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Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 08, November 18, 1936

Rollins College

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STARS Citation , "Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 08, November 18, 1936" (1936). The Rollins Sandspur. 473. "*-^^=^S"

Florida's Editorials Oldest College The Tars March On Newspaper miiim aniispur These Freshmen! (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1936 (Complete Campus Coverage) CONCERT SERIES New Yorkers Build Little 'Utopia' of Individualism STUDENTS VOTE TO WILL BE GIVEN GO TO TAMPA GAME BY CHAPEL CHOIR IN MOTORCADE TRIP

To Appear in the Important THE FLAMINGO THE TOMOKAN WiU Form Friday Afternoon Cities Throughout the The Flamingo, Student Liter­ The studio will be open all day On Holt Avenue At State ary publication, is on sale at the Thursday for the benefit of 3 O'clock Bookery, which is on the cor­ those who have not had their DIRECTED Bt HONAAS ner of E. Park Avenue and New pictures made, or seen their TO HAVE POLICE HELP England Avenue. proofs. Considered One of the Finest A window display has been The Tomokan staff requests Physician, Repair Car To Be Organizations on Campus dedicated to this magazine. your cooperation. Taken Along

Professor Christopher 0. Honaas, At the student assembly Monday director of the Rollins Chapel morning, it was voted that a motor­ Choir, has recently announced that cade would be formed to go to the during the coming season the choir Tampa game this Friday. will give several concerts in the y,OFO,w,io ROLLINS WILL The motorcade will form on Holt more important cities of the state. Avenue at 3 P. M., Friday after­ On January 17th, immediately noon, and will leave for Tampa as following the usual morning medi­ soon thereafter as possible. Box tation in the chapel, the choral FEAIURE FILM OFFER HONOR lunches will be provided by the group will leave for Jacksonville, Commons for all those going. where they will be heard in the All the students owning cars first of these concerts. On Feb­ The .-.pint of back-to-the-soil met yesterday evening after Bean­ ruary 14th they will motor to Palm HI 1 u£?Red individualism is excm- ery to receive final plans and in­ Beach to give a Sunday evening plif'ed at Suffern, N Y, where a structions from the committee-in- concert there, and on February 28th siTijlI conimunit> ot 40 acres, charge. All passengers are expect­ Sponsored By The Orlando- sun ted in 1035 by Ralph Bor- Five Awards at $6,000 Each, the group is scheduled to be heard Winter Park Branch sodi, 1= making good on its own. ed to share the fuel expense of the at Tampa. Tentative plans have Upper left photo shows com­ Or $1,500 a Year, To car in which they ride. also been made for a trip to St. munity tenants building one of Be Given Tickets for the game are to be Petersburg. THE HUMAN ADVENTURE the m:iny substantial homes, obtained through Mr. Ward at the wliile the one upper light shows Treasurer's Office before leaving. Later in the season the choir will a woman member of the com­ 79 SCHOOLS SELECTED again be heard at Mt. Dora, where Picture Produced By The Uni­ munity weaving clothing mate- They are being sold at the student their one out-of-town concert of versity of Chicago iials Women in the colony are rate of 40c. last year was so enthusiastically taught to manage a home, put About Half of Schoos Located The motorcade will be accom­ applauded. up fruits and vegetables, and In New England panied by a police car, a physi­ The Orlando-Winter Park Branch iew and weave. The whole the­ The choir, which was first insti­ cian's car and a repair car to pro­ of the American Association of ory of the colony is utilization Rollins College is offering five tuted on the campus for the dedi­ University Women is presenting on of the assets at hand Lower vide utmost safety while enroute. cation service of the chapel in 1932, left HUP of the new homes national honor scholarships valued At Tampa, after all cars have been December 1 one of the outstanding at $6,000 each, or $1,500 a year, is now beginning its fifth year of events of the entire year. refueled, the motorcade will pro­ to the seniors in a selected num­ ceed to , where a spe­ service and inspiration. Generally It is the first showing in Cen­ ber of private schools. 79 schools cial lot has been provided for the considered one of the finest organi­ tral Florida of "The Human Ad­ in eighteen states have been chos­ orderly parking of Rollins Cars. A zations on the Rollins campus, the venture", an eight-reel talking pic­ COMMENT RELATIONS CLUB STUDENT PLAYERS en to nominate candidates. About special section of the bleachers has choir under the able direction of ture which sketches the rise of half of the schools are located in also been reserved for the Rollins Mr. Honaas is gaining recognition man from savagery to civilization. ON THE New England. Continued on page 2, col. 3) throughout the country as an ex­ The picture was produced by the Under the terms of the awards, ceptional choral group. Oriental Institute of the Univer­ HOLDS MEEIING WILL GIVE PHy applicants will be restricted to A great deal of the work ren- sity of Chicago and is being shown WEEKS NEWS senior boys in the schools selected. (Continued on page 2, col. B) in a limited number of cities in Students Will Present "Her By FRED LIBERMAN The scholarships, which are being various parts of the country. It Discuss Civil War in Spain Husband's Wife" offered this year for the first will be shown at the Baby Grand From Rebel Viewpoint time, will be awarded on the basis Theatre in Winter Park. Election Aftermath MRS. CAMPBELL SPEAKS FRANCES HYER DIRECTS of character and moral leadership, mm RECEIVES The Human Adventure", re­ Enheartened by the results of scholarship, and athletic or other quiring more than three years to the recent election, General Motors "Her Husband's Wife", the first extra-curricular activities. SPEAKS IN GHAPEL At 7:30 on Thursday, Nov. 12, complete, was produced under the and Chrysler, together with hun- the International Relations Club play to be given by the Dramatic Whenever possible applicants scientific supervision of Dr. James drds of other firms announced met in Caroline Fox dormitory. Art Department this term, will be will be interviewed in person by a "Christians Divided' Is Sub­ H. Breasted, famous archeologist wage increases and extra diivdends. The topic under discussion was produced Thursday evening, No­ representative of Rollins College. ject of Sermon and historian, and Director of the One hundred and thirty dollars will vember 19, at 8:15 o'clock in the Groups of candidates will be in­ Mrs. Connor Presents Three ogical organization in the world. e current Civil War in Spain. be added to the income of a mil­ Mrs. Campbell, professor of Laboratory Theatre in Recreation vited to meet a committee of rep­ Hundred Volumes Direction and narration of the film lion men and women working in Hall. resentatives of Rollins College in PARKER GIVES READING is by his son, Charles Breasted, Spanish at Rollins this year, spoke stores, factories and business in­ to the group from the angle of the This production should not he (Continued on page 2, col. 2) (Continued on page 2, col. 5) stitutions. confused with the plays presented Mr. A. Buel Trowbridge deliv­ ALSO BEQUEATHS $1,000 Rebellious Army. In giving a brief ered the sermon in the Knowles outline of the history of the coun­ Fitting in with this general busi­ by the Rollins Student Players in ness revival of last week comes the Annie Russell Theatre. Those French Club Holds Memorial Chapel on Sunday, No­ A valuable collection of nearly Tampa Rollins Club try, Mrs. Campbell showed that vember 15. 300 volumes from the library of the news that there are now six are extra-curricular activities open Meeting Tuesday at Invites Students To Spain was not united until the time As Associate Professor of Reli­ the late Jeannette Thurber Connor million less unemployed than there to all students. On the other hand, of Ferdinand and Isabella. Fun­ Madame Bowman's gion and Ethics, Mr. Trowbridge has recently been added to the Rol­ Dinner Before Game were when President Roosevelt was the plays in the Laboratory Thea­ damentally the Spaniards do not was well qualified to speak on lins College Collection of Flori­ inailig^urated in 1933, and it is an­ tre represent the class work that A meeting of the French Club think alike and the present upris­ "Christians Divided". diana, according to an announce­ The Rollins Club of Tampa under ticipated that another million will is being done to train the students was held at the home of Madame ing is only proving this fact. Citing the parable of the four ment made by W. F. Yust, libra­ the leadership of President Eliza­ find employment by the end of the who are taking courses offered by Bowman at eight o'clock, Tuesday The government which was set blind men feeling different parts rian of the College. beth (Missy) Davis, invites all year. the Dramatic Art Department. night. The election of officers was up after the deposition of King Al­ of an elephant, each getting a Rollins students and friends to an With business reported at its best In this particular play, that is to held and a discussion was carried Mrs. Connor, during her life­ fonso was democratic in principle. completely different picture of the informal, dutch dinner preceding for six years, the President will be presented tomorrow evening, the on concerning future plans for the time, was actively interested in the It strove to better the system of whole. Professor Trowbridge com­ the Rollins-Tampa football game start his second term more confi­ work has been done by students of club. literary and historical programs of education and started a system of pared it to our divers ways of ex­ Friday night, November 20th. The dent than ever. He plans a pos­ four different classes; namely, the Rollins College. She was a mem­ (Continued on page 2, col. 3) This club is open for member­ pressing our Christian beliefs. ber of thc Allied Arts Society and .er will be held at Lander's sible revised NRA, or perhaps a (Continued on page 2, col. 6) ship to all students of French. All Describing a communion service was associated with Irving Bachel­ Coffee Shop in connection with bill incorporating only some of the interested are urged to attend. in which German, French, Ameri­ ler in the historical contest he the Bayview Hotel on Jackson Rollins Professor principle features of the invali­ can and Chinese took part, he said: esUblished in 1920. Street, at 6 p. m. Price 50c up. To Deliver Paper at dated codes. He further intends Informal Meeting to reorganize the federal govern­ Service To Be Held "When this world achieves perfect In order to encourage the work Of Student Council Science Meeting ment; that is, to broaden and mod­ love, it will heal and be healed". being done at Rollins College in In Knowles Chapel Province Commander ernize it. He will continue his Held November 10 Mr. Trowbridge concluded by Florida history she left in her will A paper on the subject "Cellu­ "good neighbor" policy in regard Thanksgiving Day quoting a short prayer with a pow­ »1,000 as an endowment fund, the Of Gamma Phi Beta lose of Spanish Moss", written by to foreign relations, and will pos­ An informal meeting of the Stu­ erful meaning, "Oh, God, we are income from which is expended for Visits Local Chapter Dr. Louis E. Wise and Abe Meer sibly seek an amendment to the dent Council was held on Novem­ The annual Thanksgiving assem­ all hypocrites—help us to be less the purchase of Florida history of Rollins College, will be delivered Constitution to widen the powers ber tenth. bly program will be held in the hypocritical." material. Gamma Phi Beta announces at the annual meeting of the Flor­ of Congress. It was decided that the original Knowles Memorial Chapel on Wed­ The readings were given by Pa­ Her step-granddaughter, Bar­ with pleasure the arrival of Mrs. ida Academy of Science at Stetson date for the Christmas Chapel nesday, November 25, at 10:00 tricia Guppy, Paul Parker and bara Connor, was graduated from J. E. Younger in Winter Park. University Friday and Saturday, The Seamen's Strike Service be set aside since that date Helen Keywan. Rollins last sprinjr. Mrs. Younger is from Alexandria, November 20 and 21. The paper Shipping circles breathed a lit­ conflicts with a concert to be giv­ Dean Charles A. Campbell will Virginia, and has been recently ap­ by the Rollins scientists will be tle easier last week when the strik­ en by the Winter Park Symphony deliver an address on a subject Mr. Pirzio-Biroli pointed the new Province Director read at the Saturday morning ses- ers on the Pacific Coast agreed to Orchestra. closely pertaining to Thanksgiving. German Club Plans And Miss Lima Talk for Alpha Mu. (Continued on page 2, col. 4) The new date decided on is Mon­ The choir, under the direction of To Meet Bimonthly Mrs. Younger arrived Thursday Dr. Wise is