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Afanas’evo material culture, 89 Chang, K.C., 8, 9, 26 , 27, 30 , 51f3.5, 57 , 77 , 78 , 87, Alcock, Susan, 292 103 , 110 , 170 , 282, 285 , 286, 407, 408, 419 , Altyn- depe, 88 430 , 443 , 469, 482 An Zhimin, 30 Chang’an, 453 Andronovo Horizon, 89 Changde, 253 Anyi, 437– 38 , 439f8.9. , 477 Changshan, 75 axis mundi, 12 – 13 Chaoge, 355 Chavannes, Edouard, 406 Bactria- Margiana Archaeological Complex Chavín de Huántar, 459 (BMAC), 92 Chemurchek, 93 Bagley, Robert W., 69 , 110 , 311 , 490n4 Chen Pochan, 487n3 Baifu, 357 – 58 Chen Xingcan, 34 , 487n3 Baiying, 132 , 154, 162 Chenggu, 301 – 3 Baligang, 39 Chengzixiancun, 271 Banlashan, 490n11 Chengziya, 224 , 256 Baodun, 151 , 177 Chen- sha , see cinnabar Baoji, 378 – 79 , 380f7.27 , 493n31 Chenxi, 253 Beichuan, 457 Chenzhuang, 363 , 427 Beixin culture, see Dawenkou material culture Chernykh, Evgenii N., 113 Beiyinyangying, 36 , 69 Chifeng, 222 , 256 Beizhao, 342 – 44 , 438 Childe, V. Gordon, 116 Bell, Catherine, 5 Chinese Interaction Sphere, 30 – 32 , 78 Benjamin, Walter, 287 Chongpingyuan, 386 Bi Wan, 437 Chu, 388 – 94 Bianjiashan, 53 cinnabar, 219 Bicun, 145 climate change, 83 – 86 bivalve mold casting, 213 Collingwood, R.G., 26 , 312 Bo Da, 325 Confucius, 321 , 382, 412 , 413 Bo Kuo, 325 Copan, 461 Bo Xie, see Lord Xiefu Dabaozishan, 393 Cahokia, 47 , 56 , 487n1 Dadianzi, 222 – 24 Can Cong, 456 cowrie shells, 222 – 23 , 223f5.18 Cao Dazhi, 495n13 Dadiwan, 76 Central Plains, 13 – 14 , 14f1.3 Dahecun, 73 , 154 Chaganguole, 93 Dahekou, 347 , 375 Chamonix, 410 Dahezhuang, 101 Chang Zi Kou, 493n24 Dahezhuang-Qinweijia, 101


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Dahuazhongzhuang, 101 Emperor Wudi, 450 Daijiawan, 347 , 378 Emperor Zhenzong, 479 Dajing, 222 Empress Wu Zetian, 478 Dantu, 158 Eridu, 56 Dashigu, 216 Erligang, 228 , 241 Dawenkou material culture, 35 – 36 , 60 – 63 Erlitou, 27 , 175 , 189 –93 body modii cations, 54 , 60 acoustic and visual spectacle of ritual, 214 burials, 60 – 62 bronze and turquoise, 204 fermentation techniques, 61 – 62 bronze industry, 201 – 5 from Peiligang, 60 ceramic assemblage, 199 – 201 Daxia, 465 consumption techniques, 205 – 11 Daxinzhuang, 58 , 207, 255 – 56 , 270– 71 , 276 exchange network, 215 – 20, 216f5.16 chronology, 490n5 inl eunce and impact of metal, 211 – 15 Dayangzhou, 274 jade scepters, 198 – 99 Daye- Jiujiang- Huangmei copper mining religious communication, 210 – 11 belt, 252 rise of, 184 – 93 Dayishang, 269 sound and color, 194 – 98 Dazhujia, 60 – 61 stockbreeding, 194 Deloria Jr., Vine, 321 types of related sites, 216 – 17 Dengjiawan, 65 Xia civilization, 227 – 28 Di Cosmo, Nicola, 495n13 Dianhe, 75 , 108 Falkenhausen, Lothar von, 442 , 491n7 , 494n6 Dianzihe, 250 Fan Xuanzi, 351 ding , 5 – 8 , 16 Fanchengdui material culture, 163 nine isles, 17f1.5 fang , 292 