Wagon Tracks (SFTA Newsletter) 30-Year Alphabetical Index Frank Norris, NPS, August 2016

Note to the prospective user: The following is a compilation of selected articles from Wagon Tracks, which is the quarterly publication of the Association (which was called the Santa Fe Council during its first year of operation).

The first 25 years of this newsletter were edited by Leo E. Oliva. Dr. Oliva, from Woodston, , was responsible for not only editing this newsletter but for encouraging the placement of material into the newsletter. He and his wife Bonita made numerous research trips – to visit either people or institutions – that have resulted in trail-related articles, diaries, reminiscences, etc. During this 25-year period, he wrote a large number of the book reviews that have appeared in Wagon Tracks. In addition, he also wrote a number of historical articles in the newsletter, plus prefatory comments for numerous additional contributions. More than any single individual, he was responsible for the growth and success of Wagon Tracks, both as a way for SFTA members to keep up with organizational changes and as a periodical dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of Santa Fe Trail-related history. Since 2011, this periodically has been admirably edited by Leo’s successor, Ruth Friesen of Albuquerque, .

This compilation will not please everybody. Its primary focus is the indexing of historical information about the trail. Therefore, it lists all research articles that detail the trail’s history (including diaries and trail reminiscences), and it also records information (often from the “Council Trove” section of the newsletter) from contemporary newspaper articles describing life and incidents along the trail. It similarly records (often in the “Converse of the Prairie” section) the various reviews of books, articles, and symposium proceedings about the trail. It does not generally show articles and news items detailing the association itself (about SFTA officers, elections, chapter activities, upcoming symposia, recent trail-marking efforts, etc.), nor does it list poetry or educational/teaching material. It does, however, list articles showing the role of Congress in establishing the trail and the subsequent role of the National Park Service (with the comprehensive management plan, Challenge Cost Share Program activities, the advisory council, etc.). It also records articles that pertain to marker compilations (primarily DAR markers), and the discovery or recording of a more accurate trail route or new trail ruts, plus items pertaining to other nationally-significant trails (Smoky Hill, El Camino Real, Coronado, etc.), as well as articles about youth activities. Most news articles describing trail museums and visits/tours to historical sites are not included, but such articles are included if they are fairly comprehensive (as in the compendium of 28 museums/historical sites noted in volumes 1-8) or if such articles contain detailed trail history.

Abbreviations and Acronyms: these have been used for the sake of brevity and include the following: * states are often referred to by their two-letter abbreviations: KS for Kansas, MO for Missouri, etc. * shorthand terms are used as follows: annot=annotation, appx=approximate, archeo=archeology, art=article, cmte=committee, estab’d=established, facs=facsimile, hist=history, newsp=newspaper, prof=professor, re:=regarding, etc. * NPS = National Park Service * NRHP = National Register of Historic Places * PNTS = Partnership for the National Trails System * SFT = Santa Fe Trail * SFTC = Santa Fe Trail Center, Larned, KS * SFNHT = Santa Fe National Historic Trail * a combination letter and number refers to articles that are part of a larger series. Specifically, M1, M2, etc. refers to various articles in a 16-part series (in vols. 1-8) about merchants on the trail, and MHS1, MHS2, etc. refers to a 28-part series (also in vols. 1-8) about museums and historical societies on the trail. These series are shown, separately, at the bottom of this file. * the slash (/) refers to other Wagon Tracks issues: 4/3, 17, for example, refers to volume 4, issue 3, page 17. Each volume contains four issues: November, February, May, and August. The years of the various Wagon Tracks volumes are as follows:

Vol. 1 = 1986-87 Vol. 7 = 1992-93 Vol. 13 = 1998-99 Vol. 19 = 2004-05 Vol. 25 = 2010-11 Vol. 2 = 1987-88 Vol. 8 = 1993-94 Vol. 14 = 1999-2000 Vol. 20 = 2005-06 Vol. 26 = 2011-12 Vol. 3 = 1988-89 Vol. 9 = 1994-95 Vol. 15 = 2000-01 Vol. 21 = 2006-07 Vol. 27 = 2012-13 Vol. 4 = 1989-90 Vol. 10 = 1995-96 Vol. 16 = 2001-02 Vol. 22 = 2007-08 Vol. 28 = 2013-14 Vol. 5 = 1990-91 Vol. 11 = 1996-97 Vol. 17 = 2002-03 Vol. 23 = 2008-09 Vol. 29 = 2014-15 Vol. 6 = 1991-92 Vol. 12 = 1997-98 Vol. 18 = 2003-04 Vol. 24 = 2009-10 Vol. 30 = 2015-16

The contents of the index are as follows:

I. Research Articles (listed alphabetically by author) - p. 2 II. Book Reviews (listed alphabetically by author) - p. 15 III. Historical Documentation (listed chronologically) - appended by sections “Trail Mileages – Measurements” and “Popularity of Trail – Volume of Trade” - p. 25 IV. Non-historical (organizational and site-specific) references - p. 28 A. Role of Congress/National Park Service B. Santa Fe Trail Assn (formerly SFT Council), selected references C. Evidence of the physical trail (includes threats + compliance issues) D. DAR markers and other SFT markers, selected references E. Santa Fe Trail historical research (general references) F. Partnership for the National Trail System V. Merchants Series (subset of Research Articles, above) - p. 32 VI. Museums/Historical Sites Series (subset of Research Articles, above) - p. 32 VII. Museum Information (“Museum News” and “The Caches”) - p. 33 VIII. Youth Articles - p. 33

I. Research Articles


28/1, 16-22 – James S. Aber and Susan W. Aber, “Low-Level Photography of the Santa Fe Trail” 17/3, 10-12 – Peyton O. Abbott, “With Zebulon Montgomery Pike Through Pueblo County, ” 24/1, 13-15 – Don Alberts, “Civil War on the SFT in New Mexico” 8/1, 13-14 – Ted Anthony, “Munro of McNees Crossing” 26/1, 9-13 – Noel Ary, “Life in Early Day Dodge City”


29/1, 22-26 – Matthew J. Barbour, “Fort Marcy Military Reservation: A Brief History” 30/2, 18-21 – Vic Nathan Barkin, “The Secret of the Gage d’Amour” 5/1, 7 – Marie Belt, “Wagon Mound” – editorial apologies, 5/2, 2 [MHS16] 1/4, 5 – Charles Bennett, “Palace of the Governors,” [MHS3] 4/4, 15-16 – Fern Bessire, “Wagonbed Spring,” has Bill Brown photo [MHS15] 26/4, 17-20 – Ann Birney, “Julia Archibald Holmes, Santa Fe Trail Sojourner” Follow-up: 27/1, 11 13/3, 1, 19-23 – Stephen Clyde Blair and Bonita M. Oliva, transcr., “Diary of William Anderson Thornton: Military Service on the Trail and in New Mexico, 1855-1856, Part I” 13/4, 17-22 – Stephen Clyde Blair and Bonita M. Oliva, transcr., “Diary of William Anderson Thornton: Military Service on the Trail and in New Mexico, 1855-1856, Part II” 14/1, 18-21 – Stephen Clyde Blair and Bonita M. Oliva, transcr., “Diary of William Anderson Thornton: Military Service on the Trail and in New Mexico, 1855-1856, Part III” 5/2, 15-18 – Donald J. Blakeslee, “The Mallet Expedition of 1739, Part I” 5/3, 14-16 – Donald J. Blakeslee, “The Mallet Expedition of 1739, Part II” 3/1, 4-5 – Donald J. Blakeslee, “The Rattlesnake Creek & Walnut Creek Crossings of the Arkansas” 4/3, 9 – Carrie Blanchard, “John Burns Locke: Trail Freighter and Pioneer,” photo [M11] 27/1, 14-20 – Roberta Bonnewitz, “The Santa Fe Road in the Lost Township” [Raytown, Missouri] 23/2, 13-15 – Susan C. Boyle, “Purchasing and Transporting Merchandise Along the SFT” 27/3, 26 – [Susan Calafate Boyle], “Santa Fe Trail Merchandise List Created” 6/1, 8 – Betty Braddock, “Kansas Heritage Center,” Dodge City [MHS20] 2/1, 6-7 – Jeff Bransford, “William A. Bransford, Trail Pioneer” 6/3, 1, 19-21 – “James Brice’s Trail Reminiscences, Part I” [ca. 1908] 6/4, 10-13 – “James Brice’s Trail Reminiscences, Part II” [ca. 1908] 7/1, 12-15 – “James Brice’s Trail Reminiscences, Part III” [ca. 1908] 27/2, 10-11 – Steven S. Brosemer, “The Original Government Surveys as a Field Research Tool” 7/2, 11-12 – Helen C. Brown, “Morton County and Its History Museum” [MHS25] 3/4, 9 – Nada Burton, “Council Grove on the Santa Fe Trail” [MHS11] 19/1, 12-13 – Robert A. Bussian, “Two Pioneers: James Carothers on the SFT and Archie Carothers on the Santa Fe Railway”


