VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE of Britain Wednesday 19th May 2021

Parish Pilgrimage Due to the ongoing pandemic we have been forced to cancel our pilgrimage plans for last year and this coming year. We have teamed together with Cathedrals across britain to bring together our frst virtual pilgrimage! It is our hope that as a parish we can come together spiritually to deepen our understanding of the kingdom of God.

What to expect...

We will meet with Clergy and stewards from Cathedrals across Britain. They will tell us the history of their , Its life of prayer, mission, ministry and their experience of the pandemic. The pilgrimage journey will be accompanied with Prayer services & the Eucharist.

How it will work…

The Pilgrimage will be broadcast via our YouTube Channel. Simply follow our timetable of services as outlined overleaf using the Pilgrimage tab at top of our Channel homepage.

Cathedrals of Britain?

Abbeys and Cathedrals are ancient footmarks that trace the history of society through our holy places. Most were at one time the focal point of their community and remain so today.

For more information contact Ethan via Timetable

10am Welcome & Introduction by Ethan Glackin-McColgan. Pilgrimage Blessing by The Rev’d Dr Alan Everett.

10.30am Morning Prayer & lighting of Pilgrim Candle led by The Rev’d Steve Penrose.

11am by The Very Rev’d Andrew Nunn, & The Very Rev’d Jay Colwill, Missioner.

11.30am Wakefeld Cathedral by Gillian Bunn, Community Outreach Ofcer & The Very Rev’d Simon Cowling, Dean.

12.00pm by The Very Rev’d Robert Titley, Canon Treasurer.

2pm Armagh Cathedral, N. Ireland by Leigh Vage, Cathedral Steward & The Very Rev’d Shane Forster, Dean.

2.30pm Prayer of Intercession led by Angie Sharma, Churchwarden.

3pm by The Very Rev’d Canon Nicola Stanley, Canon & Peter Wagstaff, Cathedral Tour Guide.

3.30pm Pause & Ponder led by Rev’d Cathy Wiles.

4pm St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh by The Very Rev’d John Conway, Provost & The Very Rev’d Dr Marion Chatterley, Vice Provost,

6pm Evening Prayer led by Wendy Stephens, Licensed Lay Minister (Pastoral).

6.30pm by The Rev'd Kevin Walton, Canon Chancellor.

7pm Cathedral by The Rev’d Michael Hempel, Vice-Dean and Precentor

7.30pm Eucharist celebrated by The Rev’d Dr Alan Everett.

8pm Night Prayer led by Daniel Glackin-McColgan, Reader in Training.

8.30pm Extinguishing of Pilgrim Candle led by Ethan Glackin-McColgan.

8.40pm Blessing by The Rt Rev’d Christopher Chessun, of Southwark.