nine vessels, 14 Fangjiazhou, 36 Dinggong, 488n7 Fanshan, 51 Dizhu Pillar Rock, 430 Fengchu, 376 –77 , 376f7.25 Donghuishan, 113 Feng-Hao, 327 , 337 Donglongshan, 181 , 218 – 19 , 250 Fengxiang, 393 Dongshancun, 36 , 70 Fengze Symposium, 440 Dongshanzui, 222, 490n11 Fenyin, 476 , 477 Dongxiafeng, 176 – 77 , 217 , 250, 461 First Emperor of , 450, 452 Dongzhao, 216 Flad, Rowan K., 487n3 Dorofeeva- Lichtmann, Vera, 408, 415 , Foucault, Michel, 4 415f8.3 , 445 Fu Bing, 299 Doujitai material culture, 219 , 490n20 Fu Hao, 129 , 295 –97 Du Yu, 456 Fu Sinian, 26 , 40 , 482 Dujiagang, 163 Fu Xi, 299 Dujiangyan, 151 , 306 Fucheng, 221 , 256 Duke Xiang, 365 Fujiamen, 102 Dunhuang, 434 Fuquanshan, 50 Durrant, Stephen, 491n1 , 492n10 Gait of Yu, 406, 407 , 424, 431 , 447 , 455 Early Shijiahe culture, 63 Ganggongling, 49 Emperor Huizong, 479 , 480 Gao Xiangping, 295 Emperor Liu Bang, 453 Gaohong, 291 Emperor Wu, 476 , 477 Gaomiao, 490n10

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Geertz, Clif ord, 418 Huogeqi, 99 Gejiazhuang, 356 Huoshaogou, 99 , 113 , 196 Ginzburg, Carlo, 395 Huoshiliang, 149 Gòng Gō ng, 405 Huozhou, 326 Gongfang, 342 Huozhuangcun, 494n8 Gonghangshan, 424 Gonur Tepe, 91 , 148 imperial tours, 449 – 53 Granet, Marcel, 406 , 407, 408, 415 , 416 , 424, interaction spheres, 83 , 87f4.2 429 , 431 , 447 , 455 , 483 , 494n6 Gu Jiegang, 406, 407 , 494n2 Jettmar, Karl, 97 Guan, 326 Ji Zha, 373 Guan Zhong, 391 , 403 , 35 Guangfulin material culture, 168 , 220 Jiangzhuang, 50 , 63 Guangxi, 422 Jianrui, 184 Guchengzhai, 153 , 154f4.23 , 182 Jiaru, 462 Guifang, 342 Jifang , see Jizhou Gumugou, 94, 95 Jing Shu, 327 Jingjie, 295, 299 Jianye, 487n3 Jingnansi, 219 , 252 Han Weizhou, 227 , 228 Jinsha, 304 , 306 , 457 Hanjiagedan, 141 Jinshengcun, 373 Haochuan, 168 , 169 Jiroft, 88 Harley, J. Brian, 14 Jiubang, 322 Hasanlu IVB, 383 Jiunütai, 473 Haxiu, 150 Jizhou, 411 , 413 He Yuling, 493n23 Juzhi, 385 , 386 Heavenly Mandate, see Mandate of Heaven Hekou, 182 , 479, 480 Hengshui, 347 Karasuk material culture, 295 , 383 Herodotus, 104 , 387 Karasuk-Tagar, 113 highland memory communities, 291 – 94 Kayue material cultures, 297 Hirase, Takao, 406, 473 Kazuo, 358 Holocene 3 Event, 83 , 84 Keightley, David N., 79 , 291 , 310 , 365 , 491n15 , Holocene Climatic Optimum, 83 , 169 491n5 Hongshanmiao, 39 Kern, Martin, 400 Hou Ji, 314 Keshengzhuang Phase II material culture, Hougang, 162 , 267 116 , 180 Houma, 423 King Cheng, 331 , 344, 352 , 371 Hsü, Cho- yun, 492n15 King Di Xin, 260 , 271 Hu Houxuan, 264 King Hui, 390 Hu Shi, 18 King Hui of Qin, 449 Huadizui, 187 – 89 , 221 , 422, 429 King Hui of , 406, 440 , 441 , 472 Huaizhenfang, 250 King Ji Li, 378 Huanbei, 259 – 60 King Jie, 336 Huangniangniangtai, 112 King Kang, 368 Huating, 50, 54 –55 , 63 King Kuai, 472 Huayuanzhuang East, 276 King Mu, 493n32 Huizui, 178 , 185 King Narmer, 4

