1 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Masako Ueda Fidler Professor Department of Slavic Studies, Brown University Updated January 14, 2020 1. WORK ADDRESS 20 Manning Walk, Box E Department of Slavic Languages, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 (401)-863-3933, 2689 Fax: (401)-863-7330
[email protected] 2. HOME ADDRESS --- 3. EDUCATION March 1983 B. A. in Russian Literature, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan June 1985 M. A. in Slavic Linguistics, UCLA September 1991 Ph.D. in Slavic Linguistics, UCLA Dissertation: The interaction between clause-level parameters and context in Russian morphosyntax: genitive of negation and predicate adjectives. 4. PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 1990-1 Lecturer, Dept. of Slavic Languages, Brown University 1991-7 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Slavic Languages, Brown University 1997-2007 Associate Professor, Dept. of Slavic Languages, Brown University July, 2002 Instructor, Institute for Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, Acquisition, Technology, Techniques. U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Fall, 2012 Visiting Professor, Dept. of General Linguistics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (to teach a short intensive seminar course on Iconicity in Language) July, 2007-present Professor, Dept. of Slavic Languages, Brown University 5. COMPLETED PUBLICATIONS (NB: some earlier items are published under the previous last name, Masako UEDA) a. books/monographs (authored and/or edited volumes and a translated book) Ueda, M. 1992. The interaction between clause-level parameters and context in Russian morphosyntax: genitive of negation and predicate adjectives. Slavistische Beiträge 295. Munich: Otto Sagner. 226pp. Levitsky, A. and M. Ueda. eds.1999. Modern Czech studies. Brown Slavic contributions 11. Providence: Department of Slavic Languages, Brown U.