SEPTEMBER, 1979 W Ill We Let Mr

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SEPTEMBER, 1979 W Ill We Let Mr IBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN PILOTS ASSOCIATION SEPTEMBER, 1979 W ill We Let Mr. Bond Kill Aviation?? By Louise Sacchi Until now aviation has always been a areas of the aviation community. monies that Mr. Bond wants for the fragmented industry--airline pilots, The Pilots’ Lobby is composed principally implementation of the NPRM. The Senate corporate pilots, charter pilots, owner of Henry Pflanz who is an ATR. FAA has already thrown this appropriation out of pilots, agricultural pilots, sports pilots, Examiner with 10,000 hrs. He left his their version. There is also HR 3480 which military pilots, air traffic controllers -each position as staff aide to the House Aviation says that the FAA may not change the has seen their needs from a different Subcommittee of the Public Works and criteria for any positive control airspace prospective. Transportation Committee to start it from what it was in 1973. Mr. I.anghorne Bond and his N PRM 78- because he felt so strongly about the However, we must not underestimate Mr. 19 has changed all that. Now. all segments of situation. The other chief member is Allan Bond! He has had “informal" meetings held the aviation community have joined Landolt. a former Navy pilot who holds around the country to tell us what his new together in opposition. All pilots of Commercial & Instrument with 3,500 hrs. TCAs and TRSAs will be like, and on July whatever group and the controllers agree Allan was head of the Illinois Dept. 20 promulgated another NPRM 79-SO-36 that this multiplication of positive Aeronautics for some years and more for the new and vastly expanded TCA at controlled airspace is extremely hazardous recently the Administrator for General Atlanta. The comment period is only until to our health! The NASA figures on near Aviation in the FAA until Mr. Bond August 2 1. which is illegal as well as sneaky. misses and system errors bear our this abolished the Office of General Aviation. He New York will be next and the others will opinion, particularly when they are also has spent much time on the Hill and is follow, unless we keep writing to our compared with FA A’s figures for the period familiar with the workings of the Congress. Congressmen and the FAA (this only for the from July I, 1976 to Nov. 30, 1978 when we Without derogating the work of AOPA record); and support the Pilots’ Lobby with had only 21 TCAs, 86 TRSAs and positive and the other organizations, it must be our money and time—tell everybody!) control above 18,000 ft. enroute. admitted that these two men have done Send contributions to: Pilots’ Lobby Near Miss & FAA NASA II Sixth St. SF System Errors Washington, D.C. 20003 TCA (21) 2 per million operatio 24.3 per million operations Telephone: 202-546-5150 TRSA (86) 4 per million operatio 17.4 per million operations Enroute .5 per million operatic 16.7 per million operations Always remember—it is our lives and our Per year 10 74.5 above 18,000 ft. money that Mr. Bond is playing with for the 46.7 between 13,000 and 18,000 ft. sake of an expanded, more powerful bureaucracy. We. through our elected NASA found that 65% of those reported much to stop the FAA in its tracks, at least representatives in the Senate and House are occurred in controlled airspace and 20% for the moment. It would not have been the only ones who can stop him. involved aircraft when both were on IFR possible without all the 50,000 or more flight plans! Their conclusions: “Data letters that we have been pouring into suggested that establishment of TCAs create Washington: but now is not the time to Good luck to us all! mid-air collision hazards, particularly at relax. As 1 write this, the 1980 their boundaries” and “these data do not appropriations bill is coming to the floor support the premise that airspace and hopefully will be passed without the segregation and Stage 3 procedures significantly modify mid-air collision risks in Terminal Airspace.” The NPRM will also be quite hazardous to our pocketbooks whether we are pilots, airline operators, shippers, airline passengers or just plain consumers. The cost in money and wasted fuel will be horrendous (to say nothing of wasted time). “Pe* t ttuyAtct&cui The Pilots' l.obby was formed in March for the sole purpose of keeping the Congress—both Senate and House of Representatives — informed of the tne SuA&tct— (Witte consequences and costs of this NPRM . It has received support from all who are aware of it, including GAMA and PATCO (strange bedfellows!) as well as pilots in all // ON THE COVER Dave Fox with 99 Charter Member Blanche Noyes at Old Rhinebeck Publisher The Ninety-Nines, Inc. Editor Marilyn Ratzlaff Circulation Manager Loretta Gragg Headquarters Secretary Virginia Oualline Convention Reports Begin Page 14 Editorial Assistants Nema Masonhall, Nancy Smith Advertising Manager Marilyn Ratzlaff ffiEB H nB uis USPS 390-74C International Officers President Thon Griffith Volume 6 • Number 7 • September, 1979 314 Robinhood Lane Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Vice President Janet Green Rt 7, Box 293W This Month in the 99 NEWS Ocean Springs, MS 39564 Secretary Activities & Projects - A look at 99s on the move ................................................. 