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King Pan Geng, 260 Lijiaya, 291 , 292 King Qi, 418 Lijiazui, 251 , 252 King Shao Kang, 437 Lin Yun, 493n24 King Tai Kang, 336 , 418 , 492n13 Linduf , Katheryn M., 296 , 492n15 King Wei, 440 Lingjiatan, 43 –44 , 50 , 69 , 70 King Wen, 322 , 341 , 368 , 377 , 437 Lingkou, 493n33 King Wu, 319 , 322 , 326 , 352 Lingyanghe, 60 – 61 , 70 King Wu Ding, 260 , 264 , 270, 276, 279 –81 Linzheyu, 295 King Xiang, 494n37 Liu Bin, 47 King Xuan, 345 Liu Li, 34 , 487n2 , 487n3 King Yi, 459 Liujiahe, 256 King , 369 , 390 , 392 Liujiazhuang, 285 King Zhuang, 220 , 382, 389, 390 Liulihe, 325 , 356 , 357 K’inich Yax K’uk’ Mo’, 461 Liuwan, 76 , 77 , 108 Kohl, Philip L., 87 , 99 Liuzhuang, 236 Kuaiji, 456 Liya, 362 Kunwu, 494n41 Liying, 219 Loehr, Max, 284, 290 , 169 Loewe, Michael, 492n11 Langyatai, 162 Longmen, 414 , 415f8.3 , 430 Laohushan, 148 Longmenshan fault, 457 Laohushan culture, 116 Longqiuzhuang, 488n7 Laoniupo, 272, 295 , 314 Longshan, 82 – 83 Late Shijiahe culture, 63 collapse of, 176 – 79 Leach, Edmund, 352 cowrie shells, 105 – 7 Lee Hui-Shu, 491n10 dif erences from the Sandai metallurgy Leigudun, 368 , 373 , 389 tradition, 112 – 15 li dual origins, 29 as parallel to ding , 8 expansion of lapidary techniques, 107 – 12 Li Chi, 79 Henei Basin towns, 232 Li Daoyuan, 430 , 492n27 highland society, 115 – 16 Li Feng, 228 , 492n18 Huai River Basin and East Coast, 152 – 62 Li Jiansheng, 492n20 Longshan Exchange, 100 Li Ling, 321 , 408, 414 , 415 lowland communities, 152 Liangchengzhen, 106 , 127 , 158 , 159 , 224, 489n13 perspective on landscape, 169 –72 Liangsucun, 250 transmission of botanical knowledge, 102 – 05 Liangzhu transmission of metallurgy, 95 – 100 textile industry, 487n2 writing, 278 Liangzhu material culture Longtouliang, 182 coastal coni guration, 54 – 56 Lord Bai, 426 dif erences from Sandai tradition, 57 – 58 Lord Boqin, 360 , 361 , 362 , 382 distribution of, 55f3.6 Lord Dao, 418 ideology, 49 – 52 Lord Guo, 129 mound center, 45 – 49 Lord Huan, 382 Liaowadianzi, 108 , 182 Lord Jing, 360 Licheng, 437 , 491n4 Lord Ju, 356 lieux de memoire, 371 Lord Kang, 355 , 368 Ligongcun, 361 Lord Kang Shu, 354 , 355 , 358 , 382 , 442

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Lord Ke, 346 , 356 Mazongshan, 488n3 Lord Mu, 364 Meirendi, 47 , 48 Lord Nangong, 353 , 367 , 369, 389 Meishan, 152 Lord Nangong Kuo, 368 Meiyuan, 306 Lord Shu Chu, 326 memory communities, 292 Lord Shu Du, 326 Mengzhuang, 85 , 221 , 256 , 257 Lord Shu Xian, 326 Miaodigou material culture, 38 – 39 , 115 Lord Shu Yu, 381 Miaodigou Phase II material culture, 71 , 74 Lord Su, 345 Miaoxingcun, 308 Lord Tang Shu Yu, 341 , 342 , 346 , 350 , 351 , 357 , Middle Asian Interaction Sphere, 87 , 91 – 94 369 , 462, 492n16 Middle Shijiahe culture, 63 Lord Wu, 438 Mid-Holocene Climatic Optimum, 34 Lord Xian, see Lord Su