Culicidae (Dipt. Nematocera) of the Baltic Island of Oland
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Culicidae (Dipt. Nematocera) of the Baltic Island of Oland By CnnrsrrxB D.e,ur- Zoological Institute, Department of systematics, Helgonavagen B, 5-228 62 Lund, Sweden Abstract DAHL, Ctr. Culicidae (Dipt. Nematocera) of the ments on taxonomy are made. The distribution Baltic Island of 0land. - Ent. Tidskr. 96: 27-96, of the species in the Palearctic is mentioned. The 1975. peculiarities of the Oland biotopes and special Only four culicid species were previously demands on larval habitats are related to the known from Oland. Of the twenty-two species zoogeographic characteristics of the island. The recorded two are new to Fennoscandia (4. (O.) culicid fauna is classified as a typical one for relifti Medsch. and ,4. (A.l geminus Peus) and deciduous forests with abundance of temporary additionally sixteen new to Oland. Short com- pools in spring. 1. Introduction rvith a habitat the "vdtar" in which - - some early-emerging culicid species can l)e The fauna and flora of the island of Oland found. No special studies of culicids have, in the South Baltic have attracted numerous however, been made on Oland. Only four biologists, which have mainly focussed their species, represented by a few adult specimens interest on the steppelike alvar. The biogeo- from early collectors (Zetterstedt 18.38, 1850, graphically interesting position of the island, Wahlgren 1915) were known from the island. u'ith the presence of southeastern and eastern Revisions lvere made by Edwards (l92lb) species, the favourable climate and the is- and Natvig (1948) . On Oland there are few land's geology, with ordovician limestone rich permanent rvaters. Nevertheless the island is in fossils, slates and sandstones, have all rich in suitable habitats for culicid develop- given rise to this interest. ment especially in spring. Since Wahlgren's (1917) review of the Breeding conditions for some species exist fauna of Oland comprising about 800 in flat and sheltered parts of the shore rvith species vertebrates- of and invertebrates extensive Phragmites vegetation mainly on many studies - of the fauna of above all inver- the western side of the island. On the central tebrates have been made. parts of the island precipitation collects on General excursions were reported on by the impermeable limestone surface layers. Gisl6n (1947, 1951, 1954) and Ander (198b). 'fhese are often only covered by thin layers A survey of Phyllopoda \1'as given by Ardii of earth or grassy ground. Both on the bare (1948) . Among several excellent insect studies alvar and in the luxuriant deciduous forests only that by Bruce (1964) on Coleoptera in rvith Quercus, Frarinus, Alnus, Betula, Corg- temporary pools will be mentioned as it deals Ius and Prunus spinoscr shallow temporary 6 E″ ι.rjJsλ″ 96・ 1975・ 3-′ 78 CHRISTINE DAHL pools form in spring and can in favourable loc. 132 Buserum RN-62771548, E of road, years contain considerable amounts of culicid flooded meadorv with grass, Carer, rvater larvae. The present collections were made level about 20 cm. In the centlal part an during a fe、 v days stay in spring in the years open pool, more than 50 cm. deep and at least 1965, 1966, 1972 and 1973; and in August semi-permanent rvith Menganthes and Rarlun- 1971. NIainly adults, but also larvac 、vere culus aquatilis (fig. 2). The meadorv rvas collected and some species 、vere reared. surrounded by Betula, Corglus, Prttnus Because of the unpredictable conditions as to spinosa and Juniperu.s. Open onto a path the precise developmelltal time of larvae not rvith a ditch on rvhich adults were found all species 、vere found in the larval stage resting. Nevertheless the brief surveys of about 30 d) open meadorn's surrounded by deciduous localities of 、vhich 18 gave culicids and of forest rvithout larval habitats in immediate which some 、vere revisited for several years, vicinitl' yielded about 300 adults and 60 1arvae. loc. 121 S6dra Bdck, mosse RN-62831551, TOgether、vith adults(abOut 30)be10nging to 500 m \V of Siidra Biick. Marshy ground rvith the Entomological Museum Lund and to Dr. Carer, glass, Orchidaceae, Pedicularis pcrlus- Bo Tjeder they forlll■ the base for the fol‐ fris, surrounded b1' forest of Ahlus, Bctttlcr, lo、ving recOrds. Pinus, Juniperus, Corglus and Qrtercus. Open. loc. 133 Byxelkrok RN-63581573, 50 m 2. List of localities from seashorc on meadorv u,ith Orcfti.s; sur'- rounded by Juniperus, Pinus and Bcfrrlc. The culicid localities of Oland hitherto Open. studied(fig・ 1)Can rOughly be separated into eight grOups with regard to their surroundings e) shaded temporary pools in deciduous and vegetation. forest loc. 136 Buserum RN-62771547, \\r of the a)eXpOSed alvar with larval habitats road, flooded meadow at deepest about 50 cm, loc. 127 Vickleby RN-62711539,temporary rvith mainly Carer. Surrounded by deciduous pools on grass 、vith mosses in the deepest forest, Jlnus, Betula and Salir. At the edge parts, at most 50 cm. deep. Open. of the forest small shaded temporary pools loc. 11l Drёstorps mosse RN-62731546, u,ith the ground coveled rvith dead leaves. 