12-15B-101Purpose & Objectives 12-15B-102Permitted Uses 12-15B-103Conditional Uses 12-15B-104Accessory Uses 12-15B-105Area and Density Requirements 12-15B-106Lot Frontage 12-15B-107Yard Requirements 12-15B-108Development Standards 12-15B-109Building Height 12-15B-110Uses Within 12-15B-111Distance Between Buildings 12-15B-112Outside Storage 12-15B-113Permissible Lot Coverage 12-15B-114Storage 12-15B-115Parking, Loading and Access 12-15B-116Clear Vision and Intersections 12-15B-117Bonds 12-15B-118Signs 12-15B-119Site Plan Review 12-15B-120Development Requirements 12-15B-121Restrictive Covenants

12-15B-101Purpose and Objectives The light Industrial (I-1A) is a district provided to allow light , parks, professional offices, research, development and limited outside storage within the City, to encourage a productive operating environment for light and businesses and to protect industries within the district from the adverse effects of incompatible uses. Regulations contained herein are intended to reduce the impact of light industries and business parks on surrounding non-industrial land uses, to lessen traffic congestion, and to protect the health and safety of residents and workers in the area and within the City in general. This zoning district is established to: I.Allow light manufacturing, business parks, professional offices, and businesses in those areas specified in the Master Plan of the City. (A) Promote aesthetically pleasing light industrial and business park areas. (B) Encourage creation of planned light manufacturing, offices, research and development parks and complexes exhibiting the qualities of good and efficient function to serve the needs of the public. (C) Regulate the development of the light industrial areas to provide for improved appearance, protection of adjacent properties, preservation of street functions, provision of off-street parking and efficient use of municipal services, (D) Provide areas in the City where light manufacturing firms can engage in assembling, , office or warehousing activities which are performed entirely within a designed and constructed in a manner which does not cause or produce a nuisance to adjacent properties. (E) Provide adequate and accessible employment opportunities and light industrial and business services to City residents and other area residents. (G) Provide a limited area to allow salvage yards and related facilities as outlined in the City's General Plan.

12-15B-102Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted in the I-1A Zone: I.Office Buildings for Finance, , Real Estate, Medical and Dental and other Professional (A) Public Parks, Public Recreational Grounds and Buildings; Public Buildings and Public Utilities

12-15B-103Conditional Uses The following uses may be allowed in the Light Industrial Zone (I-1A) as a conditional use:

(A) Automotive service centers (B) , unions and savings and loans (C) Business, commercial or light industry which are determined by the City to be similar and compatible (D) , processing and preserving of food products (E) Coating, plating and and allied services

(F) Commercial (G) and motels (H) Light manufacturing, compounding, processing, milling or packaging of products (I) , hardware and home improvement and wholesale and (J) Manufacture and assembly of communications equipment, accessories and electronic computer equipment (K) Manufacture of apparel and other finished products made from fabric and (L) Manufacturing of professional, scientific and controlling instruments and optical (M) , glass and wallpaper manufacture and wholesale and retail sales (N) Planned business parks (O) Planned light industrial parks (P) Processing, packaging, assembling of products in association with a retail outlet on the property (Q) Recreational Facilities (R) Salvage Yards (S) Self-Service Storage Facilities (T) Wholesale stores or businesses, except for the storage or sale of live animals, and the storage or sale of commercial

12-15B-104Accessory Uses Accessory uses and buildings customarily incidental to the permitted uses and conditional uses provided herein may be approved by the City in accordance with the provisions of this Title.

12-15B-105Area and Density Requirements Each single lot or parcel of land in an I-1A Zoning District shall contain a minimum of 1 acre.

12-15B-106Lot Frontage The initial lot or parcel of land in the I-1A Zone shall have a minimum frontage of 100 feet abutting a public street. 12-15B-107Yard Requirements The following minimum yard requirements shall apply to the I- 1A Zone: I.Front Yard: Each lot or parcel of land in the I-1A Zone shall have a front yard depth of not less than 30 feet except the Planning Commission may reduce the front yard to 20 feet if it finds the yard reduction provides a more attractive and efficient use of the property and will not be detrimental for any reason. (A) Side Yard: Each lot or parcel of land in the I-1A Zone shall have a side yard of at least 30 feet ; the total width of the two required side yards shall not be less than 70 feet on land located adjacent to a zoning district other than the I-1A or I-1 district. There shall be no requirements in those instances where the side property line abuts another property located within the I- 1A or I-1 Zones. (B) Side Yard-Corner Lots: On corner lots, the side yard contiguous to the street shall be not less than 30 feet except the Planning Commission may reduce the side yard to 15 feet if it finds the yard reduction provides a more attractive and efficient use of the property and will not be detrimental for any reason.

