Owner to Modernize . House and Occupy It George R. Trues Gives
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All the NEWS 01 B E D BAN B / j and Surraandlnjr Towns .told Fearlessly and Without Bias tl,e aii=J WWHKBP.V offlcj «t Kid U»nk, H. J. uodif Un Act of Uuch B, IBto C tr. jr., ' Tinton Falls Pet Leonardo Needs Dinner-Dance E. C. Pitman Buys Show Friday Night Boat Basin And For Riverview , Lincroft Property Entries are numerous and many Earlo C. Pltnan of Lincroft ha tickets have boon sold for tho pet purchased about 75 acres of land ad- show to bo hold tomorrow night at i Improved Beach Saturday Night joining his farm from Louis Destri- tho Tlnton Falls Bchoolhousc. Dogs, bats. The property is west of th cats,- monkeys, fishes and various Event to be Held at Monmouth Pitman farm and runs from William othor kinds of creatures havo been Improvements for the Commun- Domldion's farm south of Swimming entered. Tho profits aro to bo used ity Discussed at Enthusiastic County Country Club Shows river. Several buildings, Including a to buy baseball and othor athletic Indications of. Being Largely residence, and an applo orchard, equipment for tho use of the pupils. Meeting in the Auditorium of Attended. which takes up several acres, are on It will bo tho third event of tho kind the Grade School Monday. tho property. to bo hold by tho pupils. Tho two Mr. Pitman expects to take ove preceding onos wero largely attended Preparations'arc ncarlng comple- About 100 persons attended tho tion for the dinner-dance to bo hold tho Destribats farm on Juno 1. He .v and -profitable. Tho Judging will bo FJatontown plans to raze tho buildings, take ou Property of 104 Acres at Drain Clogged By done by outstanding pot experts. meeting held In the Leonardo grade Saturday night at the Joseph L. Donahay Letter From an Army En- - school Monday evening for tho pur- Country club for the benefit of tho applo trees and plant several Niitswamp-Sold to Harry Hibernating Reptiles posa of discussing ways and means Rivervlow hospital to be held by the thousand evergreen trees. Mr. Pit- gineer to William. H. SuU of securing Improvements -lor Leoy Middletowon village auxiliary of that man bought about 125 acres of the Announces He Two linos of tllo drain on a farm nardo. Al W. Cross, president of the institution. Mrs. Charles L,. Stcucr- Dcstrlbats farm in 1934 and his entin C. Curry, South Orange at Now Monmouth owned by James Senior Class To newly formed "Broadcasters of Loo- wald, president of the auxiliary, and holdings at Lincroft now amount to phin Is Made Public by; E. "Grlggs got clogged, and Martin nardo" organization, opened the othor persons who are promoting the more than 200 acres. Will Be Candidate Man, for $19,000. Clszcskl, who occupies, tho property, Give Production meeting and Introduced Theodore J. affair aro much encoura'ged over the Emil Stalder. dug them up lost weok In" an effort Labrecquc, who said in part: large amount of interest shown and Surrogate Rounds Out 25 Years to remedy the bad drainage con- "It is surprising what a small per- tickets' sold. They look for an at- ditions. In one pipe bo found that Tomorrow Night centage of the people realize the Im- tendance of about 200 persons at the The Thomas Farm of Service With Statemen Owner To Modernize tho trouble was due to tho fact that portance of putting across.the boat dance That He Will Run for Re-Elcc hibernating in It wore four frogs, basin project. The stato board of George R. Trues five lizards and a snake 18 inches "Heart Trouble" to be Given at At Harmony Sold tion—Great Service Record. long. Mr. Clszcskl killed the reptiles commerce an.n.d navigatiog n is in . House and Occupy It and from tho other lino of tllo he River Street School Auditor- chargo'of about 16 water projects In Gives His Views removed a mass of whlto alder roota, . ium by Public School Senior .the state and appropriates certain To Newspaper Man Joseph L. Donahay announced hi Good drainage conditions again pre- sums tb bo expended each year and enndidacy today for re-election to th vail on tho property. Class— Curtain at 81 :S P. M. unless a determined effort Is made Property of 35 Acres Bought by oflice of surrogate of Monmouth Tho ifcdward Crocs farm In tho to get the. bill regarding the lagoon, county, a position he has held the Last summer, silt removed from Nubjwamp section of Middlotown Introduced by Assemblyman Joseph John R. Hayes of the New past 25 years. Today marks his sil- the Shrewsbury river at Red Banlc township waa bought last weok by Tho senior class of Red Bank pub- Irwin, out