Broadcast Weekly (Formerly Radiocast Weekly - Established 1922 As Broadcast Program) A.J
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GRE , S JANE F lliu Leenow System flouter singes, ov1FRCanaDn Blues heard regularly Elliciency and Economy PLUS BEAUTY Authentically»» designed in true PERIOD STYLE $189.50 complete The installed NEW e MAYFLOWER Ten Special Aristocrat of All Electric Refrigerators Features Matchless modern efficiency obtained through 10 special MAYFLOWER features. PLUS that richness and breath- taking beauty resulting from true period design. A real piece of rare old colonial furniture with graceful, curving legs, "apron style" lower door, beautifully beveled corners and edges, and massive, specially -designed Colonial hardware. Buy no refrigerator until you have all the facts on MAYFLOWER. Write, wire or phone, or come in for impressive demonstration. IERULRAvENS[ROF INCORPORATED ELECTRIC RADIO EQUIPMENT REFRIGERATION K0R- DIVISION San Francisco -121-131 Ninth St. Los Angeles -135-139 West 17th St. BROADCAST WEEKLY (FORMERLY RADIOCAST WEEKLY - ESTABLISHED 1922 AS BROADCAST PROGRAM) A.J. URBAIN, Publisher CLASS THE FIRST DAY OP ENTERED AS 2 g PUBLISHED ON THE EACH WEEK. BY MATTER,MARCH 25,1923.ßY POST OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO.CALIFORNIA BROADCAST WEEKLY UNDER ACT OF MARCH 9.1879 PUBLISHING COPYRIGHT, 1931, BY BROADCAST WEEKLY COMPANY PUBLISHING COMPANY PACIFIC BUILDING, bfi MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 10 CENTS THE COPY FROM ALL NEWSDEALERS PER YEAR TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 5273 BY SUBSCRIPTION 83.00 No. 26 Vol. 10 San Francisco JUNE 27, 1931 Los Angeles Program Popularity Contest Results RESULTS from the Program Popu- ment of radio programs, it is earnestly larity Contest featured in BROAD- hoped that those of you who did not vote con- CAST WEEKLY issue of May 24 to 30 are in this contest will do so in future now complete Almost 2,000 ballots were tests BROADCAST WEEKLY 1S now contem- received. In most of these a program plating. Program sponsors, broadcasting preference was indicated for every one of stations, and radio artists realize that rep- the 140 periods on the ballot. BROADCAST WEEKLY readers are the the West, number of consecutive periods resentative radio audience of The expression. covered, the number of ballots received, and they want your and the type of audience represented The actual practical value of such con- mark this contest as undoubtedly the most tests is demonstrated by the results being significant and expressive vote on radio achieved through the ballot just con- programs ever recorded in the West. A cluded. Requests for a tabualtion of the tabulation of the vote, showing the first, vote have come to us from every section second and third most popular programs of the United States. Broadcasting sta- for each period, will be found on Pages tions and program sponsors have unani- 22 to 26 of this issue. mously manifested the keenest interest, BROADCAST WEEKLY expresses its and now are intently studying and inter- deepest appreciation to you who helped preting the score. As a direct result, make this contest so successful, by filling shifts and changes have already been out and sending in ballots. Everyone in- made in several programs, and many more terested in improving radio programs are contemplated. The voice of the public owes you a deep debt of gratitude. For, is all-powerful, and, when heard so em- obviously program sponsors require the phatically as in the present contest, cannot guidance of concerted public expression be ignored. For better radio programs before they can hope to make programs and more of them : write, vote, and talk meet public preference. So important is at every opportunity-and patronize de- this fact, so fundamental to the improve- serving radio advertisers. 3 Shell Happytime to Present Unique Broadcast Series THERE is something new under the structed studio aboard the Malolo. This sun! It's so new, so surprising, and unusual series of broadcasts will be ac- so delightful to contemplate that-well, complished through the use of short-wave anyway, our editorial hats are off to the transmission from the ship, picked up and Shell Oil Company for thinking of it. What? rebroadcast through the entire Pacific Coast Well, here's the news: network of the National At noon, July Il, the Broadcasting Company. sails of that mythical Perfect reception of the Shell Ship of Joy, on programs is assured radio which thousands upon listeners by this method, thousands of western according to NBC engi- radio listeners are carried neers, two of whom will on a make-believe voyage accompany the Happy - to Happiness Isles each timers on the voyage. morning, will give way Special permission to util- to a real, modern ocean ize the low -wave chan- liner-none other than