Ike Promises Korean
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T:: - ,/7 ■/ Avfinge Dally Net Press Run ......... The Breather „ , Fer tka Week Ended Fprecaiit of C. S. Weather Bureau . Oct. 18. 18.12 -- Tonight ,falr, colder. lowest W 10,673 temperature In lower Ofi’s Sun day fair, cool. Highest temper Member of the Audit Bnfenn of Circulations ature in upper 50’s. Manche»ter-—A City of Village Charm ~ VOL. LXXn, NO. 22 (Classified Adverttstag on Page 10) , MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1952 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS Adlai Galls France Hits Acheson Charges UN Legacy UN, M oves Ike Promises Korean Reds Foster War From FDR Fo r ‘Triar U nited N ations. N- Y„ O c t - »» examine our position and our 25-^(^)_U. S. Secretary of carry that resistance Mondragon, France, Oct. 25 Aboard the Stevenson Spe S tate Dean Acheson accused, gome deiegationii interpreted ,—(/P)-^France ia “gravely of cial in New York, Oct. 25— R ussia last n ig h t of deliber- this as an indication th^t if the fended” by the nioye to try (JP)—Adlai Stevenson paid ately planning and carrying Communists turn dow’n thframis- tribute to the late President her in the UhRcfi Nations on Franklin D. Roosevelt toi^ay on the Korean war. ask UN meirtbera for further milt- charges of oppressing her warned United Nations dele-i as he visited the President’s tsry support and possibly reprisals North African protectorates. gates that the UN “cannot- against Red China. Fiery Backflrop for Speetators grave. President Vincent Au*iol said The. Democratic presidential Red Bloe Hllent M ^es Plea buy peace at the price of todayi .. nominee placed a wreath on the Most delegates except Soviet honor.” bloc representallx’es hailed the He spoke at the dedication of grave and had breakfast with his Speaking before the UN General the nation's ’'l.lltle TVA project" widow in Hyde Park before mov speech with approval. Communist - a big power ditn) and canal built ^ Assembly’s powerful political com spokesmen remained silent. There oday foe ing on to Poughkeepsie where he mittee, Acheson asked the 60-: were seme Indications, however, here on the Rhone rtver with U. S. told a crowd that the United nation assembly to approve the ^ and French funds. that Russia’s Andrei Y. Vishinsky Nationa was Roosevelt’s "final conduct of the United Nations w ar. The project will pump' two bil legacy to the American people." may seek to reply when the com effort. He Introduced a resolution mittee reconvenes Monday. lion kilowatt hours of eleclridijow- Negro Vote ‘"The United Nationa and its -^backed by 20 nations—urging er anhually into French industrtes. specialized agenciea are today the Representatives of all nations The recent vote in the UN politi- ' the Communists to accept an arm — East, West and those which world’s best hope for peace.” istice on the UN terms. cal committee to put complaints [ Aboard Eisenhower Spe- Stevenaon declared in a apeech take a neutral. ... stand—went• _against over France bv Tunisia and Reviews Korea War the apcech with a , Morocco nationalis # high-on ■ the. 1 cial Kn Route, to New York. from the balcony. of the Nelson Acheson’s nearly three-hour comb today to prepare* theirtheir offl-ofn» ^_ . - discussion,.. " caused ()(;t. 25— (/P)—Fledged to go House In Poughkeepsie. The address, largely a tribute to speech was a calm detailed review cial reactions and to bolster their : bitterness" In France, to Korea in an effort to end of the Korean war, all that led up own arfumenU when they take said Roosevelt, was a departure from the war there, if elected Pres his recent acathing aUacks on Gen. to it. and the drawn-out attempts the rostrum in the committee. | ^ g Am‘ba.<4sador James Dunn to end It. One U. S. spokesman de Acheson outlined in detail the ident, Gen. Dwight D, Eisen Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Re was among the foreign diplomats hower headed into NiW publican candidate. scribed it as a "kind of verbal history of Korea from the end of pretent. white book." World War II to today’s bitter York’s Harlem today in qupet "I have said that thia nation Auriol said France waa "no Ured would never retreat from affirma The Secretary of State declared deadlock over armistice negotia old nation." of the northern Negro vote. the United States would do every tive, forward-looking policies at tions. He said France had made an The Republican presidential home and abroad, nor shall we thing in its power to achieve an Responsibility for the division enormous comeback and cited as nominee was bound for New York stand