University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 11-18-1936 Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 08, November 18, 1936 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 08, November 18, 1936" (1936). The Rollins Sandspur. 473. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/473 "*-^^=^S" Florida's Editorials Oldest College The Tars March On Newspaper miiim aniispur These Freshmen! (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1936 (Complete Campus Coverage) CONCERT SERIES New Yorkers Build Little 'Utopia' of Individualism STUDENTS VOTE TO WILL BE GIVEN GO TO TAMPA GAME BY CHAPEL CHOIR IN MOTORCADE TRIP To Appear in the Important THE FLAMINGO THE TOMOKAN WiU Form Friday Afternoon Cities Throughout the The Flamingo, Student Liter­ The studio will be open all day On Holt Avenue At State ary publication, is on sale at the Thursday for the benefit of 3 O'clock Bookery, which is on the cor­ those who have not had their DIRECTED Bt HONAAS ner of E. Park Avenue and New pictures made, or seen their TO HAVE POLICE HELP England Avenue. proofs. Considered One of the Finest A window display has been The Tomokan staff requests Physician, Repair Car To Be Organizations on Campus dedicated to this magazine. your cooperation. Taken Along Professor Christopher 0. Honaas, At the student assembly Monday director of the Rollins Chapel morning, it was voted that a motor­ Choir, has recently announced that cade would be formed to go to the during the coming season the choir Tampa game this Friday. will give several concerts in the y,OFO,w,io ROLLINS WILL The motorcade will form on Holt more important cities of the state. Avenue at 3 P. M., Friday after­ On January 17th, immediately noon, and will leave for Tampa as following the usual morning medi­ soon thereafter as possible. Box tation in the chapel, the choral FEAIURE FILM OFFER HONOR lunches will be provided by the group will leave for Jacksonville, Commons for all those going. where they will be heard in the All the students owning cars first of these concerts. On Feb­ The .-.pint of back-to-the-soil met yesterday evening after Bean­ ruary 14th they will motor to Palm HI 1 u£?Red individualism is excm- ery to receive final plans and in­ Beach to give a Sunday evening plif'ed at Suffern, N Y, where a structions from the committee-in- concert there, and on February 28th siTijlI conimunit> ot 40 acres, charge. All passengers are expect­ Sponsored By The Orlando- sun ted in 1035 by Ralph Bor- Five Awards at $6,000 Each, the group is scheduled to be heard Winter Park Branch sodi, 1= making good on its own. ed to share the fuel expense of the at Tampa. Tentative plans have Upper left photo shows com­ Or $1,500 a Year, To car in which they ride. also been made for a trip to St. munity tenants building one of Be Given Tickets for the game are to be Petersburg. THE HUMAN ADVENTURE the m:iny substantial homes, obtained through Mr. Ward at the wliile the one upper light shows Treasurer's Office before leaving. Later in the season the choir will a woman member of the com­ 79 SCHOOLS SELECTED again be heard at Mt. Dora, where Picture Produced By The Uni­ munity weaving clothing mate- They are being sold at the student their one out-of-town concert of versity of Chicago iials Women in the colony are rate of 40c. last year was so enthusiastically taught to manage a home, put About Half of Schoos Located The motorcade will be accom­ applauded. up fruits and vegetables, and In New England panied by a police car, a physi­ The Orlando-Winter Park Branch iew and weave. The whole the­ The choir, which was first insti­ cian's car and a repair car to pro­ of the American Association of ory of the colony is utilization Rollins College is offering five tuted on the campus for the dedi­ University Women is presenting on of the assets at hand Lower vide utmost safety while enroute. cation service of the chapel in 1932, left HUP of the new homes national honor scholarships valued At Tampa, after all cars have been December 1 one of the outstanding at $6,000 each, or $1,500 a year, is now beginning its fifth year of events of the entire year. refueled, the motorcade will pro­ to the seniors in a selected num­ ceed to Plant Field, where a spe­ service and inspiration. Generally It is the first showing in Cen­ ber of private schools. 