Win one of two $50 Amazon gift cards or a CONFERENCE Entry fee for Denver 2022. For contest form and instructions, click here.


Drawings for the Amazon gift cards will be at the Closing Social. Denver Conference prize will be announced after close of May 31, 2021. 2O21 CONFERENCE AT-A-GLANCE

WELCOME TO HECA’S 2021 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE! DURING THE 2-DAY CONFERENCE (AND THROUGH MAY 31, 2021). YOU WILL HAVE 24-HOUR ACCESS TO: Exhibitor booths booths College Showcase videos Sessions (post-conference)

Daily Schedule Wednesday, April 14th (Times in EST) Thursday, April 15th

10:30-11:30am Exhibit Hall / HECA Hub 10:30-11:30am Exhibit Hall / HECA Hub 11:30-11:45am Conference Welcome 11:30-12:30pm Special Guest Speaker: 11:45-12:45pm Heart of HECA Eric Hoover 12:45-1:45pm Keynote Speaker: 12:30-1:30pm Breakout Session D Rick Clark 1:30-4:00pm College Fair 1:45-2:00pm Break 4:00-4:15pm Break 2:00-3:00pm Breakout Session A 4:15-5:15pm Breakout Session E 3:00-3:30pm EXHIBIT HALL 5:15-5:45pm Exhibitor Showcase 3:30-4:00pm Exhibitor Showcase Session A Session C 4:00-4:30pm Exhibitor Showcase Session B 5:45-6:15pm Exhibitor Showcase 4:30-5:30pm Breakout Session B Session D 5:30-5:45pm Break 6:15-7:15pm Special Guest Speaker: 5:45-6:45pm Breakout Session C Anya Kamenetz 6:45-7:45pm RoundTable: UnPlugged 7:15-8:30pm Closing Social 7:45-8:30pm HECA Pub

EXHIBITORS (LIVE) Wednesday & Thursday, 10:30am-11:30am EST Wednesday, 3:00pm-3:30pm EST EXHIBITOR SHOWCASES (LIVE) Wednesday, 3:30pm-4:30pm EST Thursday, 5:15pm-6:15pm EST COLLEGE FAIR (LIVE) Wednesday, 1:30pm-4:00pm EST Index

Welcome...... 5

Acknowledgements...... 6

Special Thank You...... 7

Wednesday Agenda...... 8

Thursday Agenda...... 17

Exhibitors...... 24

United States ...... 25

International Colleges...... 26

Conference Attendees...... 28

Participant Locations...... 31

HECA Organization...... 32

4 Welcome to HECA ReEnvision 2021! And a re-envisioned conference it is. When COVID forced us to move our conference to a virtual platform, the conference team (Board members, Co-Chairs, Committee Chairs and Staff) got busy and produced a wonderful experience for you that is as personal, educational and fun as our in-person conferences.

This conference is the largest in HECA history ~ over 500 attendees, 190 colleges and 41 exhibitors and business partners. Sessions were chosen to reflect our members’ current needs and recordings will be available until May 31, 2021. Our trademark Heart of HECA and the new HECA: UnPlugged will be opportunities for members to share ideas and network on topics addressing issues that all of us are tackling in our practices. Just want to reconnect with colleagues? Be sure to visit the HECA Hub and Closing Social.

Last but not least, our keynote speaker, Rick Clark, Director of Undergraduate Admission at Georgia Institute of Technology, will surely “Wow” us as he always does. Other guest speakers, Eric Hoover, Senior Editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education and Anya Kamenetz, Lead Education Reporter for NPR, will be sharing their viewpoints on what is happening in higher education today.

We welcome you to the conference and know you will have the opportunity to learn, add to your professional development (don’t forget to keep track of your Professional Development Points!) and come away re-invigorated, re- connected and re-envisioned. Thank you for your trust in us and for attending. Enjoy your time at the conference! HECA Strong, HECA Proud!!!!

Cheri Barad Sandy Lawrence & Diane Lomonaco President, HECA HECA 2021 Conference Co-Chairs

I’m so excited that you’ve chosen to join us for this year’s HECA ReEnvision Virtual Conference. When the decision was made in the fall to pivot to a virtual conference, our incredible conference team rolled up their sleeves and went to work. What they’ve done has been nothing less than amazing. The conference that you’ll experience over the next two days is an accumulation of months of planning, determination, ingenuity and hard work. I can’t say enough about all of the incredible HECA volunteers who have given so much of their time to make this event possible. Thank you again for joining us at our conference. I trust it will be informative, uplifting and fun! Terry Knaus Executive Director, HECA 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

BREAKOUT SESSION COMMITTEE Terry Knaus Ellen Kuppersmith Sandy Lawrence Diane Lomonaco Kazue McGregor

COLLEGE FAIR Jodi Glou & Ellen Kuppersmith, Co-Chairs

CONFERENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Sandy Lawrence & Diane Lomonaco, Co-Chairs Cheri Barad Chris Holzwarth Aralyse Johnson Terry Knaus Kazue McGregor

EXHIBITORS TEAM Audrey Slaughter, Chair Jigisha Doshi Bryan Ide Terry Mady-Grove Kris Neely Kathy Noble Cathy Richter Teo Salgado Suzanne Spradling Toni Marie Teeter Victoria Turner

HEART OF HECA STANDARDS & ETHICS COMMITTEE Maureen Chang, Chair Steven Antonoff Brooke Daly Debra Landesberg Hanna Stotland

ROUND TABLE: UNPLUGGED Dale Price Lisa Hatch Zimmer

STAFF Aralyse Johnson, Special Projects and Events Assistant Cathy McMeekan, HECA Administrative Assistant Carla Sullivan, Public Relations/Marketing Assistant


220+ Conference Exhibitors and Colleges

Rick Clark, Eric Hoover and Gigi Rosenberg for their generosity

Breakout session presenters for their time and expertise

Member volunteers who helped run the conference smoothly

Sandy Lawrence & Diane Lomonaco Kazue McGregor Audrey Slaughter Jodi Glou & Ellen Kuppersmith Aralyse Johnson Super Virtual Conference Team for their super dedication and time!

Chris Holzwarth & the Communication Team for making us look and sound good

Cheri Barad & the HECA Board for their incredible support

Terry Knaus for his wisdom and counsel

And to all the members who sent in pet and hobby photos! (Visit the Lounge to enjoy the sldeshow.)

7 AGENDA Wednesday, April 14


10:20-11:20 AM ET Auditorium Board Welcome Video (5') available on-demand in the Auditorium and throughout the conference in the Lounge.

10:30 - 11:30 AM ET Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall / HECA Hub Visit our Exhibitors during this dedicated hour and fill out your Exhibitor Contest form today! You can find the form and instructions in your Swag Bag and at the HECA Booth.

11:30 - 11:45 AM ET Auditorium Conference Welcome

11:45 - 12:45 PM ET Auditorium Heart of HECA The Heart of HECA is a HECA conference tradition in which members share ideas and have open dialogue surrounding important topics that we as IECs face in our profession. This year we will be going into breakout rooms so that we maintain active participation in a small group setting. What better way to kick off the conference than to connect with one another and truly experience what HECA is all about?!

2:45 - 1:45 PM ET Auditorium Keynote Rick Clark Director of Undergraduate Admission Georgia Institute of Technology A native of Atlanta, Rick Clark earned a B.A. from the of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.Ed. from Georgia State University. Prior to coming to Tech, Rick was on the admissions staff at Georgia State, The McCallie School and Wake Forest University. Today he is the Director of Undergraduate Admission at Georgia Tech where he directs recruitment and enrollment efforts, manages the review and selection of all undergraduate applications, and leads the admission team. Under his leadership, brand awareness has increased, academic class profile has improved, and enrollment goals have been exceeded. Rick has served in a variety of leadership and advisory roles for SACAC, NACAC, GA Tech’s Staff Council, ACT, College Board and the Department of State where he discusses higher education. Over the last five years he has written a regular blog that helps families navigate the college process and affordability. He co-authored The Truth about College Admission: A Family Guide to Getting In and Staying Together and also a complementary workbook under the same title to be released September, 2021.