Miyamoto Kazuo, 487n3 Lord Xiefu, 341 , 343 , 391 Mo of Cai, 351 Lord Yi, 389 , 444 Mogou, 99 , 435 Lord Yú, 366 , 367 Mojiaoshan, 46 –47 , 46f3.4, 58 Lord Yǔ , 368 , 389 Monte Alban, 56 Lord Zeng Hou Yi, 373 Morris, Ian, 409 Lord Zhi, 348 Mound of Shang, see Shangqiu Lord Zhuang, 364 Moundville, 56 Lower Xiajiadian material culture, 222– 24, 256 , Mt. Zhongtiao, 217 292 , 301 multiregional paradigm, 29 –32 Lufu, 326 Mundigak, 88 Lükuangdong, 271 Muye, 322 Lungshanoid Horizon, 30 Luoquanyu, 161 Naimatai, 113 Luorui, 184 , 185 , 422, 429, 430 Nangong Baida, 324 Luoyang, 12 , 337 , 453 Nangong Yú, 384 as axis mundi , 330 – 36 Nanguan, 132 Grand Altar Mound, 426 Nanzhai, 197 Luoyang Basin , 473 landscape and sites, 180f5.1 Niucheng, 273 political development, 179 – 84 Niuheliang, 222 , 490n11 Luoyi, 337 , 338 , 353 North Asian Interaction Sphere, 87 , 88 – 91 Lushanmao, 145 Northern Zone, 222, 383 , 464 , 493n34 Lynch, Kevin, 201 Okunev culture, 146 –47 McCurley, Dallas, 417 oracle bones, 76 – 77 , 154 –55 , 261 , see also Mair, Victor, 495n12 scapulimancy Majiayao material culture, 75 – 76, 108 , 150 Majiayuan, 386 Pace of Yu, 455 , 494n6 Maldives Pankenier, David W., 440 cowrie shells, 488n2 Panlongcheng, 251 – 52, 273 Mandate of Heaven, 2 , 333 , 353 , 363 –65 , 391 , Pauketat, Timothy R., 18 , 22 , 145 393 , 472 , 478 Pazyryk, 104 , 383 , 386, 387 Maojiaping, 362 Peiligang material culture, 33 – 36 Maqiao material culture, 220 Pengtoushan, 36 Mauss, Marcel, 4 , 7 piece- mold casting, 212 , 241

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Pines, Yuri, 4 , 417 , 465 Erlitou and ritual tradition, 211 Pingdingshan, 353 fermentation technique, 53 Pingliangtai, 155 geographic basis, 336 Pingyao, 42 , 45 – 46, 168 highland changes and implications, 69 –70 Possehl, Gregory, 87 historical landscape, 319 – 22 Post- Shijiahe material culture, see Late Shijiahe important components and symbols, 396 – 97 culture landscape, 320f7.4 Prehistoric Chinese Interaction Sphere, 31f2.1 , late fourth and early third millennium bce 42 , 52 , 87 contributions to, 79 Liangzhu inl uences, 56 – 57 Qi, 314 literacy, 276 – 77 Qiang, 124 , 293 , see also Qiang material culture musical tradition, 374 Qiang material culture, 294 perception of metal, 214 – 15 Qianzhangda, 271 , 295 Qin symbolic advantage, 393 Qianzhuang, 250 rivals of, 221 – 22 Qiaomailing, 219 , 252 Shang culinary tradition, 230 Qijia material culture, 78 , 98 , 101 , 108 , 116 , 150, Shang inl uences on material culture, 242 180 , 224 social memory, 467 –68 Qingchuan, 457 Yu's tracks, 397 Qingguanshan, 304 Sanfangwan, 65 Qingliangsi, 73 , 115 , 127 sanke , 370, 493n26 Qingtai, 40 Sanliqiao, 115 Qiu Shihua, 489n6 , 225 , 304 – 5 , 457 Qu Yuan, 405 Sanxingdui-Jinsha, 151 , 152 Qucun, 300 , 345 Sanzuodian, 222 Qufu, 361 – 62 Sarazm, 91 , 92 Qujialing material culture, 63 , 490n10 