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The Current Volume 19 : Issue 11

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the NSU Digital Collections at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Current by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NOVA SOUTHEASTERN :..=. UNIVERSITY

. . {l I• I , 1\ r· \\,- "Zack and Should .,;:.,.,. .. ' D_i, fl Miri Make a the Take a Men's President- . ... - e.orno" and Chance Basketball ·•._.,. ',·\•· .. ,._.·_' Elect Push ;! -Oid a--Bad Page4 Page 6-"'_ t1.v ,, .• Thing for Universal Page 10 Healthcare? Page 11

Students Weigh--�i;n··On -NSU's New- Shuttle System Naida Alcime Staff Writer

One of the campus shuttles that has extended thier routes. The new shuttle that transports students to and from the Rolling Hills Residence Hall.

On Oct. 1, the Office of Facilities complaints about the limited routes and Shuttles. This is especially true for resident it would take even longer. And since it Management (OFM) released its "new and the long bus-stop waits. "I've been really students, who according to NSU rules are takes me about 10 minutes to get to class, improved" campus and residential Shark dissatisfied with our shuttle service," said only permitted to park in their designated sometimes I have to leave about 15 minutes Shuttle Bus System. Velmir Seignon, resident student and legal parking lots. That leaves most resident early to make it on time." The new Shark Shuttle has extended studies major. "I don't have a car, so I rely students with the choice of taking the How ver, for other students who chose its route, which will now include trips to on the shuttles heavily. I just wish they shuttles or walking. not to walk the long distances, the Shark Publix and the Broward Mall from Rolling would do something about this problem to "It's a bit of a walk," said Nina Shah, Shuttle is the only other option. For this Hills and Leo Goodwin residence balls. help us out." a resident biology major, who commented reason, NSU's OFM sought to improve The schedule has also improved such that a Sentiments like these have been on the distance between her dorms and her the system. shuttle will pass every 10 minutes. expressed by members of the NSU classes. "In the past I've chosen to walk Earl McGuire, the new Shark Shuttle Up until now, there have been community who have ridden the Shark instead of waiting on the shuttle because Shuttle Page 2 History Made in Who Will be the Biggest Loser? . 2008 Election Alexis Irias

