INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………. 30 mins i. Program Overview (Purpose & Outcome) ii. Introduction of Interns (Me In 30 Seconds)

PART (A): ACHIEVING SUCCESS AT WORKPLACE 1:30 mins i. Qualities that make a valued employee ii. Measuring Success.

PART (B): CREATING A PROFESSIONAL CV /RESUME 1:30min i. Matching your Skills ii. Resume and Cover Letter presentation

PART (C): PREPARING FOR EFFECTIVE JOB INTERVIEW 1:30mins i. Me In 30 Seconds & Power Statement ii. Interview Preparation & Assessment


INTRODUCTIONS: Have each class member introduce himself using his “Me in 30 Seconds” statement. Discuss the importance of having prepared, memorized statements to be used in interviews.

PURPOSE: Prepare for success in getting, keeping and progressing in employment.

REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CHURCH IN YOUR EMPLOYMENT  As you step into the workplace you will become a representative of the Lord, the Church and your family.  When you became a member of this church you made covenants which you renew each Sunday.  The person the Lord wants you to be is the same as the person an employer needs you to be.

PROMISES TO THE LORD  You have promised the Lord that you will remember him and represent him to the world.  You were chosen before you were born for a special mission.  The things we are going to talk about today are essential to your success in the workplace but also your success in life.

GIFT OF AGENCY  One of the most priceless gifts the Lord has given you is the gift of “agency”  Every day you are making choices that will determine your future and the future of others  Those choices truly matter to the Lord, to the Church and to your Family.

GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST  Another special gift you have been given is the Holy Ghost.  With this “gift” you are prepared to be guided by the Lord in your decisions.  As you live the gospels and keep your covenants you will make choices that will help you become the person the Lord teaches you to be, you will become the person an employer will want you to be.


In the world before we came here, faithful women were given assignments while faithful men were foreordained to certain tasks. While we do not now remember the Particulars…we are accountable for those things which long ago were expected of us. My Beloved Sisters SLC Deseret Book 1979, 37

 Each of us was given a mission before we came to earth.  As we are prayerful and have the desire to fulfill this mission the Lord will guide your life to help you achieve that assigned mission.  Understanding that mission will usually unfold slowly throughout our life  In your later life you can look back and see that how the Lord has guided your life if you are making good choices and following His plan for you.


Discuss the following Scripture

D&C 58:26-28 For behold, it is not meet that I should Command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward. Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness; For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do well they shall in nowise lose their reward.”

LEARN TO “ACT” • We don’t need to wait to be commanded but must use our agency to “act” • As you are “anxiously engaged” in good, you can use your free will (agency) to accomplish great things and achieve success in fulfilling your mission in life and in the workplace • The Lord has given us power within through our righteousness, our covenants and our ordinances accomplish whatever is required of us • We can have a real impact on the world and will be richly rewarded for the good we do as we make the choice to exercise our agency.

THE LORD EXPECTS YOU TO BE A LIGHT TO OTHERS  As you choose to live the gospel you will stand out from others  The qualities you develop will make you a valued employee

“I believe the Lord has brought forth special spirits who were reserved from before the world was to be strong and valiant in this difficult time of the world’s history. Upon you young men and women will soon rest the future of the kingdom of God on earth. In your time, the challenges and opportunities will be greater than ever before.” James A Faust, Oct 1995





Case Study #1

Discuss the challenges of building a business, then, which employee would be of interest to an employer and why.

List good qualities under Asset and bad under Liability on board. Keep referring back to the terms, Asset and Liability. Help students understand what actions are assets to an employer and which liabilities are.  Businesses are built with great effort and sacrifice  A business owner is considering how you will be an asset to his company.  A business owner is not interested in what the can do for you. He is interested in what you can do for them.

BUSINESSES WORK ON A PROFIT OR LOSS BASIS  Anything that helps a business earn money or customers is an asset (money in).  Anything that makes the business lose time, money or customers is a liability (money out).