professor of organic day, December 14th. Christopher 0. Honaas, will present For Coming Season About Own Countries 3rning and she left Monday. Mrs. chemistry at Rollins and Meer is Open Letter From The Christmas Chapel Service the 50th Psalm by Cesar Franck, a graduate who received his mas­ will be held in the Knowles Memo­ and "Glory, Praise, and Power" Younger pledged Gamma Phi at President Holt Last Tuesday, Nov. 10. Miss the University of Seattle, Wash. ter's degree in chemistry last June. rial Chapel. from Litany in B flat by Mozart. One of the organizations which helps its members to understand Sylvia Lima and Detalmo Pirzio- At no distant time we shall better a foreign nation and its na­ Biroli (Bingo) entertained the be ready to proceed with work tive tongue is the German Club. Ocala Women's Club with short Staff Member Interviews Andre Billy for the beautification of the Staff Member Applauds Freshmen on talks about their home countries. five patios connected with the The first and third Tuesdays of Miss Lima spoke mainly about On His Impressions of American Ways five new dormitories. It has Their Entertainment of Last Fridayeac h month are the dates on which the customs of her native land and been suggested to me by some this association meets in the K. A. spent some time defending it as By Staff Member Superieure, the highest institu­ of the students that it might be By Staff Member moment. Mal Corlies portrayed House at 7:30 o'clock. Although one of the major world powers. Andre Billy had not thought of tion of learning in France, which admirable to get suggestions To say that the program put on the energetic waiter who delight­ membership is open to all of those who are interested in either Ger­ Mr. Pirzio-Biroli made clear the coming to America until his Eng­ has 600 applicants each year and from the faculty and from the by the freshman class last Friday ed in annoying the customers. man or Germany, it is advisable to reasons responsible for Italy's re­ lish professor at the University of accepts only 25. Study at Rollins student body. night was good is putting it mild­ Down to the waist he was Harlem ly. My dear rats, it was pipping! in person, and the rest of him was have a working knowledge of the cent actions, and stated that what Lille told him that scholai-ships is child's play compared to that at I am sure Mr. Brown will be It is a pleasure to speak thusly to all bow-legs in shorts. Ray Hickok language as all the conversation Italy wants is peace, at any cost— were available for a year at an Andre's school. The rising hour delighted to receive any sugges­ this class which has had its share surely pulled a good one and he is held in this tongue. hence armed peace. He maintain­ .American university or college. is 5:30, and the time between 6 tions for the completion and of ribbing so far. We of last had us all thoroughly fooled for a ed that any other plans for worlfJ Because he plans to teach Eng­ A. M. and 8 P. M. is spent in beautification of these patios, Besides the usual offices, which year's class who were quite puffed while there. Then there was that peace were absolutely senseless lish in Fi-ance, Andre thought that classes and studying, with one hour whether they involve masonry, are all filled by students, there are up about our own performance are daring, dashing chorus of beauti­ with relations between powers what a year here would be the best way for recreation. paths, tiling, statues, shrubbery two faculty members, namely, Dr. completely outdone and make many ful, bloomered gals. It isn't many they are today. to learn the language. His only There is no time to think of any­ or a general planting. Of course Feuerstein and Professor Sheldon, allahs to your talent. places that a chorus gets such ap­ the new language instructor from Tea was served after the pro­ previous knowledge of English was thing but studies, because teaching any suggestions must not in­ The show itself took place in a plause that they are required to Austria. The purpose of this or­ gram, and the speakers were in­ gained when at sixteen he spent positions in France are becoming volve outlays that will be un­ night club which was broadcasting give an encore, but they did. ganization can best be cited as troduced to the many members of six weeks living with a family in more difficult to obtain, and the reasonable expenditures. its music and floor show over the this: "A Society on the Rollins the club and their friends. London. competition is great. The atmos­ Please make any suggestions Personally, I cared for that lit­ air. Bob Beldon, as master of tle playlet of the king, queen, campus which promotes a better John Homan II acted as chair- For the last two years Andre has phere is completely intellectual of riting to Mr. ceremonies had certainly "master­ princess, stranger, and page. I understanding of German and of wan during the forum and intro­ been at a school preparing students necessity because general excel- ed" the art, and gave us not a dull (Continued on page 2, col. 3) Germany." duced the speakers. for entrance into L'Ecole Normale (Continued on page 2, col. 1) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, j93fi THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR Dr. Franklin, Foremost Authority on Eduard Adamek Is Last of the Foreign COLLEGE WOMEN CAMPBELL GIVES COMMENT Ammoniums, Gives Talk at Dr. Holt's Students To Be Interviewed For Paper ON THE TO PRESENT FILM CHAPEyDDRESS Dr. Franklin tapped his fascinat­ eagerly asked one of the students (Continued from page 1, col. 1) (Continued from page 1, col. 3) (Continued from page 1, col. 7) ing looking cigarette holder of science who had gathered to­ WEEKS NEWS against the ash tray. "You see," gether at President Holt's home yond the age of twenty-eight. In I Very wisely Ed carries around in the rebuilding of a civilization Stone Age village at the bottom many cases such training is most with him a miniature Czechoslova- and the remains of an early he said, "I first became a scientist last Wednesday the 18th to meet in which our dreams and ideals (Continued from page 1, col. 4) when as a boy my brother and I the eminent scientist. inconvenient, especially when it kian-English dictionary, which he may become actual. The making Christian temple at the top; wea means that poor boys must wait pulls out of his pocket every time ed the movement, branding it pons made by Stone Age man were given a microscope and "I got the hunch from a stu­ of this physical earth required in­ scoured the neighboring country­ dent," Dr. Franklin confessed, "who until they have completed it, before he gets stuck for a word. numerable millions of years. The an outlaw strike. wheat from the days of Joseph they can relieve their families of The last inevitable question was Another sign of the failure of the stables of King Solomon; ant side for interesting things to study observed in an experiment that am. creation of a human society cannot under the lens, even going so far monia had properties analogous to the burden of supporting them. whether he liked American girls, be consumated by the waving of the strikers was evident. Joseph many other archeological finds of Because of the scarcity of jobs and because all the others had Curran, the strike leader, made importance to the historian of an­ as to ask the kindly woman next water from the fact that ammonia a magic wand. We need patience door if she would oblige us with crystallized in a manner similar to many of these young men have gone into long discourses on this and courage, and happy is the man vigorous efforts to get all thi cient man. topic, Ed dismissed the subject a louse, which she readily con­ that of crystallization of water." remained in the army and gradual­ who is willing to devote his life strikers on duty as pickets on th' Ends With Persepolis ly worked their way up to the po­ with the reply, "Oh, yes. They are water front, indicating a shortage sented to do." Dr. Franklin went on, pointing out to the realization of good-will and The film ends with the first pr how easily it would be to form the sition of officers, where they can more gay than ours in Czechoslo­ brotherhood. in the ranks. Dr. Franklin made secure an­ earn enough money to live decent- vakia." Dr. Rexford Guy Tugwell Resigns fessional cinematic record ev other cigarette in the amber hold­ theory that on Saturn and some of "Do not let the day pass without made on standard size film of the planets the atmosphere and When Dr. Rexford Guy Tugwell er, and smiled, for well he might. ly. thinking through the rich gifts Persepolis, the capital of the Per the people themselves would be resigned his position as Under- He is one of the country's fore­ As regards Cezchoslovakian edu­ which have been bestowed on you; sian Empire built by Darius tht made of various compounds and Secretary of Agriculture, President most scientists and authority on cation in comparison with ours— THEATRE GROUP faithful friendships, parental care, Great about 500 B. C. Here tht mixtures of ammonia and that the Roosevelt, after praising his work, the subject of ammoniums. Dr. all schools are run by the state, the glory of the world, of which Institute's Persian Expedition ammonia man would breathe nitro­ expressed the hope of seeing Tug' Franklin was born in Kansas, and are for the most part for boys you are a part, and the opportuni­ makes its headquarters in the gen instead of oxygen. Looking PRESENTS PLAY well back in governmnet service studying at the University of Kan­ or girls alone. In those rare cases ties and privileges which are ac­ constructed harem of Darius. around at the puzzled and skepti­ (Continued from page 1, col. 5) later when needed. sas and then at Hopkins. He did of co-ed schools, contact between cessible to you in our beloved monuments, the great columns and cal faces of the faculty and stu­ boys and girls is almost non-exis­ forgets her health in an effort to America." Dr. Tugwell is not returning to research work in Germany with the carved stairways of the Pal; his brother Will, who was a former dents. Dr. Franklin sighed. "Yes, tent. There are special corridors keep her husband away from Emily The service was conducted in the the professorship he once held at of Darius, shown in the film, ; Professor of Physics here at Rol­ I know how you feel. When ob­ through which the girls must pass Ladew who, righteously indignant, usual manner with students in Columia University. Instead, he among the finest examples of art lins, on the subject of metal mines. servers ask me concerning my on their way to the short recess does her best to attract Stuart. charge of all parts of it except the turning to Wall Street, where he and architecture in the world anc He has been president of the elaborate apparatus and question period between classes. There are In the end, however, Irene's sermon and the Benediction which will become an executive vice-presi­ are rivaled only by the glories American Chemical Society. me as to the purpose of my efforts, no boarding schools, and thus so­ brother saves the day by marry­ was given by Dean Campbell. The dent of the American Molasset of the Acropolis. I reply, 'to obtain a raise in sal­ cial contact between students is at ing Emily, the Randolph family is alumni that took part in the ser­ Company. "Just how did you hit on your "The Human Adventure" repre ary'." a minimum, because they arrive restored to happiness and Uncle vice were as follows: Robert Rob- The leading "brain truster" of theory of ammonia Dr. Franklin?" sents a new and entirely unique for classes in the morning and re­ John Belden looks with pride on i ertson, 34, read the President's the Roosevelt Administration, tar form of motion picture. Never be turn home as soon as school is over his accomplishment. Proclamation; Blanche Fishback, get for numerous attacks by New in the afternoon. '35, read the Scripture; and Miss Deal critics, had refused to leave fore has the work of the archeolo George Call almost stole gist and the historian been present CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Ed has been rather surprised at show with his extremely accurate Clara Butler read the Litany. his job under the fire of the cent political campaign. Now that ed so forcibly and graphically, it the comparatively large percent of characterization of Uncle John Bel is said. It not only presents a the smoke of battle has cleared, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 illiteracy in the United States, ac­ den. markable picture of how man he has resigned his position and Phi Delta Theta All-College Dance at Dubsdread Country cording to what he has learned Mary Acher did very well with MR. TROWBRIDGE restored the lost pages of civil: will be succeeded by Dr. W. W, Club at 8:30 p. m. here in Economics courses. In the most difficult part in tion and gained a true picture of Alexander. The indications are THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Czechoslovakia illiteracy has been play—Irene