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Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS I. The Issue of Extremism in the Czech Republic in 2010 1 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Definition of Terms 2 2. Extremism in the Czech Republic in 5"#$% 10 3 2.1 Brief Characteristics of the Extremist Scene 3 2.1.1 Right-wing Extremism 3 The Neo-Nazi Scene 3 Ultra Right-Wing Groups 14 2010: Trends at the Right-Wing Extremist Scene 15 Application of State Power with Regard to the Right of Assembly in Relation to Right-Wing Extremist Entities 15 2.1.2 Left-Wing Extremism 17 Anarcho-autonomous Movement 17 Marxist-Leninist Groups 18 2010: Trends at the Left-Wing Extremist Scene 19 2.2. The Issue of Right-Wing Extremist bands and Right-Wing Extremist Demonstrations; Right-Wing Extremist Web Pages Accessible on the Internet 20 2.2.1 White Power Music Concerts 20 2.2.2 Demonstrations and Assemblies of Right-Wing Extremists 21 2.2.3 Other Events Held by Right-Wing Extremists 23 2.3 Activities of Left-Wing Extremists 23 2.3.1 Assemblies and Public Actions 23 2.3.2 Ticket Nights and Concerts 24 2.3.3 Other Events 24 2.4 The Issue of the Internet 24 2.4.1 Internet and Virtual Environment 24 2.4.2 Right-Wing Extremist Web Pages 25 2.5 Crimes Having an Extremist Context in 2010 33 2.5.1 The Situation in the Czech Republic and in Individual Regions 34 Overall Situation 34 Composition of Criminal Offences 36 Offenders 38 Crimes with an Extremist Context Committed by Police Officers 40 Crimes with an Extremist Context Committed by Members of the Army of the Czech Republic 42 Judicial Statistical Records 43 Probation and Medication Service of the Czech Republic 46 Statistical Records of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office 48 2.5.2 Criminal Activities with an Anti-Semitic Subtext 52 2.6 The Most Serious cases 52 2.7 Security Risks 55 2.8 Surveys Relating to Extremism 56 2.8.1 Mapping out attitudes of the general public of the Czech Republic towards right-wing extremist, racist and xenophobic ideas and their disseminators with regard to integration of minorities and foreign nationals 56 2.8.2 Image of Right-Wing Extremism in Czech Media 67 2.9 Law and Extremism 74 2.9.1 Administrative (Public) Law 74 Association in Political Parties and Movements 74 Right to Assemble 76 2.9.2 Criminal Law 78 Resolution of the Supreme Court of 9 June 2010, file number 11 Tdo 109/2010 78 Judgement of the Municipal Court in Brno in the case of speeches of representatives of the Workers’ Party during the manifestation held on 1 May 2009 79 2.10 Situation in Europe in 2010 79 2.10.1 Situation in Europe in 2010 79 3. Summary 82 II. Evaluation of the Policy for Combating Extremism 84 1. Communication against Demagogy 84 1.1 Open and Responsible Provision of Information and PR 84 1.2 Internet without Hate Propaganda 87 2. Using Knowledge to Fight against Totalitarians 88 2.1 Education of Teachers 88 2.2 Education of Children 93 3. Single Anti-extremist Platform 100 3.1 Coordination Agreements 100 3.2 Towns and Villages 101 3.3 Elimination of Radicalisation 102 4. Expertise and Immunity 103 4.1 Police Training 103 4.2 Training of Judicial Officers 106 4.3 Meeting the Police Policy for Combating Extremist Crime 107 4.4 Systemic and General Prevention of Infiltration by Extremists 109 5. To Proceed Effectively and Fairly against Violence 117 5.1 Public Order (Riot) Police 117 5.2 Communication with Court Forensic Experts 119 III. 2011 Policy for Combating Extremism 120 Introduction 120 1. Communication against Demagogy 120 1.1 Open and Responsible Provision of Information and Public Relations 120 1.2 Internet without Hate Propaganda 121 1.3 Anti-extremist Campaign 121 2. Using Knowledge to Fight against Totalitarians 122 2.1 Education of Children and Teachers 122 3. Single Anti-extremist Platform 122 3.1 Prevention 122 3.3 Town and Villages 123 4. Expertise and Immunity 123 4.1 Police Training 123 4.2 Training of Judicial Officers 124 4.3 Meeting the Police Policy for Combating Extremist Crime 124 4.4 Systemic and General Prevention of Infiltration by Extremists 125 5. To Proceed Effectively and Fairly against Violence 126 5.1 Security measures to Be Taken during Extremist Events 126 5.2 Hate Crime Victims 126 IV. Annexes Annex 1: Other Activities of the Ministry of the Interior Taken in the Area of Prevention of Extremism. The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affair: Activities aimed at Combating Extremism Annex 2: Graphs, tables and maps I. REPORT ON THE ISSUE OF EXTREMISM IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN 2010 Introduction The Report on the Issue of Extremism in the Czech Republic in 2010 (hereinafter referred to as “the Report”) is submitted under Government Resolution No. 320 of 3 May 2010 as an integral part of the Strategy for Combating Extremism. It is also a follow-up to previous Reports on the Issue of Extremism in the Czech Republic. 