scapulimancy, 102 , 154 –55 , 194 , 275 – 76 , see also oracle bones Ran Dan, 390 Schachner, Greg, 490n7 Rawson, Jessica, 347 , 370, 371 , 422 Sebillaud, Pauline, 177 , 178, 487n2 Renfang , 271 , 322 Seima-Turbino technological tradition, 95 – 97 ritualization Shaitanskoye Ozero, 171 of food and culinary vessels, 5 –8 Shang, 10 of metallurgy, 8 – 10 alcohol and hallucinogenic agents, 285 –88 of time, place, and space, 10 – 19 Anyang workshops, 262 Rong highland groups, 347 Anyang-centric ideology, 363 –64 Rosen, Arlene, 185 , 410 axis mundi , 268 – 70 characteristics of outposts, 247 – 49 Saimaly- Tash, 93 decline of Early Shang, 257 – 59 Salmony, Alfred, 488n9 ding , 282 – 84 Sandai, 10 – 12 Early Shang expansion, 247f6.7 cattle and rituals during the Shang, 262 Erligang expansion, 246 –57 dif erences from Liangzhu material Henei Basin, 232 – 37 culture, 57 – 58 highland trade, 294 – 95 dif erences from the Longshan metallurgy “index fossil,” 231 – 32 tradition, 112 – 15 Late Shang chronology, 260 domesticated animals, 101 – 2 Late Shang kings, 260 Erlitou inl uences, 225 – 29 li vessels, 239

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liminal places, 300 – 9 Eastern Gate, 142 – 44 , 142f4.19 Middle Shang, 259 Huangchengtai , 140 monopoly of religious jade, 144 – 46 communication, 274 – 76 Ordos exchange network, 144 – 49 mortuary practices, 243 – 44 , 262 –65 Shiniu, 456 musical instruments, 265 – 67 Shixia, 55 – 56 oracle bones, 275 – 76 Shiyan, 182 orientation of architecture and burials, 244, Shu Yi, 364 245f6.6 Shu Yu, 346 , see Lord Tang Shu Yu political marriages, 295 – 300 Shuangdun, 35 , 375 , 425 , 427, 428 regional interactions, 270 – 74 Shuihudi, 455 rise of Zhengzhou and Yanshi, 239 – 41 Shulü, 236 ritual violence, 244 – 46 Shun, 314 , 370 ritualization of ding vessels, 231 Siba material culture, 98, 202 royal centers, 240f6.5 Siberian material culture tradition, 76 state and social memory, 358 – 60 Sichuan Basin waist pits, 244 political development, 149 – 52 Wang Hai, 237 sifang, 269 warrior ethos, 244 – 46 Sima Qian, 382 , 390 , 401 , 441 , 471 writing, 278 – 81 Sipingshan, 487n4 Shang Jia Wei, 269 Siwa material culture, 150 Shang Yang, 440 social memory, 1 , 16 – 18 Shangcai, 326 Su Bingqi, 27 , 30 , 32 , 131 , 407 , 482 Shangqiu, 155 , 236 – 37 , 358 Sufutun, 271 , 295 , 362 Shangwanjialing, 161 Suizhou, 353 Shangyan, 361 Sun Zhouyong, 141 Shantaisi, 155 , 236 , 358 Susa, 56 Shao Jing, 141 Shao Kang Restoration, 336 , 337 , 460 , 461 Tai, 314 Shao Wangping, 27 , 407, 408 , 431 , 432 Taibo, 394 Shaochai, 216 , 492n14 Taihang- Yellow River Belt, 232 Shaohao, 360 Taijiasi, 253 – 54 Shaughnessy, Edward L., 492n11 Tailao, 102 Shenliu, 132 Taixi, 256 , 257 , 278 Shenna, 98 Tang Bo, 492n17 Shepard, Ben, 488n6 Tang Shu. See Lord Tang Shu Yu Sherratt, Andrew, 62 , 72 , 94 , 213 Tang Shu Yu. See Lord Tang