Federal Register/Vol. 64, No. 39/Monday, March 1, 1999/Notices

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Federal Register/Vol. 64, No. 39/Monday, March 1, 1999/Notices Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 39 / Monday, March 1, 1999 / Notices 10009 (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an appointment. All comments received Program Nos. 93.242, Mental Health Research Environmental Impact Statement. will become part of the administrative Grants; 93.281, Scientist Development record and may be released. Award, Scientist Development Award for SUMMARY: This notice advises the public Clinicians, and Research Scientific Award; that the Fish and Wildlife Service FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 93.282, Mental Health National Research (Service), and the Oregon Department of Contact Jerry F. Novotny at the above Service Awards for Research Training, Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) intend to address and telephone number. Specific National Institutes of Health, HHS) develop an Environmental Impact information regarding National Forest Dated: February 22, 1999. Statement (EIS). The Forest Service will lands may be obtained from Liz Anna Snouffer, also cooperate in the development of the Stevenson-Shaw, Supervisor's Office, Acting Committee Management Officer, EIS. The EIS will consider Federal and Umpqua National Forest, P.O. Box 1008, National Institutes of Health. State actions associated with an ODFW Roseburg, Oregon 97470, 541/957±3391. [FR Doc. 99±4893 Filed 2±26±99; 8:45 am] proposal to restore the recreational Information concerning ODFW fishery BILLING CODE 4140±01±M fishery at Diamond Lake, Oregon. management programs may be obtained ODFW has proposed to treat the lake from Charlie Corrarino, Oregon with rotenone, a fish toxicant, to kill all Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2501 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND fish present, and to restock the lake with S.W. First, Portland, Oregon 97207, 503/ HUMAN SERVICES rainbow trout. The associated actions 872±5252. are: (1) The Service granting Federal Aid National Institutes of Health SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Diamond in Sport Fish Restoration Act Program Lake is located in the Umpqua River funding to ODFW for implementing a Clinical Center; Notice of Meeting basin in Douglas County, Oregon. It is Diamond Lake recreational fishery within the Umpqua National Forest and Pursuant to section 10(a) of the restoration program; (2) the Forest just north of the boundaries of Crater Federal Advisory Committee Act, as Service issuing ODFW a special use Lake National Park. Diamond Lake is a amended (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2), notice permit for access through, and use of, natural lake situated at an elevation of is hereby given of a meeting of the National Forest lands to Diamond Lake 5,182 feet in the Cascade mountains. Board of Governors of the Warren Grant for implementing a recreation fishery The Lake has a surface area of Magnuson Clinical Center. restoration program; (3) ODFW approximately 2, 930 acres and is The meeting will be open to the implementing a Diamond Lake relatively shallow, with a maximum public, with attendance limited to space recreational fishery restoration program. depth of just over 50 feet. Diamond Lake The EIS will also consider any actions available. Individuals who plan to drains into Lake Creek, which empties by other Federal or State agencies that attend and need special assistance, such into Lemolo Reservoir, an impoundment are necessary or appropriate to as sign language interpretation or other on the North Umpqua River. Two other implement a trout fishery restoration reasonable accommodations, should impoundments are located downstream notify the Contact Person listed below program. This notice is being furnished pursuant to the Council on from Lemolo Reservoir on the North in advance of the meeting. Environmental Quality Regulations for Umpqua River. The flow of water from Name of Committee: Board of Governors of Implementing the Procedural Provisions Lemolo Reservoir and the other the Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center, of the National Environmental Policy impoundments is regulated by Executive Committee Meeting. Act (NEPA) Regulations (40 CFR 1501.7 Pacificorp, a public utilities corporation. Date: March 22, 1999. and 1508.22) to obtain suggestions and The lake is a popular recreation Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. destination; as such, it is important to Agenda: Updates on organizational information from other agencies and the planning and budget issues. public on the scope of issues and the economy of southern Oregon. In Place: National Institutes of Health, alternatives to be considered in recent years, the lake's trout fishery has Clinical Center Medical Board Room, 2C116, preparation of the EIS. deteriorated due to competition from tui 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892. DATES: As an opportunity for interested chub (Gila bicolor), an illegally Contact Person: Maureen E. Gormley, persons to comment on the issues and introduced species of minnow. Prior to Executive Secretary, Warren Grant Magnuson alternatives of the EIS, public scoping the introduction of the tui chub, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, meetings are scheduled as follows: Diamond Lake was recognized as a Building 10, Room 2C146, Bethesda, MD premier recreational trout fishery. 