2 Radio Doings F ebm'ary, 26 ------Kolster Radio "A Parade 0/ Stations" ,

Model 6-0. 6 Tubes-$98.50 Every Kolster owner is an enthusiast ITo find -out why. step in and see your nearest Kolster dealer. He will be glad to dem­ onstrate for you without obligation. for he. too. is a Kolster fan I Northeast Southern

t' NORTON & NORTON ALHAMBRA ; 2211 N. Broadway ALHAMBRA RADIO ELEc. ANDREWS RADIO Co. CApitol 0484 1855 W. Mai"n S·t. r· 1704 McCadden Place Alhambra 2366 I GLadstone 0704 ANAHEIM South HOLLYWOOD RADIO CO. HAMMELL'S MUSIC CO. 709 N. \,yestern Ave. 124 E. Center St. JENKINS RADIO SHOP Anaheim 145 GLadstone 2897 8450-52 S. Broaaway THorn wall 4460 OTTO K. OLESEN BALBOA ILLUMINATING CO. MOD]ESKA RADIO STURGIS MUSIC CO. 704' E. Central 6548 Hollywood Blvd. 4711 S. Broadway Newport Beach 125 GLadstone 5194 AXridge 7106 BELLFLOWER Wilshire BELLFLOWER ELEC. SHOP Downey 7130 LA BREA ELECTRIC & Downtotvn r RADIO CO. BURBANK 5222 Wilshire Blvd. BULLOCK'S COLLINS RADIO WI-litney 9114 7tb and Broadway 223 E. San Fernando Blvd. BRoadway 6900 Burbank 446-W Highland Park EAGLE ROCK McNEIL'S MUSIC SHOP TUFTS-LYON ARMS CO. WEAVER & KING 571 I Pasadena Ave. 609 S. Olive St. 5059 Eagle Rock Blvd. GAr-field 2583 TRinity il626_ ALhany 3417 .., _ , _ _ California Distributors of Kolster: H. Earle Wright, Incorporated' 123·129 St!cond Street 415 Bast Bighth Street SAN FRANCISCO LOSANGELBS ------Februa1'Y 26 Radio Doings 3 KoIster Radio "A Parade of Stations" Southern California Dealers-Continued GLENDALE REDLANDS SANTA MONICA B UDWIG RADIO Co. MUNZIG RADIO CRONK MUSIC HOUSE 201 N. Brand Blvd. lIS N. Fifth St. 406 Santa Monica Blvd. Glendale 1801 Main 863 Santa Monica 26795 INGLEWOOD RADIO SERVICE CO. REDONDO 14th and Montana SEVILLE RADIO SHOPPE J. H. THORP RADIO Santa Monica 2620 I 6411 West Blvd: 124 S. Pacific Ave. Inglewood 771·W SANTA MONICA R ADI O CO. Redondo 3621 305 Santa MOllica Blvd. Santa M'onico 24240 LONG BEACH SAN BERNARDINO PREST & DEAN RADIO SANTA PAULA 356 American Ave. THEW RADIO CO. Long Beach 61 7 .97 Fleming Bldg. AVERY MUSIC CO. San Bernardino 381 ·12 933 Main St. RIALTO RADIO CO. Santa PallIa 97 430 American Ave. SAN GABRIEL Long Beach 653·171 MURPHY & HENDRICKX SIERRA MADRE LOMITA 243 S. San Gabriel Blvd. SIERRA MADRE ELEC. CO. San Gabriel 3122 CALKINS HARDWARE (G. I. Farman) 1129 Narbonne SAN DIEGO Opp. P. E. Station Lomita 115 Main 120 MARYLAND AUTO SUPPLY MONROJl'lA 650 F Street SOUTH PASADENA Main 3590 CLAUDE S. CHESS T~E R ADIO ELEc. STORE 125 W. White Oaks MILLER BROTHERS 1161 Fair Oaks Main 458 30th and University Colorado 6574 Hillcrest 200 F.liot 3397 MONTEREY PARK JACK M. WHITLEY MONTEREY PARK MUSIC CO. 411 C Street TORRANCE 102 E. Garvey Main-4512 DE BRA RADIO CO. Alhambra 1182·M SAN PEDRO 2175 Cravens Torrance 73 ·J PASADENA PACIFIC MUSIC CO. ASHTON'S RADIOLECTRIC 1025 Pacific Ave. UPLAND San Pedro 295·W STORE PACIFIC COAST ENGINEER­ 1762 E. Colorado St. SANTA ANA Colorado 4042 ING CO. HAWLEY SPORTING GOOD! 229 Second St. WILSON MUSIC CO. 305 N. Sycamore 180 E. Colorado St. Santa Ana 1091-W JlENTURA Terrace 6360 TURNER RADIO CO. MOORE & FAZIO POMONA 118 E. Fourth St. 733 Main St. JOHN BURNLEY Santa Ana 1172 Ventura 249 120 E. Second St. Pomona 1472 SANTABARBARA WILMINGTON SCHWARTZ & HEIMERL J. E. WILEY WILMINGTON HOWE. Co. 228 W. 2nd St. S.n M.rco. BId". 300 Canal St. Pomona 795 Sonta Barhara 3971 WilminJrton 20-.1

"Rich "Clear·Cut Tone-Quality" KOLSTER Selectivity" 4 Radio Doings February 26 -

$14 Complete 'With Switch /

ELKON TRICKLE CHARGER Keeps your "AU-batteries charged to highest efficiency AL WAYS. No attention on your part. No acids, alkali, water, moving parts, . tubes, or interference. It insures you constant power con.. stantly, tapering off or increasing as needed. SET IT - INSTALL IT - FORGET IT

W liolesale Distributors YALE RADIO ELECTRIC CO. 1111 Wall Street - LOS ANGELES WEatmore 3351 NftIJ York OffiCI C JjicogD OffiCI So,. Pro,.cisco OffiCI J. W. HASTIE A. G. RUDOLPH CONGE;R " MOODY 155 East 42nd Street 500 N. Dearborn St. ShareD BuildiJlI( Vanderbilt 4661 Kearney 8483 1Rabio lDoinge Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Ot!. 407 East Pico Street, Los Angeles. Calif. "The Red Book of Radio" H. C. CHARLES Editor Phone WEstmore 140 1 KENNT~;~ic~i 2lt!lSTUN J. S. MILLER MAJ. LAWRENCE MOTT Associate Editor Associate Editor \ (Entered as ,l!(l()nd-cl.a88 matter. Nov. U. 1922. Loa Angele• • Cal.. Post 0111"". under Act 01 Marcb S. 1897.) CoDyrlgbt. 1926. by Horwood Publlslring Co. larue!! Weekly. Ten Cents a CODY. Tbree Dollar. a Year. Cenada and Foreign Countrlea. $3.50 per Year. Vol. X . Los Angeles FEBRUARY 26. 1927 San Francisco No.9 Last Prize Contest! OPULAR started in the Fall of 1921. but did not begin to really come into its own until the Spring of 1922. Mr. Horwood. a far·sighted P business man and publisher, realized that the rapidly increasing number of set owners would need some medium which would conveniently list broadcast sta­ tions and their programs. RADIO DOINGS was started as a small pamphlet con· taining programs of three or four stations. In the last four and one·half years its publishers have constantly planned and added to the magazine so as to in­ clude. as far as possible, every need of the radio li:steners-in. The services of K. G. Ormiston, one of the best-known radio engineers In the country, have been obtained to direct the technical department and labora­ tory. Carey Preston Rittmeister, a well·known and popular home economist, con­ ducts a page of special interest to women r eaders. Several departments have been added for the exclusive use of our readers, including the DX Club, Questions and Answers. and Listeners·in page. Other departments such as Radio Topics of the Day. Radiograms, Trade T'opics and Broadcasters' Digest are maintained for general information concerning radio and radio people. In any endeavor for perfection there is still room for improvement, and the only way that we can improve RADIO DOINGS is to learn what YOU. our friends and readers, like and dislike, want and do not want. We offer a $.67.50 Master Pemco Heavy Duty 135-Volt A and B Eliminator as a prize for the best letter of not more than 500 words of criticisms and sug· gestions which would make a bigger and better RADIO DOINGS. This contest is open to all of our subscribers and readers. Address your letter to the Prize Contest Editor. The winning letter and name of the writer will be published in RADIO DOINGS issue of March 28th.

ONLY $3.00 A YEAR Have RADIO DOINGS mailed to your home every week. Fill out blank below. Either mail to us, or your dealer will be glad to take ~are of it for you. Please indicate whether NEW or RENEWAL. -HORWOOD PUBLISHING CO .• 407 E. Pico St., Los Angeles, CONGER & MOODY, Sharon Building, San Francisco, Calif. Gentlemen: I enclose $3 .00, for which send me RADIO DOINGS for one year. NE;W-!U;NEW AL. Namee ______'______

Address 6 Radio . Doings February 26

GUARANTEED LOUD SPEAKERS We Wish to Announce the Arrival of the New Utah Junior Cone 13-inch Free Edge ONLY $1000

Home of Utah Speakers WEstmore 3291 Los Angeles 1125 Wall F l'b J'lI ar y 26 Radio D oing.f 7

Run Any Radio From Your Electric Current With the Marvelous ,-91-1"VV~~G- Radio AB Socket Power It mak e s no difference what kind or w hat make radio set you h ave, t he PHILCO AB-l~u~~~~~~~;;F~~ Socket Powe r wi1l give you both A and B R ad i o P ower from your elect ric light current. Think of it! Here is your opportu- nity t o do away wit h d r y-cell battery troubles. "B" b a tte ries and t he"A"st o r age b a tte r y. Your e lectric ligh tin g- current w ill now operate }'our r3dio set ~moo th l y a n d perfectl y. Installation FREE The Philco dealer in your community unde rs t ands exactly h ow t o make t his i nstallation. The P h ilco AB Socket Powe r H e will do it, FREE OF CHARGE, a nd guarant ee i ... 8/1 contained ;n one cabinet you r complet e satisfaction. Y ou can safel}' buy from any au t ho ri zed Philco dealer, anywher e. Easy as Turning on Yours On Easy Payments Your Electric Light You can buy the Philco AB Socket P ower on EASY PAYMENT T ERMS fr om any No more fuss! No more P hilco deale r in }' our t own . Y o u merely make a bother! N o m o r e annoyan ce caused b y small firs t pa}' m en t a nd then vou can pay t he bal- rech a rging an d replac ing ! All you n e ed ance in easy m o nth ly inst allment s. ~- t o do is snap one little switch " ON" when you want t o li st e n in, "OFF" Liberal Allowance for Your when you a r e fi nish ed. Old Storage Battery No Hum! No Distortion! It makes no difference what make of Th e Philco AB Socket Power will give y o u a b solutely t he best A s t orage battery you no ~ have; it n lakes no differ­ e n ce h ow o ld or worn out it may b e, th e Philco r eception without t he least h u m an d d ealer w ill m ake you a liberal allowance for it on without the least d is t ort ion. Y o ur radio power i s a l way~ s teady. s m ooth a nd th e pu rchase of a brand new, guar a nteed Philco AB Socket Powe r. constant . Mail Coupon NOW $.~~>·.rS-;;~iai-Offe~-C~~-;;~ That is all you need do. Simply fill ; Philadelph;a Storage Ba ttery Company in t he coupon and m ail it to us. ~ West ern P acific Bldg .• 1031 S. Brdw'y Remember, this coupon is not an I Los Aageles, CaHf.. D ept. 5 172 order. it d oes not place you under the slig htest obli­ : GENTLEMEN: gation. It i s simply a r e q uest fo r free, illustrated I Please send me, WITHOUT COST, d escriptive li terature. telling all Hbout t he P hilco , t he complete illus trated lit e r a ture de­ AB Socket P ower. ~ scribing lhefa m ous PHILCO AS Socket , Power . 1 also desi re t he full details o f , }' ou r Easy-Payment Plan and Trade- In Philadelphia Storage Battery Company I Allowance offer. It is und e rstood th a t Western Pacific Bldg., 1031 S. Broadway , this r equest does not pl ace m e under : t he slightes t obliga t ion. LOS ANGELES, CALIF., Dept. 5 172 Factory, General Offices and Laboratories : Name ______-----.------.-.------...______PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1 I Address ______Radio Doings 9 8 Radio DoinJ(s February 26 February 26 .CeCo Tubes Fill Millions of Sockets There's a CeCo Tube Made Specially Clear Up the Tone with a CeCo Mogul for Your Radio Set Power Tube Do you get a blast when you turn the volume up a bit? Do you get clear. sweet tones a t low volume, but noise when Every radio receiver requires one tube as a detector, one tube louder? The trQuble is probably right in one tube-the tube to feed adequate, undistorted power to the loud speaker, and in the last audio stage. Change this tube to a CeCo Mogul may have one to six or more stages of intermediate radio or Power Tube. Then turn up the volume ... and it comes preliminary audio frequency amplification. Consult your through clear from lo cal or far away stations. £ , CeCo dealer. He will tell you the right combination of CeCo CeCo Tubes Cost No More! o tubes for your receiver to give you more distance. sweeter tones and better all around reception. You Must Be Satisfied­ That's Guaranteed

CeCo City Dealers

J. c. Rendler Hines Radio . Radio Acce•• ory Jobber. 625 S. Main 7322 S. Broadway 15th and Hope Sti. IWEstmore 4038 c Philco Sales & Service Atwater Radio Shop 1514 5. Hope 120R Glendale Blvd. Out.of.Town CeCo Dealers Standard Radio Holland Electric Shop CULVER CITY, H. E. Blunt SAN DIEGO, College Service 417 W. Pico 5632 Pasadena Ave. 6808 Putman Park and El Cajon Walker Radio McNeil Music Co. PASADENA, Thomas & Sum· Maryland Auto Supply Co. ~ 5835 S. Vermont 5711 Pasadena Ave. Seventh and F merville, 41 N. Broadway Collinge Hardware Co. HOLLYWOOD Webster Electrie Garage ANAHEIM, Caverley Radio 3425 S. Vermont 100 E. Union . 217 W . Center Q Glen H. Derner Cutler Radio LONG BEACH, Klem Radio, G .8. 6507 S. Kansa. 930 N. Western 215* E. 4th St. EL CAJON, El Cajon Electric Barrowa·Conkwright LANKERSHIM, Lankershim ELSINORE, Elsinore Plumbing J. M. Andrew. & Electric 209 W. 18th St. 5545 Sunset Blvd. Musie Co., Lankershim De Hoog Bro •. Hetzel Radio Service W. L. Bain, GARDEN GROVE, W. E. A.h· 6120 S. Broadway 8303 Santa Monica 5241 Lank

All Parts for the IMPROVED INFRADYNE as Speci­ fied by Inventors now here. Complete Data in the Official Manual-25c. Send for it Now.

Com.plete stock of COAST COUPLER LONG WAVE RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSFORMERS, in stock for immediate delivery.

Look over the 630 Complete Kit of Pam for the SILVER SHIELDED SIX. Kit includes aU Specified Matched Parts for the Set. Completely Shielded­ using the famous 220 Audio and 221 Output Trans­ formers, $95.00-A Set Good for Years.

The Kit of Parts for the KARAS EQUIMATIC lists at $60.20, and will produce a Set mighty hard to beat. Karas' latest.

MADISON MOORE "One Spot" Transformers are here. No more harmonics. Get a line on these­ one of the biggest improvements of the year.

DEALERS: Park Next Door at Our Expense Radio Supply Co. WHOLESALE 920 S. Broadway VA. 6063 Los Angeles New 1927 Catalo&,ue Now Ready-:-Send For It February 26 Radio Doings 11 Changes Are Made Every day in Radio-and to keep your set abreast of the times--you will need new parts. The largest up­ to-date stock of parts is at 920 South Broadway. Have your dealer pick up what you need. Aaleo Loops Dublller CondenMer Natlonul Co. Pnrt" Accuratune Dials Corl" Pacent Productll ACJDe Apparatus Dudlo ~lfg. Co. Wire Penetroln lilts Eby Binding Posts ACJDe Trickle Charger.. Polymet ~lfg. Co. Ekko Ground Clumps Condensers Advnnce Crystnls Electrod Products Aero Producfo. Electrohot Soldering PrcmJcr Ports Aerovox Wireless Irons ~ ltnco Aerinl Wire Products Elkon Chargers Radiall Co. Aml.erltu Aldcn ~lfg. Co. Portio FormJca Insulation Co. Rnulund Lyric All-AJDerlcnn Product .. 'Frauen B. Butteries TruDsforlllere Frost Products Raytheon Tubes AJDertran Products Remler Products Amperltes Genernl RadiO Parts ' Goodrich Rubber Punel.. Sumson 'Frunsformer" Amsco Coudenser.. HUIllll1erlund Produets Suugnulo Con«lensers Arteo CoUs Hurkncss Rlts Sen.lOry Insulators Balklte Chargers, Etc. Hedgehog "rroJJsfOrmerH Slllte Trickle Charger .. Benjamin Elec. ~Ug. H-K Sodderdlpt LuA''' Silvcr ~lar .. hnlJ ProductR Products Hoosick Parts Sl.nulding Bakellte Bruch Products Jefferson Product.. Punets Braudes Speakers Korns Prodncts Steinite Eliminators Uran'lton Colis Rei bruckets Sterling ~Ieters nnd Bremer-Tully Product .. Kellojtg PUTt" "'esters Cam.tield Colis Switchboard Supply Stevens Tools Curborundum Produch I

The New Hexadyne 6- Tube PORTABLE

NEW IMPROVEMENTS WITH BEAUTY AND SIMPLICITY SINGLE DIAL CONTROL OPERATES WITH A LOOP EXCEPTIONAL DISTANCE The Hexadyne stands today not only as the leader in the portable field but the recognized standard of advanced radio engineering. No other portable radio on the market compares with the Hexa­ dyne for beauty of tone and simplicity of operation. -List Price $125.00 Complete with All Accessories Including the New Power Tube Dealers. Write at Once for Attractive Proposition WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS C. W. Smith Co. Pacific Wholesale Radio, Inc. 1125 Wall St., Los Angeles 1320 S. San Pedro, Los Angeles February 26 Radio Doings' 1Ra~togra , ms IDAI'LV From (Except' Sunday) CLOYD MARSHALL, JR: 12:,3 ,0 to 1:30 ~any a poor fish is caught by the Community Program' lure of a trim ankle.

A dog wags his tail to show pleasU7'e, a TIlan wags his tongue to show dis­ pleasure. • • • • Have you ever observed the horse that walks with his head down, stum­ KMTR bles most frequently? • • MONDAY Don't judge a man by the bumps on his head. He may have a bar­ POMONA ber whose technique is poor. • • There is one man in the United TUESDAY States who can make President Cool­ WHITIIER idge open his mouth and that must be " his dentist. • • WEDNESDAY Any poor /ish can float and drift along with the stream, but it takes a ANAHEIM regular live one to sw im against the CU1Tent . • • THURSDAY SENSIBLE CLOTHES GLENDALE The textile mills report that they , have lost half of their business since • • fashion decreed that milday should FRIDAY wear knee length skirts. We feel sorry SANTA ANA for the owners of the mills and the people who were thrown out of work • • by this unwritten edict but neverthe­ SATURDAY less we hope th at the women will keep on wearing sensible clothes. 'The SPECIAL young women of today are the mothers of tomorrow so it is vital to our na­ Direction of tion that they be healthy, for the healthier they are, the better will be WALTER BIDDICK the next ge neration. Dress has a lot 487 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE.tmore 9137 LOS ANGELES to do with it. Radio Doings F ebnw1")1 26 Meet Our Fri~nd By K. G. OR MISTON This week we are going to introdnce bearings of the generators, checking the to you a chap who seldom exercises his wave·length, watching the charging of vocal cords before a "mike," and hence the batteries, listening to the output, is little known to you. And yet it rests both in headphones and loudspeaker, with him whether or not you will derive and thus doing his level best to send a enjoyment in listening to any radio pro­ true and accurate reproduction of the gram. Regardless of how splendid a program into your receiving set. studio performance may be, it is all use· Simultaneously with the few duties less unless the care and manipulation mentioned, he carries on numerous tele· of the transmitting eguipment preserves phone conversations with dear old ladies the quality through all the intricate who call up to inquire just how to go proc sses of transmission involved in about tuning in JOAK on their "Blaba· putting the program "on the air." dyne" sets! You've guessed it. We are using this Very often when the announcer has space in an effort to make you chummy murmured his final "Good Night," and with a young fellow to be found in the all the lads and lassies of Radioland are operating room of every station. If tucked away, our friend, the operator, things are running smoothly you will who has kept his set on the air for the find him at his desk listeuing to the out­ last hour by the skin of his teeth, rolls going program and carefnlly controlling up his sleeves and pitches in. A neat, the modulation. But if there's a "bug" orderly operating roo~ presently resem­ in the works, the operator will be found bles No· Man's :Cand as Big Bertha hanging on the side of the transmitter comes to pieces. The offending coil or cage like his Darwinian ancestor, pok­ condenser is eventually found, repaired ing his nose into close proximity with or replaced, and the last connection goes enough volts to Imock a man across 111e back into place just in time to broadcast River Jordan, frantically trying to make your morning setting·up exercises! music sound less like static! The one important thing in life for As a general rule, he knows his busi· the operator, or engineer (as he likes ness. In fact, he is the only man around to be called, and justly so), is to keep the radio st~tion who knows anything his station on the air at all costs. Any about radio, though he is usually treated failure of his equipment during a pro· by the rest of the staff as a sort of nec· gram is a calamity of vast proportions, essary evil. In most cases he is an old­ for which he holds himself personally timer, who has grown up with radio, responsible. InCidentally, and unfor· and sailed the seven seas with every tunately, the boss takes the same view. type and vintage of wireless equipment. Now we're going to let you in on His station is to him as a child of his something. Sometimes the operator fiesh,- he Imows and understands its day·dreams a bit, forgets to watch the weak points, its limitations, its pecu· modulation, and permits perfectly good liarities. music to go out like so much hash. Lis­ He is fOl'ever checking the micro· ten! We'll tell you what happens when phone balance, watching the red-hot he wears that dumb look and stares un· plates of the tubes, looking for bright seeing at his panels. spots in the filaments, keeping an eye His mind is far from the whirring on at least a dozen meters. feeling the generators and the dancing needles of February 26 Radio Doings 15 his meters. Wanderlust and the call of the briny deep have gripped him. He sniffs the tang of the sea and feels a throbbing deck beneath his feet. With the speed of ether waves, old familiar scenes flash before his mind's eye. $ The stench of the Orient- The French Band in its evening concert on the Bund at Shangha i-The _fan-tan tables of a famous gambling honse on the Bnbbling Well Road-The seething inferno of Kileau's crater. For a moment he stands In the door­ DOWN way of an Alaskan wireless shack and watches a June dawn-A fl eeting glimpse of No.9 in Yokohama with its painted faces and gorgeous crysanthe­ PUTS mum blossoms-Cup Day at the Mel­ bourne races-f. rosy-cheeked barmaid E:IUl'.:.- "'~ in Auckla nd- rn~~ The picturesque "junk" fleet of the Yellow Sea- A hula dance 'neath the waving palms of Samoa-And best of SOCKET all , Monnt Tamalpias rising up out of th e fog as the pilot com es aboard! * * * * POWER And so, friend reader, you have met the broadcast operator. We hope you will like him and count him as much On Your your friend as the announcers and artists whose names are so famil iar to Radio Set you. When you enjoy a radio program and have a feeling of appreciation for the efforts of those who have brought it to you, don't forget the man behind the PHILCO SALES switchboard (or more likely under it! ). Give him a ring and tell him you like the way he puts out the stuff. § SERVICE CO. 1514 South Hope St. "She knows her beef.steak" is the.high. est compliment a man can pay his wife. Phone WEstmore 9065 a ccording to Beulah Winburn, food ex­ Phone or Mail Coupon for pert, who is heard regularly over KOA_ _-..I_...-I.....JFree Derrwnstration___ --' ______in ----" Your ____ Home _ Name ...... _. _ .... . Station 2LO, in London, devoted an evening recently to selections of the Address .. _ .. . _ .... _ . _ . _ . _ . _ ...... American coin poser, MacDowell, and a Phone ... _ ... _ ...... ______.. ___ . _ Glasgow station dedicated a program to Radio. _ ...... __ ...... _ .... _ .. Abraham Lincoln. 16 16 Radio Doings February 26


One more field en­ and impersonated the characters in tered by women! turn, producing the falsetto tones of We have established the heroine with great pathos, the deep, a place for our ~ex gutteral of the villain in a way to make in athletics-tennis, your hair stand on end, and so on, from golf, swimming-but character to character; I believe he did here is a woman it well. One of our party recalled the who has worked un­ first American pictures shown, without tiringly for the past titles and sub-titles, when an announcer "C. P. R_" ten years to win was deemed necessary for the presenta­ votes and public tion of the different scenes and charac­ "jobs" for women she thought best tel's; so long ago most of us had for­ fitted for the positions, and who has gotten. (Radio announcers please don't now been appointed to a post of great read this!) The possibility is suggested responsibility and honor-that of Com­ that some gay even radio programs may missioner of Immigration for the Port be presented without announcers. (We of Boston. Anna 'M. Tillinghast is the just couldn't let that chance pass.) first woman to hold such a position, It's a far cry from radio announcers the appointment coming as a complete to clams and oysters, but they are again surprise to her, for she had not sought on the bill of fare today, and I have any official recognition for herself. some choice recipes gathered from the wives of Matagorda Bay. A most inter­ The other evening with some friends esting bit of Texas is that bordering on and seeking some unusual amusement Lavaca Bay. It was here that patri- after dinner, a Japanese picture theater archal "Uncle Joe" Gonzales lived and on the East Side was brought to my died ; h ere, in his younger days he mind as something interesting, the sug­ brought shiploads of camels from Spain gestion received by the crowd with for the United States Government, for some apprehension, but accepted. The use in travel across the great western picture, which was filmed in Japan, with desert. This little settlement of "Old Japanese actors, was well on its way Town" was made up of the Gonzales when we entered the theater, so it was family and descendents, and fine Ger­ impossible to get the plot and ascertain man families; immigrants who had en­ just why the pretty little Japanese tered Texas at historic Indianola at the heroine was being pursued so relent­ lower end of this bay, who lived well lessly by the seven fie,rce Japanese from their fishing boats, oyster beds, men with long knives. Occasional small farms of grain, and their cotton strains of Japanese music from Japa­ fields. From the respective countries nese instruments lent atmosphere to are the following recipes which I have the picture, but .lily far the most inter­ treasured these years: esting feature was the announcer, who Clean and dry 2 dozen oysters and graphically and cramatically' described place on ice. Rub yolks of 6 hard­ in his native language each situation (Q9p,-tiJ:lUeq on pa~~ 76) February 26 Radio Doings 17