26/3, 20-21 – Jeff C. Campbell, “Images of Southeast Colorado Along the Old Santa Fe Trail” 17/1, 13 – T. W. Carmichael, “The Covered Wagon” [reprinted from a 1923 MO newsp.] 12/3, 11-14 – Richard F. Carrillo and Philip L. Petersen, “The Agency Site and John W. Prowers’s First Ranch at Big Timbers, Bent County, Colorado” 29/4, 12-14 – John Carson, “The Bent, St. Vrain & Company and Bent’s Fort: A Background to 1842” 30/2, 23-25 – John Carson, “The Fur Press: An Essential Tool of the Fur Trade at Bent’s Fort” 8/4, 17-20 – Phil Carson, “‘The Region of Red Sandstone:’ Up and Down Chacuaco Creek [CO] with Vial, Long, and Becknell” 10/3, 11-15, 19-23 – Anna Belle Cartwright, ed., “Wm. James Hinchey: an Irish Artist on the SFT, Part I” 10/4, 12-22 – Anna Belle Cartwright, ed., “William James Hinchey: an Irish Artist on the SFT, Part II” 11/1, 10-18 – Anna Belle Cartwright, ed., “William James Hinchey: an Irish Artist on the SFT, Part III” 4/2, 15 – Joseph L. Cartwright, “Fort Osage, Missouri” [MHS13] 6/3, 12-15 – William Y. Chalfant, “In Search of Pretty Encampment” [between Syracuse & Coolidge, KS] 28/1, 10-13 – Clint Chambers, “Surviving Disease on the Plains” 20/3, 10-13 – Clint Chambers, “ Panhandle Branches of the Old SFT in the 1860s” 20/3, 23-24 – David Clapsaddle, “Aaron Burr, James Wilkinson, and the Southwest Conspiracy” [timeline for these two men’s lives, provides possible context for Pike’s expedition] 28/3, 19-22 – David Clapsaddle, “A.H. Boyd: Entrepreneur of the Plains” 15/1, 17-18 – David Clapsaddle, “Ash Creek Crossing” 24/1, 21-24 – David K. Clapsaddle, “The Bent’s Fort Road, 1832-1878” 11/4, 5-7 – David K. Clapsaddle, “Black Pool: Historic Trail Site or Modern Conjecture?” 21/4, 5-9 – David Clapsaddle, “Black Pool: Real or Ruse?” [also see 11/4, 5-7] 26/1, 6-7 – David Clapsaddle, “Buffalo Grass: Larder of the Plains” 13/3, 10 – David Clapsaddle, “Burying Private [Robert] Easley,” at Pawnee Fork SFT Crossing; more on this at 15/4, 5 23/3, 19-25 – David K. Clapsaddle, ed., “Canada, Consumption, and the Kansas Pacific: Diary of a Freighting Trip [by P. G. Scott] from to Trinidad in 1870” 23/3, 25-26 – David K. Clapsaddle, “’Cimarron Cutoff,’ a 20th-Century Misnomer” 21/4, 5-9 – David Clapsaddle, “The Cock Robin of Ash Creek” [re: monument northwest of Larned]; and 20/1, 5-7 – David Clapsaddle, “Coon Creek Crossings on the SFT” 14/2, 8 – David Clapsaddle, “Dick Curtis [on trail 1847-1868], All But Forgotten” 4/4, 12-14 – David K. Clapsaddle, “The Dry Route of the SFT” – also see 5/1, 7 14/1, 8-11 – David Clapsaddle, “The Dry Route Revisited” 23/2, 22-24 – David K. Clapsaddle, “The End of the Trail: Rail-roads, Commission Houses, and Independent Freighters” 24/2, 21-26 – David K. Clapsaddle, “A Frail Thin Line: Trading Establishments on the SFT, Part I” 24/3, 11-12, Steve Schmidt offers commentary 24/3, 14-23 – David K. Clapsaddle, “A Frail Thin Line: Trading Establishments on the SFT, Part II” 21/4, 5-9 – David Clapsaddle, “For Whom the Bell Tolls?” [Indian War of 1864-65]; 8/1, 10-13 – David K. Clapsaddle, “The Fort Leavenworth-Round Grove/Lone Elm Road: the Army’s First Link to the Santa Fe Trail” 8/2, 11-14 – David K. Clapsaddle, “The Fort Wallace/Kit Carson – Fort Lyon Roads” 22/1, 19-24 – David Clapsaddle, “Four Foot Soldiers on the Trail: An Illinois Odyssey” 21/2, 7-8 – David Clapsaddle, “Kit Carson, Dick Wootton, and the Dead Mule” 28/4, 20 – David Clapsaddle, “Mexican Money/American Commerce” 5/1, 7 – David Clapsaddle, “More on Dry Route” [see 4/4, 12-14] 28/2, 10-11 – David Clapsaddle, “Negro Slaves on the Santa Fe Trail” 22/2, 6-11 – David Clapsaddle, “Old Dan and His Traveling Companions: Oxen on the SFT;” correction, 22/3, 20 22/3, 13-14 – David Clapsaddle, “Pawnee River, a Difficult Crossing” 17/4, 10-12 – David K. Clapsaddle, “Pawnee River Crossings on the SFT” 19/2, 6-8 – David Clapsaddle, “Pawnee Rock Through the Eyes of Matt Field” 20/2, 5 – David Clapsaddle, “A Penny for Your Thoughts” (re: Samuel Owens’s and Benjamin Majors’s role in a mob that ransacked an Independence, MO newsp. office in 1833) 12/1, 19-20 – David Clapsaddle, “The Ranch at Pawnee Rock” 14/2, 23-24 – David Clapsaddle, “The Road Not Taken: Attempts to Truncate the SFT” [with cutoff trails] 21/1, 15-16 – David Clapsaddle, “Samuel Parker: a Fleeting Glimpse” 23/4, 21-23 – David K. Clapsaddle, “The Santa Fe Road: an Anachronism of the Twenty-First Century” [also see 5/2, 25-26] 24/4, 15-17 – David K. Clapsaddle, “The SFT, 1800 Miles in Aggregate” 17/3, 25-28 – David K. Clapsaddle, “SFT Crossings on the Arkansas River” 20/1, 8-11 – David Clapsaddle, “Satank, Bane of the SFT or Hero of the ?” 21/4, 5-9 – David Clapsaddle, “Serendipity in the Cemetery” [cemeteries preserve both historical memories and SFT ruts] 25/2, 18-19 – David K. Clapsaddle, “Stage Route from West Las Animas to Trinidad” 25/2, 16-18 – David K. Clapsaddle, “Timber on the SFT” 13/2, 15-18 – David Clapsaddle, “Toll Bridges on the SFT” 12/2, 19-21 – David Clapsaddle, “Trade Ranches on the Fort Riley-Fort Larned Road, Part I: The Other Ranch at Walnut Creek” [near Great Bend, KS] 12/3, 16-17 – David Clapsaddle, “Trading Ranches on the Fort Riley-Fort Larned Road, Part II: Hohneck’s Ranch” [near Salina, KS] 12/4, 13-14 – David K. Clapsaddle, “Trading Ranches on the Fort Riley-Fort Larned Road, Part III: The Ranch at the Smoky Hill River” [near Kanopolis, KS] 25/1, 18-21 – David K. Clapsaddle, “Wood, Water, and Grass: But the Greatest of These is Water” 17/2, 8-9 – David and Alice Clapsaddle, “Larned’s Links to Pike” 8/2, 4-6 – William B. Claycomb, “James Brown: Forgotten Trail Freighter” [M16] 9/3, 7-11 – “John James Cleminson Diary: Part I” [1850-51 trip] 9/4, 13-17 – John James Cleminson Diary, Part II” [see 9/3, 7-11] 10/1, 6-10 – John Coulligan [Colligan], comp., “New Mexico Students Travel the Trail, 1832-1880”; 10/2, 2-3 – editor’s comment 13/1, 9-15 – Mary Jean Cook, “Carmel Benavides, an Early Santa Fe Trail Woman” 8/2, 7-9 – Mary Jean Cook, “Governor James S. Calhoun [of NM] Remembered” – JSC memorial mkr photo, 8/4, 1 25/4, 17-20 – Mary Jean Cook, “Hunting Hunter: A Psychopathic Serial Killer on the Trail?” 19/3, 6-9 – Mary Jean Cook, “¿Porque Monterrey? The Death and Mysterious Burial of Merchant Manuel Alvarez, Part I”. Part II apparently never published (see 19/4, 28) 16/3, 1, 4-6 – Mary Jean Cook, “Reminiscences of the Santa Fe Trail Movie Premiere of 1940” 8/3, 13-15 – Mary Jean Cook, “Tesuque Indians Meet the President: Epilogue to the Death of Gov. James S. Calhoun” [see 8/2, 7-9] 15/1, 11-16 – Mary Jean Cook, annotations, “Flora Spiegelberg, ‘Tenderfoot Bride of the Santa Fe Trail’”; addendum in 15/2, 3 17/2, 15-17 – Mary Jean Cook, ed., “‘The Oldest Road’ by Eugene Manlove Rhodes” 8/1, 18-24 – Mary Jean Cook, ed., “Trail Diary of Spruce McCoy Baird, 1867: Part I” 8/2, 14-18 – Mary Jean Cook, ed., “Trail Diary of Spruce McCoy Baird, 1867: Part II” – correction, 8/3, 16-17 12/1, 17-19 – Shirley Coupal, “Kansas DAR Rededicates SFT Markers” – provides historical background 23/2, 8 – Shirley Coupal and Pat Traffas, “Kansas DAR Celebrates 100 Years on the Trail” 23/2, 16-21 – Craig Crease, “Boom Times for Freighting on the Santa Fe Trail, 1848-1866” 5/4, 10-13 – Craig Crease, “Lone Elm and Elm Grove: A Case of Mistaken Identity” 22/1, 8-19 – Craig Crease, “The Spy Who Came In From the Cold: Dr. John Hamilton Robinson—Secret Agent, Filibusterer, Mexican Revolutionary, and Pathfinder on the SFT” 11/4, 8-15 – Craig Crease, “Trace of the Blues: the SFT, the Blue River, and the True Nature of the Old Trace in Metropolitan Kansas City” 28/4, 11-15 – Craig Crease, “Without a Trace: An Inquiry Into the Peculiar Circumstance of the Missing Identities of the Becknell Five” 7/3, 1, 18-19 – Mary Jo Cunningham, “Calvin Moses Dyche: Freighter on the Trail” [M15]


23/3, 15-18 – Doyle Daves, “Andreas Detlef Laumbach, SFT Traveler, Proponent of Education and Protestantism in Territorial New Mexico” 29/4, 26-30 – Doyle Daves, “Damaso Lopez: He Traveled El Camino Real and the Santa Fe Trail” 25/3, 17-21 – Doyle Daves, “George and Louis: Golds of Territorial New Mexico” 25/1, 14-17 – Doyle Daves, “Henry Goke: Penniless Immigrant, Wealthy Banker” 23/2, 9-12 – Doyle Daves, “James Bonney, SFT Pioneer, New Mexico Settler (Was He the Grandfather of ?)” 25/4, 13-16 – Doyle Daves, “Jean Yara-Fur Trapper, John Stein-Carpenter, and Carl Wildenstein- Businessman – on the Rapidly-Changing New Mexico Frontier” 27/3, 27-31 – Doyle Daves, “Jesus Gil Abreu: Santa Fe Trail Traveler and Man of Affairs in Territorial New Mexico” 24/1, 1, 15-19 – Doyle Daves, “Josefa Ortiz and Sylvester Davis, Her Real American Husband;” 24/2, 11, Steve Schmidt offers commentary 30/3, 12-16 – Doyle Daves, “Lafayette Head: A Frontiersman of Importance” 23/4, 13-17 – Doyle Daves, “Maria Viviana Martín, Wife of Three SFT Travelers” 25/2, 15-19 – Doyle Daves, “May Hays: Mexican War Veteran, New Mexico Settler” 24/4, 1, 17-20 – Doyle Daves, “Milnor Rudolph: Santa Fe Trader and Prominent Citizen of New Mexico” 24/3, 6-9 – Doyle Daves, “Richard Conway, Bernard Higgins, and Thomas McGrath: Irish Solders at Fort Union and Their New Mexican Families” 28/4, 21-25 – Doyle Daves, “Ricardo and Jose Manuel Gonzales: Freighting Brothers on the Santa Fe Trail” 24/2, 1, 16-19 – Doyle Daves, “Trinidad Lopez, College Boy on the SFT” 7/3, 11-17 – H. Denny Davis, “Franklin: Cradle of the Trade” [MHS26] 5/3, 3 – H. Denny Davis, “Josiah Gregg, Scientist” 2/1, 10 – Katie Davis, “Seth M. Hays and the Council Grove Trade,” [M4] 16/3, 20-24 – S. Matthew DeSpain, “Taos Trappers and Indian Troubles: Cross-Cultural Violence on the Southwest Fur Trade Frontier” 2/3, 8-9 – Michael Dickey, “M.M. Marmaduke: Santa Fe Trader and Missouri Governor,” photo [M6] 24/2, 12-16 – Michael Dickey, “A 19th-Century Economic Stimulus Package: the SFT” 11/4, 19-21 – Sandra Doe, “Trail Troubadour,” includes history of Fisher’s Peak, near Trinidad 1/3, 4 – Michael E. Duncan, “Mahaffie Farmstead and Stop Historic Site,” [MHS2]


3/2, 11 – George Elmore, “Fort Larned NHS” [MHS9]


3/3, 10 – Virginia Lee Fisher, “George C. Yount: A California Pioneer Who Went West on the Old SFT” [M8] 5/2, 8 - Virginia Lee Fisher, “DAR Marker Moved” 12/2, 6-12 – Virginia Lee Fisher, “In Search of José Watrous” 4/2, 12-14 – Virginia Lee Fisher, “’s Last Journey,” drawing [M10] 13/1, 7 – Virginia Lee Fisher, “More of the José Watrous Story” (see 12/2, 6-12) 5/3, 8 – Virginia Lee Fisher, “Tabo Creek” [east of Lexington, MO] 2/1, 5-6 – Maurine S. Fletcher, “The Becknell Legend” 9/4, 2 – Cheryl Foote, “More About Eliza” (Eliza St. Clair Mahoney, see 7/3, 10) 2/1, 4 – Richard R. Forry, “Arrow Rock State Historic Site” [MHS4] 1/4, 7-8 – Richard R. Forry, “Richard Gentry: Trader and Patriot,” photo [M3] 11/2, 8-10 – Pauline S. Fowler and Eric Fowler, “Early Jackson County, Missouri and the SFT” 10/2, 1, 8-9 – Pauline S. Fowler and Eric Fowler, “A Kansas City Ghost Story: the Alexander Majors Historical Home” 28/2, 16-22 – Karla French, “Lower Spring or Wagon Bed Spring Was a Critical Site on the Trail” (Part I) 28/3, 14-18 – Karla French, “Wagon Bed Spring Crucial to the Trail” (Conclusion) 13/2, 18-22 – Frederick S. Friedman, “Railroads and the SFT: a Transition in Technology”; critique of this article, 13/3, 7 26/2, 9-10 – Ruth Friesen, “Fort Larned Transient Quarters Hosted Visiting Father Colleton” 30/1, 2 – [Ruth Friesen?], Trail Swales near San Miguel del Vado, NM


26/2, 18 – Faye Gaines, “The Trail Today: Point of Rocks, New Mexico” 7/2, 13-16 – Pete and Faye Gaines, and Harry Myers, “Rock and Whetstone Creeks, SFT Landmarks” 6/2, 11-12 – Mary B. Gamble, “DAR Markers on the SFT, Part III: Colorado” [see Feb. ’91 and Aug. ‘91] 4/4, 6-7 – Mary B. Gamble, “William Bent’s First Grandchild,” photo; correction = 6/4, 2 (DAR marker, 1912 dedication photo) 21/1, 17-20 – [Katie Davis Gardner, transcr.], “Items Listed in Malcolm Conn’s Store Ledger, Council Grove, Kansas, 1859” 3/3, 16 – Mark L. Gardner, “A Caravan Corralled” … a history of a drawing 5/2, 1, 18 – Mark Gardner, “A Close Encounter with Marian Russell” [bottles in Trinidad] 6/2, 7 – Mark Gardner, “Has Anyone Seen Josiah Gregg?” [no known drawings/photos of him] 2/2, 10-11 – Mark L. Gardner, “John Simpson Hough, Merchant on the Trail,” photos [M5] 1/2, 7-8 – Mark L. Gardner, “Malcolm Conn: Merchant on the Trail,” photo [M1] 4/4, 6-7 - Richard W. Godin, “More Descendants of William Bent” 12/3, 1, 15 – Richard W. Godin, “Standing Out Woman” 26/2, 11-17 – Paul Gordon, “Freemasons on the Santa Fe Trail” 16/2, 8-19 – M. C. Gottschalk, “Pioneer Merchants of the Las Vegas Plaza: the Booming Trail Days” [also see 15/3, 18-19] 1/1, 3 – Maryruth Greenwood, “Lost Frenchmen’s Gold at Flag Spring,” ref. in Hugoton [KS] Hermes 15/2, 5-6 – Alma Gregory, “Bleeding, Purging, Vomiting, and Quinine Were the Cures of Choice” [medicines on the trail] – editor’s comments, 15/2, 28 & 15/3, 1; author’s comments, 15/3, 14 15/4, 8-12 – Alma Gregory, “William B. and Lydia Spencer Lane on the Southwestern Frontier, 1854- 1869” 10/1, 1, 12-20 – Lloyd W. Gundy, transcr., “The Journal of Samuel D. Raymond, 1859-1862” 24/4, 1, 11-14 – Priscilla Shannon Gutiérrez, “The Many Lives of Red St. Vrain Bransford” 25/3, 5-11 – Priscilla Shannon Gutiérrez, “More Than a Name on a Land Grant: Charles Hipolite Beaubien” 23/3, 7-14 – Priscilla Shannon Gutiérrez, “Out from the Shadow of Giants: the Life of Thomas Oliver Boggs” 18/4, 10-15 – William W. Gwaltney, “In Search of Furs and Freedom: African-Americans on the SFT”


14/3, 15-19 – Donald R. Hale/Mark Gardner, ed., “The Old Plainsmen’s Association” 14/2, 19-22 – Thomas B. Hall, III (et al.), “Dr. John Sappington: Southern Patrician in the New West” 29/4, 15-22 – James A. Hanson, “The Mexican Connection” 6/3, 9-11 – Ralph Hathaway, “Ralph’s Ruts” [MHS22] 26/2, 7-8 – [L. Stephen Schmidt and] Richard E. Hayden, “The Sibley Expedition: 1825, 1926, and 1827” 6/2, 10 – Patricia Heath, “Kearny County Historical Society Museum, Lakin, KS” [MHS21] 16/1, 8-11 – Andy Hernández, “The Indian Slave Trade in New Mexico” 26/3, 6 – Greg Holt, “Dearborn Wagons Featured at Bent’s Fort Event” 14/1, 12-17 – James E. Hudson, “Camp Nichols: Oklahoma’s Outpost on the SFT” 16/3, 1, 7-14 – Stephen G. Hyslop, “Embarking from St. Louis” (excerpt from Bound for Santa Fe: the Road to New Mexico and the American Conquest) 17/3, 5-9 – Stephen G. Hyslop, “Zebulon Montgomery Pike’s Southwestern Expedition: Bibliography for a Neglected Chapter of Our History”