20892, 301/496±2897. March 8, Jackson County Public Works Office, 200 Antelope Road, Medford, Growth of the tui chub population has Dated: February 23, 1999. Oregon, 3:30±7:00 p.m.; March 9, ODFW caused a severe decline in the survival LaVerne Y. Stringfield, Regional Office, 4192 N. Umpqua of fingerling rainbow trout and the Committee Management Officer, NIH. Highway, Roseburg, Oregon, 3:30±7:00 subsequent growth of the surviving [FR Doc 99±4928 Filed 2±26±99; 8:45 am] p.m. trout. The same chain of events and BILLING CODE 4140±01±M ADDRESSES: Comments regarding the outcomes occurred in the 1940's and scope of the EIS should be addressed to 1950's, resulting in treatment of the lake Mr. Jerry F. Novotny, U.S. Fish and with rotenone in 1954. Treatment was Wildlife Service, 911 N.E. 11th Avenue, followed by about 40 years of a very DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Portland, Oregon 97232, 503/231±6128. successful trout fishery. Comments should be received on or Two bald eagle and 6±12 osprey pairs Fish and Wildlife Service before March 31, 1999, at the above nest in the vicinity of Diamond Lake Notice of Intent to Prepare an address. Written comments may also be and rely heavily on rainbow trout as a Environmental Impact Statement sent by facsimile to 503/231±6996. food source for both adults and young. Comments received will be available for The reduced survival and abundance of AGENCIES: Fish and Wildlife Service, public inspection by appointment rainbow trout may have a negative effect Interior, Forest Service, Department of during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. on the breeding success of bald eagles Agriculture; and Oregon Department of to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday) at and ospreys since tui chub are much Fish and Wildlife. the above office; please call for an smaller, may be less available, and may VerDate 25-FEB-99 12:42 Feb 26, 1999 Jkt 183247 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\01MRN1.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 01MRN1 10010 Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 39 / Monday, March 1, 1999 / Notices require more catch effort per energy problems in the hatchery system and 1997. The public was given notice of the gained than rainbow trout. will come at a cost to trout production proposal in January, 1998 through the Rapidly increasing tui chub for other fisheries; none is capable of Forest's Schedule of Proposed Actions. populations may be affecting other solving the current management An informational letter with a copy of wildlife populations in and around the problem or restoring the quality of the ODFW proposal was mailed to the lake by severely reducing the fishery desired at Diamond Lake. interested public in January as part of invertebrate food base of the lake. This C. Reduce Tui Chub AbundanceÐTui the agency's external scoping effort. reduced food base affects the entire food chub abundance could be reduced Following the mailing, an Open House chain of the lake, ultimately affecting through extensive netting or partial was held in Roseburg and in Medford, amphibian and reptile populations as treatment of shorelines with rotenone. Oregon, as a continuation of the scoping well as insectivorous birds. The exploitation rate needed to alleviate effort. As a result of the scoping In 1990, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife competition with trout is unknown but performed to date, a number of issues Commission adopted a management is certainly very high. There is no hard have been identified. These include: plan for Diamond Lake which set evidence that partial control of tui (1) Rotenone treatment (if chosen objectives for its trout fishery: an chubs is a feasible fishery restoration alternative) would have an adverse average of 100,000 angler trips annually, strategy; in fact, partial treatments at effect on other components (non-target with a harvest of 2.7 fish per angler trip, Diamond Lake in the 1950s killed species) of the lake biota. and fish averaging 12 inches in length. millions of chubs without relieving the (2) Reducing lake volume (for The annual yield of trout should be effects of competition with chubs. rotenone treatment) would flush/flood about 90 pounds per acre. That objective D. Manage for Different Fishery Lake Creek, the downstream tributary. was based on observed performance of ObjectivesÐInstead of attempting to (3) Effects of high water releases, in the fishery for more than two decades. restore a fishery which meets current the process of lowering Diamond Lake, As tui chubs have become management objectives, a predaceous and added nutrients from rotting fish increasingly abundant, the trout fishery fish could be introduced into the lake to carcasses, could adversely affect the has substantially declined in terms of feed on chubs.
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