Randolph. man's heroic rise from savagery, GOESTOMEETING that Dr. Alexander will continue Rollins-Florida "B" Football Game at Tinker Field at almost entirely obliterated, because Catherine Bailey turned in her but in addition it enables us to see if one does not complete the neces­ usual good performance as Emily (Continued from page 1, col. 2) to carry out Tugwell's policies 8:15 p. m. Some Facts About the C)onstitution and visualize the tremendous sary schooling, he automatically Ladew. achievements of ancient man. One FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 tain the purpose for which they We are very much mistaken learns to read and write as part of Siley Vario played well thc of the strongest points of the film Inter-Racial Club Meeting at home cf Professor France were created. when we believe that the Supreme his military training. oblivious husband, Stuart Randolph is its authenticity. Scientifically at 7:30 p. m. Following Dr. Broyles' address, Court is "untouchable", and that Ed thinks that the Czechoslova­ especially in the last scene in which supervised by Dr. James H. Breast, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Dr. L. M. Bristol, Professor of So­ it would be necessary to resort to kian people as a whole are more he entered in a state of intoxica­ ed, it carries the hall-mark of Morning Meditation; Dr. Richard Burton, speaker; at ciology at the University, spoke to the amendment process if we critical and concerned with opin­ tion. scientific authority. Knowles Memoral Chapel at 9:45 p. m. the group concerning the need for sired to break its power. ions of others than Americans. For Charles Curie, taking the part TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 a reconstructed Democracy to meet instance, they would never do such of the brother, Richard Belden; The Constitution, which created Presentation of "The Human Adventure" at Baby Grand the changing condition in our coun­ silly stunts as the Freshmen are did well on the whole, but once the Supreme Court, has also limit­ Theatre. try today. We must, he said, "so­ required to do, for fear of being or twice lost the characterization, ed its original jurisdiction to sub cialize our individualism", or our BURTON TO GIVE laughed at. Whistling and laugh­ Los Raege as the Randolphs^ jects which are not involved in tht democracy will undoubtedly be ing at movies is unheard of, and maid showed promise of becoming New Deal. lost. at national games there is no or­ a valuable member of the group, Other jurisdiction, which is call­ CHAPELADDRESS ganized cheering such as we have Much credit is due to Frances These two addresses were fol­ ed appellate, is exercised by thi THE LimE GREY HOUSE at our football games. Hyer, who directed the play, and lowed by an interesting discussion sufferance of Congress. Congress (Continued from page 1, col. 6) to the stage manager, property of their subject matter by the stu­ can make exceptions and regul; Brealifast — Luncheon — Dinner The movies in Czechoslovakia committee, costumers, and electri dents themselves. This discussion tions as it wishes, even to the e: the English Department at the Teas and bridges parties by appointment are to a large extent American, hour was led by Prof. Trowbridge. tent of limiting the power of the University of Minnesota, been a For Reservations for with the Czechoslovakian transla­ At the Saturday afternoon ses­ Court to hearing cases involving professional lecturer at the Uni­ Phone 9190-J tion in writing at the bottom of sion, Prof. Trowbridge gave what ambassadors, public ministers, and versity of Chicago, and a lecturer the film, but Ed says that the Sunday Address Is was generally considered the fin­ the State itself—and all this come: on Literature at both Columbia THANKSGIVING DINNER translation is usually so poor that University and Sarah Lawrence Given By Dr. Allen est address of the Conference under the head of original juris Mrs. Bryant Washburn, Prop. Maitland, Fla., Highway 17 it is almost easier to know the In Knowles Chapel when he spoke on International diction, having nothing to do with College. English. Most of the ideas that Relations, presenting a clear and such cases as were judged by th( In addition to being the president the Czechoslovakian people have (Continued from page 1, col. '• chronological picture of just what Court, when it invalidated so many of the Richard Burton Schools, Inc., about America are gained from our has taken place in Europe and acts of the New Deal. since 1925, Dr. Burton has served movies, and thus are not too re­ for our people, our cities and our America since the end of the Great In short, Congress can put itself as member and chairman of nu­ liable. Dominant is the impression God." War. Following his address, Mr. in the position of deciding the con­ merous Pulitzer committees. In gained from our newspapers that Seymour Ballard lead the call to Stuart Wright, representing the stitutionality of its own acts, or, 1925 he was chosen by the Warner Telegraph flowers home to your family for Thanks­ gangsters lurk every^vhere. Ed worship, and the litany was taken Emergency Peace Campaign, told at least of those acts over which Brothers Pictures Inc. to be the was "afraid he would be shot— giving. by Margery Chindahl. The stu­ the group of the campaign's pro­ the court has not definitely been editor of the Department of Lit­ every day in Chicago they are dents who read the lessons were gram. Mr. Wright will visit the relegated the power to judge by erature for the screen. shooting and hunting gangsters." Fentress Gardner and Marita Rollins campus in the near future. Articl III section 2 of the Consti Dr. Burton has edited numerous And the only thing he had heard Stueve. The anthem by the Rol­ On Saturday evening a banquet tution. important magazines and periodi­ about Florida was that they al­ lins Chapel Choir was "Agnus LUCY LIHLE'S FLOWER SHOP was given for the student group It is improbable that Congress cals from time to time, and is re­ ways have hurricanes here. Dei" by Kalinnikof. at the First Baptist Church at will attempt such measures. The nowned as an eminent author and Phone 35 Gainesville. The after dinner people today put too much faith critic of Literature. He has serv­ speakers were Prof. H. P. Con- in the Supreme Court, and wheth­ ed on the Rollins faculty since Don't forget corsages for the Phi Delt dance tonight. stans of the University, and Dr. er or not the powers are usurped 1933. AMERICAN LAUNDRY W. F. Myers, who has just recently is but a technical question. O been heard on the Rollins campus. sytem of governmental checks and AND The Saturday evening assembly balances is one of the most effi Get that wave of included an address by Dr. Ray­ cient ever devised my man. Still ii distinction at DRY CLEANING CO. mond Bellamy of Tallahassee, and all, it is interesting to know that COLLEGIANS a discussion of Educational Trends Eda's SPECIAL RATES FOR STUDENTS alarmists have been shouting and remember FOR THE BEST for Family Life by Dean R. C. themselves hoarse over what Gil­ "Beauty is a LAUNDRY• AN ANDD DRDRYY CLEANINCLEANINGG SERVICE Bachelor Service for Men Beaty of the University. bert and Sullivan would trem Duty" Dry Cleaning a Specialty The final assembly of the Con­ most ingenious paradox". ORLANDO STEAM LAUNDRY Rick Gillespie and Henry Lauterback, Campus Agents ference was held on Sunday mom- in, after which the Rollins group Winter Park—9188 Electric Heaters Orlando—3176 returned to Winter Park. Typewriter Headquarters Robert Trygstad, journalism stu­ Sales and Service The Bennett Electric Give your car something' to be thankful dent at the University of Minne­ All Makes Used Typewriters Shop sota, was born in Shanghai, China. Davis Office Supply 242 E. Park Ave. for His legal residence is Wisconsin and his present home is in Canada. November 25, 193S ALL OF ITS NEEDS ARE TAKEN CARE OF AT Reliable Rollins College Orange Laundry & Acme-Colonial Office Supply Co. Winter Park, Fla. Cleaners Portable Typewriters Dear Rollins College Students: Cleaned and oiled $3.50 THE COLLEGE GARAGE 41 West Washington St. Orlando Phone 5342 Monograms! Have your name or initials on every­ thing. It's one of the newest things. Towels, hand­ kerchiefs, linens, slips and all kinds of underwear. FOR THE BEST IN FOOD STUFFS ANDY'S GARAGE The name written out is only $1.15 and it comes in Thursday and Friday -- — Thames' — ^ every color, while the monogram comes in two sizes, Expert Service New and amazing ... 2 years in the making, KENDALL $.20 and $.25. These also come in all colors and many tion's most famous character. MARKETESSEN the 2000 mile oil different shapes. You can even draw your own. All this is found on the second floor of DICKSON-IVES "TARZAN ESCAPES" in a brand new monograming shop. with ^An Ail Crulae Into Historyl A Few Unusual HOUGH'S Johnny Weissmuller - Maureen O'Sullivan 'Elgbt-Re*l Talking Pictvr*; ' FOOD MARKET Next to this new monogram shop they have all BANK NITE FRIDAY (Matinee or Night) Items Which We Carry in Stock Quality — Service kinds of underclothes, night gowns and robes. Their tailored night gowns to put the monogram on come Starts Saturday (3 days) AUTHENTIC ENTERTAINING Ruled or unruled fillers for 7 ring notebooks. in Aqua Blue and Blush, and the price is $3.98. The A screenful of joy and fun. Steel strong boxes for money or flannel robes are tailored also but they come in all „,e "HOMAN personal papers. "LIBELED LADY" Inks in ten different colors- colors and range in price from $4.98 to $8.98. You Stamp albums, packets, hlng^, The Sandspur really should see these and once you see them I know with tongs, detectors, kodapak. you will want them. Jean Harlow - William Powell Gavels, paper flag pins, music writing paper and pens. Will be sale at the follow- Myrna Loy - Spencer Tracy ing place O'NEAL-BRANCH A ROLLINS COLLEGE SHOPPER The Bookery COMPANY Landers Drug Store I ABYGRAND Baby Grand Theatre 39 East Pine St. Tuesday, December 1 Regular Prces Orlando WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1936 THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR Writer Concludes Series Federal Dams Progress in South and Northwest Student Writes of Trip to On Banding of Pelicans Wekiwa For Week-End

(Editor's Note: This is the third and last in the series of articles Frightened easily? Have a weak heart? Hate snakes? Mind titled "Pelicans".) turning over in a canoe ? The work of banding differs as to the number of people available Unless you can answer "no" to these questions, don't take a trip to work. With four or more people, jobs are specialized, but if there with Mr. and Mrs. "Fleet" Peeples down the Wekiwa. are only two or three, everybody does his own work. One starts by To meet even one trusting soul is unusual, but to meet eight all at climbing up an inhabited tree. Arriving at the top, you stick your ice is a miracle. Fleet lured eight such miracles to the Wekiwa. head cautiously out. At once all the Pelicans scramble over to the The beginning of the trip is mild opposite sidi ;ough. The canoes, loaded down their canoes through. Their lan­ ith blankets and provisions are A pelican scrambling is quite a supply of opened ones with you) guage put to shame even oaths tied together and pulled by Fleet's sight. They use their hill, wings, and fasten it tight with pliers. from a drunken sailor. At last they motor boat. With the exception of and feet, and do a sort of hop, flap, Usually the bird will express iff were out of the mess. No serious and drag across the foliage. Safe- the last canoe, which gets a bit coy damage done, although possibly a plete disagreement with the d tries to go off and hide in the ly away, they sit and squawk at |-^^hole system by at once getting few friendships needed patching bushes and occasionally attempts up. you. So somebody else pes "p j-j^ of all the fish it has recently to climb trees along the river bank, . limb near them. Then the birds consumed. And now you know just thing irregular is indicated. Fleet had skillfully led them come about halfway back and how it can be told just what peli- It's about an hour's run to the around in a circle. They were back spread out in a line across the tree. cabin on Shell Island. Once there, to the first log again. But this is usually within the reach The ground is covered with dis­ time is taken only for unloading "Oh lord, there's another log." of somebody and he grabs one and carded fish. Axiom: Never stand canoes and setting the cots up. "It's much worse than the first gets to work. under a pelican. Sometimes this is In tho northwest and the south, as You may do anything you You don't catch a pelican right done inadvertantly, and it is rather these scenes reveal, federal dam want," says Fleet. off. That is, not at first, you don't. The same patch of hyacinths ap­ astonishing to have several dead construction heads toward com­ peared. They have an annoying and war­ fish suddenly shoot in front of your pletion at a rapid pace. Sixteen This may