, 77—4, 73; 4th, C Waismith, jun., 80—6, 74; 5th, M. Mackenzie, 74—0, 74; 6th, E. Gravett, 79—4, 75, 7th, William M'Gregor, 81—G, 75; 8th, E. Naisinith, sen., SO— 4, 76. Dee. 21.—Extra Christmas Prizes, 14 holes, won by—1st, M. Mackenzie, 72—0, 72; 2d, H. Harcus, 73—0, 73; 3d, Alexander Fairley, 82—8, 74; 4th, A. Forbes, 75—0, 75 ; 5th, Win, M'Gregor, 79—4, 75 ; 6th, Alexander Doig, 76—0, 76; 7th, E. Cravett, 78— 2, 76; 8th, E. M'lntosh, S4—8, 76; 9th, G. Adamsou, 87—10, 77; 10th, J. Philpot, 85—8, 77; 11th, A. Porteous, 00—12, 78; 12th, K. Kay, 78—0, 78; 13th, J. Lamb, 85—6, 79; 14th, John Black, SU—10, 79; 15th, D. M'Gregor, 83—4, 79. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. Feb. IS.—The Champion Medal, and Sets of Clubs and Balls, 14 holes, won by—1st, Alexander Doig, 69—69; 2d, John Mill, 79— 68 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

8, 71; 3d, J. Doig, 74—2, 72; 4tli," W. Anderson, sen., 76—4, 72; 6th, J. Johnston, 76—4, 72; 6th, Alexander Forbes, 72—0, 72; 7th, Isaac Maclean, 88—10, 73. April 1.— Musselnurgli—Sets of Chilis and Balls, 18 holes, won Vjy 1st, M. Thomson, 89—2, 87; 2d, H. Harous, 88—0, 88; 3d, M. Mackenzie, 95—0, 95 ; 4tli, B. Kay, 95—0, 9S ; 5th, A. Doig, 95— 0, 85 ; 6th, E. Gravutt, 88—2, 96; 7th, A. Fairley, 105—6, 99 ; 8th, J. Philpot, 109—8, 101; 9th, A. Stocks, 101—0, 101; 10th, W. Anderson, sen., 105—2, 103. July 8. —Musselburgh—Extra Prizes, consisting of writing desk, travelling hag, ink-stand, electro-plated flask, sets of clubs and Mis, 18 holes, won by—1st, II. Thomson, 87—0, 87; 2d, Charles Gumming, 90—8, 88; 3d, It. Mackenzie, 89—0, 89; 4th, A. Doig, SO—0, 9(), 5th, Alexander Forbes, 92—2, 90; 6th, A. Stocks, 91— 0, 91; 7th, 11. Kay, 93—0, 93 ; 8th, A. Porteous, 103—10, 93 ; 9th, K. K. Barrie, 100—6, 94; 10th, A. Fan-ley, 100—6, 94; 11th, H. Cameron, 104—8, 96; 12th, J. Philpot, 104—8, 96; 13th, J. Mill, 104—8, 96. Oct. 21.—The Alexander Medal, Sets of Cluhs and Balls, 14 holes, won by—1st, Charles Calver, 73—0, 67; 2d, M. Mackenzie, 68— 0,68; 3d, D. M'Gregor, 76—6, 70; 4th, J. Grosset, 78—8, 70; 5th, E. Dudgeon, 71-0, 71; 6th, J. G. Wallace, 79—C, 73; 7th, A. Stocks, 74—0, 74; 8th, It. Gordon, 77—2, 75; 9th, H. Harous, 75—0, 75; 10th, J. Johnston, 79—4, 75. Dec. 21.—Extra Christmas Prizes, 14 holes, won by—1st, G. G. Blaikie, 72—8, 64; 2d, R. Kay, 68—0, 68; 3d, J. Lamb, 74—6, 68; 4th, A. Forbes, 73—2, 71; 5th, D. "Wilson, 76—4, 72; 6th, II. tfaismith, jun., SI—8, 73; 7th, R. M'Intosh, 81—8, 73 ; 8th, D. K. Barrie, 81—8, 73; 9th, A. Fairlcy, 81—8, 73; 10th, W. M'Gre- gor, 80—0, 74; 11th, G. Smith, 82—8, 74; 12th, D. M'Laren, 78 —4, 74; 13th, ~W. S. Smart, 70—2, 74; 14th, A. Portcous, 82—8, 74; 15th, J. Doig, 79—4, 70; 10th, A. Doig, 76—0, 76; 17th, C. J. Thomson, 80—4, 76. NOTE.—The above competitions, with the exception of those spe- cially mentioned, took place on Leith Links. The course on Leith Links for matches and prizes consists of seven liolea each round. MATCH—LEVEN V. LEITH GOLF CLUB. A home and home match was played in the first instance over Leven and Lundin Links, on the 8th April, 1869, 20 players aside, which resulted in favour of Leven by a majority of 208 holes. The course consisted of two rounds of the Links, or 36 holes; and in the second instance, over Leith Links, same numher of holes, on the 29th April, which again resulted in favour of the Leven Club by a majority of 61 holes. Total on the whole match in favour of Leven, 269 out of 1,440 holes. LEITTI CLUB. 69

ItULES OF THE GAME. 1.—Place of Teeing.—The ball not to he teed nearer the hole than four club lengths, nor further from it than six, either in front or side; and after the balls are struck off, the ball furthest from the hole played to shall be played first. 2.—Changing Balls.—The balls struck off from the tee must not he changed, touched, or moved, before the hole is played out (except in striking, and the cases provided for by Pailes 5th, 6th, and 10th,) and if the parties are at a loss to know the one ball from the other, neither shall be lifted till both parties agree. 3.—Parties Playing.—Every party shall go in the same direction, of the course, and no party following shall play off till the party in. advance shall have played the second stroke ; and no party is to play when another party is on the putting green, till that party shall have holed out. No hole is gained unless the ball is holed (except by consent of parties). 4.—Entitled to go first.—The party holding out at any hole is en- titled to go before any party commencing to play. 5.—Lifting of Break Clubs, &e.—All loose impediments within a club length of the ball may be removed when the ball lies on turf. When a ball lies on a road or in a hazard, nothing whatever can he touched, and the player must take pare in aiming at it that he do not alter or improve its position; if he do so he loses the hole. When a hall lies on clothes, it may be lifted and dropped behind them. A hall stuck fast in wet ground or sand may be taken out and replaced loosely in the hole it lias made, and the player shall in all eases be entitled to see his hall. When a ball has to be dropped the party doing so shall front the hole to which he is playing, stand- ing close behind the hazard, and drop the hall behind him from his head. C.—Ball m Water, &c.—If the ball be half covered or more with water, or lies in a hole where a club cannot reach it, or in an old or supernumerary hole made for the purpose of golfing, the player may take it out, drop it behind the hazard, and lose a stroke. If played into a garden, the bowling green, or a cricket tent, it may be lifted and dropped within six yards from the side, the player or party- losing a stroke. 7.—Ball Lost.—If a hall be lost, five minutes to be allowed to seek for it; if not found by that time, the party (or his partner in a double match,) must return as nearly as possible to the place from whence the lost ball was struck, and play another ball, counting one for the stroke by which the ball was lost, another stroke as penalty, and a third for the stroke then struck. If the original ball be found before the party has struck the other ball, the first shall continue the one to be played. 8.—Parlies pass-ing each other.—Any party having lost a ball, and. THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL. incurring delay by seeking it, shall be passed l>y any party coming up ; and on all occasions parties playing two balls shall be entitled to pass parties playing three. 9.—liuhs on ike Green.—Whatever happens to a ball tiy accident, such as striking any person, or touched with the foot by a third pearty, or by the fore-caddie, must be reckoned a rub on the green, and submitted to. If, however, the player's ball strike his adver- sary, or liis adversary's caddie or clubs, the adversary loses the hole; or if it strikes himself or his partner, or their caddies or clubs, or if lie strike the ball a second time while playing, he loses the hole. If the player touch the bail with his foot, or with anything except liis club, or remove anything which causes the ball to move, or with Iris club move the ball in preparing to strike, he loses a .stroke; and if one party strike his adversary's ball with his club, foot, or other- wise, that party loses the hole; but if the player, inadvertently thinking it his own, and the adversary also plays the wrong ball, it is then too late to claim the penalty, and the hole must be played out with the balls thus changed. If, however, the mistake occurs from wrong information given by one party to the other, the penalty oannot be claimed if discovered before the other party lias played, and must be rectified by replacing the ball as nearly as possible where it lay. If a ball "be played by mistake by a third party, the player must drop it as near the spot as possible, without any penalty. WfistffVBT happens to a ball on a medal day, such as a player strik- ing his caddie, or himself, or his clubs, or moving the ball with his foot or club, or his caddie doing so, or striking it twice before it stops motion, the player in such cases shall lose one stroke only as the penalty. 10.—Lifting Balls,—\Yhen on any part of the course, or off it, or in a hazard, the balls lie within six inches of each other, the. ball nearest the hole played to must be lifted tillthe other is played, and then be placed as nearly as possible in its original position. In a three-ball match, the hall in any degree interposing on the putting green, between the player and the hole, must be played out. 11.—Clearing the Putting Green.—All loose impediments may be lifted on the patting green when within ten club lengths of the hole. 12.—Holing Out the Ball.—No mark shall be placed, nor line drawn, to direct the ball to the hole ; the ball must be played fairly and honestly for the hole, and not on the adversary's ball, unless that be in the way, when the player is entitled to play only with such strength upon that as is necessary honestly to send his own ball the distance of his hole, but not needlessly to injure the position of the adversary's ball. Either party may smooth sand lying round the hole, hut this must be done lightly, and without pressure or heating down with the feet, club, or otherwise. 1EITH THISTLE CLVB. 71

13.—Medal or Prize Day.—New hole3 shall always be made on the day the medal or prizes are played for; and no competitor shall play at these holes before starting for the prize, under the penalty of being disqualified for playing for it. All balls must be holed out, and no steimies allowed. 14.—Asking Advice.—A player must not ask advice about the game by word, look, or gesture, from any one except his caddie, his lartners caddie, or his partner. 15.—Playing for the Medals or a Prise.—The Club Medal, or prize given by the Club, or any member, to be played for under the fol- lowing regulations:—The match to consist of three rounds, and such members as intend to compete shall be matched together in parties of two, either by private agreement or by the Council, each player being attended by a marker, for the purpose of recording the strokes as they are struck, on a card prepared for that pin-pose; or in the event of there being no markers, the one player shall mark for the other; and if it happen that any member competing for the medals or prize be without a partner, such member shall be allowed to play by himself, and shall liave a marker along with him. On comparing these cards, he who shall lie found to have made the holes in the fewest strokes to be declared the gainer of the medal or prize. If two or more competitors finish the match in the same number of strokes, they shall play an additional round to decide the matter. 16.—Ball Splitting,—If a balL shall split into two or more pieces, a fresh ball shall be put down without a penalty where the largest part is lying. 17.—Mistakes about Holes.—Mistakes relative to the reckoning of any particular hole cannot be rectified after the parties have struck off for the next hole. 18.—Disputes about the Game.—All disputes about the game shall he determined by the Captain or the Senior Member of Council present, or if none be present, by a mutual referee. 19.—Breach of Rules.—Where no penalty for the infringement of a rule is specially mentioned, the loss of the hole shall be understood to bo the penalty. 20.—Keeping tlie Links,—The person appointed to take charge of the Links shall malce new holes when required, and in such places as to preserve the putting green, and shall see that the Links are kept in proper order. N.B.—All spectators at Golf matches are requested to he silent, and to stand still while the parties are striking or about to strike.


Council. K. M. Mackie, D. ,T. Mai-brair, Samuel Halket, James Pringle, Win. Ford, Win. Menzies, James Williamson, Daniel Smith, Edward Wishart. WM. DVXS, Club and Ball Maker, and Custotlier of the Green. LIST OF MEMBERS. Prior to 1865. Combe, Charles T. Ainslio, Bobart Crabbie, John M. Allan, Alexander Cree, James BttUeny, William Croall, David Gundell, Joseph Cuntlcll, William J. Dudgeon, John Dawson, J. G. Hay, James Douglas, David Hnwden, Andrew Dowie, Thomas Logan, George Dunsmure, Alexander M'Nair, John Dyer, H. S. O^ilvy, Tlinmaa Pindlay, John R. Pillans, P. S. Pord, James BitcMo, George Ford, Thomas Scarfli, Tillans Turd, William J. Bhirrcff, Charlcd Praser, William Sprot, Mark Gibson, William ThreBhio, David Scott Gordon, T. A. White, Robm-t Halkett, Samuel Wood, JolmH. Ilardie, James T. "Wood, William HiU'die, John since 1885. Hardie, Kobert Absolein, E. II. Hardie, Eobert Adam, Stephen Hay, James T. Aitlc«n, Andrew Hope, William Aitkim, Thnmns Huie, D. W. Andorson, Jumes Inglis, James Borbar, Edward E. Ivor}', Thomas Ballantync, Alexander Kidd, David Baattda, William Kidd, John Ttonrmtt, James H. IiCdghton, D. Blair, Alexander Lindsay, James W. Kate, Patrtok Lindsay, IWilliam Bloxsom, W. G. Macbrair, D. J. Boyd, John Macdonald, D. S. Boyd, II. B. Maekay, P. A. Brodie, William Mackay, James Brown, W. A. Mackenzie, W. Q. Oampbell, Goorge Maakenzie, W. H. Campbell, Robert MaeMa, N. M. Oampboll, William Mat'kinlay, James Oliombars, Iiobert, jun. Maim, William Clarkson, W. C. Marjoribauks, William LEVEN CLUB. 73

Martin, George Scott, John Meuzies, John Usher Bhand, J. Hcnzies, William Shiols, Thomas Miller, William Shiels, Sirtey Moffatt, J. W. Hidoy, James A. Monurir-ff, Alexander Sime, F. Morrison, Charles, jun. Smart, Samuel M. Morton, Hugh Smith, Alexander Murdoch, John Smith, Daniel M'Ouaig, Oolin Sb'rensen, Marius M'Laren, Alexander Stein, Charles Park, John B. Stewart, Alexander J. Paxtou, William Stuart, Alexander Peacock, Robert A. Theilmann, J. H. Pcddio, James Thomson, James G. Peddie, James, jun. Thomson, William Prentice, Charles Traill, Ptobert C. Pringle, James Turnlrall, J. M. E. Timlin, John Tnvnbull, John Banken, Andrew Usher, A. J. Ede, Hermann AVatson, Ker. A. E. , Robertson, Thomas Waterston, George Eobertson, Thomas Wilson, A. U. Eussell, John 11. Williamson, James Eussell, P. 0. Wishart, Edward Eussell, William Wood, William L. Eutherfnrd, Andrew Waterston, George, jun. Eoss, James COMPETITIONS IN 1867. April 5.—Gold Medal, gained by Robert Chambers, jun. October 4.—Silver Medal, gained by AY. L. Wood. COMPETITIONS IN 1868. April 3.—Gold Medal, gained by Daniel Smith. October 2.—Silver Medal, gained by Patrick Eussell. COMPETITIONS IN 18G9. April 2.—Gold Medal, gained by James T. Hardie. October 1.—Silver Medal, gained by William Munzies.


Council. H. T. Peter. M. Elder. A. Wilkie. J. Anderson. B. Brace. A. Henderson. David Marshall. John Davidson. Sergeant BUSSEI/L, Custodier of the Links. XIST OF MEMBERS. Matthew Elder, sen. John Work Thomas Anderson H. T. Peter David Marshall Jolm Weir Peter Keddie David Bussell William Anderson Hugh V. Haig Andrew Hobertsoii Bobart Kollock Bobert Brace Admii'al Bethuuo William Bones Andrew Smytho Bobert Smith Charles Bethune Archibald Cameron J. 11. Dunlop William Wallace Chalmers George Loclitio George Niven John Davidson Douglas Campbell G. J. Oheyne G. B. Gillespie Dr Cheyne John Jamieson Andrew Thomson Bobert Gibson James Anderson, jun. Alexander Thomson James Brown Bobert Brown Andrew Wilkie George Crawford Andrew WftUcer John Sharp George Wilkie David Malcolm Peter Proudfoot David Martin John Patrick Peter Graham Alexander SI'Lennan William M'Laren James Blair James Boll John P. Bamsar Thomas Horn John P. Ballingall John Steven Nicol Malcolm William Ewan John Lowden William Nairn William H. Haig Thomas Keddie. Sergeant Bussell John Guthrie Major H. Christio John Watson Alfred Smyths Obrien Peter Bobert Sharp Henry M'lntosh James Elder Daniel Stalker Eichard Beekio John Wilson James Oatman John Lawrio Peter Eeddie, jun. David Allman Bobert Eobertson Mr Smith Henry Bruce Mr Collyar M. Elder, jun. Mr Greonhill Oapt. Lindsay Bobert Bintoul LEVEN CLUB.

Mr Bryson Andrew 'Webster Mr Braes William Sniytho Dr Duncan David Howden M. T. "Wallace Archibald AdaniRon F. T. -Wallace James Brown, jun. J. IS. M'Kay Alexander Balfour Alexander Patrick D. Dick Charles Anderson W. II. Malcolm J. E. Smitli Eobert Thomson William Gray James Johnston Conway Thomson Hugh Johnston Captain Morgan Andrew Smytho James Smith Major Boothby Andrew Paterson James Forgan Dr Wright Alexander Peter Dr M'Quaig Mr Eae Colin M'Quaig Major Bethune Mr Lnmsden Eov. Mr Jack John Elder Iiov. J. Prain E. J. Jamieson Mr Browning George Irons David Eitchio John Dun James Thomson John Balfour Dr. Morris Eev. John Duncan Thomas Lawsou Bov. Clifford Bell Eev. David Brewster Christopher Cruko Eov. Mr Johnston Alexander Uendei'sou David Adamson James Brown Malcohu M'Innes Alexander Smith SirEobt. Anstrutbcr, Bart,, M.P. Donald M'Innes

COMPETITIONS IN 1867. MEDALS. Second Medal, Mr H. Brace; First Medal, Mr James Elder; Kennedy Medal, Mr II. Brace. MATCHES. Leven v. Thistle Club, St. Andrews.—Fourteen players aside, 27 holes. Leven won by 87 holes. Return Matcli at St. Andrews on St. Andrews Links, when Leven CInb won by 25 holes. Leven v. "Wavrender Club, Edinburgh.—Twenty players aside, 27 holes. Leven won by 184 holes. Return Match at Edinburgh, when Leven. won by 89. Leven Club v. University St. Andrews.—Twelve players aside, 27 holes. Leven won by 21 holes. Retain Match at St. Andrews, when the University Club wou by 71 holes. 76 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

COMPETITIONS IN 1868. MED ALS. Second, MrJames Elder; First, Mi- James Elder; Kennedy, Mr David Marshall. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. MEDALS. Second, James Elder; First, James Elder; Kennedy, James Elder; Anstruther Cross, David Marshall. HATCHES. Leven Club v. Leith Club.—Twenty players aside, 30 holes. Won by Leven by 208 holes. Keturn Match at Leith. Won by the Leven Club by 61 boles. Leven v. Innerleven.—Twelve players aside, 18 boles. Won by the Lauren Club by 32 holes. One round of Links, 18 boles.


INSTITUTED MAY 1868. QUO. TODD CHIENE, Esq. of Lnndin House, Leven, Captain. Oxo. WALLACE, Lundin Hill, Largo, Secretary and Treasurer. Committee. Charles Davidson, Lnndin Mill; Andrew Thomson, LundinMill; Jas. Forgan, jun., Suuuybraes; David M. Stewart, Luudin Mill; Frederick K. Lumsdaine, Drumeldrie. ANDIIEW THOMSON, Green. Bailie. LIST OP MEMBERS. Robert Rintonl Andrew Stuart F. K. Lumsdaine Archibald Bremner Andrew Thomson David Russell Peter Smith George Eusaell Sergeant, Russell Alexander Philp Charles Davidson Thomas Siniu William Wilson James Forgan, jun. (i. T. Chieno Nicol Malcolm OoLT tobertson David Marshall Con. Thomson James Urown G. T. Chiene, jun. Benjamin Philp Matthew Elder James Stuart Robert Smith LIVERPOOL CLUB.

William Haig Garden Maithewson Archibald White David M. Stewart Alexander Patrick George Walluco Douglas Campbell, jun. John Ohiene, M.D. Arthur Russell Harry Oheyne Robert Tnllis Arthur Gheyuo Thomas White Joseph CT. Cheyno COMPETITROLT IN 1868. Sept. 11.—Standard Medal played for and gained by David Mar- shall at a score of 97 strokes. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. Aug. 9.—Silver Medal subscribed for by members of the Club, played for and gained by F. R. Lumsdaine at a score of 102 strokes. Oct. 6.—Standard Medal played for and gained by Mr Geo. Todd Cliiene, jun., in 94 strokes. There arc 18 holes in around of the Links.

LI VERPOOL. LIVERPOOL GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1869. Head Quarters—Royal Hotel, Hoylalcc, Birkenhead.

J. M. DOWIE, Captain.

JAMES T"WEEDIE, Treasurer. | GEOIIGE LESLIE, Secretary* Council. I. Ball. B. II. Forman. J. Dun. G. S. Bobertscm. J. M. Dunlop. James "Walker. JOHN MOMUS, Cmtodicr of the Linlcs. ' LIST OP MEMEEKS. J. TV. Adamson J. Boyd William Adamson Dr. P. Kraidwood John B. Amey Charles D. Brown John Anderson William Draco James Asuiirnc, jun. F. L. Buclclo Alexander Balfour Eobert Gaiiiplin , jun. Itobert Chambers, jun. William Bull H. C. Chambers Alexander BalmainJ.L.Cla J. L. Clara William Barclay Charles J. Cook E. Kentish Barnes Henry Cook George Bell Eobert Craig Henry S. Bigland A. S. 0. Cummingg James ISowden Alexander Cunningham 78 TUB GOLFEJl'S ANNUAL.