8 Wednesday, April 14

The Room Where It Happens Every year, and particularly in this crazy year, it’s easy to get caught up in statistics and deadlines and forget that when your students submit their applications, there are real people dealing with grades, activities, essays, recommendations, and all the other things required from each student when they apply for admission. In this lively, entertaining, and inspiring keynote address, Rick Clark gives us a look behind the curtain (or into the Zoom room, as it were) of the admission office.

Who are these people? What are they considering and discussing? How are decisions really made- - AND how might that change in the upcoming years, due to the pandemic? Most importantly, as counselors, what does this mean for you? Using wisdom gained from his several years working in admissions in a variety of settings, his understanding of students and families, and most importantly according to Clark, “some solid Hamilton references”, you will come away with a new understanding and appreciation for the admission process, recent changes, and how you can and why you should adapt to the changing landscape.

1:45 - 2:00 PM ET Break

2:00 - 3:00 PM ET Auditorium Breakout Session A Felons Cheaters and Varsity Blues: Working With the Hardest Cases Hanna Stotland, J. D., HECA Member of Standards and Ethics Committee

How do you help a student who has the right academic credentials, but has a problem on his or her record that requires further explanation? Colleges can be forgiving when the student owns the problem and explains the recovery persuasively. Even students expelled for alleged sexual misconduct can continue their education with the right guidance. Participants will be better able to assist applicants who need to use a supplemental essay to explain problems like expulsion or a criminal record. They'll also get an inside look at the aftermath of Varsity Blues for the families involved.

Grow Your IEC Business: Tools for Best Practices Jigisha Doshi, College Consultant & IEC Coach Elana Guerra, Director & Coach Cyndy McDonald, HECA Past President, College Consultant & Business Coach

This session is aimed at "working smarter, not harder" and is designed to assist IECs with streamlining and growing their particular business model. The presenters are experts in their fields of solo-practice, team practice, and independent consulting. Cyndy, Elana, and Jigisha will share insight into the tools they utilize to create best practices for their business. These tools address client management, business infrastructure, and internal/external communications.

9 Wednesday, April 14

In a Test Optional World, How Can We Help Students Shine Academically? Anne Holmdahl, HECA Member; Owner, Common Sense College Counseling Donna Siegel, HECA Member; CEO, College Click & Co-Founder, Lemonade Education Eryn Olson, Associate Director, Santa Clara University Office of Admissions Jeff Schiffman, Tulane University Jocelyn De Jong, University of Washington

Colleges are telling us that the transcript is the most important piece of the admissions puzzle. As IECs, how can we help our students make their transcripts stand out? We know that students should pursue the most rigorous curriculum available to them that they can manage. But what if that isn't rigorous enough? What if the student has some glitches? What if their school doesn't offer many or any advanced classes? Experienced AOs will give us their perspective and we will discuss free, low-cost and full-pay options for students to pursue their academic interests and shine in the application process.

It’s All Local: Understanding the Impact of Local and State Legislation on Your Business Eric Delehoy, HECA Member Whitney Bruce, HECA Member

We have just come off a tumultuous election year, no matter what side of the aisle you are on. As we catch our breath, the work of the government goes on. Why are we hyper focused on national elections? As independent consultants, we are first, business owners. As such, we may be affected by legislation that happens more at the local and state level. In fact many times, local issues affect us more! As college advocates, we also want to support legislation that may affect the students we work with. Again, much of this happens at the local level. Join us as we discuss the importance of off year and/or local elections and how to stay informed on issues that may affect you!

Teen Anxiety: Know the Signs and Resources Evelyn Jerome-Alexander, HECA Member, Certified Educational Planner Eric Endlich, Ph.D., HECA Member, Licensed Psychologist Rachel Sobel, HECA Member, Licensed Psychotherapist Jeff and Kathy Long, Founders, Teens4TeensHelp

In this panel, IECs and mental health professionals will discuss signs to be aware of as we work with teenagers, who are increasingly afflicted with anxiety and depression. We’ll discuss the many ways these issues, which may intensify as students deal with the internal and external stresses of the college admission process, present. Finally, our panel will offer resources that IECs can offer to students and parents which will strengthen our role as trusted family advisors.

10 Wednesday, April 14

Through the Looking Glass: A Glimpse into Working with the Neuro-Diverse Student Jed Applerouth, PhD; Founder and President of Applerouth Tutoring Services Jodi L.G. Glou, HECA College Fair Co-Chair; President, Custom College Consulting

The session will provide an overview of how the brain works, both for neurodiverse and neurotypical students. Participants will gain insight into preparing neurodiverse students for the college application process. In addition, panelists will share testing-taking strategies, insights into trends in college admission and standardized testing, and tips on how to help students with learning differences develop executive functioning skills. The session will also explore college “fit” for the neurodiverse population and how to communicate effectively with students and their families.

Writing a Personal Statement for UK - Step by Step Workshop Raluca Pasare, The ; Iain Harris, Northumbria University Kirsten Mingins, Lancaster University; Ruth Lauener, The

This session is aimed at colleagues interacting with UK universities. The workshop will provide an overview and step by step guidance on how to help students write a personal statement for UK universities admissions purposes. The personal statement part of the application via UCAS is different from the standard way in which students write for USA based universities, and this workshop aims to provide more information and guidance on how to advise students looking to apply in the UK. This workshop will offer an interactive activity, working on case studies and tips and tricks for a good personal statement. advisors.

3:00 - 3:30 PM ET Exhibit Hall Visit our Exhibitors and fill out your Exhibitor Contest form today! You can find the form and instructions in your Swag Bag and at the HECA Booth.

3:30 - 4:00 PM ET Auditorium Exhibitor Showcase Session A Focus Collegiate GuidedPath Summer Discovery

4:00 PM - 4:30 PM EDT Auditorium Exhibitor Showcase Session B CollegePlannerPro MYX TeenLife Media, LLC

11 Wednesday, April 14

4:30- 5:30 PM ET Auditorium Breakout Session B At the End of the Rainbow: The Real Student Experience in Ireland Peter Brimstone, International Officer Margaret Cardosi, North American Officer

The island of Ireland presents a unique higher education setting with options across the two countries of the Emerald Isla - Ireland and Northern Ireland. We aim to offer a conversation with, and between, current US students at two of the island's premier universities - Queen's University Belfast and University College Cork. The purpose of this session is to allow colleagues to hear directly from students about their real, lived experiences of studying their undergraduate degrees abroad, and the support they've received both from their universities and community in Ireland as a whole before and during the pandemic

Coffee Talk with 2 Queer Consultants: Making Your Practice Inclusive for All Scott S. Samuel Garbini M.Ed, HECA Director, Equity & Access Chair Eric Delehoy, HECA Past President

In this “Coffee Talk” workshop, participants will explore notions and best practices of “inclusivity,” focusing on ways you and your business can become more inclusive to all. Participants will learn how marketing strategies, materials, forms, documents, and in-person visits can cohesively tell a story of inclusivity. Join us as we discuss the unique challenges facing today's LGBTQIA clients and how we can work with them to create a more inclusive tomorrow.