17/2, 5-8 – Donald Jackson, “Zebulon Pike’s Damned Rascals” 21/1, 3-13 – Hal Jackson, “Don Santiago Kirker, the King of New Mexico” 15/4, 14-18 – Hal Jackson, “Last Days of the Late Josiah Gregg” 15/2, 7-9 – Hal Jackson, “The SFT in the Kansas City Area: Evolution of the Landscape”


14/4, 10-13 – E. Donald Kaye, “Specie on the SFT” 30/4, 18-21 – Sheri Kerley, “Pierre (Pedro) Vial: His Story Continued” 30/1, 18-20 – Sheri Kerley, “William Becknell, ‘Mr M’Laughlin,’ and an Unexpected Road to Santa Fe” 19/3, 11-15 – Emily E. Kieta, “The New Mexico Fandango” 23/4, 17-20 – Tim Kimball, ed. and transl., “Adolph Wislizenus’s 1846 Letters from the Far West” 26/1, 21-24 – Timothy L. Kimball, “Fischer’s German-American Artillery Volunteers on the Santa Fe Trail, 1846-1847” 9/4, 3-6 – Marsha King, “Preliminary Results of Archaeological Investigations at Four SFT Sites in Osage County, Kansas” (see 9/3, 3) 15/3, 6-8 – Robert Kincaid, “Death at the Fort: the Cemetery at Bent’s Old Fort” 6/1, 11-12 – Terry R. Koenig, “F.W. Cragin and His Famous [SFT] Collection,” now at Pioneer Museum in Colorado Springs 6/2, 16-17 – Jere Krakow, “Hispanic Influence on the SFT”


30/2, 10-17 – Deborah Lawrence, “Entangled Transactions: A Selected History of General Kearny’s Mill Site, 1731-1920” 26/3, 22 – Rich Lawson, “The Trail Today: Boone’s Lick, Missouri” 6/2, 6 – LeRoy LeDoux, “Wagon Mound Names” 30/3, 21-22 – Patricia Lenihan, “Corporal Briney’s Military Journey: Pecos National Historic Park” 27/3, 10-12 – Bob Leonard, “Bent’s Old Fort Ice House Location Revisited” 9/4, 1, 7-9 – Sonie Liebler, “Steamboat Arabia” 10/1, 23-24 – Ed Lindell, “The Stone Crossing at Little River Crossing, Part I” [Windom, KS newsp., 1932] 10/2, 23-24 – Ed Lindell, “The Stone Crossing at Little River Crossing, Part II” 4/1, 8 – John Loleit, “Pecos Pueblo on the SFT”[MHS 12] 14/4, 18 – Howard Losey, “Private Nehemiah Carson’s Tombstone” [died July 1846 nr. Pawnee Rock] 18/3, 23-24 – [Richard Louden], “Bent’s Ranch on the Purgatory” 19/3, 22-24 – Richard Louden, “Marian Sloan Russell Interview, 1933” 7/3, 7-10 – Richard Louden, “The Military Freight Route” 19/1, 16-17 – Richard Louden, “Trinidad and the SFT” 5/1, 18 – Richard Louden, “Wootton’s Toll Gate at ” 9/2, 10-12 – Richard H. Louden, ed., “Diary of George W. Hardesty” [1878 SFT trip] 29/2, 19-23 – Amanda K. Loughlin, “Documenting the Santa Fe Trail in Kansas”


28/2, 14-15 – Eugenie Webb Maine, “On ‘the Trail’ of my Great-Great-Grandfather James Josiah Webb” 14/3, 6-7 – Jane Mallinson, “Blue Mills and Lower Independence Landing” 5/2, 8 – Jane Mallinson, “DAR Markers on the SFT, Part I” 5/4, 14-16 – Jane Mallinson, “DAR Markers on the SFT, Part II” 7/2, 10-11 – Jane Mallinson, “DAR Markers on the Santa Fe Trail in New Mexico” 9/1, 10-11 – Jane Mallinson, “Harry Truman and the Selection of Sites for the DAR Madonna Statues, Part I” Part II is in 9/3, 6; Part III is in 9/4, 10-11. 17/4, 1, 18-19 – Jane Mallinson, “Independence: Queen City of the Trails” 17/4, 19-20 – Jane Mallinson, “Springs of Independence” 16/3, 15-19 – Sister Patricia Jean Manion, SL, “Three Months to Santa Fe” [1852 trip] 22/2, 19-23 – Merrill J. Mattes, ed. [1955], “Patrolling the Santa Fe Trail: Reminiscences of John S. Kirwan” 4/2, 8-11 – Willard Mayberry, “The Middle Spring and Point of Rocks Area along the Cimarron River” 19/2, 9-13 – James R. McClure, “Taking the Census and Other Incidents in 1855, Part I” 19/3, 16-20 – James R. McClure, “Taking the Census and Other Incidents in 1855, Part II” 18/1, 8-14 – C. L. McDougal, “The SFT and the Mora Land Grant: the Effects of Trade on a Traditional Economy, 1846-1880” 24/1, 7-10 – Maryellen H. McVicker, “Don’t Forget the Boonslick in the Rush to Santa Fe: Hicks Family of Central Missouri, Part I” 24/2, 6-11 – Maryellen H. McVicker, “Don’t Forget the Boonslick in the Rush to Santa Fe: Hicks Family of Central Missouri, Part II” 18/3, 10-15 – Joseph F. Meany, Jr., “Jeremiah Stokes: a Case Study in Family History” 4/4, 8-9 – Marian Meyer, “Death on the Santa Fe Trail” [re: Kate Kingsbury, 1857] 1/4, 1, 6 – Marian Meyer, “Mary Donoho: New First Lady on the SFT” 5/1, 11-15 – Darlis A. Miller, “Freighting for Uncle Sam” 15/1, 18-19 – Larry Mix, “The Attack at Big Timbers Crossing” 3/1, 6 – Sylvia D. Mooney, “Cave Spring” [MHS8] 8/3, 7-8 – Craig Moore, “Yellow Wolf, William Bent, and the SFT” 3/3, 1, 17-18 – Mary Moorehead, “Search for the 1868 Capture Site of Mrs. Clara Blinn” 11/4, 1, 15-19 – Dorothy Morgan, “Bear Creek Pass and the SFT” [in Kearny County, KS] 18/3, 5-9 – Phyllis Morgan, “Buffalo on the SFT” (the last of 7 articles about animals on SFT) 25/4, 8-12 – Phyllis Morgan, “Burros and Horses on the SFT” 25/3, 12-16 – Phyllis S. Morgan, “Dogs on the SFT” 24/4, 8-11 – Phyllis Morgan, “Mirages on the SFT” 28/4, 16-19 – Phyllis Morgan, “Mosquitoes and Buffalo Gnats on the Santa Fe Trail” 25/1, 8-12 – Phyllis Morgan, “Mules on the SFT” 18/1, 4-7 – Phyllis Morgan, “Mustangs on the SFT, Part I” 18/2, 4-7 – Phyllis Morgan, “Mustangs on the SFT, Part II” – PM commentary, 18/3, 9 25/2, 1, 6-10 – Phyllis Morgan, “Oxen on the Santa Fe Trail” 17/1, 5-8 – Phyllis S. Morgan, “Prairie Chickens on the SFT” 17/3, 16-22 – Phyllis S. Morgan, “Prairie Dogs on the SFT” 16/4, 6-8 – Phyllis S. Morgan, “Pronghorn on the Santa Fe Trail” 17/2, 10-14 – Phyllis S. Morgan, “Rattlesnakes on the SFT” 17/4, 4-9 – Phyllis Morgan, “Wolves, Coyotes, and Roadrunners on the SFT” 5/3, 7 – Dixie Munro, “Big Timbers Museum,” Lamar, CO [MHS18] 23/1, 7-9 – Harry C. Myers, “As the Wheel Turns: the Evolution of Freighting on the SFT, an Introduction” 11/3, 1, 20-24 – Harry Myers, “Captain William Becknell’s Journal of Two Expeditions from Boon’s Lick to Santa Fe” 9/4, 1-2 – Harry Myers, “Death on the Trail, 1828, McNees Identified” [George Knox letter] 7/4, 11-12 – Harry C. Myers, “The Founding of Loma Parda, New Mexico” [just west of Watrous and south of NM Highway 161] 9/1, 8-9 – Harry Myers, “Long Expedition and William Becknell” 6/2, 18-25 – Harry C. Myers, “Massacre on the SFT [1849]: Mr. White’s Company of Unfortunates” 6/4, 5-8 – Harry C. Myers, “Point of Rocks, New Mexico” [MHS23] 6/4, 3 – Harry Myers, “The Rest of the Six Per Cent Story” 3/3, 12-13 – Harry C. Myers, “The Santa Fe Trail in the Fort Union-Watrous Area” 20/4, 20-21 – Harry C. Myers, “Since Rittenhouse: Santa Fe Trail Bibliography” 6/3, 15 – Harry Myers, “The Six Per Cent Duty” [import tax during Mexican days] – see 6/4, 3 16/4, 9-17 – Harry Myers, ed., “Alphonso Wetmore’s Report of a Journey to Santa Fe in 1828” [see 11/1, 22-24 and 14/2, 9-10 for more on Wetmore] 12/1, 8-16 – Harry Myers, ed., “Meredith Miles Marmaduke’s Journal of a Tour to New Mexico, 1824- 1825” [also see 2/3, 8-9] 26/2, 19-20 – Harry Myers, “Notes on Point of Rocks”


12/3, 9-10 – Jack Nelson, “North Branch of the Old Spanish Trail” 29/4, 8 – Kate Nelson, “Photo of Ceran St. Vrain Discovered”