~dio cr50Pics of the C[)ay A Weekly Review of Radio News, Thought and Opinion

RADIO CONTROL BILL PASSES THE PACIFIC CHAINS After more than a year of wrangling, The affiliation of high-powered broad­ Congress fin ally passed the radio con­ casting s tations into what has been termed a "chain" was first ins tigated trol !Jill on Februa ry 18t h. As this is­ by WEAF of N ew York. s ue of Radio Doings goe~ to press, all The Radio Cor pora tion station W.I Z tha t is lacking to m a l,p th e DiJI-"iVhit e of Ne w York li f> d u p se,-era! . ta ti o n ~ bill a federal la w is the :"igna t ul' f> of on its loop. a nd thus the alhant age~ to P)' e~ iuent Coolidge. be gained by tIlE' "cha in " s ys t e m have T o a nyon e who h a~ c'lo"E' ly folloW E' d been m or e and more realized until HOW the proceedings before Cong r f> ss. lh e po­ o n the P acifi c C o a~ t w e have two such litical mixup occasioned by thi :" m ea s ure a fftli a tioll s in ]J rocess of cl e ,·elopment. is li ttl f> s hort of Rm a zing. P etly jeal­ J(F[ a nd KPO h a ,·E' been linked for Dus it's a nd presid en tial Rs pirations a t Rome time. but it i ~ r eported th at they tim E'S fi gured in the fr a y; Democrat will shortly be d e fi nite l~' tied in with fought Democrat. a nd Re publican at­ the National Broa d(f. asting Compa nY 's t acl(ed R epublican. Bur eve ntually. loop. of whicb ,VE AF is t he pare nt s ta­ through his per sist e nt E' ff or ts. S enat or tion. KGW of Portland. KOMO and Dill. t h f> Democrat, got his a nti-Hoover KFOA 0[ Seattle and KHQ of Spokane bill passed by a R epublica n Senate. will be included also. t hough his own party leader s w e r e at The second important affilia tion is tilli E'S against him. lha t of lOR of Seattle, K GA of Spo­ It is believed that t he commission of kane, KEX of Portland, KY A of San fi ve w ill be named by tb e President im­ FranCiSCO, and the Los An ge l e~ s tation medialE' ly the bill is signed. This com­ s till to be erected. mis sion will have complet e control of 'rhe recently ('omple tecl KGA s ta tion radio for one year from t he date o( it~ with its power of 20 ,000 watt ~. is one o rganization, a nd ther eafter will hav f> of tbe six s uper -power s tations in the the power to pass fina I judgm ent on a ll U nited S tates. KEX just completed at controve r ted qu es ti o n ~ a nd all those Portland, is of 50 00 wat ls powe r . The volunta rily submitted t o it by th E' Secr e­ Francisco m ember of tbe chain, KY A. ta ry of Commerce. on the Clift Hotel, ope rates on 1000 Among othe r provision s a re those de­ watts. Now it is announced that a high­ s ig ned to prevent monopolies, to assign powe red station is to be er ected in Los and control wave-lengths. the numbe r Angeles a s' an important link in this and pow~r of stations, chain broadcast­ chain. The fiv e sta tions will be able to ing, the hours stations may broadcast, broadcast s imnltaneonsly programs orig­ and to prevent discrimination and ex- inating in anyone of the five studios . cE' ssive .charges for broadcasting. KGA, Spokane, is operating on 341 In th E' words of the poets, "It won't meters, a separation of but fonr meters be long now!" from KNX_ 18 Radio D oi nJ(s February 2&

Preston 1S SU~E He Got T o~io

TOKYjJ~hJW:.YOKU -01('10 6ROAOCASTIN G BUpf; .... VI

1'01\. \'.) . )'1 :eaib,r .; , 1 ~ ?.;

tJr.~ . I) . Pr eot.on i:hat B"Clrth, Cali: . Dpl,r Sir:-

Very t r uly v,oura,


". r>yAItf) .MfmA •• ~f.fl:rt.r.:J

Iness men itstenlng to radio progrclm from Southern Pclcific Slatton at Chat5IVorlh --"

C. H. Preston, ent husiastic radio fan at Chatsworth, tunes in JOAK at Tokio, Japan, with a five-tube Stewart-Warner receiver hooked up with the "OX" Long Distance Ground invented by him and which is now being manufactured in quantities in Los Angeles. Preston's "OX" log includes JOCK, at Nagoya, Japan, two or three Australian and New Zealand stations and daylight reception of PWX. Havana, Cuba. February 26 Radio D oings 1f) Efficient Device Modernizes Old Phonographs ELECTRIFY

The great difference between the qual. ity of reproduction of the old style phonograph and the modern high·priced instruments is in the fact that the r ec· ords are now recorded electrically, and reproduced electrically. The modern machine incorf,lorates an electrical am· pJifier and cone speaker, and therein li es its abil ity to reproduce the bass notes, the overtones and all the individuality of instrument 0\: voice which makes its reproduction so perfect. The modern radio receiver possesses these same units which give the new phonographs t~eir -superiority over the old type. Therefore, it is only nece.· sary to devise a m ea ns of coupling an old style phonograph to a modern radio receiver to have a ll the advantages of the latest type expensive ~honograph. THE HEART OF THE POWER PLANT A device which accomplishes th6 cou· pIIng between the two units in a very Place C~mplete Control satisfactory manner is known as the of Power Plant and Set "Elec·tru·tone," now being manufactured in One Switch-the Set under the Leishman patents. It com· Switch Itself. prises an electro·magnetic "pick:up" de· Over 75,000 used within vice, which is placed on the end of the the first four months­ phonograph tone arm in place of the adopted standard by every old reproducer. This connects by fl exi· leading set and power ble cord to the "volume control" unit. supply manufacturer. From the latter unit a long cord is fitted with a pronged plug for i'nsertion in the Price $4.75 detector socket of the ra dio receiver. West of the Rockies It is only necessary to remove the detector tube from the receiving set a nd insert the plug to complete all neces· sary connections between the phono· Brach graph a nd the set. The cone speaI,er of t.he raclio then reproduces t.he records Radio Products playerl upou the phonogr aph with a sur· L.S.BRACH MFG.CQ prising and very pJ easing result. When NEWARK. N. J. TORON TO. CA N. ra.dio reception is desired it is only rJ::£~~ necessa.ry to· s lip out the plug attach· ~ ment of the "Elec·tru·tone" and replace Mak ers of the f amous the del ector tube. BRACH LIGHTNINGARRE STERS 20 Radio DoillKS February 26 THETROUBLESHO

KE NNETH G. ORMISTON . T echnical Editor

Hereafter allinqwi1'ies of a t echnical na/lwe wl~ll be answe1'ed di­ rectly by mail. 'Phis poliry has been adopted bec(t'nse of the fart that the majority of qltesiions and answers aT e not of gen eral interest. This space will be d evoted each week to information cove1'ing geneml prob­ lems as 1'nd-icatpd by th e mail fa this dep((1·tm ent mthe1' than individlw.l di fliwlt·ies. Many inqu iries are in regard to telma from the set and note if the noise socket-power units a nd the troubles ex­ continues. Go, over the set to satisfy perienced. The subject is briefly dis­ yourself that the noise is not within cussed herewith, and will be covered the set in POOl' tube-prong contacts, etc. fully in a future issue. H the noise continues it is pretty cer· tain to be in the power unit. If B bat­ 'l'he B socl{et-power unit, usually com­ terie;; are available an absolute c',eck prising a rectifier tube, chokes. fi lter is afforded by substituting them for the condenser·s, and resistance units, pos­ power unit. Noise fI~om the power unit sesses several possi ble sources of trou­ is usually caused"by a poor connection ble. The most lil{ ely of these are the or a defective resistance unit.. resistances. It has been a difficu lt prob­ lem for the manufacturers to produce An inquil'y which is often received in resistance units that would carry the the t echnical mai l concerns· the gas-con· current, ·stand the heat and yet not· de­ tent soft detector tubes which many teriorate. These resistances may, in fans have substituted for the 201 -A or a defective condition, cause consider· 301-A types in the detector socket. They . able noise in the output of the set, or report that tuning has broadened with burn out. A voltmeter with a range of a lack of selectivity, and more or less 150 volts should be used in testing for "background" n oise is p resent. They .an open in the r esistances. Connect ask why these conditions should result . from the B negative to the different The gaseous detector tube has a low­ taps and the open unit will be readily er input impendance than the hard tube. found. In connecting it to tl1e, tuned circuit A broken down filter condenser can ahead of the tube. in effect a resistance be located by te ·ting with a B battery is shunted across the tuned circuit, this and pair of headphones. The loud posi· resistance being of lower value than is tlve click of a direct circuit through the the case when a hard tube is used. condenser is readily distinguished from This acts as a "damper" on the tuned the normal click of the charging and circuit and broadens it. discharging of a healthy condenser. Iu the design of the modern receiving Choke coils may be tested for an open set every precaution is taken to mini­ circuit by the headphone and battery mize resistance in the tuned circuits, to method also. maintain what has been called a "low­ The rectifier tube may [ail to func­ loss" condition, that all tuned Circuits tion even though- the filament lights may oscillate freely at the frequency to normally. . A spare should be l{ ept on which the circuits are tuned. and that hand. When the power units is sus­ the resonance curve be ;;harply "peak­ p cted of creating noice. l' (> move the an- ed." In other words. these are condi· F eb ru(/1")' 26 Radio Doings 21 tions that make for good selectivity. The use of a hard tube with its high in­ put impedance does not detract from the se.lectivity qualities of the particu­ More Expert lar tuned circuit which feeds it, but when a gas-content tube is substituted the effect upon the electrical character­ istics of the circuit is as though a re­ Testimony sistance value was shunted across it. This results in broader tuning and a of certain degree of sacrifice in selectiv­ ity. This does not apply to regenerative ci rcui ts where the effective resistance of the grid circuit is controlled by the regenE'rati ve feed-back, but to the usual run of receivers where R. F. stages are used ahead of the detector. CeCa Gas-content tubes -have what is called a "background" noi·se. This manifests it elf as a hiss somewhat similar to Tube the microphone hiss when receiving a station. It is at a minimum when the proper, Superiority more or less critical B battery voltage is found, and the rheostat adjusted to FEDERAL TELEPHONE MFG. its proper point. While unnoticeable on' CORP. made a l OOO-hour life test of strong signals it is apt to become an­ 27 different makes of tubes. At the noying on very weak signals, just the expiration of these tests their expert time when you wi·sh there were no states "CeCo Tltbes !tad an emissioll "background" noises. of 283% o/' tILe average." They re­ This type of tube is generally unsta­ mark that "these tubes have remark­ ble also. It requires a lapse of time to able characteristics.:' "warm up," after which the A battery rheostat must again be adjusted for WALBERT MANUFACTURING maximum sensitiveness. The soft de­ CO., manufacturers of the well known tector lube should have its own sepa· Isofa rad and Penotrola, say: rate rheostat, if any real advantage is "/Ve have been using your tubes to be had. alollg v.litIL other makes in our inspec­ The soft tube is more sensitive as a tion departme11t alld foulld tIL em to detector than the hard type, but whether be very superio r. TILe type fI De­ you will benefit by the substitution de· tector pleases llS partiwlarly." pends upon the circuits of your receiv­ The VICTOREEN R A D IO CO., er. and your understanding and handling manufacturers of the Victoreen Super­ of the tube. heterodyne, say: "These tubes are tILe best we have IN THE SHORT CIRCUIT tested, and feel that your sales returns Judr; e (to prisoner): "What is Yoltr should be in proportion." name, your occupatioll, and what are you KENNETH H ARK N E S S now charged with.~" Prisoner: "lily name is Spat·ks. I am specifies CeCo Tubes for his new KH- 27 receiver. a radioman and I 0111 charged with bat­ lery." Judge: "Officer, put this glly ill a dry These People Don't Guess­ fPl/."-Telegrap!t and TeleP!tollr Age. They Know

BUI"gess Batteries Cunningham Tubes C. E. Manufacturing Co. Providence, R. I. FIGUEROA RADIO SHOP Pacific Coast R epresentatives RADI~TRICIANS B. KRUGER & CO. Crosley Sets and Speakers 500 North Huntley Drive Expert Service on All Makes ' of Sets West Hollywood, Calif. Sherman P . O. Tel. OX. 3897 TUcker 6763 747 S. Figueroa St. 22 Radio Doings February 26

FINE WORK, HENRY! KMMJ, WHO, WJZ, New York, WOC. WSAI. KYA. KOAC and a hos t of oth­ Long Beach, Calif., ers. The remarkable fact was that m ost . F ebruary 17 , 1927. of them were through locals. I should OX Club: be very glad to h ear from other DXers I have heen. reading your R ed Book who have simple r egen era tive sets. ever since it started, and am always in­ ROBERT H. GIBBS. terested in your OX section. Being somewhat of a night-hawk my­ Charles C. Curry of 1374 Kirkwood self, I have logged several OX stations avenue Pasadena, sent us in a .long list to date. I have a Valley-Tone Model of stations r eceived this fall on his Ra­ 62 (five tnhe) receiver. I nf;e fo r an diola 20 . The most distant stations in­ aerial a sheet of copper 30 inches clude WEAF, KDKA, KYW and a flock square, r olled up in a funnel shape. This of Canadians. Is on a pole 102 feet h igh, and well in­ sulated fr om the pole. My ground is a Judging b y the reports being received four-foot copper tube, whch r drove into by this department Mr. JOAK mlly nolO the ground, surrounded by 6 old B bat· be con sideretl as a local statioll, as he teries, smashed up, some rock "alt and seems to roll in 011 almost any killd of plenty of water. a set w hich is operatillg e fficie ntly and I have had my set about 9 weeks and ill the hands of all enthusiast with more have logged over 300 stations to date . than the average tuning ability. The Reception is very poor in Long Beach, necessary reqllirements are: A good but I'll get the rest after a while. set, cunnillg in tUlling, patience, per. Here are a few of my hest ones: 17 mission from the good wife to slay' up Chicago, 6 Colorado, 4 New York, 3 De­ ulltil 4 a. m .• , and, ill some cases, plenty troit, PWX. KGU, JOCK, JOAK, 7SA, of imaginatioll. 2YK. CRCT (Chile), CYY, 5CL, 4QG. CFAC, CFCN, CFCT, CNRY, CFYC, AMB, and many others. ANOTHER SUPER I will be glad to communicate with Paso Robles, Calif. other Vall ey-Tone owners and DX'rs. DX Club: This ig r adio station KIRK, Paso R o­ HENRY J. BRENNECKE, bles, California, coming on the air with 1557 Atlantic Ave., my list of distant stations. Long Beach . Calif. I have all the Chicago stations and WHO, WCX, CNRE, WIP, WOO. WOR. ON THREE CYLINDERS! WJZ. WTJC. WHAZ. WGY; four Au!';­ Pico, Calif. tralian stations-5CL, 3AR, 5DN a nd DX Club: 2BL; one New Zealand ~tation-VLDN; I have followed with interest the sec­ three Japan s tations- JOAK, JOCK. tion of Radio Doings devoted to the DX JOBK: last. but not leaRt, J have 7ZL. Club. Some of th e r epor ts are v ery Hobart., Tasmania. Besides theRe, I fine, but one thing is very noticeable. have any number of 50-watt stations The majority of the receivers m entioned throughout the Middle-West, and all the are fr om five tubes up to ten tubes. Let local stations. All these stations come us bolster up the reputation of the sim­ in on the loud speaker, with the excep· ple regenerative set. r use a three-tube Win of 7ZL and 5DN. outfit of my own con"truction. Detector I am using a Radiola 28 wi th loop a&d 2 stages of audio. During a period aerial. For a booster I have an outside of one month I h ave logged 81 station s. aerial, and a ground wire, connected to Chief among thtlse are AMB, CNRV, a coil of wire hanging on the walI in the CFBC, KFKX, KMOX, KOWW, KGW, rear of t h e set. Signing off, KSL, KOA, KFXH, KDKA, KOIL, KIRK. ZENITH lONG DISTANCE RADIO - F. CLAY McCONNEll, 1241 VINE, HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. F ebru{l1'Y 26 Radio Doings 23 III II nUll I III ItI11111 111111111111111 I 1111111111 All YOu Members Your ear will im. of the medi utely con, vince you t hut there i.~ u differ. ence!

ell. PIledonA 'DX'Radio Ground can 1JOW be ought by mail! IIII IIII

\Ve have takln O\'tr the distributio n for the Unitcl1 States of the "DX" Ra­ d io Ground perfected by C. H. Preston, AVEN'T you very of Chats wort h. H oJten wondered Ilu nuredt of m e ml · er~ of tIle "OX Club" h ~ l \'e rC[lcl of this mystery g round what Real Radio repro· in the " 1)X Of columns of Hadia Doings. duction would sound The result~ ~C:'ct11-f'd bv it s U $:f: a.re a\· Ill ost unbelievablt. - like? Come and listen

P r e~ t o n pl:lY ~ :1<1.I,a l1 and Au :-. tnl1ia n.·~u­ to a Strombet·g.Carl. Jarly on a $52. ;'0 ~tt'wal'l - \\ 'al"n('r I' C'Ci'her. Other OWllPl~ of flH' "DX" nnciio Grollnd son-it is a revelation 1'l'pOl't s.pl

Near UNOAR&WATSON,/nc. Western 1366 ~o. Fi\iueroa St. Authorized Dealer • LOS AN'bELES· Strombet+Carlson UIIIIIIIIIII U1111111111111111111111111111111)1 ?4 Radio DoinlU Pebruat"y 26 Broadcast Changes

EIGHT MORE BROADCASTERS LICENSED Eight more broadcast stations wer e licensed last week by the Departmen t of Commerce, which , according to the legal interpretation of the old law by the Department of Justice, must authorize all applicants who seek to broadcast and have the facilitie". These eight stations may be considered as lucky to get on the air, considering t hat the n ew r a dio legislation is so near enactment. Two Seattle stations, KXRO a nd KGDI signed off permanently. Of the n ewcome rs, Spokane gets a high-power sta t ion, KGA, to be operated by the Nort hwest Ra dio Ser vice Compa ny, is rated at 20 KW, which is suffi cient power to bring its programs to the eastern a nd southern coasts. This company at the same time closed sta tion KGDI at Seattle. The other new stations are all of lower power. except WNBA, a t Forest Park, Illinois, which is rated at 500 watts. Geographically, the distribution gives Illinois two more stations and one each to New York, IHississippi, T exa s, Colorado, Califol'llia and Washington. Wave pirates ma y ha ve subsided in t.heir e fforts to seleet d esirable channels free from as much station interfer ence as possible. At any rate, there were n o wave jumpers re ported last week, the only changes being iu name a nd in power.

L!ST OF NEW BROADCASTING STATIONS WaveLength Frequency Powe r Call Owne.r Meters Kcys . Watts KGA Northwest Radio Ser vice Co., Spokane, Was il...... 340.7 880 20000 WNBA M. T. Ra ff erty, Forest Park, Ill ...... 23 8 1260 500 WMBX Crystal Oil Co., Columbus, Mi ss ...... 265.3 1130 100 KGFI M. L. Ea yes, Fort Stockton, T exas ...... 220.4 1360 15 WNBF H ewitt-Wood Radio Co., Union Station, Endicot t, N. Y ...... 205.4 1460 50 KOLO Gerald K . Hunter, Durango, Colo ...... 355.1 844.3 5 WMBY Robert A. Isaacs, Bloomington, Ill ...... 291.1 1030 15 KGFJ . Ben S. McGlasha n, Los Allgeles, Calif ... . 218 13 75 100 CHANGES REPORTED KWWG, Chamber of' Comme rce, Browns ville, Texas, name cha nged from City of Brownsville; power changed from 500 to 750 wat ts. KGBY, DUllning & Ta ddikon, Shelby, Nebraslm, na me changed from Albert C. Dunning; power changed from 10 to 15 watts. WPSW, Phila delphia School of Wireless T elegraphy, P h il ade lphia, call letters changed from WLBA. WWRL, W. ::-.1. Rouma n, Woodsid e, :-\ ew York, name changed fro m Woodside Radio La bora tories. TWO DELETED KXRO, Brott La boratories, Seattle, Washington. KGDI, North west R a di o Service Co., Seattle, Washington .

RADIO BATTERIES RECHARGED RENTAL BATTERIES FURNISHED Called For and Delivered-Within 4·Mille Radius • Small Added Charges over 4 Mil ..... LUDLUM & STEELE, Willard Dealers 965 Venice Blvd. Call WEstmore 6974 Los Angeles Februm"y 26 Rad£o Doings 25 ALL TIME TABLES ADJUSTED TO PACIFIC TIME SUNDA Y TIME TABLE (X) Indfcatea Station Ie On the .AIr !U:!2 12-2 2-4 8-8 11-10 10:.'\.2 A.M. P.M. P.M. pjl. STATIONS P.M. P.M. P.M. lili! lil8 lil8 lil8 !il8 :g8 !il8 lil8 ~ I I lilg lil8 lil8 lil8 !il8 ~. ~N N"'; .-) ...;." .oca cD"': "":ca oDeD cDo 0"'; - ... c!.c!. CAU STATION ~~ ~~ ~~ co .., 82 82 82 8g ~il,=• Is.!! I gg gg gg g~ ~~ ~~ ~si --~~ --NN .0"'; •• .;.,; ii ~II cD"; ....:...: coco mCJi :2g SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ·1 . 1 XI XI .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 XI XIKGEF f 51711000ILo.Angele8...... I ·1 .1 .1 XIXI XI XI XI ·I .1 . j XIXIXIXI .I . I .I . I . IXIXI . 1 .I.f.1 . IKFI I 487140001 Loa Angelee ..... 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XIXI XI XI . 1 . . 1 . 1 .1 .1XI XI .1 . 1 .1 . I • I . 1 . I .1 . I . IK F C R I 4131 60ISanIaBlrbara .•.. I.I . I .1 . IXIXI . I . 1 .1 ·1·1 . XIXIXIXIXI .I.f . 1 .1 . 1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKHJ 14051 500ILoaAngelea ..... 1 .1 . 1 XI XIXI XI XI XI .f .1 .f . . 1 . IXIXI .I.I.I . 1.1 . 1 .1.1 .1.1 .1 . IKMIC I 3871 5001 Inglewood ...... 1 .1 . 1 XI XI XI XI 1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1· 1.1.1 .1 .1 .1 . IKFBC I 3801 50lS1111 Dlego ...... 1 .1 . 1 XI .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 . \ ·l· .1., .1 . 1 .1.1.1. 1 .1.1.1. 1 .1 .1 .1 XIKMTR I 3701 500IHollywood ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI . 1 . 1 .1 .1 · XI XI XI XI .1 .1. ·1 XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 .IK N X I 3371 750ILo. Angeles ..... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI Xi .1 ·1 . f . . 1 XI XI .1 .1. .1.1 ·1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKPSN I 31811000IPaaadenl ...... IXI XI .1 .1.1.1 .1 . 1 .1.1. 1 . XI XI XI XI .1 . 1 .1.1.1 . IXI XI .1 . IKFWC 12951 200 ISan Bernardino .. I .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1.1 XI XIXI XI XI X . 1 XI XI XIXI .1 .1 . 1 XI Jrl .1 .1 .1 . IKTBI I 2941 750 ILoa Angelee .. ... 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI . 1 .1 .1 .1 . '.1 XI XI XIXI . 1 .1 XI XI XIXI .1 .1 . IKFSO I 2751 5001 Loa Angelee ..... 1 .1 XI XI xllq XI XI .1 XI XI .1 . ·1 · 1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1.1.1. 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKWTC 12831 2501 Santa Ana ...... I .1 XI XI . 1 .1.1.1. 1 .1.1.1. • 1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1.1.1. 1 .1.1.1 . IKFWB 12521 500IHollywood ...... I .1 .1 .1 . 1·1 XI XI XIXI XI .1 . .1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 XI XI .1 .1 .1 . IKF8D I 24811OOOI8I111Dlego ...... I .1 .1.1. 1 ·1·1 ·1 .1 .1·1.1· ·I. XI XIXI .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 .; .1 .1 XI XIK NRC I 2381 10001 Santa Monica .... , XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI ·1 .1 . 1XI XIXI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIKFON I 2331 750lLong BMCh ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .JXI XI XIX I .1.1.1·1 .1 · 1 .1 .1 .1 .IKPPC I 2281 50 IPaeadena ...... I .I XI XIXIXI ·I.I.I·I .I.I . . 1 .1.1 ·1 .1 .1 . I .1 . I . I . I . I . I .J . IK F Q Z I 22111 500IHollywood ...... 1 .1 .1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . .1 .1.1. 1 .1 XI XI . . 1 .1.1 XI XIKFWO I 2111 250ICat.llna ...... IXI XI XI XIX I XI XI XI · I ·1· 1 . .1 .1 ·1 .1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1· 1 ·1 ·1 · 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 · IKFVD I 205 1 500IVenlc' ...... I ·1 .1 . 1 · 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 · IXI XI XI X NORTHERN CALIFORNIA XI XI .1 .1 ·1 .1 . 1 .1 XI XI XIX .1 .1 . IKPO I 428110001 San Franclaco .... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . 1 .1 XI XI ·1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 .1.1 .1 .1 . IKYA I COOll000ISanFranclsco .... 1 .1 .1 .1 XIXI .1 .1 .1 . 1 .J .1 . . 1 .1 XI XIXI . 1 . 1 .1 XI XI . IXI .1 .1 . IKGO I '38114000IO.kland ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 ·1 .1 . XI XI XI XI XI .I . I ·I·I·I · I . I .I . I.IKQW I 3331 500 ISan Joal ...... 1 .1 .1 .1 XI XI XI XI . 1 . 1 ·1 . 1 . XI XI XI XIXI . I . I .I.I.I . I . I .I .I · IKTAB I 3031100010.klan...... 1 .1 .1 .1 XI XI XI ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . . 1.1.1 .1 .1 1· 1 .1 . 1 · 1 . 1 .1.1 XI XIKFRC 12881 5001 San Franclaco .... IXI XI XI XIX I .1 ·1 .1.1 ., .1 . . 1 .1 XI XI .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 . IKFU8 12581 50IOakland ...... I .I.I . IXIXIXI .1. 1·1 · 1 .1 . XI XI .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1·1 .1 ·1 . 1.1 .1 .1 . IKRE I 2581 l00IBerkeley ...... I.1 .1.1.1 .1 .1. 1 . 1 .1.1 . 1 . .1 ·1 ·1. 1 .1 . 1 XI XIXI . 1 .1 . 1.1 .1 ·1 · IKFWI I 2501 5001 San Franclaco .... 1 . 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 NORTHERN AND WESTERN STATES . IXIXIXIXI ·I· I . I ·I .1.1 .IXIXIXIXIKGW I 49111000 IPonland ...... I .1 .1 . 1 XIX I XI XI XI·I .1 .1 . XI XI XI .1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IC FA C I 43512000ICalgary ...... 1 .1 ·1 .1 1 .1.1.1. 1 .1.1. 1 . . 1 .IXIXIXI.I.I . 1 .1.1.1. 1 ·1.1. 1 . IKJR I 3841 20M ISeallll ...... 1 .1 .1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . . 1 .1 .1 .1·1 .1 ·1 . 1' .1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . IK L Z I 3841 5001 Oen ••r ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . XI XI XI XI ·I . 1 .1 . 1 .1.1.1 . 1 .1 XI XI XIKOA I 32216oooI0en.er ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 ·1 . 1 . . 1 .1 .1· .1 ·1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1.1.I.f .1 .1 · IKOIN I 31911000IPonland ...... I I IXI .I XIXIX IX IXI .I.I.I . XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 .IK 0 MOl 30611000ISBlttle ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI . 1 . \ . 1 . XI XI .1 . 1 .1 . 1XI XI . 1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IK S L I 3OO11000ISalI Lake City ... I .1 .1 XI XIXI XI .1 . 1 .1·1. 1 . ·1XI XI XI ·' .1 ., ., ., . , .1 . 1 .1. , .1 . IKMO I 2501 500IT.eoma ...... 1XI XI . 1 . 1 .1 1 .1 . 1 ., .1 .1 . H om's 5"01(111 as S1tbJ1/~ttcd by These StatIon.!. For DX Sciled,,'e see Page 38.