23 Hazel Jones 8536 Mediterranean A.E. Scholarships - Announcing the 1979 Winners ............................................... 12 Dallas, TX 75238 Air Age Education - 99s at the First Aviation/Space Convention ......................... 8 Treasurer Gene Nora Jessen Along Legal Lines - Tax Information on 501(c)3 ..................................................... 6 2814 Cassia Boise, ID 83705 Catalog - Where to Buy 99 Items ............................................................................. 19 Board of Directors Ruth Dobrescu Etc. - General Information, Chapter Reports, etc...........................................................29 Charlene Falkenberg Lois Feigenbaum Hit the Trail to Vail - Sneak Preview of 1980 ....................................................... 37 Barbara Goetz Esme Williams International Convention 1979 - 4 Pages of Reports and Photos ..................... 14 Psysiological Training - First-hand reports from Iowa and Texas ..................... 18 Thoughts from Thon - Reflections on the Golden Ju bilee......................................4 The 99 NEWS Whirly-Girls Scholarships - Application and How to Apply .............................. 11 International Headquarters Terminal Dr. & Amelia Earhart Lane P.O. Box 59965 Will Rogers World Airport Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 682-4425 Circulation Information The 99 NEWS is published ten times yearly. January-February and July-August issues are combined Annual Membership Count: 5132 as ot August 24, 1979 subscription rate is $7 00 and is included as part ot the annual membership of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. Subscriptions are available to non-members at the rate of $7 00 per year Postmaster: Please send Form 3579 to: The Ninety-Nines, Inc., P.O. Box 59965. Will Rogers World Airport. Oklahoma City, OK 73159 September 1 September 99 Renewals Due October 99 NEWS Deadline '& h ts From Thon 1-3 ‘Cleveland National Air Races 7-8 ‘Gold Rush Air Rally 12-16 ‘American Bonanza Society The Annual Meeting, our Golden Ju­ delightful talk about Amelia. We were Annual Convention bilee, is history! Was it a success? YES sorry to learn that Alice Roberts is San Antonio, TX with capital letters. This issue of The 99 retiring as Chairman and Permanent NEWS will provide a detailed account of Trustee of the Amelia Earhart Memorial 14-17 ‘ Fairladies Annual Indiana Race it with many pictures. Truly, it would be Scholarship Fund to have more time to (F.A.I.R.) Lafayette, IN impossible to describe the thrill we felt at travel and enjoy life with Chas. We 22 ‘New England Air Rally having fourteen Charter Members join welcome Dr. Dora Strother as the new 22-23 Western Canada Fall Section us. All but three living Past Presidents Permanent Trustee. Newly elected Jean M eeting attended. Several countries outside the Pearson (a former A EM SF Trustee) will Port O Call, Calgary—Alberta United States were represented, Amelia serve as Chairman. Chapter, Sponsor Earhart’s lovely sister, Muriel Earhart Our dedicated Director, Esme 28-29 *6th Annual Empire State 300 Morrisey charmed us all and there were Williams, is leaving the International Saratoga County Airport many to charm—over 550 Ninety-Nines, Board, but will continue the important October with the final count including husbands job as Membership Chairman for 99s and children bringing the number who living outside the U.S.A. Betty Jane 1 October 99 Renewals Due attended the banquet Saturday night to Schermerhorn of Ontario, Canada is the November 99 News Deadlne over 600. newly elected Director. Betty Jane is the 4-7 ‘International Cessna 195 Fly-In The Welcome Party Wednesday East Canada Governor, a knowledgable Wichita, KS evening was the first time we were all in hardworking Ninety-Nine. Ruth 5-7 ‘Michigan SMALL Race the same place at the same time and it was Dobrescu of New York was reelected for 5-7 South Central Fall Section therefore a tremendous success. The another two year term, continuing as M eeting various communication sessions were Governors’ Liaison. Wichita, KS, Kansas Sunflower almost entirely taken up with discussion To continue with the activities at the Octoberfest on membership, how to increase it, how Convention—the tours, harness racing at 12-14 ‘Pacific Air Race to keep valuable members from dropping world famous Saratoga, New York City San Jose, CA out. There were activities everyday as you Ballet, Old Rhinebeck Airshow, all were saw by the program which appeared in top notch entertainment. The banquet on 13 ‘Kachina Doll Air Rally recent issues of The 99 NEWS. The Saturday night was truly memorable and Deer Valley Airport, educational programs and Round Tables a perfect way to conclude our Fiftieth Phoenix, AZ were very well attended.
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