79 schools cial lot has been provided for the considered one of the finest organi­ tral Florida of "The Human Ad­ in eighteen states have been chos­ orderly parking of Rollins Cars. A zations on the Rollins campus, the venture", an eight-reel talking pic­ COMMENT RELATIONS CLUB STUDENT PLAYERS en to nominate candidates. About special section of the bleachers has choir under the able direction of ture which sketches the rise of half of the schools are located in also been reserved for the Rollins Mr. Honaas is gaining recognition man from savagery to civilization. ON THE New England. Continued on page 2, col. 3) throughout the country as an ex­ The picture was produced by the Under the terms of the awards, ceptional choral group. Oriental Institute of the Univer­ HOLDS MEEIING WILL GIVE PHy applicants will be restricted to A great deal of the work ren- sity of Chicago and is being shown WEEKS NEWS senior boys in the schools selected. (Continued on page 2, col. B) in a limited number of cities in Students Will Present "Her By FRED LIBERMAN The scholarships, which are being various parts of the country. It Discuss Civil War in Spain Husband's Wife" offered this year for the first will be shown at the Baby Grand From Rebel Viewpoint time, will be awarded on the basis Theatre in Winter Park. Election Aftermath MRS. CAMPBELL SPEAKS FRANCES HYER DIRECTS of character and moral leadership, mm RECEIVES The Human Adventure", re­ Enheartened by the results of scholarship, and athletic or other quiring more than three years to the recent election, General Motors "Her Husband's Wife", the first extra-curricular activities. SPEAKS IN GHAPEL At 7:30 on Thursday, Nov. 12, complete, was produced under the and Chrysler, together with hun- the International Relations Club play to be given by the Dramatic Whenever possible applicants scientific supervision of Dr. James drds of other firms announced met in Caroline Fox dormitory. Art Department this term, will be will be interviewed in person by a "Christians Divided' Is Sub­ H. Breasted, famous archeologist wage increases and extra diivdends. The topic under discussion was produced Thursday evening, No­ representative of Rollins College. ject of Sermon and historian, and Director of the One hundred and thirty dollars will vember 19, at 8:15 o'clock in the Groups of candidates will be in­ Mrs. Connor Presents Three ogical organization in the world. e current Civil War in Spain. be added to the income of a mil­ Mrs. Campbell, professor of Laboratory Theatre in Recreation vited to meet a committee of rep­ Hundred Volumes Direction and narration of the film lion men and women working in Hall. resentatives of Rollins College in PARKER GIVES READING is by his son, Charles Breasted, Spanish at Rollins this year, spoke stores, factories and business in­ to the group from the angle of the This production should not he (Continued on page 2, col. 2) (Continued on page 2, col. 5) stitutions. confused with the plays presented Mr. A. Buel Trowbridge deliv­ ALSO BEQUEATHS $1,000 Rebellious Army. In giving a brief ered the sermon in the Knowles outline of the history of the coun­ Fitting in with this general busi­ by the Rollins Student Players in ness revival of last week comes the Annie Russell Theatre. Those French Club Holds Memorial Chapel on Sunday, No­ A valuable collection of nearly Tampa Rollins Club try, Mrs. Campbell showed that vember 15. 300 volumes from the library of the news that there are now six are extra-curricular activities open Meeting Tuesday at Invites Students To Spain was not united until the time As Associate Professor of Reli­ the late Jeannette Thurber Connor million less unemployed than there to all students. On the other hand, of Ferdinand and Isabella. Fun­ Madame Bowman's gion and Ethics, Mr. Trowbridge has recently been added to the Rol­ Dinner Before Game were when President Roosevelt was the plays in the Laboratory Thea­ damentally the Spaniards do not was well qualified to speak on lins College Collection of Flori­ inailig^urated in 1933, and it is an­ tre represent the class work that A meeting of the French Club think alike and the present upris­ "Christians Divided". diana, according to an announce­ The Rollins Club of Tampa under ticipated that another million will is being done to train the students was held at the home of Madame ing is only proving this fact. Citing the parable of the four ment made by W.
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