Naida Alcime Staff Writer Staff Writer

NSU's Biggest Loser will be back . on a challenge with full force." With the However,. for its third year in January 2009. This Through NSU's Biggest Loser, presidential this was not the initiative helps individuals not onlyJoose participants learn how to take control of election behind only historical weight but lower their blood pressure, their health and make a lifelong change to us, people in the event which reduce their heart rate and many other improve and maintain their well-being. If NSU community took. place that health benefits that come along with a selected for the program, participants are still talking day. The 2.Q.08 healthy diet and receive a great deal about the historic electorate. has . constant exercise. of help in reaching election that took ·seen a record "I used to get their goal. Throughout place on Nov. 4. increase in exhausted just their challenge, they After nearly early voting thinking about GEST work with a certified two long years of and general working out and personal trainer as campaigning, the voter turnout, eating healthy. well as nutritional American people as well as in So I riever did," counseling and have spoken and the youth commented Leah Goldberg, Assistant motivational coaching. voter turnout. Barack Obama Director of the Office of Undergraduate "Since the program ended May 7, I've will be the 44th president of the United According to Holly Teresi of the Youth Admissions, on her challenge at NSU's lost another 13 pounds, down to 145. I States of America. History was made as Vote Coalition, "21 million people ages Biggest Loser 2008. "NSU's Biggest Loser was a size 12, down to a size 6 ! And my Obama became the first African American was challenging from the very beginning. to be elected as President. Election Page 2 Luckily I am the type of person that takes Biggest Loser Page 2 Shuttle Page 1 Election Page 1 Manager, is responsible for implementing Express shuttles are hard to miss. Shah 18 to 29 voted in Tuesday's elections, not were moving and inspirational to people in the recent changes. "When I came in further commented on the positive changes . including absentee ballots." Teresi noted every age group." this year, the phones were ringing off the she had seen regarding the shuttle service. that this many young people haven't voted Through the Office of Student Leader- book every day," said McGuire. "There "For us college students, time is money. since the 1972 presidential election. ship and Civic Engagement, an NSU were lots of complaints about the service, I'm thankful that I'm getting to my classes Amy Kwolek of the Michigan Daily initiative called "step iT up" did its own which is why we're making all of these much quicker because the buses are more ""Newspaper reported that the number of part to increase voter participation. Shane improvements. This thing is a work in efficient." youth votei:s at the polls increased by 4.6 Johnson founded the initiative in the fall of progress and is far from done." McGuire NSU shuttle s_ervice is available for million since the 2000 election-with the 2007 in hopes of infonning the went onto encourage all students to learn free to all NSU students, faculty, visitors -- · turnout rate rising from about 42 percent to NSU community about how, when and the new bus routes and schedules. and staff. However, riders making any 52 percent. . where to vote. When asked about the progress of the connections to Broward County Transit No other election in recent history has The purpose of the initiative was to shuttle system McGuire said, "Well for routes are expected to pay the appropriate motivated the American people as mucli· educate; engage and empower the NSU one, the phones stopped ringing! But ifI fee. For security purposes, NSU patrons as. this one has. Rita Guirguis, a third year community through a non-partisan political could say anything to the students I'd say are required to present their NSU biology major at NSU, attributes this to initiative. With help from the Broward be patient with us because this is just the SharkCard IDs when boarding from off- - the higher stakes in this election that will Supervisor of Elections, the initiative . · '" · beginning. We have 11 new buses coming camp s 109.a ons. . -substa:ritially affect the ·next generation. reached its goal by successfully registering by December and have got plans to create F_or maps and more infonnation abc,ut "This election hits home more, between 300 and 400 people·and taking a new GPS system that lets tudents use the NSU Shark Shuttle System routes, especially with this economic crisis- about 50 students to vote early. their blackberry's to see where the please vil,it the OFM website at everyone is- struggling. Also, more people Cody Peters, second year biology buses are." ·{(acilities/shuttle.html or are_ interested because there are much more major, was one of many whom "step How visible are the changes, though? conra._ct the of:lice at_ (9 54) 262-8871. controversial issues on the ballot this year. iT up" took to the polls. "By providing For one, the green and orange Rolling Hills . tha people care about," said Guirguis. much-needed transportatiop., 'step iT up' . Sarah Makar, also a thirdyear biology helped the NSU community, it increased· ___,;: __ s _ major and McCain supporter, feels the our likelihood of voting," said Peters. "I high voter turnouts can be solely attributed am enriched to be an American Citizen .------, -- -- to Barack Obama. "Honestly, I think it's because I know that my vote had an impact because of Obama," said Makar. "Not only on the American Government. It was Biggest Loser l?qe 1 has he made history by being the U .S: 's fulfilling to vote for the first time and I first black President, but he reached out to thank 'step iT up' for helping me do that." teanum.ttes' sueeess stories ane no different," said GoMberg. "Not 0llly is people in all demographics. His speeches the weight loss amazing, bat everything else that comes with it ... the health benefits, the self Cll)tlfidene.e., the renewed sense ofener:,gy and tihtt soeializing at the gym that t never had before." NSU's 13.1g,gest Loser has had a ltfe ehanginJ inipact on m.ost if n'O't all of Are you a communications major? it,s pamo.ipan-ts, 'Winning the eh.a:tleng_e may n1>t be the biggest fa;-ew,r as much Are you considering a career in journalism? as winning the eliaillemge within oneself. NlSU's .Bit§g:est Loser bas proved to Then come improve your writing skills at have that impact with its previous participants and will keep ifnpae£ing the The Current! future enes. "'It"s great that students and staff have th'6 QI;>pOrttmity to be a part of something so life ehanging at no or very little cost This is a great tiling NSU If you would like to write for The Current, please o£fers," said junior Julien-e Alvarado, a marketing miyor. contact Laura Starr at [email protected] to set-up an appointment.