4/1, 6-7 – William P. O’Brien, “Hiram Young: Black Entrepreneur on the SFT,” [M9] 7/2, 1, 6-8 – Bonita and Leo Oliva, “A Few Things Marian Sloan Russell Never Told or Never Knew About Her Mother and Father” 16/2, 1, 26-27 – Bonita and Leo Oliva, eds., “Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part I” 16/4, 22-23 – Bonita and Leo Oliva, eds., “Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part II” 17/4, 14-17 – Bonita and Leo Oliva, eds., “Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part III” 18/2, 15-20 – Bonita and Leo Oliva, eds., “Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part IV” 18/3, 16-18 – Bonita and Leo Oliva, eds., “Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part V” 18/4, 16-20 – Bonita and Leo Oliva, eds., “Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part VI” 19/1, 18-21 – Bonita and Leo Oliva, eds., “Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part VII” 19/2, 17-19 - Bonita and Leo Oliva, eds., “Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part VIII” 19/3, 20-21 – Bonita and Leo Oliva, eds., Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part IX” 19/4, 20-22 – Bonnie and Leo Oliva, eds., Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part X” 20/1, 21-22 – Bonnie and Leo Oliva, eds., Katie Bowen Letters, 1851: Part XI” 6/2, 6-7 – [Oliva], [Ceran] “St. Vrain Remembered” 30/3, 17, 25 – [Leo Oliva], “Annotated Bibliography of Santa Fe Trail Classics” 23/1, 17-24 – Leo E. Oliva, “The Army’s Attempts at Freighting During the Mexican War, 1846-1848” 6/4, 16-17 – Leo E. Oliva, “Chivington and the Mules at Johnson’s Ranch” [comment on Burt Schmitz’s excellent maps in Whitford’s reprint, see 6/1, 12] – comments on the number of mules killed 5/4, 16 – [Leo Oliva], “Flying the Trail” – about Connie and Jim Fahnestock and their article in Wings West Magazine – [noted evidence of trail ruts] – also see Clayton Fly-In (11/3, 9, etc.) 9/1, 6-8 – [Leo E. Oliva], “History of El Moro, Colorado” 22/3, 14-19 – [Leo E. Oliva], “Julius Froebel’s Travels, Part I” 22/4, 18-21 – [Leo E. Oliva], “Julius Froebel’s Western Travels, Part II” 24/4, 24-27 – [Leo E. Oliva], “Julius Froebel’s Western Travels, Part III” 25/1, 27-28 – [Leo E. Oliva], “Julius Froebel’s Western Travels, Part IV” 25/2, 25-28 – [Leo E. Oliva], “Julius Froebel’s Western Travels, Part V” 26/4, 21-23 – ]Leo E. Oliva], “Julius Froebel’s Western Travels, Part VI” 15/3, 10-11 – [Leo E. Oliva], “Letters of Andrew T. Fitch, Army Surgeon, 1866-1867” 29/1, 11-18 – Leo E. Oliva, “’Our Friend Melgares’: Spaniards and Mexicans and The Santa Fe Road” 5/4, 25-26 – [Leo E. Oliva], “Search Continues for Evidence of Mexican Graves” [Lyon Co., KS, 1844] – see 4/2, 1 and 5/1, 20-21; 6/4, 1 – mystery solved, it was a hoax 21/1, 22-23 – [Leo E. Oliva] “Santa Fe Trail Crossing of and the Big Arrow Rock Discovered” [re: Rich and Debbie Lawson] 15/2, 10-19 – Leo E. Oliva, “SFT Perspectives on Natural History” 5/2, 25-26 – [Leo E. Oliva], “Use of Word ‘Trail’” – trail vs. road designation 14/2, 9-10 – Leo E. Oliva, ed., “Alphonso Wetmore Letters” [also see 11/1, 22-24] 8/4, 10-17 – Leo E. Oliva, ed., “Escort Duty on the Santa Fe Trail, 1863: Diary of William Heagerty and Memoirs & Letters of Peter F. Clark, Company A, Eleventh Missouri Cavalry” [Jeffords photo] 20/1, 16-21 – [Leo Oliva, ed.], “The Memoirs of Jared L. Sanderson, ‘Stagecoach King,’ Part I” 20/2, 12-21 – [Leo Oliva, ed.], “The Memoirs of Jared L. Sanderson, ‘Stagecoach King,’ Part II” 20/3, 14-21 – [Leo Oliva, ed.], “The Memoirs of Jared L. Sanderson, ‘Stagecoach King,’ Part III” 20/4, 32-36 – [Leo Oliva, ed.], “The Memoirs of Jared L. Sanderson, ‘Stagecoach King,’ Part IV” 21/1, 13-15 – [Leo Oliva, ed.], “The Memoirs of Jared L. Sanderson, ‘Stagecoach King,’ Part V” 26/4, 1, 6 – Leo E. Oliva, “Pawnee Rock Site of One Session” 9/1, 17-21 – Leo E. Oliva, ed., “Supplement to William Heagerty Diary” [see 8/4, 10-17] 21/1, 23 – [Leo E. Oliva, ed.] “Tragic Fandango Story” - Las Vegas, 1881 news article [see 19/3, 11-15] 9/3, 24 – Michael Olsen, “Bibliography” – adult fiction of the SFT. Additional titles cited in 10/1, 27; 10/2, 24; 10/3, 10; 11/1, 3; 11/2, 10; 11/3, 8. 13/3, 12-19 – Michael Olsen, “The Cimarron Route in Fact and Fiction” 14/3, 10-14 – Michael Olsen, “Depictions of Women in SFT Novels” 19/1, 6-11 – Michael L. Olsen, “Dime Novels, Purple Prose, and History” 23/1, 9-17 – Michael L. Olsen, “Do You Know the Way to Santa Fe?—Freighting on the SFT, 1821-1846” 8/3, 9-12 – Michael Olsen, “The Fourth of July 1910 in Las Vegas, New Mexico: Was it the Last Roundup for SFT Veterans?” 4/4, 18-21 – Michael L. Olsen, “Hezekiah Brake: An English Butler Tries His Hand Farming at Fort Union on the Trail, 1858-1861” 22/3, 11-12 – Mike Olsen, intro., “The Memoir of Juan Crisosto Romero, 1838-1912” 9/2, 7-10 – Michael L. Olsen, “That Fabulous Procession: An Appreciation of Robert L. Duffus, Author of The Santa Fe Trail”; addendum, 9/3, 4 19/4, 7-16 – Michael Olsen, “The UU Bar Ranch Case: a History of the Traces, Trails, Roads, and Highways Connecting Rayado, NM and the Crossing of Ocate Creek” 11/2, 11-20 – Michael Olsen and Frank Wimberly, “Last Lady of the Santa Fe Trail? The [1877] Diary of Lucinda Wiseman Trieloff” [from Kansas to New Mexico] 5/4, 19-22 – Michael Olsen and Harry Myers, annot., “John Pope’s Journal of a March to New Mexico, 1851, Part I” 6/1, 15-19 – Michael Olsen and Harry Myers, annot., “John Pope’s Journal of a March to New Mexico, 1851, Part II” 7/1, 1, 15-20 – Michael L. Olsen and Harry C. Myers, “Diary of Pedro Ignacio Gallego Wherein 400 Soldiers Following the Trail of Met William Becknell on His First Trip to Santa Fe” 7/3, 1, 6 – Mike Olsen and Harry Myers, “More on Puertocito de La Piedra Lumbre” [a.k.a. Piedra Lumbre] [see Gallego diary, 7/1, 1; commentary, 7/2, 3] 1/2, 6 – Ruth Olson, “Santa Fe Trail Center” [MHS1] 21/3, 17-20 – Jared Orsi, “Reading with Pike: the Mystery of His Affection for James Wilkinson” 16/1, 17-25 – Terry M. Ortega, “The ‘Drawback Act’ of 1845”


7/4, 7-8 – Michael J. Palomino, “Raton Museum” [MHS27] 11/1, 20-22 – Jami Parkison, “Alphonso Wetmore: Trail Diarist and Frontier Humorist” 8/1, 8-9 – Ron Parks, “Kaw Mission State Historic Site” [MHS28] 25/4, 20-22 – Ron Parks, “Where They Died Was a Beautiful Country” 15/3, 19-20 – Robert Morris Peck [1901], “Bullwhacking” – also see Simmons’ art., in 12/3, 6-7 7/1, 7-11 – Phil Petersen, “Boggsville: A Trail Settlement” [MHS24] 5/4, 17 – Charles G. Pfeiffer, “ and the Santa Fe Trail” 21/2, 11-16 – William Addison Phillips [1856], “Battle of Black Jack on the SFT, June 2, 1856: ‘First Battle of the Civil War’” 18/2, 20-22 – Roy Escott Pike, “The Pike Family in America” 17/3, 12-15 – “Pike’s Journal, Part I” 17/4, 24-30 – “Pike’s Journal, Part II” 18/1, 28-29 – “Pike’s Journal, Part III” 18/2, 22-26 – “Pike’s Journal, Part IV” 18/3, 19-22 – “Pike’s Journal, Part V” 18/4, 22-26 – “Pike’s Journal, Part VI” 19/1, 22-24 – “Pike’s Journal, Part VII” 19/2, 21-23 – “Pike’s Journal, Part VIII” 19/3, 24-26 – “Pike’s Journal, Part IX” 19/4, 23-26 – “Pike’s Journal, Part X” 20/1, 23-26 – “Pike’s Journal, Part XI” 20/2, 24-26 – “Pike’s Journal, Part XII” 20/3, 24-26 – “Pike’s Journal, Part XIII” 20/4, 36-38 – “Pike’s Journal, Part XIV” 21/1, 24-25 – “Pike’s Journal, Part XV” 21/2, 22 – “Pike’s Journal, Part XVI” 21/3, 20-25 – “Pike’s Journal, Part XVII” 21/4, 21-22 – “Pike’s Journal, Part XVIII” 27/4, 18 – Michael E. Pitel, “Fort Marcy Built to Oversee Santa Fe” 11/1, 19-20 – Bill Pitts, “George Bent Letters” 8/3, 6 – Charles Pitts, “Revisiting Gregg’s 1840 Trail Across the Texas Panhandle” 26/2, 24-25 – Joy Poole, “Introduction to Autobiography of Dr. Rowland Willard: Journey West Along the Santa Fe Trail and Down El Camino Real, 1825-1828” 3/3, 7 – Joy Poole and Mark Gardner, “Baca House, Bloom House, & Pioneer Museum, Trinidad, CO” [MHS10] 30/1, 22-24 – Stephen S. Post, “Crossroads at the Edge of Empire: Economy and Livelihood in Santa Fe during the Spanish Colonial Period”



12/4, 1, 14-23 – David L. Richards, ed., “Charles W. Fribley’s Trail Diary and Letters, 1857-1859, Part I” 13/1, 18-25 – David L. Richards, ed., “Charles W. Fribley’s Trail Diaries and Letters, 1857-1859, Part II” 28/4, 1-2 – Craig Ridenour, “Ranch at Cimarron Crossing” 7/3, 10 – Noreen S. Riffe, “More on Eliza St. Clair Sloan Mahoney” [see 7/2, 1] 9/2, 13-22 – “Recollections of James Francis Riley, 1838-1918: Part I”, written ca. 1918, with foreword by John Riley James [his grandson], written in 1959 9/3, 11-16 – “Recollections of James Francis Riley, Part II” [see 9/2, 13-22] 9/4, 21-27 – “Recollections of James Francis Riley, Part III” [see 9/2, 13-22] 9/3, 1, 16-21 – Nancy Robertson, “Clifton House DAR Marker Reset” – has Clifton House history 21/4, 13-18 – Albert Alonzo Robinson, “Report of Trip Into New Mexico, 1875” 2/2, 6 – Betty Romero and Ralph Hathaway, “Coronado-Quivira Museum, Lyons, KS” [MHS5] 6/4, 8-9 – James E. Romero, Jr., “Samuel Bowman Watrous, Pioneer Merchant” [M14] 21/4, 10-12 – Beverly Carmichael Ryan, “John R. Kerr: An Old Plainsman” 14/4, 5-9 – Beverly Carmichael Ryan, “Under Siege at the Cow Creek Crossing, July 1864” 18/4, 5-9 – Beverly Carmichael Ryan, “Under Siege at the Walnut and Cow Creek Trail Crossings, July 1864”


22/4, 8-17 – Amy L. Sanderson, “The Faults of Memory: J. L. Sanderson, His Family, and the Santa Fe Trail” 29/2, 23-26 – David A. Sandoval, “The American Invasion of New Mexico and Mexican Merchants” (Part 1) 29/3, 14-17 – David A. Sandoval, “The American Invasion of New Mexico and Mexican Merchants” (Part 2) 1/3, 6 – David A. Sandoval, “Mariano José Chaves: Merchant on the Trail” [M2] 27/1, 21-24 – David A. Sandoval, “Pedro Sandoval, Presidio of Santa Fe” 14/2, 11-14 – David A. Sandoval, “Texan Raids in 1854: Mexican Soldiers on the Trail” 18/1, 24-28 – Lowell M. Schake, “Celebrating ‘A Precious Memento’ at La Charette” [Pike] 29/4, 10-11 – Michael Schaubs, “The Pepperbox Revolving Pistol and Its Use in the West” 25/1, 12-13 – Steve Schmidt, “Comments on Rendezvous” – focus on Marion Co., KS 30/4, 16-18 – Steve Schmidt, “Dr. Wislizenus at French Frank’s Trail Segment” 26/1, 14 – Steve Schmidt, “M-A-R-I-O-N County; Really!” 29/4, 31-32 – Steve Schmidt, “Misconception: The Carried Mail on the Santa Fe Trail” 27/2, 12-13 – Steve Schmidt, “Train Travel Speeds Estimated Slower in 1880” 26/2, 7-8 – L. Stephen Schmidt and Richard E. Hayden, “The Sibley Expedition: 1825, 1926, and 1827” 11/3, 10-19 – Ladd H. Schwegman, ed., “Memoirs of a Mexican War Volunteer: Charles Henry Buercklin” 11/4, 7 – Jesse Scott, “Cedar Grove Bluffs” [in Otero County, CO] 2/2, 8-9 – Jesse Scott, Jr., “The Cimarron Crossing” 3/4, 4 – Jesse Scott, Jr., “John Hough House in Las Animas, CO” 4/3, 10-11 – Jesse Scott, “An Old Barn with a SFT Past” [near Lamar, CO] 11/4, 4 – Jesse Scott, “Pawnee Rock: ‘Many an Ambush Originated Here’?” 12/1, 20-21 – Jesse Scott, “Without a Shot Being Fired” [James McGoffin, 1846 event near Las Cruces] 16/1, 12-17 – Jesse Scott, ed., “Calvin Thompson Garland, ‘A Familiar Description of the West’” 17/3, 23-25 – David M. Seals, “Henry Skillman – A Grizzly Texas Man” 30/4, 22-27 – Margaret Sears, “An Old Santa Fe Trail Map Recovered” 5/2, 12-14 – Dan and Carol Sharp, “Cold Springs and the SFT” [MHS17] 29/2, 10-14 – Pauline and Doug Sharp, “The Kanza in the Civil War” 4/3, 12-13 – V. James Sherer, “ Museum, Dodge City, Kansas” [MHS 14] 3/1, 11 – Marc Simmons, “Bernard Seligman: Jewish Merchant on the Trail,” [M7] 17/2, 24-25 – Marc Simmons, “Cheap Whiskey Brought Drunkenness to New Mexico” 5/3, 12 – Marc Simmons, “Comets and Meteors on the Santa Fe Trail” 7/2, 19 – Marc Simmons, “Doniphan’s March” [reprint of 12/92 “Trail Dust” column] 13/2, 1, 10-12 – Marc Simmons, “Glory Days on the Cimarron Route, Remember John Goose, and a New Perspective on Opening the Trail” [keynote address at 1997 SFTA symposium] 3/4, 1-2 – Marc Simmons, “Looking for Site of Hole-in-the-Prairie,” in Piñon Canyon area 7/1, 3 – Marc Simmons, “More on Watrous” [see 6/4, 8-9] 14/4, 21 – Marc Simmons, “Mr. Seligman, Merchant” [also see 3/1, 11] 7/1, 6 – Marc Simmons, “New Light on Johnson’s Ranch” 7/2, 3 – Marc Simmons, “Observations on the Gallego Diary” [see 7/1, 1] 18/2, 22 – Marc Simmons, “Pike’s Stockade: From Colorado’s First Fort to Unkempt Monument” 25/4, 23-24 – Marc Simmons, “Reuben Gentry’s Return Visit to Santa Fe Revealed a Century of Changes” 22/2, 1, 12-15 – Marc Simmons, “The Santa Fe Trail, Past and Present” [keynote address, speaks of Joy Poole’s role in organizing the SFTA] 16/2, 7 – Marc Simmons, “Servant Couple Dick and Charlotte Green Created a Legacy at Bent’s Fort” 14/2, 17 – Marc Simmons, “Wild and Wicked Cimarron” 15/3, 15-16 – Marc Simmons, “Women’s Tales of the Trail Rare But Telling” 5/4, 6-9 – Roger Slusher, “Lexington and the SFT” [MHS19] 13/2, 7-9 – Ellis J. Smith, “Whatever Happened to Westport?” 12/2, 23-24 – Ellis J. Smith, “When Rails Replaced the SFT” 26/3, 9-10, 12 – David Sneed, “Santa Fe Freighters … the Search for Survivors” 3/2, 7-8 – Joseph W. Snell, “Josephine Louise Barry, Trail Scholar” 9/1, 11-13 – C.L. Sonnichsen, “Southwestward Ho!” from : Law West of the Pecos 2/4, 4 – T.J. Sperry, “Fort Union NM” [MHS7] 7/4, 12-15 – T.J. Sperry, “Fort Union’s Economic Influence” 4/3, 14-17 – T.J. Sperry, “A Long and Useful Life for the SFT” [deals with Chick, Browne & Co.] 17/1, 14-18 – John Stratton, “‘A Bold and Fearless Rider:’ Ed Miller and the Paper Trail” [re: his grave in McPherson County, KS] 18/2, 9-13 – John M. Stratton, “The Life of Charles O. Fuller in Central Kansas, 1855-1879” 16/2, 19-22 – Charles R. Strom, “Danger on the SFT and the Santa Fe Plaza”


