Perth Amboy—Are Not Kopper's Fault Evidently Much Higher Than PORT READING — Most Anticipated

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Perth Amboy—Are Not Kopper's Fault Evidently Much Higher Than PORT READING — Most Anticipated A Newspaper Devoted Complete News ,Picttires T© the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage Amd Impartially Each Week VOL. XX—NO. 30 M3RDS, N. 3., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1958 PRICE TEN CENTS Fungus Imagine It! Crabbing im Sewaren L ofty B ids Hit Caused WOODBRIDGE — Bids re- ceived for the final three Pamage elementary schools in the $3,- 000,000 school construction A^rlciiltural Agent program— the Kennedy Park, Cozy Corner and Lafayette Says Spotted Plants Schools designed by Murray To Ring Out Leibowitz, Perth Amboy—are Not Kopper's Fault evidently much higher than PORT READING — Most anticipated. For 31 Cops of the damage'to plants in the Based on the lowest bids in WOODBRIDGE — Thirty- Port Reading area was caused each category and not includ- one members of the Wood- by fungus and mildew and ing any of the alternate bids bridge Police Department are not from fumes or residue the Board may find it wants going back to school. from the Koppers Company to include, the cost of each of This time they will attend plant on Woodbridge-Carteret the schools adds up as fol- the Middlesex County Police Road, according to Warner H. lows: Lafayette, $558,825; School sponsored by Prosecu- Thurlow, Assistant Agricul- Cozy Corner $423,336 and tor Warren W. Wilentz in co- tural Agent of the Middlesex Kennedy Park, $424,057. These operation with the Association County Extension Service. sums do not include furniture of Chiefs of Police of Middle- Edward. Tenthoff, plant and fixtures. sex County, New Jersey State manager, said Mr. Tliurlow According to the previous Police and the Federal Bureau visited the area this week. estimate by Dr. Nicholas of Investigation. Captain J. A Port Reading man who Engelhardt, school consultant, S. Drosdick of the Prosecutor's had complained of little holes the Kennedy Park and Cozy staff will be course director. in the leaves of her trees was Corner Schools were to cost Each policeman will be ex- informed they were caused by $363,000 each and Lafayette, pected to take twelve days of insects. Several of the leaves a larger school, was to be built lecture work culminating in a had insects on them. to cost hi the neighborhood of final examination of 50 ques- Reached on the phone yes- $462,000. tions. The course will be held terday, Mr. Thurlow said he Gives Opinion Tuesdays and Thursdays from WOODBRIDGE—The policy did not wish to get involved in Mr. Leibowitz said yester- September 9 to October 16. established by the Planning any controversy as' his group day in his opinion "the There will be afternoon ses- Board and the Town Commit-" is educational, but he would schools were well within the sions and evening sessions so tee in prohibiting major sub- be happy to give any advice WELCOME BACK: These three Sewaren boys eaugfet II blue-claw crabs m their nets that cops on duty in the day in less than 15 minutes Monday afternoon. The crabs, which disappeared many years budget" as site work, grading divisions is illegal and the and send residents of Port and drainage are included in time can attend evening ses- Town Committee has no al- Reading agricultural bulletins ago due to water pollution, have begun to return to Smith's Creek. Shown above, the bids received last Thurs- sions and those working on ternative but to grant build- which would be helpful to left to right, are Jimmy Hanselt, Louis Ambrose an* Joan Haiiselt. day night, while bids received night shifts can attend day hog permits for developments them. on other school did not in- time sessions. Afternoon ses- provided the developers com- "At this time of year," he sions will start at 12:30 ending ;clude them and contracts at 3:30 and evening sessions ply with all requirements. said, "things begin to look were awarded separately for will start at 1 PJMU ending at That was the decision beat up. We had a hard sum- Red Cross Must Raise that work. 10:00 PM. handed down today by Town- mer due to the rain followed "I understand that.