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I fcll1Jor: in Obief tsta11 0\lthet!itl [ Managing Editor [email protected] ; Otmr,emf Atlairs Editor kte'Iizai ova,.:er I Sports Editor Tranell Mesa [email protected] I ¥arie'4Y Ectrtior JRiitI(;j.USf J? i_lflll fq&,OO.O!l;<$ef;i1,1 I Opinion Editor Stefani Rubino [email protected] ., ! Staff Wrtt:er l'i C'Oenr a eo:e.mraalfl(@}!il f Staff Writer Alexis Irias tfatf 'Writer lfflatJY : 1 oJJt½ini Naida Alcime 'OllrlstiJ ·. liter 'B an'an [email protected] I an -Mva,do -i [email protected] ! k!ilj!._lfwaa@nJ>.va{e1/tu [email protected] I alllfiiz:[email protected] Staff Advisor Eddie Jitpraphai [email protected] jl

The Ourrent, fomnerly lm:own as The smv1as 1$JovJJ &oll'lhtrastern lfmwersil:,y trorn its lo(rati n ih room 1,015 of the Alihteties and 'St f,9, } :Bt11ld1mg,. · libe Current is NSt;!s estal:)frshed vehlele for student reportinJ, opinion and tbe arts. All cooil!l1lmnfty members are Invited to contribute anything they desk,e to 'llhe Current, Editoda!s, eolililmentaries am;! adver sernents in tl'iis ptiliilfo:atlon refleet'tl:ie opinion;5 of ttie authors aad,ao not necissarily reflect the vfews gf the trniverslzy-0r its ofiicrails, 1lhe ()ur,rem staff, or ottrer advertiseis. The Cµ,rent wdt notl)lobftsb qnsigned fetters except l!ROf.tI speGia.l cin:umstarices at the dtstie:lion ofitre EditQT• m-Oh1ef. llbe Otmrrent reserves-the dg,hrto edit. Comtt1butfng wflttrs must be Taking a Chance Office of Residential life and

Annarely Rodriguez Freelance Writer -��ousing Hosts 10th Annual Off-Campus Housing Fair Tuesday Nov. 4 was a historical day in · points because students discussed their United States history. In an election that reasons for voting a certain way. Some . Kristine Belizaire· broke voter records, Americans chose their of the legislations included lowering first African-American President. So on the drinking age to 18, whether the Current Affairs Editor Election Day, Lucky 13 put on a lecture to government should be allowed to view raise awareness of what happens when you social ne orking pages to prevent On Nov. 6, the Office of Residential Realty Holdings, a company that manages e do not vote. terrorism; lowering the speed limit of Lif and Housin_g put together anoff- Whispering Palms. In partnership with the student initiative highways to 5 5 miles per hour, - ·campus housing fair designed to give Present at the fair was Jennifer Joseph, "step iT up." Lucky 13 took registered among others.- "'- s.1udents t_he opportunitylo·meet with · president of the Commuter Student students to vote in Shark Shuttles. For In a solemti moment, Dean Williams realtors and leasing agents-in tniBroward Organization (CSO). "The realtors are those who did not vote or had already done took time "Out of the game to show and County area. very nice and have a great connection with so, they brought Brad Williams, Dean of explain to students the struggle through "The to get property the students," she said. "They are always Student Affairs to raise awareness of what . which women suffered only 88 years ago development and community partners willing to give things to the students." happens when you do not vote. in order to have a voice in this country to ha e a first-hand int raction with the Since the event is·mainly geared to "How do you get someone interested and vote. .-students," said Jamie Rodriguez, Graduate commuter student , Joseph used it as an in something they've always had?" asked Th_e.IectJJre, which was designed so that Assistant for Housing. "We want them to opportunity to inform students about CSO. Williams rhetorically about democracy. students'ilo ti_ot take democracy forgranted know that they (property_ development and "We want to recruit members and let them Williams started his lecture with a brief was a nice ch-ange· for students. "We community partners) are here to·work with know about what we offer," said Joseph. history of the role of schools in democracy. learned about h()w p ople struggled to get them and offer them discounts," she said. Frnshman Tiahana Douglas found the He also brought a game to obtain students' us where. we are and Dean Williams kept According to Rofuiguez, discounts could fair to be helpful. "It's really nice," she feedback on several-proposeq legislations. our attention engaged the whole time. It include waiving the application fee for said. "They have a lot of nice apartments "Take a Chance" consisted of a "craps was great. It wasn't boring because of the NSU students. available for students. Nova spoils us, and table" on which students would roll dice game. I wouldn't have changed anything," The participating communities at the they are always trying to help us, even if and get a. card with the number they rolled. said freshman · fair included Grove East in Plantation, we don't live on campus." Each card had a legislation which was Anthony Garcilazo. Camden Apartments and For more information about off-campus proposed either on state or national level. The next Lucky 13 will be called "It's Whispering Palms. housing, contact Jamie Rodriguez at Every time a student got a card it was read Never 2 Early 2 Plan 4 the Future." It will "We are very close by to the university, [email protected]. For more information out loud and everyone voted thumbs up or. be held on Nov. 11 at _12:00 p.m. in Room and we would like to offer our services about CSO, contact Jennifer Joseph at down depending whether they agreed 3049 of the Carl DeSantis Building. For to students at a low price," said Angie [email protected]. or not. more information, you may contact Dalis Peralta; community manager for Sawyer Tho game got very heated at some Dominguez, Ph.D., at (954) 262-8485.