seem like a generous "More hyacinths." like habit of suddenly snapping at nose. If you are in a tree when miles upstream from Wilson dam, tatement, but remembering that "We'll never get through these." you. About this time you realize they try it, it is harder to get out a barrier—Wheeler dam—has lone of the girls had been there "I could kill Fleet for this." that those big beaks have hooks from under, but with practice, been thrown across the Tennessee before (this thought always causes Fleet to lick his chops), they were Finally they were out again in on the end. The bird continues to swinging from one tree to another river, aa pictured above. The last quite definitely dependent on snap while you think it over. But gets to be fun. cofferdam has been erected, block­ 3lear water. Fleet appeared from Fleet's suggestions, which are like out of nowhere. He slipped down it's easy to catch one. All you If there are more than four ing oft the mile-wide stream, and have to do is to watch him closely. the proverbial wolf in sheep's another stream. The girls were banding, the procedure is a little the powerhouse, shown In tore- clothing. Consequently they pad­ As he starts to snap at you, grab different. Two or three people ground above, Is nearing comple­ ietermined to keep up with him. him. dled up stream, left their canoes But he was lost! spend all their time catching. They tion. Across the Columbia river, hidden creek, and struggled With a little practice, it is easy "He might have waited for us." give their birds to a couple more. on the site of the Grand Coulee through the jungle in search of a to grab the bill just as it closes. "Oh hell, more hyacinths." These hold them while still others dam, as shown at right, the cen­ deserted still. The only way to Then you have him. Holding him The girls in the last canoe were band them, and then return them tral span of a suspension bridge. get to the place was hy crossing with one hand, squeeze the band to the correct tree. This way the thr ot 1 nile imerous streams. Any one knows stuck. No one wanted to help shut with the other (you carry a work goes much faster, and if already been erected. To QU the hat happens when girls try to them. there are plenty of birds, six or gigantic dam. sand and gravel will •OSS streams balancing themselves "They might have waited for seven hundred a day can be easily be carried via belt across the 1 bent branches of trees. It did. handled. river at this point from the east CHRISTMAS CARDS bank of the stream to the mlxine By the time the girls had gotten "Which way did they go?" Multitudes of them About four o'clock the work is plant shown In the foreground back to the cabin and cooked their "To the left." Personal with your name im­ usually about over and people are where concrete will be prepared to dinner, the majority were ready to The canoe was pushed inch by printed or Counter Cards. getting tired. So finally we leave. pour Into the Grand Coulee dam take to their knitting. However, inch nearer the left. The Rollins Press Store, Inc. The Pelicans don't seem to notice there are always some, who, while "It's only the bank." our departure a bit; the noise is 'hen we come back the next time in the minority, have such strong There was a noise like a human unchanged. It will still be the same eady to do it all over again. William Hinckley, Chairman of Youth wills that they can persuade the groan in the bushes. others that the only sporting thing "Let's go to the right, quick." Duke University Congress, Gives Interview to Reporterst o do is to go canoeing for just a "Did you hear that noise back SCHOOL OF MEDICINE short time. Fleet generously gave Durham, N. C. "What are $3,000,000,000 c however, can be considered at best them flash lights, the bulbs haV' "Yes, I think it's a man." Four terms of eleven weeks are pared to losing one-third of hopelessly inadequate; ing been removed. "Do you think he wanted to get given each year. These may be younger generation?" William decidedly vicious. The American Mr. and Mrs. "Fleet" paddled in the canoe?" taken consecutively (craduation in Hinckley, national chairman of the Youth Act is offered as a realistic "Anything could happen to us three and one quarter years) or down stream and suddenly brushed three terms may be taken each American Youth Congress and correction and supplement to it." some branches aside, revealing here and Fleet would never know year (graduation in four years). graduate of Rollins College in As much of this larg< small creek. The rest followed till it was too late." The entrance requirements are in­ class of 1931, asked a group of possible will come out of the treas­ hopefully. Three canoes struggled "It would certainly give the col­ telligence, character and at least reporters from the Brooklyn Daily lege good publicity to have us two years of college work, includ­ ury of the congress, and if any desperately to keep up with Fleet. ing the subjects specified for Grade Eagle. more is needed a tax "shall The girls with flash lights said, murdered." A medical schools. Catalogues and The $3,000,000,000 are needed to levied on inheritances, gifts and "Of course it would be my luck to "Be quiet." application forms may be obtained put over the American Youth Act individual and corporation "What is it?" from the Dean. get one that doesn't work. of which Mr. Hinckley is a co­ of $5,000 a year or over." The stream turned in a thousand "There is a curse following us." author. The bill is meant to fill Mr. Hinckley brushes aside the directions. There was no moor "Hurry up. Paddle faster." the gaps left by the National Youth suggestion that has been attach Nothing was distinguishable ex "Oh God, where did Fleet go?" Administration. ed to the congress. cept the white shirts of some o "Don't yell, they'll know we're LIST OF scared." ADVERTISERS 1 preferring the "We have a representative of the girls. Canoes bumped into thi "Major, have you heard the new simile? Youth Act, the American the Young Communists' Leagui banks, were pushed away only to From out of the darkness came Youth Congress does not condemn bang into the canoe ahead. a yell—from Fleet. The girls had American Laundry Smart as a dress from SADYE'S" our national council—but he is the National Youth Administra­ of 65 members,' he says, but he "Stop bumping our cano passed the cabin and the canoe Andre Haidresser tion," he explained, "the National confesses that he "expects any day "We can't see where wt which was chasing them was the Youth Administration has rendered others returning to the shore. Andy's Garage SADYE'S to see some one from the McNaboe mg." a significant contribution in offi­ committee" come to his office on "Neither can we." In relief they yelled back. Smart Frocks and "Stuff" cially recognizing the youth prob­ Fleet called again. Baby Grand Theatre 1.10 N. ORANGE 42nd Street. "Don't leave us behind, Let • lem. The activities of the Nation­ Mr. Hinckley is also taking an tie our canoe to yours." "Don't answer. Let him look for Baggett's Service (Stand­ al Youth Administration up to date. active interest in peace work, hav­ "Let's turn back." us. We'll sneak in the other side ard Oil) ing attended the World Youth Con­ "Don't be a sissy." and let Fleet spend the rest of the Baker's Men's Shop gress held in Geneva during Au­ "Where's Fleet?" night looking for us. gust. From way in the distance was The girls still not realizing that Bennett Electric Shop The Winter Park heard his voice, "What's the matter they'd been fooled sulked into While at Rollins, he was a mem- with you girls?" camp. Electric Shop r of Kappa Phi Sigma fraternity Book Nook There was a terrific scream. The "Very poor management. Any­ and was working for an A.B. de­ girl in the bow of the last canoe thing could have happened." Bookery Electrical Appliances gree. The college should be proud threw her paddle over and jumped At last every one was united. to add another to her list of promi­ Chesterfield (Cigarettes) frantically up and down. Every The bitter truth came out. A few nent alumni. one yelled at her to sit down. She sheepish looks were seen when College Garage they realized that Fleet had been Now is the time to select jumped over her seat and landed Davis Office Supply Photograph Of the lap of the girl sitting in the only a few feet ahead all the time your Christmas Gifts iddle. and heard every word and curse Dickson-Ives (Department at Founder's Parents hurled at him. Store) "A snake dropped on me," she Grover Morgan's Given to Rollins gasped. "It's in the canoe." Want a thrill ? Are you a good Economy Cab ie snake turned out to be a sport? Like ruffing it? If you THE STUDENT'S JEWELER answer "yes" to these ques- Francis Slater A photograph of the parents of rope one of the girls threw back !onzo W. Rollins, the founder of when she untied the canoes. 5 you must take a trip down Grover Morgan's (Jeweler) Rollins College, has been present­ Log ahead. You'll have to car­ the Wekiwa. Lander's Drug Store COLONIAL STORE ed to the college by John R. Hayes, ry the canoe over it. Be careful, e log is slipping." Phone 402 attorney in Boston, Mass. Leedy's (Department "Fleet! Oh Fleet!" Store) There was no answer. ANDY'S GARAGE Lucky Strike Cigarette Although he was only ten feet Expert Service away, he was hidden in the bushes Magic Novelty Shop FRANCES KENDALL well no one could see him. the 2000 mile oil O'Neal Branch KUPPENHEIMER Each girl had her own remarks SLATER make on his disappearance. Travel by MODERN BUS "Damn Fleet Peeples." Orange Buick Sales 1H£ Moutiu. uui oi today ia a vast contrast to the hazardous i Presents oi travel the Pilgrims used to visit their loved ones for Thanlts- "He's got a nerve taking us out Orange Laundry oiTing. With ultra-modem motor buses over scenic November high­ here and then leaving us." All Electric Appliances Reliable Office Supply way, you should not miss Thanksgiving dinner the ^o">f-'=ll"; Bar and 'What does he think we are. The cost is so much less than any other way—a fourth that ol The Bennett Electric Orlando Steam Laundry driving your own automobile—you can save enough to buy the Cocktail Thanksgiving turkey. Big, roomy buses oi latest design . . . frequent The last canoe was over the log. Shop Rollins Press departures that enable you to leave whenever you wish . • • tne Gowns In the attempt to find the next 242 E. Park Ave. cares ol driving in the hands of an expert make thu> the most turn, tempers became shorter. Sadye's enjoyable way to traveL for those of "Can't you give better direc­ Salon Ideal Save Enough for Thanksgivina ^i"'^® J discriminating tions?" the girl in the stem asked. "Stop pushing our canoe into the THg COAT WITH 9 UVISf taste. HOUGH'S Sandspur Bookshop Jacksonville $2.50 Atlanta $7.15 $12.90 bank. These branches are terri­ Daytona Beach . 1.30 Chattanooga 8.80 15.8 Wlmt man hasn*! wanted • ble." 28.10 FOOD MARKET Hough's Food Market W. Palm Beach .. 3.55 New York 15.60 ~" • topcoat like VBlgoraf Hero Suddenly Fleet's voice was heard. Wash'ton, D. C. 12.65 22.80 San Juan Hotel Quality — Service Shell Station Tampa t-75 22.95 •re lu nine featnre*. 1 irtt- "Hyacinths ahead," he yelled. Mil 4.75 Cincinnati 12.75 Building Southern Dairies (Ice „„, .....^ 2.30 Indianapolis 14.30 25.75 reiiftanl, 2 weather-proof; "So he's still around?" Chicago 16.60 29.90 3 wrinkle^proo^ 4 Ught In "We can't get through these Lakeland 1.25 9.10 Cream) Ocala 1.83 3.35 Savannah 5.05 weight, 5 durable, O BOA, nip< damn hyacinths." Typewriter Headquarters 4.70 .Augusta 6.35 11.45 Ft. Pierce 2.60 19.30 pie, T lustrous, sULy, 8 hand- The girls struggled to push Sales and Service Thames (Marketessen) St. Petersburg . 2.40 4.35 Orleans 10.70 Philadelphia "!' 14.40 25.95 •ome and O economicaL All Makes Used Typewriters The Pantry Tallahassee 4.1 8.65 Alpaca, mohair and fine wool Davis Office Supply Winter Park Elec Co. 10% Reduction on All Round Trips unite to produce Valgora. 19 E. Pine St., Orlando Wilson's Shoe Store $37.50 COLLEGIANS Phone 4822 UNION BUS STATION FOR THE BEST Yowell-Drew (Department LAUNDRY' AND DRY CLEANINCLEANING SERVICE store) Hamilton Hotel — Phone 9179 Have Your Christmas Cards ORLANDO STEAM LAUNDRY Done by Rockwell Kent. Witching Hour Yowell-Drew's See Christmas Display at P.\TRONIZE ORLANDO AVinter Park—9188 Orlando—3176 THE BOOKERY OUR ADVERTISERS l|i^;^i ?. pnggnffHi WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1936 THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR

Up to date Rollins has been progressive in It's Papa Who Pays And Pays! INFIRMARY EuUttta #an&apur its ideas. But in forming this rule the So­ cial Committee turned back to unsuccessful INFORMATION Published Weekly by Undergraduate Students theories—employing ideas that the Rollins of Rollins. Plan does not advocate. Remember, RULES The Infirmary is pleased to an­ ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN. nounce this week that "football in­ juries" have gone down a consid­ Already, the attendance at the dances had erable number of points. As a mat­ ESTABLISHED IN 1894 WITH THE FOLLOWING begun to fall off. The students were not re­ ter of fact, the improvement is re­ EDITORIAL volting against the "closed bar" system, as markable. Not only is "Soc" Sol­ Unassuming yet mighty, sharf and fointed, well- much as they were against the fact that the datti much better, but Wendy Da­ vis is back in the infirmary and tjunded yet many sided, assiduously tenacious, yet college had slapped on some silly rules de­ goes out for meals. as gritty and energetic as its name imflies, vic­ signed for children. torious in single combat and therejore without a Therm MacPherson seems to In trying to eliminate the drinking at have been the only buffeted mem­ feer, wonderfully attractive and extensive in cir­ dances the Social Committee had employed ber of the freshman game against culation : all these will be jound ufon investigation the wrong psychology. Those students who Stetson on Saturday. And Don to be among the extraordinary qualities oj the were not tolerating this rule were drinking Cetrulo has a beautiful black eye, SANDSPUR. thg sole evidence of the Tampa anyway. They were not attending the dances.. game Friday night, excepting Bliz Instead, they were spending the time at bars Blunden, of course, who is limping and taverns. for Georgie Miller. 1935 Member 1936 We congratulate those people who were But let us not forget the Bar- Plssocided Colle6icrte Press rington-Jones collision in the touch Distributor of instrumental in retracting this rule. We feel that it is a wise course to take until a football game last week. How their GDllegiote Di6est suitable remedy to the situation can be found. two heads came to be at the same level is hard to understand, but Member: Winter Park Chamber of Commerce; they certainly did a good job on Florida Intercollegiate Press Association. one another. Better keep your chin up in that game and watch out for The Crossways what's comin' at'cha, boys. The refusal last Friday of Mr. John L. Publication Office: Fairbanks Avenue Matt Ely is reported to be stead­ Lewis, head of the Committee on Industrial at Interlachen ily improving, but it is still im­ Organization, to appoint committee to meet, TELEPHONE 187 possible to move him to the infir­ on the request of Mr. William Green, presi­ mary. dent of the American Federation of Labor, Dot Haines got her walking pa­ National Adevrtising Representative: with one appointed by the executive board NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC. pers and left for Pugsley, and 420 Madison Avenue, New York City of the Federation means a decisive split in Frances Wilkinson is leaving, much 400 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago the ranks of labor in this country. to the distress of Robert to whom she was giving cooking lessons. Since its foundation in 1886, the A. F. of Subscription Price: By mail anywhere in the Jane Russell arrived Friday with United States $1.60 a term (12 weeks), $2.B0 for L. has championed the cause of craft union­ two terms, or $3.00 for the full college year. a bad sinus case, but when she dis­ ism in the United States. A craft union is covered that so many others on an organization of laborers engaged in a sin­ campus had been and were suffer­ gle occupation. Usually a craft union covers ing from the same thing, she of March 3, 1879. but a fraction of the workers in a given in­ switched to flu. dustry. The A. F. of L. has been the strong­ From Buffalo we hear that Bill est and best-known Federation of its kind for Scheu has not yet been operated EDITORIAL STAFF many years. on and that he is quite ill. The campus doesn't seem complete Editor ROBERT H. VAN BEYNUM Included in the A. F. of L. are a minority Associate Editor JACK MacGAFFIN CONSERVATORY without his little crew cap and of industrial unions, which include all the News Editor ISABELLE RODGERS whistle. workers in a given industry regardless of Footnotes NOTES Sports Editor ROBERT HAYES Last but not least we impart the differences in craft and skill. Feature Editor STEVEN BAMBERGER amazing news that at this moment Society Editor FRANCES HYER By SALLY HAMMOND of penning. Miss Schwartz, of the In the beginning these industrial unions By DICK LEE Exchange Editor CAROLYN BARRETT One week has elapsed since our Rollins infirmary Schwartzes, has caused little trouble in the Federation, but outraged, verbal attack on the With the memories of the past crowding around us like a host of yet to return from the Tarapa FEATURES WRITERS with changing times and economic conditions heating situation in the Conserva­ Louise MacPherson, Jane Willard. Steven Bamberger, morning-after pixies we once more slip into harness. The Bam came game. When questioned. Miss Sally Hammond, Marcelle Hammond. Betty Meyers, there has been more and more of a tendency tory practice buildings. Workmen Richard Lee, William Davis, Perry Oldham, Fred up to us the other day with that soft shy smile of his and asked us Cook, who is beginning to become Liberman. Priscilla Smith, Seymour Ballard. toward industrial unionism for its own sake. have progressed as far as piping a trifle worried, stated that when in dulcet tones if we would write Footnotes this week. Well here we them for gas but we are still For not only does craft unionism leave out are. We just can't refuse the Bam anything. . . He's so darned ap­ last seen Miss Schwartz was run­ many workers in an industry but also makes awaiting the arrival of the stoves. ning along the bleachers, a pepper­ pealing, and so deadly serious about it all. Meanwhile we sit and shiver and it difficult for cooperation and rganization mint stick in one hand and a limp­ Jack Rich, Marjorie So the Tampa trip is over. The think about the sunny warmth of Edwards, Wa in an industry where there are many dif­ ing man in the other—and know­ smith, George Fulle little box lunches have all been the last word in the well known the Florida we had heard about wan, William Bingh ferent unions represented. ing Miss Schwartz and her kind Joan Baker, Arthur Brownell. eaten and the "Rollins College" Dolly Dawn manner.) before we came here. heart, we wonder how it all ended The Ghost of Jenny over Dolly's The past Sunday brought the Since the New Deal, with the enactment stickers are already being torn and where she is. If you'll come shoulder: "He called me disgusting second program of the New York Illam Bingham, Malcolm Whlte- of the N.R.A., unionism has expanded great­ m the windshields where they back, Miss Schwartz, we'll give f, Mary Dudley, Mary Gulnac, too." (No one notices her.) Philharmonic Society and an op­ you a whole jar of candy sticks! Violet Halfpe- ly and brought the industrial vs. craft union proudly stuck on their day of eller. Priscilla Smith. Dean Enyart: "But my dear, portunity to hear one of the great­ issue to the fore. glory. Dean Enyart can smile by don't you realize that you are est symphony orchestras in the BUSINESS STAFF his fireside and look fondly back pandering to the worst in the world play some equally great Now they stand at swords points, the one 5 with the Delicate Air (Old L that trip as the day he showed younger generation, that you are music. It seems a shame that Business Manager PAUL TWACHTMAN being represented by Mr. Lewis, who will not English)—Geraldine Wachtell. e youngsters more back streets taking all the beauty out of the more students in the college did Advertising Commissioner EICHARD ALTER Piano: Adagio (Mozart), The arbitrate with the Federation, and the other an we thought Orlando had. dance, that these plastic minds not avail themselves of this great Assistant MORT LICHTENSTEIN being defended by Mr. Green. privilege. While many attend our Lady and the Nightingale (Grana­ The Tampa trip takes its place may never recover from the shock Circulation Managers ROBERT MacARTHUR Music Appreciation fcourses, they dos)—Ruth Melcher. ith the Miami trip of four years you've given them?" THOMAS COSTELLO What the outcome will be if the C. I. 0. do not seem to realize that by lis­ Voice: Ich Grolle Nicht (Schu­ ago, and by contrast shows clear­ Ghost: "Me too?" breaks completely from the Federation it is tening to good music they can learn mann), I Am the Harp (Woodman) ly the old glory that was Stoddard, hard to say. At any rate, one or the other Dean Enyart: "You too." (He to enjoy it and thus enrich their —William Page. the grandeur that was Kuhns. The seems ashamed at having noticed education, but have to be urged re­ must win out if organized labor is to be a student body gets tamer every iano: Melodie (Gluck-Sgam­ the Ghost.) peatedly to stop talking or to keep compelling force in our industrial life for year and the football team gets bati), Aida Smith; Fantasia in D Dolly: "But the younger genera­ awake. little can be accomplished by a "house di­ better. And while we're on the "inor (Mozart), Phyllis Dorr. tion likes it, Dean." vided against itself." Tampa affair we think that Bar- The first solo class of the season Instrumental trio for three Cel­ rington's telegram to Bob Hayes Ghost: "They liked me too." took place in Miss Moore's studio los: Frederick Blachley, Chariene after the game is deserving of (The Dean pointedly ignores her.) last Thursday morning. The pro­ Jamin and Mary Jane Meeker. The Bar Ban Dean Enyart: "I feel disgusted gram was as follows: mention. With all his school spirits Piano: Organ Fugue in G Min- Tuesday morning the Student Council with • the world when I hear you Voice: Vilanelle (Del Aqua) The And Still They March overflowing Jack sent the follow­ ' (Bach), Sally Hammond. voted to suspend the "closed bar" ban that ing wire to Tampa—"Hear you One hundred and fifty Rollins students Dolly (breaking in): "Now look had been enforced this year. We applaud boys played a lovely game. Love treked to Tampa Friday and saw the smaller, and Kisses. Signed Barringpuss." here dean. Don't let it get you them for their wise decision. gamer Tar team down a favored Spartan And by the way, where did the down. If I were dean I'd give it eleven by a one touchdown margin. When to them in small doses, the way I The Social Committee had put its foot college get those megaphones. . . the heavier, more experienced Tampa squad "Calvert's for clear heads". Pro­ do in my songs. It keeps them on down. It was felt that they had stepped too took the field it looked like the McDowell the dance floor. And another Who's Who paganda, that's what it is! Don't far. The all-college dances were entertain­ charges were in for a busy day. In the pre- be influenced by official recogni­ thing, dean, I wouldn't close the bar. You know yourself, its bet­ ing the "closed bar" system. game warm-up the Tars looked Kke a high tion. Stick to Seagrams and for­ on the Rollins Campus ter to drink in a bar than in a school outfit. But fortunately, they are still get about heads. This question was repeatedly asked, "What parked car, to say nothing of a was Rollins coming to?" In the past our paying off on the ball-club that leads at the We've been on the search for moving one. Paul R. Parker '37—A New Eng­ dances have been uniqut. First, because the final whistle. the perfect man and at last we've Dean Enyart: "It's still ob- an extension course in Sun Tan­ lander if there ever was one, Rem- college has permitted the "open bar" sys­ found him. Find out what the girls ning. Our congratulations to Georgie Miller. The want, and then look at Kenneth P. sen comes from Boscowen, (!) N. tem. Second, because there had always been Dolly: "That's enough dean. I Ruth Myers '37—"Ruthie" hails Spartans hit him with everything but the Solomans. Do you see what we H., and still clings to his remnant from Urichsville, Ohio, and lives an almost one hundred percent attendance work hard. I earn my five hun­ water bucket but he was still there at the mean? We have scoured the cam­ dred dollars a week. I . . ." I Boston accent. He is presi­ at the Pi Phi house. She came to from the student body. end of the battle. Miller showed that he was pus for the greater good of Rollins "What did you say? How dent of Rho Lambda Nu fraternity Eollins from the Erskine School College, Orange County, and the for his second year, a member of In permitting the "open bar" system the more than the best offensive back in the much? and will graduate in March. Sec­ state with a marvelous display of defensive publicity office for a definition of Dolly: "Five ^undred dollars." the Phi Society, and was president retary of the Upper Division and college is eliminating excessive drinking. If masculine perfection. And now we tactics as he tw,ice stopped touchdown runs Dean: "Let's go someplace where last year of the Inter-Fraternity Pi Phi representative to the Stu­ the students do drink, they do so at the bar know. we can talk. Maybe you're not so Council. In past years he has in­ dent Council, she majors in Eng­ and not in their cars. The students will not by catching the runner from behind. We asked eight representative bad after all. You know, rhythm dulged in a bit of tennis, belonged