D. W. Davidson James Hackee J. W. Deighton Thomas Maitland W. B. Dick Philip Maughan George Dunlop W. C. A. Milligan James Muir Dowie It, P. Milne William Downes A. Mitchell H. P. Dovo William Moffat John Dun G. M. F. Molesworth Eobart Duncan (Jrahami Neisli J. M. Dunlop S. A. Nicholson John Elliot William Peers P. L. Evans Eugene Pickering Dr. Forbes Dr. J. Lindsay Porteous John T. Fonnan John Row Bichard H. Fonnan Dr Douglass Argyll Eobcrtson Bobort B. Forman George S. Bobertson John Alexander Fraser W. D. Eobertsou Thomas Frost, jun. George It. Eogerson Patrick Gibson Alfred S. Samuel Patrick Gibson W. B. Selby George Gleunie William Shaw George Gosset John Sibbald John Groenshields II. J. Simpson Thomas E. Greenshields Thomas Skinner, M.D, A. S. Hannay John May Sonnnerville Colonel Harris John Spinks A. Maitland Heriot Alexander Stewart IS. Hilton Alexander Stoddart Herbert Hind Laurence Stoddart William Horner .fames Taylor, j\in. Michael Houstoun II. N. Tennent Wallace; Houstouu J. 13. Tliomson John R. Hutchinson Thomas Thomson David Hutton J. Trippet Prank Mitchell Innes James Tweedu- It. F. Jones Edward Wahab Walter Johnston J. E. Walker Archibald Kennedy James L. Walker William Kirkwood Archibald Wallace Mathew Langlands Johnston G. Welsby David Leigliton Samuel Wliitu George Leslie J. M. Wilson Itev. J. G. Macdonna Thomas Wilson J. M'Diarmid Bandies Withers 0. J. Macdonald Henry Zicglor To be one of tlie newest, this is the strongest club numerically tliat lias been atided to the growing list for many years on either side of tliu Tweed. The originator of this young but powerful association is Hr J. L. Walker, who, with tliokeen instinct of a true golfer, had played over the green, or at least sornu part of it, for umny months LONDON' SCOTTISH CLUB. without finding any kindred spirits to unite in instituting a club. On 13th May, however, a meeting was convened by some of the office-bearers, and the result was the organization which has since proved so successful. The annual mbscription for the first year was 11 guinea, and entrance fee the same, non-resident members being charged only 10s., and that only payable if the member play on the grounds during the year. As to medals, &c, the club hopes to provide a gold medal for the spring competition, to which £20 have already been promised. . The challenge cup will always be played for at the autumn meeting, while prize clubs will be open for com- petition twice a year. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. (Course of IS holes. Two rounds.) Oct. 13.—Silver Challenge Cup, to become tlie property of any member winning it two years in succession, and presented by the Captain, was won by J. Dun. A Silver Cup, competed for under handicap, and presented by Mr D. Hutton, was carried off by J. Ball, jun., who was allowed 36 strokes. A set of Clubs, given by a member, under handicap, fell to the lot of Mr Adamson, of tlie Blackheath and North Devon Clubs; and a second set of Clubs, under handicap, open to those who had never played before joining the Liverpool Club, the gift of Mr J. Bull, jun., was awarded to "William Ball, Hoylake, who was allowed 40 strokes of odds. It is in contemplation to extend the Links, but in the mean time tlie best score must he recorded. In November, Messrs Buckle and James "Walker encountered Mitchell Jnnes and John Morris in a foursome. The latter won the 9 holes by two, and we are sorry we cannot give the strokes. Betting was in their favour on the. second round, still the tables were turned, Buckle and "Walker winning by tivo holes in the remarkably small score of 48, their opponents not being far off in 52 strokes.

LONDON. LONDON SCOTTISH GOLF CLUB. FOUNDED 1S85. Links—Wimbledon Common; Golf-house at the Windmill. Ojjiet-Bmvm fur 18(!fl-70. Lieut-Colonel LOIM ELCHO, M.P., President. Members of Committee. ]!. E. DUDGEON, M.D., Captain. B. H. USIIEIT, Lieutenant. Lieut. WILLIAM POHTEOUS, Treasurer. J. C. Fowlie, Arthur Cheyne, A. G. M'Kcnzie, James Kerr. 80 THE GOLFER'S ANNUA L.

Mx-Officio. The. Commanding Ofllcor Of tlio London Scottish Killo Volunteers. The Adjutant, L.S.R.V. LIST OP MEMMUtS. Earl of Aberdeen Bushby Jameson T>. Aitcneson Charles Lamb James Alexander David Lamb Jolm Alexander Henry Lamb George Anderson James Lamond A. Gavin Anderson Jolm Looiko John Anderson CoHmo Logic J. G. S. Anderson Oiiptain Homy LaimBdon William Anderson A. 0. M'Donald Hon. A. Alison, Major, V.O. James M'Variano H. J. Baffle JohnM'l'arhino J. L. Bennett Captain Gem-go M'Kenzio John Binning Andrew M'Lnro James Blair J. W. Maleolm, M.r. James Caird A. Mitchell B. P. Caird William Michie John Campbell Lord Justice Olark Moncrieff George OarfrftO, M.D. Colonel Monnrieff Hon. 0. Carnegie, 1I.P. Alexander Munro A. B. Chalmers Kobert Munro Alfred Charteria Jolm Murray, M.D. Francis Oharteris Thornton Kordonfelt W. Crawford Captain S. Flood Pago John Oreo J. I1. Patarson 0. J. P. Durrocli Jolm l!ol)b J. Douglas OatnpboU Eoberiaon J. Drysdalo Edward Uoas S. E. Ferguson A. M. Hhnvr James Finher Jolm Smith L. W. Fisher William Homorvillo Jjieut. liolmrtFisher ThomaH Sproat W. D. Fordyoe, M.P. James 8 tovon J. Fordyco Williiim Stavon Captain Fyfo William Straclum George Glovor Staart Sutherland Sir Franeia Grant, P.B.A. II. <:trani. Buttlo It-Gen. SirJ. Hope Grant, G.O.B 0, W. Tfui(|iuiray Jolm Grant James H. Turner John Hay Adam Winter Jolm Henderson II. J. Younger Thomas Hnteheaon The round on Wimbledon Links consists of 7 holes. There aro two medals. A valuable gold and SILVER Challenge Medal, presented to the Club by Lord Elcho and Sir llopo Grant, for annual compe- tition, was gained in 1808 by Mr Arthur Cheync, and in 1889 by MANCHESTER CLUE. 81

Mr ,T. C. Fowlie, with a scorn of 112 strokes for the 21 boles. A gold medal for monthly competition; present holder (Dec. 1809), MrH. Lam b, j he competition forthe Aimual Medal takes place in May, that ior the Monthly Medal on some Saturday fixed by the Committee in the months of October, November, December, January, February March, April, and May. Three rounds (21 holes, counting strokes.) are played for the Annual Medal and for the Monthly Medal, except m the months of November, December, and January, when two rounds (14 holes) only are played, on account of the shortness of the. days. Ihe Club lias a professional player, Frank Dolemnn, who attends to the holes and putting greens, gives instruction in playing, and makes and repairs clubs and balls. The Club was instituted in 186S by some members of the London Scottish Rifle Volunteers, the members of which regiment are admit- ted to the Uub on a subscription of 10s. per annum. Other Persons are also elected members at an animal subscription of one guinea. Keireshments according to a tariff can be obtained at the Golf House. The annual meeting of the Club is held at the head-quarters of the hegiment, 10 Adelphi Terrace, on or about St. Andrews' Day when the accounts are produced and the officers for the ensuing year ore elected. The members and their friends dine together afterwards. Wimbledon Common being enclosed for the purposes of the -National Rifle Association in June and July, golf is not played there during those two months.

MANCHESTER. MANCHESTER GOLF CLUB. Instituted 1815—House built 1820—Limited to 12 Playing Members. MALCOLM ITOSS, Captain. JOHN S. PODS, Secretary and Treasurer. ROBERT LEES, Rooden Lane, Keeper of the Links. LIST OF MEMBERS. 1827 William Gibb • 1805 Henry IT. Griorson 1882 Duncan Wright By: Shepherd Fletcher 18S7 James Atlierton 18GG John S. Dods 18-40 Malcolm Boss 1809 Wm. Stevenson 18-14 Thomas Barge 1847 Tims. M. Stirling Honorary Members. 1851 *Wm. Alexander Park 1845 Sir Charles Shaw 1857 James Alexander Bannerman 1801 Eobert Harbour *Jolm Fender 1807 John Reid 1802 Win. H. Houldaworth 180!) James M'Lareu 1803 James P. Baknoiu * Absentees. 82 THE OOLFSM'S ANNUAL.

CllMl'KTITKIN'M TX 13(17. Nine "Holes in the Round. April20'.—Winter Medal, played for and won liy Mr Griev, with 7ii strokes in 10 holes. Aug! ).—Bannerman Gold Medal, ployed for and won liy Do&s, with 81 strokes in 1(5 holes. Nov. 1.—Junior Handicap Medal, played for nnd won by lialiiiain, with 87 strokes in 14 holes. COMPKTITIOXK TS 1808. Nino Holes in the Round. April 8.—Winter Modal, played for and won liy Mr Grists with 73 strokes in 10 holes. July 81.— Bannerman Gold Medal, played for and won by Grierson, with 71 strokes in 10 holes. Oct. 2,—Junior Medal, played for and won liy Dr. Fletcher, w 71 strokes in 10 holes. COMPETITIONS IN ISC!). JTinu Holes in thul lovmd. April -2.—Winter Medal, played for and won by Mr Bahuain, w 74 strokes in 10 holes. Au 6.-—Bannerman Gold Medal, played for and won l>y ] Fletcher, with 71! strokes in 10 holes. Sept. 24.—Junior Handicap Medal, played for and won by Grierson, with 78 strokes in 10 holes. This season lias been enlivened by visits from four members tile. Liverpool Golf Club and two leading members of the Bo North Devon and Wr-sf of England Club. On both occasions i play was In favour of the strangers, but Manchester was not K\ graced. Within the last few months an addition has been made the ground, through the kindness of the tenant of adjoining laj which, enables the Club to play !> holes, instead of B. The grovj is all rather rough and uneven, but; nevertheless the gamo tlioronghly enjoyed there, nml more onthusioatio golfers it wonld hard to flnd on either side of the border. The members dine getlier weekly during summer,

MOSIFEITH. PANMURK UOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED IS-15. Captain SIAITLAXII DOUOAM., 1^."N"., Captain. GEESKAM GontLAY, l*t Councillor. JAMES ADIB, id Vmmeillar. ,NIIRI:W II. linowN. Ferry Ifmise, Hvotiglity FtiTy, Secretn ttml Trriixinrr. .loilN HoLLAKl), Keeper of tin: Unta. MONIFEITII CLUB. 88

LIST OP MEMHEUS. •Tanics Adio 8. T. Inglis Hugh Alexander J. Jack George L. Allison — Johnston, A.C. U-eorge Armitatead D. 1C. Johnston Patrick Arklay Itoborfc Lamb David Barrio Alexander Lindsay Frauds Baxter

COMPETITIONS IN 1S07. Spring Meeting, 15tli May.—Silver Medal competed for. Number of holes, IS. Winner, Mr J. J. Dnkcll, at; l)i) strokes. Autumn Meeting, 20th Oct.—Gold Medal and Silver Cross com- 81 THE GOLFER'S AKKUAL. pete&for. 18 lioles. Winners, Medal in 109 by Mr A. C. Jolm- ston, and Silver Cross by Mr James C. L. Lindsay in 113 strokes. COMPETITIONS IN 1868. Spring Meeting, ICtli May.—Silver Medal. 18 lioles. "Winner, Mr W. C. Thomson. Autumn Meeting, 24th Oet.—Gold Medal and Silver Cross. IS lioles. Medal, Mr W. C. Thomson, 105, and Mr J. J. Dalzell 107 for Cross. COMPETITIONS IN 1860. Spring Meeting, Ifitli May.—Silver Medal. Winner, Mr A. C. Johnston. 100 strokes. Autumn Meeting, 23d Oet.—Gold Medal and Silver Cross. Medal won by Mr A. (,'. Johnston in 95 strokes ; Cross by Mr~W. G. Thom- ston in 95 strokes;CrossbyMr~W. The round consists of 9 holes, a nd all competitions are two rounds of the Links.

MO NT ROSE. 11OHTEOSE B0YA1 ALBERT QOLT CLUB. GEOKGE KEITH, of Usitn, Captain. JOHN WALKIR, Hanker, Secretary and Tr€aswer. IioiiEUT Dow, Keeper nj'the Links. LIST OF MEJD1EHS. Those, marked L are Lifo Members; P, Playing Members; II, Honor- ary Members ; L P, Lifo and Playing Members. Eight, Hon. the Earl of Dal- Adam Bnrnes, H . housie, H Charles Robertson, Edinburgh, 1" Eight Hon. the Earlof Scrathesk, P W. Ferrier Kerr, , P The Hon. Chas. Carnegie, M.P., I1 Thomas Kerr, Viewbank, P Colonel James itaitt of ANNIS- William MitcteE. Ex-1'rovost, It tcm, P James S. Millar, P Major Fergusson, P John llastie, P Capt. T. M. li. Gardyne, P Geo. Moore Gordon of Charlton, P Capt. Penrith, Gannochie Lodge, P H. H. Duncan, Esq., P Capt. Dempster of Dunnichen, P John Walker, Esq., Banker, P Capt. Young, P Kev. D. M'Leod, Montrose, P George Keith of TTsan, P Rev. ~Mv Anderson, Montrose, P Kennedy Er,*kino of Dun, P Capt. Pasley, Montrose, II H. Liudriay Carjugie of Kinbleth- liev. M. Steven, Montrose, P mont, P Ohaa. liumess, EKCJ., Banker, Mon- Alex. Hay Mill of Woodhill, P trose, P D. Lindsay Carnegie, P Dr. Watson, Montrose, P Alexander Duncan, P Major Eamsay, P John D. Inverarity of Eo^c- Mr Johnson Driver, P lnuunt, P Mr , F MONTROSE CLUB. 85

Ex-Provost Savage, H James Hay, Esq., Leith, L P Mr John Dow, H i'red. Pitman, Esq., W.S., Edin- Mr Eobfc. Clark, Edinburgh, P burgh. L P Patrick Chalmers, Esq., P James Bain, Esq., St. Andrews, L Alexander Lindsay, Edinburgh, P Andrew Greig, Esq., Montrose, H Alexander Hunter, Edinburgh, P Wm. Macdonald Maedonald, Esq. Alexander Thomson,Edinburgh,P of Rossie, &c., P Mr James All a-dice, Montrone, P Jli'V. Mr AVoodward, H Eobert Buixlay, Provost of Mon- Ofiipt. ('ourtenay, Aberdeen, L trose, H Rev. John Stevenson, Dun, P Geo. Chalmers, Esq., Banker, Mon- AVm. Thomson, Esq., Dundee, P trose. ti. AVm. Jamieson. Esq., Dundee, P James Biruie, Esq., Montrose, H Col. Monerieff, P Mr David Welsh, P Alex. 0. Lindsay, Esq., Edin- John Duncan, Esq. of ParkMll, P burgh, P Mr John Reid, Montrose, II Capt. Burnett of Monlioddo, P Thos. Barclay, Esq., Montrose, HMrBal Mr Balfnur, Edinburgh, P 0. H. Millar, Esq., Montrose, H Eobert Miller, Broughty Ferry, P Edward Millar, Esq., Montrose, H Eev. V. G. Faithful, Glasgow, P Win. Jamieson, Esq., Montrose, H 11. G. Cunningham, P Geo. Taylor, Esq. ofKirktonhill, H T. E. Prouth, 12th Lancers, P M. T. Rodger, H Robert Clark, Esq., Arrak Mill, P Sheriff Robertson, P Eov. Mr M'Phcrson, Reetor, For- John Ogilvy, yr. of Inshowan, P far, P James L. Howden, M.D., P Wm. Dingwall Fordyee, M.P., The Eight Hon. John IngHg. L P of Bruekley Castle, Abcrdecn- II. Maxwell Inglis, Esq.,L P sliire, P J. Thomson, Esq., Burnhouse, L P COMPETITIONS IN 1867. Two competitions annually.— Original Gold Modal played for always on tliird Wednesday of April, and the Albert Gold Medal on. third Wednesday of October. The round is 18 holes. April.—Won by Capt. Young by 100 strokes. (Jet.—Won by Alex. Duncan by 97 strokes. COMPETITIONS IN 1868. April.—Won by James Allavdice, 91 strokes. Oct.—Won by James Bulfour, 98 strokes. COMPETITIONS IN 18G9. April.—Won by James Allardice, OS strokes. Oct.'—Won by Gordon, 08 strokes. An additional medal was presented to the Club by the Keithock Club at the last half yearly general meeting of the CM) on 20th Oct., 1869, to be competed for annually. The Hon. Charles Carnegie also said he would present a cup to be •competed for by the Royal Albert Club, Montrose, and the Oar- jioustie Club, annually, on last Wednesday of July. so THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL. TJSSEI.BTJXiaH. THE HONOURABLE COMPANY OF EDINBURGH GOLFEES. ALEXANDER LlNDRAY, C(iptClhl. Il AT, Treasurer. JOHN WHiBlOS TOD, Recorder. JOHN *BIIUCE, W.S., Secretary. PETEII JI'EWEX, Custoilier of the Green. Council. .Earl of Stair, Andrew Gillon, Alexander Kinloeli, Gilbert Mitchell limes, John Blackwood, David B. Wauetope, Hobort Cowan, George M'Lachlan, W. A. Cunningham, Ord G. Campbell, Jfimos Blackwood, Alexander Dimsnmre, P. 0. Gibson, Henry J. Mon- criefi, and Hw Office-bearers ex-officiU. LIST OP MEMISER8. .Tames Hay, Leith Ord Graham Campbell, W.S. William Wood, Leith James Condie, Perth John H. Wood, Leith Eobert Ainslie of Elvingstono George Maelaehlaii, W.S. Alexander Dunsmnir, Leith James M. Melville, W.S. William Taylor, W.S. David Lindsay of Wonnisfon The Hon. Henry Coventry Edward Glass Hubert Cowan, W.S. Mark Sprott of GaniMrk Charles E. Oimdell Donald Home, "W.S. Fretleriek L. M. Herriot of Iiain- AVm. Alexander Cunningham ormio James Pdackwood Charles Eobortson, advocate George Thomson of Burnhouse AVilliam II. Bell, A.G.S. The Bight Hon. John Inglis, Lord Henry J. Wylie, C.E. Justice-General Jtichard Cowan John Cook, W.S. John Blackwood < 'harles Edward Allen, W.S. W. M. S. Dongall of Scotscraig James Skelton, W.S. John A. Wood, advocate Alexander Mackenzie, W.S. John Bruce, W.S. Sanmel E. Pergusaon, W.S. B. do 0. Nixon Arcliibald Stueirt, M.D. Charles P. Shand, advocate (-ieorge Dunlop Eodham Home John MadEenzic, C.A. George P. Montgomery Archibald Smith, advacato Frederick Pitman, W.S. James L. Hill, W.S. Alexander Duncan John Murray of Murray's Hull Thomas Ivory, advocate James Forman, advocate Francis Ivory The Chief of Clanranald George A. Thomson Captain , E.I.C.S. Andrew E. Clark, advocate Thomas Graham Weir, M.I). Geo. More Gordon of Charletoii' Win. Scott Elliot of Arkloton Francis Lindsay Alexander Tod, W.S. William Marjoribanks SOW. OOMFAXr OF EDINBURGH GOLFERS CLUB. 87

Sir Bobert Hoy, Bart. G. Montgomery Cunningham of I1. 0. Gibson Skeldon Evan A. Hunter, W. S. It. Alhtn Harden George Cunningham, O.E. (feorgo 11. Dempstarof Diinuich™ Ctot William. Ouniiiugham, lltli WiUium Blaokwood Hussars The Earl of Stair Samuel Hay, Union Bank H. B. Sanderson, Indian Army ('harles Tennant of the Glen Hubert Lee, advocate Gilbert Mitchell Innes Thomas E. Smith James D. Gillespie, M.D. Henry J. MoueriefF, advocate Bobart Gathcart of Pitcairley Thoimis D. M'Whannell George Barclay, W.S. W. S. Mitchell Innes The Hon. John Bollo James Skelton, advocate David B. Wauchopo John Wliyto Melville of Ben- David Duudns Whigham nocliie John Crawford Tait Jobn Inglis of Eedliall Lord David Kennedy Henry M'Kechnie John Campbell of Fossil Hobert E. Purvis James Gibson Thomson Francis Wilson William T. Maroar John 1'. Wilson Thomas Mackenzie, W.S. Arthur Oheyne Frauds Pratt, Royal Engineers William Watson, advocate Win. Monerieff, Q.A. James Hunt, W.S. Jolin Harrison, Captain, late of 4tl John Mackenzie, W.S. HTWSOIS Eobert Eichardson The Hon. Richard Ohaitaris Adam Clark Battray, Oi'd Begi- William Campbell of Orinsay ment James Mure, advocate Heniy Cheyne, jun. Eoger Montgomerie, advocate Charles P. Finlay, W.S. Lord W. Kennedy Alex. Khuoi'li, yr. of tUlmerton Arehd. D. Cockburn William E. Kta-maok, W.S. Thomas E. 0. Home, W.S. Eobert Clark Alexander H. Chalmers, W.S. A. Forbes Mackay, 02d Eegimont Edward J. Jnckson ('. Macliarnett, do. Henry Evoiiird G. K. M'Callum, do. 1 anry Sanderson, surgeon, E. John Wharton Toad, W.S. William Hope Henry Hyndmau Kennedy Sir A. Mure Mackenzie* of Del George liairdof Strichen vino, Bait, James T. Hardie John Campbell Baldwin If. Graham Lawson Eobert Bethunc of Nydie, Major James Haldane, C.A. George I). Mercer Eobert Forman, C.A. Parquliar Campbell of Aros William J. Mure Athol Hay Tim Eev. V. G. Faithful] Haldane, M.D Walter Cowan, 60th Eiilcs James B. Hay of Beltou Wm, Montgomery, W.S. A. B. Macallan, W.S. Eobert Montgomery E. J. P. Vassal!, General Alexander Burns Shand, advocate •Tamos Peddie, C.E. Win. E. Gloap;, advocate! The Hon. James Sandilanda Wm. Hay Newton of Newton 88 THE GOLFER'S ANXUAL.