nels and rebroadcast on the Maiolo, pride of the the regular broadcast Pacific passenger fleet. lanes of the NBC stations On that day the great has been granted by the ship will sail out through Federal Radio Commis- the Golden Gate, Hawaii - sion. bound, carrying Captain While the big ship is Dobbsie and twenty mem cutting her way through CAPTAIN DOB3SIE bers of the Shell Happy - the Pacific, Hawaii -bound, time artist staff. And every morning there- and later, San Francisco -bound, Captain after during the voyage to Islands and Dobbsie and his artists will step before the return, Happytime fans will hear this pro- microphones in the ship's special studio, and gram broadcast direct from a specially con - broadcast their famed Happytime program "WEE WILLY" HANCOCK SAMBO, ED and MANDY HELEN LOWE June 28 -July 4 BROADCAST WEEKLY 5 very much the same as though they were Hancock, known and loved by Happytime in the NBC studios in San Francisco. But fans as "Wee Willy," first mate of the Shell to them, and to the thousands who will be Ship of Joy. Others included in the ocean- tuned in, will be the distinction and thrill going radio party are: Max Dolin, one of producing and of the West's outstanding violinists; Mr. hearing the first and Mrs. Sam Moore and Ed Evans, transmission of a better known to radio audiences as the ship -to -shore com- blackface trio of Sambo, Ed, and Mandy; mercial radio Dixie Marsh, pianist and vocalist; Kath- broadcast ever erine Thompson, harp soloist; Helen presented from Lowe, soprano; Emily and Anthony Lin- the Pacific. Even den, pianist and flutist; Dan O'Brien, while the party is tenor; and many other featured stars of in Hawaii, the the Shell Happytime. There will be many morning programs other surprise features. will not be inter- Besides their morning broadcasts from rupted. They will the Malolo, which will be heard each morn- be broadcast by MAX DOLIN ing except Sunday at 8 a. m., Pacific the same hook-up, marking standard time, during the two up another record-the first weeks' voyage, there will Hawaii -to -America program be a special evening program ever produced. presented while the party is in Several hundred Happytime Hawaii. With Captain Dobb- fans are planning on being sie acting as master of cere- along on the history -making monies, there will be broadcast voyage, according to Matson an unusual program featuring Navigation Company officials, many of the Island's out- owners of the Malolo, who standing native musicians. Ac- report stateroom reservations cording to present plans, the coming from radio listeners broadcast will be presented throughout the Pacific Coast, from the Malolo's studio while she lies in Honolulu who want to "take the trip EMILY and ANT HONY LINDEN at anchor with Dobbsie." "If present harbor on Friday evening, July indications are any criterion," declared 17. This program, J. E. Ryan, general passenger manager which will allow for the steamship line, "the July 11 voy- evening audiences age of the Malolo will be a veritable 'float- to hear one of ing convention' of Happytimers. It looks these unusual like a grand party, and we are pleased broadcast series, and honored that the Shell Oil Company will be broadcast has selected the Malolo for the occasion." from 9:30 to 10:30 Those who are unable to accompany p. m., Pacific the Happytime voyagers will not be, standard time. strictly speaking, "left behind." Although Programs will they are at home before their loudspeak- be released over ers, Captain Dobbsie intends to transmit to the NBC Pacific them, via the microphone, all the sights, DAN O'BRIEN Coast network, in- thrills, and pleasures encountered on the trip. cluding stations KPO, San Francisco; KFI, Among the artists, besides Captain Dobb- Los Angeles; KGW, Portland; KOMO, Se- sie, who will make the voyage is William attle; KHQ, Spokane; KSL, Salt Lake City. .. OPEÑ' « ° This department is open to all. Send in your,T letters. Anonymous letters will not be published. Give full name and address. Just Couldn't Miss It tist. Well, then, O. K., if he is a splendid artist and R. L. P. enjoys his work, why We did not receive the BROADCAST WEEKLY worry whether he is Johnnie Jones or Peter for this week, May 31 to June 6. We simply Pan. couldn't miss the little helpful magazine so What difference does it make? Your in its is we went to a nearby newsstand and pur- magazine present form about chased another. as good as it can be and if you listen to all We all think the "Return of Captain of these suggestions, pro and con, what Post" is splendid and hope Carlton E. Morse would you have then? An awful mess, I'd will continue his splendid work. say. Keep good Old BROADCAST WEEKLY as it The Blue Monday Jamboree, Spotlight is and you will keep your many present friends Revue, Sherlock Holmes, Kenya Bill and and cultivate a lot of new ones in the future.