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BOOKS by TRUMAN SCHOLARS As of July 2017 BOOKS BY TRUMAN SCHOLARS As of July 2017 Abrams, Stacey (MS 94) [under the pseudonym Selena Montgomery]: Deception (Avon, 2009) Reckless (Avon, 2008) Hidden Sins (HarperTorch, 2006) Secrets and Lies (Avon, 2006) Never Tell (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2004) The Art of Desire (Harlequin Kimani, 2002) Power of Persuasion (Harlequin Kimani, 2002) Rules of Engagement (Harlequin Kimani, 2001) Acker, Russell (TX 89) Merchants and Guardians: Balancing U.S. Interest in Global Space Commerce (International Space Policy Forum, 1999) Exploring the Unknown Volume IV: Accessing Space: Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2008) with Roger D. Launius Adelson, Wendi (FL 00) This Is Our Story (Carolina Academic Press, 2013) AleXander, Michelle (OR 87) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (The New Press, 2012) Ansolabehere, Stephen (MN 82) American Government: Power and Purpose (Fourteenth Core Edition) (W. W. Norton & Company, 2017) with Benjamin Ginsberg Cheap and Clean: How Americans Think about Energy in the Age of Global Warming (The MIT Press, 2016) with David M. Konisky The End of Inequality: One Person, One Vote and the Transformation of American Politics (W.W. Norton & Company, 2008) with James M. Snyder Jr Going Negative: How Political Ads Shrink and Polarize the Electorate (Free Press, 1996) with Shanto Iyengar The Media Game: American Politics in the Television Age (Longman, 1992) with Roy Behr and Shanto Iyengar Aguiar, Mark (CT 86) The Increase in Leisure Inequality, 1965-2005 (AEI Press, 2009) with Erik Hurst Araiza, William (TX 81) Animus: A Short Introduction to Bias in the Law (NYU Press, 2017) Enforcing the Equal Protection Clause: Congressional Power, Judicial Doctrine, and Constitutional Law (NYU Press, 2016) Questions and Answers: The First Amendment (LeXisNeXis, 2015) with Russell Weaver First Amendment Law; Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion, 3rd ed. (LeXisNeXis, 2014) with A.D. Hellman & T.E. Baker Skills and Values: Constitutional Law (LeXisNeXis, 2013) with Thomas Baker Constitutional Law: Cases, History and Practice, 4th ed. (LeXisNeXis, 2011) with M. Isabel Medina The First Amendment: Cases, History and Dialogues (LeXisNeXis, 2002) with Phoebe Haddon, Dorothy Roberts, & John Knechtle Constitutional Law: Cases, History and Practice, 2nd ed. (Anderson Publishing Company, 1999) with Donald Lively, Phoebe Haddon, Dorothy Roberts, & Russell Weaver Auguste, Byron (AZ 87) The Economics of International Payments Unions and Clearing Houses: Theory and Measurement (Palgrave Macmillan, 1997) Babcock-Lumish, Brian (MD 01) Uniformed, not Uniformed? The Apolitical Myth (Military Review, 2013) Baird, Ross (GA 06) The Innovation Blind Spot: Why We Back the Wrong Ideas-and What to Do About It (BenBella Books, 2017) Barber, Lucy (WA 84) Marching on Washington: The Forging of an American Political Tradition (University of California Press, 2004) Basu, Sanjay (IL 01) The Body Economic: Why Austerity Kills (Basic Books, 2013) with David Stuckler Baugh, Joyce (SC 79) The Detroit School Busing Case: Milliken v. Bradley and the Controversy over Desegregation (University Press of Kansas, 2011) Supreme Court Justices in the Post-Bork Era: Confirmation Politics and Judicial Performance (Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2002) The Real Clarence Thomas: Confirmation Veracity Meets Performance Reality (Peter Lang international Academic Publishers, 2000) with Christopher E. Smith Changing Supreme Court: Constitutional Rights and Liberties (Cengage Learning, 1996) with Thomas R. Hensley & Christopher E. Smith Beerbohm, Eric (CA 97) In Our Name: The Ethics of Democracy (Princeton University Press, 2012) Bellia, Anthony (NY 89) Federalism (Aspen Publishers, 2011) Page | 2 The Law of Nations in United States Courts (OXford University Press, 2013) with Bradford R. Clark Bilich, Edward (Ted) (CT 84) Class Actions and Other Multi-Party Litigation: Cases and Materials (West Group, 2000) with Robert H. Klonoff Botsford, Lindsay (OH 01) Deja Review Family Medicine 1st & 2nd ed. (McGraw-Hill Medical, 2007/2011) with Mayra Perez & Winston Liaw Boughey, Lynn (ND 77) Mission to Chara (North American Heritage Press, 2001) An Introduction to North Dakota Constitutional Law: Content and Methods of Interpretation (North Dakota Law Review, 1987) Effective Research and Legal Writing (Western Dakota Association of Legal Assistants, 1986) Harry Potter and the Art of Spying (Wise Ink Creative Publishing, 2014) with Peter Earnest Branstetter, Lee (KY 89) Globalization and Technology Absorption in Europe and Central Asia: The Role of Trade, FDI, and Cross-Border Knowledge Flows (World Bank Publications, 2008) with Itzhak Goldberg, John Goddard, & Smita Kuriakose Brown, Christopher (IA 