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.) . HOBEHT QPPl:,'HEDtET< Institute for Advanced Study Chairman

HAROLD C. UREY September 8, 1950 Vice~Chairmsn To the Secretary of State II. A. BETHE Washington, D.C. 1'. W. HRIDGMA:s" Harvard University JJF.TLEV W. BRONK Sir: Johns Hopkins University

.\. II. Co~£PTO.­ Washington University I have the honor of transmitting to you a coP,Y of a letter !':. U. CoNDo.· National Bureau of Standards which will be sent to seventeen American scientists whose names I·' \RRlNGTON D.\NIELS University of Wisconsin are listed in the enclosure. Lt· r,; A. DUBRIDGE Institute of Technology ,\!,BERT ErN::;TEI.· Hans J. Morgenthau, of the Department of Political Institute for Advanced Study

,] A~!ES FRANCK at ~he University of Chicago, has expressed what I believe ma~ University of Chicago

~A~WEL .A.. GounsMIT Brookhaven National Laboratory scientists feel when he wrote i n the May issue of the Bulletin

THOR} !:SO R. ROGNESS University of Chicago of the Atomic Scientists as follows: 11 ••• I do not know whether 1•'. WHEELER LOOMTS University of Illinois a negotiated settlement vQth the is possible. I l'lULT,[P M. MORSE Massachusetts Institute of Technology do know, however, II. ,J. :MULLER that no such attempt at a negotiated settle- University of Indiana LINUS PAULJ.'G ment has been made; instead we have wasted our time with polemics California Institute of Technology

U. B. PEGRAM over isolated secondary issues which must remain insoluble as I. I. RABI Columbia University long as t he basic issues remain unsettled. I also know that, .] I I.IA.- SCHWINGE!t Harvard University in view of the present and foreseeable distribution of power ~ 'YR!L s. SMITH University of Chicago between the Unit ed States and the Soviet Union, the choice Lr,o SziLABD University of Chicago ED\\-AilD TELLER before the world is between negotiated settlement and war, that University of Chtcago Y. 1•'. WEISSKOPF is, universal destruction. I finally know that no nation can Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1-'EIVaLL WHIGHT University of Chicago survive the ordeal of a third world war, if it can survive it at .ThltROJ,D ZACHAHIA::; Massachusetts lnst1tutc of Technology aJ..l, withOUt being COnVinced in its COllectiVe COnscience that

Professional aililiations for uicnti!Jcation purposes only it has done everything humanly possible to preserve peace. It

is for these reasons that I deem it worth .while and even imper-

ative to consider seriously the possibility of a negotiated

l'ubltslttrl by Bnuc.\TIO. ,\L Ful. DATION .1-0lt. TL

settlement with the Soviet Union."

Vfuat is the proper time to start negotiations with Russia aimed at a

comprehensive settlement? Wilkie was of the opinion that the proper time for negotiating a settlement vvi th Russia was during the war, before Russia and America lost their common enemy. Many believe that he was right and that if reaching an agreement with Russia is at all possible, it becomes more difficult with eve~ year that is allowed to pass.

I do not mean to s~ that the government of the ought to enter into negotiations with Russia at this time. It is doubtful whether such negotiations could produce aqy useful result at this time or any other time if they were entered into without a clear concept of just what would constitute a satisfactory settlement. There is no evidence to show that the State Department has a clear concept of this and in aqy case the absence of an adequate public discussion of the real issues would make the task of the State Department very difficult at this time.

To outline a satisfactory settlement that might be acceptable both to

Russia and America as well as to all other nations involved, is clearly a difficult task. For a settlement to be satisfactory it would have to create conditions which would induce both America and Russia to maintain the agree­ ment in operation over a long period of time. Such an agreement would have to include measures of general disarmament, far-reaching in scope, and provide adequate safeguards against violations. While Russia and America might retain the right legally to abrogate the disannament clauses of the agreement, such a right could obviously not be given to all nations, and therefore, the creation of some machinery of enforcement would probably be deemed to be necessary.

Perhaps a of outstanding American citizens, free from any govern­ mental responsibility and devoting their full time, from three to six months, ...


to this task could think through the problems involved and might emerge

with a plan which in their opinion ought to be acceptable both to Russia

and America as well as to the other nations involved.

It is, however, difficult for Americans to take into account all the

points of view which might legitimately enter into the considerations, of

the Russian government. The danger of overlooking important points would be

greatly diminished if the group engaged in such study were to include Russians

as well as Americans, without in a~ way committing either of the two govern­

ments. And because a fruitful exchange of views in this difficult field is

possible only between men who have mutual respect for each other's intellectual

integrity, scientists--Americans, Russians, a nd others--might be able to render

a unique public service at this time.

The chances that the plan outlined in the enclosed letter can, in fact,

be realized are slim; but so are the chances of every other effort that

provides a real possibilit,y of making progress toward peace.

The text of the enclosed letter will be published in the October issue

of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and will be communicated to the

addressees two weeks later. It is row intention to keep you informed of their

response as well as a~ further steps that might be taken.

Very truly yours,

Leo Szilard

wv . . ... ' •.J ] '

.. Septer:i)er 6, 19!)0

'i'o the Soc.•· •t. ·~J or ~)ta ashin_,ton, !J.r..,


I have tho horu • of tl--· • lltting to you a cow oi' a letter

no.~ l'1i.ll be oent. to s ventecn Aroorican acientist.s mooe Ml:¥38

at'O listed in the oncloDUro.