WILL SACRIFICE a $150 a month, well-appointed, two-room office suite in the I. N. Van Nuys Building, Seventh and Spring Streets, Los An.geles. for $100 per month. Lease has one year to run. Inquire at RADIO DOINGS 407 East Pico St. WEstmore 1401 Los Angeles, Calif. ...u.. n.... 1_L2.8 AI>.IUal-W TO PACII'IC TDIE MONDAY TIME TABLE (X) indicate. StattOD I. On the AIr 'D:!2 12-2 2-4 &.8 11-10 111-12 A.M. P.M. P.M. P~. ITATIONS P.M. P.M. P.M. 118 =~ a8 ~8 =8 =8 ~g liI8 I. liIg liI8 =8 =8 =8co _ .8 c: .;,..; ...:~ !!..: ":ai ~....; eO'; '" '" .. c: hc:O cD at - ...... CALL ..... ITATION ~~ gg g~ ~~ 6'0= "II 11\. gil gg gg ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ rQ"'; =';; ~i ,..;,..; NW ...... CD GO =CD at~= at ~:I: g= -- ~= -- .. '" tf~ -- == -- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA XIXIXI . ,XIXI . I . ' .1 .1 .1 . ' .1.1 . IX'KFI I 487140001 Loa Angellll .. ... , XI XI XI X, XI XI XI X, XI XI . 1 . . 1 .1 .1 . , XI XI .1 ., .1 .1 .1 . , .1 .1 .1 . ,K F CR I 4131 BIll Santa Barbara .. . ' .1 .1 .1 X, XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . . 1 ·1 ·1 . , . 1 ·1 . 1 .j . 1 .1 . 1 . , . 1 .1 . 1 . IKHJ 14051 500ILoaAngellll . . ... I . 1 .1 .1 . ,XI .1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 . 1 . .1 .1· I . , .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 . , .1 .1 .1 X,K M I C 1 3891 600Ilnglewoocl ...... 1XI XI XI X, XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . . 1 ·1 .1 ., X XI .1 . I .1 . 1 . I . I . I . I . 1 . 'K F BC 3801 50lSan Diego ...... , .1 .1 .1 . , XI XI XI X, .1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1.1 . 1 .1 .1 .IX,XIXIXIX'.(I . IXIXIKMTR 3701 500IHollywood ...... , XI XI XI X, XI XI XI X, XI XI XI X XI XI .1 . ,XI .1 .1 XIXI,XI XI X,XI XI XI XIKNX 3371 7501 Loa Angelea ..... , XI XI XI X, XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . 1 .J .1 . , XI XI .1 . I .1 .1 .1 . , .1 .1 .1 . ,K G E R 3261 lOO ILongBeach .. •... 'XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 ., .1 .1 .1• · 1 .1 .1 . 1XI .1 .1 . I .1 .1 ·1 . , .1 .1 .1 . 'K P S N 318J1000IPaaadena ...... , XI XI .1 . , XI XI Xl · ' .1 .1 .1 . · 1 ·1 ·1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 . , .1 .1 .'1 . 1 ·1 · 1 .1 . ,CYH 311 I1000 1MontereJ, Mex .. . ' XI XI XI X, XI ·1 .1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 . . I . I . I . IXIXIXIXIXIXIXIX,XI XIXI . IAMB 3011 1001TI. Juana, MM .. . I .1 .1 .1 . I ·1 .1 .1 . I .1 .1 . I . .1 .1 · 1 . 'XIXI . I . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . ,XIXIXIX,KFWC 2961 lOOISan Bernardino .. , .1 . 1 .1 ., XI XI XI X, XI XI XI X ·1 . 1 ·1 . 1 . 1 I I . iXI XI ·1 . .1 .1 . 1 . 'KTBI 2941 750ILo.Angelee .... ·' ·1 . IXIX,XIXI .1 · 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . ·1 ·1 .1 . ' .1 .1 .1 . 1·1 ·1 ·1 . ' .1 . 1 . 1 . ,KSMR 2831 100 ISanti M.. I • ..... , .1 XI XI Xl XI XI XI X, .1 ·1 .1 . . I . I . I . I · I . I . I . ' .I . I . I . I . I . I . I . 'KWTC 2831 250ISantaAna ...... I .1 XI XI . 1 ·1 , 1 .1'.' .1 .1 .1 . . I . I . I · I ·IXIXI . ' .1 .1 . 1 . I · I . .IXIXIKFWB 2521 500IHollywood ...... , XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X, XI XI XI X • 1 .1 . 1 . , .1 .1 .1 . , ·1 ·1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 . ,KFSD I 248110001 San Dlego ...... 1 XI XI XI X, XI XI XI X, XI XI .1 . ., ·1 .1 · ' . 1 .1 . . I .1 .1 .1 . I XI . I .1 . ,K NRC I 2381 10001 Santa Monica .. .. ' XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI ~I XI X .IXIXIXIXIXIXI . '.1 .1 . 1 . IXIXIXIX,KFON 1 2331 7501 Long Beach ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . 1 · 1 .1 . IXI XI .1 .' .1 . 1 .1 . 1·1.1 . 1 . JKFQZ I 2281 500IHollywood ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI_._I_. .1 .1 .1 . ' . I . I . I . f .I.I ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . IKGFH 1 219\ 100ILa Crescenta ..... I . I . I .1 .IXIXIXIXI · I . I .I . . 1 ·1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 . ' .1 ·1 ·1 . 1·1 ·1 .1 X,KFYF I 2141 2510xn ..d,CaI.. ••... IXI .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1·1.1 .1 .1 . . j .j . j .1 . j . j . j . , . j . j . j . , . j . j . j . IKFVD j2Mj500jVenlce ...... I . j . j . j . ,XjXjXjX' . j.I .I . NORTHE R N CALIFORNIA • . 1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 'KFBK I 5351 lOOISacramento .... ·. 1XI XI XI xl XI XI XI XI .1 .1 · 1 . . 1 ·1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . f .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKLX I 5081 50010.ldand ...... , .1 . 1 XI · ' XI XI XI XI ·1 ·1 · 1 . . IXI.I . IXI . IXIX' .I · I . IX,XIXIXIXIKPO I 4281 1000 ISan Franclaco .... , XI XI XI X, XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . 1 . 1 · 1 · '.1 XI XI X' . I .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . IK YA I 4001 10001 San Francisco .... , .1 XI XI . ' XI XI X.I XI Xl XI .1 . .1 .1 . IX,XIXI · IXI .I -1 .1 . IXIXI · IX,KGO I 3811400010.kland ...... _. 'XIXIXI . ' .1 . 1 -1 . 1 .1 .1·1 · XI .1 .1 . ' .1 .1 . 1 · ' ·1 · 1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKQW 13331 500ISanJoae ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI .1 . 1 .1 .1 · 1 . . I .I.I.I . I . I · I·I .I · I · I . ' . I . IXIX'KTAB I 3031100010.kland ...... , .1 XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI .1 . 1 . 1 '. XI XI XI X, XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 XI XI XIK F R C I 21181 500 lSan Franelaco ... . , XI XI XI . ' XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X ·1 ·1 x.J . 1 . 1 .1 · 1 · 1 ·1 · 1 ·1 .1 ·1 ·.1 ·1 XJKRE I 2681100IBerkeley ...... I . 1 .1 .1 .pq XI XI XI . I · 1 .1 . XI XI .1 . ,XI .1 .1 . ,XI .1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . IKFWH I 2541100IEureka·· ...... I .1 .1 .1 .,XI XI XI XI . I .1 .1 . ·1 ·1 ·1 · 1.1 . IXIXI .I ·I· I . 1 · 1 .1 .1 . IKFWI I 2501 5001 San Franclaco ... . 1XI XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 - .1 . ' ·1·1 ·1 ·1· 1 · 1.1 ··1 ·1 · 1 ·1 ·1 .1 . IKZM I 2401 lOOIO.kland ...... ,. I XI ·1 ., .1 -I ·1 . , .1 .1 .1 . . j .1 ·1 · I · j .j . j · I ·j . j . j . 1 . j . j . 1 · IKMJ j 234j 50 jFreeno ...... I · I · j·jXIXjXjXj · I_I . I.I . NORTHERN AND WESTERN STAT ES XI XI XI .1 .1 XI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 . I .1 .1 .1 . IK G W I 4&1 IlOOQI Portl.nd ... ' " .. 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . j .1 .1 .I . j . 1 . 1 . 1 ·1 · 1 .1.1·1 XI XI . IKFOA I 4541 10001 Seattle ...... 1 ·1 XI XI XI XI XI xl XI -I -I _I _ .1 .1 .1 .Ixi XI _I . 1 .1 .1.1 . 1 .1. 1 .1 . ICFAC I 435120001Calgary ...... I . I . I .1 . I . I Jt 1 XI . I .1 .1 . 1 . . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 . 1 . 'K FXF I 422110001 Denver ··.··.··.1 . 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . I . I . I · ' . I . I . I . I .I . I . I . I . I . I . I · IKHQ I 8&411000ISpokane ...... IXI XI .1 . ,XI XI .1 · '·1 · 1 . 1 . XIXIXI .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1·1.1 . 1 ·IXIKJR I 3841 20M ISeattle ..•...... 1XI .1 .1 . 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI · 1 . . 1.1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 XIXI .1 .1 .' .1 .1 .1 . IKLZ 13841 500IDenver ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . 1XI XJ .1 . . 1 XI XI XIX1 .1 .1 . 'X! .1 .1 XI .I .1 XI XIKOA I 322150001 Denver ..... '" .. 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 · 1 .1 .1 .1 . . 1 .1 XI X' .I .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 XI XI .I .1 XI XIKOIN I 319110001 Portland ....•... 1XI XI XI . I XI XI XI X, .1 .1 .1 . XI XI XI XI XI XI 'I XI XI XJ XI X, XI XI XI XIK °MOl 30811000ISeattle ... -...... 1 XI XI .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X.I X .1 .1.1 . 1 .1.1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1. . 1 .1.1 XI XIKSL I 300110001 Salt LakeClty ... IXI XI XI XIXI XI .1 . 1 .1 .1.1 . . 1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 . 1.1 . IKOWWI285II1OOIWaJlaWalla .... . I .1 . IXI . IXIXIXIXIXIX'IXIX .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1· I .1 .1 .1' .1 . 1 .1 .1.1 . IKOAC I 2801 6OOICorvaJlI., Ore .. . . I .1 XI XI XI XI .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . . 1 .1 .1 . , .1 .1 .1 . , .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . ,KFJ R I 2831 501 Portland ...... I .1 .1 .1 XI XI .1 .1 . I .1 .1 . I . XIXI .I . 1 .1 .1 .1 . ,XIXIXIX' . I . I . I . ,KMO 121101 5OOIT_ ...... I . 1 .1 XI XIXI XI .1 . 1 .1 .1.1 .

Hours Show" as Sub11lttted b)' These Statlolls. For DX Sched.. le see Page 38. TONE So life-like it will thrill you. BASS Full and reso- nant. PLENTY VOLUME Controllable to a whisper. ELEC-TRU -TONE THE PHONOGRAPH MODERNIZER Your present radio set and old phonograph contain most of the parts embodied in . the expensive new electric reproducing phonographs. The ELEC-TRU-TONE supplies all the rest in readily attachable form. -.- Merely slip the ELEC-TRU-TONE reproducer of your phono­ graph tone arm in place of your old reproducer. and put the Elec-tru-tone connecting plug in the d'etector tube socket of y our radio set whenever you play the phonograph . • . ·TWO MODELS , N0 similar device can com­ Same ELEC-TRU-TONE re­ pare with the ELEC-TRU­ producer. with different vol­ TONE here illustrated in the ume control requiring the combination of tone quality. permanent connection of two v olume. physical bea uty and simplicity of connections. wires to your radio set. List price $25.00. List price $17.50.

For Sale by Leading Dealers THE ELEC-TRU-TONE CORP . . Phone MAin 3843 Hibernian Building Los Angeles BAKER-SMITH CO., Inc. Call Building, San Francisco National Distributors ALL '011& TA8LU ADJUaTaD TO PACIFIC TIME TUESDAY TIME TABLE I (X) melleate. StatlOD I. em the AIr 111-12 12·2 2-4 W ...... 1. ~12 A.M. P.M. P.M. I P.M. , ITATION. P.M. P.M. P.M. iii 8 iii 8 iii 8 as IiIg iii 8 fiJg iii 8 fiJ~ iii 8 iii 8 ag ~I!! IiIS ":w N.o "j • ..;.; .0'; I .!! ..: "':cO cD. CIlia ..:~ CALL .!!. ITATION . ~~ ~h\ ~h~ g~ g~ g~ .&1 &II! glil g~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ii ~~ coO,,) co co CD CD "'W ~::E=...... !~ -- ~~ -- ...... d:~-. ~= -- -- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA • 1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 XIKFI ' 1 4871 4000 ILoe Angellll ..... 1 XI XI XI XI xI XI XI xI XI XI .1 . 1.1 .1 . IXIXI·I . 1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . IKFCR 14131 601 Sante B.rba ...... 1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 XI xI .! .1 .1 .1 .1 . • 1 .1 .1 . I .1 .1 .1 . I .1 XI XI . I .1 .1 .1 . IK H J I 4051 600ILoe Angellll ..... 1 .1 XI XI xI XI xI xI xI XI XI .1 . . 1 .1.1 .1 ·1 ·1 .1 . 1.1 .1 . 1.1.1 .1 .1 XIKMIC 1 3$71 600jlnglewood ...... 1XI XI xI XI XI XI xI xI .1 ·1 .1 . XI XI XI xI .1 .1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 XI XIK MT R I 3701 600IHollywood ...... 1XI XI XI xI XI XI XI XI xI XI XI X XIXI .I.IXI.I .IXIXIXIXIXIXIXI .I XIKNX 13371 760ILoaAngein ..... IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI ·1 . . 1 .1·1. 1 .1 XI XI .1 .1.1.1 . 1 .1.1.1 . IKGER 3281100 ILong Beach...... IXI XI .1 .IXI XI xI XI.I .1 .1 . ·1.1.1 . IXI .1 .1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 . 1 ·1 ·1 . . IKPSN 31811OOOIPaaaden& ...... 1xI XI .1 .1 XI XI XI ·1 ·1 .1 .1 . . 1·1 ·1.IXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXI. IAMB 3011100ITI.Juana, Mex .. I.1 ·IXIXIXIXIXIXI .I ·I ·I . .1 .1 XI XIXI ·1 .1 · 1 .1 . . 1 . IXI XI .1 .IKFWC 2951 1001 San Bernardino .. I .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 XI xI XI XI XIX . 1 ·1·1 .1 .1.1.1 . IXI XI ·1 . 1.1.1 .1 . IKTBI 2941 760ILoeAngellll .. ... 1 .1 .1 XI XIXI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . .1 XI XI XIXI .1 .1 .1 .1 XI XI XIXI .1 .1 . IKFSG 2751500ILoeAngeln ..... I .IXIXIXIXIXIXI . 1 ·1 ·1 .1 . . 1 .1.1 . 1 .1.1.1. 1 .1.1.1. 1 .1.1.1 . IKWTC 2831 2501 Sante Ana ...... I XI XI .1 . IXI XI XI XI.I .1 .1 . .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 XI XI .1 .1.1.1. 1 .1 XI XI XIKFWB 2521 &001 Hollywood ...... I XI XI XI XI XI XI xI xI XI XI XI X . 1 ·1 ·1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 . IKFSD 24811ooo1San Diego ...... I XI XI XI xI XI XI XI xI xI XI .1 . . I .I.I . I·I ·I·I · I .I XIXIXIXI ·I.I. IKNRC 23811000 Sante Monica .... I XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI-X . .1 XI XI XIX I .1 XI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIKFON 2331 7601 Long Beach ...... I XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X ·1 .1.1 . IXIXI· I .1 .1.1.1. 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKFQZ 2281 5001 Hollywood ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .T . .1· XI XI .1 ·1.1.1. 1.1.1 X XIKFWO I 2111 250ICatallna ...... IXI XI XI XI .I .1 ·1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 . . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 · IKFVD 120515OOIVenlce ...... I ·1 .1 ·1 · IXI XI XI XI·I ·1 ·1 . NORTHERN CALIFORNIA .1·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . IKLX I 6081 5001 Oakland ...... I .1 .1 XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 . .1 XI .1 · IX I .1 XI XI .1 .1 XI XI XI XI XIK P 0 I 42811oool58n Francleco .... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X X .1 .1·1 .1 .1 XI XI XI . . 1 ·1 . 1.1 .1.1 . IK VA I 400110001 San Francloco ... 1 .1 XI XI . I .1 .1 .1 . I XI XI ·1 . .1 .1 .1 XIXI XI .1 XI . ·I ·I · I ·I.I XIXIKGO I 38114000IOakland ...... IXI XI XI . IXI XI XI XI ·I ·1 ·1 . XI .1 .1.1 . ·1 ·1 ·1 . . I . I.I·I·I·I . IKQW 13331 600ISanJoee ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 . .1.1.1 · 1 . . 1.1.1 . . 1 .1. 1 .1.1 XI XIKTAB I 3031100010aJdand ...... 1 .1 XI XI .1 XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . ·1· 1.1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . . 1 .1 . 1 .1.1 .1 . IKSMR I 2831 l00ISant. Marl ...... I .1 XI XI XIXI XI XI XI ·I .1 ., . XI XI XI XII X XI XI XI . .1 .1 .1XI XI XI XIK F RC I 2881 6001 San Franeleco .... 1 XI XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 .1 XI .1 ·1 .1 . ·1 . . 1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 XIKRE 2&81100IBerkeley ...... I .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . XI XI .1 .1 .1 . ·1.1.1 · XI XI .I .1 .1 . IKFUS 12581 &OIOakland ...... I .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1.1 . 1 .1.1. 1 . XIXI .IXIXI ·I .I . IXI .I .I .1 . . 1.1 . IKFWH I 2841 l00IEureu ...... I ·1 ·1·1 . IXIXIXI .1 ·1.1 .1 . . 1.1 .1 · 1 .1 ·1 XI XI .I .1 .1 .1·1 ·1.1 . IKFWI I 2501 &001 San Francleco .... 1XI XI XI . 1XI XI .1 . 1 .! ·1 . . 1 ·1 ·1 .1·1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1.1·1·1.1 .IKZM I 240110010akland ...... I .1 XI ·1 .1·1·1.1.1 ·1·1 ·1 . . 1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 · IKMJ I 2341 501 Freeno ...... ·1 .1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 XI XI ·1 .1 ·1 . NORTHERN AND WES'l'ERN STATES XI XI X, .1 .1 XI XI .1XI XI .1 . 1 . I .I . IKGW I 49111000IPortland ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI XI X .1 .1 .1 · 1 .1 XI XI . IXI .1 .1 .1 XI .I . IKFOA 14&411OOOISeeIlI ...... I .IXIXIXIXIXIXIXI .I.I.I . • 1 .1 .1 . IXI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 X XICFAC I 43&12000ICaigary ...... I.1 ·1 ·1 .1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1.1.1 . . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 . IKFXF I 42211000IDenver ...... 1 .1 XI XI XIX I XI XI XIXI XI X X .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . IXI XI .1 . 1 . I . I . IKHQ I 3941 10001 Spokan...... I XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . XI XI XI .1.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 .1 . . 1 .1 XIKJR I 384120M Seattl ...... 1XI .1 .1 .1 .1 XI XI XI .1 ·1 .1 . • 1 . I . I . I .1 ~ I . I . I . I . I . I . I . . 1 .1 . IKLZ 13841 500IDenver ...... I .1 .1 XI XIXI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . . 1 XI XI XIXI .1 .1 . IXI XI XI X/ . . 1 XI . IKOA I 32215OOOIDenver ...... / .1 XI .1 . /XI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .T . . 1 . IXIX/ .I ·I .I .1·1 .I XIXI .I .I X XIKOIN 3181000 PO"Iand ...... IXrltIXlxIX X X XI. XI XI XI XI XI X XI XI XI XI X XI XI XI XI XIK 0 MOl 3081 10001 8ealll ...... I XI XI .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1. 1 .1 . IKSL I 3OO11OOOISaJILakeClty .... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . . 1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 · IXIXI .I .I.I . ICNRV I 281 I&OOOIVancouver ...... 1 .1 ·1 .1 XI .1 .1 XI XI .1 .1 ·1 . . 1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 .1.1 .1.1 .1 ·1.1 . IKOWWI 2851 5001 Walla Wall ...... I ·1·1 XI · / .1 ·1 ·1 . / .1 .1 ·1 • . 1 .1 .1 ., .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 . , .1 .1 .1 . IKF JR I 2831 50 IPortland ...... I . .1 . X .1 .1 XI .1 .1 ·1 .1 . J{ ~I .1 .1.1 XI XI . PY XI X XI .I .1 .1 . IKMO 12501500 IT_ ...... I .I .1 XI XI .I . 1 .1 ·1·1 ·1 ·1 .1 ·1 ·1.1.1 ·1 .1 · / ·1 .1 .1 . IXI XI .1 . IKFEC 12481 6OIPortland ...... IXI .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 . .1 .. . 1·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 ·1 ·1 .1.1 ·1'.1 . IKFQX I 23311oooISeattl ...... I ·1 .1 XI XI .I .1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 . . , Februat'y 26 Radio Doings 29 Anten~ . \J£,minator

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If Your Dealer Can Not Supply You Telepho ne VAnd ike 329 7 Or Write Scott Sales Co. 443 S. San Pedro St. Los Angeles, Cal. WEDNESDA Y TIME TABLE (x:'::!r':=~:A1r 1-8 1..11-12 1..11:.1..2 .!2-2 2·4 4-11 8-!! P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. ITATIONI P.M. P.M...... 1iJ8 IiJg 1iJ8 !il8 1iJ8 g~ !il8 g8 !il8 1iJ8 ... co ~~ IiJg N": ";w cD"": ~c:O cOat mal ... .,..;"" N.o to...... !! .. ..:"" CALL It ~. ITATION =~8R 82 82 82 .!to!.co .., g~ 8R gg g~ ~~ ~~ ~R 82 IGt~~ "= ~~ .... t...iN ,.)cw) ..z...r .a.a CD" ...... ~~ .. .. :2~ .... ~~ .. .. :U; ,f~-. .... """" SOUTHERN OALIFORNIA ·1 .1 ·1 · 1.1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1.1 .1 .1 . IKG EF I 617110001 Lo.Angel ...... 1xI XI xI xI xI XI .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . XI XI XI . 1·1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 . 1 . 1 XiKFI I 46714000ILoaAngelea...... 1XI XI XI xI XI XI XI XI xI XI .1 . .1 .J .J .IXI XI .1 ·1 .1 . 1 .1 1 .1 . J .1 . IKFC R I 4131 601 Santa Barbara ... I ·1 .1 .1 XIXI .1 .1 . I .J .1.1· . 1 ·1 .1 . I .1 .1 .1 . I .1 XI XI . I .1 .1 .1 . IK H J I 4861 6001 LoaAngelee...... 1 .1 XI XI xI XI XI XI xI xI XI .1 . ·1 · 1 ·1 . 1 . 1 ·11 1 ·1 · 1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1.1 XIKMIC ,3871 500llnglewood ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI xI .1 .1 .1 . ·1·1·1 . IXIXI·I . 1 .1 .1.1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 . IKFBC I 3801 50ISanDlego ...... I .1 .1 XI .IXI XI XI XI · I · 1 ·1 . XI XI .1 . 1XI xI XI XI XI XI XI XI xI xI xI XIK MT R I 3701 500IHollywood ...... 1XI XI XI xI XI xI XI xI xI XI XI X XIXI · I . IXI . I .IXIXIXI . I . IXIXI . IXIKNX 13371760ILosAngelea...... IXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIX(X ·1 ·1 .1 · IXI XI .1 . 1.1·1 xI XI .I .1 .1 .IKGER I 3261 100 lLongBeach ..... IXI XI .1 . 1 · 1 .1 ·1 . 1 · 1 ·1 . 1 • ·1 ·1 .1 . I XI . 1 .1 . I .J .1 ·1 . I .1 .1 .1 . IK P S N I 31811000IPaaadena...... IXIXI ·1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 · 1 .1 ·1·1· . I.I.I . IXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXI . IAMB 13011100ITI.Juana,Mex ... I . I.I ·I · I . I ·I·I.I . I . I.I . . 1 ·1 xI XI XI .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1XI XI XI XIK F WC I 2951 l00ISanBernardlno ... 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI X ·1 .1 . 1 ·1 ·1·1 ·IXI XI .1 . 1.1 .1 .1 . IKTBI 12941 760ILoeAngelea ...... I .1 .1 XI XIXI XI .1 .1·1.1 ·1 . . 1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 . 1 . IKSMR 12831100ISantaMarl ...... I.IXIXIXIXIXIXIXI . I.I . I . XIXIXIXI . I . I . I .IXIXIXIXIXIXI . IKFSG I 2761 500ILoIAngelea ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 ·1 .1 ·1 . .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . IKWTC 12831 250ISantaAna...... I.1 XI XI . . 1.1 ·1 .1 . . I . I . I . IXIXI . I .I.I.I.I . I.IXIXIKFWB I 2521500IHollywood ...... IXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIX ·1 .1 . 1 ·1 ·1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 . IKFSD I 24811000ISanDlego ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI . 1 . .1 ·1 . 1.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 XI XI · IXI .1 .1 . IKNRC I 2381 10001 S.nta Monlea .... I XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X XI XI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIX I XI XI XIKFON 12331 750ILongBeach ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI XI X . IXIXIXIXI · I.I . 1 .1 .1. 1 . 1 .1 .1.1 .IKPPCI2291 5OIPasadena ...... I . IXIXIXIXIXI .1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . ·1 ·1 .1 .IXIXI.I . 1 .1.1.1. 1 .1.1 . 1 . IKFQZ I 2281 5001Hollywood ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI . 1 . . 1 .1.1 . J . 1 . 1 . 1 · 1 .1 .1 .1 . J .1 .1 . 1 . IKGFH 12191100I LaCrescenta .... I.I . I.1 . IXIXIXIXI·I · I . I . .1.1 .1 . I . IXIXI .1.1 .1.1 . 1 .1 .1.1 . IKFWO 12111 250 IC.tallna ...... IXIXIXIXIXIXI ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 ·1 · ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 · IIKFVD 12051 500IVenlce ...... I ·1 ' I .1 .IXI XI XI XI ·1 .1 .1 . NORTHERN OALIFORNIA ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 ·1 ·1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 .IKLX 6D8150010akland ...... I . IXIXI . IXIXIXIXI · I ·I·I· .1 XI .1 . IXI .1 XI XI .1 .1 . XIXI XI XI XIKPO 428110001 San Francleco .... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 .1 .1 .1 · 1 XI XI XI ·1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 . IK VA 4001100DISan Franelsell. ... 1 .1 XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI XI XI .L . 1 ·1 · 1 XIXI XI . 1 XI ·1 .1 .1.1.1 . 1 . IKqO 3811400DIOakland...... IXI XI XI . IXI XI XI XI . I .1 ·1 . XI ·1 . 1 . 1.1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 . I . I . I . I . IKQW 3331 5DoISanJ ...... 1XI XI XIXI XI XI XI .1 .1 ·1 .1 . ·1·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1.1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 XI XIKTAB 3031 10DOI Oakland ...... 1 .1 XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI ·1 . 1 .1 . XI XI XI XIXI XI XI XI .1 .1 . 1XI XI XI XIK F RC 2681 5001 San Francleco .... I XI XI XI . 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X XI XI ·1 . 1.1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 . . 1 ·1 .1 ·1 .IKFUS 2581 5010akland ...... I . I . I .1 .IXIXI·I .1 .1 .1 . 1 . .1 .1 XI . 1 .1 . 1 ·1 . 1 ·1 .1 . . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 XIKRE 2581'00IBerkeley ...... I .1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1.1 . 1 .1 ., .1 . 1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 XI XI ·1 ·1 . . I .I. I . I . IKFWI 2501 500 ISan FrancllCo .... 1XI XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI Xl XI XI X ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1·1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 · 1 . . I.I .I.I. IKZM 240110010akland ...... I . IXI .1 . 1 .1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . . 1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1.1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKMJ 2341 50IFresno ...... 1 .1 .1 .IXIXI XI XI . 1 .1.1 .1 . NORTHERN AND WESTERN STATES XIXIXI . I · IXIXI . 1 .1.1.1·1 .1 . 1 .1 . IKGW I 49111000IPortland ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XI . I ·1 . 1 . . 1 .1 · 1 . 1 .1 XI XI . 1XI .1 .1 . I . 1 XI ·1 . IK F 0 A I 454110001 Seattle ...... I .1 XI .1 . I .1 .1 .1 . I .1 . I .1 . . 1 · 1 ·1 ·1XI XI ·1 . 1·1 ·1 ·1 ·1·1 ·1 ·1 . IC'AC 43512000ICalgary ...... · I · IXIXIXII · I · I·I · I · I·I . . 1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 . IK F X F 422110001 DenY&r ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XIXI XI X XI XI XI . . 1 XI XI . I .1 .1 XIKJR 38412OMISeattle ...... IXI . I . I . I . I . IXIXIXIXI . I . . 1 ·1 ·1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 ·1.1 · 1 . 1 .1.1 XI XIKLZ 3841 5001 DenYer...... I XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . I ·1 . 1 .1 . . IXIXIXIXI .1.1 . 1·1 ·1 · 1 . 1 ·1 .IXI .jKOA 322150001 DenY&r ...... I .1 XI XI XI XI Xl . 1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 .: .1 ·IXIX' · I · I·I . 1·1 · IXIXI . I .IXIXIKOIN 3191~OOOIPortland...... ' XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI . 1 .1 · 1 . XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI Xilli X, XI XI XI XIK 0 M° 3081100oISaattl ...... 1XI XI .1 XI . 1XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1·1 ·1 .' .J .1 ·1 . 1.1 · 1·1 · 1 .1 ·1 .1 XIKSL 30011000ISaltLakeClty .... IXI XI XI XIXj XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . · I·I . I . '·I . I . I . I . I . I . I . I · I·I·I.IKOWW 2851500IWall.Wall ...... I.1 .IXI . 1.1 . IXIXIXIXIXllI .1 .1 .1 . , .1 .1 ·1 . 1.1 .1 · 1 . 1 ·1 ·1 .1 .IK 0 AC 2801 500ICorvalll .. O"~ ... 1 .1 .1 XI XI XI XI ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . XI XI .1 ., XI .1 .1 . I XI .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . I . IK F WH 25411OOIEurek...... ,., .1 .1 . ,XI XI XI XI . I ·1 . 1 . XI XI . 1 . I .1 .1 .1 . 1XI XI XI X, .1 .1 .1 . IK M° 2501 500ITacoma ...... I .1 .1 .1 . IXI XI .1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 .