Camden housing representative, Brooke Middleton, and senior psychology major, Ivan M., exchange information on potential residency for next semester.

Freshman Adrian Patron rolls the dice as part of "Take a Chance." r ------.. I I --Classifieds ·······················································································. . . I SAVE·$2.oo I Mentor/Tutor/Guide I I Position available part-time to provide emotional support/guidance on your next meal on campus for two bright children (14 &16) in meeting the demands of high I with a minimum purchase of $4.99 I powered regular ED private school. One child is dyslexic/ADHD Valid at any location on NSU main campus Mon - Fri 6-9 p.m. - Hollywood area I all weekend long (Saturday and Sunday) I Contact: mailbox3302 [email protected] ...... • This coupon has a $2.00 discount value with a ATTENTION STUDENTS minimum purchase of $4.99. Simply Looking for a way to sell your stuff? present this coupon to the cashier to redeem. Then advertise in the Classified Section of The Current! • limit one per person Sell your books, furniture or even your tutoring skills .. • Valid from November 11 through 17, 2008 Prices start as low as $5 and cash, check or credit card excepted.· • No cash value and to be presented at time of Contact our Business Manager by phone at (954) 262-8461 ore- purchase. mail at [email protected] ...... •.•...... •...... NISA to Host Flick On the Field - International ''Iron Man'' Students Week A1exis Irias S aff Writer Kristine Belizaire Current Affairs Editor.

From Nov. 17 - 23, Nova International students _can gather and network on.The . On Noy. 4, NSU's Stiident Union Board "Iron Man was such a cool movie, I saw Student Association (NISA) will celebrate Flight Deck Pat_ib in an info al ·setti g.'· (SUB) hosted "Flick on.the Field'.!in front of it once already but I couldn't 4eny myself diversity at NSU. NISA a trip to South Mia_m{ The Commons Residential HalLCourt Yard. to watch it over and over again," said "[International Students' Week] is to Beach on Nov. 22 at 10 a.m. This trip Almost 100 students and staff gathered sophomore Nena Lara. recognize the presence and contribution will allow s.tudents to have fun in an off- around to watch . "Iron ·Man," a 2008 Students were gathered around on of international students at NSU," said campus setting and_enjoy the sights that superhero film based on the Marvel Comics' blankets and lawn chairs to enjoy the mov_ie Ronald Mabunga, Graduate Assistant for South Beach has to ofl:er. eharacter, directed by Jon Favreau. while SUB served sodas, chips and popcorn. International Student Affairs. He added Int riiati.9nal Students' Week will The film stars Robert Downey Jr. as The night ended pleasantly and left those that there are about 1,000 international come !o. a):·to e w1th an International Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist and movie lovers wanting more. students who attend NSU, either online or Thahksgiving-Di6ner in the atrium of master engineer with a plethora of playboy "I wish SUB does this more often! It at one of the campuses. "The mere fact that the Carl DeSantis Building on Sunday vices who builds a powered exoskeleton was so nice to see so many people gathered they chose NSU to study is a contribution," Nov. 23 at 5 p.m. This event is designed and becomes the technologically advanced around together watching a movie," said said Mabunga. to give international students the· chance superhero, Iron Man. sophomore John Rubinov, a biology major. NISA has collaborated with several to learn and be a part of the American offices on campus to put this week Thanksgiving tradition. The event will also together. These offices include the Office feature performances from the NSU Vocal of Career Development, International Ensemble. Mabunga expects that over 100 Students and Scholars and Student students will attend the event. Financial Services and Registration. Thomas believes that International International Students' Week will Students' Week is important for feature both educational and social services international students. "[International to students. The educational events will Students' Week] is a time when we can take place on Nov. 17, 18, 19 and 21 celebrate the sacrifices we have made by at 3:30 p.m. in Room 1047 of the Carl · leaving our homes, our friends and our DeSantis Building. These events will families to seek out something better. It is Featuring: provide international students with career a time when we_ can bask in the glow of information and tips that they can use to all the things we have achieved in the time improve their resumes. The workshops will we have been here. In addition, it is a time also provide them with information on the when we can showcase the diverse culture Iron Man H-IB Visa and ways to secure employment and heritage of our birthplace, taking a after graduation. moment to teach those who may not know Belinda Thomas, President ofNISA, where we are from and what makes us who November 4 thinks that the workshops will be beneficial we are. I look forward to seeing everyone 8:00pm to students. "The information that will .there as we celebrate this moment in time," be presented at the workshops being held stated Thomas. during this week is of critical importance For a complete list of events, or to all international students," said Thomas. to RSVP, contact Ronald Mabunga at Commons Social events include NSU Sub- [email protected], or Belinda Thomas at Thursday at 11 a.m. on Nov. 20, where all [email protected]. Residence Hall Court Yard