Hans J. Mot·~onthau, of t..~c ep :-tment of Political So.i.OI co

at the Universit-y o£ Chic· o1 has expreaso6 1at I boliove ociont:l.ot9 f'ecl OD he \"ll''te i the a:J iS'lUC o£ the Dull.etin

of the Atomic ('!eicntiots ao follows a " ••.• I o not, know thor

a nozoti tod sottl0ment th tho Sovlct Union is poosiblo. !

do l'no , ho rove..~, that no ouch otto t at

nt has been made J inste ;ro have -; sted our time with lom:lea

avu isolated ocoond~J issuo!J Whic~h must ror · n innolubla as

lo as t 'o bas' c issues r ...... ·,,..,u unsettloo. I also know that1

in lT:\. 0 t )0 )4'00Cnt ' r ~'orescoablo cistrlb.uti n o£ ml"

n tho Uni Pt tos rxl tho Soviot Unio , tho choic

before ""~ e , ~ld lo bot c n oeotioter oottl

survive the o cal o a t.hir ,;u:;:•ld ar1 ii' it c. n :7<.U"V''.ve it at all, \,1 t11 ut oin convinc · n its colloct.:vo conocionca that

it . s d n ev ythin humanl;t- posoible to p. servo· peac • It

is for thoGO re ~ na ti at I de . .1 t rrurth hilo a:ld cvon impel'- . ative t cono~aor ncrio zy" the peu ·ibility o a nocot' tod .•

settlement 1ith the Soviet ·Union. "

i'.hat is the o r time to start negotiations trlth Russia aimed at e.

ccmprohensivc oottlocont? ·. ~ ~do \7tlS of tlu~ opinion that the p~opcr t

for nogot:i.atin a sottlmnont lith Russia :ras durinG the war, before Russia

and Aneric lost t"lo · r comr:t>n onen:rr. ony believe thnt he woo ri,.ht and

that if roaching a"1 ,roc..~nt ·with Russia is at alJ. p::>ss~bl.e, it becpmes

ooro dif~cult · ith every yo· that is a.ll.owed to puss.

I do not meon to sey that the t,ovcrntJCnt of the United States ou:jlt

t..o enter into necotiations with ru.osia at this two. It is doubtful tber

ch ne otiationo could produce anv useful result at this time or aqy other

time if t110'J nero entcrod into 't7ithout a. cleor concept of just uhat \"11Uld

consti tuto a s rtisfactocy sottlc.".lOnt. Thoro is no oviucnco to sho 7 that

the State Dcpart-:tent has a clear concept of t is and in a case the absence of an adc4uato public discuosion of the re31 issues would make the task of \V

the State partrnent vcr:~ difficult at this tine ~

, To ouUine a satisfactory settle nt tlnt might bo accopta! le both to

Russi~ and ric as roll as to all o "'ber nations invol ved, is cl oarl\v a

difficult tasl<: . For a settlomnt to be satisfactocy it would have to create

conditiono 1ich t10uld irrluce both America an:l Russia to maint in the .aeroo­

.nt in operation ovur a long period of tine. Such an agreement ould have

to :include measures '>: onera.l dism.'L'lar..ent, far-reachl.ng in scope, cmd provide

adequate afc ards ngninst violations. ~ile h sia arrl .1\r:lerica might retain

~1c riGht leg~ to abro~atG the isarma nt clauses of ~~o a~reernont, such

r1 ~ t could obviouozy rot given to all nations, ~1d therefore,. the

creation o · so:ro cachincrJ of cnforccroont auld probab]¥ bo dee::Jed to be necossacy.

Perhaps a croup of outstan1ing Amcrica..'1 citizens, free from arr:r govern- mental res ns:i.bilit"J and devotin their 1'ull. tim, frorJ three to six IJOnths, • •

to this task could thiru! thrO'Uf',h the 1 _,;.~oblcmo involved arxi micht croorge 1lth a plan which in their opinion ought to be acceTJtablo both to Rtwo •

and An rica o.a noll an to the other nations involved.

It is, 10 ·lever, difficult for Americans to take into account all the points Of dO\/ uhich . • ht lccri tiollto)3 enter into the COnsiderations of

tho .usoia:n GQVon nt. The angor of overlooldn; im_ rtant poi. ts would be

{;"''C .... tly diminiDhod if the grou on~· ~'"'Od in nuc 1 stuey rorc to in~u Russians

as 1: ell aa Americans, •tithout in arv :fa¥ cO!Jillitti ., oi ther "or ' tho t.ro 'lenl- mcnts . Arrl because n i'l"'litful exchan o of views in thi:J di.ffiC';.\lt field is

'0Ssib1o onzy bot. ~e.1 n uho h~vQ mutunl respect fo each other's intellectual ' intoGri ..J, sciontists-Amer:i.eans, Ihlssians, urd othcrs--mi. ht be lc to render a unique p blic service at t.hia ticle.

Tho chances that the pla"Pl outlined in tho enclosed letter can, !n fact, be realized ·e SlimJ ·but oo are the chances or everJ other effort th

l'OVia.C& a real possibili"G1 of oaldng progreSO tol.vard pcaooe

'Ihe to t o.: tho oncloocd letter .:.u be roblishod i . the tober iDsue of the Bulletin of t.~ f, tooic Licicnui~ts am \"'lill bo oorilliWli.cated to the addressees ttro k::; later. It is :..v intcnt;ton to

Very trul,:r yourS'•

Leo Szilard I " tne llpi.vwnw' 0.1 eci ·feel Wbau be '1111201~ . ~ . . .