19/4, 17-19 – Alice Anne Thompson, “The Story Behind Mysterious Photographs Uncovered: Another Tale in the Continuing Saga of the Death and Burial of Sister Mary Alphonsa Thompson on the SFT in 1867” 19/4, 20 – Alice Anne Thompson, “More on the Nun’s Grave” 16/4, 18-21 – Matt Thomson, “The Old Santa Fe Trail, Part I” [reprint from a 1901 Wabaunsee County, KS history] 17/1, 8-11 – Matt Thomson, “The Old Santa Fe Trail, Part II” [see 16/4, 18-21] – comment, 17/2, 20-21 28/1, 8-9 – Robert J. Tórrez, “An Estranjero’s Proposal, 1832” 26/1, 7-8 – Robert J. Tórres, “The New Mexican Customs Regulations of 1825” 15/2, 9 – Robert J. Tórrez, “Regulation of Trade” 27/3, 25 – Robert J. Tórrez, “Santa Fe’s Revenue Plan of 1836”



30/4, 12-15 – Joanne VanCoevern, “Letters from Fort Dodge: Letters of Isadore and Henry Douglass 1866-67” 10/2, 17-22 – Maurilio E. Vigil, “New Mexicans, Las Vegas, and the SFT”


2/3, 6 – Rick Wallner, “Bent’s Old Fort NHS” [MHS6] 13/4, 13-16 – Mary Jane Warde, “’These Wanton Cruelties’: Indians and the Santa Fe Trail” 6/1, 9-10 – “Theodore Weichselbaum: Merchant on the Trail, Part I” [1908, in KSHS archives] [M13] 6/2, 13-15 – “Theodore Weichselbaum: Merchant on the Trail, Part II” [1908, in KSHS archives][M13] 27/3, 31 – Allan Wheeler, “Becknell’s Gravesite Restored in Texas” – follow-up = 29/3, 10 and 29/4, 11 26/3, 13-19 – Mary White and Mary Kate Rogers [and Tracy Patterson], transcribed, “Diary of Levi Edmonds, Sr.” Clarification, 26/4, 13 12/4, 9-12 – Stephen Whitmore, “Kit Carson Takes Offense: the Political Battle of Adobe Walls” 4/4, 10-11 – L.V. Withee, “Cimarron National Grassland” [not primarily historical, but agronomy] 8/1, 15-17 – L. V. Withee, “First Botanists in Santa Fe” 1/1, 5 – Dr. Frederick Wislizenus, from Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico … in 1846 and 1847.



11/1, 6-9 – Robert E. Yarmer, ed., “Memoirs of J.C. (Buckskin Joe) Proctor” 18/1, 20-24 – Joanne Hulbert Yeager, “Archer Butler Hulbert, 1873-1933” [Pike enthusiast]


II. Book Reviews – plus some article reviews, primarily from volume 8, by Michael Olsen and Harry Myers; includes reprints, facsimile editions, etc. Note: book titles have been truncated in some cases.


12/4, 8 – Don E. Alberts, Battle of Glorieta: Union Victory in the West 13/1, 8 – David V. Alexander, Frontier Military Place Names (1846-1912) 10/3, 26 – Constance Wynn Altshuler, Cavalry Yellow and Infantry Blue: Army Officers in Arizona between 1851 and 1886 29/3, 18 - Philip F. Anschutz, with William J. Convery and Thomas J. Noel, Out Where the West Begins: Profiles, Visions & Strategies of Early Western Business Leaders [Ruth Friesen] 5/1, 19 – Samuel P. Arnold, Eating Up the SFT 12/1, 24 – Samuel P. Arnold, The Fort Cookbook: New Foods of the Old West [Morrison, CO restaurant]


7/2, 8 – Will Bagley, ed., Frontiersman, Abner Blackburn’s Narrative 13/2, 14-15 – T. Lindsay Baker, The Texas Red River Country … 1876 4/3, 17 – Barton H. Barbour, ed., Reluctant Frontiersman: James Ross Larkin on the SFT, 1856-57 25/1, 13, 21 – Mary Collins Barile, The SFT in Missouri 12/3, 8 – Evelyn A. Barlow, Emily and the SFT 19/1, 14-15 – Jon R. Bauman, Santa Fe Passage: a Novel 10/4, 25 – James A. Bennett, Forts and Forays: A Dragoon in NM, 1850-1856 4/3, 18 – Michael Beshoar, All About Trinidad and Las Animas County [1882 facsimile] 1/4, 8-9 – Ava Betz, A Prowers County History [Lamar area, CO] 5/1, 19 – Daniel L. Bigler, ed., Gold Discovery of Azariah Smith 14/4, 20 – David L. Bigler and Will Bagley, Army of Israel: Mormon Battalion Narratives, Volume 4 5/4, 24-25 – Monroe Lee Billington, New Mexico’s Buffalo Soldiers 9/4, 28 – Donald J. Blakeslee, Along Ancient Trails: the Mallet Expedition of 1739 4/3, 18 – Herbert E. Bolton, Coronado: Knight of Pueblos and Plains [1949 facsimile] 12/1, 24 – Susan Calafate Boyle, Los Capitalistas: Hispano Merchants and the Santa Fe Trade 12/3, 7 – Susan Calafate Boyle, Los Capitalistas: Hispano Merchants and the Santa Fe Trade [2nd review] 5/1, 19 – William Brandon, Quivira: Europeans in the Region of the SFT 22/3, 19 – James Brice, Reminiscences of Ten Years Experience on the Western Plains 3/1, 13 – William E. Brown, The SFT: National Park Service 1963 Historic Sites Survey 3/2, 13-14 – Howard Bryan, Wildest of the Wild West [re: Las Vegas, NM] 2/3, 7 – William G. Buckles, “Along the SFT: Preservation Today and Tomorrow” 4/3, 18 – William C. Bullard, Bound for the Promised Land 11/3, 8-9 – James A. Burkhart and Eugene F. Schmidtlein, Mules, Jackasses and Other Misconceptions


19/2, 21 – Patricia Calvert, Zebulon Pike: Lost in the Rockies 21/2, 9 – Lenore Carroll, Uncertain Pilgrims: a Novel [women on the SFT] 13/1, 7 – Phil Carson, Across the Northern Frontier: Spanish Explorations in Colorado 10/1, 22 – Phil Carson, Among the Eternal Snows: The First Recorded Ascent of Pikes Peak, July 13-15, 1820 17/2, 21-22 – William G. B. Carson, Peter Becomes a Trail Man [kids] 26/4, 25 - William G. Carson, Peter Becomes a Trail Man, the Story of a Boy’s Journey on the Santa Fe Trail [kids] 6/1, 13 – Anne Carter, Mulberries and Prickly Pear [1988 horseback trip over the SFT] 11/4, 22 – William Y. Chalfant, at Dark Water Creek: the Last Fight of the Red River War 8/3, 15 – William Y. Chalfant, Dangerous Passage: the SFT and the Mexican War 24/3, Supplement – William Y. Chalfant, Hancock’s War: Conflict on the Southern Plains 6/1, 13 – William Y. Chalfant, Without Quarter: Wichita Expedition and the Fight on Crooked Creek 4/2, 6 – Thomas E. Chávez, Conflict and Acculturation, Manuel Alvarez’s 1842 Memorial 4/4, 10-11 – Thomas E. Chávez, Manuel Alvarez, 1794-1856: a Southwestern Biography 29/4, 24-25 – Hiram Chittenden, The American Fur Trade of the Far West [Mike Olsen] 5/4, 13 – David K. Clapsaddle wrote two SFT articles for Kansas History 8/2, 19 – David K. Clapsaddle, “Conflict and Commerce on the SFT” 19/4, 20 – Susan M. Colby, ’s Child; the Life & Times of Jean-Baptiste (Pomp) Charbonneau 1/4, 9 – Colorado Historical Society, The SFT: New Perspectives 11/4, 22-23 – Douglas C. Comer, Ritual Ground: Bent’s Old Fort, World Formation, and the Annexation of the Southwest 22/2, 23-24 – Mary Jean Straw Cook, Doña Tules: Santa Fe’s Courtesan and Gambler 17/1, 23 – Mary J. Straw Cook, Loretto: the Sisters and Their Santa Fe Chapel 21/3, 10 – Jack Kyle Cooper, Zebulon Montgomery Pike’s Great Western Adventure, 1806-1807 13/4, 6 – Kathleen Ann Cordes, America’s National Historic Trails 14/2, 17-18 – Kathleen Ann Cordes, America’s National Historic Trails [2nd review] 11/3, 9 – Mrs. T. A. Cordry, The Story of the Marking of the SFT by the DAR (reprint of 1915 publication) 14/1, 23 – Shirley S. Coupal, Looking Back, Trails to the Second Century 9/3, 23 – C. Gregory Crampton and Steven K. Madsen, In Search of the Spanish Trail: Santa Fe to , 1828-1848 22/2, 11 – Tom Cranmer’s Rules and Regulations, by which to Conduct Wagon Trains (reprint of an 1866 edition) is now out. Also noted in “Wagons West,” 23/3, 6 30/2, 26 – James A. Crutchfield, Revolt at Taos: The New Mexican and Indian Insurrection of 1847 [Leo Oliva]


1/1, 4 – David Dary, Entrepreneurs of the Old West 19/2, 15-17 – David Dary, The : an American Saga 15/2, 19 – David Dary, The Santa Fe Trail, Its History, Legends, and Lore 14/4, 20 – Joseph G. Dawson III, Doniphan’s Epic March 21/4, 12 – Arlan Dean, The SFT from Independence, MO to Santa Fe, NM [kids] 20/3, 21 – Virgil Dean, ed., Kansas History [“Special Issue, the Pike Expedition: A Bicentennial Reflection”] 29/4, 24-25 – Bernard DeVoto, Across the Wide Missouri [Mike Olsen] 29/2, 27-28 – Joseph Díaz, ed., The Art and Legacy of Bernardo Miera y Pacheco: New Spain’s Explorer, Cartographer, and Artist [Michael E. Olsen] 19/3, 10 – Michael Dickey, Arrow Rock: Crossroads of the Missouri Frontier 8/2, 19 – William B. Dolbee, “The Privilege to Mark Out the Way” 8/4, 6 – Robert L. Duffus, Jornada [1935 romance novel] 25/1, 13 – Ronald J. Dulle, Tracing the SFT: Today’s Views 15/2, 19 – Tom Dunlay, Kit Carson and the Indians 20/1, 11-12 – Victoria E. Dye, All Aboard for Santa Fe: Railway Promotion of the Southwest, 1890s to 1930s


11/2, 26 – Anne Bruner Eales, Army Wives on the 12/3, 8 – Thomas S. Edrington and John Taylor, The Battle of 10/3, 25 – Frank S. Edwards, A Campaign in New Mexico with Doniphan 27/2, 23 – Peter L. Eidenbach, An Atlas of Historic New Mexico Maps, 1550-1941 [Ruth Friesen] 7/3, 20 – Jane Lenz Elder, Across the Plains to Santa Fe 10/3, 26 – Jane Lenz Elder and David J. Weber, eds., Trading in Santa Fe: John M. Kingsbury’s Correspondence with James Josiah Webb, 1853-1861 24/1, 20 – Susan Erb, ed., On the Western Trails: the Overland Diaries of Washington Peck 13/2, 14 – Patricia A. Etter, To California on the Southern Route, 1849


3/2, 13 – Virginia Lee Fisher, Arrow Rock Places 17/1, 23 – Richard Flint, Great Cruelties Have Been Reported: the 1544 Investigation of the Coronado Expedition 12/2, 18 – Richard Flint and Shirley Cushing Flint, eds., The Coronado Expedition to Tierra Nueva: the 1540-1542 Route Across the Southwest 4/3, 17-18 – Cheryl J. Foote, Women on the New Mexico Frontier, 1846-1912 11/4, 21-22 – Curtiss Frank, Re-Riding History, Horseback Over the SFT 13/1, 8-9 – Gregory M. Franzwa, Covered Wagon Roads to the American West (map) 3/1, 13 – Gregory M. Franzwa, Images of the SFT 3/1, 13 – Gregory M. Franzwa, Impressions of the SFT 22/2, 24 – Gregory M. Franzwa, The Revisited 12/3, 8 – Gregory M. Franzwa, The Oregon Trail Revisited 4/1, 14 – Gregory M. Franzwa, The SFT Revisited 5/3, 17 – Gregory M. Franzwa, The SFT Revisited [audiotape album] 13/4, 6 – Harriet Freiberger, Lucien Maxwell: Villain or Visionary 3/3, 11 – Paul D. Friedman, Valley of Lost Souls: A History of the Piñon Canyon Region