Shu Yu Shi Nianshi, 406 Tangluo Route, 303 Shi Yi, 324 Tanjialing, 63 , 163 Shigudun, 219 , 73 , 100 , 113 , 116 – 20, 118f4.6 , 159, 225 , Shigudun foundry, 253 277 , 413 Shigushan, 347 , 378, 379 aura of kingship, 128 –32 Shijiahe, 63 – 69 , 64f3.8 , 163 burials, 118 – 20 burials, 66 crisis and transformation, 132 – 38 pottery cylinders and deep vats, 65 culinary elaboration, 120 – 24 Shilipu, 236 dress and body, 126 – 28 , 100 , 113 , 138 – 44 , 140f4.17 , 221 , 225 , metallurgy, 134 – 36 491n14 muscial elaboration, 124 – 26

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Taosi (cont.) legacy in early imperial China, 482 oracle bones, 134 legacy in Warring States, 471 – 75 writing, 136 Luoyang Basin, 184 taotie, 187 nine ding vessels, 397 Teotihuacan, 461 palimpsest of world visions, 459 –60 Terrenato, Nicola, 173 physical landscape, 22 –25 Thearch Huangdi, 477 ritualization, 4 – 5 Tianheli, 308 Shang period legacies, 309 – 11 Tianhu, 273 , 299 Shang vessels, 231 Tianluoshan, 36 Wenchuan, 456 , 457 Tianma- Qucun, 342 , 344 , 350 , 351 , 357 , 413 Wenfengta, 368 , 389 Tianshanbeilu, 95 , 98 , 99 , 196 Wenjiatun, 487n4 Tianyishang, 269 Wenxian, 423 Tiesanlu bone workshop, 262 Wright, Henry, 50 , 82 Tiki, 50 Wu Hung, 9, 26 Tonggushan, 308 Wu Qi, 336 , 438 , 439 , 440 Tonglin, 159 Wucheng, 273 Tongling, 253 Wugeng, 354 Tongling- Nanling- Fanchang copper mining belt, 253 Xia, 10 Tributes of the Great Yu, see Yugong highland claims to legacy of, 463 – 66 tripods, 32 – 35 legacies, 459 – 63 Tuo, 391 Xia Route, 353 Xia Zhengkai, 185 Upper Erligang, 244 Xiadu, 473 Upper Xiaozhushan cultural assemblag, 487n4 Xiajin, 73 , 107 , 127 , 159 , 195 , 493n27 Xian lineage cemetery, 295 Venerated Texts of the Xia, 492n13 Xiaohe, 93 , 94 , 95 , 99 , 104 , 286 Xiaojiawuji, 163 Wadian, 153 , 154, 182 Xiaoling, 72 Wang, Edward Q., 494n2 Xiaopangou, 179 Wang Chong, 476 Xiaoshuangqiao, 258 – 59, 278 Wang Guowei, 406 Xiaotun, 261 – 62 Wangchenggang, 153 , 182, 333 Xiaotun North, 276 Wangjiazui, 250 Xiapanwang, 132 Wangjinglou, 216 , 250 –51 , 494n41 Xiaqiyuan material culture, 221 , 232 – 36 , 235f6.3 , Wangwan, 39 , 179, 180 257 , 319 Wangwan III, 152 Xia-Shang- Zhou Chronology Project, Wangyin, 35 489n6 Wangyoufang/ Zaolütai, 152 Xiawanggang, 39 , 165 , 167 , 171 , 182 , 219 Wanjiagou, 422 Xiaxu , 412 Wei Hanjin, 479 Xibeigang, 263 –64 , 263f6.12 Wei Jiang, 387 , 437 , 438 Xibo , see King Wen Wei Zi Qi, 358 Xicha, 294 wen ding, 4 , 5 Xichengyi, 98 , 99 , 106 backdrop, 390 , 396 – 97 Xin Shuzhi, 406 cultural historical classii cation, 25 – 28 Xincun, 355 , 356 knowledge foundation of, 227 Xing Tian, 281 landscape classii cations, 22 Xingfuhe, 271