85) Tropic of Kansas (Harper Voyager, 2017) Brown, Jeremy (IA 98) City Versus Countryside in Mao’s China: Negotiating the Divide (Cambridge University Press, 2012) Shengli de Kunjing: Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo de Zuichu Suiyue (Chinese University Press, 2011) Dilemmas of Victory: The Early Years of the People’s Republic of China (Harvard University Press, 2010) Brown, Tomiko (SC 91) Courage to Dissent: Atlanta and the Long History of the Civil Rights movement (OXford University Press, 2011) Buchholtz, Todd (NJ 81) The Price of Prosperity: Why Rich Nations Fail and How to Renew Them (Harper, 2016) Rush: Why You Need and Love the Rat Race (Hudson Street Press, 2011) Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office: Essential Wisdom from the Twentieth Century’s Greatest Entrepreneurs (HarperBusiness, 2009) Page | 3 New Ideas from Dead CEOs: Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office (HarperBusiness, 2007) The Castro Gene (Oceanview Publishing, 2007) Bringing the Jobs Home: How the Left Created the Outsourcing Crisis-and How We Can Fix It (Sentinel HC, 2004) Market Shock: 9 Economic and Social Upheavals That Will Shake Your Financial Future – and What to Do About Them (HarperCollins Publishers, 2000) New Ideas From Dead Economists: An Introduction to Modern Economic Thought (Plume, 1999) From Here to Economy: A Shortcut to Economic Literacy (Plume, 1996) Buckwalter-Poza, Rebecca (NC 09) 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation (Simon and Schuster, 2009) with James Carville Calandrelli, Emily (WV 08) Ada Lace, on the Case (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2017) Cámara Fuertes, Luis Raúl (PR 88) The Phenomenon of Puerto Rican Voting (University Press of Florida, 2004) Cardona, Sofía (PR 80) El Libro de las Imaginadas (University of Puerto Rico, 2008) La Habitacion Oscura (Terranova Editores, 2007) Cerami, Ethan (NJ 91) XML for Bioinformatics (Springer, 2005) Web Services Essentials (O’Reilly Media, 2002) Chatelain, Marcia (IL 00) South Side Girls: Race and Gender in Chicago, 1890-1950 (Duke University Press Books, Forthcoming 2015) Chattopadhyay, Jacqueline (CA 04) Outsiders No More? Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation (OXford University Press, 2013) with Jennifer Hochschild, Claudine Gay, and Michael Jones-Correa Chollett, Derek (NE 92) The Long Game: How Obama Defied Washington and Redefined America’s Role in the World (PublicAffairs, 2016) The Road to the Dayton Accords: A Study of American Statecraft (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) The Unquiet American: Richard Holbrooke in the World (PublicAffairs, 2011) with Samantha Power America Between the Wars: From 11/9 to 9/11 (PublicAffairs, 2008) with James Goldgeier Too Poor for Peace?: Global Poverty, Conflict, and Security in the 21st Century (Brookings Institution Press, 2007) edited volume with Lael Brainard Page | 4 Global Development 2.0: Can Philanthropists, the Public, and the Poor Make Poverty History? (Brookings Institution Press, 2008) edited volume with Lael Brainard Bridging the Foreign Policy Divide (Routledge, 2007) edited volume with Tod Lindberg & David Shorr Clayton, Cornell (UT 83) The Politics of Justice: The Attorney General and the Making of Legal Policy (M.E. Sharpe, 1992) Government Lawyers: The Federal Legal Bureaucracy and Presidential Politics (University Press of Kansas, 1995), edited volume Civility and Democracy in America: A Reasonable Understanding (Washington State University Press, 2013) edited volume with Richard Elgar Governing Washington: Politics and Government in the Evergreen State (Washington State University Press, 2011) edited volume with Nicholas P. Lovrich Washington State Government and Politics (Washington State University Press, 2004) edited volume with Lance T. Leloup & Nicholas P. Lovrich Supreme Court Decision-Making: New Institutional Approaches (University of Chicago Press, 1999) edited volume with Howard Gillman The Supreme Court in American Politics: New Institutionalist Interpretations (University Press of Kansas, 1999) edited volume with Howard Gillman Cooper, Alison (OK 83) How to Prepare a Standout College Application: Expert Advice that Takes You from LMO to Admit (Jossey-Bass, 2013) with Anna Ivey Coughlin, Kathryn (KY 94) Muslim Cultures Today: A Reference Guide (Greenwood, 2006) Deegan-Krause, Kevin (WI 88) The Structure of Political Competition in Western Europe (Routledge, 2013) with Zsolt Enyedi Elected Affinities: Democracy and Party Competition in Slovakia and the Czech Republic (Stanford University Press, 2006) Dell, Melissa (OK 04) College Matters Guide to Getting Into the Elite College of Your Dreams (McGraw- Hill, 2004) with Jacquelyn Kung & Joanna Chan Dively, Dwight (WA 78) Benefit-Cost Analysis in Theory and Practice (Harpercollins
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