Mrs. .U. Lrc, C.E. Henry H. Lancaster, advocate Andrew Webster, S.S.O. Thomas I'urdie Joim Dun Robert D. I'Y'rgnsson, Major John Dick PedcKe, archltscfc George. Burn, W.S. The Eight Hou. JamOB Monerieff, Viscount Dalrymple Lord Justice Clerk Alex. Brown, Royal Artillery Lord Elpliinstone W. G. Mackenzie Hi-iiry Hart J. W. Hastings Anderson, yr. of Andruw Gillon of WnllhemBe St. Germans Thomas S. Mitchell luues of 0. II. Thorns, advocate Phantdiieio Samuel EfJcfch W. .T. Little Gilmour of Craig- Alex. Blair, advocate millai- Malcolm M'Neill John Cheyne, advocate George James Wilson J. Oomrie Thomson, advodate Alex. , W.S. Alex. Moncrii-ff, advocate Henry Cook Alex. Lindsay, Captain Wm. Aitchisonof Dromore, Lieut. Patrick Blair, W.S. Colonel T. M. Wilson, General Alex. M. Sanderson, surgeon Olnirles Steuart, General, C.B. Samuel Halkett .Janies Tj. Mansfield Hugh James Hollo, W.S. Thomas J. Mansfield Hugh Blair, jun. James Peddia, W.S. Patrick Dudgeon of Oargen Alex. Fcddio Waddell, W.S. John P. Hathorn, Captain, Cold- James Mrarhead, Profc;ssor stream Guards Harry Smith, advoeatti Thoinas Young of Lincluden, Thomas T. Oliphant Major Kir David Weddarbnrn, Bart. Oolin Mackenzie, 78th Regiment William Ivory, advDoate ,T- Arthur Forbes, Captain, E.N. David Murray A. Dunn Pattison, advocate G. P. Muir G. P. Melville, advocate A. H. Kiimoar, advocate Kev. A. E. Watson Allan D. Stewart of Bimraixnocli Sir David Baird, Bart. Howard Blyth Kobert Eedd H. IT. Almond Jas. Dingwall Fordyee, advocate P. G. Tait, Professor Feter A. Speirs, advocate James A. Jamieson, W.S. Uocil Eice, 72d Eegiment Sir Hugh Hume Campbell, BarL Abdey Fellowes, Captain, R.N. William Ferguseon James Boyd George Young, Captain, Royal J. H. Gibson Craig, advocate Engineers William Dmmmond John Stewart of Tasnaoloioh Stair A. Agnew, advocate Ijdwin S. Mitchell limes W. H. Mackenzie A. 0. Sellar, advocate Donald Mackenzie, jun. Donald Crawford, advocate Thomas Boue.h, C.E. Edward L. J. Blyth, C.E. Andrew Eutherfurd, advocate John E. Buntine, advocate Jas. Stewart Eobertson, W.S, Wm. B. Hunter Arthur Makgill James S. Darling, W.S. A. Graham Murray W. Y. Sellar, Professor W. A. Eeir HON. COMPANY OF EDINBURGH GOLFERS' CLUB.

George Sinclair, Oapt. George S. Diindas IioU. diaries Ounninghamo William IngSs Alex. P. Adam, W.S. W. J. HoldHwortli I). Argyle Robertson, M.D. Robert Legat, W.S. Frederick Campbell of Craigie Walter H. Mackenzie H. W. Hope of Luff ness Frederick Fair William Miller Laurence IjCielvbart, Capt. George Setoil, advocate Alex. Bethune of Blebo V. Pearctli, Oapt Wm. Allan, Major, 71st Eugt. II. J. Oarnegy of Kinblothniont Danitd F. Tan-aft Lord Kosehill John Home, W.S. I!. 1.1. Macdonald of St. Martiu's .lulm Boyd David Ogg, S.S.C. Bobert Hope Moncricff A. Denuis touno Thos. I'aterson, W.S. C'OMPETITIOKS IJJ 1807. (0 holes in the round. 2 rounds played for medal.) April 10.—Gold Medal played for over Golfing- Course. 16 holes, being two rounds of S holes each. Won by Gilbert Mitchell Lines at SO strokes! COMPETITIONS IN 1868. April 9.—Do., do. Won by Robert Clark at 81 strokes. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. April 8.—Bo., do. Won by Gilbert Mitchell Innes at 75 strokes, the smallest number on record at which the medal has been won. RULES OF THE GAME. 1.—Order of Play.—At the commencement of the day, if the parties cannot agree which of them is to play first, a toss must take place, and whoever wins it plays first or not as he or they please. If the party not entitled to it play first at any hole, the ball may either be taken back and played in its proper order, or it may lie held as the regular teed stroke, in the adversary's option. After thu teed strqkes have been struck, the ball farthest from the hole to which the parties are playing must be played first. 2.—Place of Tcchuj.—The balls must be teed not nearer the hole than six club lengths, nor farther from it than eight, and in front of the hole as you look towards the hole to which you are going to play. Teed balls shall not be struck until after the- party in front have played their second strokes. 3.—Against Changing the Bull.—The ball struck from the tee must not be changed before the hole is played out; and if the parties are at a loss to know the one ball from the other, neither shall be lifted till both parties agree. If a ball shall break into two or more . pieces, a fresh ball may bo put down in playing for a medal -without any penalty, and in a match under the penalty of one stroke. !."> Tim GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

4.—Lifting Brcal-tJhtls, Ac.—"When &B hall lies on grass, all loose impedimenta within a elub-Iength of the ball may be ranoved. Nothing that is fixed or growrng can be removed at any time, either on the ctrrying course or putting green. Nothing whatever can be removed when the ball lies in Hand, on the road, in a bunker, or in whins. When the ball is in sand, or in a hazard, the player must take care, in aiming at the kill, that he does not alter or improve its position. If lie dors so lie loses the hole. 5.—Entitled to Sea the Bull.—"When a ball, however, is completely covered with fog, bent, whins, &c, so much thereof shall he set aside, as that the player shall have a view of his hall before he plays. A hall which is stuck fast in wet ground may be loosened. C.—Clearing Puttnig Gireii.—All loose impediment?.', of whatever kind, may be removed on the putting green, which is considered not to exceed twenty yards from the hole. 7.—Males,

17.—DispiiicH.—In nil cases, where not otherwise specified, tlie penalty for n broach of any of these Rules is the. loss of the liule. Any disputes respecting the play shall be determined hy the Captain or Senior Member present ; ami if none of the members are present, by the Captain and Iris Aiunml Council for the, time, at their first meeting. N.Bl—All'spectators at Golf matches are requested to ho silent, and to stand still, while the parties are striking or about to strike.

MtTSSELBURGH GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1772. JAMES MILLAU, Captain. Dr. SANMSHHON, Treasurer. This old established Club has been much reduced in strength; but it is expected that it will be recruited in the course of another year. The. present holder of the sup la James Millar. It lias not been played for for some years past, no decision having been come to regarding the terms upon "which, candidates for election will be •admitted to the Club.

MUSSELBUEGH NEW GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED NOV. 18(17. GEORGE LOWE, flO Frederick Street, Edinburgh, Captain. JAMES SCOTT, 21} Howard Place, Edinburgh, Treasurer. DAVID CUNNUHJIIAM, (il North Bridge, Edinburgh, Secretary. JAMBS KIUKWOOD, Abbotsrord Park, Chaplain. Council.

WILLIAM M'QIUTOOBI 40 Qrfndlay Street, Edinburgh. ALLAN IJOAK, Abbolsford Park, Edinburgh, And Qffloe-boarars ex-ufjkiis. LIST OP MSM11EHS. George IJOIVO Dunnan M'GrGgor James Seott William M'Gregor Bnvid OramlTigkam WilHmn Oownio Jtunaa Kirkwood (aorge Scott Edwurd Anderson Daviil Forbes Allan Book Murray Thomson William Walker Henry llareus John K. OluHholm UEV. Air, Forbes Thomas Bird lion. Alember. William Enid George 0. Adams Holder of Gold Medal—Edward Anderson. NORTH BER WICK CL UB. <13

COMPETITIONS IN 1S68. Aug. 27.—Claret Jug, presented by Mr I). Forbes, gained by Mr S. G. Bake in 97 strokes. Handicapped. Nov. 19.—Silver Tea Set, presented liy Mr James Kirkwood, gained by Mr D. Cunningham in 102 strokes. Handicapped. Dee. 24.—Set of Clubs, presented by Mr Lowe, gained by Mi- Bird in 96 strokes. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. March 18.—Gold Medal, subscribed for by members to l>e played for annually, gained by Mr Lowe in 9S strokes. April 15.—Silver Cup, presented by John Rhodes, Esq. of Sheffield, any member gaining it twice to keep it. Mr W. M'Gregor and Mr Bird tied in 93 strokes, and on playing oil' it was guintd by Mr M'Gregor. June 3.—Set of Clubs, presented by Mr D. M'Gregor, gained by Mr E. Anderson in 92 strokes—6 off, 88. June 3.—Claret Jug, presented by Mr W. M'Gregor, gained by Mr Bird in 94 strokes. July 1.—Silver Flask, presented by Mr Falconer, gained by Mr E. Anderson in 87 strokes, handicap 6. Oct. 14.—Field Glass, presented by Mr Cowiiie, gained by Mr D. M'Gregor in 92 strokes nett. Nov. 17.—Gold Medal, gained by Mr E. Anderson in 9G strokes.

NORTH BEBWICK. NORTH BERWICK GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED UPWAUDS OP FOKTY YEAES. Sir HEW DALUYMI'LE, Bart, Captain. JOHN H. WruTEeitoss, Secretary and Treasurer. KOBEIVT THOMSON, Custoiier of the Links. (One round of the Links consists of 7 holes.) LIST OF MEMBEKS. Sir D. Baird, Bart. W. L. Gilmoiir Sir James Baird Hon. N. Hamilton Duke of BnooleuohSamuelH Samuel Hay Sir H. H. Campbell Sir Bobert Hay Robert Oatheart Captain Hay, 72d Highlanders Lord Elcho, M.P. Sir Thomas Hepburn Earl of Stair C. C. Halket Inglis Sir H. DalrympleA.Mitchelllimes A. Mitchell limes Alexander D chellli S. Mitchell limes Lord Elpliinstono N. Mitchell Innes John Fletcher T. Mitchell Innes •9-1 TEE GOLFER'S ANNUAL,

Alexander Kinloeli .1. W, II. Anderson Kir Thomas Monevieff ,1. (1. Wyllio General Mimerieff Hun. A. ' daUieavt Jolm ll<'}ilnu"n, Esq.. The Hon. Lord Justice Clerk r Jftraes Monerieff (Joloni'l St. Ula. o Major ( I. Butter William Monerieff r E. S. Muirhead Hubert SiiiUe , Esq. (!. Robartsi IN Henry HopQ, Esq. JtoneriefT Skeiio liubi'rt tSliaw Sliiwai't, IL Gavin Or. Suttio Edwad QopO] Mq. OllflrleB Tennant John Oslitmvno, Esq. Georgo Thomson Hon. Mr. Oliarteris It. T>. Wftuohopa < laptoin Suittar, K.N. James Boflour (laptaln William Bairct (i. B. Innoa, Esq. p is of Beaumont Hon. H. Dunean CoMPKTITIQSa IN' 1867. Number of hol es, 7. Gold Medal, gained by William Dudgeon, KSCL, in S2 strokes. A large turn-out of members, and some exuellenl; matoliea were played. COJU'ETITIOKK IX 1808. Gold Medal, gained by Lord Eldin in 84 strokes. A luiinlier of other niatclies were played. CoMi'ErmoN.s IN 1869. .aid Medal, gained by Sir Robert Hay, Hart., in 84 strokes. 1st prize, gained by Captain Kinloch, 2d ,, ,, by Edward Hope, Esq.. NOTE.—The mecliJ is competed lor by two rounds ofthe Links, viz., Itlioli's. In I'utuve it will lie 18 holes, in consequenceofthnNOTE.—ThemecliJiscompetedlorbytworounds of the lioli's.InI'utuveitwilllie18holes,inconsequenceofthnHon. Hamilton Nesbit, Esq., having granted the ns« of a park at the west end of the Links for golfers.

HOaiHUIBESIAHB. ALNMOITTH GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED LSGD. Llcnt.-Colmu'l Karl 1'KHI:V, M,P., Captain. Onpt AITTII UNWALKEH, Alnraauth Hilton, Secretary. V. II. CADOOAS, T'SIJ., Treasurer. Committee. T,ni-fl OssniHtcin. Thel lev. Honi'y Boll. Major Sir 11. H. Errington, Bart, Ma jor B rowno. Tin' U.'v. E. L. Ut ' Alfred Grey. Thomas Tute, ALNMOUTE CLUB.

mjjoMAS PESO, late of the Eoynl Navy, Oustodkr oj the ftwit, Jltmorart/ Member, His Grace the Duke ol NOITTIIUMIINITLANN. LIST 0.1' MliMIIISHB. Tlic '- Hairy Grey Hugh Lisle, Esq. Otupti^ Thoodoi'fl Williains Tha tiev. Henry Prolievl, \'i tlmr Oadogan, Esq. .jinnes KetL Esq. Oaptoto B. Browns H. Wilson, Esq., M.I). -^rjiiiiiiu Forater, Esq. Captain Gandy The li''V. A. Mcilil (lapt. J. It. Blorddnsopp Ooul John Tato,Esq, Norman (!ool;son, Esq. 0 K- Bidden, Esq. Thomas Oluttorbuolc, Esq. A' U- Browno, Baq .1, .7. Bownos, Esq. Lord A3gamon Paroy 8 ,Ju]iii Grsy, lag. FranoJ Cliarlton, Esq.. Major Bell UeAor Holland t aptain Lawnon AVilliiiin Diokson, Esq., JUN. Evelyn Charrlngton, Esq. TU<> Jton. Athole Liddoil M. Gansral Allgood, O.I!. j,,jui ^v- "Wilson, Esq. A S. ]''. Widdington, Esq. T\ia Son. and HOT. \r. 0. El M. (leiu'vid Brown OOMMJTITIONS IN 1869. On lOtli Odtobsr tin; Percy Cliallange MudxJ, praaented to tha clubliy Blarl Percy, M.P., was gained by Arthur Walker, he havintr Qompleted the two rounds, m li holes, in 31 strokes. The. WnlkcTWalkerr CflaaUsngge Cross fall to the lot of the Rev. A. Mcdd in 119, and a set off prizrie gollf olubslb , presentetdd by theti e hidbb fof r oompetltioatiti , to C. II. < todogan in 182 strokes. The opaning moating took place under very unfavourable oiroum- stancas. IDuilng the oompetitione lor tha abovu prizes it blow a •mle oi' witid from tha nortli-iMst, with blinding SHOWERS of sleet:, Sail snul SHOTS', which was very nmeh against the play; but in spite of the inolomsnt weather there wasa very fair attendance of mem- bers. F.riii;S one of the youngost, is also one of the most promising olubs on run1 roll. It lias been oxtremely fortunate as regards its fTouiul, situated on Alnmoulh Links, the use of which, has been kindly granted by the Lord of the Manor, the Duke of Northumber- land. It comprises a largo extent of level turf, diversified with these mequaJitios oflong grass, sandpits, &o., which constitute legitimate hazards, siinl has lieen laid out under the immediate superintendence of Willie Dunn of Loith, In the opinion of this veteran profes- sional it liitli )care and outlay will render it inferior to no ground in England- A,silvor challenge oup has baon presented by A. H. Browne, J5aq., and a palpable proof of th(^ spirit with which the club linn lii'cn inaugurated is to lie found, in the fact that it is pro- posed tliiit a medall ie offered lor competition at the Spring meet- ing, open to all members of recognized, golfing societies. 9fl TEE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

PERTH. KOYAL PEKTH GOLFLNG SOCIETY. INSTITUTED 1824. Patroness—IIEU MAJESTY . WM. MACDOXAKD MACDONAID of St. Martins, Captain. Hev. JOHN ASTJEHSON, Chaplain. A. Buitxs MACDONALD, lion. Secretary and Treasurer. E. G. L. BLAIB, WM. MARSHAH,, E. THOMSON, H. V. HUNTER, Council. LIST OP MEMBERS—LIKE MEMBERS. ITis Grace the Duko of Bucdeuch Allan JITherson, Esq. of Blaii-- The Ht. Hon. the Earl of I)alliousieAllanJIThe govrriu The Hi Hon. the Earl of Mansfield Arohd. Turnbull, Esq. of Bellwood The Ht. Hon. tho Earl of Kinnoull Grsome Eeid Meroer, Esq. of Gortliy Sir J. S.Riehardson, Bart, of Pitfoiv Eobert Oliphanr, Esq. of Eoseie Sir P. M. Thriepland, Bart, of Ein- Alex. Monericffe, Esq. of Pitoastlo gask Eraser TJjomson, Esq., M.D., Perth William Smyth c, Esq. of Methven George Gray, jun., Esq. John Grant, Esq. of Kilgraston Major Boothby, Bt. Andrews James Johnston, Esq. of lvincardinMajorBoothby,Bt.Andre Samuel li. Ferguson, London Castle Robt.-rt Pattison, Esq. Col.MaitlandDougnll, of Soots craig Bruce A. Bi'emner, Esq., M.D. Patrick S. Kcir, Esq. of Kindrogan,EqofKindroganBruceA.Bi'emn Arohd. Burns, Esq., Banker, Perth Xiiut.-General R. Richardson Eo- D. L. Jolly, Esq., Banker, Perth bertson of TuDiebalton V William lioss, Esq., Perth •f.E.Collf.E.Colliui s Wood, Esqq. of KrithickMelvilleJameson,E«q.,PerthWilKfitliickl Melville Jameson, E«q., Perth Major Jclf yiiai"Sbarpe] , off KincarratlKincarratliKincarratli ii Wm. Henderson, Esq., M.D., Perth -Lt.-ColC . Jrif Slai-pe, yr. of Do. T. S. Duncan, Esq. James Condie, Esq., Pprfh Peter D. Brown, Esq. Georgo Gray, Esq., Perth Harvey Duncan, Esq. Colonel Dodgson Jamas Weir, Esq., M.D., Edinburgh , Ei5q., Perth Lieut.-Colonel Lyon Goo. "W. Ahsolon, Esq.,M.D., Pcrtl T. G. Murray, Esq., W.S., Ellin. .Tames Boss, Esq., I'erth Sir David Itosn, Perth John M'Connel, Esq. Peter Gei'kie, Esq., Baltirmglity William Keillor, Esq. of Boatland Captain D. Campbell, London The Right Hon. Viscount Dnprjlin John Duncan, Esq. The Eight Hon. Viscount Dupplin J. Hill, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh Lord James Mvrrray J. M. Honey, Epq., Perth The Hon. A. Drumniond, of Croinlix John Hliyiui, Esq., Edinburgh The Hon. John Rollo, Rodney-lodga Ijawronee Stewart, Esq. Sir James Hope Grant The lit. Hon. Viscount Strathallan J. L. Campbell, Esq. of Achallader The I[t. Hon. Lord Kinnalrd James P. M'Inroy, Esq. of Lude Sir Th omas Moneriiffe, Bart. Thos. H. WhitBon, Esq. of I'arkhill Sir David D Hildas, Bart., Dunira T. D. M'Whanne!. Esq. Mark Sprott, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh Amhibald Bnlter, Esq. ofEaacally John Conning, Esq., Banker, Perth J. M. Graham, Eyq. of Murruy.shallMarkSprott,Esq.,W.S.,Edi James Bahnain, Esq. of Dalrreck ROYAL PERTH GOLFIXG SOCIETY. 97