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Xinghuacun, 232 Youyi, 237 Xinghuacun culture, 116 Yu Efu, 319 , 491n3 Xingtang, 386 Yu the Great, 12 , 325 , 335 , 397 – 98 Xinhua, 145 , 148 occult legacy, 453 – 56 Xintian, 477 trans- regional legacy, 456 – 59 Xinyi, 378 Xirang , 427 Xinyuan Ping, 476, 478 Yuanqu, 217 , 249, 461 Xinzhai, 177 , 182 – 84 , 183f5.3 , 215 Yucun, 227 Xinzheng, 389 Yueliangwan, 304 Xinzhuang, 291 , 494n39 Yueshi material culture, 177 , 224, 256 Xipo, 70 , 115 Yueyang, 253 Xishan, 73 Yugong, 28, 397 , 400 – 01 , 412f8.2 Xishicun, 197 ecological crisis, 408 –10 Xisi, 177 Jinnan- centric, 410 – 13 Xizhufeng, 127 , 159 –61 landscape and ritual power, 446 – 48 Xu Hong, 489n5 ritual engagement, 419 – 24 Xu Shen, 491n11 ritual performance, 414 – 19 Xu Xusheng, 26 , 27 , 30 , 227, 228 , 406, 407 , 408, sources of ideology, 408 482 , 495n11 textual tradition, 401 – 5 Xuejiagang, 55 Wei lineage, 436 – 41 Xuyang, 386 , 387f7.28 Yuhui, 155 – 56 , 156f4.25 , 183 Yuji . See Yu’s tracks Ya Jiang, 297 Yumenkou, 430 Yabazhuang, 162 Yuncheng, 217 Yan Wenming, 32 , 66 Yuqiu Shouwang, 477 Yandunshan, 328 Yu’s symposium. See Yuhui Yang Hu, 493n25 Yu’s tracks, 12 , 14 –16 , 15f1.4 , 396 , 397 – 401 , 408, Yangguanzhai, 39 481f9.4 Yanghai, 104 , 286, 387 Erlitou, 462 Yangjiawan, 251 sacred places, 424 – 31 Yangshao dual origins, 29 Zai Kong, 345 Yangshao material culture, 36 , 71 , 75 Zaojiaoshu, 194 Yangshe, 133 Zaolingang, 163 Yangzhuang, 208 Zaoshi, 253 , 308 Yanshi, 238 Zhaimaoliang, 139f4.16 Yao, 373 , 386 , 493n27 Zhaizigedan, 148 Yaowangcheng, 158 , 173 , 224, 452 Zhang Hai, 487n2 Yejiashan, 368 Zhang Li, 487n2 Yi the usurper, 336 Zhangjiapo, 327 Yichuan, 386 Zhangqiu, 358 Yijiabao, 250 Zhao Yang, 373 Yinjiacheng, 159 Zhaojiatai, 326 Yinxintai, 65 Zhaolingshan, 50 Yinxu, 18 , 231 , 260 – 61 , 327 Zhengjiapo, 318 Yique, 430 Zhengzhou Yiquecheng, 40 layout, 241 Yirui, 184 , 189 Shang material culture, 241 – 42 Yo f ee, Norman, 173 Zhengzhumen material culture, 271

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Zhenwubaobao, 305 power consolidation, 326 – 31 Zhenxun, 336 social memory, 365 Zhiguan Corridor, 217 Zhougongmiao, 326 , 378, 379f7.26, 493n30 Zhongguo, 333 Zhoujiazhuang, 132 , 134 Zhongli Lord, 425 – 26 Zhouli, 74 Zhongtiao, 352 Zhouyuan, 131 , 272 , 314 , 326 – 27 , 337 , 492n9 Zhongyu, 333 archaeological landscape, 315f7.1 Zhongyuan , see Central Plains political landscape, 315f7.2 Zhou, 10 Zhu Rong, 389 emplaced social memory and Zhuangbai, 375 , 376 displacement, 375 – 82 Zhuanglang Xujianian, 494n35 fengjian system, 327 Zhudingyuan, 39 highland groups, 383 – 88 Zhukaigou, 149 , 292 mao grass, 391 – 92 Zhuyu, 362 material culture, 316 – 19 Zi Zhi, 472 orality, literacy, and social memory, 366 – 70 Zichan, 318 , 342 , 370, 491n3 origins, 313 – 16 Zidanku, 444 performance, coni guration of things, and Zishang, 269 social memory, 370 – 75 Zongri, 99 , 108 , 127 , 159 political landscape, 353 – 63 Zou Heng, 228 , 232 , 494n41

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