(C) Side Yard-Driveways: When used for access to any garage, carport or parking area having less than five parking spaces, the side yard shall be wide enough to accommodate an unobstructed 12 foot paved driveway. When used for access to a garage, carport or parking areas having 6 or more parking spaces, the side yard shall be wide enough to provide an unobstructed 12 foot paved driveway for a one- way traffic, or 20 foot paved driveway for two-way traffic. (D) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard of 15 feet for all uses within the I-1A Zone and in cases where a building is located upon a lot or parcel adjacent to any zone other than an I-1A, I-1 or I-2 Zone the rear yard shall be 30 feet. In the event that the rear of a building faces an arterial or collector street, there shall be a set back of 30 feet. The Planning Commission may reduce the rear yard, if in its judgment the yard reduction provides a more attractive and more efficient use of the property and will not be detrimental for any reason.

12-15B-108Development Standards The following development standards shall apply within the I- 1A Zone: I. Architectural Design. (1) All buildings within this zone shall be designed by a licensed, professional architect and all drawings submitted for approvals and/or permits shall bear the architect's stamp for the State of Utah. (2) All sides of a building shall receive equal design consideration with particular attention given to areas exposed to public view. (3) Building exterior materials facing the public shall be 85 percent brick, stone, stucco, glass, colored decorative block, or stone aggregate. Building exterior materials not visible from the public street shall in the least case be painted or covered with a brick veneer or stone aggregate. All buildings within a development shall possess a similar architectural theme. Building styles and colors shall be compatible with existing buildings in the area.

(4) Design of building facade facing any public street must be at least equal to the quality of the front or main entrance to the building. (5) Buildings shall be designed to relate to grade conditions with a minimum of grading and exposed foundation walls. (6) Exterior building materials shall be composed of colors that will be consistent with the environment. (7) Mechanical equipment shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from public and private streets. Screens shall be aesthetically incorporated into the design of the building whether located on the ground or on the roof. Roof tops of buildings shall be free of any mechanical equipment unless completely screened from all points of view along all public streets by an architectural parapet. Screening materials shall be compatible with those of the building. (A) Landscaping. The requirements of Chapter 24 of this Title shall apply to this Zone. (B) Grading and Drainage. All drainage of water from any lot must follow applicable City requirements. Drainage shall not be allowed to flow upon adjacent lots unless an easement for such purpose has been granted by the owner of the lot upon which the water flows. A site plan with grading and drainage plans and showing the relationship of all proposed improvements on the site must be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council before such activities may begin. Lot grading shall be kept to a minimum. and development shall be designed for preservation of natural grade. (C) Ditches and . Open ditches or canals shall not be allowed within the project site. The developer shall with the property owners and irrigation companies to: (1) Determine methods of covering, realigning, or eliminating ditches or canals within or adjoining the development. (2) Determine the sizes of pipe and culverts required. (3) Determine responsibility of periodic inspection, cleaning and maintenance of such ditches, pipes and culverts.

(D) Utilities. All future utility distribution lines shall be underground in the designated easements. No pipe, conduit, cable, line for water, gas, sewer, drainage, steam, electricity or any other energy or service shall be installed or maintained upon any lot (outside of any building) above the surface of the ground except hoses, movable pipes used for irrigation or other purpose during . shall be grouped with other utility meters where possible and screened with vegetation and other appropriate methods. (E) Lighting. Electrical reflectors, spotlights, floodlights and other sources of illumination may be used to illuminate buildings, landscaping, signs, parking and loading areas, provided they are equipped with proper lenses or other devices concentrating the illumination upon the building, landscaping, signs, parking and loading areas, on any property, and preventing any bright, direct illumination upon adjacent property or any public right-of-way. No unshielded lights, reflectors, or spotlights shall be so located that they are shining towards or are directly visible from frequently traveled public right- of-way.