still’’ Stevenson said. "honest armistice" if tha Com of Korea,the Communist attack on examples; from Detroit where he mads -Wa munists wanted one. South Korea and the present fail Followa Tradition Electriral energy output now 42 Korean announcement in a a)>each "But if this ia not the case." he ure to reach a peaceful settle billion kilowatts yearly, or twice before a cheering crowd last night. "We shall move ahead and I hope we may do ,so with some of the warned, "and if the resistance ment, he said in effect, lay direct the output of 1938. Eisenhower will make an • out creativeness and enterprlae and the must go on, then we shall have ly with the Russians. Coal output greater than In door speech at the Hotel Thecoaa same faith in free ^Americans 1929. at 4;l,1'p. m;, in a bid to break the which Franklin Roosevelt has writ Interior ateel product con.sump- Democratic grip on Harlem and ten large across olir history.’’ | tlon .10 per cent higher than in other Negro centers. Aides said In speaking from the balcony of 193A there was no doubt he would spqak the Nelson' Hoiise Stevenson car Record Vote Predicted French agriculture now has 1.10,- on. the civil rights issue. ried an old Roosevelt, tradi 000 tractors compared to 25.000 In Eisenhower, who is on leave .ILi . •1938. Pre.sident of Columbia Unlveral’l^ tion. The late President always T Completed each campaign for all Auriol .said that "without doubt went to Columbia’s Baker Pield"fit hia bids for public office wiyi a By State Election Chiefs the Marshall plan helped us and noon for a homecoming celeb'lki- speech from that balcony, we have often cited the )>eheflta tion. He will leave Baker Fielcl'fft' "We cannot rel.v on pa.st aolu- with gratitude, but unfortunatel.v. 3 p. m. for' a motorcade tour '*6( tlona In 1952 any more than he By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS defense of freedom in Indo-China Harlem prior to hia sfieech. (Roosevelt) could in 1932,’’ Ste Connecticut’s campaigning politician.# got something to has already cost us Just about dou Ater the apeech, he will go to venaon declared. ble what we received in Marshall his home in New York’s Morn- shoot at yesterday: the predietbn b.v state election officials j 7id'program'“a!irs"»“t "But. as we move ahead, we Ileral.l I’li.it.i, ingside Heights—adjacent to Her*' that nearly 1,000,000 votes will be cast on Nov. 4 in this state.! ance ” lem. shall always be faithful to the Darkly silhoiirttcd against the llaniea, firemen ami apertatnr# aland along (he fringe of a fire spirit of Franklin Roosevelt, We Yesterday’s major thru.sts were made by Sen. Willianj Ben He put the cost of the war in which blackened 100 acre# of woodland a.-id meadows eaat of Route 5 in .Hoiith Windsor yesterday Surprise Statement m- Indp-China against the Commun The general’s announcement that shall attempt to achieve at last ton (D) and Prescott Buah. Re-i^ afternoon and broke out anew this morning, summoning wear.v fire Hghteni hark to the scene. The that America free and friendly and publican nominee for the abort I -m ^ ist-led Vletminh, at one trillion 600 Manchester Fire department joined the battle agnlnst the flame# early yewterday afternoon and fe- he Intended to go to Korea cam* strong a'nd responsible of which he term U. S, Senate seat. wlg*f .fust'll 17 billion franra I4<2 billion dollars) mainnl on the Job until 7 o’clock last night. as a surprise. always dreamed." Benton, in a reelection cam- McCarthyT and the total of U. S. aid at 800 Tltere had been no prior hint Of billion franca ($2,280,000,000). it. Restored Sense, Sanity paign televtrion broadcast at New' I.,aUdlng Roosevelt as the man Ha\<en, challenged his Republican The project harne.saes the huge His remarks indicated that, ,tf who restored "sense and sanity Rhone river 50 miles north of elected he probably would mwie opponent. William A. Purtell, to TV-Radio Show and responsibility’’ to American take a stand on the McCarran Im where it pours its muddy Alpine the trip' soon after inauguration economic life. Stevenson said: migration Act which limits immi waters in the Mediterranean. Wholesale Firemen Recalled day in January. "We shall never go back to the On Adlai’-s Life It is a three-way installation, Eisenhower spoke to IMlrolt’Si gration from several European pre-Roosevelt period—to the reign countries. providing not only power but Irri Ma.sonic Temple, which waa ittUid of the Republican Old Guard—no Bush, speaking on the radio gation for tens of thousands of to its 4,000-seat capacity. An matter how much the old enemiea Chicago, Oct. 25 — (/P) — Sen.