, r 1. "( '"' ~. W4.'V:0~~ ~~ . J -~ ,· ~~,_.. . ' I·, 1 • ~ of.a ~ - -, ~ .. au. . '

with a ,pl.aO. ~ :1D tb41r opinion ought to 'be aooeptable bQtb to ~,._ . ' . I . ' ..,. .. • \ ' > cd. ~ri~. . aa ..U • tQ tbe ~thor nat.1..oafl ~

' It 181 hmiev(U"~ · fiU£1Qqlt tor AErioans t,o ~ 1nt.Q &coouat aU the . ., . . . . . ' · potnte. 0t ¥1-ew ~ch migh1# ).egiti.matel¥ enter 1lao the cooeider tdont$ ·ol . ' \ ~~ ' the ~an ~ 'lbe ~~ of ov~lpoldne 1m~ po1..nta ~ be . I ~ I 1-' peatJ..v c:Ua\nished it tho. gi"Q1P encapd in •uch -~ ~ ~ • . to t.n91t~ ~ane 1: 4 . ... 11011 .• ~. ~tbaut in arv. cor..m:tt.1Qg -~ 'ot.~ t...o ~ . . ' ' . . meat.a. AM ~" a. buittul ~ . oE view SD tbis. diftiaul.t. field S.. 1 • ' ' 1 I • ' , ~b).e -onq bo~ JIIQl who havf) -~ ~ t~ . ~ 0~8 ~teUeotw;al I ~ '\ t ~ .- t ' ~ . . ' 1xatAP.,.tg, scientia~ Ameri.<*ls1 Ruesiaps1 arxt o~gb.t ~:14 to~ ; \ .\ ' ' 1 ;J. oj'\ •"' I a ~uo - ~c ~ at tbi~ time• ...... ' . t '·._ r •• ,· ~-··f-• • I ' ' ~· , ,.~~the ~.

pnW~ .: ~ ~ ~J:4.}1tq ot ~ ~ •,<:· " ,.. .. f·. ):... • • ~- ~ - • . • • • t • . ' I '( ' ' I .'.->.• . V. ~ .Qt tAe ~loaN let.t.er ..W. btl. P»blJ.., ..ln ~ QQto;bo~· ...._,. . ' Qt t,b., &lllet.in of tbe Atolld.c Scient1Dta ~ 11J.l.l . ~ . ooppllis.,~t.;l ~ U. . ~ . , ~ . , . . ·.- .. ~ t.o w. ~· . it 1s . uv _ in~ . t.o k· . . _,~ - ~~ · qr •• .. , I . , f'< ,·. ~ u " well~ · art"~$"~ that-~ be l·~ .. · t \ " ( 1 o ; , I > 0 ., ~· , , I ' I • 1- o • ' 1 · 1 • ._ • 1 • I .,., ..; t, ' '

'I ., 'I


MIDWAY 3-3056

October S, 1951

Dear Dr. Szilard: ~~ I thought you ~ be in- terested in seeing this.

Cordially, ~rin• Managing Editor MA:MC Enclosure

Dr. L eo Szilard . Research Institutes Universit,y of Chicago BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS "A Magazinefor SCIENCE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS"

956 EAST FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET · CHICAGO 37 · ILLINOIS MIDWAY 3-3056 Board of Spot1sors Editor J. ROBERT O PPENHEIMER Institute for Advanced Study Chairman HAROLD C. URBY April 30 1954 University of Chicago Vice-Chairman

Dear Dr Szi ard:

Your telegram arrived this mornin~ much to the discomfort of thi office. The truth i imp th t the appe ranee of your l1Bme w s no mi take. The editori l is appe ring the ~y issue rithout any r;oignatures but when it v.ras release to the press, E ... felt tha, he ou d r ther idsue it as a igned statenent from the office rather than an un- igned forthcoming editorial . Thi was done and your ~ame incl~eed It was generally as umed th t you would not object nd I believe th t you your elf indicated this in conversation during the time the stat~ment was being drafted. That we have abused you and misused you, there is no que tion and very sincerely, I offer our apolo~ie •

The only p blic reference to my knowledge of the st tement appeared in the on pril 20.

"The Bulletin of tomic cientist , publication sponsored bv men who developed the fir t atom bon~ , ha declared iD a~ editorial that c~arges that Dr . J . obert Oppenheimer is a ecuritv risk are "contrary to both decency and connnon sense,.'' The editorial, text of 'l. · ch vras released y~s - terday by the editor, Eugene Rabino,ntch, will appe r in the is ue of the Bulletin to be distributed I.:ay 10.

11 The editorial said th t Oppenheimer , suspended advisor to t_ e atomic energy commiasion, could have been fired without any challenge to his patriotism if the overnment objected to his advice abainst developing the H-bomb . "Oppenheimer is one of the ponsors of the pub ication. The editorial was signed by Rabinmntch and 10 other scientists . They are Dr . lex Lan 0 ~dorf, Argonne National Laboratory; Dr . Peter el, University of Illinois; Drs . John Simpson, ~ichard Ueier , Edward ~hils , , Samuel lisen, Leo Szillard (typographic 1 error th Tribune ' ) ; Jame Arnold and Cyril .... mi th of the University of Chicago."

I h ve poken with -T . Perloff and Dick ,'eier rega.rdin the pro osed evacuation project. Last week a '.u- . i..arvel of th~;; Carnegie Foundation w .s in 11 town and ''off the record indic ted that the Foundation might be very intereste L. financing the pro "ect. '[r . ~vel suggested that you ho ld contact l.:r . Caryl Haskins of the Carner ie ounciation in 1Ievr York and p t the idea before him. The reque"'t for money could formally come from the group here in c:.ica o . Dick •.eier would be happy to fly to -ew York to ,ioin you in uch a meetin"'. so Perloff tells me th t he h locgted several very able junior people 1: ho ;rill be able to handle a good hare of the work .

ain -my regrets and I might dd, thqt e •~i ll not e sily take your n::.me in vain a ain. Sinceroly, "' I~ :::t a~ p U B L I S H E D B y E D U C A T I 0 N A L F 0 U N D A T I 0 N I' 0 ~ N U ~;;; C I E N C E • I N C 0 R P 0 R A T E D June 25, 1~5

Bulletin ot the .Atomic Scientists 573~ Univers1t7 Avenue Chicago 31', I111note Attn: Mrs. lluth Mama or Mrs. Mat7 Simpson

Deer Bulletin:

Attached 1s e rough draft oT e paper which I propose to rework somewhat and ibo~somevhat, but no more than per­ haps 15~. I wonder whether the BuUet1n would be interested

1n printing it and whether I could get e det1n1te commitment that it will be printed in a epec1f'ic issue, end if' eo whet 1aaue.