lish. Last year Ruthie was assis­ drink from a bottle—the "open bar"deem- Rollins should pay 'Rudy' Rodriguez for is a marvelous thing." to the Explorer's Club and been tant advertising commissioner on ing it unnecessary. In eliminating the co-eds, "What does it take to make his invaluable services to the cause. For the perfect man?" All of them Ghost (with a hopeful smile): on the Chapel Committee. He the Sandspur. For sports she "drinking from a bottle" idea, the students every Tampa offensive thrust 'Rudy' always knew, even the freshmen. We had "How about me dean. I earn my majors in English and is the shin­ chooses golf and basketball and will not induge to and from the place of the had a fumble saved up to assure the Tars to rephrase the question by ask­ thirty bucks a week too." ing light of the journalism class. this year she is coxswain on the newly organized girl's crew, which, dance when the car is moving. that he was still doing his best to aid them. ing, "What is your idea of the per­ Dean (over his shoulder as he We hear that a gift subscription from all reports, is due to end up Once with Tampa in scoring position on the fect man?" before we got them and Dolly leave the room): "You're to "Physical Culture" started him This new rule, the "closed bar" system, still obscene. This is art." on the Tarzan complex, and we fear in the intercollegiate crew races Rollins twenty-yard line, first and ten, he thinking. And at last it came out reminded one of the type that most other The End. that Johnny Weissmuller had bet­ at Poughkeepsie next spring! fumbled, reached down for it and courteously that they want a tall blond whom colleges entertain. What would it have led they can beat at golf. We warn­ All right, all right. Dean. And ter look to his laurels. Jane Willard '37—Another New kicked it out to Frank Daunis who gratefully to? What have they led to at other college ed Ken, but he's still around. a bow to Micky Averett for letting Englander—Jane comes from Clin­ fell on it to end the opportunity Tampa had dances? Many people drink more excessive­ Now that Vanity Fair's impos­ us dance with her. Another bow John E. Turner '37^ohnny lives ton, Conn. She was on the honor­ ly. They spend lots of their time in cars. for a score. sible interviews are out of print to Rho Lambda Nu for a sweet in Chicago and is a member of Phi ary fencing team in her sophomore dance under hard conditions. And Delta Theta of which last year he year. This year she is president The attendance at the dances is cut, because The improvement in the play of the line we take pleasure in presenting one students feel that their privileges are being of our own. The scene, Dubsdread; still another one to Peg Jennison was historian and now is social of Alpha Phi sorority. Jane is is almost unbelievable. Their defensive play and the past and a long walk and chairman. He has been in the one half of the Willard-Valentine tampered with. They are being clamped the band, George Hall; the charac­ was excellent throughout, as they stopped a pre-game dance in Tampa. And French Club and the Oratorical As­ team which took their junior year down with rules that were familiar to them ters. Dean Enyart, Dolly Dawn, power plays through the guards and center and the ghost of Little Genevieve. a last one to the Bam for the use sociation and won an intra-mural of college abroad, studying in the in preparatory school days. positions repeatedly. Although Rollins re­ Dolly has just finished a song of his space. letter in swimming. As an Eco­ School of Economics and Politics in London University. We've all In the first issue of the Sandspur this fall, ceived all the breaks their one score came and is taking her bows. Dean En­ nomics major, Johnny is planning Henry Ford the second, grand- for a career in the advertising read her slightly hysterical articles we told the incoming students that Rollins without the semblance of luck as they drove yart shoulders his way through the pack and at last stands beside her. on of the automobile manufactur- business. We all know him as the in the Sandspur about her year in employed as few rules as possible, that they down the field to the seven yard line from Dean Enyart: "Disgusting, re­ r, is now a freshman at Yale. one who so successfully carries on the old country—or "How the were considered more grown up, and that where Daugherty scored through tackle. volting. How can you do such the Kollins Conference plan at Cor­ Other Half Lives". As a result Forty-one states and 17 countries they were left to make their own decisions. A special vote of thanks should be ten­ things?" onado Beach, and in recognition of of one of those election day bets, For a time we thought we had misinformed are represented among the stu­ she was the one who carried Jack dered to Jack McDowall for the splendid Dolly: "I was just born that dents of Louisiana State Univer­ his efforts to bring Winter Park them. Rich across campus from Carnegie coaching. way. Dean." (Her voice breaks on sity. and the Pelican closer together, we hope to see in the near future to Pinehurst. jOyppNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1936 THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR NEWS AND VIEWS OF SPORTS TARS TO MEET SPARTANS IN TAMPA By BOB HAYES TARS ]/^IN FOURTH N Nash Higgins, coach of the Spartans, points \Q the fact that Georgie Miller has never scored against his Spartans lABSflEllDyFOR '^ind infers that it won't be done this year. He also smugly concedes GAME BY BEATING i^he Tars a chance to upset his team in such a way as to employ it ^!ig a bit of psychological strategem aimed at the Tars and also UNION ELEVEN, 13-0 'V.-iened to prime his lads for their coming battle Friday night. Miller Scores Two Touchdowns on Runs of 52 and Higgins can take lessons in psychology from Jack McDowall Miller and Rodriquez to Hook and I'd like to bet him a donkey ride through the business section 41 Yards; Team is Strong Defensively Up In Touchdown Duel ^ Tampa that Georgia Miller will step on Tampa paydirt Friday night, and furthermore, that Miller will run circles around By BILL BINGHAM KIRBY TO SEE ACTION his beloved Rudy Rodriquez, a back that is not to be sneered at Elusive Georgie Miller ran 52 and 41 yards for touchdowns and the in this league. won their fourth game out of five starts by beating a The renewal of the Tars annual favored Union eleven from Jackson, Tennessee, 13-0, last Friday night gridiron feud with the Spartans at Tinker Field in Orlando. M Win, lose or draw, Tampa and Rollins will hang up Friday night of Tampa University in their The defeat dropped Union out of ^t the best football game of the season in Florida's football circle. Homecoming Day game at Plant top honors in the Southern Inter­ '^'il\\e bitter rivalry that has smoldered between the two elevens for years Field in Tampa Friday night will collegiate Athletic Association, of ''^rill reach its heights in Friday's battle that means so much to both be the center of the state's foot­ which Rollins is also a member. teams, and the scene of battle should be flecked with blood before the mil BABY SQOAB ball interest as the favored Tam­ {(Snal whistle stops hostilities. Although beaten, the visitors pans seek the win to keep abreast completely outplayed the Tars be­ of Miami in the state title race. tween the 15 yard lines. They rolled The game will start at 8:15. This game, in addition to being Tampa's homecoming tilt, means up 12 first downs to 3 for Rollins DEFEATS UKEUi The renewal of this annual feud a lot to both elevens and they will be scrapping for the long end and gained 199 yards through the should be one of the best games of the score. A Tar win would establish them on a par with the air and on the ground to Rollins Johnson Makes Only ever played in South Florida and other elevens in the state and avenge last year's defeat by the 179. Score For Rollins a capacity crowd is expected. The Spartans. It would also further bemuddle the standings of the Miller's touchdown jaunts dif­ bitter rivalry between the two Little Four teams. A Spartan win would give them a post season fered from the usual style of Mil­ TARLETS HAVE ONE WIN elevens will make it a hotly con­ crack at the for the championship of the Florida ler runs in that he emerged from tested affair, and the importance circle and materially swell their not so fat athletic purse. the center of the line, instead of of a victory by both teams will add The Baby Tar eleven won their his usual practice of running the to the already seething rivalry. first victory of the season by a ends ragged. I Taking all these factors into account and assuming that both squads close 7-6 score over Lakeland High Both squads have been primed will be in the peak of shape, Friday night's scrap will be one of the The first dash came with five Wednesday afternoon at Lakeland. for this battle and are in the peak 'sweetest football games ever peeped at in this section of the state. minutes remaining in the first half. The yearlings were easily su­ of shape. The Tampans are favor­ "Both elevens will delve deep in their bag of tricks to drag this game George took the ball on his own perior to their rivals, gaining 12 ed to take the tilt by virtue of their ^ out of the fire and both have been pointed for the clash. 47-yard line, wormed through the first downs to Lakeland's 4, but GEOCGE MILLED.- HALF comparative scores, holding Miami center of the line, cut to his left an offensive thrust which ended in The Tars pin their hopes for na upset win over the University of to a scoreless deadlock while the and scored without a hand being a touchdown for Rollins was called Tampa Spartans on the flying feet of Georgie Miller, who accounted Tars lost to the Hurricanes by a Wise money will be in the pocket Friday night. However, if I laid on him after he passed the back for an off-side penalty. The for the two scores last week in the Union win. 26-0 score. The Spartans have also had to make any predictions, I would say that there won't be scrimmage line. Curry Brady's try Tarlet's score came in the first rung up impressive victories over more than three touchdowns scored, that Miller will score one of for point was blocked. period after a sustained drive of other mutual opponents while the them, that another Tar will blossom out and score the other, and gain in the fourth period, 52 yards and a subsequent score Tars have just eked out wins. that Tampa will keep through the little end of a 13-7 horn with r Hume recovered a Union by Buck Johnson. The margin of Adding zest to Friday night's thc other marker—incidentally, that there will be plenty of pen­ fumble on the latter's 41, Miller victory was kicked by Jack Hoy G. VIGTBB KICKS FBBSH TB Wl BP contest will be the Tampans' de­ alties that will materially affect the tide of the game which will lipped off guard to the surprise and the teams entered the second sire to contest Miami's claim of the be imposed for roughness. and utter consternation of the period with Rollins ahead 7-0. state championship, which they will an secondary who were caught The Tarlets backfield, led by Joe K.A;S TB BEFEAT be able to do if they win the game. By the way, ha you two readers noticed the apparent love and flatfooted, and raced 41 yards for Justice and Buck Johnson made The Tars, who hold a slight edge iupport that Rollii College commands in the personage of the illus- the final touchdown. Gillespie kick­ impressive gains throughout the Field Goal Makes Margin of Meet Stetson Baby Hatters at over the Spartans in the won and trious Mr. Wilson McG so-called "sports editor" of the Evening ed the extra point from placement, game but the strong Lakeland line Independent Victory Harper-Shepherd Field lost column, will be out to avenge iReporter-Star ? his fourth straight, and the score kept their goal-line clear after the last year's 19-6 setback that the was 13-0. Spartars administered in Orlando. first Rollins score. TO START AT 3 O'CLOCK Brilliant as these runs were, the The second quarter showed little PHI DELTS WIN AGAIN Rollins and Tampa will shoot the The potential big shot's fanatical support of the school, and longest and most spectacular ex­ promise of further scores as the works Friday night when they pit e.s[>e<:ially the school's athletic teams, drives his constituency to Will Rogers' yearling eleven will hibition of the game was Miller's teams fought evenly in the center George Victor was "Frank Mer- their ace mail carriers, Georgie tears—'tis a pity. Every Kollins triumph finds him groaning with play host to the Stetson freshman 60-yard return of a punt down the of the field. After the intermis­ riwell" last Tuesday as he led the Miller and Rudy Rodriquez, in the a torn soul. Even in the scrap with Union, he groaned unmer­ team Saturday afternoon at Har­ right sidelines to the Union 15. A sion the teams played a listless Independents to a 10-7 victory over wide open fracas. Both runners cifully at every Union misfortune. per-Shepherd Field. The game will