Reports of Accomplishments of Planetology Programs, 1975-1976

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Reports of Accomplishments of Planetology Programs, 1975-1976 2020-03-22T17:12:36+00:00Z NASA TECHNICAL NASA TM X-3364 M EMORAN DUM CO CO I X REPORTS OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF PLANETOLOGY PROGRAMS, 1975-1976 Office of Space Science NASA Headquarters Washington, D.C. 20546 \ NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION • WASHINGTON, D. C. • MARCH 1976 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. NASA TM X-3364 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date Reports of Accomplishments of Planetology Programs, _March_1976 1975-1976 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. Office of Space Science 11. Contract or Grant No. Lunar and Planetary Programs Planetology Program 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Nome and Address National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes i ' 16. Abstract A compilation of abstracts of reports which summarizes work conducted by Planetology Program Principal Investigators. Full reports of selected abstracts were presented to the annual meeting of Planetology Program Principal Investigators at the Center for Astrogeology, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Arizona, March 8, 9, 10, 1976. 17. Key Words (Selected by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement Planetary Geology Solar System Evolution Unclassified-Unlimited Mars and Mercury Geologica Mapping Planetological Instrument Development STAR Cat. 91 19. Security Clossif. (of this report) 20. Security Clossif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price* Unclassified Unclassified > 282 ; $8.75 For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 FOREWORD ' • .- . ~ . i-.l This is a compilation of abstracts of reports from Principal Investigators of NASA's Office of Space Science, Division of Lunar and Planetary Programs, Planetology Program. The purpose is to provide a document which succinctly summarizes work conducted in this program. Each report reflects significant accomplish- ments within the area of the author's funded grant or contract. No attempt has been made to introduce editorial or stylistic uniform- ity; on the contrary, the style of each report is that of the Principal Investigator and may best portray his research. Bibliography information will be included in a separately published document. Full reports of selected abstracts were presented to the annual meeting of Planetology Program Principal Investigators at the Center for Astro- : geology, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Arizona. March 8, 9, 10, 1.976. S. E. Dwomik ILWahmaim Chief, Planetology Program Staff Scientist,\ Planetology Program .iii CONTENTS Page Foreword T .. 7T ~iii SOLAR SYSTEMS, COMETS, AND ASTEROIDS Conclusions About the Origin of the Solar System From Planetology Research ... 1 Homes Alfv£n and Gustaf Arrheritus Theoretical Research in Planetary Physics 4 A. G. W. Cameron and W. R. Ward Asteroid Fragmentational Processes 8 Clark R. Chapman Planetology Studies: Studies of lo and the Other Galilean Satellites . 11 F.P.Fanale Orbital Resonances in the Solar System 15 S. J. Peak Systematic Search for Planet-Crossing Asteroids and the Estimation of Impact Rates on the Terrestrial Planets 18 E. M. Shoemaker and E. F. Helm A Speculation About Comets and the Earth 23 Fred L. Whipple The Reality of Comet Groups and Pairs 27 FredL. Whipple Orbital linkage of Comets of Intermediate Period 31 Brian G. Marsden Orbit Determination of Nearly-Parabolic Comets 34 Brian G. Marsden and Zdenek Sekanina Evolution of Jupiter, Saturn and Their Satellite Systems 38 James B. Pollack Statistics of Anomalous Tails of Comets j 40 Zdenek Sekanina A Probability of Encounter With Interstellar Comets and the Likelihood of Their Existence . 43 Zdenek Sekanina GEOPHYSICS On the Extent of a Mercurian Liquid Core 46 S.J.Peale ' >•. - . • .. : Tharsis: Implications for Evolution and Present State of the Martian Interior .... 48 R. J. Phillips Analysis of Compensated Regions of Mars ..;...,.... 53 R. S. Sounders \ Temperatures in the Interiors of the Terrestrial Planets 57 Gerald Schubert Mixed Electrical and Accretional Heating and the "Zero Age" Lunar Thermal Profile •. .' 60 C. P. Sonett, F. Herbert, andM. J. Wiskerchen COMPARATIVE PLANETARY GEOLOGY A Siberian Analog of Martian Permafrost Terrain 65 Duwayne M. Anderson and Lawrence W. Gatto Comparative Planetology and Modification of Martian Uplands . ... V. ........ 66 R. E. Arvidson Possible Earth Analogs for Some Martian Channel Features 68 • Jon C. Boothroyd, Elizabeth J. Simpson, and Dag Nummedal Craters and Plains on Mercury, the Moon, and Mars .-. ... 69 V.R.Oberbeck Comparison of Lunar and Planetary Imagery 73 Peter H. Schultz . Role of Planetesimals in Comparative^Planetology ."; ...... 