With best wishes, I em,

S1ncerel,;t yours,

IS:arr leo Szilard

P. S.

Please consider this article ~s confidential, ·to b&

reed on)J" b7 those vho have to reed 1t in order to decide whether or not the Bulletin vante to print it.

If' yw write 1m at t]+e Sheraton-Perk 1Iotel1 pleeee

eencl a carbon addressed to me in care of A. N. Spenel, 350



MIDWAY 3-3056 Board of Sponsors EUGENE RABINOWITCH Editor j. ROBERT 0PPBNHBIMBR Institute for Advanced Study Chairman HARoLD C. URBY July 28, 1955 University of Chicago Vice-Chairman Dr. Leo Szilard H.A. BBTHB Cornell University Sheraton Park Hotel DBTLBV W. BRONK Washington, D.C. Johns Hopkins University A. H. COMPTON Washington University Dear Dr. Szilard: E. U. CoNDoN Berkeley, California We had a note from Eugene on July 10 thanking us for your manu­ FARRINGTON DANIELS script. We had hoped to hear from him again giving us some word about plans University of Wisconsin involved with the London Conference that LBB A. Du BRIDGE for publication, but he has baen so California Institute he has not written. I feel that you should have a definite reply from us and of Technology am exercising the responsibility that Eu gene left with me in telling you that the cornerstone Institute for Advanced Study we definitely want to use it. I would like to see it used as the JAMBS FRANCK of our lOth anniversary issue (December) which could be built around University of Chicago the4: 11 Ftoblems of M.a.king and Living in a World at Peace. 11 I have one idea SAMUEL A. GouDsMIT discuss with you. We have long wanted an article from George Brookhaven National I would like to Laboratory Kenna, and it oc curs to me that your article might stiimllate him into writing THORPIN R . HOGNBSS a piece for the anniversary issue. Would you be willing that a co of your University of Chicago draft be sent to him for this purpose, and if so, would you be so kind as to F. WHEELER LoOMIS University oflllinois send us .an extra copy? PHILIP M. MORSE Massachusetts Institute In your letter to me you sai d that you planned to reduce the length of Technology article, and I know that this will be necessary if it is to be included H.J. MULLER of your University of Indiana in the anniversary issue. We have had several sugge stions about reducing the article to manageable size for Bulletin publication. The first is that the California Institute Dilemma (5000 words ); of Technology article be divided into a series of three: 1. Our Present G. B. PEGRAM 2. A Proposal for orld Peace (4500); and 3. Prospects for International Columbia University Cooperation (4500) . The s eries would run in three successive issue s. This has I. I. RABI of presenting your argument at length but rre.y weaken its impact. Columbia University the advantage ard to see how we could build the December issue around it unless JUUAN SCHWINGER It is also h Harvard University we started the series in November and used the central portion, Proposal for CYRIL s. SMITH World Peace, in the anniversary issue. University of Chicago LEo Szn.ARD University of Chicago What I would like to see you do is to tighten the argument by a 50 per cent condensation which would enable us to us e the entire piece in a University of California single issue--December. Cyril Smith who read it with pleasure and is very v. F . WB!SSKOPP cent reduction would increase Massachusetts Institute enthusiast ic about it believes that this 50 per of Technology its forcefulness and suggests that the first 11 pages in particular might be HUGH C .WOLPE drastically reduced. Cooper Union University of Chicago I am most anxious to hear your r eaction to these suggestions. JERROLD ZACHARIAS v1fith best vr ishes and hopes that New York is cooler than Chicago, I am Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sincerely, Profwional affiliations for identification purposes only )n~ Mary Simpson Associate Editor


Mrs. Mar7 Simpson .Associ ete Editor Bul~etin of the Atomic Scientists 5734 University Avenue Chicago 37, Illinois

Dear Marr Si~an:

N8llJ' thenka .for your letter of July 28.

Enclosed you will find a revised and shortened version of the manuscript. I have also marked. on the merg1n those paseeges which could be Qmitted or ver,r drasticallY shortened.

If you count the words left 1 would 7011 let me know how many there are1 I am somewhat reluctant to cut further and I would not like te see the article divided, but if 1ou can see f'urther vqs of cutting or shortening, please 'r.ll8rk the manuscript 1n red end return it to :me for further consideration.


I.S:arr Leo Sz.ilard Enclosure July 301 1955

Mrs. Mary Simpson Associate Ed1 tor Bulletin of the Atomic Sc entista 5734 University AT nue Chicago 37 1 Illinois Dear Mar7 S son:

I am really quite e.rrdous to bliah this article as n as possible d I don •t care veey ch for the ~

of the :Bulletin.

Which would be the earliest 1ssu 1n which 7011 co ld get

< \..... 1t f V""' ' With ind personal regards.


