Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1961-1962
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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1961-1962 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1962 Eastern Progress - 02 Feb 1962 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1961-62/15 COACH McBRAYER SMOKING AND TO BE MISSED CAMPUS MOVIES Page 4 ootzess Page 2 "Keeping Pace In A Progressive Era" Friday, February 2, 1962 Student Publication of Eastern Kanruclcy State College. Richmond, Kentucky No. 15, Vol. 39 McBrayer Resigns As Anne Johnson, James Campbell Coach After 16 Years Win Miss, Mr. Popularity Contest Jeanne Gayle Sanders Jim Baechtold Good Luck, Coach Him Becomes Miss Eastern Jeanne Gayle Saniera, Miss and varsity cheerleader. Temporarily Eastern for 19«2, Anne Stanley Newlywed James, Mr. Popular- Johnson and James Campbell, ity, is an accounting major from Dynamic Paul S. McBrayer, who Miss and Mr. Popularity, will reign, Ashland. His honor, as the other has coached the Eastern Maroons as campus favorites this year. two, Is the highest to be bestowed to five Ohio Valley Conference bas- Selected In an all-campus election on Eastern students by popular ketball championships and has January 15 and 16, the students! vote. Jim is a member of the "E" been credited with lifting: the Ma- were chosen from sixteen candH Club and a former footballer for noons from the small college ranks dates. J the Maroons. to a major college power, resign- Jeanne was chosen from a list The annual campus contest was ed Monday afternoon because of of five for the honor of Miss East- sponsored by the Milestone. The poor health. ern, which entitles her to partici- Student Council worked with the President Robert R Martin, in pate in the Mountain Laurel Fes Milestone staff. These persons will making the announcement, named tlval later In the spring. Jeanne Is be featured In the 1982 Milestone assistant coach Jim Baechtold as an elementary education major with special pictures. acting: head coach the remainder from Richmond. She is now com- Selection of the candidates was Jeanne Gayle Sanders Anne Stanley Johnson Am Campbell of the 1961-42 season. A' perma- pleting her Junior year. Among her based on a qualifications list cir- Miss Eastern Miss Popularity Mr. Eastern nent successor will not be known extra-curricular activities, Jeanne culated to the campus organiza- for some time. It was revealed by is one of the ROTC Sponsors, a tions by the sponsoring organiza- President Martin. He said that he member of Wesley Foundation, tions. Fifty organization represent- Salt sure there would be plenty of KYMA, Alpha Alpha Psi and Rap. atives were present to select the Dr. Herndon Sees 16 Years As applicants. Among those high On pa Pi. She is also a former Snow- candidates Monday, January 8. the list, of course, will be Baech- ball Queen. The qualifications for Miss East- told, Martin said. Anne Stanley has received the ern Included a classification of Jun- U.S. Weather Bureau's Observer McBrayer, whose health has honor of Miss Popularity In the ior or senior, a 1.0 standing, poss- been declining for some time, said election which found a total stu- ession of beauty, poise and person- An Eastern chemistry professor Eastern Weather Station," is lo- I etc.," he grinned. that he planned to leave this week, dent vote of 700, the largest turn- ality, and a good standing with the is no different than many other cated in his back yard at his home Memorable Experiences probably Wednesday, for a rest in out for this election in the history administration. Miss and Mr. Pop- Kentucklans who are talking about at 217 RIdgeway Drive. ularity were required to be seniors, The temperatures and weather Florida. He said that he would re- of the contest. She Is a senior the unpredictable weather the Blue "It's a voluntary Job," Dr. Hern- data have been recorded each day main there for an Indefinite peri- English major from Winchester, possess a 1.0 standing, be in good don explains. "There is really standing with the administration, Grass state has had in recent since Dr. Herndon took over the od, but that he would return this Kentucky. Her many activities In- weeks. But, when he speaks, others nothing glamorous about the job. Job in May of 1946. When he is 01, spring to fulfill his contract which clude Student Council secretary have a good personality and have I am one of 4,000 voluntary coop- contributed to campus life. listen, because what he says is a and he had pneumonia a few years expires May 1, to assist in recruit- fact, not just conversation. erative weather observers, duly ago and was in bed for several ing and other related activities. In charge of ballot counting were appointed and