2 km south of Lenstad. Flooded grOund at Semishaded (fig. 3). the edge of the fen、 vith sparse vegetation of loc. 117 Ismantorp ltN-62911551, beside Iariα icIIIα Car`χ , Pο ιθnffIIα , Grο ♭ , PIng口 , Ismantorp borg, marshy ground with tempo" “ Morfr2ビ α between limestone blocks.Open. rary pools in Betuln, ,{Inus, Corlllus forcst. loc. 131 Barby mosse RN-62521548, l km Pool bottoms covered rvith dead leaves. ヽヽr Sё dra Barby・ Large marsh with extensive Shaded. Car`" and Scfrρ IIs vegetation in the central loc. 113 Stola Riir RN-62921543, N of road, parts,at the edges f10oded grassヽ vith sparse beside a small stream on marshy ground rvith JIIItfρ θraS,Pο fertrffrα and temporary pools, ground covered tvith dead .Rubus ldaeus, Lgsimachia b)eXPOSed alvar without larval habitats leaves. Vegetation uulgaris, Alnus. Shaded loc.115 Borge hage RN-63041550,on grassy loc. 114 Ekerum ItN-62961546, I km NW ground 、vith idο nis υθr77α ris, Por`rtrirra, Ekerum near shore at edge of sparse Qrtercus, AIIfttrll scho`nο pras“コ■,Junfρ `ras.Open・ Alnus forest t'ith ground vegetation of RuDus C) Open, f10oded meadows in deciduous Idaeus, Corgdalis. Small temporary pools, forest with larval habitats bottoms covered rvith leaves. Shaded. E2ι 7'ご sλ ″96 ノ975 3-` crJLrcrDAE (orrr. Nnu.o.rocrnl) oF THE BALTIC ISLAND or' 6r,lr.lo 79 N I I 山 ■ l T I I I I I I I Ⅲ Fig. 1. Localities in which 几 = culicids have been collected = l l l ‐ on the island. own sam- 脚 O = - = ptes; previous collectors. o 10km 5 - F71`ヽ :ご ●特″ 96 r,7う・3-タ 「 80 CHRISTINE DAHL loc. 116 Borge hage RN-63041550, 500 m material in the Entomological Museum Lund NW of Borge hage in deciduous forest, and my orvn collections, also deposited in the marshy ground with temporary pools, bot- museum. toms covered with dead leaves. Very shaded. The present list comprises among other f) shaded temporary to semipermanent species also such, which in other areas have pools in mixed forest been recently studied as to taxonomy. In some cases this has resulted in detection of loc. 134 Nabbelund RN-63581573, Cladium new forms or greater variability of important mariscus marsh rvith running water but diagnostic characters. The Oland material has probably only semipermanent, about 10-20 been studied with those results in mind. cm deep at the eclosion time. Surrounded by Necessary comments are made in the fol- mixed forest of Betula, ,4lnus, Pinus rvith lorving. mainly Rubus ldaeus as ground vegetation. Very shaded. g) shaded resting places of adults Anophelinae loc. 125 Ekerum RN-62961546, I km N\V (Anopheles) Ekerum in dry Corglus thicket. Anopheles loc. 135 Kiiping RN-63071556, near sea- A. (A.) elaviger (Nleigen) 1804 s. l. shore, on densc vegetation of Lgsimachia and. Syn.: ,4. bifurcatus Zetterstedt 1850, A. bifurcatus nettles, shaded by , lnus. Edwards 1921, A. bilutcatus Wahlglen 19?2. permanent h) waters During the last len years it has been shown loc. 118 Sridra Bdck RN-62841552, on open by Coluzzi (1960) and Coluzzi et al. (1965) meadorv, an old, stonepaved ground water that l. clauiger (Meig.) in the Mediterranean pool v'hich had a small, free water surface, actually consists of two species A. clauiger obviously not drying out in normal years. (Meig.) and A. petragnanii Del Vecchio. The Surrounded by lgpfta. Open. latter seems to be a southern species. It has loc. 119 Siidra Bick RN-62841552, along a not yet been found in Central Europe or in meandering stream under dense vegetation of England (Service 1973). The most reliable ,Carer. Open. characters for differentiation of the two loc. 120 Eriks6re RN-62761538, on seashore species are found in the larval stages III and rvith brackish water heavily polluted, dense IV. The females are particularly difficult to vegetation of P hragmites. separate. Thus material from Fennoscandia is better treated in a wider sense until detailed studies have shorvn the actual taxonomic 3. Taxonomy status. the follovving, systematics are treated In A. (A.) maeulipennis Nleigen 1818 s. l. .according to Stone et al. (1959) and Mohrig (1969) . Old material recorded by Zetterstedt Before the taxonomy of the species com- (1838, 1850) , Wahlgren (1915) and revised plex had been worked out for certain, Ekblom by Edwards (1921 b) and Natvig (19a8) is and Striiman (1932) gave a detailed account dealt rvith, fol the case of synonymy only of macrrlipcnnis s. l. from Sweden. The rvhen it could be verified by first-hand studies species rvas also reported from the Oslo 'of the material in the Entomological Museum region (Natvig 1929).