Explore behaviors that create an asset for an employer and others which prove to be a liability – Add to lists on the board.

Self-Evaluation:  Am I going to be an asset or a liability?  Ongoing question: What changes can I make to be a better asset?




Qualities of Character


Define: “Integrity means thinking and doing what is right at all times, no matter what the consequences. When you have integrity, you are willing to live by your standards and beliefs even when no one is watching.” (For the Strength of Youth 19).  Foundation of all virtues  What you believe is what you do.  You consistently do what you say you will do  Harmony of character, values, and actions

Benefits:  People who have well developed integrity grow in credibility.  People of integrity are predictable are trusted by employers, coworkers and the Lord.

Related Virtues:

TRUSTWORTHY  Keeps word.  Follows rules.  Works hard when no one is watching.  Protects employer’s belongings, equipment, money, and products.

Example:  It takes a months to build a house but it can be demolished in hours.  Building trust with your employer takes time and consistency.  It can be broken, however, in one act.

“Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works , that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his. Josiah 5:15

HONEST  Is Truthful.  Recognizes and admits mistakes.

Example  When an employee makes a mistake he is tempted to cover it up.  Revealing a mistake gives the employer the opportunity to help correct it, anticipate its affect or be prepared to deal with the consequences that may develop.

DEPENDABLE  Always arrives on time and stays until his shift is completed.  Works consistently.  Produces good results.  Follows rules.  Takes 100% responsibility for his work.

LOYAL  Protects the reputation and information: o business o employer o fellow workers  Represents the Lord well.

Scripture story reference: Alma 20:26 King Lamont’s father was so impressed by Ammon’s loyalty to his son, he received Aaron and listened to the gospel

HUMBLE  Teachable when instructed or corrected.  Flexible and adaptable when needed.  “Easy to be entreated” Will respond willingly and pleasantly to requests.  Grateful (no entitlement) does not expect employer to make adjustments to fit his needs.  Takes correction well. Is not “easily offended”.


 Sometimes our cultural background or family and personal habits do not support Church standards.  It is difficult to make the break from these traditions but they keep us from being what we need to be.  The Lord can help us turn away from our past and face toward the Savior. He is the example we need to follow.

Turn away from negative cultural or family habits

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Matt 6 :24

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 23:15

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to ever one that believeth.” Romans 1:16


Stephen R. Covey “A transition person is one who breaks the flow of bad - the negative traditions or harmful practices that get passed from generation to generation, or from situation to situation, whether in a family, a workplace, a community, or wherever. Transition persons transcend their own needs and tap into the deepest, most noble impulses of human nature. … Trust yourself to become one of the best, and watch your influence grow”

You can create a whole different culture for your own self and family. Discuss examples.

Pres. Hinckley Quote “We must be vigilant in a world which has moved so far from that which is spiritual. It is essential that we reject anything that does not conform to our standards, refusing in the process to surrender that which we desire most, eternal life in the kingdom of God.”

What you choose matters to those who follow:  Your choices today determine your opportunities tomorrow.  Raising your children with a foundation in gospel principles will bless your life, theirs and others who associate with each of you.  Generations to come will be affected by the choices you make today.




Testify: The Lord wants you to succeed, he has a mission for you and will help you prepare for and accomplish that mission.

Explore: He can help you find a job, get a job and then succeed in a job? How?

“I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.” D&C 84:88

Nephi was an example of fully trusting the Lord:

“And I said unto them: If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth; and if I should say it, it would be done.” 1 Nephi 17:50

THE LORD IS THE ONE WHO WILL GIVE YOU THE POWER TO SUCCEED  Power comes from keeping your covenants, attending the temple, serving others and keeping the commandments.  We must exercise faith and act on promptings to draw upon that power.

“For the Lord shall be thy confidence.“ Proverbs. 3:26


“I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.” D&C 82:10


BE OBEDIENT • Keep covenants and commandments • Live a clean life • Exercise faith • Be guided by the Spirit

President , Former President “When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power.”