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Men's Basketball Rowing Regatta Tranell Mesa Tim Coenraad Sports Editor Staff Writer NSU_' s women's rowing team competec!- on Nov. 1 for their second team on . left, 51-50. NSU's men's basketball took five minutes race of the 2008 fall season in a tri-meet 6 up Florida International University on Nov. FIU managed to tie the game ll,t - · against the University of Miami and Barry in an exhibition game which allowed the 57 a piece, and with just 30 seconds left, University. However, in contrast to their Panther Matt Domingez sunk a Sharks to see some quality competit1.on Golden usual performance, the Sharks drd not before the regular season begins later crucial three-point shot for the victory. come to much success. ·this month. Freshman Iran Hollis lead the Sharks The Sharks Varsity 8+ 'A' boat finished The Sharks didn't get off to the best with 10 rebounds and nice· pofots followed_ . · with a tune·of 17: 15.5 in the 5K race freshman Teddy Tassy with nine . start as they struggled with the speed of by fellow · to place them fourth while the 'B' boat all from · FIU's Golden Panther's, taking them into points, 90ming,i;)1ots.- · finisliidjust behind with a time of 17:50.9 the half down by ll-points, 35-24. NSU NSlJ opens_the regular season at 5,00 to take fifth. kicked off the second half in a much better on.Nov. 15 vs. Southern Arkansas in · Varsity4+ boat battled it out on a 4K to take West Florida Classic in Pensacola, Fla. direction tallying together 51-points the • race course. The Sharks' 'A' boat came in time the lead for the first in the game with fQUrth with a time of 15:44.6 while the 'C' __ boat overpowered the 'B' boat to finish sixth and eighth respectively. Although the Sharks were disappointed with their overall placement in the regatta, the team stated that they know they have a lot to work on, but they are all willing to put in the time and effort because they know that is what it takes to win and they Photos courtesy of Angelica Garcia believe they are winners. Fan of the Week Chris Balaban Staff Writer

Senior Dionte Perry reaching for a slam dunk.

Senior dance major, Jimmi Singh, sported a stylish jersey on his way to support NSU's men's and women's soccer _team. Singh's passion for dance and theatrics, combined with his outstanding support for Sharks Athletics makes him NSU's "FAN OF THE WEEK!" Sophomoe Alex Gynes prepares to pass the ball to sophomore Ross Allsop.


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Volleyball Men's Soccer

Tranell Mesa Tim Coenraad Sport Editor Staff Writer.