Ethics at Work: NACAC’s New Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admissions Claire Nold-Glaser, IEC, Immediate Past President of PNACAC, HECA Past President Stacey Cunitz, CEP, NACAC Admissions Practices Committee Member Jon W. Tarrant, CEP, HECA Member

Ethics guide our work with students and families, and help differentiate our practices from “bad actors.” Recently, the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) revised its ethics document, previously called the “Code of Ethics and Professional Practices'' now known as the “Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admission.” This session will explore why this action was taken and highlight some of the significant changes. We will take a look at HECA’s own set of ethical standards, the “Code of Conduct for Individual Consultants'' and consider some ethical scenarios HECA members may encounter in their practices.

12 Wednesday, April 14

From Doctrine to Dialogue: Understanding the Spectrum of Faith-Based Institutions Marie Morris, HECA Director at Large Nicholas Albanese, Assistant Director of Admissions, Salve Regina University Sarah Kolosky, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Western Region, Sacred Heart University

Religiously affiliated colleges run a complete spectrum: from chapel requirements to service opportunities. Many times students state they do not want a religiously affiliated school without realizing just how secular some can be. Want to feel more confident in advising students in this area? Learn the questions to ask your students in regards to fit at religiously affiliated schools. Learn as a consultant how to determine where a particular school falls on the spectrum to better advise. Become better at understanding and explaining faith-based institutions and how your student may find their best fit.

Neurodiversity and Mental Health in College Eric Endlich, Ph.D., HECA Member Kelsey Bohlke, LPC, CRC, Counselor, Emory University John Conway, LCSW, CADC, EDGE Learning & Wellness Collegiate Community Alex Morris-Wood, Director of Transition Services and Outreach, Beacon College

While depression and anxiety are common among college students, those with learning differences are often at higher risk. For example, teenage girls with ADHD are twice as likely to be depressed as those without ADHD, and autistic college students report high rates of suicidal thinking. These issues impact their ability to navigate school and contribute to lower graduation rates. What programs and interventions help these students thrive? In this interactive workshop, panelists with expertise in mental health and learning differences will explore best practices for supporting neurodivergent students in college and helping them realize their potential.

Performers and Athletes and Artists, Oh My! - Working with Specialty Consultants Chris Andersson, HECA Member, Founder of Nothing But Drama LLC Amy Goldin, HECA Member, College Options in the Performing Arts

Many of our students have extracurricular interests that are substantial enough for them to seek an undergraduate course of study. Performing arts, visual arts and athletics, to name a few, require a parallel application or review process, in addition to the college application. Students, families and consultants must prepare for more moving parts to the process, in terms of earlier application deadlines, auditions and portfolios to prepare, interviews and meetings with coaches and scouts, and additional application supplements. If you don’t feel equipped to support a family through these additional processes, a specialty consultant can come to the rescue!

13 Wednesday, April 14

Using Surveys to Make Better Matches Steven R. Antonoff, Ph.D., CEP, HECA Member Cyndy McDonald, MA/PPS, HECA Past President

Identifying student characteristics, interests, and values is an essential part of making a good match. In the past few years, more and more instruments (surveys, assessments, and so forth) have become available and useful to the IEC. Over 50 surveys will be described in this session, and discussion will include using these instruments to explore student personality, career perspectives, emotional intelligence, and more.

5:30 - 5:45 PM ET Break

5:45 - 6:45 PM ET Auditorium Breakout Session C Australian and New Zealand Universities: More Than Just Koalas and Kiwis Todd St Vrain, North America Manager, University of Melbourne Sara Cavalieri, Educational Consultant, College Apps Abroad Anna Frisk, International Manager, University of Auckland

Beyond exotic animals and stunning landscapes, Australia and New Zealand are home to world- class universities attracting a growing number of degree students from the U.S. for their affordability, shorter duration, transparent admissions, quality of life, and employment options post-graduation. Learn about the entry requirements, admission processes, finances, differences in semester dates and timeframes, as well as the academic and social experience of ‘uni’. Gain a deeper understanding of the culture and climate of Australian and Kiwi cities and regions that also affect students’ choices, all to help you identify universities Down Under that are a great fit for your students.

Developing Future-Ready Students Judene Pretti, Director, Work-Learn Institute (WxL), Tony Munro, Manager, International Recruitment & Partnerships, University of Waterloo

The future of work is changing. Today, in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, we already recognize the need for flexibility and continued personal development. Preparing for inevitable shifts and changes in the future is critical. How can you develop future-ready students? This session will present research and information to help you understand future of work trends. It introduces a Future Ready Talent Framework that helps students to adapt to shifting skill requirements in today's work world.

14 Wednesday, April 14

Film Discussion: Autism Goes to College Eric Endlich, Ph.D., HECA Member Jan Blacher, Ph.D., Distinguished Research Professor Kelsey Bohlke, LPC, CRC, Counselor, Emory Autism Center

Experience the powerful documentary, Autism Goes to College, the story of five students and their journey through higher education. The film will be followed by a lively panel discussion about challenges and opportunities for students on the spectrum, featuring the film's executive producer and other autism professionals.

How to Identify and Work with True “International” Schools in China Samuel Luby, Shanghai United International School, Head of University Guidance Counseling

Currently. China boosts over 800 international secondary schools in China, with over 75% being developed in the past ten years. Conversely, Sino-Foreign university partnerships have been drastically reduced by 75% in the past ten years. The international education landscape in China has shifted considerably and will continue to change post Covid-19. How can we, as higher education consultants and institutions, identify true international programs and institutions in China that we can work successfully with? Once identified, how does the current landscape and outlook of international education in China inform the way we interact with institutions and students there?

Save Thousands on the Cost of College Peg Keough, HECA Member, College Financial Planning Advisor

By understanding how the college financial aid system operates and the unique planning opportunities that each family has, it's possible to help students discover the schools that are not only a good personal and academic fit, but also ones that are affordable. This workshop will teach you how families can craft a college funding plan that will enable them to afford the cost of a quality education. Come learn about the process that every family goes through and how they can navigate this process with less stress.

The Hundred-Seven: The Resurgence of HBCUs Lisa Fuller, HECA Member; Founder/Owner of College Primed, LLC Tamara Baptiste-Wallace, HECA Member; Founder/Owner, The College Application Specialist The origin of HBCUs centered on providing segregated education to Black and native students. For over a hundred and fifty years, these institutions educated and offered social mobility for the country’s marginalized citizens. This past year, 2020, presented a record number of donations to

15 Wednesday, April 14 nearly a quarter of the 107 HBCUs and shone a spotlight on names of colleges other than Howard, Hampton, Morehouse, Spelman, and Tuskegee. What makes the HBCU experience special today, and how to evaluate which ones might make a good fit for your students?

What's Next? The Future of Testing in College Applications Lisa Zimmer Hatch, HECA Webinar Committee Coordinator Eric Rath, Founder, Rath Education Group

Gather ‘round the crystal ball as we review the changes to standardized testing and attempt to predict how testing will influence the college admissions process going forward. We’ll explore how social distancing has affected testing availability, impacted digital administrations, and forced the College Board and the ACT to update their offerings. Admissions professionals will offer insight into how colleges have adapted to test optional policies and how test changes have modified their current and future processes. We hope to clarify our vision, so that we can best inform our families regarding testing considerations.

6:45 - 7:45 PM ET HECA UnPlugged: Business Building Conversations (Round Table) Envision an exciting, live, business-building round table that focuses on ways to support each other in a new world of college consulting. Join us to foster a spirit of community and collaboration with ideas from you and other attendees to help bring your business to new levels. This round table discussion will feature breakout conversations on the most popular business apps, how other IECs have made a pivot during the pandemic and business building tips. It’s unscripted, open for all practice levels, engaging and guaranteed to leave you energized.

7:45 - 8:30 PM ET Lounge After Hours: HECA Pub Just as in our on-site conferences, the HECA Hub/Pub is a place to relax and "chat" with other conference attendees. Greeters will be available in the Hub in case you are looking to meet someone new or have a question. Come and view the Meet The Board video, check out the Member Showcase featuring members' beloved pets and hobbies, or learn how to combat Zoom fatigue!