1/3, 5 – Mary B. Gamble and Leo E. Gamble, SFT Markers in Colorado 12/2, 18 – Nasario García, Más Antes: Hispanic Folklore of the Rio Puerco Valley 19/3, 9-10 – Nasario García, Old Las Vegas: Hispanic Memories from the New Mexico Meadowland 12/4, 8 – Mark L. Gardner, Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site 20/2, 22 – Mark L. Gardner, Fort Union National Monument 20/1, 11 – Mark L. Gardner, : a Biography 3/3, 11 – Mark L. Gardner, The Mexican Road: Trade, Travel, and Confrontation on the SFT (see 3/2, 5) 7/4, 20 – Mark L. Gardner, Santa Fe Trail, National Historic Trail 14/4, 19-20 – Mark L. Gardner, Wagons for the Santa Fe Trade: Wheeled Vehicles and Their Makers, 1822-1880 17/2, 22 – Mark L. Gardner, Washita Battlefield National Historic Site 7/3, 20 – Mark L. Gardner, ed., Brothers [Glasgow] on the SF and Trails (see 1/3, 7-8) 12/1, 24 – Mark L. Gardner and Marc Simmons, eds., The Mexican War Correspondence of Richard Smith Elliott 7/2, 9 – Ghosts of New Mexico; the Old West as It Really Was (video) 23/1, 5-6 – Steve Glassman, It Happened on the Santa Fe Trail 15/4, 23 – Deena J. González, Refusing the Favor: the Spanish-Mexican Women of Santa Fe, 1820-1880 19/1, 15-16 – Marcus C. Gottschalk, Pioneer Merchants of Las Vegas 15/3, 18 – M. C. Gottschalk, Pioneer Merchants of the Las Vegas Plaza 19/1, 15 – Annette Gray, Journey of the Heart: the True Story of Mamie Aguirre 14/4, 20 – Dorothy Gray, Women of the West 26/3, 24-25 – Winston Groom, Kearny’s March: The Epic Creation of the American West, 1846-1847 [Leo Oliva] 22/3, 19 – Katherine Burke Graziano, Baker Lands: the Struggle to Start a School & a Town on the SFT 23/1, 5 – new series [2008] in the Great Bend (KS) Tribune about the SFT 8/2, 9 – C.R. Green, Early Days in Kansas (reprint of four-volume work from 1913) 9/3, 24 – Kate L. Gregg, ed., The Road to Santa Fe: The Journal and Diaries of George Champlin Sibley and Others…, 1825-1827


2/1, 11 – Thomas B. Hall, Medicine on the SFT, 2nd edition 28/1, 23-24 – Pekka Hämäläinen, Empire [Margaret Sears] 26/3, 25 – Matthew L. Harris and Jay H. Buckley, Zebulon Pike, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West 20/3, 21 – Stephen Harding Hart and Archer Butler Hulbert, The Southwestern Journals of Zebulon Pike, 1806-1807 9/2, 23 – Lynda Hatch, The SFT [resource book for teachers and students] 4/1, 14-15 – Stephen Hayward & Martha Hayward, Walks & Rambles on the Cimarron Nat’l Grassland 13/1, 8 – C. Robert Haywood, The Merchant Prince of Dodge City: the Life & Times of Robert M. Wright 1/1, 4 – C. Robert Haywood, Trails South: the Wagon-Road Economy in the Dodge City-Panhandle Region 2/3, 7 – Cosette Henritze and Jane Kurtz, SFT: Dangers and Dollars 7/2, 8 – William E. Hill, The SFT, Yesterday and Today 5/4, 25 – Stan Hoig, Jesse Chisholm: Ambassador of the Plains 18/3, 15 – Stan Hoig, The Western Odyssey of John Simpson Smith: Frontiersman & Indian Interpreter 19/2, 14-15 – Holling Clancy Holling, Tree in the Trail 10/1, 22 – Kenneth L. Holmes, ed., Covered Wagon Women: Diaries and Letters from the Western Trails, 1840-1849 [reprint of vol. 1 of an 11-volume series] 10/4, 25 – Kenneth L. Holmes, ed., Covered Wagon Women … 1850 [vol. 2] 11/1, 24 – Kenneth L. Holmes, ed., Covered Wagon Women … 1851 [vol. 3; vols. 4-6 (1852-1853) not reviewed in Wagon Tracks] 13/1, 8 – Kenneth L. Holmes, ed., Covered Wagon Women … 1854-1860 [vol. 7] 12/2, 18 – Eliza P. Donner Houghton, The Expedition of the Donner Party and its Tragic Fate (reprint) 12/2, 17 – John Taylor Hughes, Doniphan’s Expedition (reprint) 26/3, 25 – Anne F. Hyde, Empires, Nations & Families: A History of the North American West, 1800- 1860 26/4, 24-25 – Anne F. Hyde, Empires, Nations & Families: A History of the North American West, 1800- 1860 [Tom Pelikan, 2nd review] 16/4, 24-25 – Stephen G. Hyslop, Bound for Santa Fe: the Road to New Mexico and the American Conquest, 1806-1858 17/2, 22-23 – Stephen G. Hyslop, Bound for Santa Fe (2nd review)



27/1, 24-25 – Hal Jackson, Boone’s Lick Road: a Brief History and Guide to a Missouri Treasure [Leo Oliva] 30/1, 26-27 – Hal Jackson and Marc Simmons, The Santa Fe Trail: A Guide [Ruth Friesen] 21/1, 16 – Hal Jackson, Following the Royal Road: a Guide to the Historic Camino Real de Tierra Adentro – 17/1, 23, notes that he was “writing a book on ELCA.” 16/3, 6-7 – Helen Hunt Jackson, A Century of Dishonor 3/2, 5 – Journal of the West , April 1989 issue, to be devoted to SFT, book edition to come later 10/3, 25 – Robert Hixson Julyan, Place Names of New Mexico


5/2, 20 – Francis Casimir Kajencki, Poles in the 19th Century Southwest 30/1, 26 – Camilla Kattell, Youth on the Santa Fe Trail [Rachel C. Penner] 21/2, 9-10 – E. Donald Kaye, Nathan Augustus Monroe Dudley, 1825-1910: Rogue, Hero, or Both? 16/3, 6 – Frances Bollacker Keck, The JJ Ranch on the Purgatory 1/3, 5 – Katharine B. Kelley, Along the SFT in Douglas County, Kansas 27/3, 32 – Ari Kelman, A Misplaced Massacre: Struggling Over the Memory of Sand Creek [Tom Pelikan] 4/2, 7 – Ray R. Kepley, Tails Up! [re: Joe Reynolds, 1868] 17/3, 22 – John L. Kessell, Spain in the Southwest 9/1, 13 – Dolores A. Kilgo, Likeness and Landscape: Thomas M. Easterly & the Art of the Daguerrotype 2/4, 5 – Stanley B. Kimball, Historic Sites & Markers along the Mormon and Other Great Western Trails 10/3, 25-26 – Stanley B. Kimball, The Mormon Battalion on the SFT in 1846 26/2, 23 – Louis Kraft, Ned Wynkoop and the Lonely Road from Sand Creek [Tom Pelikan] 12/2, 18 – Dorothy Hart Kroh, Morris, 1821-1997: a Community on the Ft. Leavenworth Military Road to the SFT


12/3, 8 – Roger D. Launius, Alexander William Doniphan; Portrait of a Missouri Moderate 29/4, 24-25 – David Lavender, Bent’s Fort [Mike Olsen] 4/1, 14 – David Lavender, The Trail to Santa Fe 9/3, 23 – David Lavender, The SFT [kids] 10/1, 22 – Dorothy Kupcha Leland, Sallie Fox, the Story of a Pioneer Girl [kids] 18/2, 7 – Ann Lockledge and Ted Henson, The Santa Fe Trail [kids]


9/2, 23-24 – Vernon R. Maddux, John Hittson: Cattle King on the Texas and Colorado Frontier 12/3, 8 – Jane Mallinson, Nancy Lewis, and Anne Mallinson, Petticoat Pioneers (video) 16/4, 25 – Patricia Jean Manion, SL, Beyond the Adobe Wall: the Sisters of Loretto in New Mexico, 1852- 1894 9/4, 28 – Cotton Mather and George F. Thompson, Registered Places of New Mexico 7/3, 20 – Stephen May, Footloose on the Santa Fe Trail 18/2, 7-8 – Joan K. McAfee, Riddle of the Lost Gold and The Road to El Dorado [kids] 18/1, 29 – Megan McDonald, All the Stars in the Sky: the SFT Diary of Florrie Mack Ryder, 1848 6/3, 11 – Michael McDonald, The Quiz of Enchantment [New Mexico trivia book] 1/2, 5 – James R. Mead, Hunting and Trading n the Great Plains, 1859-1875 10/4, 25 – Christina Singleton Mednick, San Cristóbal: Voices and Vision of the Galisteo Basin 8/2, 19 – Douglas Merriam, “Fort Union: On Memory Trail” 8/4, 6 – Messages from the President on the State of the Fur Trade, 1824-1832 11/1, 24 – J. J. Methvin, Andele, The Mexican- Captive: A Story of Real Life Among the Indians 6/1, 12-13 – Marian Meyer, Mary Donoho, New First Lady of the SFT 30/3, 27 – Marian Meyer, updated by Joni Stodt and George Donoho Bayless, Mary Donoho: New First Lady of the Santa Fe Trail: 25th Anniversary Edition [Ruth Friesen]; correction [Stotts], 30/4, 9 6/2, 8 – Marian Meyer, Santa Fe’s Fifteen Club: a Century of Literary Women 5/3, 17 – Frank Milenski, Water, The Answer to a Desert’s Prayer 8/2, 19-20 – Darlis A. Miller, “The Perils of a Post Sutler” 3/3, 11 – William Mills, The Arkansas, An American River 5/4, 24 – Missouri DAR, Milestones in Missouri’s Past [reprint ] 11/4, 23 – Jill Mocho, Murder and Justice in Frontier New Mexico, 1821-1846 10/1, 22 – Howard N. Monnett, Action Before Westport, 1864 7/2, 8 – John H. Monnett, The Battle of Beecher Island and the Indian War of 1867-1869 13/1, 8 – Ralph Moody, Stagecoach West 9/3, 23-24 – Max L. Moorhead, New Mexico’s Royal Road: Trade and Travel on the Chihuahua Trail (republication) 30/2, 27 – Phyllis S. Morgan, As Far as the Eye Could Reach, Accounts of Animals along the Santa Fe Trail 1821-1880 [Steve Schmidt] 19/3, 10 – Phyllis S. Morgan, Marc Simmons of New Mexico: Maverick Historian 24/3, Supplement – Phyllis S. Morgan, N. Scott Momaday: Remembering Ancestors, Earth, and Traditions; an Annotated Bio-Bibliography 12/2, 18 – John Miller Morris, El Llano Estacado: Exploration and Imagination … 1536-1860 2/2, 7 – Sandra L. Myres, ed., Cavalry Wife; Diary of Eveline M. Alexander, 1866-67


5/4, 24-25 – W. B. Napton, Jr., Over the SFT in 1857 3/2, 13-14 – Sharon Neiderman, A Quilt of Words; Women’s Diaries…of Life in the Southwest 27/2, 23 – David F. New, Private Bateman Goes to War: the Personal Correspondence of Dr. E. B. Bateman, 1848-1852 [Mike Olsen] 27/4, 23-24 – David F. New, Tales of the Trail – Mexican War, 1846-1849. The Personal Correspondence of Soldiers and Men Who Made the Long Journey to Santa Fe in 1846 to 1849 [Mike Olsen] 28/3, 23-24 – Roger L. Nichols, Warrior Nations: The and Indian Peoples [Ed Stafford] 10/2, 9 – Anita Niles-Beattie, The Trail to Tomorrow 4/1, 15 – David Grant Noble, ed., Santa Fe: History of an Ancient City


28/4, 26 – William Patrick O’Brien, Merchants of Independence: International Trade on the Santa Fe Trail, 1827-1860 [Leo Oliva] 23/1, 24 – Leo E. Oliva, on the SFT, 1850-1854 is being reprinted 13/1, 9 – Leo Oliva just came out with Fort Dodge: Sentry of the Western Plains 16/2, 23 – Leo Oliva given an award for recently-published Fort Harker: Defending the Journey West. 8/4, 1, 20-21 – Leo Oliva, Fort Union and the Frontier Army in the Southwest 12/3, 15 – Leo Oliva just came out with Fort Wallace: Sentinel on the Smoky Hill Trail. 1/3, 5 – Leo E. Oliva and Bonita M. Oliva, SFT Trivia 3/2, 14 – Leo E. Oliva and Bonita M. Oliva, SFT Trivia, 3rd edition 21/2, 10 – [Leo E. Oliva, ed.], The Memoirs of Jared L. Sanderson, “Stagecoach King” 9/1, 13 – Michael L. Olsen, Las Vegas and the SFT 28/4, 27 – Michael L. Olsen, That Broad and Beckoning Highway: The Santa Fe Trail and the Rush for Gold in California and Colorado [Steve Schmidt] 28/4, 27 – Jared Orsi, Citizen Explorer: the Life of Zebulon Pike [Tom Pelikan] 1/4, 9 – Miguel Antonio Otero, My Life on the Frontier, 1864-1882


8/1, 7 – Gabrielle G. Palmer, El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro. Critique in 8/2, 9 11/1, 23 – Jami Parkison, Path to Glory: A Pictorial Celebration of the SFT 29/1, 27 – Ronald D. Parks, The Darkest Period: the Kanza Indians and Their Last Homeland, 1846-1873 [Leo Oliva] 15/1, 21 – James E. Perkins, Tom Tobin, Frontiersman 10/4, 25 – Arthur King Peters, Seven Trails West 11/2, 26 – Donna Pierce and Marta Weigle, eds., Spanish New Mexico: The Spanish Colonial Arts Society Collection 2/1, 12 – Albert Pike, Prose Sketches and Poems Written in the Western Country 7/4, 20 – Elaine Pinkerton, The SFT by Bicycle 9/4, 27 – Don Pedro Baptista Pino, The Exposition on the Province of New Mexico, 1812 30/3, 25-26 – Joy L. Poole, ed., Over the Santa Fe Trail to Mexico: The Travel Diaries and Autobiography of Dr. Rowland Willard [Timothy A. Zwink]