IS:srr Leo Szilard L?t_. ---- BULLETIN OF THE ATOM t;gl "A Magazine of SCIENCE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS"

5734 UNIVERSITY AVENUE • CHICAGO 37 • ILLINOIS Board of Sponsors MIDWAY 3-3056 EUGENE RABINOWITCH HANS A . BBTHB Editor Cornell University Chairman LEE A. Du BRIDGE California Institute May 30, 1957 of Technology Vice-Chairman Dr. Leo Szilard, SAMUEL K. ALLISON University of Chicago, University of Chicago RoBERT F. BACHER California Institute Dear Leo, of Technology DETLEVW. BRONK Rockefeller Institute I hope that you will have time to look over this very for Medical Research rough and tentative chronology and to give me your comments A. H. COMPTON wo~d Washington University on it, either in writing or orally. I like very much E. U. CoNDoN to talk with you about severa l points, and have checked them Berkeley, California in the margin. FARRINGTON DANIELS University of Wisconsin In connection with item 26 it is interesting to note that Dr. ALBERT EINSTEIN (I879-"I955) Compton's book (P. 243-4) speaks of the Chicago poll and infor­ mal opinions collected at Los Alamos and Berkeley as being in University of Chicago SAMUEL A. GouosMrr t he minds of the Scientific Panel when they made their report, Brookhaven National The poll was July 12th and the report was June 16th. In this Laboratory ThoRFIN R. HoGNEss same connection I shall be interested in the dates of your University of Chicago petition. F. WHEELER LOOMIS University oflllinois PHILIP M. MORSE I am leaving town on June lOth to be gone til the end of Massachusetts Institute of Technology the mon th so I ho pe there will be a chance to talk with you H.J. MuLLER either t his weekend or next week. Indiana University J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER Institute for Advanced Study Sincerely LLNUS PAULING California Institute of Technology G. B. PEGRAM (Mrs . Cyril Smith) Columbia University I. I. RAEr Columbia University Harvard University University oflllinois CYRIL S . SMITH University of Chicago LEo SziLARD University of Chicago EDWARD TELLER University of California HAROLD C. UREY University of Chicago V. F. WE!SSKOPF Massachusetts Institute of Technology HuGH C. WoLFE Cooper Union SEWALL WRIGHT University of Chicago JERROLD ZACHARIAS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional affiliations for identification purposes only


Board of Sponsors MIDWAY 3-3056 EUGENE RABINOWITCH HANs A. BETHE Cornell University Editor Cltairmatl LEE A. Du BRIDGE 27 November 1959 California Institute of Technology Vice-Chairman SAMUEL K. ALLISON University of Chicago Dr. Leo Szilard ROBERT F. BACHER California Institute 6101 East 11th Avenue of Technology Denver 20, Colorado DETLEVW. BRONK Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Dear~. Szilard: A. H. COMPTON W ashingtou University Here are best wishes for your speedy and complete E. U. CONDON Washington University recovery. I do not want to bother you now with the question FARRINGTON DANmLS of your article, but I think your suggestion about letting University of Wisconsin somebody you trust judge the adequacy of my condensation is ALBERT EINSTEIN {1879-1955) a good one. JAMES FRANCK University of Chicago Once again, good luck and good health from all of us. SAMUEL A. GounsMrT Brookhaven National Laboratory ThORPIN R. HOGNESS University of Chicago Yours sincerely, F. WHEELER LOOMIS University of Illinois PHILIP M . MORSE Massachusetts Institute of Technology H.J. MULLER Indiana University ~~ J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER Eugene Rabinowitch Institute for Advanced Study Editor LINUS PAULING California Institute ofTeclmology G. B. PEGRAM (1876-1958) I. I. RABI ER Columbia University ccd JULIAN SCIIWINGER Harvard University FREDERICK SEITZ University oflllinois CYRIL S. SMITH University of Chicago LEo SziLARD University of Chicago EDWARD TELLER University of California HARoLD C. UREY University of Chicago V. F. WEISSKOPF Massachusetts Institute of Technology HuGH C. WoLFE Cooper Union SEWALL WRIGHT University of Wisconsin jERROLD ZACHARIAS Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Professional '!~filiations for identification purposes only