George Makgili, Esq. of Kemback Laur. W. Oliphant, Esq. of Oondie ^\ B. Saademan, Esq., Perth Henry H. Norie, Esq., Danker Jtobt. HopeMonorieff, Esq., Perth Hon. A. Kinnaird, M.P. Thomas Oreig, Esq. of Glenoarso Eev. David Millar, Abernethy Melville ,T. Gray, Esq., Perth Oharles Stuart Parker, Esq., M.P. William Duncan, Esq., Perth D. E. Williamson, Esq. of Lawers W. Macdonald Macdonald, Esq. of Charles M'Lean, Esq. of Gleneam St. Martins ANNUAL MEMBERS. lord Charles L. Kerr John Steel, Esq. of Blaukpark James Hoy, Esq. D. L. Jolly, jun., Esq. William Blair, Esq. John Cuthbort, Esq. James Spottiswoode, Esq. Andrew Coates, Esq. Arthur Ball, Esq. Major Malcolm, lt.E. David Hepburn, Esq. (Jharles W. ICerr, Esq. William Maury, Esq. James Maxtone Graham, Esq. of John F.-Halkett, Esq., 4th Dragoon Oultnqnhey Guards Capt. Iiichardson, yr. of Pitfour John M. Miller, Esq. B. H. Burns, Esq. E. C. L. BJWr, Esq. Sir Alex. Muir Mackenzie, Bart, of Major Woddal Boyd DOL J. W. Lyall, Esq. Geo. Bichmond, Esq. of Balbaldio Horace Skeeta, Esq. Thomas Archer, Esq. George Mutrhoad, Esq. The Lord Lurgan, K.P. H. V. Hunter, Esq. A. II. Stewart, Esq. of Dcrcnlich William MacLfish, Esq. J. B. Brown Horison, Esq. of Ein- Andrew Buist, Esq., M.D. derlie Join Barclay, Esq., Banker, Perth F. J. liamsbotbam. Esq. of Woodend George D. Mercer, Esq. Bight Hon. Lord Eollo Pfttj&k Craigie, Esq. Major Webster, Bengal Staff E. W. Muirhead, Esq. Ohas. A. Murray, Esq., Taymount Frank Sandeman, Esq. Douglas Fyfe, Esq. Wm. Marshall, Esq. of Luncarty Poter H. Paterson, Esq., Mugdrum Burns Macdonald, Esq. of Glenooo Frederick Burns, Esq. Eev. V. G. Paithfull Melville Jameson, jun., Esq. Andrew Hriton, Esq. Q-eorgo A. Muckenzic-1, Eyq. David Smart, Esq. R. Tlireshio Reid, Esq. Charles Hill, Esq. A. II. Ballingal, Esq. Thomas Richmond, Esq. Stewart Jolly, Esq. James Kitchie, Esq., O.E. Angus Turner, Esq., Fitcaim House Eev. E. L. Pineott Alex. M'Leod, Esq., Tayhill James Miller, jun., Esq. Henley Eden, Esq., Aberdalgie Major D. S. Uuist, Bengal Staff Dr. Kemp Corps COMPETITIONS FOR 1867. Spring Medal Competition, 17th April. (Two Rounds of Ureen, or 24 holes.) The Society's Gold Medal, won by George Conclie in 113 strokes. Pitfour Silver Medal, won by H. V. Hunter in 121 strokes. G OS THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

Autumn Medal Competition, 23d October. Bucoleuch Gold Medal, won by George Oottdie in 121 strokes. Bombay Silver Medal, won by Major Bootliby in 124 strokes. COMPETITIONS FOIT 1868. Spring Medal Competition, 15th April. The Society's Gold Medal, won by George Conclic in 112 strokes. Pitfour Silver Medal, won by R. C. L. Blair in 122 strokes. Autumn Medal Competition, 14th October. Bueoleucli Gold Medal, won by T. D. MacWJiannell in 123 strokes. Bombay Silver Medal, won by It. C. L. Blair in 124 strokes. COMPETITIONS EOH 1SC9. Spring Medal Competition, 7th April. Society's Gold Medal, won feyII . 0, L. Blair in 119 strokes. Pitfour Silver Medal, won by A. Burns Macdonald in 122 strokes. Autumn Medal Competition, 13th October. Buccleuch Gold Medal, won by E. C. L. Blair in 121 strokes. Bombay Silver Medal, won by Major Boothby in 122 strokes. BTJXES 01' TUB GAME. 1.—Order of I'lay.—The, game is reckoned by the terms " odds," or "one more," and "like;" "two more," and "one of two," &c. After the teed strokes have been struck, the ball furthest from the hole to which the parties are playing must be played first; and should either party strike out of order, the other is entitled to recall the stroke. The player holing in fewest strokes wins the hole, and plays first to the next hole, except in the ease of his opponent hav- ing gained the match when he leads (iff. 2.—Place of Tcr.inff.—No ball to be teed nearer the hole than six club lengths, nor further from it than eight; the turf on no account to he raised for the purpose of teeing the ball. 3.—Against Ohwnging the Bait.—A ball struck from the tee must not lie changed till the hole is played out; and if the parties be at a loss to know the one ball from thu other, neither ball is to be lifted without mutual consent. 4.—Lifting Bnahchihs, <(JC.—Stones, bones, or any breakcluh within a club-length of the ball, may he lifted or removed on the driving course when the ball lies on grass ; but nothing can be re- moved if it lies in sund, in a bunker, in whins, or on a road. Ice, hail, and snow considered liftahlo without penalty; but nothing fixed or growing can be removed at any time, either on the driving course or putting green. When the ball is in a hunker, in sand, or in a hazard, care must be taken in aiming by the player that he does not alter or improve the position of his ball; if he docs so, lie. ROYAL PERTH &OLFIN& SOCIETY. 09

!ose« the hole. When a ball lies within a club-length of a washing- tub, the tub may be removed; and when on clothes, the ball may lie lifted and dropped behind them without penalty. V.—lying in Holes.—If the ball lie in an old or supernumerary hole made for the purpose of playing golf, it may be lifted, dropped, and played, with an iron only, from behind the hazard, without losing a stroke. In all cases when a ball is to be dropped, the party shall face the hole to which he is playing, and drop the ball behind him over bis head. 6.—Ball in Wider.—If the ball is in water, and half-covered or more, the player may take it out and tee it; and in all cases where possible, play from behind the hazard, losing a stroke. 7.—Entitled to sec the Ball.—When a ball is covered with fog, I ent, whins, mud, or the like, so much thereof shall be set aside as that the player shall have a view of his ball befoi'e he plays. A ball •stuck fast in wet ground may be loosened and replaced in the samu position without the player losing a stroke. S.—Chairing (he Putting Green.—All loose impediments, of whatever kind, may be removed on the putting green, unless their removal alters the position of the ball. The putting green is considered not to exceed twenty yards from the hole. 9.—Holing Out.—In holing, no mark of any kind shall be made, to direct the player to the bole, nor shall the ground bo smoothed ur beat. Sand or other loose substances not fixed or growing may be removed, but it must be done lightly, without pressure, or beat- iag down with the feet, club, or otherwise. The ball must lie played fairly and honestly for the hole, and not on your adversary's ball. 10.—Lifting Ball.—When the balls lie within six inches of each other (measuring from outsides), anywhere except in the putting green, the ball nearest the hole must be lifted, if either party require, it. On the putting green it is optional to the player to have a ball in such circumstances lifted or not. In a three ball match, the ball nearest the hole -within the. prescribed distance must be lifted or played out. 11.—Ball Lost.—If a ball is anywhere lost, the player, or his partner in a foursome, shall return to the place whence the ball was .struck, losing one stroke besides the distance. If the original ball is found before the party playing a new one has come opposite to the ground where it was lost, the first one continues the one to be played. Should a ball be driven into the Tay, ami thereafter seen by the players or cadies, it is to bo considered not lost, though irrecover- able ; and another ball must be played within a club-length of the river bank, the player or party losing a stroke. If not seen, it is to lieheld as a lost ball, and another must be played from the spot from which the one was struck, one stroke being lost besides the dis- tance. A ball, though irrecoverable and not seen, is not to be con- 100 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL. sidered lost, if known to BE driven into the Irani, pond, or water in a bunker, in which ease tho player shall lose a stroke only, and not tlie distance. 12.—Club Breaking or Missed Strokes.—If in striking tlie player breaks his club, or misses his ball, a, stroke shall in either case be counted against him, and if a teed stroke, the ball must be struck by the player, or his partner in a foursome, from tlie same tee as originally placed on. 13.—Hubs of the Green.—Whatever happens to a ball by ac- cident, such as striking a third party or the fore eady, must be reckoned a rub of the green, and submitted to. If, however a player's ball strike himself, his partner, or their cadies, or clubs, that party loses the hole; or if it strike his opponent, or his cady, or clubs the opponent loses the hole. Any party striking the adversary's hall with his club, foot, or otherwise, loses the hole; but if he'play it inadvertently, thinking it his own, and the adversary also play the -wrong ball, the penalty cannot be exacted, and the hole must be played out with the balls as thus changed. If the mistake occurs from information given to one party by the other, the penalty can- not be claimed; and tlie mistake, if discovered before the other party shall have played, must be rectified by replacing the ball in the place where it lay. If the player's ball be played away, or lifted, or struck by the ball of a third party, it innst be replaced as near as possible to its former position. On Medal days the penalty for players striking cadies, themselves, or partners, &o., as in this Itule No. XIII. shall be. the loss of one stroke. 14.—Parties Playing.—'Every party shall go in the same direction of the course, and thosu following shall not play off till the party In advance shall huve played their second strokes; and no party is to play when those in advance are on the putting green, till they shall have holed out. Parties playing two balls, as moving more expeditious]}', are entitled to pass parties playing three; and those having cadiea may pass parties carrying their own chibs. 15.—Unplayable Halls.—In match playing, every hall must be played wherever it lies, or the hole given up, excepting as in cases provided for in Itule IV. on clothes, in Rule V. in an old or super- numerary golf-hole, or as in Rule VI. in water. In Medal playing, a hall may, "under a penalty of two strokes, be lifted out of a dilficulty of any kind and teed behind the hazard; and if in an old or super- numerary golf hole, it may be lifted and dropped without penalty. 16.—Medal Days.—New holes shall bo made on the day on which the Society's Medals are played for, and no competitor shall play at these holes previous to the commencement of the competi- tion, under a penalty of being disqualified. All holes must be holed out on Medal days, and no stimie.s allowed. The Medal course to consist of two rounds of twelve holes each; and members PERTH KINS JAMES VI. SOCIETY. 101

intending to compete, must give in their names to the Secretary, on or before tha Jay of coasting. They shall then be mutated in parties of two, by ballot, and start in order as drawn, each party being accompanied by a marker, for the purpose of recording the strokes as they are struck, on a card prepared for that purpose. In cases of ties for Medals, an adilitional round to be played. 17.—Asking Advice.—A player may not ask advice as to the game from any except his own cudy, his partner, or his partner's cady. 18.—Balls Splitting.—If a ball split, cither in match or medal play, another may be substituted without penalty. li).—Disputes and Mistakes.—All disputes about the game to bo settled by the Captain or senior member of Council present, or otherwise by a mutual referee. Mistakes as to the reckoning of any particular hole cannot be rectified by parties after having struck off. for the next hole. 20.—Prevention of Accidents.—To prevent accidents, and to re- move the responsibility thereof from Members, it is required that due warning be given to all parties on or in the vicinity of the golf- ing course, by the player distinctly and audibly calling " fore," previous to striking his ball. S. B.—It may not be improper here to mention certain points of etiquette which it is proper should be observed by all who are in the habit of attending matches of golf. It is understood that no looker- on is entitled to make any observation whatever respecting tlie play, to walk before the players, to remove impediments, or, in short, to interfere in the most distant manner with the game while playing.

KT8Q JAMES VI. GOLFING SOCIETY. INSTITUTED 18S8. E. KAY HOIIEUTSON, Esq., Captain. JOHN ARNOTT IMIIIE, Esq., Gaskliill, Perth, Secretary and Treasurer. Committee. H. H. Greig, James S. Imrie, John Stewart, George Wylie, Robert Dunaraore, Robert Keny. , Custodier of the Links. LIST OP MEMBEES. John Bruce Alexander Cairacross Major Boothby Peter Chalmers Win. Bell

Duvid Glass James Henderson William Stewart Alexander Imrio John Stewart James S. Imrio H. H. Greig James Imrie Joseph Smith James Johnston James Scott John Kennedy AV. B. Thomson Hobert Lowe Thomas Thomson Thomas Whittet David M'Curraeh George Wyllie "VVilliam JI'Leish James Yonng Kobert M'Gregor Andi-cw Jamieson Albert M'Qregor George Kyd J. M'NanKhton Melville Jameson Donald M'Kny James G. Dane William M'Oomb Charles Ken- Gregor M'Gregur H. V. Hunter t). F. Pulliu* James Ourrie. E. L. Paton Bobert Dunsmore II. W. Poplo Eobert Keay .Timies Ilobpi-tson James Burnett Daniel Iiobertsou Alexander Lawi'cnee David 'Hollo John Stewart A. M. Greig WilliamStewart James Gibson Horace Skseta George Gray COMPETITIONS IS 1867. Spring Competition for gold and silver medals and five prizes, 015 April 20th. 32 competitors. Gold Medal, William Stewart, 24 holes, 119 strokes. Silver Modal, George "Wylie, 24 holes, 121 strokes. The other prizes were, gained by James S. Imrie, ltobert M'Gregor, John A. Imrie, Holjert Dnnsmore, and John Kennedy, jun. Autumn Competition for silver medal and five prizes, on 19th October, 24, competitors. Silver Medal, James Bobertson, 24 holes, 122 strokes. The other prizes were gained by James S. Imrie, Eobert Dunsmors, George Kyd, Andrew M'Kay, and James Johnstone. Worn.—Tho Perth Course, is two rounds of 12 holes each; 24 holes both for competitions and match play. COMPETITIONS IN 1S68. Spring Competition for gold and silver medals and five prizes, on April 4tli. 34 competitors. Gold Medal, William Stewart, 24 holes, 118 strokes. Silver Medal, G. Carmeross, 24 holes, 122 strokes. The other prizes were gained by James Robertson, David Hollo, James Dow, H. H. Greig, and H. V. Hunter. PKESTWIOK CLUB. 103

Autumn Competition for silver medal and five prizes on 31st October. 27 competitors. Silver Medal, William Stewart, 121 strokes. The other prizes were gained by James 0. Dow, Gregor M'Gfragor Itouert Dunsmore, II. H. Greig, and John A. Imrie. ° MATCH. The only Club match played in 186S was the return with the Brantsfield Club, Edinburgh, at Levcn, on Slay 2d. Ten playeis aside, three rounds of the green, and resulted in favour of Kin°- James the VI. Club by 7 holes. In the first match, over the same course, on the ^same condition!?, King James the VI Club gained the match by 3 holes out of 270. COMPETITIONS M 1869. Spring Competition for gold and silver medals and five prizes April 3d. 28 competitors. Gold Medal, William Stewart, 117 strokes. Silver Medal, John A. Imrie, 123 strokes. „ James 0. Dow, equal. Prizes, H. H. Greig, George Wylie, Gregor M'Gregor. and James iSorley. Autumn Competition, October lfitli. 24 competitors. Silver Medal, William Stewart, 123 strokes. Prizes, George Kyd, Robert Diinsmore, Dr. Buirt, H. H. Greie and James S. Imrie. Prizes,GeorgeKyd,Robe MATCHES. Dalhousie Club, Carnoustie, v. King James the VI Club at Perth, on Saturday, 28th September. Twelve players 'aside ; two rounds, '24 holes. Majority for King James the VI., 47 holes Return Match with the same Clubs, at Carnoustie, on same con- ditions, on Saturday, October 30th. Majority for Carnoustie 7 holes. ' NOTE.— King James the VI. Club was the first Golfing Society to introduce those home and home Club matches, and have now com- peted with the following different Clubs:—Elie, Kilconquhar War render, Burgess, and Brantsfield, Edinburgh; St. Nicholas' Pres twiek, Ayr; University Club, St. Andrews; and Dalhousie' Club Carnoustie.


Committee, The Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, ex officiis; Q. Oswald, Esq.; Dr. Knower; Dr. Wilson; D. D. Whigham, Esq.; Wm, Houldsworth, Esq.; E. M. Key, Esq.; and G. L. Brodie, Esq. CHAEI.ES HUNTEII, Custodier nf t/ie Links. LIST OF MEMBERS. A. A. Abereromby, C'raigrowmeTheBightHon.the The Bight Hon. the Earl of Eglin- House, Cove. ton and Winton Patriok Alexander, Edinburgh Liy Capt. J. C. Stewart in 124 strokes. At the Autumn Meeting, held the 25th of September, the Eglinton Gold Medal was played for and won by Sir Robert.Hay, Bart., iu 116 strokes. (Two rounds of the Links, or 24 holes.) COMPETITIONS IN 1868. At the Spring Meeting, held the 29tli of April, the Club Gold Medal was played for and won by Robert Clark, Esq., in 140 strokes. At the Autumn Mectinc;, held the 23d of September, tho Eglin- ton Gold Medal was played for and won by the ltev. John Sime, in 116 strokes. (Two rounds of the Links, or 24 holes.) 106 THE GOLFERS ANNUAL.

COMPETITIONS IN- 1869. At the Spring Meeting, held the 21st of April, the. Club Gold Medal was played for and won by the Rev. John Sime, in 121 strokes. At tlie Autumn Meeting, held tlie 15tli of September, the Eglintou Cold Medal was played for and won by Gilbert Mitchell Innes, Esq., in 119 strokes. (Two rounds of the Links, or 24 holes.) The Rules of the Prestwick Club are the same as the Royal and Ancient St. Andrews, and there are no special Itules for parties play- ing over the Links.

ST. NICHOLAS GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1851. GORDON SMITH, Captain. THOMAS MANSOX, Secretary and Tremurer. Committee* William Reid. John Oarriok. Alexander Morris. Georgo Macartlmr. James Knight. Charles Hunter. John Gray. UST OF MEMBEllS. James Knight Thomas Bonnie William Hunter Charles Reid Wffliam intchell William Doleman Archibald Rao Ohaxles Macarthur Andrew Hunter John Carrick Thomas Manson William Carrick William Eeid David Neil Imrie William Lucas Hugh Shaw W. R. Crombio Robert Guthrio Alexander Morris Alexander Grant E. H. Smith A. G. M. Douglas John Mackay Samuel Carrick 0. B. Rowan Matthew Thomson William M'Keight Hugh Lawrio A. Smart J. XJ. Harvey Alexander Hutchison Robert Blair Gordon Smith James Annour A. M. Gray David Thomas, juu. John Rome David Pergusson Jajnes Thomson William Fulton James Bennie J. M. P. Stevenson George Macartlmr William Reid, Edinburgl John Campbell David Meiklo Alexander M'Call Eev. P. C. Gairdner PRB8TWICK ST. NICHOLAS CLUB. 107

Join Jl'C'onnell John W. Boyd I!. A. Thomson Gilchrist George Dykes John Graj William Miller George Younger James Hunter Honorary Members. J. ML M. Morton Tom Morris, St. Andrews Archibald Bobortson Charles Hunter, Prestwic W. W. Hendrie Bailie Wilson, Glasgow William Livingston Cant. Bell, I'restwick COMPETITIONS IX 1SG7. Jan. 1.—For the Winter Medal. Two rounds. 1st, James Knight, 119 strokes. 2d, Robert Gutlirie, ... 117 deducting 30 odds. 3d, Samuel Carrick, 119 ., ,, „ ... 127 „ 4 „ ' ... scratch ... 12S ,, 3D „ 'George Hay, ) cliuiu> ... 128 „ 24 „ July 13.—For Eglinton Medal. Two rounds. 1st, James Knight, ...... 116 strokes. 2d, William Doleman, ... 117 „ 3d, Thomas Manson, ... 119 deducting 10 odds. 4th, George Maearthur, ... 120 „ ,, ,, 5th, William Mitchell 130 „ , „ Oct. 19.—For Mv E. _H. Smith's Medal. (Handicapped.) Charles. Mararthnr winner, liaving completed the rounds in 128, which, de- ducting odds, 3—-126—is the lowest score at which it has ever been gained; Thos. Manson, 2d, receiving 10 strokes; John Mackay, 3d, •with 18 ; John Carrick, 4th, with 30. COMPBMTIOHS IN 1868. Jan. 1.—For the Winter Medal. Two rounds. For the fifth time Mr. James Knight, jun., carried off the honour in 121 strokes. H is .second round, 53, is the best individual performance by airy amateur on record at a similar meeting. July 18.—For the Eglinton Medal. Two rounds. 1st, George Maearthur, ...... 117 strokes. 2d, William Mitchell, 121 „ 3d, Thomas Manson, 123 deducting 10 odds. 4th, William Doleman, 130 James Knight and John Mackay tied for the 5th place in 182, the latter receiving 16 strokes odds. Oct. 17.—For Mr I!. H. Smith's Medal. (Handicapped.) Oiu- round. THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

Medal, A. Hutchison, .....69strokes,69 strokes, deducting fi odds. 1st prize, John Maekay, 70 „ 6 „ 2d „ Hugh Shaw, 70 ,, 3d „ Thomas Manson, ... 71 , COMPETITION'S IN 18C9. July 17.—For the Eglinton Medal. Two rounds. Medal and 1st prize, James Knight, 118 strokes. 2d prize, George Maearthur 121 ,, 3d ,, J. W. Boyd, ... 12G ,, deducting 12 odds. 4th „ Thomas Bennie, »24 „ 24 „ 4th ,, William Reid 135 , 6th ,, R. A. Thomson, ...138, 138 , 2* „ 7th „ John Gray, ...140, 140 , 30 „ Oct. 23.—There being a small attendance at the meeting of the Club held to-day, it was resolved that Mr 11. H. Smith's Medal be given as a second prize on 1st January next, instead of being played for to-day.