16 Thursday, April 15


10:30 - 11:30 AM ET Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall/HECA Hub Visit our Exhibitors during this dedicated hour and fill out your Exhibitor Contest form today! You can find the form and instructions in your Swag Bag and at the HECA Booth.

11:30 - 12:30 PM Auditorium Special Guest Speaker Eric Hoover Senior Writer The Chronicle of Higher Education Eric Hoover, a senior writer at the Chronicle of Higher Education, has written extensively about admissions, affirmative action, college-access, and diversity issues for the last 20 years. His journalism has also appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Washington Monthly, and Nautilus. Eric has won numerous journalism awards, including the Education Writers Association’s Eddie Prize, which recognizes distinguished reporting on the challenges facing low-income and first-generation students, and the Eugene S. Pulliam National Journalism Writing Award, for feature writing. A 1997 graduate of the University of Virginia, he lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and favorite editor, Emily.

Admissions in Transition Eric Hoover will share what he’s been hearing from admissions and enrollment officials who are scrambling to determine what lessons they can take from the pandemic -- and which temporary changes in the process should become permanent. Many institutions are rethinking the entire process, from the early stages of recruitment through the post-admission wooing of applicants. As measures of merit change and the importance of test scores fades, at least in the short term, colleges are starting to rethink their aid strategies to adjust their requirements for grants and scholarships in a world in which fewer students are likely to be taking the ACT and SAT. Meanwhile, they are grappling with the college-access implications of a system that's increasingly geared toward high-school grades and course rigor.

Is the admissions process really changing for the better? And, if so, for whom? In this conversation with Terry Knaus, Executive Director of HECA, and Kristen Lambert, HECA Member and Founder of College Admissions Counseling Group, Eric will help us distinguish between happy talk and reality.

17 Thursday, April 15 12:30 - 1:30 PM ET Auditorium Breakout Session D Building a College List with Confidence Anne R Wager, HECA Member, CEO of Corsava Dr. Steven R. Antonoff, CEP, HECA Member

A critical component in our work is developing a list of good match colleges. Do you always give students the best options? How do you measure your list building skill? Building a great college list means looking beyond standard criteria to help students discover where they will be pushed, not shoved; where they will learn more about themselves, others, and the world; and where they will be happy. In this session, we will discuss critical elements of list development: experiences that correlate to success in college; questions useful in determining fit; and tips for effective list building.

FAFSA Reimagined: A Guide to Understanding the New Laws Melissa Mieyr, HECA Member Cyndy McDonald, HECA Past President

Covid…the gift that keeps on giving. Did you know that the second round Covid relief package actually brought us an omnibus package which included the FAFSA Simplification Act that will be implemented for the 2023-2024 school year? What are the changes that you need to know about in order to help prepare your clients for their college financial journey?

Finding Humor in College Consulting Sara Zessar, HECA Member Shelly Humbach, HECA Member

As IECs, we sometimes get overwhelmed by the stresses and challenges of our work. When this happens, it’s important to remember the fun we’ve had with our clients. After all, kids do say the darndest things! The purpose of this workshop is to highlight the lighter side of college consulting and how humor can actually bolster creativity and productivity. Presenters will share humorous experiences they have had, and participants will be invited to share as well. The goal is for participants to leave the session with smiles on their faces and with a renewed appreciation for our often entertaining clients.

From Good to Great: Better Essays in Less Time, with Less Stress Susan Knoppow, CEO, Wow Writing Workshop

What if instead of tip sheets, templates and exercises cobbled together from various sources, your essay process harnessed your strengths as a decision-maker, adviser and college expert? What if you knew how to handle almost any situation, and could easily supervise contractors or staff? In this fast-paced, hands-on session we’ll explore a variety of ways to update and

18 Thursday, April 15 streamline your process, whether you are brand new, a seasoned expert or the head of a multi- IEC business. We'll explore the Common App personal statement, PIQs and a wide variety of supplemental essays. Spoiler alert: Regardless of prompt, the process doesn't change!

Going Dutch: Studying in the Netherlands Carolyn Barr, International Relation Adviser Leiden University Denise Nijhuis, Coordinator Student Recruitment and Admissions University College Roosevelt

This session will serve to clarify the higher education landscape in the Netherlands by explaining the binary system and what is on offer to students. We will dive into the philosophy of education and how that affects the admissions processes across the country. An overview of requirements and types of selection will also be included.

IB 101: Basics for Counselors Marie Vivas, Senior Development Manager, IB Global Centre

Independent Educational Consultants around the world work closely students and families who are participating in the IB Diploma Programme. Globally, over 400 schools per year apply to offer one or more IB Programs. Why IB? The International Baccalaureate prepares students for higher education in a globalized society. Learn how the IB not only provides academic depth, rigor but also nurtures the traits that will make students successful in college and beyond. Come ready with your questions about how to best assist IB students in their college application process.

Perfecting the Elevator Pitch Online and In Person Gigi Rosenberg, Public Speaking Coach Marie Morris, HECA Director at Large

In this practical and lively online event, public speaking coach Gigi Rosenberg teaches participants how to show up at online meetings with confidence, authenticity and power. She will take participants through the steps of creating their elevator speech or online introduction. Participants will have time to ask questions and a lucky few will get to practice their introductions with Gig's on-the-spot live coaching.

1:30 - 4:00 PM ET United States & International Colleges Halls COLLEGE FAIR Visit 190 colleges from around the world and the FIRST EVER College Fair Scavenger Hunt. Submit your completed form by 6:00 PM ET to be entered into a drawing at the Closing Social! You can find the form and instructions in your Swag Bag and at the HECA Booth.

19 Thursday, April 15

4:00 - 4:15 PM ET Break

4:15 - 5:15 PM ET Auditorium Breakout Session E Big City or Bronte Country? Advising on UK Campuses & Student Life Meghan Godding, Senior International Officer (North America), London Metropolitan University Naheeda Kauser, International Student Support & UKVI Compliance Manager, University of Bradford

Our session presents an overview on UK universities and advising US students who are considering their entire college experience abroad. It covers comparisons of different UK campus options focused on “best fit” for geography and size, as well as support services available across most British campuses, from pre-departure and arrival, to resources for enrolled students. We will present our contrasting campuses in London and Yorkshire as case-studies (big metropolis versus smaller city), but would cover aspects of student life that are similar across UK universities, including: accommodation, clubs and societies, athletics, “Freshers Week”, internship placements, healthcare and visa support services.

College Admissions - How the Pandemic Made the Process Pivot! Gary K Bednorz, University of New Mexico Camille Crites, Syracuse University, Associate Director James Gilbey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Regional Representative Rick Diaz, Southern Methodist University, Regional Director of Admission

Mid-March 2020 as the world was trying to figure out COVID-19, every college made adjustments - pandemic pivots! This workshop will explore the 'adaptations/modifications' in college admissions - some temporary and perhaps others more long-lasting! - Were changes in coursework and grading considered? - What happened when the SAT/ACT were not accessible? - Did colleges evaluate COVID activities and extracurriculars? - Was demonstrated interest important?

College Search and Accommodations for Students with Physical Disabilities and Health Conditions Annie Tulkin, Founder/Director of Accessible College Adrienne Frumberg, IEC

Students with physical disabilities and health conditions have unique needs. These students may have different questions and considerations in the college search and decision process. Additionally, they need to be prepared to ask questions of the university disability support

20 Thursday, April 15 offices, and self advocate. Adrienne Frumberg, an Independent Educational Consultant, and Annie Tulkin, Founder/Director of Accessible College, and a specialist in college transition for students with physical disabilities and health conditions will share their experience effectively collaborating to support a student who is a wheelchair user and has health conditions.