PUBLISHED BY EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR NUCLEAR SCIENCE • INCORPORATED BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS "A Magazine of SCIENCE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS" l l vO East 58th street · 5734 UNIVERSITY AVENUE • CHICAGO 37 • ILLINOIS Board of Sponsors MIDWAY 3-3056 EUGENE RABINOWITCH HANS A. BETHB Cornell University Editor Chairman J anuar y 1 6 , 1 960 LEE A. Du BRIDGE California Institute of Technology Vice-Chairman Dr . Leo Szilard SAMUELK . .ALLISON S t • . o ritz Hotel University of Chicago ROBERT F. BACHER 59t h s t r eet and S i xth Av e . California Institute of Technology DETLBvW. BRONK Rockefeller Institute Dear Szilard : for Medical Research A. H. COMPTON Washington University Your a r ticle is bein~ set for oublication in t h e ebrua ry E. U. CoNDON i ssu e of t he Bulletin i n full wit hout any c hanges . I have Berkeley, California writ ten a one p a ge i ntroductio n of whic h , I hou e , you ri l l FARRINGTON DANIELS University of Wisconsin n o t d i sappr ov e . Bec ause of last :c:J. inute inclu s ion of rep orts ALBERT EINSTEIN f ro~ t h e Geneva c onference of experts , t h e February issue (I87!ri955) has been sli ghtly delayed and will appear about February 1 5 t h . JAMES FRANCK University of Chicago SAMUELA. GouDsMrr fhen you tal ked about t h e projec ts you wanted to comp lete BrookhavenNational you did not mention your reco l lections of t h e history o f ~Hb:;:i.HoGNEss t he atom b o ~nb and of its use . I bel iev e y ou have s ome docu- UniversityofChicago ments which have not yet been publish e d and whi.ch you wanted to F. WHEELER LooMis i n c lude in your own story . I thi nk this s tor y would be a v ery University ofillinois i mportan t contribution, and I wish I cou l d h e l p you t o c om- PHILIP M. MORSE Massachusettsinstitute p l ete it . Alice Smith , who is nO Vo)' worki n as her ma i n o c c u - (l)(Technology pati on on t h e h isto r y of t he atomic s c ientis t s • move 'lent , ~j~~~~~ersity wo uld be l ad to hel p you in t his matter , i f t his we re at a ll J.RoBERTOPPENHEIMER possib le . She c ould c ome to New York f or a few d a y s and Institute for Advanced Study work wit h you if you s till have i n t ere st i n s u c h an ent e r - ~~ill,!~~:~tute p rize . I b eliev e s he would be t he lo ~ ic al person t o do t h is ofTechnology s i c e s h e i s a l ready famili ar with the who le backg ound o f Gco. IB urn. PbEGRuAM 1a ruverstty . e v ents and would be sure not t o t a 'llper with your t ext in a n y I. r. RABI wa y . Columbia University JULIAN SCHWINGER Harvard University While in New Yor k , I was tol d at t h e S cient i fic American FREDERICK SEITZ of t he c ase of o n e of t h eir e d i tors , Mr . Ted Rosenba um , who University of lllinois see ms to be s uffering; from t he sa1le t ype of ma li nanc y and CYRIL s. SMITH University of Chicago who had a m ~j or op era tion a year a g o . He has had s ince LEo SziLARD then n o end of troub le with infecti ons but i s still relat i vely University of Chicago well and at his work a yea later . He was sent for t '1is EDWARD TELLER University of California o p erati o n t o a Dr . Ha r r i son, at t h e Peter Bent Bri gham Hospi ­ HAROLD C. UREY tal in Boston , who specializes in this tyoe of o 1erati on and University of Chicago see as to have had e n c hlra7;ing results . I f yor.. t hin.1.c t h is V. F. WEISSKOPP Massachusetts Institute infor nati on of any i n terest t o you , ~o u c ould find out mor e of Technology b y p honing one of t h e e d i tors of t h e S c i enti fi c American - - ­ HUGH C. WOLPE P iel or Don '\h l ler, or Rosenbaum h i mself . Cooper Union SEWALL WRIGHT University of Chicago I JERROLD ZACHARIAS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Prof essional affiliations for identification purposes only


1100 EAST 58TH STREET • CHICAGO 37 • ILLINOIS Board of Spmzsors MIDWAY 3-3056

HANs A. BETHE July 13, 1960 EUGENE RABINOWITCH Cornell University Editor Chairman LEE A . Du BRIDGE California Institute of Technology Vice-Chairman SAMUEL K. ALLISON University of Chicago Dr . Leo Szilard ROBERT F. BACflllR c/o Memorial Hospital California Institute of Technology Room 804 DETLEV W. BRONK 68th and York Avenue Rockefeller Institute New York for Medical Research New York, A. H . COMPTON Washington University Dear Dr. Szilard: E. U. CONDON Washington University g the Pugwash Conference in FARRINGTON DANIDLS I have heard that you may be attendin University of Wisconsin Moscow. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. ALBERT EINSTEIN (r879- 1955) you had with him ]AMES F RANCK Dr. Rabinowitch told me about a conversation University of Chicago concerning Mr. Leo Rosttn. I am unclear as to how we should pro­ SAMUEL A. GOUDSMIT is clear, ho,-1ever , is the lack of Brookhaven National ceed on your suggestion. What Laboratory funds for this meeting and since the committee in London has THORPIN R . HOGNESS invited three individuals, Cyrus Eaton, Agnes Meyer, and Wi lliam University of Chicago as an expression of the committee-s F. WflllELER LOOMIS Swartz, to the Moscow meeting University of Illinois gratitude for their financial support, I see no reason why the PHILIP M. MORSE invitation could not be extended to Mr. Rostin for the same Massachusetts Institute same of Technology reason. H.J. MULLER Indiana University Would you let me know what Eugene or I should do in this· matter? j. ROBERT 0PPENfllliMER Institute for Advanced Study LINUS PAULING A brief report on our finances: $14,000 in bank; $5,000 pledged; California Institute of Technology estimated cost of conference is $26,000. G. B. PEGRAM (r875-1958) Warmest regards to you and Trudy. I. I. RAar Columbia University jULIAN SCHWINGER Sincerely yours, Harvard University FREDERICK SEITZ University of Illinois CYRIL s. SMITH ~ University of Chicago Ruth Adams LEo SziLARD University of Chicago EDwARD TELLER RA:hlr University of California HAROLD C. UREY University of Chicago V. F. WEISSKOPP Massachusetts Institute of Technology HuGH C. WOLFE Cooper Union SEWALL WRIGHT University ofWisconsin jERROLD ZACHARIAS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Profts.


Mrs. Ruth Adams c/o Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 935 East 60th Street Chicago, Illinois

Dear Ruth:

1 just received your telegram re uThe Mined Cities". I shall telephone you tomorrow, TUesday, and let you know whether you tnay use this article in the forthcoming issue.

Attached you will find an insert which goes into the text on page 5 illll11ediately before "A".

On page 1 in the second line, it should aay "eighteen yeara" in place of "fifteen years" ..

On page 3 in the fourth line the word, ''.strategic", may be deleted.

On page 5 in the seventh line in place of "The previous Administration had conr;-luded", :'..t should read "At the time when the cities were mined, America had concluded".

On page 7 in the third line there should be a comma after "Kremlin", in the fourth line there should be a comma after "telephone", and in the fifth line thet"e should be a comma after uKremlin".

£nclosed is an article by Judge Edgerton which appeared in the Washington Post on October 20th. Perhaps the Bulletin would want to re-print it. I find it excellent.

With kindest regards.


Leo Szilard Hotel Dupont Plaza Washington 6, D. c.