Identify good work habits and practices . Learn to love work. • Work full-time when paid full-time. To do otherwise would be cheating. • Look for things that need to be done and do them. • Diligently try to do your best. • Strive for excellence. • Finish a job. • See value in your work.

“Maturity is doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done whether you feel like it or not.” Anonymous

President Nathan E. Tanner, Apostle, First Presidency “It is not what work we do but how we do it that counts”

DEVELOP SKILLS • Improve the skills you have • Learn new skills • Pay attention to needs and develop ability to fill those needs • Listen carefully when instructed and follow directions • Keep growing in ability and performance

Parable of the Talents - Matt 25:14-30

Cartoon: “Yes you always go the extra mile for us but in the wrong direction”  It is not enough to work hard.  You need to also work smart.

WORK SMART  Think about what you are doing and how you can do it better, faster, more efficiently, with better results.  Plan work in your head, spiritually, before executing it physically  Anticipate needs and potential problems

Be organized and prepared  Have the needed skills, equipment, and approach to perform a duty  Manage your time well

TIME MANAGEMENT Discuss and let group share examples  Arrive on time always. Call if an emergency arises that will delay you.  Get the work done on time  Plan time wisely to cover needed tasks  Find ways to contribute when work is finished and time remains.

“Time is money” How you use your time can make you an “asset” or a “liability”

INITIATIVE  Anticipate needs and problems  Think through possible solutions when challenges occur.  Be self-directed  Discover new ways to help

Case Study: #2 - Lights go out – Read, analyze and create possible solutions

ACT  Use your God given agency to “act”  Don’t become an object that is “acted upon”  Always look for what more you can do to contribute  How can I do to be a real asset to my employer

Scripture: 2 Nephi 2:14 And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon.

STORY Pres. N Eldon Tanner of the 1st Presidency. Before he was called as an apostle he had a major job as president of a large oil company. He told the following story that is a good example of the benefits of showing initiative

“When I was president of TransCanada Pipelines, we had an office boy who did only what we asked him to do. He would wait until called to run an errand, or stand around waiting for instructions, never offering to be helpful. As the company grew and the job became more than he could handle, we hired another lad, even younger, who was alert and always looking for extra things to do to be helpful. He would finish an errand and then see or ask for something else to do. In just a few months one of the departments wanted him for a position of greater responsibility, and within two years he had three advancements, salary increases, and more responsibilities. The other lad remained an errand boy.” Nathan Eldon Tanner, April 1978, Apostle, Member of 1st Presidency

Raises and promotions are given to the best workers

RELY ON THE LORD – HE WILL GUIDE YOU  Do what you feel prompted to do  You may not understand but, when prompted, do it anyway  Let the lord know that if he gives you direction you will follow it.  Gain trust for more personal revelation  Often, we don’t understand why.

It takes faith to do what you are prompted to do

Object Lesson: When we use a flashlight in the dark we can only see a little distance at a time. As we move forward we see a little further and can keep going until we reach our destination. Faith gives us the ability to step into the dark and trust that little by little “precept upon precept” the Lord will guide us a little closer to our destination. First you must act. Then the Lord will extend the light . DEVELOP A PARTNERSHIP WITH THE LORD  He will help you move forward and achieve your goals.  He gave you the tools.

PERSONAL REVELATION The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life.” Julie B Beck, General President of the Relief Society, April 2010 General Conference.

Review: “Qualify”, “Receive” and “Act.”

PATTERN: Pray - Listen - Recognize - Act - Report


DESIRE:  All change starts with desire  The Lord will bless you with the desires of your heart.  Determine to change so you can grow  Become the person the Lord and your employer need you to be  Become a good representative of your family, the Church and The Lord

REPENTNCE is growing and changing – You can be a Transition Person


Success is not about what we can accumulate or how much power or popularity we enjoy. It is about how we can serve others and build the kingdom.