$500,000 ship Attorney Nathan Duff by hot. humid days which was set aside in the budget Enrolled in Course in the case of the Imperial caused leaf scorch. A great for site work and drainage for Township officers enrolled Manor Homes, Inc., against deal of what I saw was caused to Continue Work the eight schools and these in the course are Stephen the Township. by heat. Powder substances on schools are entitled to three- Pochek, Charles Oliphant, roses and lilacs turned out to WOODBRIDGE — Unless eights of that amount", Mr. Edward Preputnik, William Last month Judge ^ohK be powdery mildew, also $4,000 can be raised in a Leibowitz declared. Reid, John Yuhasz, Victor McGeehan sitting in Superior caused by the weather." special Fall clean-up cam- Abandoned Septic Tanks Meanwhile several of the Balint, Arthur M. Donnelly, Court in. New Brunswicfe Mr. Tenthoff explained af- paign, the local Red Cross Board members are express- James Danch, Joseph Nagy, handed down a judgment in ter one man complained that Chapter will have to discon- ing concern over the bids and Stephen Yuhasz, Stanley J. favor of Imperial Homes and a substance from Kopper's tinue many of its services here Hazard Committee Finds I complain they are "higher Gurney, Sgt. Joseph McLaugh- directed that the plaintiff's was causing black spots on his and close down its office on than anticipated, especially lin, Wendel Doll, Joseph Rus- application be granted and .hedges, an investigation re- Main Street, according to an WOODBRIDGE —. A SUg- for iron work and plumbing." barsky, Elmer Green, Fred permission be granted "to the announcemet made today. It is pointed out the $8,000,- Wandras, Jr., Andrew Ludwig, plaintiff to prove with its (Continued on Page 10) estion made by Edward Block, Charles Wyda, Robert J. proposed subdivision for 45 The special fund-raising for Colonia, in regards to aban- 000 must cover the cost of the 'Requests Funds |. entire school construction Thompson, John E. Waldman, homes in the Woodbridgs which 400 volunteer workers doned septic tanks, will be Robert Fisher, Charles Nier, Park section. are being recruited has been studied carefully by the Town j program including furniture | Stephen Tobak, Salvatore Committee and the necessary | and fixtures. It was also In a letter to the Towjs Nab Boys made necessary inasmuch as Front Township I Grillo, Roy Maskarinetz, Ru- Committee, Mr, McGeehan the goal of $13,000 was not at- ordinance introduced, it was I pointed , out that a previous j dolph Gloff, Anthony O'Brien; indicated at Tuesday night's • EDISON—Emergency funds_j Board had budget trouble wrote: "Owing to the preo tained in the annual campaign j Alexander Yaczina, George vailing misconceptions and last March. Solicitation will be meeting. from the township to continue when they overexpended on Lochli, Robert Egan and Wil- the construction costs and did speculations concerning the In Theft confined to areas not canvas- Mr. Block pointed oat that the current township redevel- liam Dopp. precendential meaning of the sed last Spring, now sewers have been or are opment program are being not have sufficient monies ISELIN — Three boys, 11, left for furniture. Subjects to be studied in- Judgment and the affect 16 12, and 13 years old* who Mrs. Kenneth McCain, being constructed in. most sought by William Clarke, continued on Page 10) must have on pending and acted as lookout for some old- chairman, notes that with the areas, the abandoned septic executive director of the Edi- Bids received last Thursday, IT'S FOR BE/U.: This 7-foot giant was foraad Isy an Inde- future applications for major er boys who were building a increase in population, re- tanks constitute a hazard. The son Township Housing Au- not including alternates were @endent-Iieac!er friend trudging along Route 1- and was subdivisions, it was thought "clubhouse" with $800 worth quests for Red Cross service tanks are~ not too far -under- thority. He voiced his request as follows: Squad to Open Drive brought into tow so we could see him for ourselves. He calls that you should have this of stolen, lumber and other has increased proportionately. ground, he said, and they will to the authority commission- (Continued on Page 10) himself "Slim Pickings"— wouldn't give any other name opinion for your guidance. eventually rust and give way. For Funds Saturday materials, were nabbed by po- "An average of 60 families ers Tuesday night. * WOODBRIDGE — The and said he was passing through town on his way back to Suit Instituted lice Tuesday morning, As a each month receive assistance "It could be serious if a In a letter to Mayor An- Woodbridge Emergency Camden to pick up a Japanese bike which he had ridden "After the Township Com« result -four teenagers were of some kind.," Mrs. McCain home is sold and the new thony Yelenesics and the Group to Break- Squad will conduct its an- across country from San Francisco. Here Slim is shown mittee, adopted a resolution picked up yesterday afternoon said, "requiring many hours homeowners were not aware Township Council, Mr. Clarke nual fund raising drive holding 2ttike Alper, Springfield, Wz years old, who obligingly rejecting the application of for questioning. of consultation. Red Cross is of the location of the aban- stated that "federal funds un- starting: Saturday, posed with the '"big man," at Tide Cleaners BH Amboy | Imperial Manor Homes to sometimes the only means of acned tank," Mr. Block went Avenue.
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