Board of Sponsors DORCHE STER 3-5225

HANS A . BETBE EUGENE RABINOWITCH Cornell Univer sity Editor Chairman L EE A. DUBRIDGB California Institute of Technology Vice-Chairman SAMUBL K. ALLISON University of Chicago ROBBRT F. BACHBR California Institute of Technology DBTLBV W. BRONK Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research December 28, 1961 A. H. CoMPTON Washington University E. U. CoNDON Washington University FARRINGTON D ANIELS Dr. Leo Szilard University of Wisconsin ALBERT EINSTEIN c/o Hotel DuPont Plaza {1875r1955) .• Washington 6, D.C. JAMBS FRANCK University of Chicago SAMUEL A. GOUDSMIT Dear Dr. Szilard: Brookhaven National Laboratory This is to let you know that we have ThoRFIN R . HOGNBSS granted permission University of Chicago to the Houston Chronicle to reprint "The Mined Cities" from F. WHBBLBR LOOMIS the December 1961 Bulletin. University oflllinoi£ PHILIP M. MORSE Massachusetts Institute I will send you a copy of the reprint when they of Technology send it to us. H . J . MULLBR Indiana University J . ROBERT OPPENHEIMER Yours sincerely, Institute for Advanced Study LINUS PAULING California Institute of Technology G. B . PEGRAM {1875-1958) (Mrs) Jane Hersh I. I. RABI Administrative Secretary Columbia University J JUL~CH~GBR Harvard University FREDERICK SEITZ University of illinois JOHN A. SIMPSON University of Chicago CYRIL s. SMITH Massachusetts Institute of Technology LEo SziLARD University of Chicago EDWARD TELLER University of California HAROLD C. URBY University of California V. F. WmssKOPP Massachusetts Institute of Technology HUGH C. WOLFE American Institute of SEWALL WRIGHT University of Wisconsin J ERROLD Z ACHARIAS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional affiliations for identification purposes only PUBLISHED BY EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR N UCL E AR S CIENCE • INCORPO R ATED BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS "A Magazine of SCIENCE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS" s 935 EAST 60TH STREET • CHICAGO 37 • ILLINOIS

Board of Sponsors DORCHESTER 3-5225

HANs A. B ETHE February 16 , 1962 EUGENE RABINOWITCH Cornell University Editor Chairman LEE A . DUBRIDGE California Institute of Technology Dr . Leo Szilard Vice-Chairman c/ o Hotel DuPont Plaza SAMUBL K . ALLISON University of Chicago Wa shington 6 , D. C. ROBERT F . BACHER California Institute of Technology DBTLBV W. BRONK Rockefeller Institute Dear Dr . Szilard: for Medical Research A. H . COMPTON Washington University This i s t o let you know that we have granted permission E. U. CONDON to t he Toledo Blade (Toledo, Ohio) to publish an abridgment Washington University FARRINGTON D ANIELS of t h e Mi ned Ci t ies from t he Dec ember, 1 961 Bulletin . University of Wisconsin ALBERT EINSTEIN We will send y ou a c opy of t he reprint when they send (I879-I955) JAMES FRANCK it to us. University of Chicago SAMUEL A . GOUDSMIT Brookhaven National Sinc erely yours , Laboratory ThoRPIN R. HoGNEss University of Chicago ~~~~ F. WHEELER L OOMIS University of Illinois (Mrs) Annaliesa Hanebrink PHILIP M. MORSE Editori a l Assistant Massachusetts Institute of Technology H.J. MULLER Indiana University J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER Institute for Advanced Study LINUS PAULING California Institute of Technology G. B. PEGRAM (I875-I958) I. I. RABI Columbia University JULIAN ScHwiNGER Harvard University FREDERICK SEITZ University oflllinois JoHN A. SIMPSON University of Chicago CYRIL s. SMITH Massachusetts Institute of Technology LEO SziLARD University of Chicago EDwARD TELLER University of California HAROLD C. URBY University of California V. F. WBISSKOPP Massachusetts Institute of Technology HuGH C. WoLFE American Institute of Physics SawALL WRIGHT University of Wisconsin JERROLD ZACHARIAS ·Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional affiliationsfor identification ptirposes only PUBLISH E D BY EDUCATIONAL fOUNDATION P OR N UCL EA R SCIENCE • IN C ORPO R AT E D BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS "A Magazine of SCIENCE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS"


Board of Sponsors DORCHESTER 3-5225 HANsA.BETHE February 22, EUGENE RABINOWITCH Cornell University Editor Chairman LEE A. DuBRIDGB California Institute of Technology Vice-Chairman nr. Leo Szilard SAMUEL K. ALLISON Hotel Tiupont Pl aza University of Chicago Washington 6, n.c. ROBERT F. BACHER California Institute of Technology DBTLBV W. BRONK Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research A. H. CoMPTON Washington University E. U. CONDON near nr. Szilard: Washington University FARRINGTON DANrBLS University ofWisconsin This is to let you know that we have given ALBERT EINSTEIN permission to reprint yuur article, "Security (1 879-1955) Risk" from the No vember, 1 954 i ssue of the Bulletin JAMBS FRANCK University of Chicago to Professor Leon Weaver from the College of SAMUEL A. GouosMIT Business and Public Service at Michigan State Brookhaven National Un iversity. The article or excerpts thereof are Laboratory to TRoRFIN R. HoGNsss be included in a b ook of readings and bas ic University of Chicago documents on personnel security. We have requested F. WHEELER LOOMIS two cop ies of t he book upon publication, and will University ofnlinois send you PHILIP M. MORSE one copy . Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sincerely yours, H.J. MULLER Indiana University J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER Institute for Advanced Study ~a.~~ LINUS PAULING California Institute (Mrs) Annaliesa Hanebrink of Technology Editorial Assistant G. B. PEGRAM (1875-1958) I. I. RAB1 Columbia University JULIAN SCHWINGER Harvard University FREDERICK SmTZ University oflllinois JoHN A . SIMPsON University of Chicago CYRIL s. SMITH Massachusetts Institute of Technology LEo SziLARD University of Chicago EDwARD TELLER University of California HAROLD c. UREY University of California V. F. WmssKOPP Massachusetts Institute of Technology HuGH C. WoLPE American Institute of Physics SEW ALL WRIGHT University of Wisconsin JERROLD ZACHARIAS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional ciffiliationsfor identification purposes only PUBLISHED BY EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR NUCLEAR SCIENCE • INCO RPORATED MEMO TO: Donald Brennan, Harrison Brown, Paul Doty, Bernard Feld, Bentley Glass, Eugene Rabinowitch, Joseph Rotblat ilATE: April 11, 1962