“But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren…” Luke 22:32

Lord wants all of his children to succeed “And again, I say unto you, let every man esteem his brother as himself. For what man among you having twelve sons, and is no respecter of them, and they serve him obediently, and he saith unto the one: Be thou clothed in robes and sit thou here; and to the other: Be thou clothed in rags and sit thou there—and looketh upon his sons and saith I am just? Behold, this I have given unto you as a parable, and it is even as I am. I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.” D&C 38:25-27

ESTABLISHING ZION – The Abundance Mentality  There is enough and to spare - create in yourselves an “abundance mentality”. Another’s success does not diminish our own. The Lord can provide plenty for all.  Be united and serve.  Establish Zion with “no poor among us.”

“For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves.” D&C 104:17


INTRODUCTION Define: A résumé is a written document that summarizes your skills, abilities, and accomplishments. It is like a quick advertisement of who you are. CV’S are reviewed, discarded or kept within 30 seconds It represents you and is the instrument which opens the door to an interview Fits the job description - must be customized. Don’t apply for a job you are clearly unqualified for.

RESUME PRESENTATION Effective Written Materials Follow Three Simple Principles:


ATTRACTIVE: Spelling and grammar: Check, double check, and have others review it, Bond paper if available - white, no fancy writing, picture or unnecessary frills

SUMMARY: An employer will scan this part of your resume in three to five seconds and decide whether to read on or eliminate. The summary information is typically at the top of the Resume. It includes; Name - Contact information - Quick summary of Skills and Experience

ACCOMPLISHMENTS List information in order of importance in descending order EDUCATION AND TRAINING Education and Training information helps an employer understand your credentials. President Hinckley once said “The world will pay you what it thinks you are worth”. At this stage you are required to input your educational certificates such as;

Degree Certifications Specific classes Training Accomplishments Results Achieved (Quantify statements) EXPERIENCE Work History Accomplishment Results

APPLICABLE Match your skills and experience to the job description Be honest. You may be defending what you CV says in an interview The Papaye Story Imagine yourself having gone to Papaye to order for Fried Rice & Chicken with salad & pepper. You open the pack and it is Jollof Rice and Fish. *How would you feel? *Reposition yourself as an employer engaging a person whose skills does not match with what your requirements or needs? Don’t apply for a job for which you are clearly unqualified and don’t pretend. Just be yourself but promote your best self. DO NOT INCLUDE: Photo Over complicated text boxes and graphics Lengthy explanations of how the role ended Personal opinions or comments An over-tailored personal profile Bad spelling or grammar

COVER LETTER (Application Letter) A cover letter often accompanies your resume. It functions as an introduction and should encourage your employer to read your resume. It also explains to the organization your interest in the stated vacancy and why they should employ you. POWER STATEMENTS “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” Matthew 5:16 Quote: “In the future everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes." Andy Warhol. WHAT IS POWER STATEMENT? DEFINE: A message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc. SELF EVALUATE - COMPOSE - MEMORIZE - DELIVER Prepare a power statement to use with any possible question If you have several power statements memorized, you can answer most questions by adjusting the statement to the unexpected question. THEMATIC AREAS Previous Experience Accomplishments Specific Example Desired Outcome RESULTS Economic value Revenue Generated Percent Growth Money Saved Otherwise WHERE CAN IT BE USED Networking Resume or Career Portfolio Cover Letter or Job Proposal Interview Room Follow- Up Letter

EXAMPLE IN INTERVIEW SITUATION Interviewer: “Tell me about a time you provided great customer service.” THE BAD EXAMPLE Job Seeker 1: “I really like customer service, and I think I am pretty good at it. Except when customers are jerks. I don’t need to be treated that way. Wait, are your customer’s jerks?” THE AVERAGE EXAMPLE Job Seeker 2: “Customer service is very important to me. The customers are key to our continued success. I have always found that if you treat the customer’s right, they will reward you with continued business. I have a lot of experience with customer service, and I am very good at it. Customers want to be heard and know they are listened to. It is important that we do our best to get it right the first time and make it right as quickly as possible when we make a mistake. I believe in the mantra that the customer is always right. THE GOOD EXAMPLE Job Seeker 3: “I am very skilled at customer service. For example, when I worked for YZ Sales, we had a long-term customer who, on one occasion, did not get what he had ordered. When he called me, he was upset and threatened to cancel all of his business with us. I took time to listen and understand his situation and then provided a solution that worked for the customer. As a result, we not only retained the customer but he increased his orders with us by 200 percent. I am confident I can put these same customer service skills to work for you.”

