May 30, 1967 WABHINUTDN 1.Bmry Gorrett, Editor, 200 Maryland Avc., NE,,Washington, D.C
REOIONAL OFFICES ATLANTA Walker L. Knight, Editor, 161 Sbing Street, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30303, Teleflhone (404) 523-2393 DALLM R. T. McCmtny, Editor, 103 Baptist Building, Dallad, Texas 75201, Tel*hone (214) RI 1-1996 May 30, 1967 WABHINUTDN 1.Bmry Gorrett, Editor, 200 Maryland Avc., NE,,Washington, D.C. 20002, Tebbhone (202) 544-4226 BUREAU UAPf15T SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD Lynn M. DaviJ Jr., Chief, 127 Ninth he., N., Narhville, Tenn. 37203, Convention Sermon Urges Telefihons (61s) 234-1631 SBC to Quit Bickering PiIFJv1I BEACH (BP)--Southern Bnptists were challenged here to quit bickering among them- selves and get about their job of making and training Christian disciples. The plea by Landrum P. Leavell, a \.?ichitaFalls, Tex., minister, highlighted ceremonies opening a four-day run of the Southern Baptist convention. Seating space in the 14,000 capacity Convention Hall was =a ?remiurn as Leavell, pastor of First Baptist Church, sought to propel Southern Baptists with his description of the church with a feature. Leavell shared the podium during the two-hour ceremony with John Maguire of Jacksonvill~ executive secretary of Florida Baptists who welcomed convention goess to Miami Beach, and Clyde Skidmore, Bakersfield, Calif., pastor, who responded to the welcome. Persons making up the church of the future must: be captivated by obsession, cognizant of obstacles and correlated by obeisance, Leavell said. Southern Baptists can express this obsession through Christian love, Leavell explained. Results include the elevation of all human rights and the salvation of all who believe. The Texas preacher said neglect of the Holy Spirit and the endorsement of the beatnik philosopliy as a way of life could be responsible for some of the problems of Southern Baptist churches.
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