26/1, 15 – David Remley, Kit Carson: The Life of an American Border Man [John Carson] 5/1, 19-20 – Rupert N. Richardson, et al., Along Texas Old Forts Trail 2/1, 12 – Kenyon Riddle, Records and Maps of the Old SFT 2/1, 12 – Jack D. Rittenhouse, Trail of Commerce and Conquest 2/3, 2 – Jack D. Rittenhouse, Trail of Commerce and Conquest [2nd review] 5/1, 20 – Gary L. Roberts, Death Comes to the Chief Justice (John Slough murder) 14/3, 22-23 – David Roberts, A Newer World: Kit Carson, John C. Fremont, and the Claiming of the American West 26/2, 23 – Edwina Portelle Romero, Footlights in the Foothills: Amaeur Theatre of Las Vegas and Fort Union, New Mexico, 1871-1899 [Mike Olsen] 20/1, 11 – Inez Ross, Without a Wagon on the SFT: Hiking Into History (see 18/3, 4, and 18/4, 1) 13/1, 7 – Gil Rumsey and William S. Worley, Legacy of the Santa Fe Trail


10/1, 22 – Edwin L. Sabin, Kit Carson Days, 1809-1868 [multi-volume] 13/4, 5-6 – Hans von Sachsen-Altenburg and Laura Gabiger, Winning the West: General Stephen Watts Kearny’s Letter Book, 1846-1847 26/3, 25 – David A. Sandoval, Spanish/Mexican Legacy of Latinos in Pueblo County 4/3, 18 – “The Santa Fe Trail,” May 1990 edition of Cobblestone [for kids] 3/2, 13-14 – Jack Schaefer, Company of Cowards [novel] 17/4, 17 – Lowell M. Schake, La Charette: Village Gateway to the American West [re: Pike] 20/2, 22 – Lowell M. Schake, La Charette: a History of the Gateway to the American Frontier 23/2, 8 – Stephen Schmidt, Lost Spring, Marion County, Kansas: A Historical Perspective 29/2, 27 – James E. Sherow, Railroad Empire Across the Heartland: Rephotographing Alexander Gardner’s Westward Journey [Frank Norris] 5/3, 17 – James Earl Sherow, Watering the [Arkansas] Valley 2/1, 11 – Nancy Short, et al., Milestones in Missouri’s Past 21/2, 8-9 – Hampton Sides, Blood and Thunder 2/1, 11-12 – Marc Simmons, ed., Battle at Valley’s Ranch [Glorieta Pass] 6/1, 13 – Marc Simmons, Coronado’s Land: Essays on Daily Life in Colonial [Spanish] New Mexico 1/1, 4 – Marc Simmons, Following the SFT: A Guide for Modern Travelers 19/1, 14 – Marc Simmons, Friday, the Boy: a Story from History [kids] 18/1, 29 – Marc Simmons, José’s Buffalo Hunt: a Story from History [kids] 26/4, 25 – Marc Simmons, José’s Buffalo Hunt, a True Story from History [kids] 18/1, 29 – Marc Simmons, Kit Carson and His Three Wives: a Family History 12/2, 17-18 – Marc Simmons, Massacre on the Lordsburg Road: A Tragedy of the Wars 17/1, 23 – Marc Simmons, Millie Cooper’s Ride, a True Story from History [kids] 26/4, 25 – Marc Simmons, Millie Cooper’s Ride, a True Story from History [kids] 1/4, 9 – Marc Simmons, Murder on the SFT 20/2, 21-22 – Marc Simmons, New Mexico Mavericks: Stories from a Fabled Past 11/1, 23 – Marc Simmons, The Old Trail to Santa Fe: Collected Essays 1/2, 4-5 – Marc Simmons, ed., On the SFT 16/4, 24-25 – Marc Simmons, Spanish Pathways: Readings in the History of Hispanic New Mexico 20/1, 11 – Marc Simmons, Teddy’s Cattle Drive [kids] 8/4, 6 – Marc Simmons, Treasure Trails of the Southwest 5/3, 17 – Marc Simmons, When Six Guns Ruled: Outlaw Tales of the Southwest 15/4, 23-24 – Marc Simmons & Hal Jackson, Following the SFT: A Guide for Modern Travelers, 3rd ed. 5/3, 17 – Virginia McConnell Simmons, The Upper Arkansas, A Mountain River Valley 6/2, 9 – T. J. Sperry, Fort Union, a Photo History 18/2, 8 – John Stansfield, Mark L. Gardner, and Dan McCrimmon, Listening for the Sound of Wheels: a Living History of the Mountain Route of the SFT (audio CD) 14/1, 23 – Charles R. Strom, Charles G. Parker: Wagonmaster on the Trail to Santa Fe 9/3, 23 – John E. Sunder, ed., Matt Field on the SFT [republication] 3/2, 13 – Roy L. Swift and Leavitt Corning, Three Roads to Chihuahua [ELCA + two others, in Texas]


14/3, 23 – Michael L. Tate, The Frontier Army in the Settlement of the West 10/1, 21-22 – John Taylor, Bloody Valverde: A Civil War Battle on the 4/1, 15 – Anita Gonzales Thomas, Bailes y Fandangoes; Traditional Folk Dances of New Mexico 22/2, 24 – Alice Anne Thompson, American Caravan [notes death of Mary Alphonsa Thompson] 30/2, 28 – Jerry D. Thompson, A Civil War History of the New Mexico Volunteers & [Mary Penner] 5/2, 20 – Henry J. Tobias, A History of the Jews of New Mexico 3/2, 13 – John M. Townley, The Trail West; a Bibliography-Index to Western American Trails, 1841-1869


11/1, 24 – Stewart L. Udall, Majestic Journey: Coronado’s Inland Empire 27/4, 23-24 – William E. Unrau, Indians, Alcohol, and the Roads to Taos and Santa Fe [Leo Oliva] 11/2, 26-27 – William E. Unrau, White Man’s Wicked Water: the Alcohol Trade and Prohibition in Indian Country 11/1, 24 – Don J. Usner, Sabino’s Map: Life in Chimayó’s Old Plaza 4/2, 7 – Robert M. Utley, Fort Union and the SFT


14/2, 18 – Jane Atkins Vásquez and Carolyn Atkins, eds., Remembering Presbyterian Mission in the Southwest 10/4, 24-25 – Stanley Vestal, The Old SFT [reprint] 9/2, 23 – Ralph H. Vigil, et al., Spain and the Plains: Myths and Realities of Spanish Exploration and Settlement on the Great Plains


11/4, 22 – Carla Waal and Barbara Oliver Korner, ed., Hardship and Hope: Missouri Women Writing About Their Lives, 1820-1920 8/1, 7 – Ginger Wadsworth, adapted, Along the SFT: Marian Russell’s Own Story [kids] 19/2, 15 – Ginger Wadsworth, Along the SFT: Marion Russell’s Own Story 7/1, 6 – Waiting and Working: Women of the Boone’s Lick Frontier (video) 8/4, 6 – Hollis Walker, “[Gallego] Diary Opens another Page in History of SFT” 8/2, 20 – Michael Wallis, “La Fonda: Gathering Place at the End of the Trail” 26/3, 25 – Robert Ward, Josiah Gregg’s Commerce of the Prairies: A Possible Source for the Beale Papers 28/2, 23-24 – Samuel J. Watson, Peacekeepers and Conquerors: the Army Officer Corps on the American Frontier, 1821-1846 [Durwood Ball] 4/1, 14 – Dave Webb, Adventures with the SFT [kids] 7/4, 20 – Dave Webb, Adventures with the SFT [kids, revised edition] 26/4, 25 – Dave Webb, Adventures with the Santa Fe Trail [kids] 7/2, 8 – Dave Webb, 399 Kansas Characters [kids] 13/4, 5 – Dave Webb, SFT Adventures 9/4, 27-28 – James Josiah Webb, Adventures in the Santa Fe Trade, 1844-1847 [reprint] 11/1, 23-24 – David J. Weber, On the Edge of Empire: the Taos Hacienda of Los Martínez 29/4, 24-25 – David J. Weber, The Taos Trappers: The Fur Trade in the Far Southwest, 1540-1846 2/3, 7 – John Edward Weems, To Conquer a Peace: the War Between the U.S. and Mexico 23/4, 23 – Marta Weigle, ed., Telling New Mexico: a New History 12/4, 8 – Elliott West, The Contested Plains: Indians, Goldseekers, and the Rush to Colorado 5/3, 17 – West to Santa Fe, Vol. I: Overview [video] 6/3, 11 – West to Santa Fe, Vol. II: Forts of the SFT [video] 30/3, 26-27 – Ronald K. Wetherington and Frances Levine, ed., Battles and Massacres on the Southwestern Frontier; Historical and Archaeological Perspectives [Larry L. Justice] 11/3, 9 – David White, ed., News of the Plains and Rockies, 1803-1865, vol. 2 4/1, 14 – Jon Manchip White, A World Elsewhere; Life in the American Southwest 11/3, 9 – William W. White, The SFT by Air, a Pilot’s Guide to the SFT 6/1, 12 – William C. Whitford, Colorado Volunteers in the Civil War [reprint]; 11/2, 28 comment 9/1, 13 – Evelyn Wilkerson and Ted Wilkerson, Miss Kittie Hays: Grand Lady of the Frontier 15/3, 18-19 – J. L. Wilkerson, Frontier Freighter: Alexander Majors 29/3, 18 – Simon Winchester, The Men Who United the States: American Explorers, Inventors, Eccentrics, and Mavericks, and the Creation of One Nation, Indivisible [Ruth Friesen] 8/4, 6 – Frederick Adolphus Wislezenus, Journey to the in the Year 1839


6/2, 8-9 – Walter D. Yoder, Two Trails to Santa Fe and the Land of the Pueblos 1/3, 5 – Norma Jean Butterbaugh Young, Not a Stoplight in the County [history of Cimarron Co., OK]