ST. ANDREWS. THE ROYAL AND ANCIENT GOLF CLUB OF ST. ANDREWS. The Club was instituted in 1754. The meetings of the Club for the, year 1870 take place on the fourth Wednesday of March, first Wednesday of May, when the Silver Cross and Bombay Mednl will be played for, and third Wednesday of June and July, besides the several meetings on 28th September, when the Silver Club is played ior, the winner of which lias the honour of Captain for the year. The Club was in 1837 presented with a gold medal by his Majesty King William the IV., to be competed for annually, and in theyear 1838 with a gold medal by the late Queen Adelaide, to be worn by the Captain. THE QUEEN, Patroness. H. E. H. The PRINCE OF WALES, Patron. ALEXANDER TSETHUNE, Esq., of Blebo, Captain. THOMAS HOPE, Holder of the Royal or King William TV. Medal. Dr. DUNCAN M'CUAIG, Bolder of the Chib Medal. ROBERT CLAUKE, Esq., Holder of the Silver Cross. Captain W. H. MAITLAND DOUGALL, Holder of the Bombay Medal. The Very Ecv. Principal TULLOCH, Hon. Chaplain. STUART GnACE, Ilonorarij Secretary. Council. All the old Captains of the Club and tto Modal Holders for the time. BOYAZ AND ANCIENT CLUB OF ST. ANDREWS. 109

LIST OP MEMBERS. Those marked * have lieen Captains.—Those marked t have lieen holders of the Club Metlul.—Those marked % have been holders of the ltoyul Medal, the gift of his late Majesty.—Those marked § hare been holders of the Silver Cross of St. Andrew, the gift of Colonel Belshes. Those marked || have been holders of the Bombay Medal. 1805 * Lieut-Gen. Sir Jolm Low William M. Logan of Clatto Geo. Logan, Madras Infantry 1810 * 0. SI. Christie of Durio 1825 James H. Aiistrutlier B> B. Dalgleish of Hires 1828 \ Liole J. Macgregor of Glengylo J. Haig, Cameron Bridge The Hou. and Bev. John Baillie C. Guthrie of Taylmnk T. E. M'Bitchio of Denork Sir i'raneis Grant, Kilgraston W. Burn, architect. London D. A. Lindesay of WTonniston Sir D. Dundas of Dunira, Bart. 1824EdwardB. Glass, H.E.I.C.C.S. 1833 C. B. Suott, Edinburgh W. Pitt Dundaa, Advocate Chas. E. Allen, Edinburgh Capt. W. G. Scott, E.I.C.S. J. E. Eobcrtson, London no THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

W. Woodcock of Mountville Henry Maitland, hiU: of tht !60th Charles Scott | ttKiiies * G. Makgill of Kcmback G. P. Houghton, Kilmnrnork Lieut.-Gen. W. Beatsou, Banga John Sprot, Edinburgh Cavalry Colonel W. Ogilvio f William E. 0. Wood Hon. Captain Arbnthuot Capt. Paton, B.N. 1838 *§|R§J J. 0. 1'airlie of Cood- 18B4 Patrick F.Eobcrtson, Hastingf hain 7 James Skolton, W.S. Capt. W. H. Hunter, Perth Colonel Jolm K inloch of Kilrie J. C. Forme Alex. Gorstorjiliine of Pittowic James Oaw, Glasgow •fSfll .Tames Condie, Perth J. Wood, Banker, Oolinslmrgli Sir Howard Elphinston Sir W. Stirling Maxwell of Keir 1835 James Dalyell Wm. S. S. Crawford of Milton Captain Alex. PiobertsoH 1839 W. Dmidas Sam. It. Per^usson, W.S. Sir John Wiiuchop of Bdmonston, II. Cook, H.E.I. O.C.S. Bart. Jas- F. Scott of Oonimiston Jas. Walkmshaw, London Lieut. Stuart E. Holland .1 ames Montgomery of AVhim Jas. Blnckwood, Edinburgh Viscount. Strathallau Oco. Gray, Writer, Perth J. S. Meiizies of Ohe.sthill Goo. Paterson of Castle Huntly Qv Whytc Melville, yr. of Mount < aptain Hamilton, K.N. Melville Lieut.-Col. Geo. Lyon, Dalrusean Sir W. Baillie, rolkomet Honourable John Murray A. Tumbull of Bellwood Captain Isaacke, H.E.I.C.S. +|f J. Calvert, Montroso John Guthrio of Guthrie J. M'Connell, Penrith 183IJ 'Alexander Tod, W.S. Sir J. Eidiai-dson of l'itfour, Earl. X)avid Mnir, Advocate E. JPMillan, W.S. William Jollie J. Piteaim of Pitcullo William Greig, Edinburgh 1840 John Jameson, Dublin John Cook, W.S. light Hon. E. Horsmati His Grace the Duke of liuccleuch Thomas Whitson of Parkliill Alex. Mackenzie, W.S. Sir W. H. Fiolden, Bart. .Fames Foreman, barrister * J. Wolfo Murray of Oringlotia Hirfiard Jobeon, Dundee Ion. Mr Duncan W. L. Gitoour of Liberton and V. F. Ireland, Edinburgh (Jraigmillar Alex. K. Liudesay of Balmungo Jus. Anstratlier of Tillioonltry .841 John Ogilvio of Inshowan * J. A. Thomson of Charlton jieut.-Col. Bre vvster, 7

Major Jclf Sharp, Perth t O'Brien Peter, Kirkland 1848 Lieut.-Ool. N. Christie J. Blaclcwood, Edinburgh Gtaorfire Maclachlan, W.S. (apt. II. W. Welmau, 17th Foot »Jolm Purvis of Kiuahlie Sir H. H. Camjibell, Bart. Sanmel Kay, Edinburgh Geo. More Gordon of Ohai-letoii Alexander Mitchell lnncs P.if. M'Dougall, Mussolburgh Mir Ooutts Lindsay of Balearres, If § Sir Hubert Hay, Bart. Bart, David Hunter of Blackness W. Tliompsoii, Calcutta William Keillor, Perth W. T. Milton, St. Andrews James A. Hunt, Pittancrioff \V. S. Mitchell lnncs, Edinburgh Win. Horsbiirgli, Cupar Lord Archibald Seymour John Ord of ffowtell Alex. W. Wemyss of Denbrae 1H48 Win. Mason, merchant, Dundee ttttttlSillllill OapfJn W. H. M. Eobert Hoddcr, Leith Dougull of Scotscraig it'hard Cowan, Leith T\ I!. Bcmglas, odvooate James Kennedy, Ayr O&ptain Miller, Edinburgh * J. T. Oswald of Dunnikier 1845 James Webster of Balmuii1 E. S. Aytoun of Inehdairoie, M.P. Angus ll'Laino CI. Mercer Sanderson of Fordel S § J. Lindsay, Droughty Ferry Lord Gilbert Kennedy Duncan M'Lachlan, Dundee Alexander Demiistouu David Small, writer, Dundee 1S-1'J Major George I'luyfair, Indian Gregor M'Gregor, St. Andrews Army JA IT. Heriot of Hainornio Eobert Methven, St. Andi"cws .Tcilm Dndingston, Earlsferry Professor Eobert Berry, Glasgow Alpx. Grace, London University Major E. M. Playfair, E.A. Lord Charles Lennox Ker .Isaac Horsford Uockburn, Edin. Wm, E. Frazer, New Zealand Robert Ferguson, Kilkemui George H. Pagan, Cupar >Sir William Duribar, Bart. Capt. J. M. Keeve of Edenjtark AJox. Morgan, Kirkealdy Major liobert Betimne of Nydift Jolin Barry of Tayflold Eobert Paddle, advocate ftt .Times Balfour, W.S., Edin. John L. Campbell of Aelialader 18-1(> Win. Ponsonby Barker, Kil- Hugh Alexander, Glammiea CQrby Abbey, Tipporary Ord G. Campbell, Edinburgh Oapt. Jolmstono, Bengal Infantry Charles E. Onndell, London * ij. Jaa. Jackson, Edinburgh Rodham Home, Edinburgh Tlios. M. Stirling, Manchester John D. B. Hay, yr. of Morton Hon. Lieut.-Col. Charles Lindsay f Thomas Peter, Kirlclanil Duncan Jas. Kay, HighLeigh, Herts 0. F. Sband, advocate John Ogilvie, Edinburgh * The Earl of Kinnoull Henry Jameson, Cloumel 18fl(> F. Campbell of Aros l.ptadn Francis Hawkins John A. Wood, advocate Captain Skene, Edinburgh J. Lumadaine small of Foodie John Bayley, London Bobert Cowan, W.S. Itegmald Crawford of Crawfurd- G. F. Montgomery, Edinburgh land Sir James Burnett, Bart. 1847 James Kidd, Airdrio D. Graham Johnstone, London Melvillo Jameson, Perth Geo. Mackay, M.D., K.E.I.O.S. (Jiiptain J, On-, Edinburgh Major C. M. Govan, Eoyal Artilleiy Jan. I{. Hopu Scott of Abbotsford §|§ G. M. Iunes, Parson's Green 112 TEE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

Sir James G. Bnird, Bart. Sir Thomas Millos Eiddell, Bart. Norman Uniacke * Earl of Eosslyn 1851 Major P. J. Chiene John Thomson, Melbourne William Marjorib.'inks, Lcitli 1855 George S. Simson ft G. Glennie, C.E., Blackheath John Campbell, H.E.I.C.S. Eobert Hebden, William Hnig, Kineaple Alex. Duncan, Montrose * Eobert Cathcart of Pitcairly Lieut.-Col. Hutchinson James Bell, Dundee Hon. George Campbell, Chief Com- ||§t§§ W. C. Thomson, Broughty missioner, Nagpore Farry A. S. Leslie Melville, Lincoln. Dr George K, Playfair, H.E.I.O.S. Clms. Hugh Lyon, St. Andrews Bobert A. Dalycll, Lingo And. It. Clark, advocate. A. Hay Milne of Woodhill S. U. Lumsdaine of Lathallan. Obarlsa Balfour of Newton-Don Lord Colvilie of Culross * Sir D. Baird of Newbyth, Bin-t. John Bruce, W.S. Hemy Evorard Charles Arnot, Balcormo Thomas A. Hogg of Newliston Joseph Hume, St. Andrews Capt. James Briggs, OGth Hegiment * Sir Eobert Anstruther, Bart, of Hon. Francis Dmmmond. Balcaskie, M.P. William Graham Handford, late Georgp Monorieff Govan, M.D. Perthshire. Eiflcs 1852 John Thorns of Pitacottie 1850 Lieut.-Colonel J. E. Thomson, George Taylor of Kirkton Hill Bengal Army Aw. Gillon of Wallhouso George Henry Lamb, St. Andrews Frederick Pitman, W.S. Professor W. T. Sellar, Edinburgh 8 Honry Jelf Sharps, jim. + Eohart. Miteholl, St. Andrews W. Alexander Cambell of Ormsary itobert Chambera, jnn., Edinburgh Erancis Lindesay, Lcith A. W. Russell of Kenley Green Andrew Taylor, banker, Cupnr Wm. Cross thwaite, jun., Dundee* George P. liuist, Buenos Ayref S Henry M'Keohnie, Canada f Patrick Alexander, Edinburgh Kev. Dr John Tullouh, I'rineipal of Lt.-Col. T. B.Hutt,7!)(.h Highlanders St. Mary's COLLT^O Thomas M. Innos, Parson's Green Andre-\v Nicoll of lionnyton Major Wm. Briggs, H.E.I.C.S. James M. Paton, Dundeo The Duko of Beaufort David Wauobope, l^dinburgh 1853 Hon. G. B. Liiscellcs James B. Gardyne, Middleton ]|f§ Major Eobert T. Eoothby, St. William IJagan of Claytuu Andrews James Walkinshiiw, St. Andrews C. G. Scott of Malleny Sir Charles M. Ochterlony, Bart, of Viscount Kirkaldio Ochterlony tf Capt. J. C. Stewart, 72d High- T. M. Braco Gardyno of Middleton landers William 13. Hkeno of Pitlour Earl of Lcvcn and Melville Kcilph Dalycll, Lingo A. Kinlorli, yr. of Gilmerton Lieut-Col. G. H. Moncrieff, Soots 1854 C. C. Tennant of Gleu Fusilier Guards Earl of Dalhousie William Ogilvie Dalglcish, yr. of Frederick Playfair, H.E.I.O.S. .oodbnrno § Capt. W. Playfair, H.E.I.C.S. General Philip Anstruther, C.B., of Henry Abel Smith, London Thirdpart Jtfllll ThomaTh s M'WhanuelMWhl , PertPh Captain H.L. Dempster, Edinburgh i T. Dr J. A. Hannay, Inchtiu'e George Gordon, St. Andrews 110YAL AND ANCIENT CLUB OF ST. ANDREWS. 113

Major Wm. Boss King of TertowioGe George Hawkins Dempster of Dun- Captain W. D. Ogilvie Hay, 72d nichen Highlanders Lieut.-Ool. D. Brigga of StrathfiMie Admiral D. Bsttmtie of Balfonr J. H. S. Christie of Teasses 1857 Major Eob. Webster, H.E.I.O.S. Sir Alex. Muir Mackenzie, Bart of Lieut.-Col. Eobert L. Playfair, H. Dolvine, 78th Highlanders M. Consul, Algiers E. Ewing Cnnren, St. Andrews Alex. Dunn Pattison, Edinburgh Alexander Eobertson, London Tlie Right Honourable! J. Inglis, Henry Inglin, late 78th Highlander? Lord Justice-General J. H. Morris, Bengal G.S. f!olon(3l Douglas Jones George Bayley, Edinburgh William Inglis of Sypsies Col. Eobert Campbell, London * Sir Tlios. Erskine of Gambo, Bart. 11. Wardlaw Eamsay of Whitehill Jamas Wyllie Guild, Glasgow Fred. Elliot, 8fi Jermyn St., London Charles Walker, London 18B0 John Ogilvy, yr. of Inshewan D. Dundas Whigham, Ayr J. P. F. Tytler TV. Monerioff, Edinburgh James Eicliard, St. Andrews James Erskine, H.E.I.O.O.S. W. F. Lindesay, yi*. of Balmnngo 185H Thomas Bruce, of Arnot Dr David Smith, Bengal Army George Lamb, B.A. P. Bairnsfatlier of Dunbarrow Gfiorgf: Lees, LL.D., St. Androws D. Meldrum of Kincaplc Robert Stewart, yr. of St. Fort HaiTy Smith, advocate, Edinburgh Rev. William M'Gullocli Evan B. Gardyne, Bombay Anny Viscount Stormont Dr William S. Playfair, London Henry Montgomery, Eankeillmir Lieut. Lorn Macdonald, H. M. In- Alex. W. L. 'Lindsay, H.E.I.C.S. dian Anny Professor Oswald Bell, M.D., St. James Stirling, C.E., Edinburgh Andrews P. 0. Baldwin, China Fountaino Walkerof Foyers W. Malcolm Low, yr. of Clatto William Pa-id, M.D., St. Andrews John A. Lindesay, Balnrango David L. Burn, St. Andrews Captain W. Iveir, Cliinn William Blackwood, Edinburgh Lieut.-Col. Maitland, St. Andrews David U. Dalgleish, Woodburno James Murti of Oaldwell Joseph H. Lee of Bedbrooke Hamilton Anstruther, Balcaslde Robert Tennent, Edinburgh Bruce Stark Christie, Teasses Lieut. A. L. Playfair, H.E.I.C.H. Arbuthnot Outline, London Thomas Ivory, advocate, Edinburgh 1861 Captain O rftbtrae, P.M. Eifles Patrick Arklay, Boston Oapt. Forrest, late 79th Highlander* John Hunter, jun., advocate, Edin. Sir P. A. Halkett, Bart. of Pitflrranc Wm. L. Fielden, yr. of Feniscowles Win. A. Brown, advocate, Edinr. James Baird Hay of Belton J. S. Wilson 1 859 John Skelton, advocate tt§||t Thomas Hodge, St. Androws Principal J. C. Shairp, LL.D., St. David W. Balfour Ogilvy, lato '24th Andrews Regiment •Win. P. Adam of Blair-Adam, M.P. Captain G. Sinclair, Edinburgh William M'Donald, H.E.I.O.S. Captain Douglas Herbert, R.N. Dr William M'Donald, Professor of It. Kirkpatrii'k Howat of Mabie Natural History, St. Andrews Dr. M. F. Heddle, St. Andrews Major John Patrick Briggs, lato Rev. Alexander Hill, St. Andrews H. M. Bengal Army W. Mercer, Col. Sec, Hong-Kong H TEE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

Robert Richardson of Kestalrig Henry F. Leighton, late do. Iisut -Od. E. Mauds, 103tli Foot lSb'3 P. Frazar of Castle Fmzer George Marosr, Edinburgli John M'Nair, Indian Array Captain Falconer, Barntis)::;id Henry J. "Wyllie, C.E., Edinburgh 3Iajor-Gi-ncr,il Stuart, C.B., late Ohas. T. C. Grant, yr. of Kflgraston 1-ltii Dragoons John Thomson, Invcrleith. Terraoe, A. Smith, yr.of Girtath Giitluin Edinbui'gh A. I). C'ockburo, 0 Athole Orescent, Col. Babiugton, lato 7th IIussa Lyiiedoch N. Moncrieff, li.N. Edinburgh Geo. Jfuir, Edinburgh W. IT. Ha%, Cameron House James Auldjo Jamieson, W.S. Geo. d ark C neapeof Strathtyrcm D. Architald, M.D., 8t Andrews Henry H. Kennedy, LethanHOTIBO, William Morrison, Cupar Nairn •T. Lindessy Keir, Branton House F. W. Wilson, "Woodbuvn, DalkeilU Edward Ilronglitoii, Calcutta. Jas. W. Adamson, 4, TJin Grove, LieutW. iii.-Iiope, H. M. Indian Leo, Kent Army W. S. Henry, S Eandoljih Orasoant, Henry B. Kynaston, Blaciheaill Edinburgh Captain Thomas William Goff, latoJ.Mackenzie, J. Mackenzie, 7 lioyal Circus, Edto. 7th Dxagoon Guanlr-; James Fanner, St. Andrews (ieonrc C. Cheap* 11th Hussars W. Handyside, Edinburgh iijor Archibald Blaclnvood, Indian Evan A. Hunter, Ayr .Sfiiff Oorjis Charles P. 1'inhiy, Edinburgh 1882 Win. Traill of Wood-wick Eobert E. Purvis, Edinburgh A. Henderson Chalmers, W.S. Lieut. H. "W. Tiairnsfather, Indiaa D. Bryan Webstar, Edinburgh Army SfiftiK) obert Clark, Edinburgh T. W. Miller, Calcutta Sem'y llonpritff, Edinbui-gh Col. T). M. Betbune, lato 8th Pool. Andrew G. Meivon, Melbourne John Dun, Warriugton Drad (.;. Bruce Gardync, Trinity Lieut. Ed. Smith, Indian Army College, Oxford Kandlo Jackson, HussaTri Col. Browne, H. M. Indian Amiy Pat. Blair, W.S., Edinburgh The Lord Elphinstone, B.N., Car- William Hunter, Edinburgh berry House, Husselburgb. B. Von Bibra, merchant, Calouttil Br J. Walker, Cupar 18(14 Henry Oatts, Calcutta J. Duncan of Parkhill, Arbroath Atholl MacGregor, M.O.S. Eobert C. L. Blair, Perth 1!. Campbell, advocate, Edinburgh A. B. llaeallan, Edinburgh A. C. Tawse, 11 Itoyal Ter'oc, Edin. J. pibson Thomson, Edinburgh P. 0. Dalmaliuy, Bengal Army William Wallace of Auchinvolo William E. Xermack, W.S. Major G. A. St. P. Pooks, Indian The Earl of Aberdeen Army W. Scott Elliot of Arkleton Piobtrt Lee, advocate, Edinburgh Capt. G. T. Wright, Indian Serviwi A. C. Sellar, advocate, do. J. P. Wilson, advocate, Edinburgh Jolni Jamieson of Kinga^k Wm. Watson, advocate, Do. Robert Low, Indian Anny J. P. Ealmain, Perth J Hon. W. H. B. Ogilvy of Cowden Thomas T urdie, St. Andre^vs Lord Francis Couyngham Dr. llobt. Foulis, Oairuie Lodge. A. Clerk Battray, CraighaGraighall F. B. Balfonr, advocate, Edinburgli Captain Harry M. Wemysss, IndanD.Ilem-y,Fori t D. Ilem-y, Fort Hill, Enfield Anuy Wex. Blair, advocate, Edinburgli ROYAL AXD AXCIENT CLUB OF ST. AXD11E1VS. 115

