Republican Journal: Vol. 53, No. 51
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FARM CARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Literature. brief inn. nt suggestions, facts and ■v History of Presbyterianism in New Eng solicited from housekeepers, land. Its introduction, revival : gardeners. Address Agricultural growth, decay, .loiiru d Otlice, Belfast Maine.] and present mission. By Alexander Biaikie, D. D for thirty three years pastor of the (U ) First n for the Journal ] Republican Presbyterian Church, Boston ; author of “The Muck. Philosophy of Sectarianism." etc etc. A hurried ! the \ alue in which muck is held by glance over the pages of this work suffices to show that the author has a of labor .. ei>. the public journals are largely expended great deal Journal. in historical much of For years agricultural writ- Republican collecting data, which is of ^ponsiblt- have harped upon the great value of VOLUME 53. general interest. And the preface reveals how wick ,i' i fertilizer, and farmers gener- BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1881. NUMBER 51. much he had to contend with in pursuing his task. i!h a:in- to believe that a muck deposit After enumerating some of the obstacles encoun- ■ ■ f :tune. In a series of experi- the size of an tered, the author says his “difficulty was much in- ordinary The Winter. man warned me that 1 had reached of around 1 shall on The Geneva Award. Tracking Storms Around tne Globe. :> ; -tig a iod of fourteen pipe-stem. my person. lay you ptu years other end of the creased bv the changes, which have been (and are tobacco compartment of Grafton. I had down and was back and the balance of this i ;,.t ve muck, or at rate Sad soul—dear heart, oh. leaped your pour Our signal Service Bureau has taken, or rather proved any that the tube why repine Senator Frye, who has in the past de- beiDg) rung, on and under the name Pres large should he provided with a The tale is inaked mv to the stable wine down throat. There’s specific h 1 ti.'e. to be worthless in melancholy plain way livery your enough to itself, metal voted his great energies, while a member proposes take, a new and important departure iu two hundred la the Conn strong stopper fitted with a thread, The leaves of Spring, the Summer flowers when 1 heard a familiar voice and to make till to-morrow night byterianism, years. k mi tin bed from which 1 you sleep of the House of a in get like a while the Have bloomed and died again. Representatives, for meteorology, by which, for the hotter protection cil at in A. D. no less than bolt, tube should als-i be looked to see He was and that I shall be a hundred Edinburgh, 1877, forty is twi Ive to lifteen feet and up Raleigh. by time of the deep, fitted with a recognition exculpated cruiser and of life and property, storms can be traced around nine divisions were found to take shelter under thread, like a nut, so as to The sweet and silver sandalled dew, seated in a and miles As soon as I see that the .:s !•: I’heese. blit after buggy, had, seemingly, away. war planting all receive the Which, like a maiden, ted the premium claimants from the Geneva the globe. To do this it is to secure the the name. Hence some must stopper. \ hole should then flowers. waited for me to come has taken effect I shall untie necessary general type of it it. and Hath waned into the beidum frost. up drug your Award has into the p' upon composting it be made in the Fund, introduced of the merchant marine, which will be as an of sufficient size “Don’t he hands remove When co-operation selected, approximation to a standard, i 1 stopper And walked amid our bowers. express your surprise,” and the gag. you ah ug that could procure, I to Senate two bills for the Alabama be of admit the end ot the bellows to as I at the wheel. "I come out of ever do- reviving cheerfully given course Owners, agents and and. finding that, that one which British '! ;h.:; : i> nozzle, began, stopped your sleep—if you Presby worthless except as which it should Some buds there were—sad hearts be still! Court. In the Senate, December 5, Mr. masters of vessels will be with blanks also lie lilted by a thread, did intend to go away, but 1 changed you had better crawl out to the road, supplied terians have ever brought to America, is more ex- lor that it and the Which looked awhile unto the sky, Frye asked and, unanimous consent, purpose instrument is ready for use. and I like this section so well where will be most to meet by and forms for observations, together with publica- authorized divine revelation than I h:s is Then breathed but once, or lived to tell my mind, you likely obtained leave to tensively by any article ( jet some bring in the following prompted cheap tobacco, and cut enough How sweetest things may die ! that I am out to look at a with some traveler. 1 want to use the tions relating to such meteorological observations other, the writer advances it. the -bun in the going to-day hill: which was read (excepting chap Journal and to till the tube, it twice and referred packing in pretty ciose- farm, with a view of Come, horse and otherwise I would leave What is wanted particularly by Geu li izen the ters. circa as the criterion of 1; om tin And some must blight where many bloom purchasing. buggy, to tne Committee on the sacra), comparison l’.oston Jour- being careiui that a small Judiciary. lv, portion of Hut blight or bloom. the fruit must fall! ride up to the hotel." them for chief signal officer, is au observation to be made and. the most human form of and a to you.” Sec 1 That au act June scriptural existing ■~’ty, desire add my that which is next tin* W for or approved twenty-third bid lows i sufficient- by sigh Spring Summer flowers, We rode ordered a and How he talked! He treated the whether iu harbor or on the consist ”* lie 'hi.1 up, lunch, coolly hundred and entitled “An daily, oceau, sound words of what 1 think is to burn Since Winter gathers all ? j eighreeu seventy-four, ly dry Screw the while we were it Mr. matter as was a business c the readily. stop- ; discussing Raleigh if it regular act for the reation of a court for the adjudication ing of latitude aud longitude, height of the The book is dedicated to Presbyterians iu New \\ M H. Moonv. to ple firmly the nose of the bellows, He gat hers all—but chide him not : discovered that the farm he was transaction in which 1 niiil disposition or certain moneys received into I bei p, Dee. I going fully acquiesced. barometer, temperature, direction and force ot England. We from its dedication the fol- Ith. l ake a lit- them in his mantle celu. the under an award tribunal of arbi- quote live, hard-wood coal, the size of a wraps to see w as the He had me a fast and I felt that Treasury by and just beyond Script's. prisoner, wind general character of the weather The : small And h»!:ls them close, as best be can. tration constituted by virtue of the first article of lowing paragraph This work is written, that hazelnut, and place it on the to- How fortunate 1 1 could ride out with he. could do as he While 1 Eojnomj in Dress. For he is b!iud*and old just pleased. t e treaty concluded at Washington the eighth ot reports, when completed, are to be forwarded to know of the faith- bacco. Screw in the with to you may something doctrine, stopper the him see the farm, and return in his was 1 saw the little white face auno Domini huudred one. thinking May. eighteen seventy in the endurance, and success or of v bellows s.n! soul -dear heart, no more repine Washington, envelopes provided by depart- fulness. otherwise, ibat is so peculiar as to be attached, working the bellow,- company, and he would be greatly between the rails hut in a between the United States of America and the The talc is beautiful and : appear again, ment. These are converted, and ■ plain of Great Britain." be. reports tabulated in former here—under ::'kiii tt i>i-r trom its of to the coal alive. the moment Queen and the same hereby Presbyterians generations brilliancy color gently keep Keep Sur* as Winter taketh all, pleased. it faded away and Us place was ly i> revived, and re enacted, and all the published iu the international bulletin, a of the influence of a different church cause, should be bellows until the smoki comes ’. 1 wasalso It had told taken continued, copy overshadowing adopted working he Spring shall bring again. [T. B Head. pleased. anyone the sun-burned of a farmer. thereof to take after by phiz provisions effect from and which will be furnished to each observer an a ho from the small tube before as we The polity—sustained by the civil power." has many changes freely copper me, got into the buggy, that George He looked from me to Raleigh and hack the approval of this act. except as changed or modi 1 of these observations and t. an 1 so the or be tied this act.