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IKHJ 4051500 ILoIAngeleL ..... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . ·1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 · 1 ·1 .1 ·1 .1 XIKMI C 3871 GOOllnglewooh ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 .1 ·1 . . 1 . 1 .1 . IXI XI . 1 . 1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 . IKFBC 3801 GOISan Dlego ...... 1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 • XI xI . 1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XIXIKMTR 3701 GOOIHollywood ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X XI XI XI . 1XI . 1 .1 XI XI XI . 1 .1 ·1 . 1 XIKNX 3371 750 ILoI AngeieL ..... 1 XI XI XI XI XI X XIXIXIXIXIX .1 ·1 ·1 . IXI xI .1 ·1 .1 .1 XI xI .1 . 1 . IKG ER 3281 1001Long Beach ...... I XI xI . 1 .1.1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 • .1 ·1 .1 ·IXI ·1 . 1 . 1 ·1 .1 ·1 . 1 ·1 . 1 . IKPSN 3161 10001 Puldena ...... 1XI XI .1 .1 xI xI XI . 1 .1 . 1 ·1 . .I .I. IXIXIXIXIXIXIXI XIXIXIXI . IAMB 3011 l00lnaJuana, Mex ... I .1 .1 .1 · 1 ·1 · 1 ·1 . 1 .1 ·1 . 1 . .1 .1 . IXIXI . I . I.I .I.I.I X1XIXIXIKFWC 28GpOOISanBernardlno .. . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI X .1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . IXI XI .1 .1 . 1 .1. 1 . IKTBI 2941 750ILolAngeieL ..... I .1 . IXIXIXIXI · I .1 . 1 ·1·1 · XIX I XIXI . I · I . I . IXIXIXIXI . I . I . IKFSG 2751 5OOILoIAnaeleL ..... 1 .1 XI XI xI XI XI XI xI XI xI .1 . . ,., . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1.1 . IKWTC 2831 2501 Santa Ana ...... 1 XI XI .1 .1 x, XI XI XI .1 . 1 .1 • .1 .1 . I .1 x, XI . I . 1 .1 . 1 . I . I .1 . 1 . IK F WB 2821 5OOIHollywood ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI ~ ·1 ·1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 . IKFSD 248 110001 San Dlego ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI . 1 . .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 XI XI . IXI .1 .1 . IKNRC 2381 1000 ISanta Monica .... I .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI Xi X XIXIXIXI . I .I. IXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIKFON 233 7liOILongBMCh ..... 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . 1 . 1 . IXI XI .1 . 1 .1.1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 . IKFQZ 2281 5001Hollywood ...... 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . . 1 ·1 . I . IXIXI . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 . 1 . IKFWO 2111 280 ICatalina ...... 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 . . j . j . 1 . j . j . j .1. j . j . j . 1 . 1 . j . j · IKFVD 205j 500jVenlce ...... l. j.j .l . jXIXjXjXI.I . j ..j . NORTHERN ()A.LIFORNIA ., .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .IKFBK lias I l00ISactunento ...... 1 . I .1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI .' .1 ·1 . . 1 ·1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKLX IIOBI DOOIOaldand...... 1 .1 .1 XI .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . . IXI · I . IXI .IXIXI . I . I · IXIXIXIXIXIKPO 4281 10001 San FrlllCltco .. .. 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 .1 . 1 . 1 ·1 XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . IK Y A 4001 1000 ISan FrancllCO. ... 1 .1 XI XI . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 XI XI .1 . . 1 .1 · IXIXIXI .i XI . I . I .1 .1 .1 . IXIXIKGO 381 I40001 Oakland...... 1 XI XI XI . 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X XI .1 .1 . 1.1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . . I . I · I . I . IKQW 3331 5001 San Jon ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI .j . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . .1 .1 · 1 . 1.1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1.1 . 1 XI XIKTAB 3031 1oooI Oakland...... I .1 XI XI . 1.1 ·1 .1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 . .1 ·1 .1 . 1 .1 .J .J . 1 .1 . 1 . I . I . I . I . IKSMR 2831 1001 Santa Marta ..... I .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI ·1 .1 .1 . XI XI XI XIXI XI XI XI .I .1 . IXI XI XI XIKFRC 2881 500ISanFrancllCO .... 1 XI XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 · 1 XI .1.1 . 1 ·1 . 1 ·1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 XIKRE 2881100IBerkeley ...... I .1 .1 .1 . IXI XI XI XI · I .1 .1 . XI XI . 1 . IX I ., ., . IXI ., . I. I · I·I. IKFWH 2841 l00IEur ...... 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1XI .' .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . ·1 · 1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 XI XI ·1 · 1 . 1. 1 · 1 ·1 . IKFWI 2801 5OOISanFrancl8co .... 1 XI XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . 1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . I · I·I . I . IKZM I 2401 1001 Oakland...... 1 .1 XI . I . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 . I · 1 .1 . .I .I.I.I . I . I . I . I . I . I . I . I ·I·I.I . IKMJ 12341 50IFreano ...... I . I . 1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 XI XI . I . 1 .1 . . 1. 1 .1. 1 .1 .1 .1.1 .1 .1 .1 . j .1 .1 .1 .!KFQU I 231j280IHoIYC/Iy.Callf ... I .1 .1 .1 . IXI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . NORTHE R N AND W E STE RN STATES xI XI XI . 1 . 1 XI XI . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1.1.1 . IKGW I 48111oooIPortland...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XI.' .1 . 1 . X X . IX X • 1 . X WBAP 478 1500 Fort Worth ...... X XIX XIXIXI . I . I . I . ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 X, XI . IXI .1 .1 . 1 .1 XI . 1 . IKFOA 41541 10001 Seattle ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI • I .1 . ·1 · 1 ·1 · IXIXI ·1 · j · I · I ·1 · j · I · I ·1 . I£FAC 43512000ICale!! ...... jXI XI ·1 ·IXI XI XI ., . 1 ·1 .1 . • 1 .1.1. 1 .1. 1 .1 . IXIXI . I . 1· 1.1 . 1 . IKHQ 394j1 000 ISpokane ...... 1XI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 XI x· .1 .1 .1 . XI XI XI . 1 .1.1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 · 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .1 XIKJR 364 I20M ISeattle ...... 1XI .1 .1 .1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI . 1 . II· IXIXI . I .I. I . I . I . IXIXI . I . IXIXIKOIN 31911oooIPortland...... 1XI XI XI . f XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 • XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XIK 0 M0 3061 10001 Seattl •...... I XI XI .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . IXIXIXIXI.I . I · LXIXIXIXI . I . IXIXIKOA 322150001 Denver ...... I .1 .1 .1 . I .1 .1 . 1 . I . 1 ·1 ·1 . . 1 . 1 .1 . 1.1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . IKSL 3OOllOOOISaitLak.Clty .... IXI XI XI XIXI .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . . I . I . I.I . I ·I· I . I . I . I · I · I . I . I.I . IKOWW 2851 DUO IWalla Walil . . ... I .1 .1 XI . I XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .1 . IKFJR 2831 IIOIPortland ...... I .1 . 1 .1 XIXI XI XI XIXI . 1 .1 . XI XI .1 . 1 . 1 .1. 1 .Ixi XI XI XI .I .1 .1 . IKMO 2801 5OOIT_ ...... I .1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI .f .1 .1 .1

HOII?>.. S h07. 11 liS SlIbIll1//Cri b) These Sta/lOlis. F OT nx Schedule sec Page , 8 . February 26 Radio Doings 33 ELEC-TRU-TONE THE PHONOGRAPH MODERNIZER

YOUR RADIO SET YOUR PHONOGRAPH All the new Victor. Columbia and Brunswick records are recorded electrically. Every note of every instrument is recorded in its proper volume. Fortunes were spent in perfecting the methods. But the old phonographs will not r eproduce aJl. that is recorded. Most of the charm is lost. • To get the full benefit of the new records. electric reproducing phono­ graphs were perfected. These are the marvelous new instruments that r e­ tail at prices from! $400 to $1 .000. But your radio set and old phonograph alrea dy contain most of the parts embodied in these new electric machines. The Elec-tru-tone sup­ plies all the rest in readily attachable form. TONE-so life-like it will thrill you BASS-full and resonant PLENTY VOLUME-controllable to a whisper Sold by dealers that want you to get double use from your radio set. M a"ltfactltred by The Elec-tru-tone Corp., Hibernian Bldg., Los Angeles Phone MAin 3843 Distrib .. ted Nationally b)'

Baker-Smith Co., Inc'1 Call Bldg., San Francisco C alifor"ia ] abbeys THE ELECTRIC CORP. YALE RADIO ELEC. CO. ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 1050 Santa Street . 1111 Wall Street 370 Eleventh Street Los Angeles Los Angeles Oakland ~IERULFF & RAVENSCROFT COAST ELECTRIC CO. 645 Howard Street 744 G Street San Francisco San Diego A.U.. 1'1.... T AIIi!,.IIIt APIWT&D TO PACIFIC TIME FRIDAY TIME TABLE IX) IDdtcat ea Statio.. I, 0.. the AU 111-12 12-2 2-4 c-e 8-8 6-10 111-1% A.M. I P.M. I P.M. I P.M. , ITATIONI 1 P.M. I P.M. I P.M. 28 ~8 28 ~8 1iJ8 2g 28 1iJ8 Slil 8 ' co~I!; _ 28 28 t'oi....: "':N NcQ cw;.; ...... CD .5 .;'" "':cO cOm CD co co -.. .. CALL J. ITATION ~~~ g~ g~ g~ -:a ll! d.d.co .., g~ g~: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ g~ :i1D ~2 ~~ ~ N N .., .., ...... CD CD ...:...: cOeD omg :!:! ~~ .. .. ~:E ~~-. ~:: -. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA . 1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 · IKG EF I 5171 10001 Loa Angelee...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI . 1 .1 .1 ·1 . XI XI XI .1 .1 . 1·1 · 1.1 . 1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 XIKFI I 4671 40001 LoaAngelea ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI xl XI XI ·1 . .1 .1 .1 . IXI XI ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 . . I · j ·1 . . IK F C R I 413 501 Santa Barbara ... I .1 .1 .1 XIXI ·1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 • .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . IKHJ I 4051 6001 LoeAngelea...... I .1 XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI .1 .1 · 1 , . 1 .1.1 . 1.1 .1 .1 . 1.1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 XlkM I C I 3871 500 j Inglewood ...... I XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . 1 ·1 . .1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 .1 ·1 .1 . 1 · IKFBC I 3801 50ISanDlage ...... I . I . I . I·IXIXIXIXI · I · I · I · .1 ·1 .1 . 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XIK MT R I 3701 500IHollywood ...... 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XJXI XI X X ·1 ·1 . XI . I . IXIXIXIXIXIXIXI . IXIKNX I 3371 7501 L08Angel88...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . 1 ·1 . IX I ·1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1.1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . IKPSN 31611000IPaaedenL ...... IXIXI ·1 . IXIXIXI . I . I . I .1 . . 1 .1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI/(I XI XI XI XI XI . IA MB 3011 100 lTlaJuana, Mex ... I .1 .1 XI XIXI XI X ~ XI .1 . J .1 . ·1 ·1 . 1 ·1 · 1 . j . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 I . I . IKFWC 2961100ISanBernardlno ... IXI · 1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1·1 .1 .1 .1 · . 1 ·1 · 1 .1·1 ·1 . IXIX I ·I . 1 · 1 ·1·1 . IKTBI 2941 7501LoaAngelea...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 . XIXIXIXI . I . I · I·IXIXIXIXI · I . I ·IKFSG 275 1 6001Lo aAngelea ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI . 1XI XI .1 . . 1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 ·1 · 1 .1 ·1 . 1 . 1 .1.1. 1 . IKWT C 2631 250 lS8nla Ana ...... 1 .1 XI XI . 1 ·1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 . L . .1 .1 ·1 .1 XI XI ·1 .1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 ·IK F WB 2521 SOOIHollywood ...... 1X I XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI xl XI X . 1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 ·1 ·1 .1 ·1 ·1 .1 . IKFSD 24811000ISanDlege ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . ",XIXI . IXI . I . I . IKNRC 23811000ISanlaMonlca .... 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XIK F 0 N 2331 7S0 ILongBeach ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI Xlll . 1 ·1 . IXIXI . I . 1 . 1 .1 ·1. 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKFQZ 226 ! 500IHollywood ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI . 1 . . 1 .1 .1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1.1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . IKG F H 2191 100lLa Crescenla .... I .1 .1 .1 . IXI XI XI XI . I ·1 ·1 . .1 .1.1 · 1 .1 XI XI . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 ·1 ·1 XI XIKFWO 2111 250ICatallna...... IX I XI XI XI · I ·1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 . . 1 .1 .1 .1· 1 .1 ·1 ·1· 11 ·1 . 1 · 1 . 1 .1 · IKFVD 20515OOIVenlce ···· · .. ··· I ·I·I·I · !XIXIXIXI ·I . I . I. NORTHERN CALIFOR NIA .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 · 1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . IKLX 5081 50010.kland ...... 1 .. , .1 XI .1 XI XI XI· XI XI . 1 .1 . . IXI . I . IXIXI . IXI . I . I .IXIXIXIXIXIKPO 42811000ISanFranclaco ... . 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 .1 .1 . 1 · 1XI XI XI . 1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . IK YA 40011000 ISanFrMCleco .... I .1 XI XI . IXI XI XI XIXI XI .1 • • 1 .1 .1 XIXI XI .1 XI · I .1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 .IKGO 381 I40001 O.kland ...... 1XI XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . XI . I . I . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 . 1 ·1 ·1 .1 . IKQW 3331 500ISanJoae ...... IX! XI XI XIXI XI .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . . 1 .1 .1.1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1. 1 XI XIK TAB 3031100010akland ...... 1 .1 . 1XI . 1XI XI XI XI . . 1 . 1 • . 1 .1 .1 . 1.1.1 .1.1 .1 ·1 .1. 1.1 .1 ·1 · IK8MR 2831 100 ISanta Mart ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . XI XI XI XIX XI XI XI · I ·1 .1 . IXI XI XI XIKFRC 2881 500 1San Franclsea .... 1XI XI XI . (XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X XI XI .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1XI XI · 1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 . IK F U8 2581 SOIO.kland ...... I ·1 .1 ·1 . IXI XI .1 . 1 · 1 ·1 . 1 . . 1.1 XI . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 ., .1 .1 . 1·1 ·1 .1 XIKRE 2581100 IBerketey ...... I .1 .1 .1 .1.' ·1· I · 1 .1· I .1 . XIXI . I . IXI . I ·I . IXI . I · I . 1·1 ·1 ·1 . IKFWH 2541100IEurek ...... ( · I . I .1 . IXIXIXIXI · I·I .1 . . 1 .1.1 · 1 .1 .IXIXI .I . I · I . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . IKFWI 2501600IS.nFrancl_ .. .. IXIXIXI . IXIXIXIXI·I .1 . 1 . . 1 ·1 ·1 . 1 ·1 · 1 .1·1 .1 ·1 ·1 .1 ·1·1 · 1 . IKZM I 240110010akland ...... I ·1 XI ·1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 ·1 · 1 .1 . . 1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKMJ I 2341 6OIFreano ...... I .1 .1 .1 XIXI XI XI . 1 .1 .1.1 . NORTHERN AND WESTER N ST ATES XIXIXI . I · IXIXI . IXIXI. I . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . IKGW I 491 11000IPonl an d...... I XI X, XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 .1 .1 . IXI XI XI . IXI ·1 .1 . 1 ·1 XI ·1 . IKFOA I 454 110001 8eattle ...... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . [ .1 ·1 . IXI XI ·1 . 1 ·1 . . 1 ·1 . . 1 XICFAC l435 12000 ICalgary ...... IXI XI .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 • . ,.1 .1.1 .1 .1 . ' . 1 · 1 · 1 .1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .1 . IKfXF I 42211000IDenver· ...... I . 1 XI XI X XI xl XI XIXI XI XI X .1 ·1 ., .1 .1 . . 1 .1 .1 ·1 · 1 ·1 . 1 .1 . IKHQ I 8Mll0DOISpOk.ne ...... 1XI XI XI XI .1 .1 XI XI XI XI Xlll . 1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 · 1 ·1 . 1 .1 · 1 · 1 · 1 ·1 . IK L Z 11841 500IDenver· ...... IXI XI .1 . 1.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1.1. XIXIXI . I . I . I .,.I · I · IXIXI · I · I · IXIKJR I 348120MISeettl ...... IXI .1 ·1 . I·IXIXIX! ·1·1.1. . IXIXIXIX X . IXIXIXIXI · I · IXI·IKOA I 822 5OOOIDeo_, ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI • . 1 .1.1 . 1 • • 1 . ' XI XI·I ., ., .1 .1 . 1 XI XI . I .1 XI XIKOIN I 31911000IPertland ...... IXI XI XI . IXI XI XI XI ., .1 . . XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X XI XIK OM ° I 308110ooI5eettl ...... 1 X XI .1 xl XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X •1 . , .1 . . 1 . . I.I . IXIXIXIXI . IXIKSL I 30011oooIS.,tLak.Clty .... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . . 1 .1 .1 . I .1 .1 .1 . I .1 ·1 XI . I .1 .1 .1 . IC N R V I 281151100IVlInCOIIYer,a,cH ' I . . 1 XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 . .1 ·1 · . 1 .1 ·1 r · I . I . I ·1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 . IKOWWI2851500IW .... WIII ...... I .1 .IXI . IXIX XI X] XI '"XI II ., .1 .1 . 1.1 .1 .1 · 1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 . IKOAC I 2801 500 Corvallis, 0,"" .. . I .1 .1 XI XI XI XI . 1 . I .1 . 1 . I • XIXI . I.' .,.1 .1 · IXIXIXIXI .l. I .1 . IKMO I 2501 500IT_ ...... 1 XI XI XI XI .1 .1 XI XI IIXI XI X .1 .J ..1 .1 .U .1 . 1 ·1 . ( . 1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKfQX I 233(11100ISeattle ...... 1 . 1 . 1 .1 . I~I !I.lHiill~ qll Ho"rs Shown as S1/:b""tted by These S tatlO1Is. For DX ScT.ed,,/e see Yage 38. February 26 Radio Doings 35 Better Reception Beautiful Models Combine to Make The Rauland Receivers The Choice of Discriminating People

Loop or Antenna Operated, One Dial, Seven Tubes, Makes the Lorraine Model the Perfect Receiver

·Less Accessories

Housed in a beautiful cabinet of walnut in Italian Renaissa nce design; hardware of cast brass, antique Italian design. Other Models in Six; and Seven Tube Rauland Receivers $190 to $460 An Extensive Nationally Advertised Receiver Carefull y Selected Dealers Are Being Franchised In All Territories Southern California Distributor HERBERT H. HORN 1629 S. Hill St. Los Angeles, Calif. ALL-AMERICAN RADIO CORPORATION Carl A . Stone., District Manager 1050 S. Los Angeles St. Los Angeles, Calif. 36 Radio Doings FebnlMY 26 ALL TlM& T AllLE3 ADJUSTED TO PACIFIC TIME SATURDA Y TIME TABLE (X) IIldJcatea StatiOD .. OD the Air 10-12 12·2 2-4 4-8 8-8 &-10 10-12 A.M. I P.M. I P.M. I P.M. I STATIONS \ P.M. , P.M. P.M. :;!8 gg :;!g :;!g g8 :o:g 28 :0:8 :;!g :;!8 :0:8 :;!8 ~~ 2~ i.c: 0 .. "':N "'...: "':N N~ .., ...... ;.; ...... c: cD"': "':00 cOm cac 0 .. "':C\i CALL ell ~. ITATION 8:;! g~ ~~ ~~ ~fk ~2 8fk 82 8&\ 8fk ~1i .!j 81fl s&\ ~~ ~~ ...... NN cw)fIi ~ .a..; .Dei ...:...: coco aiai gg .... ~~ ~~ . !l~ .f!l SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA .1 . 1 .1 . 1 · 1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . j . 1.1 . 1 .1 XIKFI 4871 40001 LOl Angel8l...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X . 1 .1·1 . IXIXI · I .1 ·1·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . IKFCR 4131 6OISantaB.rtlaIa ... 1 .1 .1 .1 XIXI ·1 .1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 . .1 .1 . 1 . 1 . 1 · 1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 . IKHJ 4051 6OOILoeAnge/ea...... 1 . 1XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1·1 .1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 XIKM I C 3871 6OOllnUlewood ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI ·1 .1 .1 . .1 · IXIXI . I .I . I . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1.1 .IKFBC 3801 &OISanDlego ...... I · I · I ·I . IXIXIXIXIXIXIXIX XI . I . I.IXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIKMTR 3701 6001 Hollywood ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X XI.I . I . IXI . I . IXIXIXIXIXI . I ·I · IXIKNX 3371 760ILoeAngeI ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 .1 .1 . IXI · I · I . 1.1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 · 1·1 ·IKPSN 31811000IPuadena...... 1 XI XI .1 . 1XI XI XI .1 ·1 .1 ·1 . . 1 .1 .1 . IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI XI .IAMB 3011 lOOITI.J_, Mex .. . I .1.1 .1 · 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . .1 ·1 ·1 · 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . lkSMR 2831100ISantaMllla ..... I ·1 .1 .1 XI . I .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . . 1 XI XI XIXI .1 .1 · 1 .1 XI XI XIXI .1 . 1 . IKFSG 271i1 600 ILoeAngelee ...... 1 .1XI XI XI XI XI XI · 1 ·1 .1 .1 . . I .I.I . I . I . I . I . I .I . I . I . I . I . I . I . IKWH 2831 2!iOlSanta Ana ...... 1XI XI .1 . 1XI XI XI XI .1 .1 XI X .1 ·1 .1 ·I·IXIXI . 1 ·1 ·1·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKFWBI2521500IHollywood ...... IXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIX .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 . 1 ·1 .1 ·1 . IKFSD I 24811000ISanDlego ...... 1><1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . . 1 .1 .1.1 ·1·1 ·1 . 1 .1 XI XI . IXI .1 .1 . IKNRC I 2381 10001 Santa Monica .... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 XI XI XIXI .1 .1 XIXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIKFON 12331 750ILongBIKII ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI XI X .1·1 ·1 . IXIXI · I .1.1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKFQZ I 2281 6OOIHoIlywood ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI .1 . . 1 ·1 ·1 · 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 · 1·1 ·1 ·1 XIKFYF 12141 2510xnard,Callf .... IXI ·1 ·1 · 1 ·1 ·1 · 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 · 1 · ·1 ·1 ·1 .I . IXIXI · 1 .1 ·I XIXIXI ·I.I . IKFWO I 211 1. 250IC.t.llna ...... IXIXIXIXI ·1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . . 1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 ·! · I .1 .1 . IKFVD I 2051500lvenlee ...... ! .1 .1 ·1 . !XI XI XI X!XI XI XI X NORTHERN CALIFORNIA . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 . 1 ·1 ·1 · 1 · IKFBK &351100ls.cramento ...... j' .1 .1 .1 XIXI XI XI XI ·1 .1 .1 . .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 · 1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 . 1 . IKLX 5081 6OOIO.kIand ...... I ·1 .1 XI ·1 .1 .1 ·1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 . ·IXI.I . IXI . IXIXI .I . I .IXIXIXIXI . IKPO 42811000ISanFranelaeo ... . IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XIXI XI .1 . . I .1 .1 . I ·1 XI XI XI .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IK YA 4001 10001 San I'ranelsco. ... 1 .1 XI XI . 1 .1 .1 .1 . I XI XI XI X .1 .1 . 1 XI XI XI .1 . I ·1 .1 .1 . I~I ·1 .1 . IK 0 0 38114000IO.kland .. ·· ..... I .1 .1 .1 . IXI XI XI XIXI XI X~X X .1 .1 . 1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 · 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKQW 333! 6OOISanJOIII ...... IXI XI XI XIXI XI . 1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . ·1 ·1 ·1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 ·1 ·1 '.1 . 1 .1 ·1·1 . IKTAB 3031100010.kland· ...... I .1 .1 XI .1 ·1 .1 .1. 1 ·1 ·1 .1 . . 1 .1 . IXIX XIXI .I . I . I · IXIXIXIXIKFRC 2881 5001 San Franel_ .... 1XI XI XI . 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 XI ·1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 ·1 XIKRE 2581 1001 Berkeley ...... I ·1 .1 .1 . I .1 .1 .1 . I ·1 .1 . 1 . ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 . IXIXI · I · I .1 .1.1 .1 . IKFUS 258 i 5010akland ...... I ·1 XI XI · 1 .1·1 ·1 . 1 ., .1 ., . .1.1 · 1 .1 . 1 · 1 ·1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . IKNWI 2501 500ISanFranel_ .. ·. I .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 ·1 XI XIXI XI XI X ·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 . ~ . IKZM 240110010akland ...... I . IXI ·1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . .1 ·1 . 1 ·1 . 1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 . IKMJ 2341 5OIFreeno ...... I ·1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 XI XI ·I ·1 .1 . .f .1 . 1·1 . 1 . 1 ·1 .1 ·1 .1 ·1 .1 .1 . IKFQU 231 1 250IHoIy City, Call •.. I .1 .1 .1 . 1 XI XI .1 . 1 .1 .1 . 1X XI XI .1 . IXI . .1 . I XI .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . IK F WH 2251100IEureka· ·.·.·· ... I .I .I .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1.1 .1 .1 .1 . NORTHERN AND WESTERN STATES XI XI XI . 1 ·1 Xi XI . 1 .1.1 .1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .1 · IKOW I 49111000IPartIand. .· ...... 1XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X .1 .1 ·1 .1·1 ·1 . IXI .1 .1 . 1 .1 XI .1 . IKFOA I 45411000ISeattl •...... I .1 XI XI XIXI XI XI .1 .1 .1 .1 . .1 ·1 .1.1 .1 .1 · 1·1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . IKFXF I 4221 10001 Denv ..... ·· ..... 1 .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X ·1 ·1 · 1 . 1 .1 ·1 . 1 .1 ·1 .1 . 1 I . I . I · ICKCD I 41012000IVaneouver,B.C ... j .1 .1 .1 .IXIXI.I . 1 .1 .1 .1 . XI .1 .1 . 1 .1 ·1 . IXI XI .1 . I I . I.I.IKHQ I 39411000ISpokane, ...... IXIXI .1.1 .1 .1.1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . XI XI XI .1 ·1 .1 . 1 ·1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 XIKJR I 384120MISeattl.·· ...... IXI .1.1 · 1 . 1 . IXIXIXIXIXIX . 1 ·1.1· 1·1 ·1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 .1 .1 .IKLZ I 384~600IDenv" .. ····· ... I .1 .1 XI XIXI .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1.1 . . 1 XI XI XIXI .1 . . 1 .1 .1 .1 . r . 1 .1 XI XIKOA I 32215000IDenv ...... I .1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 .1 XIXI XI .1 . . 1 .1 XI XI ·1 ·1 · . I ·1 ·1 XI XI ·1 .1 XI XIK 0 I N I 319110001 Portland ...... I x. XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XIK 0 MOl 30811000ISeettl •...... I XI XI .1 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI i/ .1.1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1-.1 ·1 .1 .1 .1 ·1 .1 . IKSL I 3OO11000ISaltLak.Clty ... . IXI XI XI XIXI XI XI XI . I .1 .1 . . 1 .1 .1 . 1 .1 .1 ·1 XIXI .1 .1 . 1 .1 . 1.1 . IKFJ R I 2831 5OIPortIand ...... I·1 .1 .1 . 1 ·1 ·1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 .1. XI XI .1 .1 .1 ·1. • 1 . IXI XI XI XI · I "1.1 . IKMO I 2501 &OOIT_· ·· ·· .... I XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI I -- H Ollrs Sho'''''' ns Sublll/tted b)' Tilese Slnho"s. For I?X Sched1llc see Page 38. F ebru.m-y 26 Radio Doings 37