of tho miscellaneous com- ver anniversary in that position below Cooper's bridge, was placed In Harry C. Curry of South Orange, 11B high school will present their an- mittee it may be burled. Organiza- York Daily News, Who Is Now Prior to taking office in 1012 ho hni depository in Middletown town" who will modernize tho house on tho Testimonial Ball nual play, "Heart Trouble," a three- tion is needed and must get behind Occupying It. IS years of training under the lat ship. The dam used for tho deposi- premises and malto It his home. The act comedy, tomorrow night at River the project 100 per cent' If the bill David S. Crater, who for many yean tory collapsed qnd a large part of broltor In tho transaction was the streot school auditorium. Tho cur- Is to be brought before the commit- the refuse flowed back Into tho riv- Saturday For John R. Hayes, who has a position was surrogate and later secretaiy o: Josoph a. McCuo agoncy of Rumaon. tain will bo pulled at 8:15 o'clock tee. A decided and strenuous effort state. er, greatly reducing tho depth and Mr. Curry purchasod tho property and dancing will follow. Miss Mad- must be made to got sufficient votes n the press department of the New width of the stream above Cooper's •• from tho Broad Street National' banl Two Ex-Chiefs eline Gates and Vollln B. Wells are to put tho bill across and this will •Tork Dally News, has bought th bridge. of Red Bank, that Institution being directing tho play. require hnrd work and co-operation." Thomas farm near Port Monmouth, The work was done as a federal represented by Robert.Sherwood, re- Tho suspenso and hutnor which Mr. Labrecque stated" ho had inter- nU is making It his home. Tho sal project after receiving tho approval ceiver. Tho bank took possession of Chief Jacob Bloom on Ticket complicates lovo affairs Is created by viewed Mr. Gellneau, state engineer, vas made last week by John T. Law- of tho United States army engineers' the farm shortly after It was closed tho socially ambitious daughter, Eve- regarding, the project, who told-him office at New Tork, which was neces- in 1033 and placed In tho hands of a Committee for Benefit Ball at lyn Wodehouse, as Laura Morrison, the Leonardo beach and lagoon were I The new owner plans to modernize sary because the Shrewsbury is un- receiver. Mr. Cross is occupying tho Ellis' Club — Joseph Fox- who snubs her small tbwn lover ant naturally excellent projects an.l ho house, which Is one of the oldes der military jurisdiction. Red Banlc property. drugstore clerk, Tommy Caler, played should bo developed. Ho likewise wellings of Middletown township paid approximately $8,500 of tho cost Chairman of Committee. by William Lcgg, for tho new golf talked with Assemblyman Joseph • was purchased from tho Martha of dredging, tho land comprises 104 acres, near- ' Walling estate, which was repre- ly all of which is tillable asldo from pro, Frank DeMaria, leading man Irwin, Mr. Walker and Fred W. De- Emll Stalder, who conducts'a res- A largo sale -of tickets has been known as Conrad Tyler. The moth- voe, all of whom were In favor of cnted by the Atlantic Highlands taurant,'tavern and boat business on a small woods, It fronts on Nut- the project. :He reiterated his state- •'ational banlc as trustee. Mrs. Wall- swamp road and Is opposite tho Wal- reported by tho Chiefs and Ex-Chiefs er, Mrs, Grace Morrison, played by Bridgo avenue, near Cooper's bridge, association of Rod Bank for a testi- Barbara Sopp, and Albert Newman ment that a determined effort.mubt ing, who was the widow of Crawfori appealed to Congressman William H. tor Field farm,, which was recently be put forth to make any headway; Walling, died a number of years ago. sold to Hattlo Carnegie, famous de- monial benefit balTSaturday night at as the father (Fred Morrison) frames MRS. CHARLES L. STEUERWALU Sutphin to ask the army engineers the Elks club on Broad street. The a plot that In which tho younger Ho asked for a commlttoo to work She had a mortgage on the Thomas to havo tho filling in process correct- signer of gowns, by tho McCuo benefit is for two ex chlefs of the with him from time to time to fur- farm which she bequeathed to .the ed. The congressman complied with, agency. r daughter, Patricia ' (Dorothy Doug Prizes for tlio wearers of the best children of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Red Bank fire department. Tom ass) makes a play for the drugstoro ther the project, and Messrs. J. H. costumes will be donated by Young's the request and sent to Mr. Stalder On the place la a houso of olght Hackett's orchestra will play.