Fhe Price of This Four Page Colored I Cents Everywhere—Pay No More Comic Section CARTERET PRESS VOL
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7fJ.q?*C&""??i :'• fhe Price of this four Page Colored I cents everywhere—Pay no more Comic Section CARTERET PRESS VOL. V, No. 88 CAHTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1027 PMCB THREE CI Friends Give Surprise Local Gun Club Shoot Many In Race Sewer Ordinance To Miss Elsie Lauter GETTING READY TO To Decide Class Leaders MUSICAL COMEDY "ALWAYS HOPE" A delightful surprise party was A large supply of shells was a- For Legion Prize For East Rahway given to Miss Elsie Lauter, at hflr CANVASS TOWN FOR warded the winners of a class shoot SCORES BIG HIT AT 0P1 home 93 Lowell street, Thursday held by the Carteret Gun Club at Popular Person Contest In Full Measure Is Passed On Two evening, by her friend*. The party heir range, Sunday morning. The Production Staged By Senior Claw Pleases Big Crowd At Swing With Many Entries. Readings- -Borough to Pay wn.s well arranged and Miss Lauter RAHWAY HOSPITAL'S hoot was very keen in each division; torium. WiH Be Repeated Tonight Chief of Fire Depart- 2 5% of Co»t. Property was taken completely by surprise. each winner being h»rd pressed by There were piano solos by Gor- the opponents. The songs and choruses, the ' mflnt in Lead Owner* 75%. Objections to NEW BUILDING FUND "Always Hope," the musical com- don McLeod and Miss Edith Rathe. The first three men in the class edy in three acts given by the senior mantir plot «nd the sparkling Activv st^ps will |,r Ifikrn within The popularity enntpst being con- Be Heard at Next Meeting The well known Hark & Bark team "A" shoot were of the Port Rich- class last night, scored one of the edy, make the entire production 'entertained the guests with songs th<> next we^k to create nn effective ducted by Roosevelt Post No. 203, mond Club. Jack Lewis was out in biggest hits in the history of school Kghtful from the opening curtail An ordinance authorizing tho con- and dances. Dancing was held and organization in <' :i r I c r p t to en- front hitting 4S birds for the prize. the close. The high school audit American Legion, in in full owing struction of a sewer syiftem for the at midnight a very delicious midnight gage in the campaign to be conduct- dramatics here. The players had and is Attracting wide attention in Second and third were taken by J. been coached by Edward A. Keough lum w»« packed last night at East Rahway district of thi? borough, supper was served. The hostess was ed by the Rnhwiiy irnspitnl to se- A. Scofield and Doctor Walrath, re- opening performance, The play the borough. The prizes offered by wan paused on two rending at the the recipient of many beautiful gifts. cure the sum of $i>nn,non, one half of and Daniel A. Hogan, of the George the post include a diamond ring, n spectively. Charley Brady copped be repeated tonight. meeting nf the Borough Council Among those present were: the whioh will hi' "''I'd for the. erection the bacon in the class "B" competi- W. Cohan organisation, producers of wrist watch and a ball watch. Win- the play, and the members of the Those taking part in the cho Monday night. Under its terms the Babe, Helen, Cecelia and and equipment »f n npw hospital tion with 44. Ed Yardley copped ners may take the equivalent in feast took their parts with the thor- tnd other groups in the cast are: property owners benefited will pay , building and the remainder to form second and Lew Larson third in this Quaker Maids: the MU*e« Blan caih, It Is a popular person con- seventy-five per cent, of the coat and Mary Habinak, of Wpodbridge; Hel- the nucleus nf a permanent endow- set. oughness and spirit of professionals. test open to men and women and re- Brown, Loretta Kay, Anna the borough at large will pay the en Donnelly, Emma Muller, Mary ment fund. The name of the new Robert Eastbum, of New Bruns- dowsky, Margaret Child, Cithe porU of the standing of the con- Leidka, Lillian Donnelly, Plorencb The scene Is laid In "Quakertown" other twenty-fire. The ordinance Institution will he changed to the wick was the top man in the "C" 'and several of the craracters are Clifford, Sarah Weinstein, Dor testants last night showed that John does not mention the coat or a cost Yetman, Elsie Lauter, Edith Kathe Memorial Hospital, It is the inten- (Dutch) Wilhelm is leading with class, scoring 45. Felix Prosson and 'Quakers, using the manner of speech Brown, Katharine Harko, Doro imit further than a phrase concern- and Gloria Stein, Joseph Harko, Jer- tion of the b»iird of governors of John Hiemal, both of Union, won