Rear view above shows Above is shown Ute Cone Ia.rge compartment WlUl Loudspeaker. wit h Its ample space tor bat­ Panel. which is Qulclu y teri es. battery charger. or and easily removable. al­ battery elimina.tor. which lowing access to all bat­ :L r e entirely roncea.led teries, battery charger. from \-I&w. Hack Is open baUer), eJim inator or t' 0 r \'C' ntilntlon of hat ­ oUler equipment and ~'V1 r 4 [eries. InR. Model 200

(Pat. APplied 1'01 ) Model 200, with 22.inch $35 Cone Lo~peaker COl/ sole lVith Cone This Windsor Cone l JOudsncaker CO ll sole is ernlipped with a. :!2-inch ' Vind::..., r Calle LoucIspeaker J.IOUdspeaker. Us top Is 30 In. x 17 in. a.nd is 29 in. high. 1'I1e battery shelf provideR ample spa,co ror batt(lrlos, charger. hatterr el1millator and oUwr efluiJ)­ Reatly for Set and melll BeautifUlly finished in either 1\

At \ast - a cone loudspeaker As a piece of furniture. the n. D. 24 that r eproduces all the tones as Windsor Cone Loudspeaker Con­ WI NO SOR FU RN I TU RE th'ey are broadcast. From the sole is of such manifest high COMPANY deep voiced tuba of an orches­ Quality and attractive design as Electrical Oepartmtnt, tra to the softest n ote of a to be a welcome addition to 917 Maple Ave.. Los Angeles. Send me FREE a.nd without \'oeal solo - every tone - every any home. Finished in ~1':lhog· obligation circular s of the Wind· ,\o und is reproduced in all its any or Walnut color. sor l ine of Cone and Horn Lond· speakers combined with prices of furniture. and name or nearest WINDSOR FURNITURE CO. dealer. WorM's. Largest Manufacturers anli Origina.tors 01 Name ...... LoucIspeaker Consoli's Address ...... •...... 1420 Carroll· Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Dca.ler'/'l. N tl lll (' ...... Los Angeles Branch: 917 Maple Avenue City ...... St.u te . . Schedule of D X Stations Call W . L. Power Schedu le of Concert and Dance Music Letters Location Meters W atts Sun. Mon. Tue. W ed. Thu. Frio Sat. WBBM ...Chicago ...... 226 1500 6-10 S. 6-10 6 10 6 10 6 7 6-10 WIBO ....Chlcago ...... 226 1000 4-5 10-12 WOWO .. Ft. W ayn e, Ind ...... 227 1000 5-9 5 9 5--9 WHT ... . Chicago ...... 238·400 3500 S . 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 WWAE .. Pla i nfiel d, III ...... 242 5000 S. 6-9 6-9 6-9 6-9 6-9 6-9 WOOD . .. Grand R apids, Mich .. 242 1000 8 10 8 10 WBAL . . . Baltimore, Md ...... 246 1000 5- 6 5--9 5-9 S . 5--9 5--9 S . WRVA .. .Richmond, Va ...... 256 1000 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 WKAF . ..Milwauke e ...... 261 5000 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 WCAR ...San Anto nio, T ex .. . . 263 6000 8-9 8-9 8-10 WENR ...Chic ago ...... 266 1000 6-8 6-8 . 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 WGHP .. .Detroit ...... 270 1500 S . 5--6 5--6 5--6 5--7 5-6 KGU ..... Honolulu ...... 270 500 4-6 5-7 5-7 5-7 6- 9 6-9 S . WHK .... Cleveland ...... 273 1000 9-1 1 9-1 1 11-12 9-11 9 11 9 11 KFAL ... Boise, Idaho ...... 280 750 5-7 S. 5-8 5--7 5-8 5- 6 5-8 KMOX ...St. L ouis .. 280 5000 7-9 7-9 WSM .... N ashville. T enn . .. ,. 282 1000 4-11 4-11 4 11 4-11 S . 4-11 4-11 WMBF .. .M lami. Fla ...... 284 5000 8-10 8-10 8-10 WPG .... Atl a ntic C ity ...... 300 5000 5-10 5-9 5-9 5--10 5-9 S. 5 10 WGN .. . ..Chic ago ...... 303 1000 6-8 5-9 5-9 S . 5-9 5--9 5--9 WLIB ....Chlc ago ...... 303 4000 6-8 8-9 6-9 6-9 6-9 6-9 6--9 KOIL .... Councl l Bluffs ...... 306 500 6969696-96-9 KDKA .. . Pittsbu rg ...... 309 1000 5-11 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 WABC .. . New york ...... 316 5000 S . 6-9 S . 6-9 S. S. 9-1 1 WJAZ ... Chicago 330 1500 5--7 6 10 5--9 5-7 5 7 5 7 WBZ .....Sprin gfield. Mass . . .. 333 2000 6--9 6-9 6--9 6-9 6-10 KFAB ... L incoln . Neb ...... 341 1000 4-7 5--8 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5--9 WLS ... . .Chicago ...... :' 345 5000 6-9 6-9 WWJ . . .. D et r oit .. , .. . .. 353 1000 6-9 6-9 6--9 6-9 6-9 6-9 WDAF ... Kansas City 366 1000 4-7 6--7 5 7 5-8 5 8 5 8 5-8 WJJD ....Moosehe art, III. 370 1000 S. 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 . 6-11 6-11 KFBU ... Laramie. Wyo. 375 500 6--11 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 KTHS ... H ot Springs, Ark .. .. 375 1000 8 10 8 10 8 10 WGY .... Schenectady, N. Y . .. 3110 5000 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-9 7-9 7-10 7-9 WEAR ...Cl ev el and ..... "" ... 389 ,000 6--7 S. 6--9 5--9 5-9 5-9 5--9 WTAM .. .Cl evel a nd ...... 389 1000 5 9 5--6 5 9 6 10 5--9 5 9 6 10 PWX .. .. .H av ana. Cuba ... 400 1000 5-7 5-9 5--8 5-8 5-8 5-8 5--7 CYJ ...... Mexico City ...... 410 1000 5-7 5-8 5-8 5 8 KFQB ... Ft. Wor th, T ex ...... 412 2500 6-10 6--10 6-10 6-10 6-10 WCCO ... St. P au l, Minn ...... 416 5000 5--8 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 KFXF ... D env er ...... 422 500 S . 5 11 5 11 5-11 S. 5 11 5--11 WLW ....Cin cinnati ... 422 5000 4-6 4-7 4-7 4-9 4-10 S. 4-7 WSB .....Atl a n ta, G a . . . ..•. . . 428 1000 4-6 5--9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 WQJ . . ...Chicago ...... 447 500 5 7 S. 7 11 7 11 7 11 7 11 7 12 WMAQ .. Chicago ...... 448 1000 S . 4-5 4-8 4--8 4--8 4--9 4--9 WJZ . .... New York, N . Y . .... 454 50000 4-8 5--9 5-9 5--9 5--9 5--9 5-9 WBAP ... Ft. Worth, T ex. 476 1500 7 9 7 10 7 9 S. 7 10 7-10 7-10 CYL . ... . Mexico City .. . .. 480 1000 7-9 7-9 7-10 7-9 7-9 7-10 WEAF .. .New York C ity . .. 491 5000 5-9 5--9 5-9 5--9 5--9 5--9 WOW . ...Om aha 526 1000 7-9 7-9 7-9 S. 7-9 7-9 7-9 W NYC . . .New York C ity ...... 526 1090 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 WHO .... Des Moines ...... 526 5000 5-8 5 10 5-10 5 10 5-10 5-10 S . KYW .. .. Chicago . " ...... 536 3500 6 9 4--5 6--10 6 10 6 10 6--10 6 10 KSD .. ... St. Lou is ...... 545 500 5--7 6--8 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-8 WOC .. . . ~av e n port, I owa .. . 484 5000 4-9 S . 5 9 5--9 5 9 5-9 5--8 WJR .....Detro it ...... 517 5000 7 8 S. 5 7 7 9 6 7 S . 8 9 WOAI ... S a n Antonio • . Tex . ... 394 5000 5-7 S . 6-8 6-8 6-8 6--8 S , Hour.( ~ h(}tl''' 1 tJ..~ ')uhrn,Uell ttl' Crosley's 6-Tube Batteryless Radios-Childs Lab., 1187 W.24th st F ebruary 26 R adio D oings 39


Buy Y our Radio with a Thought Toward the Future

The Zenith Electric means no charging batteries-No acids­ no run-down batteries-it uses no batteries of any kind.

The Zenith De Luxe Models contain patented 10-tube Cir· cuit-dual speakers-single control-105 to 550 meters. Art Models $685.00 to $2,550.00

Make a comparison with any o ther Radio set- side by side­ in your home. See your n earest dealer for demonstration.

DISTRIBUTORS. CHANSLOR'and LYON CO. 142.,1 S. Grand Ave. Polk at Ellis LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO 40 R adio Doin!(s February 26 February 26 Rndio Doings 41

01eiiiii1ib-1JfiliiliUW Models tchless performanc Matched Unit Radio line includes both one five and six tube . . . . receiving sets in both table and console two types of reproduc.ers, one a new develop­ ment that has splendid performanc.e records .. .. Stewart­ Reproducer - Warner double tubes that have just been reduced in price to Model 415 - 131'.2 Model 300 t= $52.50 $1. 75 each, and " "" ·

Reception reports made by Stewart-Warner owners, even those living in For all its efficiency, Matched Unit Radio is not expensive. Any of the localities where reception conditions are unfavorable, pay splendid tribute Stewart-Warner dealers whose names appear on this pag~ will gladly dem­ to the efficiency of the U. S. Navy receiving circuit incorporated in Stewart­ onstrate Stewart-Warner radio in your own home. Ask your nearest Warner receiving sets .... all of them comment 'favorably on the tone, dealer to also demonstrate the National Home Power Unit for "'A" cur­ rent, and the famous Majestic "B" Eliminator which, with Stewart-Warn~l' volume and selectivity of the receivers and the mellowness of tone devel­ radio, make an unbeatable ·radio combination operating from the electrIC oped in the three reproducer ~odel s. Hghting current in your home.

Lo, Angelflll Dealer. NILSSON & NELSON ARROYO GRANDE. J. D. Truitt EL S EGUNDO. B. W. McAI Ii .ter LONG BEACH. Harold A. Ni cklo REDLANDS. J. L. Yount 4320 Avalon Blvd. Arroyo Grande Plumbing and tlQ Grand Ave. 189 Nieto St. 106 W. Citrus Av •• Electric Sho)) 4TWATER RADIO & ELEC. CO . NORTON & NORTON RIVERSIDE. Frank W. Chanty 2211 N. Broadway EL MONTE. Weaver & Kino LONG BEACH. W. L. Ho rroll 3208 Glendale Blvd. ARTESIA. WIn. B. Hayo. lEI Monte Hdwe. Co.) 740 Pine SI. 996 Muket SI. 325 N . Main St. DEAN K. BARRIS POTTER RADIO SALES CO. GAR DENA, Don spean LYNWOOD. Lynwood Ele •• Co. SAN BERNARDINO. Gurr. SmIth 3100 S. Verwont Av• . 1811 W. Uth BI. BARSTOW. Barltow Radio Shoo 725 W. 165th st. 204 N . Long Beacb Blvd. & Gurr CHAS. A. ROBINSON 139 Fourth St. BENSON HARDWARE COMPANY 4502 S. Normandle BELLFLOWER. Stowart-Warnor GLE NDALE, Alexander Radio SIloDPe NEWHALL. C. E. Graham Radio Shop SAN FERNANDO. Willi. Rowo 416 Sonth Broadway. RADIO ELECTRIC SHOP Alexander Theatre Arcade OCEAN PARK. Cr•• cont Tiro a n~ 182 R. VfIlonnont Ave. Po.clftc and Mayne Sts. 21 0C N. Brand BI.d. Supply Co. SA N GA B RI EL. A. Burman BIRONG & BUSHARD GL EN DALE. Willard Hellman 1711 W. Adama at. A. C. SINGER BREA, Bennett' . Ra~lo Shop Bay and 1I1ain St•. 3560 E. Huntington Dr. 4121 Pasaden .. A ••. (Broadway Elee.) CALIFORNIA RADIO SHOP 129 S. Pomona A'e. 202 E. Broadwa.y ORANGE. Roy De. La,... SAN LUIS OBISPO. Cline Elee. Co. SOUTHWEST ELECTRIC & 986 Monterey St. 601 South Figueroa SI. RADIO CO .. 807 W. Florence Av•. CHATSWORTH. C. H. Pre.ton & Son GLEND ORA. Jame. M. Reed 143 N ..m ... sell SI. IiE RM OSA BEACH. Ro.e Radio Store PALMS. Bricluoll Radio Elet. Co. SAN PED RO. San Podro Furn. Co. CHAPMAN HOUSE SALES CO. THAYER ELECTRIC CO. Radio ComDany 4314-16 S. Figu«oa St. 2908 Whittier Blvd. C~l~'litJi'.0~~ 246 Camino Real 12204 Washington Bh'd. 228 W. Sixth St. VISSER RADIO AND ELEC. GO . HUNTI NGTON PAR K. H. L. (RadIo) . SA NTA ANA. Shafer'. Mu,lc Store CLIFF'S RADIO SERVICE COLTON, H. C. BII .. King PASADENA. Wyckoff & VerrlndOT 415 N. Main St. 2635 Dayton Ave. 4750 Whlttler Blvd. 688 S. Seventh SI. 1441 North Lake St. WEST STATES ELECT. CO. 116 E. Irvington St. SANTA BARBARA. Val Folgor DON FINKLE 4751 South Broadway COMPTON. Modol Eloctrlo Co . HYN ES. Van & Jenkins PASADENA. Premier Radio 132 State BI. 2201 West JeffereoD 138 E. Ma.in st. IN GLE WOOD. R. D. Ayl.'worth 11 Calirornla St. SANTA MARIA. Ford & Smart PASADENA. DeWlid. Radio A. W. COOPER COVINA. Harold R. Hou.or III N. Market St. 118 E. Main BI. 1315 W. 39th St. Hollywood Dealen 115 College St. LA NCASTER. E. A. KnelD Laboratory SANTA MONICA. J. S. Suifa BISHOP. Grilllth Bro •• 2048 East Colorado Ave. 825 WUshlre HARRY SAVOY BARROWS & CONKWRIGHT CULVER CITY. Culver City Radio & LO NE PINE. Grilllth Bros. PASO ROBLES. R. C. Heaton SANTA PAULA. The Mu.lo Shoo 828 W. Jefferson St. a545 Sunset Bird. Elee. Co. . LONG BEACH. Alday & CrandoW PI CO. Pico Radio Shop 104 W. Main 51. HOLLAND ELECTRIC SHOP DORAN 'S ELECTRIC SHOP 6715 Washington Blvd. 1118 American Ave. POMONA. George W. Hiatt SATICOY, H. H. Wright 1515 SUnset Blvd. LONG BEACH, The EI ..trlque 183 E. ThIrd St. S b:th and D St&. 5632 ~... adena Ave. DORAN'S ELEOTRIC SHOP E~~I\EE~~I~KROC'te1r:'~d& King Radio Co. REDONDO. L. & L. Sale. Co. TAFT. L. H. BI .... HIDLEY RADIO & BI KE HOUSE 8030 Santa MonJea Blvd. 1719 1;;. Anabeim 210 Diamond St. 610 Center St. 811 South Main SI. GLOW ELECTRIC CO. TONOPAH, NEVADA HINES RADIO 5910 Hollywood Blvd. To.opah Eloctrlc Company 1322 South Broadw~ MELROSE RADIO SHOP UPLAND, Jay M. ROil 5008 Melrose A.e. INTERPHONE ELECTRIC CO. VENICE. stewart· Warner Ra.. o 5510 Monte Vista St. ~~~ StudiO Southern California 1029 Waohlnglon Blvd. LOVINGER'S MELROSE RADIO tributors Stewart-Warner Radio} WALNUT PAPK. Tormlnal Elottrio SHOP, 4436111elroso Ave. Deale,., 1806 Bevill. Bt. MANGHESTER RADIO CO. ANGELES WESTMINSTER. Martin En,tl 1522 E. Maoohester A.o. ALHAMBRA, LoRoy Q. Franklin Street .-- Los WHITTIER. H. C. Oldham 844 W. Main. 128 S. Greenleaf MOHAWK BAT. & RAD. CO . ANAHEIM, Bennolt'. Rodl. Shoo ~1l5 Sunset Blvd. WILMINITON. I . F. ClaUlI" 220 Cent.,. St. 118 W . Anallof.. 5t. 42 Radio Doings February 26 Los Angeles, California-467 Meters 4000 WATTS-640 KILOCYCLES Radio Central Super-Station of Earle C. Anthony, Inc. 1000 S. Hope. Phone WE. 0331. After P. P.M., WE. 0337 Class "B" 5000-Watt W. E . Sta., Operating on 4000 Watts KFI ROBERT HURD, Program Manager DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 6:15 p. m .-Radiotoria!. 6:30 p. ro.-Vest Pocket. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY- Announcer KFI Woman's Interest Dept. Under the Direction of Agnes White. 10:20 to 10:40 a. m.- Furnishings for the home by Agnes White, director of the Dept. 10:40 to 11 :00 a. m.-Betty Crocker-Gold Medal Flour Home Service Talks. 11 :10 to 11 :30 a. m.-Food talks by Agnes White. WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 10:00 a . m.-Churc h services under direction of L. A . Church Federation. 11 :00 a . m.-Sercies by ·the Temple Baptist Church. 2:50 p . m.-San· Francisco Symphony Orchestra, Alfred Hertz director, presented by Stand· a rd Oil Company of California, broadcast s imultaneously by KFI, KPO and KGO. 6:00 p O'm.-Program by the Russian Academy of Musical Art Trio, featuring Boris Myro- noff, piano ; Hischa Speigel, violin, and Alex Borrisoff. 'cello. 7 :00 p. m.-Evelyn Mason Jubilee Quartet, with soloists. 8:00 p. m .-Packard Class ic Hour, a rranged b y Carl Edward Hatch. 9:00 p. m.-Bob Bottg e:.r and V e n etians Dance Orchestra. 10:00 p. m.-Packard Six Orchestra, Bill Hennessy director. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 5:30 p . m.-Virgil Ray's Winter Garden Orchestra. 7:00 p . m.-Starke Sisters (Minnie a nd Maude); Hale Hooper, tenor. 8:00 p. m.-Kitty Shor,t, soprano : Leon Goldwasser, violinist; May Orcutt. accompanist ; 9:00 p. m.-Mrs. Edward C. Crossman, contra lto; Ruth Rodec ker, mezzo soprano ; Fred Scott, tenor. 10:00 p. m.-Program by Meiklejohn Bros. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 5:30 p. ro.-The Dragon Hawaiians. 7:00 p. m.-Jack Martin's Hawaiian Trio; Joey Star a nd his orchestra. 8:00 p . ro.-Gattone String Quartet. with Virginia Flohri, soprano, a nd Will Garroway, pianist. 900 p. m .-Thomas Wallace, baritone; Leontine Redon, mezzo soprano ; Leoline Walton, con cert pianist. 10:00 p. m .-Prog ram the Azure Music Club ; Glenn Edmunds a nd his Collegians, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 5:30 p . m.-Matinee program. 7:00 p. m.-Ray Fisher's Original Mi ctorians Dance Orchestra. 7:30 p. m.-Nick Harris, dete ctive stories. 7 :45 p . ro.-William MacDougall, Scotch comedian . 8:00 p. m .-Alma Frances Gordon, con t ra lto ; Calp et S trin g Quartet. Ray Bailey director ; Paul Roberts, tenor; Lilyan Ariel, pianist, on the California Petroleum Corporation program. 9:00 p. m .-Los A n geles, Philharm onic Orchestra, Walter Henry Rothwell conductor; Vir· ginia Flohri, soloist, with the orchestra, presenting the prog ram from the stage of the Philharmonic Auditorium, by the Standard Oil Company of California, broadcast simul · taneously by KFI and KPO. THURSDAY, MARCH 3~ · 5 :30 p . m.-Sebastian's Cotton Club Orchestra. 7:00 p . ro.-Program by the University of Southern California. 8:00 p. ro.-KFI Drama Hour;Crace Mead, soprano. 9:00 p. m .-J. Maurice Woods, baritone: Bonnie Adair; Silvertone Ladies' Quartet. 10:00 p. m .-Johnston and Farrell's Music Box Hour, Director Gene Johnston, FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 5:30 p . ro.-Henry Starr, pianist and v o calist. 7:00 p. ro.-Aeolia n organ recital. 8:00 p. m .-Progr am by Paul Roberts and Leslie Adams. 9:00 p. m .-Monrovia High School Orchestra. 10:00 p . m.-Packard Ballad Hour : Emma Kimmel, sopra no ; Harry Rowe, barito,)e; SATURDAY MARCH 5- . 5:30 p. m .-Mosby·s H~t Five Dance Orchestra. 7 :30 p . m.-Felipe Delgado; Media Hora Espanola; Edna Clark Murr pianist. 8:00 p . JTl .-Mission Bell Orchestra, Pryor Moore. director; Matilda Presant, soprano; Rob. e rt Hurd. tenor: Ferenz Steiner, 'cellist, on a program by the Los Angeles Soap Com­ pany, broadcast simulta neously by KFJ. Los Angeles, and KPO, San Francisco. 9 :00 p. m.-Alma Frances Gordon, contra lto ; Lilyan Ariel, pia nist. 10:00 p . m .-Packard R a dio Club. 11 :00 p . m.-Midnight Frolic., Cot>,,~il!ht 1ge7 h l1nrl~ C. A .. tho.w. r .., P~og~a", Published as Submitted by the Station. Good Territory Still Open to Live Dealers

~""I--"""l~r- j!'l

Victor loudspeaker ~ Rola cone speakers Kellogg Console Model, shown above, R. C. A . contains Speaker of "folded air column" type; amplifies all frequencies impartial­ radiotrom ly and delivers tone exactly as broadcast. Eveready N on-microphonic - cannot squeal or batteries howl. . Philco Without Accessories, $375.00. batteries and Table Model, Without Accessories. $230.00. socket powers Coast Distributors- Westinghouse "Auto-Power" A-Battery eliminators Sherman,tlay & CO. All-American B-Battery !/iBor DistributorJ eliminators Los Angeles: 10th and Santee Sts. O'Neil San Francisco: 536 Mission St. cone loud­ Oakland: 5175 Telegraph Ave. Portland, 487 Glison St. speakers Seattle: Republican St. and Terry Ave. Brach Spokane: 330 West Sprague Ave. relay switches Gilfillan For information as to DEALER TERRITORY clip and mail thi. to nearest Sherman Clay & Co. wholesale branch. (R. D.) receiver ,Kellogg Name ___ recei.ver Address ______

Interested i~ ______

Adv.399 44 Radio Doings F ebrum-y 26 Los Angeles, California-405.2 Meters 500 WATTS- 740 KILOCYCLES Times Bldg., Firs t and Broadway, Los Angeles Owned a nd Operated by Los Angeles Times KHJ JOHN S . DAGGETT, Manager and Program Announcer Phone MEt. 0700 " 1\ ;n(lu es .~. lIappill Pss and .I oy"

NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY- 7:30 p. m .-Scripture Reading.

WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 10:00 a . m,-Sermon from the KHJ Studio by Dr. Charles F . Hutslar. pastor of Was hington Christian Church of Pasadena. 10:30 a. m.-Morning services from the First M. E. Church, Sibley C. Pease, organist. 7 :00 to 8:00 p. m .-Evening services from the First M. E. Church. 8 :00 to 10:00 p . m.-News items. Program featuring Burr Mcintosh from 6: 15 to 8 :45 . called "Cheerful Philosopher" : Frederick MacMurray, viola; Lou ise Miller, .tudio pianist. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 8:00 p. m .-News items and weather report. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 2:30 p . m.-Bridge game. 6:00 to 6:30 p. m.-KHJ Trio and J, Walter Leopold. 6 :30 p. m.-Queen Titania and her Sandman; Charles D , McRoy'. Harmonica Band ; George Kerr, mandolin soloist; Be tty Jane Uhl, juvenile pianist, and others. 7:40 p . m .-H. M, R obertson will speak on "Dogs." 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.-News items. Program by Pokrov.ky Ins titute of Music. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Musical prog ram with visiting artists from KOIL, Counc il Bluffs. la . 10:00 p . m .-Los Angele. Railway Orchestra. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 2:30 p . m .-Garden talk by Fred McNabb. 6:00 to 6:30 p. m.-KHJ Trio and J . Walter L eopold. 6 :30 to 7 :40 p. m .-Children's program presenting Dick Winslow, screen juvenile; Glenn Fitz. "Optimistic Mascot"; Patricia Eccleston. " Little Daffodil"; Lois Jane Campb ell, "Brown Eye.... and Vivian Marple, "Blue Bell of KHJ." 7 :40 p. m .-Dr. Mars Baumgardt. "Astronomy." 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-News items, Program presen ted by Tyroleon Zith er Club. 10:00 to 11 :00 p. m .-Jinnistan Vale Orchestra.

THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 6:00 to 6:30 p. m.-KHJ Trio and J . Walter L eopold. 6:30 p .m.-Children's program including Joyce Coad, "Little R ed Riding Hood"; June Brandon, contralto; Dickie Brandon, reader ; Rosetta Lewin, "Curley Locks,'" and Jeanne DeBard, "Bonnie Jeanne," and others. 7:40 p . m .-Dr. Philip M. Lovell, "Care of the Body." 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-News items and de luxe program presenting Zoellner Quartet, Leo H. Sansiper, Russian baritone. 9:00 p . m.-Arthur Edwin Wake. assistant pastor of Wilshire Presbyterian Church. 10:00 to 11 :00 p. m.-Glenn Edmund. and his Varsity Four.

FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 6:00 to 6:30 p. m .-KHJ Trio and J, Walter Leopold. 6 :30 p . m .-Children's program presenting Marguerite Bringham, "Nightingale"; Henrietta Poland, "Forget. Me.Not"; Richard Headrick, "Little Minister"; Roberta Bush. "Firefly" : Catherine Cotter, "Sweetheart bf Radioland" : Billy Lord. "Police Comrade"; Margaret Bond. violinist; Bettiemae Pfefferkorn, "Bob o' Link:' 8:00 to 10:00 p . m.-News items. Musical prog ram presenting Crace Currey, harpist : Dot Street, soprano, and others. 9 :00 p.m ..-Talk on international relations" SATURDAY, MARCH S- 6:00 to 6:30 p. m .-KHJ Trio and J. Walter Leopold. 6:30 p. m .-Children 's program presenting Nona Clapp, "Sullshine Fairy"; Marjorie Gene· vieve Lowe, "June Bug"; Dolly Wright, "Dolly of Radioland"; Arthur Stevens. " King Arthur"; Mercedes Marlowe, "Boy Girl," and Clark Paschal, .axophon e .oloist, accom­ panied by Le Ella Walmsley, and other •. 8 :00 to 10:00 p. m.-Lo • . Angele. R ailway Hawaiian Quartet; Mr. and Mr •. Benjamin Sear•• old· time fiddlers, and their Husking Bee Da n cers, a nd E . A. Mulford, "Dixie Dan." and others. Program Published as Submitted by (he Station. Februm-y 26 Radio Doings 45

The Catalina Island SwilD One of these sets accompanied Mrs. Margaret Hauser in her swim. Several of the swimmers had this spt on their pilot boat.