FROM: Ruth Adams

RE: Cambridge Acceptance• •

Catl~ dg e Acceptances London Acceptances Declined

onald Brennan Donald Brennan G. Kisti akowsky Paul Uo ty .!arrl.son Br own Harrison Brown Herbert Yo rk Jat es Fisk 'reer. an Dys01l *Jer ome Wiesner Bernard Fe ld Bernard Fe ld Henry Ki ssinger Ri cha r d L ghorn 1ssily Leontiev Wassily Leontiev Leo Sz ilard,_ Frank Long Frank Long wol f gang Panofsky Fr ank Pr ess I. I. Rabi I. I. Rabi Louis E. Sohn Cha rles Townes

*No reply to suggestion of attendance a s observer

Dear Dr. Szil ard:

Appreciate knowi•g whether you plaa to attend.

R egard~~ \

MEMORANDUM October 12. 1962

fll.(J{: Leo Sdlard

TO: Butb Adams

In the u·anscripts of the hearings held before the Senate Atomic Energy

Committee (Chairman. Senator McMahon of Connecticut) on December 3, 1945, one finds the following exebanges: I nor. Vannevar Bu~Jh ( &nswering Senator Tydings) • Senator._ .t would not want you not to look into the future, and I would not urge you not to use your imagination.

'l~J point is simply that we have plenty enough to think about t~t is very definite and very realistic--enough so tn.t we don't need to step out into

801Be of these borderlines which aeem to be, 'to me, mo'l'e or less fantastic:.

"Let me say this: There has been a great ~ileal said about a 3.000-mile high-angle rocket. ln my opinion, su~ a thing is impossible today and will be impossible for many years."

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (1, '-rhe Chai:mum (Senater McMahon. answering a question JJ1j- Senator Tydings about General Carl Spaatz' article that appeared in Collier's Magazine)·. What it says, Senator, is that the Germans, the year preceding the end of the war, were designing a rocket, and \rare pretty well aloog on it, that could carry from that continent to this continent and that would contain a warhead. They did not, of course, at that time have in mind an atomic: wal:'head. That. is my understanding of the article, at least."

'1Jr. Vannevar Buah. If you were talking about 400 miles or 500 miles, I would say by all means. that 1a what the Germans did with their V•2. I wo~ld say yea, even with 2,500 milee.

"Bu.t 3,000 miles'.? That is not just a U.ttle step beyond, it 1a a vastly different thing, gentlemen. I think we can leave that out of our thinking. I wish the American public would leave that out of their thinking." January 21, 1964

Mrs . Ruth Adams c/o The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist 935 East 60th Street Chicago 37, Ill.

Dear Ruth:

Enclosed is a. copy of the letter I received from Frank Long and of :rrzy' answer. Enclosed also are the ~orre c ti ons which are to be inserted into my manus t.: ript and into the swnmary.

With kindest regards.

Yours sincerely,

Leo Szilard



935 EAST 60TH STREET • CHICAGO ILLINOIS 60637 Board of Sponsors DORCHESTER 3-5225

HANs A. BETHB EUGENE RABINOWITCH Cornell University Chairman Editor LEE A. DUBRIDGB California Institute of Technology Vice-Chairma11 SAMUBL K. ALLISON University of Chicago RoBERT F. BACHER California Institute of Technology DETLEV W. BRONK Rockefeller Institute A. H. COMPTON (1892-1962) March 2, 1964 E. U. CONDON Washington University FARRINGTON DANrELS University of Wisconsin ALBERT EINSTEIN Dr. Leo Szilard (1879-1955) Salk Institute of Biology JAMES FRANCK University of Chicago P. 0. Box 9499 BENTLEY GLASS San Diego, California Johns Hopkins University SAMUEL A. GoUDSMIT Brookhaven National Dear ·or. Szilard : Laboratory 'THORFIN R. RoGNEss We enclose an advance copy of the March issue for your use, University of Chicago F. WHEELER LOOMIS and can forward, if you have use for them, an additional University of illinois fifty tear sheets; just let us know. PHILIP M. MORSE Massachusetts Institute of Technology With best wishes, H.J. MULLER Indiana University J. ROBERT 0PPENHEfM.ER Institute for Advanced Study G. B. PEGRAM Sincerely yours, (1875-1958) I. I. RABI Columbia University JULIAN SCHWINGER Harvard University Lois Gardner FREDERICK SEITZ Associate Editor University of Illinois JoHN A. SIMPSON University of Chicago LG:eg CYRIL S. SMITH encl. Massachusetts Institute of Technology LEO SZILARD University of Chicago EDwARD TELLER University of California HAROLD C. UREY University of California V. F. WEISSKOPF Massachusetts Institute of Technology HuGH C. WoLFE American Institute of Physics SEWALL WRIGHT University of Wisconsin JERROLD ZACHARIAS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professiona l affi liatio11s for identification purposes only PUBLISHED BY EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR NUCLEAR SCIENCE • INCORPO RATED