Demystifying the Transition from High School to College for Students and Parents Jodi L.G. Glou, HECA College Fair Co-Chair; President, Custom College Consulting Andrea Malkin Brenner, PhD, College Transitions Educator

The transition from high school to college mystifies many students and their parents. In this workshop, presenters will provide information that IECs can implement in discussions with clients and their families. Attendees will be provided with worksheets and discussion prompts including, but not limited to: - Common first-year pitfalls - Defining the roles of parents, students, and the college itself - Academic differences between high school and college - Resilience after set-backs for the student - Learning to embrace the college "you" - Adulting skills needed for college success

Inside the World of College Athletic Recruiting Karen Fong Donoghue, HECA Member; Owner, The Rugger's Edge Jon Haskins, Former NCAA D1 Football Coach & Director of Personnel

Karen Fong Donoghue (owner of The Rugger's Edge, a sports-specific college advising company) joins forces with Jon Haskins, former Football Director of Player Personnel at top institutions like Stanford, Duke, and University of Florida, to take you to the next level of College Athletic Recruiting knowledge. You may know the basics, but in this session, participants will get an inside look into how college coaches approach the athletic recruiting process and how you can apply this to your IEC practice.

“Oh the Places You’ll Go!”: Liberal Arts Education in the 21st Century Victoria Turner Turco, JD, HECA Member, Founder & President, Turner Educational Advising LLC Missy Evans Moreland, Founder & President, Moreland & Associates Educational Consulting Matt Maples, Assistant Director, Technology and Assessment, Georgetown University Cawley Career Education Center Anne Shields, Founder, Lighthouse Career Coaching

Qualitatively, we know that a liberal arts education teaches students to think critically, analyze carefully, and write cogently. But … quantitatively, what does that mean for employability? With tuition costs at unprecedented highs, many students (and parents) are questioning whether

21 Thursday, April 15 humanities majors are a good investment. In this session, we’ll make the case for encouraging students to follow their passions if they lead them in the direction of the liberal arts. We’ll produce data that proves that liberal arts majors have excellent employment prospects and discuss ways to explain why the future looks brighter than ever for liberal arts majors.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Why BIPOC Students Need Communities of Care Susan Toler Carr, HECA Member, Director of College & Career Counseling

Once in college, BIPOC students feel academically and emotionally unprepared, overwhelmed, hopeless, struggle with microaggressions, and racism. They don't seek help. When they aren't supported, hopes and dreams stop. They give up. They drop out. Counselors are responsible adults who work closely with students. They are often untrained to deal with a student's culture, ethnicity, or race issues. Learn how to bridge the color gap. Build trust. It's crucial to recognize, respond, and protect the students you serve as you assist them in their higher learning. Search out institutions where they can thrive and not just fill a quota.

5:15 - 5:45 PM ET Auditorium Exhibitor Showcase Session C College Kickstart University of Nebraska High School All College Application Essays

5:45 - 6:15 PM ET Auditorium Exhibitor Showcase Session D Advantage College Planning Applerouth Tutoring Services National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC)

6:15 - 7:15 PM ET Auditorium Special Guest Speaker Anya Kamenetz Educational Futurist Lead Education Reporter, NPR Acclaimed Author Anya Kamenetz is an award-winning education correspondent for National Public Radio, where she also co-hosts the podcast Life Kit: Parenting. Kamenetz is the author of several acclaimed books on learning and the future including Generation Debt and The Art of Screen Time. Her next book is about children’s experiences during Covid, titled The Stolen Year.

22 Thursday, April 15 She’s been a New America fellow, a staff writer for Fast Company Magazine and a columnist for the Village Voice. She’s contributed to The New York Times, The Washington Post, New York Magazine and Slate, and been featured in documentaries shown on PBS, CNN, HBO and Vice. She frequently speaks to audiences including at Google, Apple, Aspen Ideas Festival, Sesame, SXSW and TEDx.

Kamenetz was named a 2010 Game Changer in Education by the Huffington Post, received 2009, 2010, and 2015 National Awards for Education Reporting from the Education Writers Association, and won an Edward R. Murrow Award for innovation in 2017.

A New Reality Life after Covid presents opportunities and challenges for you and the people you work with. We are emerging from behind our screens to a world of both massive technological advances and unhealthy, inequitable and unsustainable threats. Going through something like this means growing through it. The future belongs to the truly resilient: those who discover the beauty in weathering adversity and the principle that success must redound to the benefit of all. Whether it’s health or wealth, me-first and me-alone no longer works.

In educational and workplace settings, organizations and individuals alike must cultivate the areas where humans continue to excel over technology by broadening and deepening our empathy, finding the meaning as we reckon our losses, building flexibility, telling better stories, and striving to understand and contribute to justice and the greater good. This will be an inspiring presentation with practical tips for mental health and social and emotional skills to use both in your personal lives and with your clients.

7:15 - 8:30 PM ET Closing Social To cap off our amazing conference, our traditional conference social will begin with a toast and feature a 20-minute live performance by singer/songwriter Jonathan Cody White, followed by an exciting College Trivia Game at around 7:45pm. Don't be late! The trivia questions will challenge you and competing for prizes will add to the fun. An experience not to be missed!

Jonathan Cody White plays a melodic mix of folk pop, with an acoustic rock edge and a sweet soulful center. You'll hear a wide variety of decades, genres and originals. For more information check out www.jcwband.com.

23 2021 Conference Exhibitors

360 Planner Majoring In Advantage College Planning Merit Scholarship List AICEP Method Test Prep All College Application Essays MYX Applerouth Tutoring Services NACAC ArborBridge National Student Leadership Conference Cambridge Centre for International (NSLC) Research Noodle Pros College Excel Outward Bound Costa Rica College Kickstart Pathways to Stem Cell Science College Scoops Pioneer Academics CollegePlannerPro Polygence Dynamy Internship Year Prompt Education New Zealand State Street Education Focus Collegiate Streamline Tutors Foundation for Teaching Economics Study in Wales Gap Year Solutions Summer Discovery GuidedPath Summit Educational Group HECA TeenLife Media, LLC LanguageBird University of Nebraska High School Lemonade Education Verto Education - College Semesters Abroad LiveCampusTours by Nylie Wow Writing Workshop

24 2021 College Fair United States Universities

Adelphi University Lafayette College The University of Iowa Albion College Laguna College of Art and Design The University of Toledo Arizona State University Landmark College UC Santa Barbara Ball State University Lasell University Union College Bard College at Simon's Rock Lynn University University of Alabama Baylor University Marist College University of Alaska Fairbanks Belmont University Marquette University University of California, Irvine Beloit College Marymount Manhattan College University of Colorado Boulder Birmingham-Southern College Merrimack College University of Colorado Denver California Lutheran University Michigan State University University of Dallas Catholic University Muhlenberg College University of Denver Champlain College Newman University University of Evansville College for Creative Studies Northeastern University University of Georgia Colorado State University Ohio Wesleyan University University of Massachusetts Amherst Columbia College Chicago Otis College of Art and Design University of Massachusetts Lowell Cornish College of the Arts Pace University University of Missouri Covenant College Pepperdine University University of Nebraska-Lincoln CSU Maritime Academy Piedmont College University of New Hampshire Dean College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of New Haven Denison University Rider University & Westminster Choir University of Oregon DePaul University College University of Puget Sound Drake University Rochester Institute of Technology University of Redlands Elon University Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology University of Rhode Island Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Rutgers University - New Brunswick University of Richmond University Sacred Heart University University of Vermont FIDM Saint Michael's College University of Washington Fort Lewis College Saint Peter's University University of Wisconsin - Madison Georgia Institute of Technology Salve Regina University Valparaiso University Gnomon University Santa Clara University Washington & Jefferson College Goucher College Savannah College of Art & Design Washington State University Hanover College Seton Hall University Western New England University Hawaii Pacific University Simmons University Wheaton College Massachusetts Hendrix College SKEMA Business School Whitman College Hiram College St. Edward's University Widener University Illinois Institute of Technology St. Olaf College Willamette University Indiana University Bloomington Syracuse University Woodbury University Kansas State University The College of Wooster Xavier University Kettering University The Ohio State University