sworn In by the weeks, G. M. Brock, the college members of the Student Publica- He is Dr. Thomas C. Herndon. U.8. Department of Commerce." A 1940 Ail-American at the tions Board student members professor of chemistry, who has (Continued on Page Six) University of Kentucky and one New Tests For under the direction of Don Felt- served at Eastern since 1980. His "All I do Is make dally reports of the most respected coaches in ner, Director of Publicity and ad- Job—official weather observer for to the local newspaper and radio America, he was In his 16th year the U.S. Weather Bureau. station and the required weekly M head coach of the Maroons. Non-Residents visor to the student publications, report to the U.S. Weather Bureau the Milestone and the Progress. Dr. Herndon, who has always WANT A JOB? In making the announcement,' in Louisville, and monthly re The candidates for Miss East- had a close interest in the weather, to the Weather Data;, President Martin said: 'Paul Mc- Now In Effect ern besides the. winner were has been the official weather man [Monday, February 5, 19U Brayer has made a fine cootrilw -.. «.-.*••. * Brenda Bailey. Linda Wood^-Naticy Center in Chattanoo, tion to Eastern. He has developed see,'! .ho explains.-' Mr.-lto»«*-aV-Mt«M»»»> i President Robert R. Martin Has Hill, and Jo Ann Con ley. Miss Pop How did he get thw.ktff "I fine teams and fine men. I accept announced that a new admissions ularity included Barbara Edwards, >w temperatures and the pre- nagement Assistant far the Ms resignation with extreme re- Barbara Sammons, Barbara Rose cipitation for the 24-hour period ways have studied the -WMfcajs*. Department of Health, Educa- gret and I hope that rest will re- policy of testing and screening out- It was sort of a hobby' with me. atlon, and Welfare Food-Drag of state and transfer students with and Evelyn Craft. Mr. Popularity ending at 7:45 a.m. His equip- One day, in 1948, some officials store his health ... I wish for candidates were Jim Showalter. ment — a thermometer shelter, Administration, Cincinnati, Mm even greater success In the below average transcripts will be from the Weather Bureau came to Ohio, will be on campus Mon- implemented in the spring semes- Tom Sharp, Don Stivers, Ralph which houses two thermometers, the campus to find a replacement years to come than the wonderful Newman and Harve Turner. one to measure the high, the other day, February 5, on a recruit- success he has had while serving ter at Eastern. for my predecessor, a Mr. Crook, ing visit. Interviews will begin Previously, the decision for ad- Seven candidates not mentioned the low temperature, and a rain who had passed away, and I ac- Eastern." on the ballot received votes via gauge that measures preclplaLion. at 9:00 a.in. In Room 202, Stu- Six Seniors Commissioned mitting the out-of-state or trans- cepted. The oath I took is the same dent Union Building. Surprise To College Officials the "write in" method. Offlrlal Weather Station The announcement came as a fer student with below average that is administered to cabinet Persons Interested In an ap- complete surprise to college offi- As Second Lieutenants grades was made by the registrar, His weather station, called in I members . you know, I swore pointment should report to cials. with no specific testing program in Former Student Is Richmond by habit the "Official that I had not fought any duels, Room I, Administration Build- force for this purpose. ing. McBrayer said: "I regret hav- Six Eastern seniors were com- ive January 24, at which time their Under the new plan out-of-state ing to do this, but I feel that it is missioned as second lieutenants, requirements for degrees were students in the upper fifty per cent One Of Kentucky's Thursday, February 8, 1982 the only thing for me to do. There two in the Regular Army, in cere- completed. of a given high school class will Mr. Charles W. Allen, Jr., is no other reason for my resign- monies attended by the nearly 900- Vice President of the Belknup ing. Coaching has been my whole Colonel Joe M. Sanders, profes- be eligible for consideration. If Outstanding Men Bloodmobile Visits man cadet brigade J8,nniary 19 in sor of military science at Eastern, a student is in a lower section of Hardware and Manufbacturlng life and I regret giving it up more Hiram Brock Auditorium. administered the oath of office and a given class, he will be considered Company, Louisville, Kentucky, than anything I have ever done This was the first of three com- will be on campus Thursday, before." President Robert R. Martin, who after evaluation through a test missioning exercises to be held addressed the brigade, presented battery given on the campus and February 8, for the purpose of His 16-year record at Eastern this year.