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For Reference Use Only b559M Ui,,,i,%'ERSjTY OFGRLENYSa ' LýERARY FORREFERENCE USEONLY UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH GREENWICH MARITIME INSTITUTE THE SEAFARER, PIRACY AND THE LAW A HUMAN RIGHTS APPROACH P. G. Widd BSc, MA Master Mariner A Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Greenwich May 2008 Vol V\j UINIv tiTY OFGREENWICH LIBRARY FORRFFFRFPICF ! 1SF ÖNl Y ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With thanks to the following: ProfessorA. D. Couper for much helpful "pilotage" advice, keeping this thesis on course. P. Mukundan of the International Maritime Bureau for answering my questions with good humour and supplying me with the piracy reports. Brigadier(Retd) B. A. H. Parritt CBE for allowing me to share in small measure his expertise on security. III ABSTRACT been Piracy at seahas existed almost since voyaging began and has effectively Navy in 1stC subduedfrom time to time, principally by the Roman Imperial the and the British Navy in the 19thC. Over the past twenty five years piracy has once again been increasing such that it has now become of serious concern to the maritime bears brunt community, in particular the seafarer,who as always the of these attacks. developed from In parallel with piracy itself the laws of piracy have the Rhodian Laws through Roman Law, post Treaty of Westphalia Law both British and Convention American until today the Law of Piracy is embodied in the United Nations be of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982. Under this Law piracy can only committed on the high seasand with UNCLOS increasing the limit of the territorial seafrom 12ml. many of the attacks upon shipping today cannot, legally, be classedas piracy but as armed robbery. Piracy and armed robbery at sea can consist of one or more of the following crimes upon the person: murder, violence actual or implied, rape, torture and disappearance and are considered a violation of the seafarers' human rights. The incidents and court cases cited in the thesis provide the basic information and evidence for this. On the high seasthe flag state hasjurisdiction over the ship flying its flag and all on board whatever their nationality. In the territorial sea the coastal state has jurisdiction over the safe passageof a ship and is responsible for maintaining order. Many of the statesin whose territorial sea these attacks take place are considered failing statesunable to maintain order at seadue to lack of political will, resources and corruption. These are matters of law, international relations and the structure of a globalised maritime industry. In effect this thesis argues that the flag or coastal State is failing by omission to uphold the human rights of the seafarerover whom it hasjurisdiction. The seafarer may be able in one of the Human Rights Courts to obtain redressfrom these States but thereare many prerequisites which areaddressed in detail. IV CONTENTS Declaration ii ........................................................................................ iii Acknowledgements.............................................................................. Abstract IV ............................................................................................. Table Contents v of .................................................................................. List Figures vi of .................................................................................... Appendices Vii ....................................................................................... Abbreviations viii Acronyms and ................................................................ 1 1. Chapter I- Introduction-A Perspective ................................................ Piracy 21 2. Chapter II - Evolution of the Laws of ......................................... Legal Regimes 58 3. Chapter III - Violence at Sea and ................................... Piracy Terrorism-The Reality for...... 90 4. Chapter IV - Contemporaneous and the Seafarer Alondra Rainbow 121 5. Chapter V- Analysis of the Case of the ..................... 152 6. Chapter VI - New Security Measures ............................................... Human Rights Law 198 7. Chapter VII - International ................................. and Jurisdictional Aspects Human Law in...... 246 8. Chapter VIII - Redress for the Seafarer under Rights Respect of Piracy and Armed Attack Solutions..... 293 9. Chapter IX - The Inheritances-Current Trends and Possible 10. References 341 ................................................................................ 11. Appendices 359 ................................................................................ V LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1: Yearly statistics of incidents 1984 59 which occurred since ................... Figure 3.2: Types to 1992-2003 of violence crew. ....................................... 60 Figure 4.1: Regional breakdown of total reported incidents. January-March 2006...90 VI APPENDICES 100 107 UNCLOS( Laws Piracy) 360 Appendix 1 Articles to of of ................. 2.1 MV. Meridan Mira 362 Appendix ...................................................... Appendix 2.2 MV. Lerong 365 .............................................................. Appendix 2.3 MV. Nine Hawk 367 ......................................................... Appendix 2.4 MV. Almak 370 .............................................................. MV. Apollo Pacific 378 Appendix 2.5 .................................................... Appendix 3 An Example of a IMB Weekly Piracy Report to all Ships........ 382 Appendix 4.1 Article 3 Draft Protocol to the SUA Convention 2005............ 384 Appendix 4.2 Article 8 Draft Protocol to the SUA Convention 2005............ 386 Appendix 5.1 Claim Form for Damagesin the County Court High Court 391 or ... In England and Wales Appendix 5.2 Application Form of the European Court of Human Rights...... 393 Counter Piracy, Armed Robbery 401 Appendix 6 Measuresto and.................. other Acts of Violence against Merchant Shipping VII ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AC African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights AC Appeal Court ACHR American Convention on Human Rights AIS Automatic Identification System AJIL American Journal of International Law All ER All England Law Reports ATCA Alien Tort Claims Statute BASIC British American Security Information Council BIMCO Baltic and International Maritime Council BCN Biological Chemical and Nuclear CAT Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CERD Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination CGS Coast Guard Ship CIA Central Intelligence Agency CMI Comite Maritime International CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CSO Company Security Officer CSR ContinuousSynopsis Record DMEC DevelopedMarket EconomyCountry ECHR European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ESCSOC Economic and Social Council of the United Nations VIII EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone ETS EuropeanTreaty Series FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FOC Flag of Convenience GAM Movement for an IndependentAceh HC House of Commons HRA Human Rights Act HSC Convention on the High Seas I-ACHR Inter American Court for Human Rights ICC International Criminal Court ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ICJ International Court of Justice ICESCR International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions ILC International Law Commission ILO International Labour Organisation ILM International Legal Materials IMB International Maritime Bureau IMB-PRC International Maritime Bureau- Piracy Reporting Centre IMO International Maritime Organisation INS Indian Naval Ship ISF InternationalShipping Federation ISPS InternationalShip and Port Facility Security(Code) ISSC InternationalShip SecurityCertificate ITCY International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Ix ITF International Transport Workers' Federation ITLOS International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea LISCR Liberian Ship and Corporate Registry LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LTTE Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eclam MCA Maritime and CoastguardAgency MMEA Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency MOD Ministry of Defence MWC International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and their Families MRCC Maritime RescueCoordination Centre MSC Maritime Safety Committee NGO Non Governmental Organisation NUMAST National Union of Marine, Aviation and Shipping Transport Officers OAU Organisation for African Unity OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OED Oxford English Dictionary PCU PermanentCourt of International Justice P&I Protection and Indemnity Club PFSO Port Facility Security Officer PSC Port State Control PSI Proliferation Security Initiative ReCAAP Regional Co-operation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery in Asia RIAA Reports of International Arbitral Awards RSO RecognisedSecurity Organisation X SLOC Sea Lane of Communication SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea SSA Ship Security Assessment SSO Ship Security Officer SSP Ship Security Plan SUA International Convention for the Suppressionof Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation TSI Transport Security Incident UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights UK United Kingdom UKTS United Kingdom Treaty Series UNCLOS United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea UNCTAD United Nations Conferenceon Trade
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