A. H. Lsa,O.E.j 50 Moray PL, Edia. I eorge Keith of XTson i lhaorles Grace, Madras Staff Oorps Barron (Jrahameol Morpbie I >. JI-L. Smith, Sh.-Sub., Elgin Ecv. Yaleniine U. FaithM, Edin. S. Ralsigb, manager, Scot Wid. Fd. .1. Purvis Russel, New Zealand K. Gvalium Lawson, Edinburgh W. E. Gloajr, advocate, Edinburgli H. 8. 0. Everard, Fulney, Lincolnsli. F. Dt'as, advocate. Do. 1J. Small, St. Andrews Major Haniiay. Kingsnniir Li nd D. Kennedy, New Crab, Edin. David Ogg, S.S.O., Ediulrargli Jic-v. J. H. Gusset, Nortbani Vicar- AV. F. Buist, South America age, Horfch Devon Andrew Webster, Edinburgh John Luke of Browiiliills Owen Broun, London Rsv. J. ,T. Blandford, Spondow, Der- * SirJohn Betlmne, Bart, of Kiloon- quhar 0. SJtuarfc Lamb, London W. 11. Oorrle, Edinburgli .fames 'Wright, Ceylon Edward L. J. Blyth, Do. W. Remvy, Dimdei» 0.0. L. Lyon, H.M. TTthEi-gt. Major-Qan aral B. Alexander, H.M. 1856 Ool. E. BOSS of Glen Moidart Indian Forces J. M. Colly.'T, London BBT. It. H. Story, Eosaneftth A. Thoma, Dnrannggiir, Bengal V. Himklsworth, 17 Park Ten-ace, James Webster, late of China ;:t agow Rev. Dr. A. K. H. Boyd, St. AndrewB (apt B. Broiij3;liton, H.M. Ind. Army Q-eorge Hogarth, baulcer, Cupar Oapt. L. Oaiapball, 74th Highlanders J. Boyd, 4 Moray Place, Edinburgh. IHISo James H. Balfour, Edinburgh Oapt. Win. Mamvell, (Jupar Sir James I/iston I'oiilis, Bart. Thomas Gflover, London Ad. B. Barmatyne, advocate, Edin. Wm. Lees, A.M., Edinburgh The E-.u-l of Stair Patrick Dudgeon of Oiirge.n "P. Hunter, H.M. lOCth Eegt. Lieut. Win. Clcland, 102d Eegt. Professor L, Oampliell, St. Andrews William L. Boase, Dundee D. Crawft>rd, advocate, EdinbnrgU ffm. Macdonald MaedouaUl, of St. Henry Lamb, London Martins f David Lamb, London Lieut. Win. Playfair, 107ft Eegt. Alex. 0. Lindsay, Edinburgh 'oiislantiiie Waikiushaw, London Pr ofessor T. 8. Baynes, St. Andrews D. J. Ma.'brair, B.S.O., Edinburgli .1. G. Hepburn, Smeaton, N. Berwiolii{.T..Tamieson,yr.ofKingask i{. T. .Tamieson, yr. of Kingask Major Hugli L. Christie, Dnrio Hev. liobert, Skinner, St. Andrews Charles Hill, Perth c Wm. Peacock, S.S.I!., Edinburgli Tlios. iS. Olmsti , of Balliudean Hugh J. ltollo, W.S., Do. O. H. Thomas, advocate, Edin. J. E. Findlay, !) Duudas St., Do. William Marshall of Luncarty Archibald Young, Do. Hugh. V. Haig, Cameron House George Glover, jun., London •Tames Mitchell, Ladyinch, Cupar ,L H. Blackwel], St. Andrews Eobert Eintonl of Laliill .Tames Lindsay Beimet, London Henry L. Ournegie, Kinbletlnnont f f D. M'Guaig, M.D., Middlesburgh || f Dr. Douglas A. Robertson, Edin. li. G. Home, 4(ith Kegt. Professor PeterO. Tait, M.A.,Edin. Dr. Eraser Thomson, Perth Tiieut.-Uol. D. J. Kinlooh, It.A. Henry Carr, Cninl^erlaud Oaptain Eobert Cunlitfe Low, H.M. John Dickson, W.S., Perth Bengal Light Cavalry Capt. J. Moore Graham, Bengal Staff Oapt. Irvine Low, H.M. Bengal Corps Light Cavalry G. Meldram, accountaut, Edin. lie TBE GOLFEM'S ANNUAL. I

"Win. Sutler Duncan, Uew Turk kajor Gr. J. Dalrympla Hay,BDngat .T. D. Marwiek, 8.8.O., Edinburgh Staff Coii>s Alex. Nicholson, Oupar WHUam Ivory, advocate, Ellin. Wm. J. Mure, Edinburgh Hayter Thornton Eeid, Bermondaay & M. Falconar, St. Andrews Win. Lamond, advoeate, Edinburgh John Blair, Liraroool Harry L. Mendel, Majiohostar A. S. ICinnear, advocate, !Edin. Arthur Wellesly "Walkinshaw, Fow Ciipt. A. Boyd,Eyl. Benfrew Militia Oho^v, China J. Walker, 22 Oxford 8q., London A. Hay Barclay, Honsn I). J. Maefie of Kilimix Charles II. Bernars, Suffolk F\ M. Davidson, Euthind Sq., Edin. William H. Baird of Elie James T. Hardio, Leitli Henry Franeis Blair, Eoyal India diaries F. Combs, Edinburgh Engineers Hugh Blair, jun., Do. Alex. M. Grant, St. Petersburgh Edmund da H. Pateraon of MugdramA.liussell,Cum A. liussell, Cumin Place, Edin. 1|| Charles Anderson, Newburgh John Jamieson, jun., St. lturnocksT William Ga.ll, Do. Malahidc Henry Bruce Simson John Aiton, 12 EVvaston Place, S. 1867 L. J. Oliphant of Condic Kensington Andrew Wylie, PrinlaAVB A. 11. Hntcliiusrai, Leitti Hon. T. Arhuthnot, Arkitlinot Ho. George Edward Makgill, B.C.S. .T. 0. Doagson, B.O.S. John Murray Dnnlop, (Jorsoek David Bryce Burn, St. Andrews W. H. Houldsworth, Jlaneliester James Murray Honey, Perth E. Nisbet, Commercial Bank, Edin. Key. W. L. G. Boyd,SfcelinorHe 18fi8 E. F. Haitland, Edinburgh Itev. W. L. H*I(1arlan, Cupar J. P. Wise, Eootellam, Ireland B. F. Balfonr, JR. of Balbirnin James Watt, Btienoa Ayres Arch. 0. Linvrie, advocate, Edin. Her. T. W. Lee, Hartley Witney, Arthnr Makgill, Edinburgli Hants Henry W. Eqpo of Eankeillonr EEV. E. J. Hone, London A. M. Brown, LougfomiaeuH, DunseGeorgeE.B.Harirtt,Ivillic George E. B. Harirtt, Ivillicmore .Join tMnitland, advocate, Edin. Lodge, Ivirkcowan Major George Dangerfield Edward Boaae, Durideo James 1i. Jiuntiue, advueate, Edin. Wm. Peareth, Gannaehy, Brechin S Arthur ( ampbell, jun., 'W.S. Wm. Hope, Carlton Terrace, Edin, John Sibbald, George Street, Eiiin. Wm. Montgomery, 17 Athole Cres- Hennann Ree, mercnatit, Leith cent, Edinburgh Oapt. Arthur Forbes, R.N. John Kermack, York Place, Edin. Frederick Lindsay, I!.A. Dr Tul;e, Buperintendent I1', and K. Dr. Andrew liuist, Perth Lunatic Asylum Thomson Boyd, 14 Royal Ter.,Edhi.A.lUitherford, A. lUitherfo rd, ailvocate, Edinblirgh William Walkiushaw, London Wm. G. Lebnrn of Pitloohie, Btrath- I*cter Alex. Spiers, advocate, Edin. miglo Captain John Stewart, li.A. G. F. Melville, advocate, Edinburgh .Tames Simson, B.O.K. Francis K. Home, Australia Win, Secitt Elliot, yr. of Arkleton W. Ferguson, Walker Street, Edin. Jas. Mansfield, Abercromby I'laee, John M. Douglas, Cupar Edinburgh Frederick Fair, Edinburgh D, W. Lambe, SContra Cresct., Do. Captain Hamilton, E.N., London A. Beatson Bell, advocate An liur H. L. Melville, Biauston The Earl uf Southesk Hall, Lincoln ROYAL AND ANCIENT CLUB OF ST. ANDREWS. 117

Henry it. Buskin, London John O'Brien Maunders, 19 Philli- Alex. Dunsinure, merchant, Leith more Gardens, London James Maafcay, St. Andrews Daniel" Wright, M.D., Bengal Dr B. W. Cunningham, H.M. Ben- J- E. M'Adam, lato Capt. 7th Pioyal gal Army Fusiliers Oaptain E. II. Kennard, 8th Hussars Major W. II. Cairns, iate ad Buffs -Jas. Gibson Craig, yr. of Elooarton Harry Cheyne, W.S., Edinburgh Arfhnr Burt of 1'ordel, Arngask Dr. John Sutherland, Bengal Oolin M'Guaig, Edinburgh Captain C. H. Hope, E.U". "Edin James Muirhead, Professor of Civil Captain D. Welsh, li.A., Do. Law, Edinburgh William 11', solicitor, Perth Major-Gen. Willonghby Trevelyan Archibald H. Stewart, Seton Lodiro of New Fargie Athrcl J. H. Dunbar Kwiuton Melville, B.C.S., Edin. Douglas Dick, yr. of Montravc Howard Myth, Church Hill, Edin. W. M'Candlish, C.E., Westminster .1. M. Purvis, London W. Spencer, Olivant Thomas Bouoh, O.E., Edinburgh Eobart Tunis, Bothes James Ohaape, yr. of Lathoekar H. Herbert Iuglia, Edinburgh Dr. Hugh Olaghorn of Stiuvithy John Horns, W.B., Do. Walter Irvine of Grangenmir Ed. II. Earle, New Cross, London John I'itcairn of ICinuaird Edward Jas. Jackson, jun., Edin. The Hon. Goo. Waldegravc LERLIE

Liout-Col. the Hon. Hiehard Ohar- Capt. Ohas. S. M'Lean, Bengal Staff teria, Inchory, Tomintoul Corps • P. Hay Paterson of Oarpow William L. Gordon, St. Andrews Henry Cook, Edinburgh P»ia;ht,Hon. the Earl of Breadalhanc, T John Cheyne, advocate, Edinbiburgh aymonth A. Monmeff, advocate, Do. I-.ieut.-Col. Grindlay, 21st Hussars, , Q.O., Do. Ht. Andrews John Watson, Durn Drn Lieut Win. G-. Douglas, E.N., Do. j Sir P. Graham, Hart, of Nctherby Jf lin Young, "W.8., Edinburgh Capt. Loekliart, late 92d Regiment, Ashiestdel, Galashiels J. Aitlii'u, Garrockhouse, Perthshire Capt Stewart of Westwood, P. Chalmersj, , adjt.j,, Clackmannan V CaptStewar P.H.Wilson, WesWesternClub,Ul;isgt D. Snutar Eobevtflon, juu., Edin. John PF . MM'Nair, Glasgow Q L. Smith, Eaton Terrace, Edin. The Viscount Dalrymple Thomas Ooehrane, Walter Houlds worth, Springfield, Jamoa Anderson, juu., St. Andrews Loaswade Dr. Schaefer, Madras College COMPETITIONS i.\ 1867. May 1.—Twenty-six couljlcs stai-ted to play for tlie Silver Ciross and the Bombay Medal when at the close of the competition MrK¥l\y11i~'I!Wellvrf Clark was found to be the winner of the Silver Cross in 92 strokes^ 115 TEE GOLFER'S AXXl'AL. and Dr. Argyle Robertson that of the Bombay Medal in 9-1 strokes. Oct. 2.— The Club Medal was competed for, as also the Boyal or King William IV. Medal. Forty couples started for the compe- tition, and at the close of vhich Mr F. Hodge and Dr. M'Cuaig tied at 06, and on playing off the tie the following day the former heat the. Doctor, and thus gained the Club Medal. The Doctor got King William IT. Medal. COMPETITIONS IN 186S. May 6.—Thirty couples started to compete for the Silver Cross and the Bombay Medal. The Silver.Cross fell to the lot of Major Boothby with the score of 92, The Bombay Medal was tied for by Sir Robert Hay, Mr David Lamb, and Mr Charles Anderson, with the score of 86. On the tie being played off, Sir Robert and Mr Anderson again tied, which on being played oil' resulted in a victory for the latter. Oct. 7.—The Club Medal was gained by Capt. J. C. Stewart with the score of 97, and the King William IV. Medal by Mr Charles Anderson with the score of Do. Twenty-eight couples started for the competition. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. May 6.—Mi B. Clark gained the Silver Cross with the score of 99, and Capt. M'Dougidl the Bombay Medal in 03 strokes. Sept. 28.—Mr Hodge gained King William IV. Medal. Major Boothby, Mr Chambers, and Dr. M'Cuaig tied for the Club Medal at 94 strokes. On playing oil' the tie the Doctor was the winner at 90 strokes against Mr Boothby's 100. Mr Chambers retired at the Dyke hole coming in. BTJXEB OF THE GAME. 1.—Mode and Order of Playing the Game.—The game of Golf is played by two persons, or by four (two of a side) playing alternately. It may also be played by three or more persons, each playing his own ball. The game commences by each party playing ojf a ball from a place called the tec, near the first hole. In a match of four, those who are opposed to each other, and to play off, shall be named at starting, and shall continue so during the match. The person entitled to play oil' first shall be named by the parties themselves; and although the courtesy of starting is generally granted to old captains of the Club, or members, it may be settled by lot or toss of a coin. The hole is won by the party holing at fewest strokes, and the reckoning of the game is made by the terms odds and like, one, 'MOIY, two more, &c. The party gaining the hole is to lead, unless his opponent has won the previous match, in which ease the latter leads off, and is entitled to claim his privilege, anil to recall his opponent's stroke should he play out of order. One round of the Links, or 1 8 holes, is reckoned a match, unless otherwise stipulated. ROYAL AXD A'KCISNT CLUB OF ST. ANDREWS. 119

If, in a double match, one person shall play -trice in succession, he loses the hole. 2.—Place of Teeing.—The ball must be teed not nearer the hole (either in front or side of the hole) than six club lengths, and not further from it than eight, nnd after the balls are struck off, the ball farthest from the hole to which the parties are playing must be played first. When two parties meet on the putting green, the party first there may claim the privilege of holing out, and any party coming up nmst wait till the other party has played out the hole, and on no account play their balis tip lest they should annoy the parties who are putting. No player may play his teed ball, till the party in front have played their second strokes. 3.—Changing the Malls.—The balls struck off from the tee must not be changed, touched, or moved before the hole is played out (except in striking, and the cases provided for by Bules 8, 18, and 19); and if the parties are at a loss to know the one ball from the other, neither shall be lifted till both parties agree. 4. —Lifting of Break C'luhs,

the ball is in water, the player may take it out, change the ball if he pleases, tee it, and play from behind the hazard, losing a stroke. If the ball lies in any position in the burn across the first hole, the player may take it out, tee it on the line where it entered the burn, on the opposite side from the hole to which he is playing, and lose a stroke ; or he may play it where it lies, without a penalty. How- ever, should a ball be driven into the Eden at the high hole, or the sea at the first hole, the baE must be placed a club-length in front of either sea or river, the player or party losing a stroke. In play- ing for a medal, a ball driven into the Eden may be treated as a lost ba.ll. 9.—Hubs of the—Whatever happens to a ball by accident, such as striking any person, or being touched with the foot by a third party, or by the fore cady, must be reckoned a rub of the green, and submitted to. If, however, the player's ball strike bis opponent, or his opponent's cady or clubs, the opponent loses the hole; or, if it strikes himself or his partner, or their cadies or clubs, or if he strikes the ball a second time while in the act of playing, the player loses the hole. If the player touch the ball with his foot, or any part of his hotly, or "with anything except his club, or if he with his club displace the ball in preparing to strike, he loses a stroke; and if one party strikes his opponent's ball with his club, foot, or otherwise, that party loses the hole. But if he plays it in- advertently, thinking it his own, and the opponent also plays the wrong ball, it is then too late to claim the penalty, and the hole must be played out with the balls thus changed. If, however, the mistake occurs from wrong information given by one party to thu other, the penalty cannot lie claimed; and the mistake, if discovered before the other party has played, must be rectified by replacing thei ball as nearly as possible where it lay. If the player's ball be played away by mistake, or lifted by a third party, then the player must drop a ball as near the spot ns possible, without any jjenalty. Whatever happens to a hall on a Medal day, such as a player striking his cady, or himself, or his clubs, or moving the ball with his foot or club, or his cady doing so, or the player striking it twice before- it stops motion, the player in such cases shall lose one stroke only as tlie penalty. 10.—Ball Lost,.—If a ball is lost, the player (or his partner, in a double match), returns to the spot, as near as possible, where the ball was struck, tees another ball, and loses both the distance and a stroke. If the original ball is found before the party has struck the other ball, the fust shall continue the one to be played. 11.—Club Breaking.—If, in striking, the club breaks, it is never- theless to be accounted a stroke, if the part of the club remaining in the player's hand either strike the ground or pass the ball. 12.—Holing Out the Ball,—In holing, no mark shall be placed, ROYAL AND ANCIENT GLUB OF ST. ANDREWS. 121 or line drawn, to direct the ball to the hole; the ball must lie played fairly and honestly for the hole, and not on your opponent's ball, not being in the way to the hole; nor, although lying in the way to the hole, is the player entitled to play with any strength upon it that might injure his opponent's position, or greater than is necessary honestly to send your own ball the distance of the hole. Either party may smooth sand lying around the hole, but this must be done lightly and without pressure, or beating down with the feet, club, or otherwise. If, in holing out, the ball rests upon the flag-stick in the hole, the player shall be entitled to have the stick removed, and if the ball falls in, it shall he considered as holed out; but either party is entitled to have the flag-stick removed when approaching the hole. 13.—Vhplaying Balls.—In Match playing every ball must be played, wherever it lies, or the hole be given up, excepting when it lies on clothes, in water, or in the bed of the burn, (see Rules i and 8), or in any of tlie holes, or short holes, made for golfmg, in which latter case it may be lilted, dropt behind the hazard, and played without losing a stroke. In Medal playing a ball may, under a penalty of two strokes, be lifted out of a difficulty of any description, and teed behind the hazard, and if in any of the golfing holes, it may he lifted, dropt, and played, without a penalty. In all eases where a ball is to be dropt, the party doing so shall front the holt; to which he is playing, standing close on the hazard, and drop the ball behind him from his head. 14.—Medal Bays.—New holes shall always be made on the day the medals are played for, and no competitor .shall play at these holes before he starts for the prize, under the penalty of being disqualified for playing for the medal. On medal days, a party starting off from the tee must allow the party in front to cross the burn before, they strike oif. All balls must be holed out on medal days, and no stimies allowed. 15.—Asking Advice.—A player must not ask advice about the game, by word, look, or gesture, from any one except his own cady, his partner's eady, or his partner. 16.—Disputes.—Any dispute respecting the play shall be deter- mined by the captain, or senior member present; or, if none of the members are present, it shall be settled by a committee appointed by the parties interested, or by the captain and his annual council for the time, at their first meeting. 17.—Parties Passing Each Other,—Any party having lost a ball, and incurring delay by seeking for it, shall be passed by any other party coming up, and on all occasions a two-ball match—whether by two or four players—may pass parties playing three or more balls. Also, parties having cadies may pass those carrying their own elubs. IS.—Balls Splitting.—If a ball shall split into two or more pieces, 1-2-2 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL. a fresh hall shall he put down where the largest portion of the hall lies. 19.—Breach of Hides.—Where no penalty for the infringement ot a rule is specially mentioned, the loss of thu hole shall be understood to be the penalty. 20.—Mepaimng the Links.—The person appointed to take charge of keeping the Links shall make new holes when required, and in such, places as to preserve the putting green in proper order.