the botsky, Jeanette Shupirn, Nad 10,100 votes. Hia« Jane Duncan and ng "engineer's estimate," which may Ty Bartok, Gordon McLeod, Ernest the present institution to build a of that sect. Then there %re New next two places. Next Sunday the "Yorkers, inn-keepers, detectives and Sherbinsky, Sophie Carpenter. Miss Dorothy Venook are next with be re-worded in the final reading. "Donnelly, Lawrence Harris, Raymond new hospital which will serve the club members will shoot for the 8,000 each. Miss Mary Ivan is third Donnelly, Prank Donnelly, Lloyd full requirements of Carteret and •other characters, even a Japanese Rose Ballet: the Misses LllHl Councilman Edward J. Coughlin monthly club cup. All members are 'butler, in the plot. Miss Prances Schwartz, Gladys GeriR, Grace with 7,400 roten. Edward A. Strack raised a question as to whether the Lawlor, Fred Lauter, William Har- Woodbridge in addition to Rahway. A requested to be on hand at 10 A. M. has 5,200. 'rington, August Lauter and Mr. and careful analysis of available hospi 'Harrington took the star role of ker, Fanna Ruth Thorn, Am« '7!i-25 per cent, division of the cost Schwartz, Helen Goldsmith, Adelti Other entries are MISH Victoria between the property owners and the Mrs. Lauter, all of Carteret. ul facilities has shown the urgent "Hope Franklin." eed for a community hospital to Others in the main cast are Ernest Cohen, Charlotte (Ireenwald, if McNelll, Herbert Sullivan, Miss Lil- taxpayers of the borough, is fair. Jurick, Etienne Dietle, Theodore j Kelly, Gertrude Armour, Hel«« lian Donnelly, Miss Elizabeth Farkag, In reply Mayor Mulvihill said that he e located in Rahway to serve the eeds of these three communities Mothers Day Calls to l.eszczynski, Miss Mae Misdom, Richy, Margaret Heinsel, Edith Miss Mary Collins, the Misses Jennie thought it was very fair. Most of the Frank I. Bareford Jr., Miss Anna lUle, Marie Gaydos, Miriam J»CO Kohn, Anita Wager, Helen Schwartz, residents present at the meeting wore P. T. A. Elects The change in name will be made to mphasise this fact. | Ccmlan, Harry Glass, Misa Elsie 'witz, Ruth Rapp. Mary 9kerchek, Helen Sltarz, Julia from the Bast Rahway section u Mind Strange Customs lauter, Herbert Nannen (playing op- City Boys: Bernard Chinchln,! Farkas, Jennie Syszcalwska and Jn- none made any comment. The Same Officers The campaign will be conducted I posite Miss Harrington) and Henry William Huber, Philip Chodosh, Bd-y| seph Hartok. Mayor asked that the newspapers in Carteret simultaneous with Viater. Resides these there are eev war dDubow, Abraham Chodo»o,;| Each contestant entered in time p Of an Earlier Time make it clear that objections to the No Change In Staff of Organiz- •Rahway and Woodbridge. The intens- i ernl choruses. Louis Carpenter, Louis Lukach. to be listed last night received 5,000 plan wiH be heard at the next meet- ation. Boys Give Musical ive campaign dates arp from June 3 Present Plan of Observing Day votes free from the Legion. Those ;o June 14. In order that public-spir- ing. He said that he wanted any Program. Gift to Is Attributed to Virginia Carteret High Wins Game who enter on or before Thursday who opposed the plan to present ited citizens can subscribe liberal a- night of next week will receive a their objections before the ordinance Seniors mounts all pledges to the campaign Woman—Approved in From South Amboy Team Negro Who Stole Gun bonus of 500 votes each. is finally adopted. will be made payable over a period 1914 by Pres. Wilson The officers of th« Carteret Par- - The contest will close during the Councilman Andres told of the of five years in semi-annual pay- Carteret High School's representa- ent-Teacher Association were return- Ordered Oat of Town open air bazaar to be given by the arrangement made with the Rahway rrjents or in any manner which the The present method of observing tives defeated the South Amboy high Legion during the week of May 23 ed to office for another year at the subscribed desires. Mother's day idea ia attributed to tossers 3 to 1 in a tussle at South in Uebig's Field. During the bazaar election of the association Horace Green Charged With ply for East Rahway is to be Miss Anna Jarvis of Virginia, later Amboy, Tuesday afternon. Bud Mul- week $10 will be given away each ' j Tuesday night. They are: president, president of the Mother's Day Inter- lan allowed the home team a single Breaking Into Trunk To ° Mrs. Charles H. Hadassah To Present 'hit, in the nine innings. night at a prize during the six nights. plan is that Rahway will lay maina to Jr. national Association. Mia.s Jarvis was Steal Weapon Admits president, Mrs, J.