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Radio Doings 270227.Pdf 2 Radio Doings F ebm'ary, 26 ---------------- ------ Kolster Radio "A Parade 0/ Stations" , Model 6-0. 6 Tubes-$98.50 Every Kolster owner is an enthusiast ITo find -out why. step in and see your nearest Kolster dealer. He will be glad to dem­ onstrate for you without obligation. for he. too. is a Kolster fan I LOS ANGELES Northeast Southern California t' Hollywood NORTON & NORTON ALHAMBRA ; 2211 N. Broadway ALHAMBRA RADIO ELEc. ANDREWS RADIO Co. CApitol 0484 1855 W. Mai"n S·t. r· 1704 McCadden Place Alhambra 2366 I GLadstone 0704 ANAHEIM South HOLLYWOOD RADIO CO. HAMMELL'S MUSIC CO. 709 N. \,yestern Ave. 124 E. Center St. JENKINS RADIO SHOP Anaheim 145 GLadstone 2897 8450-52 S. Broaaway THorn wall 4460 OTTO K. OLESEN BALBOA ILLUMINATING CO. MOD]ESKA RADIO STURGIS MUSIC CO. 704' E. Central 6548 Hollywood Blvd. 4711 S. Broadway Newport Beach 125 GLadstone 5194 AXridge 7106 BELLFLOWER Wilshire BELLFLOWER ELEC. SHOP Downey 7130 LA BREA ELECTRIC & Downtotvn r RADIO CO. BURBANK 5222 Wilshire Blvd. BULLOCK'S COLLINS RADIO WI-litney 9114 7tb and Broadway 223 E. San Fernando Blvd. BRoadway 6900 Burbank 446-W Highland Park EAGLE ROCK McNEIL'S MUSIC SHOP TUFTS-LYON ARMS CO. WEAVER & KING 571 I Pasadena Ave. 609 S. Olive St. 5059 Eagle Rock Blvd. GAr-field 2583 TRinity il626_ ALhany 3417 .., _ , _ _ California Distributors of Kolster: H. Earle Wright, Incorporated' 123·129 St!cond Street 415 Bast Bighth Street SAN FRANCISCO LOSANGELBS --------------------------------------- Februa1'Y 26 Radio Doings 3 KoIster Radio "A Parade of Stations" Southern California Dealers-Continued GLENDALE REDLANDS SANTA MONICA B UDWIG RADIO Co. MUNZIG RADIO CRONK MUSIC HOUSE 201 N. Brand Blvd. lIS N. Fifth St. 406 Santa Monica Blvd. Glendale 1801 Main 863 Santa Monica 26795 INGLEWOOD RADIO SERVICE CO. REDONDO 14th and Montana SEVILLE RADIO SHOPPE J. H. THORP RADIO Santa Monica 2620 I 6411 West Blvd: 124 S. Pacific Ave. Inglewood 771·W SANTA MONICA R ADI O CO. Redondo 3621 305 Santa MOllica Blvd. Santa M'onico 24240 LONG BEACH SAN BERNARDINO PREST & DEAN RADIO SANTA PAULA 356 American Ave. THEW RADIO CO. Long Beach 61 7 .97 Fleming Bldg. AVERY MUSIC CO. San Bernardino 381 ·12 933 Main St. RIALTO RADIO CO. Santa PallIa 97 430 American Ave. SAN GABRIEL Long Beach 653·171 MURPHY & HENDRICKX SIERRA MADRE LOMITA 243 S. San Gabriel Blvd. SIERRA MADRE ELEC. CO. San Gabriel 3122 CALKINS HARDWARE (G. I. Farman) 1129 Narbonne SAN DIEGO Opp. P. E. Station Lomita 115 Main 120 MARYLAND AUTO SUPPLY MONROJl'lA 650 F Street SOUTH PASADENA Main 3590 CLAUDE S. CHESS T~E R ADIO ELEc. STORE 125 W. White Oaks MILLER BROTHERS 1161 Fair Oaks Main 458 30th and University Colorado 6574 Hillcrest 200 F.liot 3397 MONTEREY PARK JACK M. WHITLEY MONTEREY PARK MUSIC CO. 411 C Street TORRANCE 102 E. Garvey Main-4512 DE BRA RADIO CO. Alhambra 1182·M SAN PEDRO 2175 Cravens Torrance 73 ·J PASADENA PACIFIC MUSIC CO. ASHTON'S RADIOLECTRIC 1025 Pacific Ave. UPLAND San Pedro 295·W STORE PACIFIC COAST ENGINEER­ 1762 E. Colorado St. SANTA ANA Colorado 4042 ING CO. HAWLEY SPORTING GOOD! 229 Second St. WILSON MUSIC CO. 305 N. Sycamore 180 E. Colorado St. Santa Ana 1091-W JlENTURA Terrace 6360 TURNER RADIO CO. MOORE & FAZIO POMONA 118 E. Fourth St. 733 Main St. JOHN BURNLEY Santa Ana 1172 Ventura 249 120 E. Second St. Pomona 1472 SANTABARBARA WILMINGTON SCHWARTZ & HEIMERL J. E. WILEY WILMINGTON HOWE. Co. 228 W. 2nd St. S.n M.rco. BId". 300 Canal St. Pomona 795 Sonta Barhara 3971 WilminJrton 20-.1 "Rich "Clear·Cut Tone-Quality" KOLSTER Selectivity" 4 Radio Doings February 26 - $14 Complete 'With Switch / ELKON TRICKLE CHARGER Keeps your "AU-batteries charged to highest efficiency AL WAYS. No attention on your part. No acids, alkali, water, moving parts, . tubes, or interference. It insures you constant power con.. stantly, tapering off or increasing as needed. SET IT - INSTALL IT - FORGET IT W liolesale Distributors YALE RADIO ELECTRIC CO. 1111 Wall Street - LOS ANGELES WEatmore 3351 NftIJ York OffiCI C JjicogD OffiCI So,. Pro,.cisco OffiCI J. W. HASTIE A. G. RUDOLPH CONGE;R " MOODY 155 East 42nd Street 500 N. Dearborn St. ShareD BuildiJlI( Vanderbilt 4661 Kearney 8483 1Rabio lDoinge Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Ot!. 407 East Pico Street, Los Angeles. Calif. "The Red Book of Radio" H. C. CHARLES Editor Phone WEstmore 140 1 KENNT~;~ic~i 2lt!lSTUN J. S. MILLER MAJ. LAWRENCE MOTT Associate Editor Associate Editor \ (Entered as ,l!(l()nd-cl.a88 matter. Nov. U. 1922. Loa Angele• • Cal.. Post 0111"". under Act 01 Marcb S. 1897.) CoDyrlgbt. 