touchdown appeared in sight, but third quarter which was marred by the K. A.s in a battle that was un­ are capable of keeping any eleven start at 3 o'clock. two of the Rollins blockers could­ fumbles and few real threats by decided up to the last minute. in the ball game and their cavort­ n't make up their minds which way either eleven. The Iron Men of the Rollins "B" ing will be a feature that will be In his estimation, it was only bad breaks that beat Union—I won­ The K. A.s drew first blood as to block the safety man and while The fourth quarter was easily squad will be slight underdogs in long remembered. Miller holds a der if he was ever told that the team that was fighting and playing they scored in the first period on a Georgie was waiting for them to the outstanding one of the game. the tilt as the Stetson eleven has slight edge over Rudy in the open headS'Up ball made their own breaks. I suppose that those Union pass from Vario to Lockhart over decide, the safety eluded thera and Lakeland opened a belated offen­ not only held the Baby Hurricanes field department and it is on this fumbles that cost them so heavily were not the result of vicious tackles. goal line. Vario kicked the to a tie but their squad is more ade the tackle. sive attack with the aid of a thirty- that the Tars are basing their point after touchdown to put the thickly populated than the Rollins Except for Miller's runs the yard sweep of the end by Bunting, Kappa Alphas ahead 7-9. The half hopes of victory. Lakeland back, to the one-yard freshman roster which now aggre- • In meeting the Tampans, the Quoting MISTER McGee: "the blurred carbon copy of Ted Hus­ ame was all Union. In the first ended with no further score and gates a total of thirteen players. ing .. . and his senseless and misleading blather, supposedly in­ quarter the supposedly weak Tar line where Smith took it over for neither team showing an advan- Tars will be facing a veteran elev­ formation, aroused the ire of thc fans last Wednesday night. . . defense rose up and stopped the the one Lakeland tally. He missed . The second half showed the Crippled by the loss of Soldatti en that is built around 16 seniors His margin of misses varying as much as ten yards". . . and so )n attack dead on the Rollins the placement try for point after Independents' true power as they and Davis, who are permanently who have faced Rollins three times on deep into his column. 3-yard line. The Tars recovered a touchdown. marched fifty yards with Victor's lost to the squad, the freshmen will before and are well acquainted with jn fumble on their 19-yard line In the last part of the period end runs contributing the greatest write finis to their season's sche­ the Tar offense. The Spartan Joe Justice circled left end for 30 dule Saturday. goal line has only been crossed In the first place. Si Vario and his assistants do not propose to be epel the second threat in the gains. The Non-Frat score came second quarter. yards to cross the goal standing 1 pass from the twenty yard Thus far this season the Rats once this year, and that by the Ted Husings, and in the second place they aren't doing that work be­ have dropped close, hard fought powerful Louisiana Poly eleven. Hardly had the third period up but the play was called back line as Victor passed to Marshall cause they love it—they are drafted for the job and it is only through games to the Baby Hurricanes, and This is indicative of their rugged opened when Union took the ball on an off-side penalty. It was the the goal. Victor drop-kicked their kindness that they help the fans follow the game. They are to the Tamp Frosh. They took the defensive play. their own forty-five and six Tarlets' last threat toward a score the extra point to make the score be commendetl for their work—it has been appreciated. measure of the Lakeland High plays later were on the Tar eleven. and the game ended with the ball 7-7. The Tars are composed mainly of in midfield. School Dreadnaughts on Armistice sophomores and newcomers to the But the point that I'm driving at is that it is a hell of a sight King galloped 23 yards to feature Outstanding among the yearlings With three minutes of the last Day by a 7-6 score. varsity and they got away to a more accurate to follow the "flurred carbon copies of Ted llusing" march, being tackled by Mil- were Justice, Johnson and Knowles period remaining Castellucio inter­ Contrary to their season's record, slow start this year. However than it is to gather authenticity from a self-styled egoist, whose the only Tar between him and with Swan and Bouton playing cepted a K. A. pass and ran it the yearlings have a rugged out­ they have been picking up momen­ work is not even of such calibre as to merit his being dubbed a the goal. Here the Rollins line well in the line. The Baby Tars back to mid-field. Marshall on the fit and it is only because that they tum as the season wore on and blurred carbon copy of Damon Runyan. :lug in and took the ball on downs next play ran to the K. A. 34-yard on their four yard stripe. missed Soldatti, powerful guard, lacked reserve strength that they displayed quite a bit of defensive line before being stopped. On the have not compiled a more impres­ power against the Union Bulldogs The last serious Union bid was who was injured in the Tampa He also took the college to task on their between the half perform- game. next play, Victor, from the 36-yard sive record. In both losses, the Armistice night. stopped late in the game when line and three yards from the left tnce, which I admit was putrid. The sloppiness of the exhibition was Freshmen have outplayed their op­ Coach McDowall and the Tars not what he resented—it was the "spirit" that offended him. The Gillespie, who played a whale of a sidelines drop-kicked a field goal ponents for the first three quarters game, intercepted a Upion pass on will leave early Friday morning for peace motif was repulsive to his respect for the veterans of the World to cinch the tussle. and it was only in the closing min­ Rollins' 13 yard line. the Cigar City, where they will War. There is not a student in Rollins College that does not appre­ Marshall and Ely aided the In­ utes of the games that the Mi­ Pechonik, a chunky little half­ rest until game time. The entire ciatively respect and honor the veterans. WOMEN dependent cause and MacArthur amians and the Tampans managed back, and King, a hard driving week has been spent in intensive and Lockhart starred for the to shove their touchdowns over on fullback, led the visitors' attack defensive drills designed to halt Based on the assumption that it would be an appropriate time IN K. A.s. an exhausted team of Baby Tars. e C. Brown at center and Hale the onslaught of Tampa's driving to drive homo the lesson of futility and fatality of war, the col­ The starting eleven for the Rol­ at tackle headed the line play. SPORTS The Phi Delts continued their backs. In polishing off the Tar lege hastily cwrctKl the "Rats" into putting on the demonstration. lins Freshmen will be: Hoy, le; running attack, McDowall has For Rollins big Dick Turk play­ winning streak at the expense of I venture to say that there was not even one veteran in the crowd Ogilvie, It; Knowles, Ig; McPher­ promised to open up a varied at­ ed his best game of the season at Wo the Rho Lambda Nus by a score who resented the act, that is if they were so thoroughly on outs intramurals began son, c; Swann, rg; Bouton, rt; Bills, tack, and will shove a bunch of center and received good help from of 12-0. The Phi Delts scored in with war as the last one should have left them. Tuesday, November 17, on the bas­ re; Joe Justice, qb; Johnson and backs into the fray that will make Tommy Hoskins at guard and the first period as Brownell cross­ ket-ball court with the Thetas pit­ Miller, hbs; Bill Daugherty, fb. the Spartans sit up and take no­ Frank Daunis, a sixty-minute end. ed the goal on an end sweep, but a Rollins is never mentioned by McGee except with venom and I won­ ted against Cloverleaf and the Pi tice. Kirby, ace signal caller and In the backfield Gerard Kirby, pass was unsuccessful for the point der just what sense of martyrdom it is that drives him to bear aloft Phis against the Kappas. The defensive star, will probably be able game captain, played bang-up de­ after touchdown. Rollins Fencers To the torch of opposition to Rollins College. It doesn't'hold water in games are schedulde as follows: to do part time service in the game. fensive ball until injured in the In the third period the Phi Delts newspaperman's ethics to so violently oppose a civic interest such as Meet Georg-ia Tech third quarter, while Rick Gillespie Nov. 24, 4:00 P. M.—Kappa vs. scored again as Brownell crossed The comparative scores: Tampa Rollins is to Orlando and Orange County. It rather seems the result probably earned a place in the Theta; Independent vs. Pi Phi. the line behind perfect interfer­ There, December 18 57, Newberry 0; Rollins 21, New­ of some petty jealousy rather than the policy of the paper. starting line-up through his per­ ence. The try for point was low berry 6; Tampa 26, South Ga. 0; 3, 8:00 P. M.—Cloverleaf Bolstered by the addition of ca­ formance. and the rest of the game was cen­ Rollins 26, South Ga. 13; Tampa, Phi; Kappa i^s. Independent. pable newcomers, the Rollins Col­ McGee's attempts at humor at Rollins* expense are ludicrous, as tred about midfield. Kurvin, Gibbs 0, Miami 0; Rollins 0, Miami 26. lege fencers will make a short trip well as crude, and for my part I welcome his bitterness—it's prob­ Dec. 8, 4:00 P. M.—Cloverleaf vs. and Twitchell were outstanding for Based on these scores the Tam­ put the veteran crewman out of through the South during the ably more of an asset than such a mercenary friendliness would be. Independent; Pi Phi vs. Theta. the Phi Delts and Savage, Pope and pans are favorites. this year's competition. Christmas holidays. The team ex­ "Man-mountain" Lichtenstein star­ Abbott, R. Brown, and Wilson pects to meet Georgia Tech, Van­ Dec. 10—8:00 P. M.—Cloverleaf red for the Rho Lambda Nus. 1 Rollins Crew Faces Scanlon were the veterans lost by vs. Kappa; Independent vs. Theta. derbilt, Alabama, and U. of South A Few Unusual graduation last year and Sally The K, A.s were scheduled Carolina, although the Georgia Loss of Two More Stearns and Eddie Strongin, cox­ Dec. 15—4:00 P. M.—First and against the Rho Lambda Nus Tech meeting on Dec. 18 is the Items Oarsmen This Year swains, also finished last year. Second Team Game. Thursday but the game was post­ only definite team scheduled. LANDER'S poned and the X Club forfeited to Which Wc Carry in Stock Coach Bradley will be forced to The first round of the tennis Gene Townsend and Don Cetrulo Where all friends meet. Ruled or unrultxl fillers for 7 gruelling race, lost three members rebuild the crew this year, using tournament sponsored by the Phy­ the Phi Delts. are last year's veterans who will ring notebooks. their first inter-collegiate win in five lettermen as a nucleus. The sical Education Department has make the trip while Jack Hagen- lettermen are: Matthews, Hume, Steel strong boxes for mcmey or three years of varsity competition been" almost completed with the Indiana University has received buch, three weapon man from Bar­ Waddell and MacGaffin. personal papers. ' last year over Manhattan in a following results; Mower defeated approval on a PWA project call­ rington High School of Newark Inks in ten different colors. gruelling race lost three members Coach Bradley has announced Harding 6-0, 6-0; A. Smith defeat­ ing for the construction of a new and Malcom Corlies from East Stamp albums, packets, hinges, and both coxswains by graduation that he is attempting to enter Rol­ ed Raoul, 6-3, 6-3; Barrett defeated school of education and a labora­ Orange High are newcomers. The tongs, detectors, kodapak. and faces the loss of two more oars­ lins crew in a major regatta this Hymen 6-2, 6-3; Manwaring de­ tory. The total cost of the project fifth position will be fought out Gavels, paper flag pins, music men this year through injuries. Spring. feated Herzfeld 6-4, 6-2; Bryn de­ has been placed at $858,000. between the Belden brothers, Cas- writing paper and pens. feated Terry, 6-3, 6-0; Melcher Bill Scheu withdrew from school telluccio, Erhorn, and Don Cheney. defeated A. Oldham, 6-1, 6-1; and last week to undergo a major op­ Harold H. Isbell, former produc­ Cheney was a substitute member Myers defaulted to Steele. O'NEAL-BRANCH eration that will probably force tion manager of the Columbia eight entered, the second with six­ of last year's team. him out of the crew picture in the Broadcasting system, is directing The golf tournament, also spon­ teen. First flight matches will be The team expects to win these Phone 101 C 0 Sl 1> A N Y Reser vs. Myers, Axelien vs. Hyer, Spring. Ralph Little's elbow has mrse in radio technique, both sored by the Physical Ed. Depart­ matches as it has been several ment, begins this week. There are B. Smith vs. A. Whyte, and Lich­ for Sudden Service 39 East Pine St. not responded to treatment and the acting and writing, at Northwest- years since Rollins has been de­ University. to 'be two flights, the first with tenstein vs. Manwaring. Orlando early season football injury may feated by a Southern fencing rival. SIX THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBERJ5. ^J THE STUDENTS GO TO SOCIAL HIGHLIGHTS A. F. LMEETRf Inquiring Reporter (Continued from page 1, col. e ON AND OFF During the interview we found t ALUMNI NEWS that they also knew that tli CAMPUS E filVEN B! LABOII CUSSES What Did You Think of the Motorcade? were to have no defense lawyer I Bliz Blunden: I think the motorcade was a big success. It their trial. They presented tjf!, was well managed—every one drove carefully—and we all case so clearly, intelligently .j Grace Terry went to Tampa Miss Peggy Jennison and Celes­ UTIEND MEETING had a lot of fun. well that when the Tampa pap'j' Wednesday and stayed through tina Mckay were alumnae spon­ on Saturday morning carried a r. Sunday, attending the Rollins- Dancing Was From 9 to 1 At sors for Rollins at the Rollins- Go to Tampa to See A. F. of L. Tommy Costello: The Tampa motorcade showed that Rol­ port of the conviction of these rat Tampa game while there. Orlando Country Club Tampa game Friday night. Peg­ Convention lins students are capable of doing something that shows real and of the additional arrest of o- Charlotte Cadman visited her gy has been transferred to the school spirit. Those who planned and promoted it are to of the witnesses in the court roc brother in Tampa over the week­ Miami Federal Theatre since be complimented on completing a piece of work that requires when he had testified that he a'. end. MAD HATTERS PLAY Tampa one was disbanded and she FRANCE WAS IN CHARGE the highest type of skill in organization. How about Miami had been at the scene of the p- Cricket Manwaring, Don Brad­ moved to Miami Saturday. next year? eting and the arrest all tended ley and Chas. Allen visited Fran­ Gwen Bartholomew visited Missie A group of Rollins students went complete my impression of ti, Rho Lambda Nu fraternity en­ ces Hyer at her home in Tampa Davis in Tampa over the week-end. to Tampa Friday morning with H. Brown: It -s very successful. Every one cooperated Tampa jail—an ill-smelling, bj, tertained with an all-college dance over Saturday and Sunday. Helen Seas and Jean Tuttle Professor Prance to attend the 1 a fine I liked the ham sandwiches. tal, unfair and unhealthy hole. last Saturday night at the Orlan­ Ann Roper, Carol Valentine, came from St. Petersburg to the meeting of the American Federa­ do Country Club from nine until Mink Whitelaw: The motorcade idea is a good one, but and Jack Makemson went home game Friday night. tion of Labor. They were: Jere But Tampa had yet anoth,, one o'clock. the carrying out of the idea was done very childishly. I can with Tommy Costello to Winter Miss Rebecca Caldwell and Mr, Collinson, George Gabriel, James treat in store, and that was the it. The Stetson Mad Hatters played see no reason why upon arriving at the destination, college Haven after the game Friday and Mrs. Chas. Guyton (Margaret Haig, Paul Monroe, Thomas Pope, irview with the Spanish Anibad for dancing. The orchestra was students should not be considered to be capable of handling night. McKay) of Lake Wales, were Betty Reser, John Rich, Durl Rodg­ idor to the United States, His Es] banked with palms as were the their own affairs instead of being hauled into a corral to sit Marion McGinnis visited his the game. ers, Emily Showalter, Marita illency Fernando De Los Rios j^ other corners of the room and the and wait. family near St. Petersburg over Tampa Alumni at the game Stueve, Grace Terry, John Tur­ his charming daughter. The .\. chandeliers were the week-end. decorated •ith were: Mr. and Mrs. Kappy Gra­ ner and Carol Valentine. Ed Levy: A success! Good mileage, thanks to Dean En­ 5ador, with sparkling eyes a- orange fringe. Don Mathews went home to ham, Jean Simmons, Mary White yart's driving. No mishaps! As a matter of fact the journey neatly clipped goatee patiently,.. Chaperones wer i Mr. and Mrs. plained in his musically brok, Lakeland for Saturday and Sun­ Missy Davis, Chas. McGrueder, Professor Trowbridge took a was so pleasant that "Bliz" fell asleep on my shoulder. I^t's Fleetwood People ;, Mr. and Mrs. English the situation of the rebi day. Aurora McKay, and Ted Erlich, group of students to Gainesville Wendell Stone, ai ,d Mr. and Mrs. id loyalists in Spain. His dauji Dorothy Potter visited friends in who has recently returned from last week-end to attend a confer­ William Melcher, and Mrs. Enright. ter who had just come from Ma.i Tampa for the week-end. the Cleveland Playhouse to teach ence of the Student Christian Punch was served throughout rid a month ago nodded in asst- Bill Kishel spent Saturday and school in Tampa. movement. Those attending were: Alumni Entertained the evening. h.£in^A when her father firmly assent 1 Sunday in Tampa. Earl and Jean Shannon spent Barbara Bennett, Nelson Marshall, At Cocktail Party that he believed that the Loyalis- Jere Collinson visited his aunt the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sylvia Lima, Virginia Biddle, De­ would come out victorious. "Jla and uncle in Tampa after the Gamma Phi Beta Harry Kelly in Tampa. talmo Pirzia-Biroli, John Rich, By Molly Mergentine Items rid," he said, "it is talked of game Friday night and stayed Miss Swartz and Doris Leavitt Emily Showalter, Grace Terry, and Entertains With IF Miss Molly Mergentine enter­ the papers yes, because it is wh: over the week-end. spent the week-end with Mrs. Sue Terry. (With apologies to Kipling) Alan Taulbee visited his broth­ Cider, Doughnuts Cook's sister in Tampa. tained at her home in New York you might say a romantic city b If you can do your math when all City on Thursday last with a Rol­ even if Madrid it fall, we still hai er in Clearwater Saturday and Sunday evening the Gamma Phi After the game Miss Kay Lewis about you Sunday. and Mrs. E. T. Brown went to Popcorn Party Is lins Cocktail Party. the strategic points, the minir Betas entertained with a cider and Are raising hell and tempting all Marie Winton visited her fam­ Sarasota for the week-end. Among the former Rollinsites centers, the industrial centers a- doughnut party. A roaring fire Given By Gamma the fates: ily in Tampa Saturday and Sun­ present were: Nancy Cushman, yes, the best of Spain it is st; added a cheery note of atmosphere If you can write a theme while day. Phi Beta Wednesday Jane Beauchamp, Helen Jackson, ours." along with candle light. Kappa Kappa Gamma classmates flout you. Kay Jones, Ruth Dawson, Bert St. Victoria Morgan went home to The Ambassador is delightfi: Tables in the sunporch were lad­ Entertains Rushees On Wednesday evening, Novem­ And never think of moonlight or Cyr, Sally Stearns, Connie Righter Clearwater after the game Friday We look forward to his hoped ft- en with shining red apples, sugared ber 18, the Gamma Phis stayed of dates. and fiance, Mr. and Mrs. Sam night and stayed through Sunday. With Buffet Supper visit to the Rollins campus probi- doughtnuts and jugs of cider. home, built a roaring fire in the Howe (formerly Kay Hara), Bill Polly Raoul and Johnny Turner bly sometime in February. H: Hilarity reigned with ping-pong fireplace, and asked other people If you can plug and grind and grind Law, Al Spickers, Hass Roberts, spent Sunday at Polly's home in Kappa Kappa Gamma entertain­ daughter is equally delightful ar; playing and pie-plate balancing. :ome and eat popcorn, munch and work and study. Stu Eaton, George Porter, Charlie ed several new girls at a buffet from the little gleam in Prexy Later in the evening Bus Erie supper on Sunday evening, Novem- apples, and toast marshmallows And thereby make approbation's Clawson, Bob Black, Bob Barber, Kitty Van Buren visited Caro­ and Ted Klebsattel got out their eyes when he met her I think tht, line Logan in Tampa last week-end. 22, at Pugsley Hall. Guests th them. scanty list; and Bill Carmody. instruments and it wasn't long Then you'll know more than any­ it will not be long before we sha Ruth Connor spent the week-end assembled at 6:30. Later in the evening Wilma before lusty voices were ringing body— her going in and out of th in Daytona. The rooms were decorated with Heath, "wizard of the keyboard", Scandals in Hollywood only go to out from every corner. But, dammit, think of all the fun Rollins classrooms. ises of flowers and tall blue can­ played all the old songs that every­ prove the California police have Among the guests there were; you've missed! ' course there was the footba: es lighted the supper table which body enjoys singing. been sending the wrong bums back Mrs. M. Smith, Peggy Whitely, game and what a wallop Rollin "I sometimes think work is a was covered with a lace cloth. Sup- Among the guests were: Mrs. —LOG. where they came from.—Life. vice."—Ann Harding. Olga Mathews, Lois Bates, Esther was served in front of a log Schultz, Freling Smith, Bill Twit­ gave Tampa. But did you see tht Baker, Dick Lee, Marguerite Beyer, newspaper report? fire and after supper there were chell, Polly Chambers, Sarah Smith, "After all, I could have won only I like hard work—it helps me to Joe Justice, Al Swan, Ollie Dough­ Before burning your bridges be­ several tables of bridge. Joe Justice, Betty McCutcheon, the backstroke, not the whole team be lazy.—Edward G. Robinson. hind you, it's best to learn to erty, Rick Gillespie, Ed Levy, Faith Emily Herzfeld, Burl Heimple, title."—Eleanor Holm Jarrett. We have only the greatest syni. swim.—Olin Miller. Cornwall, Frances Daniels, Bob Reser, Bill Twitchell, George Ful­ Thurm McPherson, Rick Gillespie, One,out of every four new mile pathy for victims of drouth, but Kurvin, Girard Kirby, George Ga­ ler, Freling Smith, Tommy Pope, Joan Baker, Ollie Daugherty, Ma- 'I do not think Hollywood can citizens of the United States have fish that not quite so many 0:1 An adventure is i briel, Freda Harper, Nathan Be­ Jesse Steele, Paul Bouton, and Mclnnis, Tommy Costello and •ever the new Jerusa­ received previous Boy Scout train­ 1 would come to our house ovii ience rightly considered. An in­ dell, Bob Van Beynum, Betty Maurice Hinshaw. Dick Alter. lem."—Sinclair Lewis. ing.—Minaret. the week-end for a drink.—Life. convenience is an adventure wrong­ ly considered.—G. K. Chesterton. AD LIBS By RICHARD ALTER

This column has been started with the intention to personalize our list of advertisers. Each week we shall pick several merchants from our pages and call your spe­ cial attention to the wares they have to offer. It is through the support of the merchants of Win­ A\mencas ter Park and Orlando that the Sandspur is made possible and this little service is offered to increase the advertising value of our paper to them. ^il'Star ±j/even It is nearing the time to be thinking of Christmas Gifts. If 60 yard dashes... passes and punts... you are in need of suggestions, drop in and see GROVER MOR­ touchdowns . . . performance! That's GAN, located in the Colonial Store. He has a large selection of useful how America picks 'em. By wire and presents and will engrave them for air-mail, fans rush to the football ex­ you free of charge. perts the tip... "Here's another sure-fire The PHI DELT dance tonight promises to be a gala affair. If All-American." you haven't arranged for your escort's corsage you had better act quickly. Telephone 36 and place And when you pick the all-star your order with LUCY LITTLE, you can depend on prompt and cigarette eleven, it's performance again courteous service. — ifs what a cigarette does that counts And Co-Eds take heed! If your hair isn't becoming to you, you should be coming to see Miss Eda in EDA'S BEAUTY SHOP. Get T-H-E-Y S-A-T-I-S-F-Y a wave of distinction. Eleven letters that spell all tlie good Then there are our local dry- cleaning tycoons Lauterback and things a cigarette can give.. .mildness Gillespie, who hold forth in the Theta Nu house for the AMERI­ ... a pleasing taste and arom.i... a CAN LAUNDRY. Or if your love blend of mild ripe home-gn)\\ ii .md lies in the Kappa Alpha house, Vario and Argyris are sponsoring Turkish tobaccos rolled in pure cig.i- the ORANGE LAUNDRY. rette paper Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. If you are tired of Beanery food and —the essentia h of a would like Thanksgiving Dinner served in an atmosphere of peace good cigitn-tte and quiet, telephone THE WHIS­ TLING KETTLE, 153, for your ta­ ble reservations. You'll find a huge fireplace, an unobtrusive ser­ vice, and the excellent food served in southern style. They give the faculty and students a special rate. Enough for now. Remember, the term is nearing an end and we'll soon be going home. If you have any outstanding accounts with our local merchants, try to have them taken care of before you leave. The merchants solicit your ac­ counts—don't leave them holding the bag. Copyright 1936, LrGGETT & MYBRS TOBACCO CO.