25 2021 College Fair International Universities

Abertay University Norwich University of the Arts Queen Mary American College Dublin Queen's University Belfast American University of Paris RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences Arts University Bournemouth Royal Holloway, University of London Bangor University Shannon College of Hotel Management: Bishop's University A College of NUI Galway Bocconi University Simon Fraser University Brunel University London Swansea University Brussels School of Governance The Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA) Burgundy School of Business The University of Essex The University of Sheffield City, University of London Trinity College Dublin Concordia University Ulster University Durham University Universidad de Navarra École Ducasse University College Cork EHL University College Dublin Falmouth University University of Auckland Franklin University Switzerland University of Birmingham Glion Institute of Higher Education University of Bradford Goldsmiths, University of London University of Bristol Hotelschool The Hague University of British Columbia IE University University of Central Lancashire Imperial College London University of Edinburgh Jacobs University John Cabot University University of Glasgow King's College London University of Gloucestershire Leeds Arts University University of Greenwich Leiden University University of Guelph Les Roches, Switzerland & Spain University of Melbourne Limerick Institute of Technology University of Otago London Metropolitan University (UK) University of Plymouth Maastricht University University of Roehampton Macquarie University, Sydney University of Strathclyde Manchester Metropolitan University Mary Immaculate College University of Warwick Massey University University of Waterloo Maynooth University University of Westminster McMaster University York St John University New College of the Humanities (NCH) Newcastle University







INTERNATIONAL Laura Barr Susan Burke Kathy Cronan Amardeep B Lisa Barrett Jenny Buyens Stacey Cunitz Violeta Eisenman Nancy Bartlett Lori Byer Candace Cushing Irene Garcias Trina Basse Janice Caine Janet Cutcliffe David Hawkins Antoinette Battiste Robyn Campbell Brooke Daly Bryan Ide Margaret Baudinet Carolyn Caplan Robert Dannenhold Susan Lawson Terry Bava Catherine Carabetta Enza Dattero Joanna Levison Elizabeth Baxter Jennifer Carberry Vic Davolt Judy Libman Denise Baylis Marjorie Carlson Diana Daymond Samuel Luby Lisa Beatty Susan Carr Marco DeGaetano Bibi Malek Alexandra Beaumont Joan Casey Suzette DeGrange Ashley McNaughton Mark Bechthold Gael Casner Maureen Delaney Adam Muri-Rosenthal Chris Bell Sara Cavalieri Andrew Disney Colleen Reed Heidi Bennett Karen Cebulske Roxana Dommer Ron Reed Sandy Bercu Elaine Chan Jennifer Dooher Teo Salgado Joe Bernard Maureen Chang Jigisha Doshi Demetra Tzevelekos Brooke Beros Ellen Chao Gerald Downing Kate Van Pernis Loveena Bhagwat Saroda Chattopadhyay Joyce Draper Jue Wang Michael Binder Shahnee Chen-Zion Jenny Dumas UNITED STATES Hollis Bischoff Kathryn Chenard Greta Duran Alicen Adams Daniel Bisig Swati Chopra Glenda Durano Stephanie Adkins Virginia Blackwell Gloria Chun Megin Edwards Rosana Ahumada Valerie Blair Carey Cimino Denise Eliot Stephanie Aikins Lisa Bleich Lynne Clarke Libby Elliott Terri Allen Diana Blitz Debra Clay Ralph Ellis Mary Alptekin Francine Block Kat Clowes Eric Endlich Michelle Alten-Kaehler Georgia Boepple David Coates Charles Erickson Peggy Amdur Trish Boisseree Rachel Coates Mary Ethington Margaret Amott Ann Boldt Carolyn Cohen Lee Eunhwa Katie Andersen Patricia Bostwick Michelle Cole Paola Fantini Anne Anderson Cali Bottom Michele Coleman Beth Farias Kim Anderson Tina Bournazos Rachel Coleman Paige Feldman Chris Andersson Melissa Bouzianis Krista Colthup Debra Felix Joanne Apesos Sharon Bowen Stacy Colwell Kristen Fenn Dale Appelbaum Tina Boyer Sarah Contomichalos Samia Ferraro Ginger Apperson Katie Brazzale Eve Cooper Rebecca Field Sandy Aprahamian Colleen Brennan Carol Corcoran Caleb Fitzpatrick Kate Augus Laura Brennan Beth Anne Cornell Michelle Fleming Ferah Aziz Susan Breon Marge Cortes Karen Fong Donoghue Lea Baechler-Brabo Kathleen Bressler Cathy Costa Alison Forbes Kate Balboni Noreen Britt Claudia Cote Nancy Foushée Johnny Baltierra Bayard Brokaw Ruth Ann Cote Carolyn Francis Marcia Bannon Lena Brooks Andrea Coupe Neisha Frank Bobby Bao Beverly Brutzkus Erika Couture Joanne Fraser Tamara Baptiste-Wallace Lisa Budianto Michael Craig Cheri Barad Elizabeth Burgon BK Crocker Orietta Barletta

28 Conference Attendees

Shannon Freeborn Christine Higgins Betsy Klene Lynette Mathews Judith Friscia Amanda Hirko Lauren Klentak Alexandra Matthews Ellen Gaddie Jane Hoffman Terry Knaus Jill Mattos Emily Gallagher Lori Hofstetter Joan Koven Catherine McCarthy Scott S. Garbini Linda Hollenback Tracey Kritt Lori McCormick Modesta Garcia Karyn Holtzman Lorry Krone Janae McCullough-Boyd Maureen Gelberg Chris Holzwarth Maryline Kulewicz Cyndy McDonald Laura George Melissa Horadam Ellen Kuppersmith Kazue McGregor Stephanie George Nicole Hosemann Katherine Kurima Abby McKinnon Brenda Gerhardt Stephanie Hronis Pamela Kwartler Sandy McMaster Gina Gerrato-Greenhaus Shelly Humbach Heejung Laird Cathy McMeekan Neila Gharsallah Margot Hutchison Kristen Lambert Meegan McRoberts Kathryn Gillis Karen Hyde Colleen Lamon Kelly Mendiola Jodi Glou Anna Ivey Debra Landesberg Shyamla Menon Pauline Godfrey Kavita Iyer Elizabeth LaScala Dori Middlebrook Margo Rudman Gold Lauren Jackson Sandy Lawrence Melissa Mieyr Amy Goldin Liz Jackson Julie Laymon Greg Millar Michael Goran Joan Jacobs Nancy Lee Kathryn Miller Laurie Gordon Linda Jang Tim Lenahan Kristen Miller Allison Grandits Amy Jasper Angela Lenora Marta Miskolczy Rebecca Grappo Cynthia Jenkins Robin Levi Ana Monahan Sheree Gravely Robin Johnson Beth Levine Susan Monken Kathy Griswold Fine Lisa Jones-Fuller Melanie Levy Clyde Monma Susan Groden Rebecca Joseph Joanne Levy-Prewitt Marcia Monma Julie Gross Wendy Kahn Porte Lewy Marcia Moor Namita Gupta Debbie Kanter Jing Liao Sandra Moore Maria Guthrie Shashi Karve Charlene Liebau Missy Moreland Mary Hager Margery Kashman Joyee Lin Genevieve Morgan Jill Hall Elizabeth Katz Nicole Lincoln Debbie Moritz Heidi Hamler Jeana Kawamura Debbie Gershow Lindell Marie Morris Jennifer Harmeling Marcie Kay Joanne Lippman Susan Morris Kate Harmer Monica Kazmier Lavinia LoBue Wendy Morrison Tira Harpaz Tanya Keeney Diane Lomonaco Marian Motz Sharon Harris Linda Keiles Lynn Lubell Krissy Mourton Beth Harrison Dianne Keilholtz Wendie Lubic Julie Mozena Lisa Hatch Kirsten Keller Christine Luksza-Paravicini Kecia Muller Diana Hawkins Josie Kelley Karen Maas Anne Murphy Annie Hayward Deborah Keown Sharon MacDonald Liz Murphy Diane Heider Amy Killeen Annette Mackaness Paula Myers Tina Heiman Boram Chris Kim Jennifer MacLure Stuart Nachbar Lorraine Heitel Grace Kim Kate Malczewski Mary Ruppe Nash Karen Herbst Susan Kipers Claire Mangrum Kara Neary Lin Hermenitt Julianna Kirby Lisa Margolin Kris Neely Amy Herzog Kristin Kisner Debie Marsden Kathryn Neiss Kristen Hesby Susan Kjorlien Jacqueline Masia Kate Newman Mary Hetlage Katelyn Klappe Lesiley Mathew Sandra Newton

