NEWPORT DIRECTORY MAY/ JUNE 2018 SW DIRECTORIES COPY DEADLINE FOR THE JULY/AUGUST EDITION Wednesday 30th May Welcome! Editor: Susan Woolford Sales & Distribution: If you are interested in advertising your business in the Leslie Woolford Directory, please contact us to find out about the very The editor cannot accept competitive advertising rates. You will always deal with us any liability to any party for directly, like many of the businesses that advertise in this loss or damage caused by errors or omissions. All magazine, we are a small, independent business and fully artwork is accepted on the appreciate how much your business means to you. strict condition that permission has been given Best wishes for use in the publication. SW Directories does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior Advertising enquiries: permission of the editor. Telephone Leslie on 07725 888070 or 01633 892771 or email
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