1 The Report was compiled by the Ministry of the Interior, however documents provided by representatives of the intelligence services, the Police of the Czech Republic and other governmental authorities have also contributed to the Report; namely the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, and the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office. Their most important activities relating to the issue of extremism or some aspects of it are set out in the second part, which deals with evaluation of the Strategy for Combating Extremism in 2010. Other activities carried out by the Ministry of the Interior and pertaining to the area of extremism prevention as well as activities implemented by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the participation of these two ministries in tasks arising from the Strategy for Combating Extremism and their considerable contribution to preventing and combating forms of extremism, are all described in Annex 1. Although there are links in the Czech Republic between the extremist scenes, in particular the right-wing extremist scene, and football hooligans, the issue of fan violence is tackled within the Ministry of the Interior as a separate subject. The phenomenon of spectators violence can be seen in a simplified way as a component of extremism. The “Status Report on Spectators Violence, Impacts of the Strategy and Proposals for Further Measures” which brought about comprehensive evaluation of how the system for tackling the issue of spectator violence had functioned, was approved by the Czech Government on 1 December 2010 by their Resolution No. 860. The Report encompasses not only an evaluation of the actions taken but also a forecast of development in the upcoming period and related definitions of new tasks. In general, the activities to be carried out in the next period will be based on current trends and on better utilisation of adopted measures so that it will be possible to effectively respond to the development of the fan scene. An emphasis will be placed, on the one hand, on effective action against persons who use sports events only to facilitate unlawful acts, and on the other hand a positive and friendly approach towards unproblematic fans. 2 Further, the Report does not deal with the issue of sects and pseudo-religious organisations since no activities of such organisations were reported in relation to security risks of penetration of governmental structures, the political or economic sphere, or danger to the democratic foundations of the state. 1 The Ministry of the Interior has drawn up Reports on the Issue of Extremism in the Czech Republic since 1998. Thirteen such documents are available on the web pages of the Ministry of the Interior. 2 See , section O nás (About us), banner Kriminalita, divácké násilí. (Crime, spectators’ violence) There are available documents dealing with fan violence including the above-mentioned Report. 1 1.1 Definition of Terms The concept of extremism, crimes having an extremist subtext/context, and other terms used in previous Reports are identical with the definitions of such terms as formulated in previous Reports dealing with the issue of extremism.3 The term “extremism” which differs between right-wing and left-wing extremism and as such has been interpreted thus far in the Ministry of the Interior’s Reports, is duly justified. This phenomenon has been and will be present in democratic society as has been proven by experience of traditional democracies. However, the term “extremism” as it was defined in the last century can not cover some current or potential phenomena which can be seen in society or will be reflected in manifestations of hate in the future. It has been obvious for a long time that terms such as “crime having an extremist subtext”, “extremist criminal acts” and so forth are indefensible and substantially limited.
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