29 Conference Attendees

Gina Ney Amy Reardon Julie Silver Louise Trudeau Carol Niemann Elizabeth Rehfeld Leslie Silvers Linda Turner Claire Nold-Glaser Tracy Rhodes Barbara Simmons Victoria Turner Turco Catherine Northup Kelly L Riccardo Mira Simon Tami Uecker Vicki O'Day Cathy Richter Julie Simons Claudine Vainrub Matthew O'Hern Matthew Riley Karen Simpson Marilyn Van Loben Sels Jill O'Keefe Lindsey Ringenbach Dorothy Sivazlian Andrea van Niekerk Patricia O'Keefe Anne Rogers Susan Skrocki Greta Van Ochten Sally O'Rourke Celia Rogers Audrey Slaughter Julia Varriale Marilyn O'Toole Lori Rosenberg Rana Slosberg Nina Verma Erin Ogren Barbra Rosenstein Bill Smith Bruce Vinik Linda Ohlsson Claire Roth Jaime Smith Maruta Vitols Lee Oller Dana Roth Karen Smith Priscilla Vivio Susanna Ordway Lisa Rubin-Johnson Susan Smith Anne Vogel Nagla Orlando Jennifer Rucier Rachael Smith-Vaughan Natascha Vossen Diane Overman Jann Russell Lisa Sohmer Susan Wachter Jamie Pack Kate Ryan Jeffrey Sonnergren Shannon Wagar Chantal Paiewonsky Lindsey Saarie Jennifer Soodek Anne Wager Judith Painter Donna Sakabu Nick Soper Jamie Wallace Alison Parker Claudia Salinas Jeanette Spires Wei Wang Kim Parros Pip Sanders Suzanne Spradling Ruth Warburg Heather Parry Helese Sandler Emily Standish Todd Weaver Ranna Patel Debra Sankovitz Laurie Starks Linda Wegrzyn Kate Pedigo Sheryl Santiago Terry StBernard Lisa Wendland Susan Perlstein Jennifer Scalora Kiki Steele Susan Wertheimer Linda Perrella Malinda Schantz Amy Stelmach Frey Elizabeth White Alexandra Peruta Ann Scheder-Bieschin Joan Stern Nancy Wigley Mindy Peterson Lessa Scherrer Beth Stewart Carolyn Williams Barbara Phelps Lynne Scheurer- Foster Hanna Stotland Linda Williams Beth Pickett Neal Schwartz Terri Streetman Louise Williams Corinne Pinsof-Kaplan Bethany Scott Dana Strull Wendy Williams Donna Pioppi Jessica Scott Archana Sudame Lauran Williamson Jackie Postelnick Kimberly Scruton Hilary Sullivan Dewey Wilmot Robert Powers Jodi Sears Tracy Sullivan Gina Wilner Mel Preimesberger Cynthia Seidel Brian Swan Judith Winters Dale Price Anna Seltz Jon Tarrant Maria Woodruff Katherine Price Hannah Serota Zena Taylor Suzie Wynne Liz Price Lorraine Serra Toni Marie Teeter Stephanie Yang Kimberly Pucci Manjiri Sethna Gloria Tenenbown Missy Yavasile Manisha Puranik Jennifer Severini-Kresock Lynne Mooney Teta Jeffrey Yoon Maria Quillard William Shain Katie Thatcher Judy Young Rick Quon Jessica Sharkey Joan Thomas Cathy Zales Luisa Rabe Pam Shor Amber Thompson Sandra Zeigler Barrie Raffel Brandy Shott Teri Thompson Sara Zessar John Raftrey Jeffrey Sibner Cathy Titus Susan Zinanti Vaishnavi Rajagopal Abby Siegel Kerry Traylor Sue Zoby Pamela Rambo Donna Siegel Vera Murphy Trayner Shelley Randles Jodi Siegel Amy Trinnama