1926. by Horwood Publlslring Co. larue!! Weekly. Ten Cents a CODY. Tbree Dollar. a Year. Cenada and Foreign Countrlea. $3.50 per Year. Vol. X . Los Angeles FEBRUARY 26. 1927 San Francisco No.9 Last Prize Contest! OPULAR radio broadcasting started in the Fall of 1921. but did not begin to really come into its own until the Spring of 1922. Mr. Horwood. a far·sighted P business man and publisher, realized that the rapidly increasing number of set owners would need some medium which would conveniently list broadcast sta­ tions and their programs. RADIO DOINGS was started as a small pamphlet con· taining programs of three or four stations. In the last four and one·half years its publishers have constantly planned and added to the magazine so as to in­ clude. as far as possible, every need of the radio li:steners-in. The services of K. G. Ormiston, one of the best-known radio engineers In the country, have been obtained to direct the technical department and labora­ tory. Carey Preston Rittmeister, a well·known and popular home economist, con­ ducts a page of special interest to women r eaders. Several departments have been added for the exclusive use of our readers, including the DX Club, Questions and Answers. and Listeners·in page. Other departments such as Radio Topics of the Day. Radiograms, Trade T'opics and Broadcasters' Digest are maintained for general information concerning radio and radio people. In any endeavor for perfection there is still room for improvement, and the only way that we can improve RADIO DOINGS is to learn what YOU. our friends and readers, like and dislike, want and do not want. We offer a $.67.50 Master Pemco Heavy Duty 135-Volt A and B Eliminator as a prize for the best letter of not more than 500 words of criticisms and sug· gestions which would make a bigger and better RADIO DOINGS. This contest is open to all of our subscribers and readers. Address your letter to the Prize Contest Editor. The winning letter and name of the writer will be published in RADIO DOINGS issue of March 28th. ONLY $3.00 A YEAR Have RADIO DOINGS mailed to your home every week. Fill out blank below. Either mail to us, or your dealer will be glad to take ~are of it for you. Please indicate whether NEW or RENEWAL. -HORWOOD PUBLISHING CO .• 407 E. Pico St., Los Angeles, CONGER & MOODY, Sharon Building, San Francisco, Calif. Gentlemen: I enclose $3 .00, for which send me RADIO DOINGS for one year. NE;W-!U;NEW AL. Namee ____________________________________________________'__________ ___ Address 6 Radio . Doings February 26 GUARANTEED LOUD SPEAKERS We Wish to Announce the Arrival of the New Utah Junior Cone 13-inch Free Edge ONLY $1000 Home of Utah Speakers WEstmore 3291 Los Angeles 1125 Wall F l'b J'lI ar y 26 Radio D oing.f 7 Run Any Radio From Your Electric Current With the Marvelous ,-91-1"VV~~G- Radio AB Socket Power It mak e s no difference what kind or w hat make radio set you h ave, t he PHILCO AB-l~u~~~~~~~;;F~~ Socket Powe r wi1l give you both A and B R ad i o P ower from your elect ric light current. Think of it! Here is your opportu- nity t o do away wit h d r y-cell battery troubles. "B" b a tte ries and t he"A"st o r age b a tte r y. Your e lectric ligh tin g- current w ill now operate }'our r3dio set ~moo th l y a n d perfectl y. Installation FREE The Philco dealer in your community unde rs t ands exactly h ow t o make t his i nstallation. The P h ilco AB Socket Powe r H e will do it, FREE OF CHARGE, a nd guarant ee i ... 8/1 contained ;n one cabinet you r complet e satisfaction. Y ou can safel}' buy from any au t ho ri zed Philco dealer, anywher e. Easy as Turning on Yours On Easy Payments Your Electric Light You can buy the Philco AB Socket P ower on EASY PAYMENT T ERMS fr om any No more fuss! No more P hilco deale r in }' our t own . Y o u merely make a bother! N o m o r e annoyan ce caused b y small firs t pa}' m en t a nd then vou can pay t he bal- rech a rging an d replac ing ! All you n e ed ance in easy m o nth ly inst allment s. ~- t o do is snap one little switch " ON" when you want t o li st e n in, "OFF" Liberal Allowance for Your when you a r e fi nish ed. Old Storage Battery No Hum! No Distortion! It makes no difference what make of Th e Philco AB Socket Power will give y o u a b solutely t he best A s t orage battery you no ~ have; it n lakes no differ­ e n ce h ow o ld or worn out it may b e, th e Philco r eception without t he least h u m an d d ealer w ill m ake you a liberal allowance for it on without the least d is t ort ion.
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