Sharks' volleyball (20-9; 8-5 SSC) with Ruiz, junior Jenerra McGruder (12), NSU's men's soccer team (10-9-1; their deficit in half as the Sharks conceded continued on with their dazzling season on senior Melinda Gorman (I 6) and freshman 3-6-1) completed their regular season on a goal to make the score 2-1. Lynn would Nov. 1 as they upset SSC rivals, tl e No. Molly Sigerich (5) adding 12, 12, 10 and -·-Nov. l·, senior night, with a loss to the No. then go on to score two goals over the 5 Spartans, for the 10 kills each. 2 Fighting Knights by a course of 10 minutes, giving them a 3-2 first time in NSU history in a thrilling five Junior defensive specialist Alison score of 3-2. lead which was held onto for the victory. game match. Later in the week the Sharks Kalish ( 1) put on a great defensive display With the excitement of their last home NSU's last game of the season would fell to three games to with 20 digs for the match. game of the season in the air, the Sharks come in the SSC Conference Tournament none and were unable to overcome the No. Despite their three sets to none defeat . jumped out-on-to with a one-goal lead quarter-final on Nov. 4 as they closed their 13 Florida ·southern Moccasins on to Barry_Univ rsity, McGruder (12) led the when junior Romain Onteniente (10) 2008 season with a loss to the fourth- Nov. 7, 3-1. Sharks with nine kills, followed by Riln. blasted a·15-yard free kick-info•!!ie lower seeded by a After falling to Tampa's Spartans in ( 6) and seoior Cmjstina Chubb (7) with 5· right comer, giving NSU a 1-0 lead t score 3-1. the first two games the Sharks retaliated to kills each.-. - -. the half. Onteniente (10) was honored with steal away a third game victory courtesy of NSU came out firing in the first set Just two minutes into the second half a First Team All-SSC selection for sophomore Paola Ruiz (6) who registered against the'nationally ranked Moccasins soph mores Craig Heehighan (8) and Juan the second year in a row as he led the four kills. The match was all tied up after going on an 11-0 r un to start the set as· the __Gonzalez (16) were credited for an assist Sharks with 11 ·assists, scored nine goals, NSU won the fourth game; taking the Sharks took _the set 25: 15. However, the on a goal scored by sophomore Aly Hassan including two game winners as well as Sharks to a fifth game where their previous Moccasiiisc_woul

naneH Messa Women's Soccer $pQrts liditer .

Tim Coenraad NSU's junior defenstv.e specialist encmmte-ted a tremendous Staff Writer week of !\li'CCtaeular volleyoali, asveraging 3.1 digs per set after tallying lO total in a three-match week (or the Sh:arks, 2---1. NSU women's soccer senior midfielder Stephanie Quinones (8) This $hark ean be seen playing m tile Sha-rk Tank weaning. was named to the All-SSC Second Team as well as to the ESN the the No. 1, she is majoring in sports management with oateer Magazine/CoSIDAAcademic All-District First Team. goals ofp_mying in the AVP while working for a professional Quinones finishes her NSU career tied at 15 for the most assists athletic team. In lier spare time, she loves singing voea1s m her team's R'.ock Bud tour group. NSU program history and was also among the leaders in total points, 35.


R F M A I V 0 N M E F R N I C 0 L E w H I L M 0 J 0 s H w 0 0 D C I C w A A C H R I s T H z M y

D M y L R 0 R ◄ R E A p N H y E L R U. H z I L I E C R 0 L y A T M M L K R K J E s K E Q D 0 E N N L I s D E F T R 0 N L A • A L L y s 0 N K. E I T H B 0 B F y G 0 0 E E --- Q C

Answers to Previous Week's Word Find

ACROSS UPl))OWN: - . I am a member of the men's soccer team. You will see me on the field wearing No. 16 while playing in the midfield. I was born in Colombia. I am a member of the men's basketball team You will see me in the court wearing No. , ANSWER: Sophomore, Juan Gonzalez 23. I am 6-feet, 8-inches tall. I am from South Australia. When I grow up I want to be a professional Rock Band drummer. I am a member of the women's cross country team. I am a biology/pre-med major and hope of one . day becoming an orthopedic surgeon. I believe my best asset to the team is my personality. I am a member of the women's rowing team. I am an athletic training major. ANSWER: Freshman, April Farrell My favorite place to go is the Swap Shop. I love to basket weave. ACROSS: UP/DOWN I am a four-year member of the women's rowing team. I am the stroke seat for the Varsity 8+. I am an occupational therapy major. I believe my best assets to the team are my willpower and I am a member of the women's basketball team. You will see me on the court in the leadership. guard/forward position wearing No. 5. I am 6-feet tall. I am from France. ANSWER: Senior, Rachel Garbaj

I am a member of the women's volleyball team. You will see me on the court as a setter. I am the goal keeper for the women's soccer team. You will see me on the field wearing No. 1. I am an athletic training major. My favorite thing to do is play any and all sports, all day, I wear No. 15. I am an elementary education major. every day! ANSWER: Junior, Megan Kim