The COIUpanionablelSet Ligh, weight-easily handlell-can be taken any place. />erfect reproduction, selectivity, volume; bealttifully designet/. Will Fit in Any Setting. The Lowest Priced Set of Its Kind on ·the Markel,. ON DISPLAY IN LOS ANGELES AT The Ambassador Hotel The Biltmore Hotel Subway Terminal Waiting Room (hetween 4th and sth on Hill St.) J 3 Mercantile Arcade Distributed b y Johnson Radio Co., 688 Gear" Street, San Francisco The Radio Studios, 1207 Fourth Ave.• Seattle KEMPER RADIO LABORATORY 1236 Santee St. LOS ANGELES WEstmore 2504 Makers of Kemper Ampliphonic Console 46 Radio Doings F ebruary 26 Hollywood, California- 337 Meters 750 WATTS-890 KILOCYCLES L OS ANGE LES E VENING EXPRESS Paul G. H offman's Stu d ebaker Bldg., 6116 Hollywood Blv d., H olly wood. Phone HEm s t ead 4101 KNX NAYLOR R OGE RS, Manager a nd P r ogr am Dire ctor GLEN RICE, Asst . Manager. "Tile Voice 0/ lIollywood" DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 8:00 a. m.-Inspirational talk and morning prayer. 8:15 a. m.-Time signals from Washington, D. C., followed b y Birthday notices. 9:00 a. m.-Radio Shopping News, conducted by Carey Prest o n Rittenmeister. 10:00 a. m.-Town CrIer of the Day and his pals. 10 :30 a. m.-Kate Brew Vaughn, Director Household Economics D ep t., Evenin g Express. except Friday and Saturday. 12:00 noon-Magnavox Radio Orchestra, George Redman. director. 12:30 p. m.-W. F . Alder Travelogue. 1 :30 p. m .-The Book Worm. 2:00 p. m.-George Redma n 's Concert Orchestra playing from Leighton's Arcade Cafet eria . 4:00 p. m.-Lost and Found Column. 4:55 p. m.-Market reports. 5:00 to 5:45-"Optimist Daily Message." 5 :45 p. m.-The Town Tattler. 6 :00 to 6:30 p . m.-Biltmore Concert Orchestra. 6:30 p. m.-Dinner hour concert, presenting the Yale Radio Battery Orchestra. WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRU ARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 10:00 a. m.-Fir.t Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, Rev. Stewart P . MacLennan. 2:00 to 4 :00 p. m.-City Park Board musical program. 4:00 p . m.-Roberts Golden State Band. 5:15 p. m.-All Souls Church. 6 :30 p. ro.-First Unitarian Church. 7:00 p . m.-First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, Rev. Stewart P . Mac Lennan. 8:00 p. m.-Circle Theatre Concert Orchestra Rnd organ recita1. 9:00 p. m.-Feature program. M ON DAY, FEBRUARY 28- 3:00 p. m.-First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood. 7:00 p . m.-George J. Birkel Music Co. courtesy prog ram...... 7:30 p. m.-Playlet. courtesy Overell Furniture Company. 8:0 0 p. m.-L. W. Stockwell Company courtesy program. 9:00 p. m.-B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co. of Akron, Ohio. 10:00 p. m.-KNX Feature Program. 11 :00 p. m.-Hotel Ambassador; Gus Arnheim's Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 3:00 p. m.-Combined program of the Police and Fire Departments. 4:00 p. m.-Radio Matinee with Lo..uise Howatt, contralto. 7 :00 p . m .-Wilshire lonaco Company. • 8:00 p . m.-Feature program. 10:00 p. m.-Hotel Ambassador: Cus Arnheim's Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 3:00 p. m.-Paul Hugon. 3:30 p . m.-Musical prog ram. 4 :00 p. m.-Edward Murphy in 55 minutes of "What Have You." 7:00 p . m .-George J. Birkel Music Co. courtesy program. 7:30 to 10:00 p. m .-Feature programs. t 1 :00 p. m.-Hotel Ambassador; Cus Arnheim's Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 11 :00 a. m.-Nature talk, courtesy Marvel Ant Gelatine Co. 7:00 p. m.-Carthay Circle Theatre organ recita1, courtesy Over ell Furniture Co. 8:00 p. m.-Bert Farrar, Inc., courtesy program. 9:00 to 11 :00 p. m.-Feature program. 11 :00 po m .-Hotel Ambassador; Cus Arnheim's Cocoanut Crove Orchestra. F R IDAY, MARCH 4- 3:00 p. m.- L. A. District Federation of Women's Clubs musical program. 4:00 p . m.-Boy Scouts' musical program. 7:00 p. m.-Fitzgerald Music Company. 7:30 p. m .-Dearden's Furniture Company. 8:00 p. m.-Davis Perfection Bread Co. courtesy program. 9:00 p . m .-Feature program. 10 :00 p. m .-Main events from the American Legion Stadium. 11 :00 p . mo-Hotel Ambassador; Gus Arnheim's Cocoanut Crove Orchestra. SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 3:0 0 p. m.-Town Crier of the Day and his Pals. 7:00 p. m.-StlVies of insect life by Harry W. McSpadden. 7:15 p. m .-Announcement of Sunday services of the leading Los Angeles church es. 7:3 0 to 9:00 p. ro.-Feature programs. 10 :00 p. mo-Hotel Ambassador; Cus Arnheim's Cocoanut C r ove Orchestra. 11 :00 p. m.-KNX Frolic from the main studio. Pr()lI"am Published as S "J>mi"" loy ,It, ,S ..fio ... February 26 Radio Doings 47 ArwATERKENT RADIO For Every Need

Atwater Kent Receivers, built in three models, two of which are illustrated here, all have exceptional characteristics which place them on a plane unattained by any other radio at what­ ever price. One feature alone, the practical, workable REAL One - Dial Control distin­ guishes Atwater Kent from all others. Half a turn of the single dial covers the e n t ire broadcast range, each station coming in clearly and sharply with­ out mingling with any other station. Model H You will never tire of Radio Speaker the sensation of .• clollling $'22 the roll," - samplin"g the programs of each station that's on the air and with­ in range, and turning back to the one of your choice instantly. Your nearest Atwater Kent Dealer will be glad to have you try any model. All models can be equipped to operate from a light socket or batteries. RAY-moMAS INC. tJ.twater Kent Distributor 1148 SHope St. WE 6334 LOS ANGELES 48 R adio D oings F ebruary 26 Hollywood, California- 252 Meters 500 WATTS-lI90 KILOCYCLES WARNER BROS. MOTION PICTURE STUDIOS W a rner B r os. West Coast St udio. 5842 Sunset Blvd. GERALD L. KING. Mgr. WM. RAY. Asst . Mgr. Phone GL. 9461 KFWB " Movie Land" DAILY EXCEPT S UNDAY- 12:30 t o 1 :30 p. m.-Classified Hour. 5 :40 to 6:00 p . m .-Beauty Talk. 6:00 t o 7 :00 p . m .-Pontiac Six Dinner Hour. 10:00 to 11 :00 p . m .-Musical pro gram fro m Mayfair Hotel. GER ALD L. KI NG 11 :00 t o 12:00 p . m .-Dan ce music from E I Patio Ballroom. MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY- tU(lIl~, ger 5 :00 t o 5 :40 p. m .-Children·s Hour. W EEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1927 S UNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7- 2 :00 t o 3:00 p. m.- Organ recital, from organ in Roosevelt Memorial Park. 8:30 to 9:00 p. m.-Program by courtesy of the Southern California Music Co. 9:00 t o 11 :00 p . m .- Warner Bros. F rolic. MONDAY, F E BRUARY 28- 8:00 to 9 :00 p . m .-LeRoy Kullberg, Jackie Lucas. Warner Bros. Dance Orchestra. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Frank Barry. tenor; Warn er Bro • . European Novelty Orchestra. T UESDAY, MARCH 1- 4:45 to 5 :00 p . m.-Dr. L. P. Clark on " Diet:' 7:00 t o 7 :30 p . m.-Program by courte.y of the Southern California Music Company. 7 :30 t o 8 :00 D . m .-Warner Bros. Orchestra. 8:00 t o 9:00 p. m.-Adolph Treusch. popular .ongs; Georgia Brazell, blue. songs; Warner Bros. O rchestra. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Patrick O·Neil. tenor; Margaret Melrose. .oprano: Warner Bros . String Trio. WEDNESDAY, M ARCH 2- 7 :00 t o 7:30 p . m.-Thirty minu tes of .un shine by Charles W . Hamp. 7 :30 to 8 :00 p. m .-Warner Bros. Orchest ra. 8 :00 to 9 :00 p. m .-Ken neth Gallum. popular .ong.; Rutch Michelson. b lues son gs; W ar­ ner Bro • . Orchestra. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Byrle Colby. ballad.; Charles BeauchamP. tenor; Warner Bro • . String Trio. . THURSDAY. MARCH 3-i 7:00 t o 7 :30 p. m.-Program by courtesy of the Southern California Music Compan y. 7 :30 t o 8 :00 p . m.-Warner Bros. Orche.tra. 8 :00 t o 9 :00 p. m .-Virginia King. Charlie Cole. Warner Bro • . Orch estra. 9 :00 to 10 :00 p. m .-Ina Mitchell Butler. ballads: Edwin Sonntag. bar itone: Warner Bro • . String Trio. FRIDAY. MARCH 4- 7 :00 to 7 :30 p. m .-Warner Bros. Orchestra; Jack Medford. popular songs. 7 :30 t o 8:00 p. m .-Program by courte.y of the La Vina Investmen t Company. 8 :00 to 9:00 p. m .-Inez King. popular son gs; LeR oy Kullbe r g a nd his u k u lele. 9 :00 t o 10:00 p . m .-Melody Makers' Hour; stu d io chatter at 9:30. SATURDAY MARCH ~ 7:00 t o 8:00 p.m.-Carl Dye and his Melody Makers; Harry Monahan. popular songs. 8:00 t o 9 :00 p. m .-Program by courtesy of the Mon a Motor Oil Company. featuring Julius Phillips, Luella James, Mona Motor Oil Compan y Trio. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-J<.:>hn Canton, tenor; Catherine Melville, .oprano: Warner Bros. Strin g Trio. ProgrtJm P"l>lished as S"lmsilted by the Statio" CROSLEY SPECIALISTS PERFECT TONE, SELECTIVITY, STABILITY and DISTANCE Are the results of our exact balancing. Have your Crosley improved at nominal cost. Satisfaction guaranteed. Open evenings. CHILDS LADORATORY 1187 W . 24th St. BEacoD 7445 Lo. An.ele., Calif. F ebrum-y 26 Radio Doings 49 Is Your Radio Set Up-to-date?

Type CX-371 Power There is as much difference Type CX-300-A Super Sensitive Detector in· Tube will carry with­ between a receiver that has creases t h e volume out d;stortion 20 times power output equipment and eq ual to that obtained as much volume as by add i n g another one that lacks it as there is stage of radio fre­ the CX-301-A. Can quency amplification. be adapted to any set between a clear November No change in set con· using 6·volt storage morning and a foggy winter ~tr l1 ct ion necessary. Price $4.00. battery. Price $4.50. ni ght. Power equipment gives your receiver tone qual­ ity. Use CX-371 or CX-11 2 in the last audio stage to feed th e loud speaker.

Co nsult your radio dea ler. He will tell you thl' right combination of Cunningham Radio Tubes for your receiver


Type CX-220 Powel Typc CX-1I2 Power Tube for dry cell op· Tub e is especially erated sets, has ap· adapted to lower pow­ proximately 4 titne~ ered receivers where the volume of the C high amplification and or CX-299. E a s i J y In flip O"a7/ge and Bhu not volume capacity is adapted to any ,et. required. Price $4.50. Cartons Price $2.5 0.

Cunningham Tube Distributors fOI' Southenz California WESTERN RADIO, Inc. Distributors of Fine Radio Merchandise Since 1919 1224 Wall Street WEstmore . LOS ANGELES 3338 11 sk Your Dealer 11 bout Westerl1 Radio Classified Tube Sn'vice 50 Radio DoinJ(s February 26 Hollywood, California-370.2 Meters

1025 N. Highl~T!5v;E.~;~!!~~ne HOlly 3028 Owned ad Operated by C. C. JULIAN KMTR F ORBES W . V AN WHY, Engineer-in-Charge DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 7:30 to 8:00 a. m.-J. C. Casey in Setting·up Exercise •. 12:00 to 12:30 p. m.-Leighton's Arcade Cafeteria Orchestra. 12:30 to 1 :30 p . m.-Who's Who Program. 1 :30 to 2 :30 p. m.-Radio Press Hour. 2:30 to 3:30 p. m.-Palais de Dance. G. ALLISON PHELPS 3:30 to 4 :00 p. m.-Whispering J ack Don. Manager and Announce r 4:00 to 4:15 p. m.-Vacation Days. 5:00 to 5:30 p. m .-Home Hour. 5:30 to 6 :00 p. m .-White King Male Quartet. 6:00 to 6:15 p . m ,-Nightly Doings. 6:15 to 7:00 p. m.-Leighton's Arcade Cafeteria Orchestra. 7:00 to 7:30 p. m.-Musical Prog ram. 10:00 to 11 :00 p. m.-Millers Lafayette Cafe Orchestra. 11 :00 to 12:00 midnight-Palais de Dance. . WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 5:30 to 6:15 p . m.-White King Male Quartet, courtesy Los Angeles Soap Co. 6:15 to 6:30 p. m.-Nightly Doings. 6:30 to 7:00 p.m.-Leila Castberg's Half Hour, "Enlightened Selfishness." 7:00 to 8:00 p . m.-Miller's Lafayette Cafe Concert Orchestra. 8:00 to 9:30 p. m .- Concert Period. Jack Cronshaw's Orchestra. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 7:30 to 8:00 p. m.-Lavine Investment Compan y. courtesy program. 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.-Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Company program. 9:00 to 10:00 p . m .- Precision Electric Company, courtesy program. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 10:00 to 10:15 a. m.-Fifteen Minutes of Sunshine by Charles Hamp. 10:45 to 11 :00 a. m.-Georgia O. George, "Physiology and Psychology of Beauty." 11 :00 to 12:00 noon-Mme. Alene's Talk. 7:30 to 8:00 p. m.-Campbell and Ginder courtesy program. 8:00 to 9:00 p . m.-Maxwell House Coffee Orchestra and assisting artists. 9:00 to 10:00 p . m.-Courtesy program. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 4:30 to 5:00 p. m.-Dr. Wesley M. Barrett, "Perfect Eye·Sight without Glasses." 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.-Safeway Stores courtesy program. 9:00 to 10:00 p . m .-Sponsored program. THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 10:00 to 10:15 a. m .-Fifteen Minutes of Sunshine b6' Charles Hamp. 7:30 to 8:00 p . m .- Winslow B:.Felix, Chevrolet courtesy program . 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Ruth Roland night. FRIDAY, MARCH 4-- 1 :00 to 1 :30 p. m.-H. L. Copson Body and Top Works courtesy program. 7:30 to 8:00 p . m.-Thirty Minutes of Sunshine by Charles Hamp. 8:00 to 9:00 p . m.-Alta Club Ginger Ale program. 9:00 to 10:00 p . m.-Income Realty and Construction Company courtesy program. SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 10:00 to 10:15 a. m .-Charles Hamp, director of Radio activities for t h e lona Company. 7:30 to 7 :40 p. m.-Sheriff's Office, Bureau of Public Relations. 7:40 to 8:00 p. m.-KMRT Movie Club program. 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.- Campbell & G inder courtesy program. Program Published as SlIbmitted by the Statim •.

SHEPHERD RADIO SERVICE Authorized Dealer for .stromberg-Carlson, Federal Ortho-Sonic Receiving Sets We specialize in correcting balky receivers. Super-Heterodynes. Infradynes, Roberts, etc., made to perform efficiently. Transformers Matched, Coils Balanced Phone Us Your Troubles. Our Service Will Please Batteries Changed, Tubes Reactivated. Work Called for and Delivered GRanite 7482 7562 Sunset Boulevard' HoIlywood, California F ebt'uary 26 Radio Doings 51 Selling Like Hot Cakes ' The Powell '8' Eliminator

Uncondition­ ally 25 Guaranteed $12

Absolutely No Hum Operates any set from light socket without the use of expensive and troublesome "B" batteries. A large surplus of power at 1 00 volts and at a cost of only a few cents a year. MORE 'VOLUME MbRE DISTANCE GREATER SATISF ACTION BETTER QUALITY BETTER PRICE No Tubes, No Acid and Nothing Else to Buy A ten-day trial with absolute salisfaction or money back

GUARANTEE This instrument is the result of months of experimenting and exhaustive tests. The best of materials and workmanship have been combined to insure its satisfaction with the user and it is guaranteed unconditionally for one year. If for any reason it fails to perform satisfactorily it should be returned to the seller, who is instructed to repair or replace, free of charge.

Call or Telephone VErmont 1619 for Information Powell Manufacturing Co. 4009 S. We.stern Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. 52 Radio Doin!(s February 26 Los Angeles, California- 294 Meters 750 WATTS-I020 KILOCYCLES BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES MR. M. E. CARRIER, Manager KTBI PROF. H. G. TOVEY, Director of Programs Phone ME. 6701 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 8:45 to 9:15 a. m.-Devotional Hour. 2:00 to 3:00 p . m.-Insplrational Hour. DAILY EXCEPT FRIDAY AND SUNDAY- &1. E. CARRIER 7:15 to 8:00 p . m.- Aunt Martha's Children's Hour. ..4nnouncer WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 10:45 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.-Re gular s e·rvice of the Church of the Open Door. 3:00 to 4:00 p . m.-Jewish Radio Hour. Rev. Da vid L. Coope r and assistants. 6:00 to 7:00 p . m .-Radio Vespe r Se rvice. Se rmon by Dr. Ralph Atkinson. 7 :15 to 9:30 p . m.- Regula r evening service of the Church of the Open Door. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.- Bible exposition b y Dr. W . E . McCulloch . TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 8:00 to 9:00 p . m.-Bible expos ition b y Dr. W . E . McCulloch WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 9:15 to 9:45 a. m.-Sylv ia·s Rainbow H our. 8:00 to 9:00 p. m .-Bible exposit io n b y Dr. John Mc Neill. THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 8:00 to 9 :00 p . m.- Bible exp ositio n b y Dr. \V. E. Mc Culloch . FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 9:15 to 9:45 a. m .-Sylv ia·s Rainbow H our. 6:15 to 7:00 p . m .-Aunt Mu rtha 's Children's Hour. 7:00 to 8 :00 p . m.- Exposition of Interna t iona l Sunday Schoo l lesson b y Rev. Hubbard. 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.- Bible expos ition b y Dr. John Mc Neill. p,.og,am Published as Submitted h the Statio ... Los Angeles, California- 2?5.1 Meters 500 WATTS-l090 KILOCYCLES ANGELUS TEMPLE, ECHO PARK. Phone DR. 2560 AIMEE SEMPLE McPHERSON, Founder, Pre.ident ESSIE BINKLEY, Program Manager ESTHER FRICKE GREENE, Organist KFSG GLADWYN N. NICHOLS, Musical Director & Announcer UFour Square Gospel" DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY- 10:30 to 11 :30 a. m.-Sunshine Hour. 11 :30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.- Noonday Musical. 6:30 to 7:30 p . m.-Angelus Hour. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY- 2:30 to 3:30 p . m.- Gray Studio Program. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 10:30 to 12:30 p. m.-Sunday morning worship, Evangelist A. G. Garr. 2:30 to 4:30 p . m,-Afternoon Dispensational service by A. G. Garr. 6:30 to 8:00 P. m,-Muslcal Hour. Angelus Temple Band and Choir. 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.-Revival service by A. G. Garr. 10:00 to 11:00 p. m.-Organ recital by E.ther Fricke Greene. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 3:30 to 4:30 p. m.-Vesper Hour. Organ recital by B. Earnest Bal1 .. rd. 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.-Evangellotlc .ervlce by .tudent evangell.t • . THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 2:30 to 5:30 p. m.-Divine Healing Service by A . G. Garr. 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.-Regula r mld· week prayer service by A. G. Garr. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 3:30 to 4:30 p. m.-Vesper Hour. Organ recital by B. Earnest Ballard. 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.-Regular Water Baptismal service. A. G. Garr. 9:15 to 10:00 p. m.-Gray Studio Program. 10:00 to 11 ,00 p. m,-Organ recital by Esther Fricke Greene. FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 3:30 to 4:30 p. m.-Vesper Hour. Organ recital by Eother Fricke Greene. 7:30 to 9:30 p, m.-Crusader Rally. Sermon by A. G. Garr. 10:00 to 1.1:00 p. m.-Back Home Hour. SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 3:30 to 4:30 p, m,-The ChUdren'. Happy Hour. 7130 to 9:30 p. m.-Divtne HeAUnll Service. eonduct~d bv A. G . Carr. Progra'H P ublished a.< Submifted b- tlte Stario ... F ebruary 26 R adio D oings 53

One#lDial THE PIONEER ONE-DIAL SET Any of the following dealers will be glad to demonstrate a set . for you. Once demonstrated, you will buy. LOS ANGELES SOLANO BEACH. I. E. Connor R. C. Larkin CALEXICO, City Electric Co. 4285 Beverly Blvd. 313 Second St. Mohawk Battery & Radio 21 15 Sunset Blvd. INDEPENDENCE, Sterlin. Bros. L. A. Duncan Gllraee 2891 West Pico BISHOP, Exide Bllttery Shop Bob Brown SAN CLEMENTE, Slln Clemente 4353 South Figueroa St. Electric Shop Monarch Radio Company LONE PINE, JlUIlea G. Ducker 2189 W. Washington Blvd. MONROVIA, J. H. Terry L & Y Electric Co. 4 I 6 South Myrtle 8864 West Pica MONTERE.Y PARK- O' Neal's Ra­ NormaDdie R ..dio dio & Bicycle Shop, 2033 South 5069 Hollywood Blvd Garfield Ave. Barney ClUIlpbeU SANTA BARBARA, Chllnnel Elec­ 8210 Sunset Blvd. tric Co., 523 Anacapa St. Top Nptch Radio SANTA PAULA, Kit Caraon 747 S. Main St. SANTA MONICA Bay Diat. Dealer, ANAHEIM, Schmidt Muaic Co. Warren Radio Shop, '548 '7th St. 2 I 7 'West Center SEAL BEACH, D . . W. Collier GLENDALE--Alexander Radio 32' Main St. Shop, 2 I 6 North Brand LOMITA, Calkina Hdwe. Co. WHITTIER, H. D. Squire. TORRANCE, De Bra Radio Co. 2 I 8 South Greenleaf BELLFLOWER, S. E. Moore LONG BEACH, R. W. HaynM 6' 7 Somenet St. 137 Eaat Fourth SAN PEDRO, Journey Electric Co. CARLSBAD. Stllndard Gara... 380 Sixth St. WILMINGTON-Kelm Radio SANTA PAULA-Kit Canon PASADENA ONTARIO-Davia Electric Co Lee Radio 922 E. Colorado SAN DIEGO Wilaon Music Co. Nelaon Radio 180 E. Colorado Faina Radio Shop Rlldio Doc FILLMORE, M. D. 8uolo '581 Wlllnut St. COOK-NICHOLS CO. 411 S. San Pedro St_ 482 S. Fair Oak. Ave. Los Angeles,' Cal. Pasadena, Cal. 54 Radio Doings February 26 Hollywood, California-226 Meters 1641 North Argyle Ave., Hollywood, Californja GLadstone 3197; GLadstone 3198 DAVE WARD, Program Director and Announcer L. E . TAFT, Technical Engineer KFQl " The Palace Bung alow S tudio" DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 12:00 to 1 :00 p . m .-Los A n geles Mercha nts' and Ma nufactu re rs H O U T. 6 :00 to 7:00 p . m .-Mus ical Hour. Dav" Ward WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7- 8 :00 p . m .-Aram Galanian's O r ch estra and AI F lan igan. soloist. 9 :00 p. m .-Dave Ware! and h is Yellow J acket.; V irginia King. accom panied by Mable K in g; J oe H awley, a n d AI Y b arra. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 7 :30 p . m .-Joe Kalihi's H awaiian Trio, a n d Kath rin e Williamson. 8:00 p. m .-Semi·c1assical Hou r by Myra Belle Vick er s. 9:0 to 11 :000 p. m .-Dave Ward and his Yellow J ack ets; L . A. R a ilway Q ua rte l. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- . 7:00 p. ro.-War ren P e t er s o n and Bud Overbeck. 7 :30 p . m.-Wilshire IO.nico lecture. 8:00 p . m .-R ebroadcast o f eastern statio n . 9:00 p. m .-Police a n d Fire J oint progra m, Officer Robt. F . T racy. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 7 :00 p . m .-Dr. Rudolph H. Gerber. 7:30 p . m.-Ed Pose and H elen Boyd. 8:00 p . m .-R eder. Orchestra and Art Goodstein. 9:00 p . m.- Dave Ward a n d h is Yellow J ocket., Hon eywell Twins, H elen McColl a nd Vi r · g in ia K ing accompanied by Mable K in g. THURSDAY, MARCH 3--< 7:00 p . m .-Question. and answer. b y L. E. Taft. 7:30 p . m.-Jack Martin's Hawaiia n Trio a n d Ruth R ayn or. 8:00 p. m .-Bob Bu ckner's Sole K illers a n d Ned Mille r. 9:00 p . m.-Los Angeles R ailway Orch estra, Rut h Mic helson a nd Roya l W a llace. FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 7 :00 p . m.-Hott Gibson's Hawaiian T rio a n d H a le H oop er. 7:30 p. m.-Wilshire lonico lectu re. .. . 8:00 p . m .-Paramount Six Da n ce Orch estra, Do t J ordan a nd Glenda Boston. 9:00 p. m .-Dave W a rd a nd h is Yellow J ack et s, P ot Lee a n d H elen McColl. SATURDAY MARCH 5- - 12:00 noon-Par is Inn Cafe Orchestra a nd Be rt Roverre, solo ist. 7:00 p. m .-Joey Starr Da n ce Orch estra a n d Dick P owers. 8 :00 p. m .-Eddie Mills a n d h is \'4 String o f H arm o n y. 9:00 p . m.- Dave Ward a n d his Y ellow J ack et s. Bu d Riley. Don S teven s a nd Joie L ee. Signing off n ightly at 11 IT. m . Prof!.rnm Published as SlIbmi tted b,,! the Statiml Los Angeles, Calif.-517 Meters 1000 WATTS-580 KILOCYCLES TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH BOB SHULER, Pastor KGEF Phone BRoadwa y 1000 C. C. HOOPER, Manager M. J. HANKINS, Technician

SUNDAYS- 10:50 a. m. to 12:15 p . m.-Morning services. 5 :00 to 6:00 p. m .-Vespe r hour. 7:15 to 9 :00 p. m.-Evening s ervices. z. C. Oll.kah... 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.- OId Hymns Songfest. A.nnounce r 10:00 p. m .-Family Altar service. WEDNESDAYS- 6 :00 to 7:00 p. m.-Children·s hour. 7:00 to 7:45 p. m.-Conrey·s Bible Class. 7 :45 to 8:30 p . m .-Studio m u sical p rogr am. 8 :30 to 9:15 p, m.-Questio n H our. FRIDAYS- 7:00 to 1.:30 p . m.-Radio Bible Clas • . 7:30 to iJ:OO p. m.-Studio musical program. 8:00 to 8:30 p. rn.-Civic half haur. 8:30 to 9:30 p, m . ~So·uthern California Holiness Association. Progran. pu blished as submitted bll the stati on. February 26 Radio Doings 55 RCA Radiola

ourexperl SERVICE

RCA loudspeaker 100 $35.00

RADIOLA 20 gives you the tone quality and per­ formance of a high priced set for only $78. (Less Equipment) I. ~ has a power tube-for volume. It hassingle con­ trol-for simplicity. It is sensitive-for distance. And with all the new features of radio, it is not a new experiment, but a proved and perfected prod­ uct of RCA. l-lear it, atour store,in cornpeti tion with any others. or let us brin&" it to your homo.

Phone TRinity 0746 for Appointment in Your Home

Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 510 South .Broadway Los Angeles, Calif. 56 Radio Doings Feb;'uary 26 Pasadena, California-315.6 Meter. PASADENA STAR-NEWS 1000 WATTS-9SO KILOCYCLES G~ORGE CECIL COWING. Manaain. Director . GEORGE FRENGER. PrOIlT1lM MaD a ..... HERSHEL SATTERFIELD, Engineer-In-Charge KPSN PIERCY C. PRYOR. Studlo OIIic. Pita•• , Wak.field III J 1

DAILY EXCEPT .UNDAY- 11100 to IIIIS p. !D.-New. Bulletin. e,oo to 7100 p. m .-Dlnner·tlme new. report. GEORGE FRENGER .... nnouncer WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1927

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 10:30 a. m.-Family Altar Service by the United Church Brotherhood •. II :00 a. m.-Service. from the Pasadena Presbyterian Church. 6:00 to 7 :00 p. m.-Star-New. concert. with Adolf Tandler and the Ensemble. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 8:00 to 9:15 p _ m.- Star-New. concert. with Adolf Tondler and the Ensemble. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 8:00 to 9:15 p_ m .-Star-Newa concert. with Adolf Tandler and the Ensemble. THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 8:00 to 9:15 p . m.-Star-News concert, with Adolf Tandler and the Ensemble. FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 8:00 to 9:15 p. m.-Star-Newa concert, with Adolf Tandler and the Enaemble. SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 8:00 to 9.15 P. m.-Star-New. concert. with Adolf Tandler a nd the En.emble. Prollram P ..b/islled as S ..IIm


~ FEDERAL All Models ~ and Ortho-Sonic COUNTERPHASE Two Ways of Saying and "Radio At Its Best" BOSCH HETZEL RADIO SERVICE H. A. Everest "Hetzel Radio. £Keel" 1032 North Ogden Drive 8303 Santa Monica Blvd. Nightly Demonstration. Phone GRanite 5874 GRanite 9915


McKinley Junior "B" Battery Eliminator

Guaranteed Satisfaction! $9.75 No Tubes to Complete Blow Out No Acid Will Operate Any Radio Up to Six Tubes 90 to 100 Volts

Same Quality as the McKinley "S" Power Unit

~------OUR GUARANTEE------~ If this "s" Eliminator fails to perform satisfactory within a period of one year, replacement or repairs will be cheerfully made. Other Eliminators, $20 to $35 Send Ch eck o r Mo n ey Orde r o r $1 .00 a nd we will s hip C. O . D. Ma il O rder s C iven Immediate Att e ntio n McKINLEY RADIO MFG. CO. 10905 S. Main St: Phone YOrk 1828 Los Angeles 58 Radio Doings February 26 !r'!l~!S 5 Tube Falck RADIO ~~ FOR TONE Beautiful BEAUTY Mahogany ECONOMY SIMPLICITY Console SELECTIVITY PERMANENCE Plug in your light socket as N THE new Falc k No- Battery Radio you w ill find features found only you would your electric iron. I in sets at twice t he price. Equipped w ith the famous 48 -in c h Colden B a r No batteries, no acid, no muss, tone chamb er, the tone of the Falck satisfies the most critic al ear. And no fuss. Operates without no batte ries or char ger s of any kind! 0 Ask to h ear the Falck at a ny author. aerial. One d i a I con t r l. ized F a lck dea ler. or phone MUtual 172 4 for free d e m onstration in your Something everybody wants, home. at a low cost. Cash credit for FALCK RADIO SALES CO. your old set. $150 complete, no extras 1262 W . 2nd St. Los Angeles Phone VEo 9589 For Home Demonstration


t • F eb1-ua.ry 26 Ra.dio Doings 59 Inglewood, California- 387 Meters 500 WATTS-775 KILOCYCLES Owned and Operated by JAMES R . FOUCH Chamber of Commerce Building, Ing lewood, Cal. KMIC JACK DUCKWORTH, Announcer DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 6:00 to 6:30 p. an.-Shoppings news, with Victor Electrola R eview

WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- AlirlOlLllcer 11 :00 a. m. to 12:15 p. m .-Centinella Baptist Church. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26- 6:30 to 7:00 p . m.- M a rtin Wallace Orchestra R equ est program. 7:00 to 8:00 p . m .-Lambert Sales Company Courtesy Program. 8:00 to 9 :00 p . m .-City of Inglewood Cour tesy Program. 9:00 to 9:30 p. m .-Geo. M. Sutton Courtesy Program. KM IC Trio. Louise White. 80' prano; .Nell Lar son, piano; Don Miner, tenor. 9:30 to 10:00 p. m.-Studio Program. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 6:30 to 6:45 p . m.-California Health Chatauqua. care of the body. 6:45 to 7:00 p. tn.-Skinner Mfg. Co., Courtesy Program. 7 :00 to 7 :30 p . m.- Studio Program. 7:30 to 8:00 p . m.-Reliable Radio Sales & Service Co., Courtesy Program. 8:00 to 10:00 p. m .-Wes. Woodford and His Bachalor Four. r equ est p rogram.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 6:30 to 7:30 p . m.- Martin Wallace Orchestra. 7:30 to 8 :00 p . m.- Ross O. Porter Tire Company. Courtesy Progra m . 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-L. A. Ry. String Quartette. Morris Sisters. Harmony Numbers. Sher· man Hunter, Lenor; Louise White, soprano.

THURSDAY,MARCH ~ 6:30 to 7:00 p . m.-Gordon Carrett, classic pianist. 7 :00 to 7:30 p . m.- Malloy Clint. Courtesy Program. 7 :30 to 8:00 p. m .-Ing lewood Furniture Company, Courtesy Program. 8 :00 to 10:00 p. m.-Wes. Woodford and His Bachelor. Evie and Peggy, harmony num· bers, Fred \Vesley. blues; Don Minor. tenor. F RIDAY, MARCH, 4- 6:30 to 7 :30 p. m.-Studio Progr am. 7 :30 to 8:00 p. m .-Skinner Mfg. Co" Courtesy Program, featuring Lempke's Radio Boy •. 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Stu dio Program, with Sherman Hunter, t en or; Louise White, so- prano; Mor ri s Sisters, harmony; L empke' s Radio Boys and others. 10:00 to 12:00 p. m .-American Legion Frolic.

SATURDAY, MARCH ~ 6:30 to 7:00 p . m.- Cordon Carrett CJassic Pianist. 7:00 to 8:00 p . m.- Martin Wallace Orchestra. 8:00 to 10:00 p. m .-Bill Livingston and His Radio Boys. Program Published as S"blllitted by the Statio ...


For Radid Service on All Makes Call T Rinity 2914 24 Years In NEWBERY ELECTRIC CORP. Business 726 South Olive St. Los Angeles, Cal, 60 Radio Doill,U February 26

F or Sets, Accessories and SERVICE on RCA - Rodiola MADE BY THE MAKERS OF RADIOTRONS You Can Depend Upon These Authorized RCA Dealers:

LOS ANGELES FLETCHER RADIO MUSIC Co. HARRY W. HARRISON Bever.ly Hillll 4705 S. Vermont Ave. 848 S. Flower St. VErmont 9589 TRinity 9777 CRAWFORD'S RADIO-MuSIC MARTIN MUSIC Co. 445 Beverly Drive Highland Park OXford 6801 734 S. Hill St. HOLLAND ELECTRIC SHOP TRinity 9621 HollylfJood 5632 Pasadena Ave. ALHAMBRA CRAIG RADIO SERVICE GArfield 3912 7022 Melrose Ave. FRED B. GILLENWATER WHitney 7312 Holl,,"beck Heights RADIO STUDIO HOLLYWOOD MUSIC Co. 127 W. Main St. 6019 Hollywood Blvd. PHON OG RAPH R EPAIR SH OP Alhambra 2032 ( N. E. W a robieff ) HOllywood 0364 1826 E . Fi rst t. BELL Lincoln Heights ANgelus 6349 BAKER AVE. ELECTRIC CO. FRANK GRAVES SASH, DOOR 910 Baker Ave. & MILL CO., How. DEPT. Southea.t DElaware 1871 2012 Pasadena Ave. CENTRAL ELECTRIC CO. CApitol 2071 3802 Central Ave. EAGLE ROCK Southwellt HUmbolt 2337 EAGLE ROCK MusIC Co. BOULEVARD FURNITURE Co. 2144 Colorado Blvd. 1574 W. Washington, at Wilahire ALbany 4315 Vermont WOLFE R ADIO CO. BEacon 0722 GLENDALE 543 S. Western C & G ELECTRIC & RADIO WAshington 57 11 GLENDALE MUSIC Co. Co. (Salmacia Bros.) 118 S. Brand Blvd. 1501 VII. Santa Ba rba Ta , DOIontolfJ1I at Dalton Glend-ale 90 VErmont 5205 THE ELECTRICAL ApPLI­ J. A. NEWTON ELECTRIC 1. A. DUNCAN ANCE SHOP CO. 2891 W. Pica St. 336 S. Broadway 154 S. Brand Blvd. EMpire 1141 TUcker 2932 Glendale 240

"Buy With Where You See Confidence • This Sign" February 26 Radio Doings 61 Santa Monica, California 238 Meters 1000 WATTS CAPACITY Owned and Operated by KEIRULFJr '" RAVENS­ CROFT COMPANY. Municipal Auditorium, Ocean Park, Santa Monloa, Calif. Pbone Santa Monica 63-101. KNRC rOM MITCHELL, Studio Manager and .An!louncer. C. B. JUNEAU, Transmission Engineer. UTIt_ s ...",,, IC''''' • Sm."" DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 6:00 to 7:00 p. m.-Club Caoa Dcl Mar organ r ecital. Remote control. 7:00 p . m .-Mer c hants R eview. 10.00 to 11100 p. m.-Club CfU ... DfIOl M"T Orchflll .....Il . Remote controJ. TO~( MITCHELL 11 :00 to 12:00 p. m.-La Monica Ball Room Orchestra. Alln(Juncer DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY- 8100 to 9:00 p . m.-Band Concert. 1130 p. m.-Band Concert.

WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1927 MQNDAY, FEBRUARY 28-- 4:15 p. m.-Brother Tom and Smiling Circle. 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Lee Young Jr. and hi. Gable. Club Orchestra, Smiling Harvey Por· ter, Dorothy and Dawn Smith. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 4:15 p. m.-Brother Tom and hio Smiling Circle. 9:00 p. m.-Sherman Hunter, tenor; Georgia William. Trio. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 4:15 p. m.-Smiling Circle with Brother Tom. 9:00 p. m.-Pirate Band, Albert Broad, tenor. THVRSDA Y, MARCH 3- 4:00 p. m.-Brother Tom and his Smiling Circle. 9:00 p. m.-Red Wyatt, Golda Anderson Trio, Margaret Bechtel, Erma Reed. 10:00 p . m .-Club Casa del Mar Orche.tra, by remote <'antral through KNRC. FRIDAY, MARCH 4- .:00 p. m.-Brother Tom and hi. Smiling Ci; cle. 9100 p. m.-Loa Angeles Railway String Quartet and Band. SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 4 :00 p. m.-Brother Tom and his Smiling Circle. 9:00 p. m,-K and R Program. 11 :00 p. m.-Gabl~a Club Orchestra by remote control. 12:00 noon-La Monica Orchestra. SUNDAY, MARCH 6- 10:45 p. m.-Pilgrim Lutheran Church .ervicea by remote contra) through KNRC. 5:15 p. m.-The Pirate Band. 6:15 p. m.-Pilgrim Lutheran Church service. 7:00 p. m.-Club Casa del Mar Organ Recital. 8:00 p. m.-Municipal Band Concert. 9:00 p. m .-Club Casa del Mar Recital. 10:00 p. m .-La Monica 8al1 Room Orchestra. Program Published as Submitted i>y the Station. STANDARD RADIO CO. 417 West Pico Street, Los Angeles, Calif. FADA, ATWATER KENT AND WESTERN ELECTRIC DEALER We Carry a Complete Line Open Model Atwater Kent Wave Length Cut Down to 200 Meters. We Are Also Making a Specialty of Sharpening Tuning in Any Radio Set 2-Tube Harkness Changed to 3-Tube, Guaranteed Perfect Tune-Out on Local Stations Telephone WEstmore 1560 Open Evenings Until 9 o'Clock 62 Radio DoinJ(s February 26 This Willard POWERUNIT

Those cont rols enable y011 to han" ex ~ n.ctly the correct powet' in each ci r­ cuit In your set. A great a.ld to clear~ ness In reception.

You can have up to 160 volts of "B" power with this unit, and it is as handy as turning on a light. Price only $35. 74. There is a Willard "A" Power Unit also. Given you plenty of "A" power all the time. You cannot afford to equip your set with power supply without first investigating these Willard products.

The WILLARD BATTERY MEN of Southern California

90 Service S,:ti0118 in Los Angeles-antI one or more in other towns and citie&. There is one near you. February 26 Radio Doings 63 Venice, California-205 Meters 500 WATTS McWHINNIE ELECTRIC co., VenIce Ballroom. Venice Calif. Phone 65959 or 65950 KFVD Station Manager, W. H. WHITE.

WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 10:00 to 12:00 midnight-Venic e B a llroom Orchestra. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 8:30 to 9:00 p. m.-Harry Dinowitzer, violinist; Ceorge Thiroux. ukulele artist. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Melba Lyon, KFDV girl, and others. 10:00 to 12:00 p. m.-The Venice Ballroom Orchestra, followed by The Ship Cafe Frolic. . 8:00 to 10:00 p. In.-Studio Program, featuring Dale Fulton, violinist; Lila Fulton, piano; Gee Thiroux, popular songster; Roy Davis, whistler; Fred Wesley, tenor, and othere. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Studio Program; Harry DinewitzeT, violinist; Virginia Reese. Pianist; th,e Zeric h F amily Orchestra; Mr. Henning Banjo Orchestra. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Ja ck Pope's Californians; Cee Thireux, tenor; .lizabeth Swan, piano; Eddie Mills, 14 string s of Harmony; Bob Davis, baritone. THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Miss Usher, astrologer; The Ancient Trio, their combined age., 243 years; Gera ldine Gordon, female baritone; Art Forbes and his Black Cat Syncopaters. FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Claude Bond, piano and accordian; Morris Lenksy, Russian baritonei Dr. D eliva nte, pianist; Louis Lucich, Slavonian tenor; Bess ie Fletcher. soprano, and the Califo rian Colonials Band. SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Eddie Mills 14 Strings 01 Harmony; St. Elmo Russell, piano accordian. Program by the Burea u 01 Public Safety of the LOB Angele. Police Depart­ ment. 1 :00 to 2 :00 a. m.- Harry Judson Entertainers !iOUT. Program Published as Submitted by the Stakon.

Avalon, California-211.1 Meters I THE ISLAND STATION Power 250 \Vatts-Western Electric Equipment "Katalina for Wonderful Outings" MAJOR LAWRENCE MOTT, Owner-Operator KFl~O MISS FRANCES HEWITT, Studio & Program Dir. "Tlte Ide With a Smile" WINTER SCHEDULES AT KFWO The Mott Station at Catalina Island, California ( In Effect Week of Sept. 20th) DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY- 12:30 to 1 :30-Hotel St. Catherine Orchestra. 6:30 to 8:00-St. Catherine Orchestra. DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY, THURSDAY AND SUNDAY- 6:00 to 6:3O-Studio. MONDAYS: Silent. TUESDAYS: 5 :00 to 6 :0O-Miss Hewitt·s Colden Hour. 6:00 to 8:0o-Studio. WEDNESDAYS: 8:00 to 9:00-Studio Program. 9:00 to 12:00 Midnight-Overseas. THURSDAYS: 8:00 to 9:00-Studio Program. FRIDAYS: 5:00 to 6:0O-Miss H

Use this Radio Power Box one week on your Ra. T h is model built diola Semi - porta­ ble 24, 26 and for Radiola and 28, and a the r other types of Su­ types of sup e r­ heterodynes, then per-Heter.odynes. if you are not sat­ isfied, retu rn box and the purchase Now $6.00 price will be re­ funded. MODEL NO. 24 RADIO POWER -BOX Results Guaranteed

Paso Robles, CaNf., .Jall. 30th. 192; . S.!N TEE CO. DCaI' Sirs: About Iltrce wee /." 8 000 / se ll/ for one of yo,.,. lI'o. 2, PUlVer BOXC8, with w hiclt I am n.ore than satis(ied. /,os t nig1l.t I b1"01/0ht in JOAK, Japall, and 5CL and 28£, AI/stralia, 011 LO UD SPEAKER. I aLso ha ve otlt er JaiJalles6 an

Immediate Attention Given Mail Orders THE SANTEE CO. 216 Calo Building Telephone TUcker 4951 443 S_ San P edro St. Los Angeles, Calif. February 26 Radio Doings 65 Long Beach, California-233 Meters 1280 KILOCYLE5-750 WATTS NICHOLS'" WARRINER, INC. Studio 211 Jergins Trust Bldg. Phones 617-19, 814-.0 Business Office, 212 Jergin. Trust Bld._ KFON Phone.: 617-19, 614-60 HAL G. NICHOLS, Manager and Studio Director "Where Your Ship Com •• In·' DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 10:15 to 10:30 a. m.-"Devotion Period." 10:30 to 11 :30 a. m.-Physiology of Beauty, Georgia O. Gearge. 11 :30 a. m. to 12:00 noon-Press-Telegram news. 12:00 noon-Lost a nd found announcements. "HAL" G. NICHOLS 4:00 to 4:30 p. m.-Press·Telegram Late New • . Announcer 4:30 to 6:00 p. m.-KFON Concert Orchestra. 6:00 to 6:15 p. m.-Request program. 6 : 15 to 7:00 p. m .-KFON Concert Orchestra. DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY- 2:30 to 4:00 p. m.-Municlpal Band Concert. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY- 7 :30 to 9:00 p. m .-Municipal Band and studio programs.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 11 :00 a. m . to 12:30 p. m.-Church of the Nazarene, Rev. L. A. Reed. 1 :30 to 2:30 p. m .-Mus ical program presented by Wm. Conrad Mills. 4:00 to 5:00 p . m.-Vesper Hour. 5:00 to 6:00 p. ro.-KFON Concert Orc hestra. spon sored by Long Beac h Business Men. 6:15 to 7:00 p . m .-KFON Con cert Orc hestra. 7:00 to 7:45 p. m.-Founta in Club Cafe Orchestra. 7:45 to 9 :00 p. m.-Services from First C hurch of Christ, S c ie ntist, by remote control. 9:00 to 12:00 midnight-"Everybody's Night"-amateurs and professionals. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 12:00 to 12:30 p. m .-Mae Day Beauty Salon: musical prog r a m . 1:00 to 1 :30 p. m.-Wilshire lonaco Co. program, featuring Clarence a nd Doris. 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.- Thrifty Sandy program, sponsored by Citizens Stat.. Bank. 8:15 to 9:00 p. m.-"The Haymakers," featuring o 1d · time dance music. 9:00 to 12:00 midnight-"Kiwanis Frolic." TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 12:00 to 12:30 p. m.- Kay & Burbank Co. musical program. 1 :00 to 1 :30. p. m.-Kiwanis Club luncheon. 1 :30 to 2:30 p. m.-Woman's Music Study Club, direction Ruth Parkinson. 7:00 to 7:30 p. ro.-Novelty program. 7:30 to 8:00 p . m .-"Chat for Booklovers,"' presented by Hewitt's Bookstore. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-"The Hour De Luxe," 10:00 to 11 :00 p . m.-Majestic Ballroom Orchestra, by remote cOilntrol. 11 :00 to 12:00 p. m.-Capitol Theatre organ r ecital, by remote c ontrol. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 12:00 to 12:30 p. m.- Mae Day Beauty Salon musical prog ram. 12:30 to 1 :00 p. m .-America n Markets sponsoring musica l program. 1 :00 to . 1 :30 p. m.- Rota ry Club luncheon . 1 :30 to 2:00 p. m.- Wils hire lonoea Co. program, featuring Clarence and Doris. 2:00 to 2:30 p. m .-Depa rtment of Numerology. 7:00 to 7:30 p. m.-Studio program. 10:00 to 11 :00 p . m.-Pacific Coast Club Orches tra, b y remote c ontrol. 11 :00 to 12:00 p . m.-Capitol Theatre organ recital, by remote control. THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 12:00 to 12:30 p . m.-Kay & Burbank Co., mus ical program. 7:00 to 8:00 p. m .-Studio prog ram. 9:00 to 10:00 p. ro.-Shell Oil Company's Orchestra. 10:00 to 11 :00 p. m.-Majestic Ballroom Orchestra, by remote control. 11 :00 to 12:00 p. m.-Capitol Theatre organ recital, by remote control. FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 12:00 to 12:30 p. m.-Eureka Bakery, musica l prog ram. 12:30 to 1 :00 p. m .-American Ma rkets, s ponsoring musical program. 1 :00 to 1 :30 p . m.-Wilshire loncea Co., program featuring Clarence and Doris. 1 :30 to 2:00 p. m.-Mae Day Beauty Salon, musical program. 2:00 to 2:30 p. m.-Department of Numerology. 7 :00 to 7:30 p. m .-Church of Christ, by Rev. Earnest Beam. 7:30 to 7 :45 p. m.-"A Seline Sizer program." 7:45 to 8:00 p . m.-"Lucky Jim" Investm ent Chat, by Seaboard Bond & Mortgage Co. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m .-Gaskill Manufacturing Co. and Missman Radio Company program. 10:00 to 12:00 midnight-Elks ' Frolic, Lodge No. 888 . SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 12:00 to 12:30 p . m.- K ay & Burbank Co. music al program. 1 :30 1iI 2:30 p. m.-Fountain Club Cafe Orchestra. 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.- Pac ific Coast Club Orchestra, by remote control. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-The Minstrel Show. 10:00 t·o II :00 p. m ...:....Pacific Coast Club Orchestra, by remote control. 11:00 to 12:00 midnight-Capital Theatre organ rec ital, by remote control. Program Published as Submitted by the Station. 66 Radio Doinf(s February 26 "B" Eliminator Thousands TESTING say it has helped their Problem Solved RECEPTION by /lJaybe it wiLL improve .IJour .Jet!

LCREST-CROSS Non-directionaL G Aerialeuminates most of the in terference affecting long horizon­ tal aerials by arresting the broad­ cast waves perpendicularly. Rises 18 feet above roof. Easy to install. TWO SIZES 24 in ch - - $ 9.00 30 inch - - 10.00 P repaid a n ywh ere i ll U.S.flo GILCREST dQUINN 2052 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO T OGET full value from your"B"Elimina­ tor you must know that your "B" Power is delivering the right amount of volt­ age to detector, ampli fier and power ...--- -ID;J ;,.1:[ij] - --. tube. Low resistance vo ltmeters suitable for testing batteries are worthless for test­ Audio Frequency ing "B" Eliminators. This specially designed High Resistance Sterling is Transformers accurate for both. Whether this voltmeter is used in For the finest tone your business o r for your own set, it is quality, for the best essential if you want the facts about reception, use Fer­ any "B" Eliminator. Also tests all D. C. ranti Audio Fre­ circuits. quency Transform­ er A. F. 3-ratio 30 to 1-$12. For ~tPnn~ the next best results R-415 VOLTMETER use Ferranti A. F. 4 A laboratory mete,· at the -raito 3j!, to \­ remarkably low price of ~8.50.

$8.50 Factory Represont&Uve BALDWIN PACI FIC CO. DETSCH & COMPANY 64 0 Natoma Street San FrancIsco, Cal. SAN FRANCISCO · LOS ANGELES PAC. WH OL ESALE THE ELECTR IC COR P. RADI O CO. 555 Turk St. 1939 E. 16th St. 1310 S. San Pedro St. 1080 Santee Streot Lo. Angel ••, Cal. Lo. A ngele., Cal. February 26 Radio Doings 67 San Diego, California-245.8 Meters 100 WATTS-1220 KILOCV.CLES AIRFAN RADIO CORPORATION U. S. Grant Hotel, 326 Broadway, San Diego. Main 8661 RAYMUND V. MORRIS, President KFSD TOM SEXTON, Announcer H Kiss From San Diego" DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 6 :00 to 7:00 p. m.-Nightly musical review. 10:00 to 11 :00 p. ro.-Harvey Ball and his U . S. Crant Hotel Orche,

WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 TOM SEXTON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- Announcer 3:00 to 4:00 p . ro.-Temple service of the Theosophical Universit> MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.-Studio hour. 8:00 to 9:00 p. m .-First Unitarian Church p.!ogram, Howard B. Bard. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Mixed musical program. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.-Studio hour. 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.-Union Title Company "Classic Hour" program. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Mixed musical program. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 7:00 t., 7:30 p. ro.-Courtesy program by Wilshire's lonaco Company. 7:30 to 8:30 p. m.-Concert program furnished by the Theosophical University 8:30 to 9:30 p. m.-C. C. C. Tatum. realtor. Bay Hills Orchestra. 9:30 to 10:00 p. m.-"Popular" Orthophonic program. THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 7:00 to 8:00 p. m .-Police program. dance music and concert music. 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.-John P. Mills, Inc., Point Lorna Orchestra. FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 7:00 to 8:00 p . m.-Studio hour. 8:00 to 9:00 p . m.-P. M. Dairy Concert Orchestra. Instrumental Trio. 9 :00 to 10:80 p. m.-Mixed musical program. SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.-San Diego Senior High School program. 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.-Mme. de Beauviere, ··Franco·American" hour. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-"Classic" hour Orthophonic recital. Progf

TRANSTROM INTERMEDIA TE TRANSFORMERS Put the "Real Stuff" into SUPER-HETERODYNES Increasing Their Selectivity, Sensitivity and Distance 100 per cent

Service and Accessories for All Sets-Portable Cabinets Made to Order SIERRA RADIO LABORA TORIES 318 W. Fifth St. Los Angeles, Calif. VAndike 6464 -. 68 Radio DoinJ(s February 26


B u i I t ~ in $ speaker, large tubes, I 00 A. H. Rubber 59 Case Battery even the inside aerial is in­ cluded-nothing else to buy.

Selectivity Quality :: ~ . Distance New Modified S. L. F. condensers allow ample separation of low wave lengths and gives absolute selectivity on all stations. Using Kellogg'. laboratory grade transformers assures you of tone perfection, and for dis­ tance the utmost' in sensitivity has been achieved through proper design of condensers and inductance. . Made of Finest Parts Obtainable The Supreme-Made of the finest of material such as Kellogg, Yaxley, Carter, C . R. L., Benjamin, Bakelite coils. Order Your Set Today and you'lI say, like everyone else that hears the Supreme, "That's the best receiver I ever heard-it' 8 wonderful." It's simply not equalled for purity of tone or fidelity of reproduction. Remember every part i. guaranteed to you-you take no chances. THE PATTERSON FACTORY TO YOU SALES PLAN puts a guaranteed $155 console, 5-tube receiver in your home for cash .... t about $35 less than the actual wholesale price. Volume production i. the answer. Patterson Radio Manufacturing Co. Established 1921 239 S. .Los Angeles St.-VA. 8139 Los Angeles, Calif. February 26 Radio Doings 69 San Francisco, California--428.3 Meter. 1000 WATTS-700 KILOCYCLES HALE BROTHERS AND THE CHRONICLE ALBERT J. HODGES, Technical Director Phone Kearney 5777 uru Y olee 01 S- 'rmael.co" KPODAlLY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 8145,7.1& and 714& a.m.-Dally health drill by Huah Barrett Dobb. 10110 a. m.-Ho... ehold Hint•. 10:30 a. m.-"Y" Towne Crier."' 12,00 noon-Time signals and Scripture readlna. 1,00 to 2:00 p. m.-Rudy Seiger'. Fairmont Hotel Orche.tra. 3:30 to 5:30 p, m..-Palace Hotel Concert Orche.tra. 5:30 to 8,15 p. m.-Chlldren·. Hour. CURTIS PECE 8115 to 8:30 p. m.-"Ye Towne Crier." ~nno.nc.r 8130 to 7100 p . m.-States Restaurant Orchestra. 7100 to 7 :30 p. m.-Rudy Seiger'. Fairmont Hotel Orchestra 7:30 to 8 :00 p. m.-Silent.

WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 9 :45 to 10:45 a. m .-Undenominational and non-sectarian church service. Uda Waldrop at the organ. 10:45 a. m.-"Ye Towne Cryer," giving the United State s weather forecast and general in­ formation. 2:4(; to 4:15 p. m.-Concert of the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, Alfred Hertz, di· rector, to be broadcast from the New Curran Theatre by KPO, KFI and KGO. 6:00 to 6 :30 p . m.-States Restaurant Orchestra, Waldemar Lind director. 6:30 p. m.-"Ye Towne Cryer: ' giving general informa tion. 6:35 to 8 :35 p. m.-Palace Hotel Concert Orchestra, Cyrus Trobbe director. 8 :35 to 10:00 p. m.- Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel Conc~rt Orchestra. 10:00 t o 12:00 p. m.-John Wolohan and his Californians at the Trianon Ballroom. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 8:00 to 8:10 p. mw- Chamber of Comme rce talk on "Industrial San Francisco," by Capen A . Fleming, director Industrial Department. 8:10 to 8:25 p. m.-Book reviews by Harold A. ' Small of the Chronicle. 8:25 to 9:00 p. m.-Bridge lesson No. 16. 9:00 to 10:00 p . m.- Studio program. 10:00 to 11 :00 p. m.-Billy Long's Cabirians. 11 :00 to 12:00 p. m.- KPO·s Variety Hour, presenting the KPO well known artists. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.-"Uda Waldrop Hour," featuring Uda Waldrop, KPO's official organist, at the organ of the First Unitarian Church. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Studio program. 10:00 to 11 :00 p. m.-Palace Hotel Rose Room Dance Orchestra, Gene James directo r. 11:00 to 12:00 p . m.- John Wolohan and his Californians at the Trianon Ballroom.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 8:00 to 9:00 p. m .-Prog ram by the Atwater Kent Artists, under the auspices of Ernest Ingold, Inc. 9:00 to 10:45 p. m.- KFI and KPO, Lo. Angele. Philharmonic Orchestra. 10:45 to 12:00 p. m.- Billy Long's Cabirians.

THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 8:00 to 9:00 p . m.- Studio program. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m .-Studio program. 10:00 to 11 :00 p. m.-Palace Hotel Rose Room Dance Orchestra, Gene James director. 11:00 to 12:00 p. m.- John Wolohan and his Californians, at the Trianon Ballroom.

FRIDAY, MARCH 4-- 8 :00 to 10:00 p. m .-Walter Krausgrill's Balconades Ballroom Orchestra. 10:00 to 11 :00 p. In.-States Restaurant Orchestra, Waldemar Lind director. 11:00 to 12:00 p. m.-John Woloh an and his Californians at the Trianon Ballroom.

SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 6:30 to 7:30 p. m .-States Restaurant Orchestra, Waldemar Lind director. 8:00 to 9 :00 p. m.-Simultaneous broadcast by KPO a nd KFI of a program presented b y the San Francisco branch of the manufacturers of White King a nd Mission BeU Soap. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Palace Hotel Rose Room Dance Orchestra, Gene James director. 10:00 p. m. to 1:00 a. m .-Walter Krau.griU's Balconades Ballroom Orchestra. 9:00 to 11:00 p. m.-Intennissions b y Maurice Gunsky, tenor, and Merton S~ries , piani.t .. Program Published as Su~mitted I>y the Statio". 70 Radio Doinl(s F!bruary 26

NO FOOLIN' FOLKS!!! "WESCO"Low Loss Antennae deliver the goods. One will increase your reception by giving you greater vol­ ume on distant stations, and clearer tone quality on local broadcasting stations. It • is non-directional, receiving equally in a ll directions. Easily installed, only requir­ ing a single 20-foot pole. Comes com­ plete with heavy duty insulators and a 19-stranded rubber-covered lead -in cable. If your dealer does not stock them h e w ill be glad to get one for you, or you may or­ der direct.

Price $7.50 WEsr COAST .8AO/O CO . mON£ JlERMO.NJ' /893 2~07 Wh'ST su,tlSOI/ AIW Las' AI/6'.e££.l'. ~ristofhon, t ELECTRIC POWER AMPLIFIER ,.""'jiG C."... Electrifies the ordinary phonograph and gives it Du.rlb,,'or. : the tone range, sweetness and volume of the new SAN FRANCISCO: "phonic" instruments. Operates in three ways: Pacl flo Stat.. Eloo. Co. ~7~ Mj,,\on BL Le.. J. Mey~.1'11 Co. ( I) with radio Power Speaker, (2) with radio 973 Mlselon SL Power Amplifier, (3) with radio Speaker only. LOS ANGELES: Paclflo Stat.. EI... Co. 286 S. Lo. Angel.. SL Write our distributors Leo. J. M.yberg Ct. 1022 S. Wan SL dealer doesn't have it, SPOKANE: Paclflo Stat.. EI.o. Ct. 122 S, Llncoln BL OAKLAND: L... J. M.yberg Co. 921 Ra".on st. SEATTLE: Paclflo Stat.. EI... Ce. ~76 FIrst A ve .. So. PORTLAND : Paclflo Statee EI... Co.

Manufactured by The Bristol Company WATERBURY, CONN. F ebrLlary 26 Radio D oings 71 Oakland, California-361.2 Meters ' 4000 WATTS-830 KILOCYLES PACIFIC COAST STATION, GENERAL ELECI'RIC CO. KGO Phone Fruitvale 6980 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 11.:34 .... _ ta. ~:QO Po _-Hotd '--mtDg ro-'> "",,_n. 1 :3 0 a n d 6:00 p. m.-Stock and weat her report.. Ba.eball . "or•• . 6 :00 to 6 .56 p. m.-Bem'. Little Symphony Orcheorr. 6 :55 t o 7:30 p. m.-Weather and stock report • . Boward 1. Milholland Announcer WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY. F EBRUARY 2 7. 1927 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 27- 11 :00 a. m.-F irst Presbyterian Churc h service. 2:40 p . m.-Sa n F rancisco Sympho n y Orch estr a c oncert 6:3 0 to 7:30 p. m.-Concert by Bern's Little Symphony Orchestra. 7:30 p . m.-Weather Bureau report. 7:35 p . m .- F irst Presbyterian Churc h service, Oakland. 9:00 to 10:00 p. m.-Concer t b y Bem's Little Symphony Orchestra. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 28- 4:00 to 5:00 p. m .-California Federation of Women'. Club •. 5:30 to 6:00 p. m .-KGO Kiddie. Klub. TUESDAY. MARCH 1- 5:00 p. m.-Lectures by Dr. Virgil E. Dickson. 8:00 to 9:00 p. m.- The Pilgrims. E ver eady program by National Carbon Company. 9:00 p. m.-Joseph Henry Jackson, " Chats About New Book .... 9 :20 p. m .-Surprise broadcast. 10:30 to 11:30 p . m .-J ohn W harry Lewis Orch estra. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2- 5:30 p . m .-"For Instance," by General J ackson. 8 :00 p. m .-Farm program. W . O. W . Male Trio. THURSDAY. MARCH 3- 5:00 to 6 :00 p . m .-Ceorge W . Ludlow, "Friend to Boy." 8:00 to 9:00 p. m._HThe Serenade:" comic opera. 9:00 to 12:00 p . m .- John Philpott's Midshipmen. FRIDAY, MARCH 4- 8:00 p . m .-Studio program. SATURDAY. MARCH S- 8 :00 p. m.-"Weekly Sport Review," b y AI Santoro. 8:15 to 9:15 p. m.-Prog ra m from Hotel Leamington. Oakland. 9:15 p. m. to 1 :00 a. m .-Dance mus ic, Wilt Gunzendorfer's Hotel Whitcomb Band. Program Published as Submitted by the Station.

Portland, Oregon--447 Meters 4000 WATTS KEX THE WESTERN BROADCASTING COMPANY. PORTLAND PROGRAM COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8 , 1927 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 5:30 to 6:00 p . ro.-Radio code practice and daily radio chat by Clarence Clark. technical director of KEX. 6:00 to 6:30 p. m .-Children·s Hour b y direct wire from Wremers Chateau. 6 :30 to 8:00 p . m .-Congress Hotel dinner music; Jimmie Davis and his Pompeian (Jr· chestra. 8:00 to 9 :00 p. m.-Studio program. 9:00 p_ m.-Western Union time signals. TUESDAY. THURSDAY, SATURDAY 9:00 to 10:30 p . m .-Studio program. 10:30 to 12:00 p. m .-Dance music. direct wir e from Kremers Chateau. SUNDAY ONLY- 3 :00 to 5:00 p . m .-Concert Orchestra. 5:0 0 to 6 :00 p. m .-Church services. 6 :00 to 8 :00 p. m .-Congress Hotel dinner music. 8:0er to 9:00 p . m.-Studio program. 9:00 p.m.-Time signals. Western Union time signals . 9:00 to 10:30 p. m.-Studio program. 10:20 t.o 12:00 p. m.- KEX Frolic. Program. Published as S ubmitted by the StatiOlI 72 Radio Doings February 26 OUR EXCEPTIONAL OFFER

Get the Two Greatest Radio Magazines For Almost the Price 0/ One! SAVE $2.00 RADIO NEWS-The National Radio Monthly with the largest circulation and following of any Radio publication in the world- Regular Price $2.50 RADIO DOINGS-The Leading Pacific Coast Radio Weekly-the Radio authority of the Pacific Coast- Regular Price $3.00

Theae two leaden i. their reapective fielda-the greal National Monthly and the great Pacific Cout Weekly- BOTH NOW FOR $3.50

Yon Can't Afford 10 Pall Thil Offer By

Attach Money Order, Check o r Currency to the Coupon and Mail to U. Right Now

RADIO DOINGS, 407 E. Pi co Street, Or Conger & Moody, LOl Angele8, Calif. Sharon Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Send me RADIO DOINGS and "RADIO NEWS" for one year. I enclole $3.50.

Name ...... __ ...... __ ...... _......

.4ddre...... _.. _......

City and State ...... (Specify NEW ·or RENEWAL) R·S F ebruary 26 Radio Doings 73 Portland, Oregon-491.5 Meters 1000 WATTS_II) KILOCYCLES KGW THE MORNING OREGONIAN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- 7:15 9:45 :~ ~o::Oet!.Inr!.~~,:~~~~!e . health exercises. 10:00 to 11 :30 a. m .- Town Crier. weather reports. new. Item • . 12:30 to 1 :30 p. m .-Noon concert. STEPHEN I. GAYLORD 6:00 to 7:00 p. m.-Dinner Concert. .4.nnouncer 7:30 to 7:45 p . m~Weather and market r eport • .

WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1927 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 10:55 to 12 :30 p . m .-Morn ing s ervices from the St. S teph en s Pro·Cathedral. 4:00 to 6 :00 p . m .-KCW Sa lon O r chestra. 7:30 to 9:00 p . m .-Evening services from t he H in son Memo r ia l Ba p tist Church. 9:00 t o 10:00 p . m .-Con cert by the Chevrolet Little Sympho ny O rchestra. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28- 7:00 to 7:30 p . m.-Children·s program. 8:00 to 10:00 p . m .-Vaudeville entertainment . 10:00 to 12:00 p . m .-Dance music by McElroy's Orchestra. TUESDAY, MARCH 1- 2:30 to 3:00 p . m .-Wom en·s matinee. 8 :00 to 10:00 p. m .-Educational program. 10:00 to 12:00 p . m .-Dan ce music, featuring Herman K enin' and h is o rcnestra . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2- 7:00 to 7 : 15 p . m .-Ut ilit y service. 7:30 to 8 :00 p . m..-Albers Pou ltry School.. 8:00 to 9:00 p . m .-Concert. courtesy 7th U . S. Infantry Ban d. 9:00 to 10:00 p . m .-Concert. b y Maxwell · Ho u se·Co ffee O rchestra. simultaneou sly with KFOA a nd KHQ. THURSDAY, MARCH 3- 7:45 to 8:00 p. m..-Lectu re. given under the auspices of the Catholic Tru th Society of Oregon. 8 :00 to 10:00 p . m .-Vaudeville entertainm ent . F RIDAY, MARCH 4- 2':00 to 3:00 p. m.- Wome,;·s m atinee. 7 :00 to 7:30 p. m .-Ch ildren ·s program . 7:30 to 8:00 p . m.-Poultry talk . 8 :00 to 9:00 p . m .- Concert b y the Mission Bell O rchestra. from KCW throu gh KFO A and KHQ. 9 :00 to 10:30 p . m.- Da n ce m u sic by Cole McElro y's orchest ra. 10:30 to 12:00 p. m.- W eekly frolic o f t h e Keep C rowing Wiser O rder of Hoot O wls broad· cast with KMO, KF O A, KHQ . SATURDAY, MARCH 5- 9 :00 to 10:00 p . m .-Concert, Calumet Instrument Qua r tet. 10:00 to 12:00 p . m .-Da n ce m u sic, featurin g H e rma n K en in a n d his orchestra. Prozram Publish.d as Submitt.d by the Statio.. . PALMER RADIO LABORATORY Established 1923 Specializing in SUPER-HETERODYNES. AND INFRADYNES Intermediate Transformers Made and Calibrated AJ.o all oth«:,r types of r eceivers made to operate efficiently Satisfaction Guaranteed or No Charge Advice Free Open Evenings Till 9 P. M. Courtesy lo'AII 4529 S. Vermont, Los Angeles. Phone VErmont 7883 74 Radio Doin/(s F eh1-uary 26 February 26 Radio The U pper Layer Broadcast B, K. C. ORMISTON George Mc Clelland, viee-president of (Editor's Note-In our last issue we reported that the Bureau 01 Standards the National Broadcasting Company, had announced the completion 01 experiments resulting in prool 01 the ex;stence owners of stations WJZ and WEAF of 01 the so_called Heaviside Layer. Inasmuch as every listener_;n who has observed New York City, and now inaugurating " Iad;ng" 01 a d istant station is concerned with this subject, Mr. Ormiston is here giving some details 01 the experiments alltl conclusions.) a nation-wide chain of broadcasting sta­ tions, is in Los Angeles to further the The scientific experiments conducted two, since the refl ected wave must ell.'iension and strengthening of Western last year by the Bureau of Standards, travel a greater dis tance tha n the 011E' programs. G. J . Poyden, who has been the Naval Research Laboratory, the Ra­ arriving in the direct horizontal path. appoin ted Pacifi c Coast manager for dio Corporation of America a nd the A r eceiving s tation was set up eight the company, will follow soon. Carnegie Institute of Washington throw miles from a transmitting station. The considerable light on the phenomena of transmitter was arranged to send out The return of th e fights as a regular fading. ?;roups of waves, each having a duration Friday evening feature over KNX, the In order to explain radio transmission of 1/ 1000 of a second. At the receiving Evening Express radio station, has met over mOre than comparatively short dis­ end the s ignals were tYetected, ampli­ with instant apprq.val from listeners. tances and to account for fading. it has fi ed, and recorded by photogra phing the The main event of the Am erican Legion tracings made by a n OSC illograph. Fi g. 1 Direot Wave Stadium weekly card is put on the air. The photographic records show eOll ­ Curtis Benton, scenario writer, gives a clusively that each wave registered blow by blow acconnt of the battle, twice under certain conditions. A re­ round by round, KNX bas arranged a production of the oscillograph r ecord fl exible program preceding the fight, so Fig. 2 Direot and Re f leot ed WaTea shown in Figure 1 illustra tes the recep­ it is possible to start at the first ronnd. tion of the direct wav ~ only, while Fig. Many times knockouts in the prelimina­ 2 shows the "refl tion from the ceil­ ries bring the starting time of the big J'v/1!\N\A~vw ing," arriving an insta nt behind each bout very early. By doing this fans are ~Refleoted wave direct wa ve. It required ma ny months Direot wave assured of the entire bout. of experimenting to develop methods by long been assumed that there is an elec­ which the two waves could be accurate­ The new Bnrbank broadcasting sta­ trical "ceiling" in the upper a tmosphei·e ly recorded and the interval of time be­ tion, call letter s KELW, operates on 535 fifty or more miles above the earth's tween their arrivals measured. meters wave-lengtq and 250 watts pow­ surface. It has been supposed that this It is clear tha t since t wo impnlses er. They ar e on the air daily from 6 "ceiling" consists of a layer or strata reach the receiver for each one trans­ to 7 p. m., and from 8 to 10 p. 111. In of free ions and electrons probably mitted, tha t two different paths are addition to these programs there is an eminating from the Sun, and therefore used. Knowing the speed of the waves, afternoon broadcast on Sunday, from 2 constituting a good conductor of mag­ and having measnred the interval of to 4 p. m. netic energy. time between arrivals, it was found that The scientists reasoned that if such a the second arrival, the "reflected" wave, layer did exist, it should be possible must have been turned back at a height over short dista nces to detect two im­ of about 100 miles. During prolonged pulses at the receiving station for each observations it was found that the upper one sent out from the transmitter. One reflecting surface varied in height above impulse would be due to the portion of the earth, this variation being all the the wave which followed the earth's sur­ way from 30 to 150 miles. Furthermore, face, and the second would result from that its effici ency as a re fl ector varied, portion of the wav~ reflected back to the changes at times being very sudden. Model No. 25 earth from the "ceiling" or upper con­ The rise and fall of the layer, the GOODWORK RAt ducting surface. There should· be an changes in its reflecting ability and the 6715 Avalon Blvd. Open Ev e nin~ a ppreciable interval of time between the (Continped on page 76) February 26 Radio DoingJ 75 Broadcasters" Digest

George McClelland, vice-president of The Los Angeles Council on Interna­ the National Broadcasting Company. tional Relations is sponsoring a series owners of stations WJZ and WEAF of of nine o'clocks from KHJ each week New York City. and nqw inaugurating on Friday with noted speakers discuss­ a nation-wide chain of broadcasting sta­ ing each topic in ten minutes' time. tions, is in Los Angeles to further the extension and strengthening of Western programs. G. J. Poyden, who has been Four years old and still growing wiser appointed Pacific Coast manager for and funnier is the famous KGW Keep the company, will follow soon. Growing Wiser Order of Hoot Owls which celebrated its birthday a few The ret!lrn of the fights as a regular days ago. Telegrams by the hundred, Friday evening feature over KNX, the telephone calls that blocked the switch­ Evening Express radio station, has met board. and a stack of letters that left with instant approyal from listeners. the mail carrier an old broken man, The main event of the American Legion helped to make the occasion more mem­ Stadium weekly card is put on the ail'. orable. A stupendous donation of cakes, Curtis Benton, scenario writer, gives a ice cream, ginger ale, candy and the blow by blow account of the battle, etcetera ad infinitum that were received round by round, KNX has arranged a from widely separated points all but flexible program preceding the fight, so made a wreck of the "Owls." it is possible to start at the first round. Many times knoclwu ts in the prelimina­ Station KFWI of San Francisco ries bring the starting time of the big changed owners recently. Gilson Wil­ bout very early. By doing this fans are lets is now presiding as general man­ assured of the entire bout. ager. Mr. Willets has enjoyed a wide The new Burbank broadcasting sta­ and varied experience in the radio field. tion, call letters KELW, operates on 535 He was for two years at WOC, Daven­ meters wave-lengtq and 250 watts pow­ port, Iowa, and then engineer and man­ er. They are on the air daily from 6 ager of WRNY, New York. From there to 7 p. m., and from 8 to 10 p. Ill. In he jumped to VirDBO at Winterpark, addition to these programs there is an Florida. After the Florida crash, Mr. afternoon broadcast on Sunday, from 2 Willets went in search of a still finer to 4 p. m. climate and found it in California.

An Exceptional Buy! This cabinet is made of batan Mahogany, beautifully finished . A most attractive model. 12 to 14x7" panel, I 0 inches deep. Only $7.75 Send for o u r illustrated catalogue Model No. 25 GOODWORK RADIO CABINET SHOP 6715 Avalon Blvd. Open Evenings and Sundays Los Angeles. Calif. 76 R adio Doin!(s February 26 The Woman's Page The Upper Layer (Continued from page 16) (Continued from page 74) bo iled eggs with a fork until they are interference between the refletced and mealy; add 1 teaspoonful of melted but­ direct waves account for the phenomena ter, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon of fading. tomato catsup, a little salt and 1 tea­ At times, instead of one reflection spoonful Gebhardt's Chili powder; mix there would be several, indicating a thoroughly, squeezing in the juice of rongh or corrngated s urface of the lay· half a lemon. Toss tl).e oysters up in er, and accounting for distortion and this sauce and serve on shredded celery mushy reception. Research laborato· and ·lettuce. This is a.n unusual and ries are attacking the many other prob­ delightful Spanish salad. lems and far-reaching effects which the The German recipe is more hearty, a ionization of the upper atmosphere in· fo undation for a luncheon or even din­ volve. ner. P lace in a sb.allow baking-dish a. lternate layers of cooked sauerkraut Through the use of the radio com­ and raw oysters, with sauerkraut on the pa·ss, the S. S. Clearton, hea.vily loaded bottom and top of the dish. Over the with coal, minus her rudder and driftin g top layer place strips of fat bacon. helpless in the North Atlantic, about Cook in a quick oven about half an 380 miles east of New York, was rescued hour. A Katzenjammer Salad uses 1 by the Coast Guard Cutter Seneca. This dozeIj large oysters, dipped in cracker­ despite the fact of pitch darkness at crumbs, and fried in hot olive oil; midnight and gales and rough seas. drain on blotting paper; lay flat on dish and place on ice. Whip until stiff, % cup sour cream; add yolks of 2 eggs. In each room of, a Los Angeles hotel beaten, salt, dry mustard and sugar to is placed a notice which reads, "For taste. Whip all together; add a tea­ your entertainmen t we are prepar ed to spoonful each of olive oil and lemon place a six-tube portable radio set in juice. Rub the salad bowl with a this room on a reasonable rental basis." slice of onion and line with lettuce. Cut the oysters in half and mix with a el'Y; heap these in the center, and pour cupful of finely minced crisp white cel- the dressing over all.

Y Transmitting and receiving equipment designed and constructed. o Radio and technical problems correctly solved. Questions answered accurately. U Receiver and aU other e quipment carefully tested, repaired and R calibrated. COMPLETE WORKING DRAWINGS OF AMERICA'S FINEST RECEIVER. ADJUST ABLE OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS THAT MATCH TUBES AND GOOD SPEAKERS FOR HIGH QUALITY. Transforme rs and Choke Coils to any requirement. Complete Speech Amplifiers and Control Panels for broadcast stations and public addreae sys­ tems o r any parts for same. Punchings and d'esign data for any Core, such equipment including that for tungar battery charging transformers of any ca­ pa city and voltage. High grade Resistance Wire, special alloy steels. FINEST EQUIPPED LABORATORY ON THE COAST • COME AND INSPECT IT. Technical L~boratory of N. E. Brown Tel. THornwal 0270. 6805 S. We.tern Ave., Loa Angelea February 26 R adio Doings 77 Timely Trade Topics WHOLESALERS BEWARE! C. E . Linebarger, president of The A number of jobbers of radio mer­ Chaslyn Company, Chicago, is visiting chandi se have been recently victimized the Pacific Coast with his family and by a party representing himself as . an spent the week in Los Angeles. He an­ employee of the F. C. Nash Company nounces the appointment of S. A. Win­ of P asadena. sor as their representative for Southern This party has apparently stolen a California. We are all familiar with the book of purchase order blanks from the r ed, white and green balls, that tell us above concern and is presenting them when our batteries are charged or need t o various wholesa le houses in this vi­ attention, and which are used exten­ cinity. esivly in A Power Units. Hydrometers All wholesalers are wal-ned to look which use these telltale little balls are out for this man a nd should they be ap­ the product of The Chaslyn Company. proached to get in touch with the Police George Brosch, sales manager of the Department immediately. P acific States Division of the E rla Com­ pany, Chicago, is a recent visitor in Los The Elkon Works, manufacturer s of Angeles. H e reports excellent business the famous Elkon dry charging devices, for Erla product s in the t.erritory. have perfected their chargers and A eliminators to take care of the low line Mr . F . Clay McConnell, who has been voltage and line fiuctuation that is at associated with the Chanslor and Lyon times present in the electric curren t Company of Los Angeles, Zenith distrib­ supplied in Southern California . utor~) for the past three years, an­ Regardless of voltage drop the Elkon nounces t he opening of a new Zenith devices deliver a satisfactory output to Sales and Service Shop at 1241 Vine 'charge the A storage battery properly street, Hollywood, Cal. Mr. McCon­ and to keep it up to its fullest efficiency. nell's experience in jobbing the Zenith The Yale Radio ElectrIC Company are line and his pleasing per sonality should distributors in Southern California For be va luable assets in his new venture, Elkon products. a nd his many friends in the ra dio and au tomotive trades wish him every suc­ Neale, Inc., 1800 W . Pico :;;treet, Los cess. Angeles, manufacturers of Nealite Arthur S. Det sch, Security Building, Neon Tube Signs, announce that they Portland, is representing Carl A. Stone have eliminated all radio interference Company, in the Pacific northwest, rep­ from their neon signs. These beautiful resenting Sha mrock Manufacturing Com­ signs have long been r ecognized by pany; Trimm Radio Manufacturing m ercha nts as business getters, but radio Company, and Hoosick Falls parts. dealers have in many cases hesita ted in buying one because of the interference The next regular meeting of the Radio from th e high voltage transformers Manufacturers' Agenrts Association of which operate the sign. Engineers of Southern California will be held at Neale, Inc., and the General Electric noon, Friday, February 25, at the Alex· Company have solved this problem and andria Hotel, mezzanine floor. Mem­ the new General Electric transformers bers, please note the new place of meet­ used will not ca,use the sli ghtest hum ing. A highly important subject will in the most seusltive set. be discussed. 78 Radio Doin!(s February 26 The 1930 Radio Receiver

Sounds funny- but it's true. Thousands of them are already in operation and the owners of these sets are hearing stations on the loud speaker which were ordinarily inaudible on the average 10-tube radio set, This new 1930 receiver is the INFRA­ DYNE, sponsored by "RADIO" (Magazine), San Francisco. In the March issue of "RADIO," which most news dealers will have on sale in your vicinity on February 25th, the INFRADYNE is more fully described and many practical hints are given on its operation with a set of battery elimi­ nators. Get the whole story of the INFRADYNE in the OFFICIAL I~FRADYNE MANUAL, by Sargent and Rayment, the inventors of the circuit. This complete manual sells for twenty-five cents, postpaid. Drop a quarter in coin in an envelope, mail it to us and we will send the booklet to you postpaid. It's a story well worth reading and tells you what the 1930 radio set is like. Only a few hundred copies left. Orders must be received now to insure delivery.

Pacifi~ Radio Publishing Co. Pacific Building - San Francisco F ebruary 26 Radio Doings 79

The French Battery Company of Madison, Wisconsin, is one of the largest manufacturers in the dry battery and flashlight field. The Company's products, advertised and sold under the trade name of Ray-O-Vac, are universally known for their high quality, This reputation the Company goes to great lengths to maintain. The secret of long service given by Ray-O-Vac prod­ ucts is the care taken in selecting raw materials, as well as in the process of manufacture. The purchaser of Ray-O-Vacs is certain to get the besjt that can be obtained.

The new radio batteries are the very latest effort to make Ray-O-Vac products the most serviceable of their kind to radio fans. The improved reception, with either of these batteries in the circuits, is very noticeable, due to their low internal resist­ ance. Owing to a new type of construction they are light in weight, internal "shorting" is eliminated, and unusual depend­ ability secured. These batteries are, indeed, " Radio's Best Battery," FRENCH 'BATTERY COMPANY Madison. Wisconsin 737 Terminal SL . Los Angeles Ortho-Sonic

You will like Federal lnstin'ctively you will rea l­ ize that Federal Ortho­ Sonic is produced by mas­ ter craftsmen of many years' experience. The marvelous tone-quali­ ty. extreme selectivity and the ability to bring in dis­ tant stations will settle all doubts as to which radio receiver you wilJ ultimately purchase.


We Recommend Eliminators Speakers Elkon Amplion Modern Enchanter Sterling Herald Since 1915- Balkite Fine Arts Standard for all Sets In the orange and blue carton

-.j Wholesale Distributors

11 l,l Wall Street WEstmore 3351 This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed, but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites, catalogs, booths or kiosks , either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at http://www.otrr.org/

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