76 William K. Hartmann TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT Scientific Rationale and Feasibility of Developing a Planetary Semeda 78 A. L. Albee, J. R. Anderson, and A. A. Chodos The Control Net of Mercury 81 Merton E. Davies Alpha/X-Ray Analysis Using Solid-State Detectors 85 Ernest J. franzgrote VI Radar Studies of Mars . 87 R. A. Simpson, G. L. Tyler, and H. T. Howard Measurement of Small-Scale Terrain .Roughness: A Bonus From Airborne or Spacecraft-Borne Side-Looking Imaging Radar Systems ~. 7". .T. ~ rr -89- Gerald G. Schaber Imaging Radar for Planetary Studies 91 R. S. Sounders, M. I. Daify, and C. Elachi An Alpha Particle Instrument With Alpha, Proton and X-Ray Modes for Planetary Chemical Analyses 94 T. E. Economou and A. L. Twkevich Revised Albedo Measurements of Mercury 99 Daniel Dzurisin and G. Edward Danielson Evolutionary Time Scales and Histories Recorded on the Terrestrial Planets 100 Laurence Soberblom EOLIAN PHENOMENON Wind Tunnel Studies of Aeolian Processes 102 Ronald Greeley Eolian Bedforms in Unidirectional Winds 105 Alan D. Howard, Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, Jeffrey B. Morton, and Deborah Pierce Planetary Surface Sediments 107 ElbertA.King Terrestrial Yardangs 110 John F. McCauley and Maurice J. Grolier Wind Trends in Peru and on Mars . 115 Maurice J. Grolier, A. Wesley Ward, and John F. McCauley Terrestrial Analogs of the Hellespontus Dunes, Mars 117 CarolS. Breed Differentiating Eolian Deposits Using Grain Size Parameters 120 Augustus S. Cotera and Camilla K. McCauley Aeolian Field Studies at Amboy Crater 123 Ronald Greeley A Statistical Study of Crater Related Wind Streaks in the North Equatorial Zone of Mars 126 K. Cook and J. Veverka vu TECTONICS, GEOMORPHOLOGY, AND VOLCANOLOGY Morphologic Classification of Scarps and Lineaments in Discovery Quadrangle .... 127 Daniel Dzurisin Influence of Tectonic Setting, Composition, and Erosion on Basaltic Landforms: New Mexico and Mars 129 Wolfgang E. Elston, Jayne C. Aubele, Larry S. Grumpier, and Dean B. Eppler Martian Knobby Terrain 133 /. E. Guest, R. Greeley, and P. S. Butterworth Volcanic Features and Fracture Sets of the South Central Snake River Plain, Idaho . 135 John S. King and Ronald Greeley The Dependence of Topography on Volcanic Processes Within the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho 138 John F. Karlo and John S. King The Canyonlands Graben; Subsurface Stresses and a Possible Explanation for Regular Spacing 141 Albert W. Stromquist and George E. McGill Studies of the Mercurian Surface 146 Michael C. Malin Structural Analysis of Mars 147 Philippe Masson Fourier Analysis of Landforms: A Comparison of Features in the Washington Scablands and Selected Erosional Forms on Mars 148 Dag Nummedal and Jon C. Boothroyd The Proctor Dune Field of Mars: Additional Observations 149 James E. Peterson Elevation of Martian Volcanoes as a Function of Age 152 Michael H. Carr Volcanic Studies in Planetology 154 Ronald Greeley Rates of Structural and Landform Evolution of Hawaiian Volcanoes: Role of Short-lived and Catastrophic Processes 157 Robert I. Tilling, Robin T. Holcomb, Peter W. Lipman, and John P. Lockwood Floor-Fractured Craters on the Moon, Mars, and Mercury 159 Peter H. Schultz viu Effects of Surface Gravity on the Occurrence of Central Peaks in Martian, Lunar, and Mercurian Craters 161 Eugene I. Smith CHANNELS Interdisciplinary Ramifications of Mars Channel Studies 164 William K. Hartmann Preliminary Investigations of the Physics of Martian Channels .166 Carl Sagan Martian Channels 169 Harold Maswsky Studies of the Channeled Scabland of Washington State as a Terrestrial Analogue to the Channeled Terrain of Mars 172 Earl Ingerson and Victor R. Baker CRATERS Crater Morphologies on Mars at Mariner 9 B-Frame Scales 175 Clark R. Chapman Crater Size-Distribution Studies and Dating of Planetary Surfaces 178 Gerhard Neukum and Beate Konig (H. Fechtig) Mercury Craters Morphology: Statistics on Selected Areas 182 The Italian Consortium for Planetary Studies, University of Rome (M. Fulchignoni) Caloris-Age Changes in Mercury's Crater Populations 183 D. E. Gault, J. E. Guest, and P. H. Schultz Craters on the Moon, Mars, and Mercury: A Comparison of Depth/Diameter Characteristics 186 MarkJ. Cintala, James W. Head, and Thomas A. Mutch Characteristics of Fresh Martian Craters as a Function of Diameter: Comparison With the Moon and Mercury 188 Mark J. Cintala, James W. Head, and Thomas A. Mutch Comparative Planetological Analysis of Cratering and Geomorphological Processes . 191. Clark R. Chapman Populations of Impacting Bodies in the Inner Solar System 194 R. G. Strom and E. A. Whitaker IX Crater Saturation and Equilibrium: A Monte Carlo Simulation 197 A. Woronow Depth-Diameter Relation for Large Martian Craters
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