12-15B-109Building Height In the I-1A Zone the height of every building or structure hereinafter designed, erected or structurally altered or enlarged shall conform to the requirements of the most recent edition of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City and to the requirements of the Airport Protective area provisions of Chapter 26 of this Title.

12-15B-110Uses Within Buildings All uses established in the I-1A Zone shall be conducted entirely within a fully enclosed building except those uses deemed by the Planning Commission to be customarily and appropriately conducted in the open and properly screened or buffered.

12-15B-111Distance Between Buildings The distance between buildings shall be as dictated by the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of Woods Cross.

12-15B-112Outside Storage The storage of merchandise, goods, materials, or equipment may be conducted outside of enclosed structures when approved by the Planning Commission with the following conditions and considerations:

1. All such outside storage areas shall be fully enclosed with a sight obscuring fence or wall that is 100% opaque. 2. All screen fencing shall have a minimum height of 7 feet. 3. No material, equipment or vehicles stored within an outside screened area shall be stacked or piled to exceed the height of the screening fence. 4. All screening walls, fences and landscaping shall be maintained by owner at all times. 5. At no time, may any equipment, material or vehicles be stored, loaded or unloaded, outside of a screened storage area. All such activities must be conducted within the fully enclosed fenced area.

12-15B-113Permissible Lot Coverage Lot coverage by buildings and covered or semi-enclosed out buildings or accessory buildings shall not exceed 70%. Coverage for both buildings and paved areas (parking, loading and circulation) shall not exceed 90%, thereby reserving a minimum of 10% for landscaped areas after completion of any future expansion. Existing developments may expand only to the extent of the coverage limits above. If such existing developments currently exceed the above coverage limits, expansion shall not be permitted.

12-15B-114Storage No trash, garbage, or used materials shall be stored in an open area. All such materials shall be kept in fully enclosed buildings. All structures built to accommodate the storage of trash and garbage shall be constructed using a design compatible with the primary structure and meeting all of the architectural design standards outlined in Section 12-14-108.

12-15B-115Parking, Loading and Access Each lot or parcel in the I-1A Zone shall have on the same lot or parcel off-street parking sufficient to comply with Chapter 20 of this Title.

12-15B-116Clear Vision and Intersections No landscape, wall, fence, sign or other structure that would obstruct the clear vision of intersecting streets shall be placed on any corner lot within a triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting them at points 30 feet from the intersection of the street lines.

12-15B-117Bonds In order to insure the development will be constructed to completion in an acceptable manner, the owner/developer shall enter into an agreement and provide a letter of credit or escrow deposit similar to the requirement applicable to subdivisions within the City. The agreement and letter of credit or escrow deposit shall assure timely installation of all required landscaping, flood control facilities, parking, street improvements and any other improvements required pursuant to the approved site plan.

12-15B-118Signs The requirements of the Sign Ordinance of the City shall apply to this zone. 12-15B-119Site Plan Review

The requirements of Chapter 19 of this Title shall be enforced for any uses requiring site plan review.

12-15B-120Development Requirements The following requirements shall apply to or Business Park developments under this Chapter: (A) Applications. Persons desiring to create an industrial or business park shall file a written application with the City. The City may approve or deny the application, taking into account the provisions of this chapter. (B)Minimum Land Area. The minimum land area required for development of an industrial park or business park is 5 acres. (C) Single . The park sites shall be owned by one person or entity at the time of application or the subject of an application filed jointly by all owners of the property. (D) Lots. Main buildings may be located on individual lots, the design and minimum area of which shall be approved by the Planning Commission during site plan review. Lots shall be of sufficient size to allow for required off-street parking, adequate side yards and landscaping. No lot shall face directly onto any public street or highway that abuts the industrial park or business park site along any exterior boundary. (E) Off-street Parking and Loading. All off-street parking and loading shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 20 of this Title. (F) Improvements. Improvements including, but not limited to curb, gutter, storm drainage, water lines, sewers, sidewalks, etc. shall be installed in accordance with the development standards of the City for improvements and landscaping. (G) Ownership Association. Owners of properties within an industrial park or business park shall be represented by a property owner's association for the purpose of assuring to the City that all required improvements and landscaping are provided and thereafter maintained.

12-15B-121 Restrictive Covenants The Owner of an Industrial Park or Business Park shall be required to impose and record restrictive covenants running with the land to carry out the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit.