Tentative List of Selectees for Tuscola County Community Club Presents
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VOLUME 36, NUMBER 29.' CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1941. EIGHT PAGES. Tentative List of Coming Auctions. "Ken" Smith Talks Four Plead Guilty M. E. Kenney has rented his Frost Expected to Rotary Club farm, 4 miles east and 1-/4 miles Selectees for south of Cass City, on M-53, and Charles Simmons, Cass City, and in Tuscola Circuit will sell cattle, horses, swine, poul- Albert Rock, Deford, who leave this try, farm implements and house- community for induction in the hold goods at auction, on tomorrow army next Tuesday, were honor Tuscola County (Saturday) afternoon, October 11. guests at the Rotary Club luncheon Court on Monday Arnold Copeland is the auctioneer at Hotel Gordon Tuesday. and the Cass City State Bank is Robert Keppen was program Quota of Forty-two Are clerk. Full particulars are printed chairman and presented "Ken" Two Charged with Lar- to Leave the County Seat on page seven. Smith, local dry cleaner, who de- James S. Spencer will have a scribed the processes of the equip- ceny Were Placed on Pro- Next Tuesday Afternoon. farm sale, one mile north and one ment of his plant and the methods bation by Judge Cramton and three-quarters miles east of employed. He stated that the dry Kingston, with Arnold Copeland as cleaning industry was seventh of The following is the tentative auctioneer and the Kingston State importance in the nation. J. A. list of selectees who will leave Tus- Bank as clerk. His sale date is Sandham was song leader, with In the Tuscola Circuit Court on cola County next Tuesday after- Tuesday, October 14. The property Charles Keen at the piano. Monday, John Kastruba, 22, of noon for ,the induction center. is listed on page seven. Members of the Rotary Club will Detroit was sentenced to a two to V-100 S-3057, Ray Lapp, Caro. Zygmont Mis will have a farm omit their regular get-together 15-year term in the state prison at 774, Charles Van Wagoner, Mil- sale, two miles west, one mile south next week to gather at the first Jackson because of failure to ob- lington. and one and a half miles west of meeting of the autumn season of serve probationary requirements. 974, Charles Stewart, Unionville. Deford, on Thursday, October 23. ;he Cass City Community Club. Kastruba pleaded guilty on May S-1381, Maynard DeGrow, Silver- Full particulars will be printed in 27, 1936, to the charge of assault wood. the Chronicle next week. with attempt to rob without arms 1410, Laurence Brock, Caro. Charles Hirsch has selected Fri- and was placed on probation for S-1717, David Peterhans, Caro. day, October 31, for a farm auction Delinquent Tax three years and later the period S-1745, Archie Mark, Cass City. sale, four miles west of Argyle. was extended for two more years. S-1884, Leon Arn, Deford. Full particulars will be printed in Kastruba is the young man who, S-1968, Thaddeus Setla, Caro. a later number of the Chronicle. while attempting a holdup in ,the 1978, Raymond Dyer, Caro. Returns of $16,033 general store of Mrs. S. H. Brown 2010, Vivian Dalrymple, Milling- in Cass City, on Saturday eevning, ton. January 25, 1936, was put to flight S-2010, Erling Ollila, Vassar. Are Distributed in a rain of grocery scoops and S-2066, Bert Bentley, Vassar. Community Club counter hardware aimed at his S-2322, Frank FQX, Mayville. head by the merchant and minus 2198, Eric Huenemoerder, Union- Of This Amount, $7,665 the money he demanded. ~ ville. Presents First Irving Morrish of Flint pleaded 2279, Earl Reid, Cass City. i Go to the 23 Townships guilty to unlawfully driving away 2292, Elmer Schwarz, Unionville. an automobile, 2308, Harry Benjamin, Caro. Program Tuesday in the County of Tuscola. David Ryckman pleaded guilty to 2316, Owen Weisenbach, Akron. non-support and was remanded to 2340, Mike Racknor, Vassar. the custody of the sheriff. Next day, costs and back payments were 2345, Roy Lowe, Fairgrove. Roeland Van Cavel, "a Arthur Willits, Tuscola County 2346, Walter Bodeis, Mayville. treasurer, reports that $16,033.99 paid and he was released. 2359, Roland O'Brien, Mayville. Funny Dutchman," Will are being distributed as the re- William Telfor of Caro pleaded 2387, Eustacio Ortega, Fairgrove. 4-H Club Achievement turns from delinquent taxes; for the guilty to a larceny charge and was 2459, Burton Ward, Millington. Present the Program. third quarter ending September 30. remanded to the custody of the 2460, Basil Randall, Kingston. Program at Vassar Of this amount, $1,932.80 go to the sheriff to await sentence. , 2546, Myron VanGuilder, Caro. drain funds, $5,524.74 to the coun- Michael Wendling of Sebewaing 2548, William Servis, Birch Run. All summer 4-H club members ty general fund, $128.49 to county Concluded on page four. The Cass City Community Club of Tuscola County who have com- 2550, Lachlan McLachlan, Cass will open its series of autumn and roads, '$7,665.00 to the 23 town- City. pleted their projects and records ships and $782.96 to'10 villages in winter programs on Tuesday eve- will be given a banquet and a 2610, Basil Bigham, Cass City. ning, October 14, at the school the county. Herbert Hartwick 2616, Robert Babcock, Unionville. theatre party at Vassar on Satur- auditorium. The dinner will be day, October 18. The banquet will Townships and villages share 2694, Kenneth Martin, Vassar. served by the Novesta Church of as follows: Hurt in Auto Crash 2712, Albert Rock, Deford. be served in the Vassar High School Christ Ladies' Aid Society. gymnasium at noon. Townships. 2716, Charles Simmons, Cass The evening program attraction Won Their Second League Cars driven by Herbert Hart- An interesting program is being Akron $ 128.60 wick of Temperance and Mrs. Fran- City. is Roeland Van Cavel, "a funny Aimer 142.43 2727, Leslie Haist, Caro. arranged. Achievement certificates Contest from Sandusky ces Burnham met at a highway Dutchman with a thoroughly amus- and pin awards will be presented Arbela 137.08 intersection, two and a half miles 2729, Anthony Wolak, Kingston. ing and entertaining demonstra- Lansing—Hold on to your hats, Last Friday Afternoon. Columbia : 175.65 2743, William Line, Caro. all members who complete their Dayton 142.24 northeast of Caro, Monday at 4:00 tion," according to the announce- folks—we're going somewhere! projects. Special awards will be 2744, Charles Westphal, Akron. ment of the program, committee. Denmark 150.41 p. m. Mr. Hartwick suffered rib Staggering to the imagination of given to honor members. About fractures and facial and body in- 2754, Winnie Skinner, Cass City. When the curtain rises Mr. Van ;he Michigan man on the street is Elkland 260.92 2765, Carl Stecker, Unionville. 275 members and 25 leaders will be The Cass City High School foot- Ellington 373.84 juries. Mrs. Irene McCann, mother Cavel is singing the Dutch national the latest federal payroll tax pro- present. Members of the Tuscola ball squad lost their first contest Elmwood 997.55 2818, Vern.Mills, Millinfton. anthem and supposedly making of Mrs. Burnham and a passenger posal, Messed by President Frank- County 4-H Club Council will take of the season and their opponents, Fairgrove 337.50 in the Burnham car, received cuts 2850, Floyd Fisk, Cass City. wooden shoes. He tells about the in D. Roosevelt and Secretary of V-101, Sterling Hobson, Garo. - part in the program. Caro, were scored against the first Fremont 385J7 in the face. Holland dykes, the Dutch school the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Marion Harrington and Neva time this autumn in the game Gilford .-. 300.05 Both cars were damaged. Transferred to Washtenaw County. system, the home life of the Hol- to skim more millions of dollars Achenbach, winners of the state played here Wednesday afternoon. Indianfields , 1,149.70 j 2269, Robert Homer, Clifford. landers, their clothing and tulip from the national income—all in Juniata .*. 308.50 contest in dairy foods demonstra- The county seat lads carried home Kingston 233.16 The call is for 42 draftees for growing. Mr. Van Cavel briefly the name of our economic good tions, will be on hand to tell about the long end of the 19-6 score. states his impression of the United Koylton , 358.83 Rev. W. H. Hastings the October contingent. In the health. their trip to Memphis, Tennessee, Huffman of Caro was the out- Millington 512.93 above list of 44 names, Robert Bab- States before he came here and It puts the Michigan legislative and perhaps to put on their demon- standing player of the afternoon, Novesta 60.34 cock and Elmer Schwarz have ap- what he really found when he got situation, in which Governor Van stration. securing two of his team's thr.ee Tuscola 268.36 and Miss Powell plied for enlistment in the navy, here. Wagoner is to deliver an address touchdowns. Vassar 601.05 and if they are accepted, there will Mr. Van Cavel is secured from today (Thursday), into a modest Caro blocked a kick in the first Watertown 401.47 Married Yesterday still be the required 42 for the Oc- the entertainment bureau of the corner of incidental interest. The League Swings into quarter and ran the ball over from Wells 188.16 tober quota from Tuscola. Northwest Assembly and will speak governor and the legislature may the 20-yard line. In the second, Wisner 51.16 In the First Congregational to students here at the afternoon 101st Volunteer. jet the headlines, but they will be Mid-season Form Cass City was penalized on inter- $7,665.00 Church at Webster Groves, Mis- session of the local school.