ST. ANDREWS THISTLE GOLF CIAJB. The Club twafc in January to play for tlie Challenge Medal, which

On the latter occasion thu members dine together. There are also prizes and sweepstakes to play for at each competition, odds being allowed. Mr. GEOUCE S. JACK, President. Mr. JAMBS C. D. IIUITON, Vic»-Prtdd«nL 11. MILNE, Secretary and Tretmirn: Tlie President, Vice-President, Secretary, 0. B. Oorsane, Ii. Sianehouse, George Murray, and James Campbell, Council. LIST 01' MEMBEHS. Those nunfeefl • JJ&YS been Captains. Those marked t have been holders at the Club Medal or Cross. Thomas Bodger Peter Proudfoot fJames Brodio V/illiam Kidston James Hutton Eobert Bontron George Murray Dr. Shaeffer John Paterson li. Morrison John Harris (re orge Oman Eobert Barker John Sorley Eobert Milne Jolm M'Phcraon David Milne D. Gilbert fJohn Praiu J. Eoberison Eobert Stanehouse J. M'Kenzie Andrew Altaian J. Hunter John Duncan D. Balsillie Alexander Milne J. Oswald James Browning James Campbell f Donald Stewart Jolm Whyte George Leslie It. Lundie 0. B. Corsano Thomas Rmilli William Aitkeu Charles Dunvard William Davison D. Annan William Reid James M'Nab *J. M'Larin Tom Morris, Hon. Member George S. Jack John M'Pherson, Hon. Member •fEobert Annit ST. ANDMEW8 TMI8TLM CLUB. 123

COMPETITIONS IS IS67. Feb. 16.—Competition for Challenge Medals—1st, J. Dunlop, 82, lirst medal holder; 2d, James Brodie, 35, second medal holder. May 11.—Competition for Cross—1st, James Brodie, 98, cross holder; 2d, Robert Armit, 100. Oct. 19.— Competition for Medal—1st, Hubert Armit, 94, medal holder; 2d, G. B. I/uuan, 100. OOMRBTITIOira OT 1868. Jan. 25.—Competition for Challenge Medal—1st, D. Spcnee ; 2d, J. If. M'Larin. May 30.—Competition for Cross—1st, John Prain, 91; 2d, Eolievfc Staneliouse, 99. Oct. 17.—Competition fojf Medal—1st, James Brodie, 98, medal holder; 2d, John Tait, 99. COJIL'ETITIOXS IN 1869. Jan. 23.—Competition for Challenge Medals—1st, Donald Stewart,

ST. ANDREWS GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1843. DAVID SPENCE, Captain. JAMEM ICTIIK, Croupier. DAVID HARVEY, Treasurn: JAMES WILSON, Secrelmy. Cummittee. Eobert Forgim, Life Member; David Kirk, Henry Kirk, James Kirk.. Eobert Pwitie, J aincs Wilkie, Eobert Harvey, and the Office-bearers. THOMAS MOKKIS, Cmtodier nf the Links. LIST OF MEMBERS. William Aytun William Brown John Lynn Robert Forgun Hubert r&teraon David Fletcher Eilward Harvey Eobert Piitchie •Tames MTherson M. Davidson George Bruce James Stuvrock George Motion Archibald Downii- James Auchterlouie Lawrence Thomson Eobert Kay William Paterflon George Leslie James Ireland Dsivid Kiiy 124 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

Pflter Starrock William Milk A. Leask Fotheringamo Anderson David Auchterlonie James Hntton William Thomson Robert Morris Thora&s Kicol John Ross Thotnas Rodger William Leal L. Auchterlonie George Carstairs John Clark George Honeyman Robert Cook James Scott James Wilkie David Lynn David Spenco John Halkerston Thomas Arnot Robert Wilson William Davidson William Mason James Pearson Alexander M'Kenzie Robert Harvey- David Harvey Andrew Young Henry Kirk Robert Peatie James Wilson David Scott John Tait David Kirk Sergt-Major John Griffiths J. G. M'Pherson, M.A. John Hutchison John Kirk John Grieve George Low James Fowlis David Todd William Kelly James Kirk David Milne Honorary Jlfembei's. James Baldio Thomas Morris John Mackie Robert Kirk David Anderson David Strath COMPETITIONS IN 1867. 18 holes in the round. Hay 25.—Thirteen couples started to compete for the Silver Gross, •with 14 other prizes, with the following result, viz.:— David Kirk, 87 strokes, no odds, Cross; James Fowlis, 8fi, with odds, 1st prize; Henry Kirk, 91, no odds, 2d; George. Leslie, 91, •with odds, 3d ; Robert Forgan, 94, with odds, 4th; .George Carstairs, 96, with odds, 5th; Andrew Young, 97, no odds, 6th; Robert Har- vey, 97, no odds, 7th ; Robert Morris, 97, no odds, 8th ; John Halker- ston, 97, no odds, 9th; Robert Wilson, 98, with odds, 10th; William Ayton, 9S, with odds, 11th; John Lynn, 99, with odds, 12th; Robert Paterson, 99, with odds, 13th; James Wilson, 99, with odds, 14th. Oct. 12.—On this date the Medal and 16 prizes were competed for over the Links, with the following result, viz.:— William Mason, 93 strokes, no odds, Medal and 1st prize; William Ayton, 93, with odds, 2d; David Snenee, 93, with odds, 3d; Robert Morris, 96, no odds, 4th; David Kirk, 96, no odds, 5th; Robert Paterson, 96, with odds, Cth ; David Harvey, 96, with, odds, 7th; John Tait, 98, with odds, 8th; John Halkerston, 97, no odds, 9th; George Motion, 97, with odds, 10th; David Strath, 99, no odds, 11th; ST. ANDREWS CLUB. 125

Henry Kirk, 100, no odds, 12th; Robert Harvey, 101, no odds, 13tli; James Kirk, 102, WITH odds, 14th; John Kirk, 102, with odds, 15th; John Fowlis, 102, with odds, 16th. COMPETITIONS IN 1868. May 23.—Day very wet and stormy; only seven couples started, and came in in the following order:— David Strath, 99, no odds; Andrew Young, 99, no odds, tie for Cross, Strath won playing off; William Paterson, 99, with odds, 3d; James Kirk, 105, with odds, 4th; William Mason, 105, no odds, 5th; Eohert Harvey, 106, no odds, 6th; Eobert Forgan, 106, with odds, 7th; Thomas Amot, 108, no odds, 8th; Henry Kirk, 108, no odds, 9th ; John Tait, 111, with odds, 10th; John Lynn, 111, with odds, 11th; David Harvey, 116, with odds, 12th; John Grieve, 116, no odds, 13tli. Oct. 17.—On this date the Club Medal and various prizes were competed for, when the following came in prize-holders:— Eobert Harvey, 98, no odds, Medal and 1st prize ; John Lynn, 98, with odds, 2d; Grant Pirie, 98, with odds, 3d; JohnHalkerston, 99, no odds, 4th; John Tait, 102, with odds, 5th; David Harvey, 103, with odds, 6th; Eobert Peatie, 104, with odds, 7th; James Kirk, 105, with odds, 8th; Andrew Young, 106, no odds, 9th; James Wil- son, 106, with odds, 10th; Henry Kirk, 110, no odds, 11th; James Auchtcrlonie, 110, with odds, 12th; George Leslie, 116, with odds, 13th. COMPETITIONS IN 1869. May 29.—Silver Cross and prizes in the following order:—• Eobert Harvey, 91, Cross. [II.M. being holder of the Medal, ho cannot at the same time hold the Cross.] William Mason, 93, no odds, Cross; William Ayton, 92, with odds, 3d ; Thomas Nicol, 93, with odds, 4th; John Kirk, 94, with odds, 5th; David Kirk, 96, no odds, 6th ; John Lynn, 97, with odds, 7th; John Halkerston, 99, no odds, 8th; •, Henry Kick, (19, uo odds, Oth; Eobert Paterson, 100, with odds, 10th; Andrew Young, 100, no odds, 11th; William Paterson, 101, no odds, 12th; James Kirk, 102, with odds, 13th. Oct. 17-—On this date the Medal and other prizes were competed for, when the following were the winners:— William Paterson, 105, no odds, Medal and 1st prize; Robert Paterson, 103, with odds, 2d; George Motion, 104, with odds, 3d; David Spence, 105, with odds, 4th; David Kirk, 106, no odds, 5th; lioliert Harvey, 106, no odds, 6th; John Halkerston, 108, no odds, 7th; John Clark, 108, with odds, Sth; Andrew Young, 109, no odds, 9th; Sergt.-Major John Griffiths, 109, with odds, 10th; Thos. Nicol, 110, with odds, 11th; Henry Kirk, 110, no odds, 12th; David Harvey, 112, with odds, 13th; Peter Thomson, 114, with odds, 14th. 1-26 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

Ml David Strath, one of the honorary members of this club, pre- sented a Gold Medal to lie played for over the Links on the JUtli November, the lowest score, whether with or without odds, to be tin winner, when it was found that Sergt.-Major John Griffiths was tin possessor of the medal, with a score of 89, with odds. Hie next West in order were Kobert JVatie and Thomas Nicol, equal, 00 ; D. Harvej-, 91; David Kirk, Robert Harvey, and Robert l'aterson, equal, 93. The rnles of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews t observed by this Club in all its competitions.

UNIVERSITY GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1855. This Club was instituted in 1855. All students and former stu- dents of the University are eligible as members. Odds arc allowed to .such as require them for sweepstakes alone. The number of odds allowed to each member is determined by the Committee of Milling". moat. The Club holds three competitions during the session—in December, February, and March respectively. In the first two com- petitions Sweepstakes only, in the last the Club's Medal and Sweep- stakes are played for. No member can hold the medal twice m succession. Office-hearers. JAMES BIIODIE, M.A., President. THOMSON "WHTTE, Vice-President. JOHN E. M'LABEIF, Secretary. DAVID B. EOBERTSOM, H.A., Treasurer. David Lunclie, M.A., , Members of Committee. LIST OF MEMBERS. Alfred Boss David Lundio. M.A. Thomas Smith James Brodio, M.A. Prank Gordon Donald Stcwai't Alex. Dishart Hev. J. Prain, M.A. D. E. Eobertson, JI.A. John A. Honey Thomson Whyte John K. M'Laren Eev. J. Eitehie, M.A. John Traill James Cunninghame James BeeKa A. P. Hogarth, M.A. Jolm Dick Eev. G. B. Liman, M.A. William Berwick James Aitken Ebeuezer (Jarsewell Piter AVebster Henry Dick Rov. George S. Jack Alexander Morrison Jolm O&tts Hev. George Johnston, M.A. Ilobert Tullis Eev. George Stephen, M.A. ST. ANDREWS LADIES' CLUB. 127

MEDAL H0LDEB8 SINOE 1855. 1855 David Millar, 99 strokes. 1856 John Sime, 98 1857 Thomas Barty, 102 1858 Andrew Roy, 104 1859 David Millar, 91 1860 George Abbot, .. 96 1861 Kobert Jamieson, ...... 97 1862 George S. Jack, 96 1863 James "Wylie,... 0 ... 3 186i J. G. M Thereon, 94 *1865 John Walker, 103 1866 J. G. MTherson, 87 1867 James Brodie, 102 1868 J. H. M'Laren, 94 1869 Donald Stewart, 92 • Mr. M'Pheraon, with 94 strokes, was prevented from holding tlio Medal oil account of his heing the Medal-holder for the urevious year.

LADIES' GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1867. This Club is a new feature in the golfing circle, and was instituted by D. L. Burn of Pitnacree in September, 1867. The management, as seen below, is vested in a lady President, an Acting Committee of ladies, D. L. Burn, secretary, and Colin Lindsay, ESIJ., treasurer. There are 18 holes in the round, and two rounds constitute a match. The Links are a miniature edition of the regular . Mrs. B,. BETHUNE, President. Committee. Miss E. A. Burn. I Mrs. Mouerieff. Mrs. Boothby. | Mrs. Tnllooh, Mr. D. L. BURN, Secretary and Treasurer. COMPETITIONS IIT 1867. October.—The following couples started for the Club Medal, the Silver Cross, the Putter and Cleek, and six Golf Balls :— 1. Miss M. Moncrieft' and Miss M. Lamb. 2. Miss Low and Miss Scott. 3. Miss Tullouh and Miss F. Tulloch. i. Miss Chambers and Miss Nicholson. 5. Miss A. Christie and Miss Walker. 6. Miss Ireland and Miss Lamb. 7. Miss H. Ireland and Miss L. Lamb. 8. Miss Christie and Miss Burn. 128 THE GOLFERS ANNUAL.

9. Miss Cook and Miss "Walkinshaw. 10. MTS. Boothby and Miss Boothby. 11. Miss Moncrieff and Miss F. MoncriefT. The medal was gained by Miss Chambers,- who holed the 45 holes in 139 strokes; the silver cross was gained with the score of 140 by Miss Lamb; the putter and cleek in 142 by Miss H. Ireland; and the golf balls in 144 by Miss Lamb. NOT. 4.—The Medal was competed for, when 12 couples started, and at the close of the competition Miss Mary Ireland was declared the winner with the score of 134. COMPETITIONS M 1868. May 6.—Twenty-four competitors started, when the first prize was won by Mrs. Bethune in 105 strokes; Miss M. Moncrierf, 108; Miss Bailie, 109 ; Miss E. Moncrieff, 110; and Miss E. Ireland, 111. Sept. 2.—Twenty-eight couples started to compete for the Gold Medal and the Silver Gross. The medal was gained by Miss L. Lamb with the score of 107, and the silver cross by Miss Eochi', with the score of 108. COAIRETITIOXS IN ISCi). May.-—A Prize, presented by John Whyte Melville, Esq., was competed for in two rounds of 30 holes. Uine couples started, anil the prize, a gold brooch, was gained by Bliss M'Leod in 115 strokes. Miss Boothby was second. Sept. 9.—A Consolation Prize, open to all but prize-holders, was competed for, when 34 couples started. The first was gained by Miss B. Baillie at 50 strokes to the 18 holes. Miss S. Deane, Miss Bouch, and Miss M'Leod tied at 51. In playing off the tie, Miss Deanc again accomplished the rouud in 51 strokes, against that of Miss Bouch in 57. Miss M'Leod retired. Oct. 11.—A grand competition came off for a Silver Cup, pre- sented by Lady C. Elliot. Tim competition consisted of 36 holes, or two ronnds of the green. The competition was superintended by Mr D. L. Bum of Pitnacree. Seventeen couples started, and at the close of the competition Miss M. Baillie was declared the winner, having gone the two rounds in 102 strokes, Miss E. Baillie 2d in 104 strokes, Miss E. H. Bum 3d in 105 strokes, Miss Chambers, Miss f. Hodge, and Miss F. Vesey in 108.

STIELING GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1869. JOHN MUIIIUE, Captain. •JAS. J. SMITH, Park Terrace, Secretary. ALEX. MOXTEATH, Clydesdale Bank, Treasurer. STIRLING CLUB. 129

Committee—John Murrie, Bev. Thomas Wilson, Col. Macpherson, Oapt. Thackeray, J. M. Morrison, D. M'Dougall, J. L. Galbraith, Jas. J. Smith, Alex. Monteath. LIST OP MEMBERS. G. E. Anderson Col. Macplierson James Anderson Andrew Muir David Anderson Thomas Mnir John Anderson Jobn Maeldeson Eev. George Alexander W. 0. M'Nie George Ballingall John D. Mathio John Brych'e Duncan M'Dougall Matthew Brydio P. W. M'Dougall James Baird Dr. Johnston J. Wood Blakey James Johnston James Bennet Robert Kidston Colonel Bulwcr, O.B. Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Bart. Duncan Brodic James L. Philp James Barty James Pnton George Christie William Eoss Adjutant Chalmers William Eeid Thomas P. Crawford Eev. William Smith B. Cunliff, 93d Highlanders Eobert Smith Alexander T. Dalgloish Thomas H. II. Sherman James Drummond James J. Smith (Secretary) Thomas Fornie William Smith Gabriel N. Forrester William Stevenson John A. Gibson Peter Speirs William Gibb George Saunders Thomas L. Galbraith Oapt. W. St. Clair, E.W. Sheriff Griihnm John Thomson Dr. Charles Gibson Duncan M. Thomson H. G. Henderson Capt. J. E. Thackeray, 74th James Hay Irons Highlanders George Hunter Jobn Todd, sen. John Murrio (Captain) John Todd, jun. James M. Morrison J1. M. Tiro Alex. Monteath (Treasurer) William D. M. Wilson John S. Murrio G. M. Wilson Ebenezer llorrison Eev. Tliomas Wilson Robert M'ljiickie John Watson Col. Fraser Maophorson Adjutant Young Seven holes in the round. One competition since the origin of the Club, held October 2d. Three rounds of the. Links, 21 holes ; winners, 1st, J. M. Morrison, 110 ; 2d, William Smith, 115 ; 3d, Alexander Dalglcisli, 120. Prizes given by the Club. A large, number of gentlemen having expressed a wish to start a (iolfC'lub, a preliminary meeting was held on July 16, 18G9, when it wag agreed that a club should be formed, to be called "Stirling Golf Club." A committee was appointed to draw up rules, &c, and I 130 TIIE GOLFER'S ANNUAL. submit them for the approval of a general meeting of the club. At the first general meeting it was agreed (it being understood that the. rules of the game as played by St. Andrews Club were being altered materially^ to adopt in the mean time the rules of the Leith Thistle Club, and those of the St. Andrews Club for playing the game us recommended by the committee.

TANTALLAN GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1853. Sir HEW DALHYMPLE, President, JOHN CAIXANDEK, Captain. J. K. WHITECHOSS, Secretary and Treasurer. D. Croal, P. Brodie, 1\ Peacock, J. Ford, J. Bryson, Committee. EOBERT THOMSON, Keeper of (he Green or Linkt. IIST 01 MEMBEHS. James ITislop William Ford Peter Brodie James 3?ord William Dall William Paxton Thomas Dall Benjamin Hall Blyth Thomas B. Peacock Philip Wilson John R. Wliiteoross William Thomson David Croall Hubert Chambers Dr. Bryce James Bryson William Edington James Williamson Edward Blytli Thomas Aiken Eobert Campbell J. Watterston John Oallander Murray Thomson Alexander Robertson J. Brodio Alexander Duncan J. Ritchie Daniel Smith W. IiusBel Eobert Chalmers J. M'Grpgor David Croall, Haddiugton Mr. Millidge COMPETITIONS IN 3867. Medal won by E. S. L. Blyth, 7 holes, 7(5 strokes; Mr Whitecross, 2d prize; Mr Aiken, 3d prize; Mr Brodie, 4th prize. COMPETITIONS IN 1868. Sligo Medal, won by Mr Whitecross in 70 strokes. Club Medal, won hy Mr I!. Chambers in 82 strokes; Mr Chalmers, 2d prize; Mr. Ritchie, 3d prize. COMPETITIONS IN 1800. Links extended to 9 holes. Sligo Medal won by J. K. Whiteero.MS in 92 strokes; Mr Campbell, 2d prize; Mr Smith, 3d prize; Mr Brodie, 4th prize. Club Medal, won by Mr Whitecross in S!) strokes; Mr James Brodie, 2d prize; Mr Brodie, sen., and Mr Bryson divided 3d and 4th prizes. Rules of game— St. Andrews Rules. W3MYSS CLUB. 131

VEMYS S. WEMYBS GOLF CLUB. INSTITUTED 1857. MRS. WEMYSS, "Womyas Castle, Patroness. Mil. WEMYSS, Wemyss Castle, Captain. JOHN G. ROBERTSON, Secretary and Treasurer. GEOIIQE SWANSON, Keeper nf the Links. LIST OP MKMBEJIS. J. S. Oswald, Dunniker Al(>x. Tarrcs J. Gilbert Alexander 0. Johnston George Johnston John Kilgour John G. Robertson Douald Ross David H. Johnston Jamos Caasells William S. Johnston John Robertson, jun. William P. Burn3 Thomas Harrow, jun. George Joliuston, jun. Robert Burns William Normand William Morgan Nicol Malcolm Georgn Williamson John Williamson Andrew Christie R. Gathcart William Carey James Johnston William M. Dow James Pringle George Preston. Peter Proudfoot 'Dr. Honry Watson James Fernie, William Uooper James Jamieeon Sheffield William Robertson Thomas Johnston Dayid Bunt Henry Fitzolarcnce R. T. Boothby George Swanson Alexander Anderson James Allan William Jaruieson George Burt John Brown William Frazer Alexander 0. Johnston Hofaerfc Browning Robert KUgour John Tod James W. Johnston David Scott Jamps Brown William Foggo Thomas Harrow MEDALS COMPETED FOR. 1867. -—May fi. John KilRour, 106 strokes, 24 holes, 1st medal. Oct. 11. William kilgour, 113 strokes, 2-i holes, 3d medal. 1868.- -April 11. John Kilgour, 11(1 strokes, 24 holes, 1st medal. Oet. 10. Peter Proudfoot, 109 strokes, 24 holes, 2d medal. Sept. 11. Mr. Randolph, Wemyss, 98 strokes (with odds), 24 holes, 3d medal. 1869.. -April 17. Robert Burns, 113 strokes, 24 holes, 1st medal. Out. 2. Andrew Christie, 111 strokes, 26 holes, 2d medal. Oct. 2. -Mr. Randolph, Wemyss, 102 strokes (with odds), 24 holes, 3d medal. 1 132 TEE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.


ST. AJSTDBEWS. 1807. MAY 1.—A fine match was played at St. Andrews by Tom Morris jim., and Wm. Dow against Bob Kirk and James Anderson. Th o first match was gained by the former by 3 up and ono to play. The some foursome started anew at tho Turn Hole, when tho tables wera turned, the latter ptd Tbeing dormy at the. lil'th hole, They also won another short match by ono hole. MAY 2.—An excellent foursome was played between Mr Pitman and Tom Morris, and Mr Bammtyne and David Park, tho latter winning by 2 holes. MAY 3.—A match with professionals for money prizes, given by gentlemen of the Club, was played with the following result ono round of tho Links:— 1. Bob Kirk, 80 strokes 2. D. Park, .. 89 8. Tom Morris, 90 4. Tom Morris, jun., 91 , j ... 91 5. George Morris, 91 fi. Wm. Dow, M 7. Jamus Anderson, i)f> 8. James JViiton 97 9. Charlos Duncan, 08 10. Mr Strath, 98 A foursome was gained by Mr Pitman and D, Park against Mi* Blackwood and Tom M.ovris by • !holos. Tom Morrin, jun., beat William Dow in a match by 2 holes. Tin- play was Tory fair—Tom doing the round in 8-.1, ngftinat his oppo- nent's 87. Major Boothby anil Mr J. (J. M'Phcrson defeated Mr O. M. limes and Mr II. Clark by il holes and 8 to play. A match was played between Capt. Stewart, Mr G. M, Imius, and Mr II. Clark, each playing his own ball, with tho following result:— Captain Stewart, 91 strokes; Mr Inne.s, 94 ; and Mr Clark, 97. JULY C.—A most exciting tfolf match was played between Tom Morris and liob Kirk, two ronnda of St. Andrews Links, A good deal of money was betted on tho match. Tom was in very bad play, which may bu gathered from the result of tho match, while Iiis opponent was in excellent fettle. Kirk made the first round in 8l> PROFESSIONAL MATCHES. 133

strokes, beating Tom by 7 holes on the round. Kirk won the match. at the high hole, goiug out the second round. A match was played of the remaining holes, in which Kirk was also victor at the Bum hole by two. SEPT. 14.—Tom Morris and Tom Morris, jun., v. Bob Kirk and Fergusson. This match of two rounds was played before a large concourse of spectators. Bob and his partner began rather wild, which gave, their opponents the advantage of two holes, whiuh. they held off and on till the end of the first round. In the second round all was square at the third hob out. Fergusson, however, failed to support the excellent play of Bob, and as father and son, particu- larly the latter, played very steadily, the match resulted in their gaining by i holes. The number of strokes taken by them in the two rounds were 85 in each, while Kirk and Fergusson took 88 and 91. Young Tom then went out at a single with Kil'k, but the latter was too much for him, beating him by 3 holes. OCT. 2.—A match for money prizes among the professionals was played for yesterday with the following result:—Bub Kirk, 85, won £5; A. Strath, Prestwiek, 87, £3; Bob Fergussou, Musselburgh 89, £1 16; Tom Morris, 90, 15s.; W. Strath, St. Andrews, and David Park, Musselburgh, 91; James Anderson, St. Andrews, 93. OCT. 3.—A match between Tom Morris, sen., and Tom Morris, jun., and Andrew Strath and Bob Kirk, came off at St. Andrews on this date, which was very keenly contested. The first round was haired. The second and last round was gained by the former by 3 up and 2 to play. 1868. X—A match between Tom Morris and Robert Fevgnsson of Musselburgh came off with a victory for the former by n holes up and_ 5 to play. The match was two rounds of the Links, and iu playing a short match of the remaining 5 holes, Morris iigain won by 2 holes. Capt. Hay and Tom Morris, sen., in a match against Mr E. Clark and Gilbert Innes, beat them by 3 holes and 2 to play. Tom Morris, jun., and W. Dow halved a match, and on the fol- lowing day they played a return match, which resulted in favour of Tom by 7 holes and 5 to play. David Park and Bob Fergusson played Tom Morris and his son a match, when the former came in the first round 4 holes ahead and in coming in the second round, they won the match at the Burn hole by 3. In a match "between Mr R. Clark and Mr Tod against Mr Hodge and Mr Gilbert Innes, the former won by 2 holes. In a foursome between Tom Morris, jun., and Mr Every, and Win. Dow and Mr Hodge, Dow and his partner -were victors bv 4 holes. 134 THE &OLFBXS ANNUAL.