WHY WAS THE THIRD EXAMPLE THE BEST? He used a power statement. He talk about what he had actually done. He made it very interesting and memorable. Completely unique, short and true story

POWER STATEMENTS FORMAT Step 1 Claim a Skill or Experience (“I am . . .” “I can . . . or “I have . . .”) Step2 Give an Example “For Example” Step 3 Give a Result (“As a result . . .”) Step 4 Match the Skill To The Needs of the Employer Power Words to Consider: Self-starter, Creative, Motivated, Persistent, Resourceful, Decisive, Motivated, Teachable, Adaptable, Organized, Responsible, Initiated, Lead, Saved, Oversaw, Established, Trained, etc. NAILING THE ACHIEVEMENTS When you describe an achievement, you may include: A challenge you faced. Actions you performed to overcome the challenge. The results of your actions “Ordinary people who faithfully, diligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results”.-David A. Bednar


THINGS TO CONSIDER IN THIS SECTION: Turning Negatives into Positives Ask Questions Close the Interview Effectively WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF AN INTERVIEW?

• To give the interviewer an opportunity to evaluate the applicant.

• To give the applicant a chance to appraise the job, organization, build relationships and grow their network. THE THREE (3) C’S OF AN INTERVIEW


COMPETENCE: Do you have the skills, experience and knowledge to do the job and do it well? COMPATIBILITY: Do you fit with their company culture, especially if it’s significantly different from where you’ve worked before? CHEMISTRY: Are you someone the employer would like to work with?

TURNING NEGATIVES INTO POSITIVES QUOTE: “Kindness is the essence of greatness and the fundamental characteristic of the noblest men and women. It is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes”. (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin) CASE STUDY: 1. If you happened to find yourself in an interview where the interviewer makes unkind remarks about your religion or church. • Do you see in that instance an opportunity? • How would you deal with the situation? 2. An employer asks, “Tell me about a time you didn’t get along with a coworker”.

USE THE S.O.A.R APPROACH S- Situation O- Obstacles A- Actions R- Results How it Works.

• Situation: Highlight points of pain that will resonate with employers, such as situations that caused a waste of time, money or missed opportunities before you rescued the situation

• Obstacles: Think of how you helped your employer to overcome a big obstacle.

• Actions: What did you do to help the situation?

• Results: What were the results of your actions? Be specific, use numbers and percentages to quantify your impact. Remember: “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord; but they that deal truly are his delight”. (Proverbs 12:22) ASKING AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS WHAT KIND OF QUESTIONS DO I ASK?

• Ask questions that will help you gain knowledge about the company.

• Ask questions that invite you to act.

• Ask questions that encourage self-evaluation.

• Ask questions that access understanding. Do’s And Don’ts

• Research about the company prior to your interview to help you generate a list of relevant questions for the employer.

• When asked a question, give a full answer not a simply a “yes” or “no”.

• Answer all questions frankly and be deliberate.

• Keep your goal in mind which is to promote yourself. • Be confident.

• Don’t interrupt, listen!


CLOSE THE INTERVIEW EFFECTIVELY When Closing an Interview • Stand to leave, make eye contact, smile and give a firm handshake • Call interviewer by name • Thank the interviewer for his/her time • Be sure you understand the next step • Restate your interest in the position • Indicate how you will follow up • Leave a business card

EVALUATE YOURSELF EVERY TIME! “Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee”. Deuteronomy 31:6