30 Conference Participant Locations

INTERNATIONAL Cornwall, UK El Segundo, CA San Diego, CA West Hartford, CT Fort Wayne, IN Winchester, MA Tonawanda, NY Irving, TX Macquarie, Australia Coventry, UK Encinitas, CA San Jose, CA West Haven, CT Hanover, IN Wrentham , MA Troy, NY Katy, TX Melbourne, Australia Dundee, UK Fremont, CA San Luis Obispo, CA Wilton, CT Indianapolis, IN Albion, MI West Harrison, NY McKinney, TX Brussels, Belgium Durham, UK Gilroy, CA San Marino, CA Wilmington, DE Muncie, IN Ann Arbor, MI Cary, NC Plano, TX Sao Paulo, Brazil Edinburgh, UK Greenbrae, CA San Mateo, CA Washington, DC Newburgh, IN Birmingham, MI Charlotte, NC Richmond, TX Calgary, AB, Egham, UK Half Moon Bay, CA San Rafael, CA Boca Raton, FL Terre Haute, IN Detroit, MI Durham, NC San Antonio, TX Burnaby, BC, Canada Exeter, UK Healdsburg, CA San Ramon, CA Bonita Springs, FL Valparaiso, IN East Lansing, MI Elon, NC Southlake, TX Huntington Beach, CA Flint, MI Vancouver, BC, Canada Glasgow, UK Santa Barbara, CA Boynton Beach, FL Zionsville, IN Greensboro, NC Spring, TX Irvine, CA Lansing, MI W Vancouver, BC, Leeds, UK Santa Clara, CA Bradenton, FL Ankeny, IA Mooresville, NC Sugar Land, TX Liverpool, UK Kensington, CA Santa Monica, CA Daytona Beach, FL Iowa City, IA Eden Prairie, MN Raleigh,NC Trophy Club, TX Canada London, UK Kentfield, CA Saratoga, CA Delray Beach, FL Fairway, KS Edina, MN Waxhaw, NC Waco, TX Guelph, ON, Canada Norwich, UK La Crescenta, CA Seal Beach, CA Freeport, FL Manhattan, KS Minneapolis, MN Chagrin Falls, OH Salt Lake City, UT Hamilton, ON, Canada Plymouth, UK La Jolla, CA Sherman Oaks, CA Hollywood, FL Wichita, KS Northfield, MN Cincinnati, OH Burlington, VT Oakville, ON, Canada Poole, UK Lafayette, CA Sierra Madre, CA Indian Rocks Beach, FL Florence, KY Rosemount, MN Columbus, OH Colchester, VT Toronto, ON, Canada Preston, UK Laguna Beach, CA Simi Valley, CA Jupiter, FL Louisville, KY Shorewood, MN Delaware, OH Putney, VT Waterloo, ON, Canada Sheffield, UK Laguna Niguel, CA Solana Beach, CA Lakeland, FL Brunswick, ME Wayzata, MN Granville, OH Alexandria, VA Montreal, QC, Canada Swansea, UK Lake Forest, CA Stanford, CA Lutz, FL Falmouth, ME Columbia, MO Hiram, OH Crozet, VA Sherbrooke, QC, Uxbridge, UK Larkspur, CA Tarzana, CA Naples, FL Portland, ME Big Sky, MO Toledo, OH Leesburg, VA Canada York, UK Livermore, CA Templeton, CA Orlando, FL Baltimore, MD Lincoln, NE Wooster, OH Midlothian, VA Shanghai, China Lodi, CA Thousand Oaks, CA Palm Beach Gardens, FL Bethesda, MD Schenectady, NE Beaverton, OR Oakton, VA Prague, Czech Republic UNITED STATES Long Beach, CA Vallejo, C Palm City, FL Chevy Chase, MD Las Vegas, NV Bend, OR Richmond, VA Santo Domingo, DR Birmingham, AL Los Altos, CA Ventura, CA Plantation, FL Clarksburg, MD Auburn, NH Eagle Point, OR Williamsburg, VA Dijon, France Tuscaloosa AL Los Angeles, CA Visalia, CA Sarasota, FL Edgewater, MD Durham, NH Eugene, OR Bainbridge Island, Paris, France Anchorage, AK Los Gatos, CA Walnut Creek, CA Stuart, FL Monkton, MD Exeter, NH Lake Oswego, OR WA madera, CA North Hampton, NH Bremen, Germany Fairbanks, AK West Hills, CA Tampa, FL Potomac, MD Portland, OR Bellevue, WA Malibu, CA Portsmouth, NH Munich, Germany Mesa, AZ West Hollywood, CA Windermere, FL Rockville, MD Salem, OR Burien, WA Phoenix, AZ Manhattan Beach, CA Westlake Village, CA Alpharetta, GA Acton, MA Bridgewater, NJ Allentown, PA Clinton, WA Bangalore, India Scottsdale, AZ Menlo Park, CA Woodland Hills, CA Athens, GA Amherst, MA Ewing, NJ Bala Cynwyd, PA Friday Harbor, WA Cork, Ireland Tempe, AZ Mill Valley, CA Woodside, CA Atlanta, GA Bolton, MA Gillette, NJ Carlisle, PA Issaquah, WA Dublin, Ireland Conway, AR Modesto, CA Yuba city , CA Augusta, GA Boston, MA Haddonfield, NJ Chester, PA Kirkland, WA Limerick, Ireland Agoura Hills, CA Monterey, CA Boulder, CO Demorest, GA Bridgewater, MA Jersey City, NJ Clarks Summit, PA Mercer Island, WA Maynooth, Ireland Alameda, CA Moraga, CA Brighton, CO Fayetteville, GA Brookline, MA Lawrenceville, NJ Easton, PA Pullman, WA Shannon, Ireland Alamo, CA Mountain View, CA Carbondale, CO Lookout Mtn, GA Canton, MA Township, NJ Hatboro, PA Sammamish, WA Rome, Italy Altadena, CA Napa, CA Centennial, CO Roswell, GA Dighton, MA Mount Laurel, NJ Haverford, PA Seattle, WA Amsterdam, Anaheim, CA Newport Beach, CA Denver, CO Savannah, GA Franklin, MA Normandy Beach, NJ Havertown, PA Snoqualmie, WA Netherlands Atherton, CA Novato, CA Durango, CO Suwanee, GA Great Barrington, Piscataway, NJ Holland, PA Spokane, WA Leiden, Netherlands Bakersfield, CA Oak Park, CA Englewood, CO Honolulu, HI MA South Orange, NJ Mifflinburg, PA Tacoma, WA Maastricht, Berkeley, CA Oakland, CA Fort Collins, CO Boise, ID Hopkinton, MA Westfield, NJ Philadelphia, PA Vancouver, WA Netherlands Burbank, CA Orinda, CA Golden, CO Ketchum, ID Lexington, MA Wyckoff, NJ Washington, PA Walla Walla , WA Auckland, NZ Carlsbad, CA Pacific Palisades, CA Littleton, CO Batavia, IL Lowell, MA Armonk, NY West Chester, PA Appleton, WI Dunedin, NZ Claremont, CA Palo Alto, CA Louisville, CO Chicago, IL Mashpee, MA Brooklyn, NY Wexford, PA Beloit, WI Pasadena, CA Chappaqua, NY Palmerston North, NZ Clarksburg, CA Niwot, CO Deerfield, IL Milford, MA Yardley , PA Eau Claire, WI Petaluma, CA Chappaqua, NY Clarens, Switzerland Clovis, CA Pine, CO Evanston, IL Needham, MA Dorado, PR Madison, WI Concord, CA Pleasanton, CA Wheat Ridge, CO Kildeer, IL Newton, MA Garden City, NY East Greenwich, RI Milwaukee, WI Lausanne, Switzerland Corte Madera, CA Portola Valley, CA Darien, CT Lake Forest, IL North Andover, MA Glen Cove, NY Kingston, RI Wauwatosa, WI Lugano, Switzerland Culver City, CA Redlands, CA Fairfield, CT Long Grove, IL North Attleboro, MA Hyde Park, NY Newport, RI Manchester, UK Cupertino, CA Redwood City, CA Glastonbury, CT Peoria, IL Norton, MA Larchmont, NY Nashville, TN Aberystwyth, UK Dana Point, CA Rolling Hills Estates, CA Guilford, CT Schaumburg, IL Salem, MA New Rochelle, NY Allen, TX Bangor, UK Danville, CA Sacramento, CA Lakeville, CT St Charles, IL Springfield, MA New York, NY Austin, TX Belfast, UK Davis, CA Salinas, CA New Canaan, CT Wheaton, IL Sudbury, MA Plainview, NY Coppell, TX Birmingham, UK Del Mar, CA San Anselmo, CA Norwalk, CT Wilmette, ILWinnetka, IL Wellesley, MA Poughkeepsie, NY Dallas, TX Bradford, UK Delano, CA San Bruno, CA Ridgefield, CT Bloomington, IN Wellfleet, MA Rhinebeck, NY El Paso, TX Bristol, UK Diamond Bar, CA San Carlos, CA Stamford, CT Carmel, IN Westford, MA Rochester, NY Frisco, TX Cardiff, UK Dublin, CA San Clemente, CA Waterford, CT Evansville, IN Weston, MA Syracuse, NY Houston, TX Cheltenham, UK

31 HECA Organization

Cheri Barad Pauline Godfrey Joe Bernard President President Elect Past President

Todd Weaver Teo Salgado Maureen Chang Treasurer Secretary Membership Chair

Maureen Chang Chris Holzwarth Kazue McGregor Standards & Ethics Chair Communications Chair Professional Development Chair

Scott S. Garbini Marie Morris Terry Knaus Equity & Access Committee Chair Director at Large Executive Director

Dianne Keilholtz Ellen Kuppersmith Dale Price Regional Coordinators Volunteer Coordinator Webinar Manager

Audrey Slaughter Sandy Lawrence & Jodi Glou & Business Partners & Exhibitors Diane Lomonaco Ellen Kuppersmith Manager 2021 Conference Chairs 2021 College Fair Chairs

Aralyse Johnson Cathy McMeekan Special Projects & Events Administrative Assistant Assistant

Higher Education Consultants Association P.O. Box 9636 Spokane, WA 99209 (800) 662-6775


June 13 - 15, 2022