David Park and Mr Wauohope lost a niateli to Messrs, Term ami James liy 3 holes and 2 to i>Uiy. ant Mr. Pitman and Tom Morris won a match from Mr John 331a v wood and Bob I<'erguss 1. Tom Morris, jun., 87 strokes 2. Bob larguBson 89 3. James Anderson, ) 4. David Park, | 90 On the tie being played off, Anderson onmo in the winner in 87 strokes, against David's 92, thus seeming the third prize. Park got tlio fourth prize. OCT. 10.—An exciting matoh between Tom Morris, jun., and "Bob- Kirk came off. The match was two rounds ofthe Links. Bob beat Tom. by 7 holes in th« first round, doing the round in 85 strokes. In going out the second round, Tom began to better his position. "by taking 5 holes out of the first S, Imt railed to come up any further and was ultimately beat by Bob by 0 holes and 4 to play. An interesting match wus played over St. Andrews Links between Tom Morris, jun., and Messrs. Stewart anil M'Lai'onof the University (Jlul). Tom pluyed his ball againit theiballagr bes t score for eacoaohh. 1IO1L\ ThThe matcthh was kkeenll y contestednttd , and resulteltdd in a victorit y fof r Tom iha wspeotivo sooras being, Tom, 76 i Stewart;, 84; and M'Laran, 90.' The same feat has only been twice done before in 70 strokes once by and onee by Tom Morris, sen, 1800. MAAY i.—A foursome between Mr Robert Clarlc and If. Fergusscm* and Mr Thomas Hodge and Tom Morris, sen. Mr (.'lark and. ITer- gusson won liy 5 up and 4 to play. In a short matoh in the remain- ing holes in, Mr ilodge tiud Tom were successful by 2 up and 1 to play. MAY 5.—A capital foursome was played by Mr Wauuhope and Tom Morris, sen., against Mr Tcnimnt and Bub Fergusson, in. wliich the former were successful by i holes and 3 to play. They played a short match of the romaiuing three holes, when tlio latter gained by 1 bole. Tom Morris, jun., beat David Strath in a matoh by 3 holes and. 2 to play. I'JWFESXTONAL MA T0HM8. 135

MAY G.—Mr Wauohope anil Tom Morris, sen., beat Capt. Kin- tooh and David Park by 1 hols. Tlio two Morrises, father anil son, played a fonrsnmo with B- fergusson and D. Pack, of 28 holes, Tim first round Fwwnssoii and J'ark WMQf i aliciul, but going ont tin; second Tound, the. Toms took the first four holts—FOTSUBSOU ami Park being 1 ahead at thu turn— iinil ultimately gained the match by !i holes np and 2 to play. OUT. 7.—Tommy Mowis played Dr, Buist a match, two rounds of the Links, giving this Dootor a stroke to the hole, The first round was gained by Tommy by 8 holes, and the last by the DofftoT by 4 holes. Tommy held the. Jlrst round in the extraordinary low scorn n[ 78. A match of three rounds was plnyed by Mr Hodge and 1). Strath against Mr Gilbert funes and Tonv Morris. They halved the first round. The latter lost tho ssooud by 2, but gained thu third by 8. OCT. 9.—Mr limes and Young Tom played I). Strath and James Anderson three rounds. The first was halved, tlie second was gained by the latter by i, and the third by 3 holes. FREST WIOK. 1808. SETT. 22,—Tom Morris and Tom Morris, jun,, in a match of 86 holes, vanquished W. Dow and R. Fcrgussnnby i holes. W. Dunn and Bob Fevgusson were successful in $, •match of 12 holes against W. Dow and T. Dunn by 1. John Allan and T. Dunn gained n match of 32 holes from W. Dunn and (!. Hunter by 1. They halved another mateh of 12 holes. W. Dunn and A?. Doleman defeated ,T. Allan anil T. Dunn liy 1 hole, and in another mateh they oamo off all even. I!,. Kirk beat Hob Cerglisson by fi holes out of24, Tom Morris, jun., beat W. Dow by (! out of 24 holes. SAW. 28.—The Earl of Stair and Bob Fnrgusson defeated E, A. Hunter and Tom Morris by 1 holes out of 12. Rev. Mr Symo and Dr, Wilson gained u mateh by 2 holes from Sir Robert Hay and Mr Whighuin, SKIT. 24 .Consolation Stakes were jilayod for and won by E. Ifarguston, Hob Kirk, and J. Allan. Kirk and Allan tied, but in- stead of going out again tlwy divided the stakes. 18G9. SKIT. 13.—Hob Kirk ami David Strath mdncd u match from Tom Morris, jun., and .lames Amiuniou by 1 huln. Mr Wauohopo and Tom Morris, Hen,, lost n match of four rounds tu Mr Q. limes and Mr Wliigham, SKIT. H,—Dr. M'Uuaigand Jamos Anderson gained ono mateh 136 TSE GOLFEli'8 ANNUAL

from Tom Morris, jun., and David Strath by 1 hole, and halvedthe second. Morris mid Strath gained the next two rounds, and ulti- mately won over the four rounds by 3 holes. In a match of two rounds between Bob Kirk and Charlie Hunter, the former gained by 4 holes out of the two rounds. SEPT. 15.—Tom Morris, jun,, and James Anderson gained a match of 24 holes from D, Strath and Bob Kirk by 7 holes and C to play. SEPT. 10.—Dr. M'Ouaig and Mr Ord Campbell lost a match of one round to Mr Q, M. Lines and Mr Whigham by 2 holes. They halved a second nmteh. M TJ S S E L B IT K, a H. 1869. FEB. 23.—A match between Tom Morris, son., and Tom Morris, jun., of St. Andrews, and Willie Park and Bob ffsrgusson, of Mus- selburgh, for £15 a side, came off over Musselburgh Links. The Miisselburgh men took the load and kept it throughout, and gained the match by 5 holes and 4 to play. MAIMII 6.—A match was played between Tom Morris, jun,, St. Andrews, and Bob FsrgUSSon, Miisselbivrgh, of 36 holes. They halved the match, nnd in playing off another round of 9 nine lioles, Fergussou beat his opponent by 1 hole. Nov. 27. —A match was played between Tom Morris, sen., and Bob Fergusson as a return match for the one played bv them at Luffnoss on tho 2(5th of tho same month. Thirty-six lioles were. played, when Forgwson won by i holes up and 3 to play. A second go of 12 holes were played, Fergusson again winning by C up and ;5 to play. A short match was played, which resulted in favour of Fergusson by 2 holes, NORTH EEBWIOK. 1869, SSPT. 15.—Lord Kleho nnd Mr Wliitoeross, and Mr 0. C. Willie and Provost Brodie halved a match of four rounds. OCT. 25.—A match between Mr V. Brodie, tho Chief Magistrate, and Bailie Whiteorosa, and Tom Morria, sen., of St. Andrews, and Mr James Brodie, came off, the latter gaining by 1 hole.

1869. FKII. 11.—Tom Morris, jun,, v. Bob Fergusson.—A match fur £20 a side was played over LulTnoas Links between these profession- als. Two rounds of the Links. The Conner gained by 8 holes and 7 to play. In a short match for £i a side, Morris again proved PROFESSIONAL MATCHES. 187 rather heavy for his opponent, and gained by two holes. Morris thus beat Fergusson by 10 holes on the day's play. AI'ML.— Tom Morris, jun., v. W. Park.—A match for £50 aside came off between these two distinguished champions over St. Andrews and Musselburgh. At St. Andrews they halved the match, but at Musselburgh Park proved rather heavy for his youthful oppo- nent, and gained the match by 5 holes and 3 to play. Park played, a very fine short game. Nor. 26.—A match of S-i holes was played between Bob Fergusson, of Musselburgh, and Tom Morris, sen., of St. Andrews, and resulted in a victory for the former by 5 holes and 3 to play. A short match in the remaining three holes was gained by Tom by 1 hole.

DUNBAR. 1869. Ar/o. 2.—The officers of the Fife Artillery Militia and. those of the Haddington played a match, Haddington being represented by Capt. Grant Suttie and Lieut. Stewart, and Fife by Inglia and Lieut. Rintoul. Haddington gained by 2 up and 1 to play. The last hole was played in and halved, thus leaving Haddington the victors by 2 holes.

BRtTNTSFIELD . 1868. MAY.—An exciting foursome was played between Mr G. D. Brown and Mr Ross, and Mr Thomson and Mr Porteous. The match was three rounds of the Links, or 18 holes. The latter couple received :i holes to start with. The match was well contested; at the third hole of the last round they were all even, with 3 to play. Brown •md Ross gained the next two holes, and thus won tlie match by 2 holes and ] to jjlay.

LEITH. 1867. MAY 15.—A match for £5 aside was played by Willie Dunn, of Leith, and Willie Park, of Musselburgh, against Thomas Morris, St. Andrews, and Willie Dow, Musselburgh. The former gained by two holes. The play was very fine. Dunn and Park holed one of the rounds in 28 strokes. 1 138 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.


BLACKHEATH v. THE LONDON SCOTTISH. On 17th April, 1869, these two Clubs met on "Wimbledon, 14 players aside, with the following result:— EOYAI, BLACKHEATH. LONDON SCOTTISH. SirR. Hay, Bart., played Sir Hope Grant, G.C.B. Mr Glennic Lord Elcho, M.P. Mr Buskin Mr Cheyne Mr Kennard Mr Fordyce, M.P. Mr Begbie Mr Fowlie Mr Marsh Mr Suttie Mr Adamson Mr Kerr Mr Keid Captain Page Mr Browne Lieut. Fisher Mr Gilbert Mr Barroch Mr" Wyllie Mr Somerville Mr Wynyard Hon. C. Carnegie, M.P. Mr Bennett Lieut. Porteous Captain Eucker Captain Dudgeon Thf iRoyal Blackheath were vietorious by 30 holes. ThG players of both Clubs afterwards dined together at Wimbledon, Lord Elcho in the chair. LEVKST v. THISTLE ST. ANDREWS. On 2d April, 1868, a return match was played by these two' Clubs over St. Andrews Links. Twelve couples started. The. St. Andrews were victors by 71 holes. BURNTISLAND v. WAEEENDEB. On 30tli May, 1868, a match between these Clubs came off on Burntisland, with 8 players iiside. Three rounds of the Links. The match resulted in favour of the Warrender by 22 holes. On 28th June, a return match by these Clubs took place over Bnintsiiekl, with the same number of players aside—three rounds of the Links, or 18 holes—which also resulted in a victory for the "Warrender of 59 holes. v CLUB MATCHED. 130

JOINT MEDAL—BURGESS v. BRUNTSFIELD. 9TH MAKCII, 1867. BrniOEss. BRUNTSFIELD. D. Smith, 77 A. Usher, 88 Dr Robertson, 1 ..77 R. Chambers, 80 John. Williamson, 80 .Tames Bryson, 80 E. B. Shaw, 85 C. M'Cuaig 78 John T. Cunningham, 82 D.C'roall 85 Peter Long, 92 James Robertson, ...79 R. C. Wilson, 82 R. Bryson, 85 Thomas Bird, 91 K. Morrison, 85 G. B. Wilson, 88 A. Young, 95 754 755 Majority for Burgess, 1. 18TH AMIL, 1868. BTTRGESS. BRUNTSFIELD. R. B. Shaw w66 R. Chambers, 64 James Williamson, 58 William Lees,...61 John Williamson,G l G. M'Cuaig 62 Peter Stevenson, 67 R. Bryson, 70 Thomas Bird, 69 Jas Bryson, 58 R. C. Wilson, 68 Jas Iiobertson, ...62 Peter Lang 69 Oapt. Croal 65

10TH AVIUH, 1869. BUUGESS. BNUXTSFIELD. 1. James Williamson,6 3 William Lees, 62 2. it. B. Shaw, 62 James Bryson, 62 3. John Williamson, .....64 C. M'Cuaijv 62 4. George Robh, 65 John Cunningham,.0 2 5. T. Stevenson, 64 Andrew Usher, 67 6. John. Bryson, 68 Thomas Usher, 66 7. Chnrles Macarthur, 62 Robert Bryson, 59 8. liolwrt Wallace,0 1 James Oreenhill, .65 9. Thomas Bird, 65 Andrew Fulton,.65 10. Capt. Mann, 08 Capt. Clfippeorton, .67

637 637 The above result shows a tie between the Clubs. 140 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.


ST. ANDREWS. 1869. OCT. 2.—Eleven professionals entered to compete for £20, sub- scribed by gentlemen golfers, the prizes being £8, £5, £4, and £3. The following was the result:— 1. David Strath, 85 strokes. Tom Morris, jun., ) „„ E. Fergusson, $ ss " 4. Thomas Kidd, 91 5. James Anderson, ...... 93 C. Robert Andrew, 94 7. \V. Doleman, 96 8. Tom Morris, son., 98 9. "Walter M'Donald, 100 10. James Fenton, ... 101 The tie between Tom and Fergusson was decided by their playing another round, ending in favour of Alorris, with, a score of 89—Fer- giisson being 94.

LEVEN. 1868. OCT. 2.—A Tournament, under the auspices of the Innerleveu

LEITH. 1867. MAT 14.—A Tournament, under the auspices of the Thistle Golf Club, who gave £25 in money prizes, came off on Leith Links, with a very successful result. The following professionals started for the competition, viz. :— 28 HOLES. 1. D. Park, v. James Anderson. 2. Tom Morris, v. Willie Park. 3. Willie Dunn, v. Willie Dow. 4. George Morris, Leith, v. Robert Dow, Montrose. 5. Walter M'Donald, Perth, v. Thos. Hunter, Musselburgh. 6. Bob Kirk, v. Tom Morris, jun. 7. Thomas Brown, Musselburgh, v. G. Paterson, Musselburgh. 8. Alexander Brown, v. J. Campbell, Musselburgh. 9. Bob Fergusson, v. Jas. Hutchison, Musselburgh. 10. James Dunn, Leith, v. Alexander Greig, Leith. 11. Bobert Andrews, Perth, v. A. Strath, Prestwiek. With the following result:— 1. £10 E. Fergusson, Musselburgh, , 131 strokes. 2. 6 Thomas Hunter, Musselburgh, 132 ,, 32,,S. 4 James Anderson, St. Andrews, ...... 133 ,, 4. S Bob Andrews, Perth, 133,,S.4JamesAnderson,St.Andrews,...... 133 ,, 5. 2 William Park, Musselburgh, 134 „ The tie between Anderson and Andrews was played off, and re- sulted in a victory for the Perth man by two holes—the scores being Andrews, 81, and Anderson, 33.

OAENOTJSTIE. 1867. SEFI\—A Tournament came off at Cttruoustie, the arrangements of which were successfully carried through by ,T. J. Dalzell, Chair- man of the Committee, and Mr Alexander Kidd, Secretary. The first competition, for which four prizes to the value of £20 were given by the Earl of Dollionsie, was open to professionals and amateurs. Sixteen couples started. The match was three rounds of the. Links, or 30 holes. At the close of the competition, Tom Morris, jun., St. Andrews; Bob Andrews, Perth; and Willie Park, Musselburgh, were found to have tied at 140. Robert Fergusson was next, with a score of 144, and James Anderson and Bob Kirk, of St. Andrews, and William Dow, of Musselburgh, tiud at. 145. On the tie being played off between Morris, Andrews, and Park, the former was found to be the winner of the first prize, Andrews that of the second, Park the third, Fergusson having won the fourth. . 142 THE GOLFER'S ANNUAL.

The second competition was open only to amateurs. The prizes consisted of a handsome Silver Cup, an Electro-plated University Pewter, richly chased; a Pewter, and five other prizes, consisting ol sets of Clubs and Balls. Thirteen gentlemen, started, -with the fol- lowing result:—Mr W. C. Thomson, of Broughty Ferry, and Mr 0. Walkinshaw, of St. Andrews, tied for the first prize at the score of 9G; Dr. M'Cnaig won the pewter at 98 ; Sergt. MajoT Chalmers, 101; Messrs. H. andC. 8. Lamh, St. Andrews, tied at 102; Mr K. Lamh got the seventh prize with 103 ; and Major Boothby and Mr William Stewart, Perth, were equal for the eighth prize.

HTNEELETBN. 1868. OCT. 2.—A Golf Tournament was played, open to all golfers. Eight money prizes given hy the InnerWen Golf Club; two rounds of the Links, or 36 holes. The following were the winners and their snores:— 1st, Tom Moms, jun., St. Andrews, in 170 strokes. 2d, Bob Kirk, Blackheath, in 171 strokes. 3d, David Strath, St. Andrews, in 177 strokes. 4th, R. Andrews, Perth, in 184 strokes. 5th, J. Anderson, St. Andrews, in 185 strokes. 6th, James Elder, Leven, in 187 strokes. 7th, Tom Morris, sen., St. Andrews, in 189 strokes. 8th, E. E. Armit, St. Andrews, in 189 strokes.

CHAMPION" BELT COMPETITION. 1867. 1st Round. M Eoimd. 3d Round. Total. 1. T. Morris, 58 54 58 170 2. W. Park, 68 66 58 172 3. A. Strath 61 57 56 174 4. T. Morris, jun., 58 69 58 175 5. R, Kirk, 57 60 00 177 6. W. Dolemun, 55 66 57 178 7. R. Andrew, 66 58 G5 17« 8. William Dow, 62 57 05 184 9. J. Hunter, (1-2 60 02 184 10. W. Dunn 04 63 62 189 Fourteen started. TOURNAMENTS. 143

1868. 1st Ilounii. 2il Round. 3d Round. Total. 1. T. Morris, jun., SI 54 49 154 1. T. Morris, sen.,S 4 50 S3 157 3. Bobert Andrew, 53 54 52 159 4. W. Park, 58 50 54 162 5. E. Fergusson, 57 54 54 165 6. T. Dunn, 59 54 S4 167 7. Bob Kirk, 56 59 56 171 8. C. Hunter, 60 54 58 172 9. J. Allan, 54 55 63 172 10. William Dow, 61 58 60 179 11. "William Doleman, 63 61 57 181 12. "W. Dunn, 60 03 60 183 1869. 1st Round. 2d Round. 3d Hound. Total. 1. T. Morris, jun.,6 0 55 62 157 2. BobKirk, 53 58 57 168 3. D. Strath, 53 56 60 169 4. James Anderson, 60 56 57 173 5. W. Dolman, 60 56 59 175 6. T. Morris, sen., 56 62 58 176 7. G. M. limes, 64 58 58 180 8. T. Dunn, 62 61 59 182 9. C. Hunter, 62 61 C4 187 Fourteen started. 3ST O T El.

TUN EDITOR, intended to have given in this Edition of the Annual an Historical Account of the Game of Golf; but owing to the List of Clubs and their respective Competitions, &c, since the publication of the "Golfer's Year-Book" in 1866, together with the Rules of the Game as played by the principal Olubs, having extended to a much greater length than lie anticipated, lie has been compelled, however reluctantly, to withhold it until next year's Edition. For the sama renson, several Comnmniciitions «re necessarily delayed; lmt UH the spaed at his disposalin future will bo greater, tlvo Editor inviteH Cowm\miofl.tioiia, on rnattors of interest to Golfers, to be forwarded to him before the end of the year. DOUGLAS M'EWAN & SON,



BEUKTS3?IELB LINKS, EBINBUEOE. WILLIE DUNN, €01.3' OlaiJJB IN returning thanks to tke Public for the very liberal support Ins lias received Bince commBnciug business in LETCH, begs most ITpcrll'iiUy to inform Uiom that they can always be supplied with Ouuw and BALLS of the very bestmaterial and workmanship, on flio shortest notice. \V. 1). bogs In introduce to the Public his Son, THOMAS Dl tiNN, who inlcnda to dovote bis whole lime and attention (solely) to the Maimfacturo of GOLF BALLS.

7 VjunvujuaH PIACB, LEITW,


BUGS to intimattt to the Public that.he has commenced Gou

HAI.I, MAKINU onliin own a.oOOunti and intends to devote his whole t itans andattention to tliat department of the profes- ionj ftnd, by hSjtting always on hand a tai'gp Stock of BALLS (carrfully mada) of ttn; best material that can be procured, Jiopsn to ini'i'it a share of pubjio patronage^


7 VAMinntiii Puon, T-iurii.