III. Historical Documentation (listed chronologically):

7/1, 22 – “Becknell’s Preparations” [Franklin newsp. art., 1821] 5/4, 1 – Book of the Muleteers [MO newsp. art], 1825 7/2, 19-23 – “Little Hope for Future Trade with Santa Fe, 1825” [Franklin newsp.] 8/2, 23-26 – “Trail Trade, 1825” [from Franklin newsp – see 7/2, 19] 21/2, 16-18 – “Documents,” including a Philadelphia newsp., 1826 3/1, 14 – art from Fayette, MO newsp., 1827 re: Augustus Storrs 11/4, 26 – List of Traders, St. Louis, 1827 12/4, 24-25 – “Sidney Gardiner, Mexican Trader, 1827” 21/2, 16-18 – “Documents,” including a Philadelphia newsp., 1827 25/4, 27-28 – “Pawnee Raid on Traders, 1827” 9/4, 28 – George Knox letter, 1828 [see 9/4, 1-2] in its entirety 12/3, 19 – Capt. Bennet Riley’s 1829 Letter to the Governor of New Mexico 16/4, 17-18 – “The New Mexico Trade, 1829, Alphonso Wetmore Letter” [MO newsp, 6/19/29] 21/2, 16-18 – “Documents,” including a St. Louis newsp., 1833 23/3, 27 – “Documents,” including a New York newsp., 1833 23/3, 27 – “Documents,” including a Philadelphia newsp., 1834 12/3, 19-22 – “1837 Indian Raid” [Pawnee attack on a Bent, St. Vrain & Co. wagon train] 3/1, 14 – art on 1841 SFT trip, from Folsom’s Mexico (2 parts; other part is in 3/2, 9) 4/1, 15-16 – art re: Texan-SF Expedition [1842 Indiana newsp.] 7/4, 17 – “Trail News, 1842” [from Daily Picayune] 10/3, 29 – letter from Pueblo, CO, 1843, from Bent, St. Vrain & Co. 20/2, 22 – “1843 Letter Mentions the Trail” (Samuel S. How) 5/3, 23 - St. Louis and the Santa Fe Trade, 1845 19/4, 22-23 – “News from Bent’s Fort, 1845” [from NY Herald] 21/4, 12 – “Trail News, 1845” [St. Louis newsp.] 1/3, 7-8 – James and William Henry Glasgow, 1846 letter 4/3, 21 – “Pittsburgh [PA] Wagons on the SFT” – arts from St. Louis newsp, 1846 8/3, 19 – “Bent’s Old Fort in 1846” [St. Louis newsp] 7/4, 17 - “Invasion of NM, 1846” [from New Orleans Daily Picayune] 11/1, 5 – two articles [both from the Albuquerque Journal, 1996] noting the 150th anniversary of Kearny’s 1846 occupation of Santa Fe 12/4, 24-25 – “The Wind Wagon” (Mr. Thomas, in Independence, MO, from a Springfield, MA newsp., 1846) 18/4, 26-27 – “Reuben Gentry’s Return Visit to Santa Fe” – from Santa Fe newsp.; visits in 1846 & 1883 7/2, 19-23 – “Government Express, 1847” [Solomon Sublette, MO Hist Soc] 8/1, 26 - Trail News (St. Louis), 1847 13/2, 23-24 – “Rattlesnake Bite Cure” [Philip Gooch Ferguson diary entry, 1847] 23/4, 1, 4-12 – “Advertisements in the Santa Fe Republican, Sept. 17, 1847-Sept. 23, 1848” 6/2, 9 – 1848 “accident” in Santa Fe [SF Republican newsp. art] 27/4, 22 – “Particulars of the Murder of Mr. J.M. White and His Party,” Daily Missouri Republican, Dec. 15, 1849 19/2, 19-20 – “Independence Prices, 1850” (from diary of Dr. Edward Alexander Tompkins) 21/2, 16-18 – “Documents,” including two New York newsps., both 1850. 28/1, 7 – “Plan to Rob Wethered and Brevort Foiled by Carson,” Liberty Weekly Tribune, Nov. 8, 1850 8/4, 22 – “Reminiscences of H.H. Green” [1891 Las Vegas news art. re: 1851 trip] 13/2, 23-24 – “Council Grove 1851” [Katie Brown diary entry] 6/1, 21 – “Cimarron or Aubry Route?” [1852 letter from Ft. Atkinson] 13/2, 23-24 – “Council Grove 1852” [Julius Froebel diary entry] 10/4, 22-23 – SF Gazette item on Bishop Lamy’s arrival, 1854 12/3, 22 – Petition to re-open Fort Atkinson, 1854 11/1, 18 – Hinchey letter, in SF Gazette, 1855 4/3, 20 – William Bent letter, 1856 5/3, 23 – “Improvements on the SFT,” 1858 8/3, 19 – “Whatever Happened to Arizonia?” [Kansas letter, 1858] 12/3, 22-23 – “Military Posts on the Road from Missouri to New Mexico,” 1858 5/4, 26 – Trail news, 1859 (Westport newsp) 29/4, 23 – Steve Schmidt, comp., “Military Almost Impotent Against Indian Tribes” (excerpts from Capt. Randolph March [Marcy], The Prairie Traveler, 1859) 2/1, 13 – 1860 art., Westport Border Star, on “Rolling Stock of the Plains” 2/2, 12 – A.G. Boone letter from Peacock’s Ranch [Great Bend area], June 1860 6/1, 14 – 1860 census of a wagon train, Ft. Leavenworth to Ft. Union 1/2, 5 – Alexander Valle (at Pigeon Ranch) account of , 1862 7/1, 22 – “Ira Claflin on the Battle of Glorieta Pass, , 1862” [May 1862 letter, NM State Archives] 8/3, 19 – “Glorieta Battle, 1862” [Enos letters & Neil Mangum] 3/1, 13 – “An Early SFT Photographer on the SFT” – Wabaunsee Co., KS, 1862 5/1, 21 – A.L. Carpenter, stage driving in 1862 4/4, 22 – “Fort Larned Horse Race, 1863” [from the autobiography of Wm. H. Ryus, The 2nd Wm. Penn] 5/2, 25-26 – Gen. James H. Carleton, “Trail in 1863” 6/4, 18 – Kansas Valley Route to SF [Leavenworth newsp. 1863] 18/3, 22-23 – “Indians at Fort Larned” newsp., 1863] 6/4, 19 – Sale of Ranch at Walnut Creek [Council Grove newsp, 1864] 2/2, 12 – Trail Robbery newsp. art., June 1864, near Raton Mountains 3/4, 11 – Colorado Looks at NM [1864 newsp art] 3/4, 12 – NM view of trade and travel [1864 newsp art] 8/2, 23-26 – “Negotiating the Trail” [Lyons, KS newsp 1864] 10/2, 10-13 – “The Death of Ed Miller [1864] on the SFT,” from Marion County [KS] Record, 1911-12 14/3, 23 – “Freighting on the SFT, 1864” [Santa Fe New Mexican article] 3/3, 13-15 – 1865 newsp art on Camp Nichols (nr Boise City, OK) 1/1, 4-5 – “Uncle Dick’s [Wootton] Toll Road” [Incorporation Papers, 1865] 1/2, 5 – more documents on Uncle Dick Wootton’s Toll Road 9/2, 26 – Public Nuisance [Washington, DC newsp, 1865] 1/4, 9 – William N. Byers, Letter from Fort Aubry, 1866 9/1, 21-23, Cloquis, “Across the Plains” [1866 NY Times newsp art] 7/2, 19-23 – “Sisters [nuns] on the Trail, 1867” [in an 1898 book] 4/2, 16-18 – Trail Trip, 1867, from the Denver Great Divide newsp. 12/3, 19 – “Bishop Lamy at Fort Dodge, 1867” [National Archives letters] 12/4, 24-25 – “Indian Village on Pawnee Fork” (1867 E. W. Wynkoop letter) 13/4, 23 – “Indian Village on Pawnee Fork” [1867 E. W. Wynkoop letter] 14/4, 21-24 – “Freighting Indian Annuity Goods on the SFT, 1867” 16/2, 23 – “Junction City and the Trail, 1867” [JC newspaper, 1/19/67] 5/1, 21 – Clara Blinn capture, in Pueblo newsp., 1868 11/2, 27 – “Indians and Whiskey” (1868 newsp., , Wyoming) 7/2, 19-23 – “Wet and Dry Routes Defined” [1868 military records] 10/3, 29 – note from 2nd Fort Lyon, 1870, re: Ft. Lyon-Fort Union Road 21/4, 12 – “Russell Statement, 1871” [list of items purchased, in Marian Sloan Russell papers] 11/4, 26 – newsp. art., appx. 1872, re: “A Bridge Across the Arkansas River at Dodge City” 14/2, 18 – “Trail Resurvey, 1876” from Las Animas newsp. 6/1, 22 – “Cimarron or Mountain Route?” [1877 letter from La Junta] 18/3, 22-23 – “Gigantic Claim” [Dodge City newsp art., 1877] 19/1, 21 – “A Lone Cottonwood,” 20 miles west of Ft. Dodge (in Dodge City newsp., 1882) 5/2, 24-25 – [Reuben Gentry, from 1883 newsp], “Reuben Gentry: Trail Merchant” [M12] 8/1, 26 – “Spruce M. Baird” [1885 letters, at NM Highlands Univ.]; 27/4. 8-9 – “Pioneer Days – Location of Old Fort Mann,” Globe/Ford County Republican, Jan. 27, 1898 17/1, 1, 11-12 – “Pike’s Column” (from Kansas Historical Collections, 1901-1902) 12/3, 24 – “Dedication of a DAR Marker” – near Overbrook, KS, speaks of 1900-1910 period 26/4, 10 – “Santa Fe Trail Markers Proposed (Baldwin Ledger, Feb. 3, 1905) 6/3, 17-18 – “Camp Nichols” [Kenton, OK newsp. 1906] 4/3, 20 – 1910 auto trip over the SFT 18/3, 23 – “Trails in Missouri” [SFT notes in Troy, MO newsp arts, 1910 and 1911] 9/2, 26 – “Kearny Gap and a Kidnapping, Las Vegas, NM, 1911” [Santa Fe newsp., 1911] 17/2, 23-24 – “Ed Miller Grave” [Cherryvale, KS newsp., 1911] 6/1, 21 – Becknell or Baird? [1913 letter, Kansas City] 25/4, 28-29 – “Santa Fe Trail Highway” [1913] 7/3, 19-20 – “Driving a Jerk-Line Team” [1918 poem] 3/2, 10 – Addison W. Stubb, Trail and Indian Recollections, 1927 5/2, 25-26 – “marking Fort Hays-Fort Dodge Trail, 1928” 13/2, 24 – “Trail Marking, 1929,” notes time capsule [Dodge City newsp] 4/3, 20 - David Slusher (1933) obit. 6/3, 7 – “Modern Dover Road Section of the SFT in MO, 1934” [from MO Farm Bureau News] 12/3, 23-24 – “Wiliam H. Eisele, Trail Pioneer” – 1936 interview, in NM State Archives 19/2, 19-20 – “Romancing the Trail, 1939” [Kinsley, KS newsp]. 18/4, 21 – “Santa Fe Trail Designs, 1946” [textile show in Calif.] – from an Independence, KS newsp

 Trail Mileages – Measurements: 1/3, 6 – Mark Gardner, [trail measurements compilation] 1/4, 10 – Mileage List (1866) on Mountain Branch, Junction City [KS] to Santa Fe; repeated in 3/2, 9 (1841) 4/4, 21 – “Measurements, 1877” [distances computed for the Dry Route] 10/1, 24 – distance chart, from Gazetteer of the State of Missouri, 1837 – for SFT (entire length) and along the Missouri River (St. Louis to Cantonment Leavenworth) 13/2, 23-24 – Table of Distances, 1864, Kansas City to Santa Fe

 Popularity of Trail – Volume of Trade: 4/3, 17 – T. J. Sperry notes Josiah Gregg’s “famous estimate” of trail traffic from 1822 to 1843 5/4, 17-18 – Harry Myers on “Trail Statistics, 1851” 2/1, 12-13 – T.B. Mills on volume of trade [wagon and merchandise value], 1889 report

IV. Non-historical (organizational and site-specific) references:

A. Role of Congress/National Park Service 1/1, 5 – House passes SFNHT bill 1/2, 1 – SFNHT tied up in the Senate 1/3, 1 – SFNHT bill signed May 8. 1/4, 1, 2, 10 – SFNHT update 2/1, 1 – NPS is forming an SFT advisory council; other NPS plans noted 2/1, 15 – list of SFNHT public meetings in Nov. ‘87 2/2, 1 – NPS Public Meetings (SFNHT); Congress Funds NPS Trail Planning 2/2, 3 – Oklahomans lobbying NPS for Aubry Route to be included on the SFNHT 2/3, 1 – NPS Trail Survey – Franzwa/Oliva/Krakow team is now out in the field 3/1, 1 – SFNHT update; Franklin (MO) wants an NPS interpretive center 3/2, 1 – SFNHT Advisory Council appointed; appx 32 members, listed; later WT issues detail AC mtgs. 3/3, 1 – SFNHT Plans; Pigeon Ranch bldg vandalized; 4/1, 9, Apache Canyon Bridge photo 3/3, 3 – re: Fort Hays-Fort Dodge Trail Revival, will be included in NPS plans 3/4, 1 – the NPS logo has been completed 4/4, 23 – ad for Gene and Mary Martin, Trail Dust (book), “approved by the US National Park Service” 5/1, 1 – Fort Hays-Fort Dodge Route added to SFNHT, via an Interior Appropriations bill, “directs the NPS to include the FH-FD Trail and administer it as such.” 5/2, 5 – NPS news (agreements, initial certification at Autograph Rock) 5/2, 28 – Leo Oliva comments on historical trail vs. NPS’s designation (e.g. Aubry Route) – hopes that the difference between the two can be minimized 5/3, 21 – SFNHT Plan Update 5/4, 4 – NPS to nominate “at least 40” sites to NRHP 6/1, 5 – SFNHT proclamation by five governors 6/2, 27 – “The NPS seeks help with corrections to the maps of the Trail. Please send material to [NPS].” 9/3, 2 – CCSP agreement with NPS, lists 8 projects; p. 22, NPS certification guidebook is out 9/4, 2 – NPS gold awards to Fowler and Chalfant 12/2, 4 – Andrea Sharon, “NPS Trail Report” (brochure/passport stamp/traveling exhibit) 13/1, 6 – “Scenic Byways Grants” 13/1, 17 – two NPS publications just out, on economic impacts of long-distance trails and on wayside exhibits 13/3, 6 – NPS’s Challenge Cost Share Program for 1999 announced 13/3, 6 – Trail crossing markers go up in Santa Fe 13/4, 1, 26 – “Trail Crossing Markers Dedicated in Santa Fe” 13/4, 3 – Ten NPS wayside exhibits in Council Grove to be dedicated on 9/23/99 – two Charles Goslin paintings are on the signs 14/1, 3 – Faye Gaines has been appointed as NPS Liaison Officer 14/3, 1, 4 – Ann Vernon, “Wayside Exhibits Dedicated in Kansas City” 15/1, 5 – Report gives NPS updates on budget, staff, etc. 16/1, 4 – “NPS Cost-Share Grants” 16/2, 4-5 – “Wayside Exhibit at Raton,” notes Sharon Brown and John Conoboy; Goat Hill wayside dedicated 12/11/01 16/3, 3 – “Trails and Rails,” re: NPS personnel on the Southwest Chief between La Junta, CO and Albuquerque, NM 16/4, 1 – Jere Krakow new supt. Of SFNHT – Gaines resigned “a few months ago.” 17/1, 3-4 – “NPS Trail Exhibit” [available for use by chapters, etc.] 18/3, 1 – “NPS Funds SFTA Manager” 18/4, 3 – SFTA can now sell SFNHT pins and patches 19/1, 1 – John Conoboy, “Point of Rocks Site Development Completed” 20/2, 7 – John Atkinson, [Gardner] Junction Park Trail Project Awaits Funding” 20/4, 1 – “This [20th] anniversary issue is funded in part by a cost-share grant from the National Park Service. Thank you, NPS.” 20/4, 12-13 – Jere Krakow, “Santa Fe National Historic Trail: Long, Concerted Effort for National Recognition” 20/4, 15-17 – John Conoboy, “The Santa Fe National Historic Trail: Looking Back and Looking Forward” 20/4, 19 – Michael Olsen, “The Santa Fe National Historic Trail Advisory Council, 1987-1997” 22/2, 4 – Ross Marshall, 40th anniversary of the National Trails System Act 23/2, 1, 6 – Wayne City Landing (MO) rededicated, Gardner Jct. project (KS) completed

B. Santa Fe Trail Association (formerly SFT Council), selected references: 2/1, 1 – name change from SFT Council to SFT Association; 2/2, 1 – Logo contest; 4/4, 1, the SFTA logo is done 2/3, 3 – descript of pre-SFTA SFT orgs; also 2/4, 3; $ from one of them, 4/1, 1 2/4, 1 – symposium papers from ’87 due to be out 7/3, 5 – Olivas describe the “Last Chance Store;” also in 20/4, 38 8/1, 17 – pre-1986 SFTA noted 9/1, 4-5 – “Database Project Planning Continues,” Mary Jean Cook, re: Camino Real-SFT Database Committee – cmte’s plans laid out; initial step is a bibliog for the Santa Fe and Chihuahua trails 9/3, 23 – database committee [see 9/1, 4-5] seeking additions/corrections to Rittenhouse’s 1971 bibliography 13/2, 1 – after a survey, very little interest in having the symposium papers published. Selected symposium papers (and keynote addresses) to be published in WT; some remaining copies available of the 1995 and 1993 symposium proceedings. 13/2, 9-10 – Phil Petersen, “Mapping Committee” 13/3, 5 – “Chapter Boundaries” – article speaks of the ongoing mapping project 14/1, 3 – Betsy Crawford-Gore, “SFTA Archives”; also 14/4, 4; 15/1, 4; 17/3, 4 15/1, 5 – Margaret Sears, [SFTA] “Officer and Director History” 15/1, 7 – SFTA Preservation Task Force just formed; 15/2, 3 gives corrections 15/3, 13-14 – Mike Patterson, “Josiah Gregg Society Established by SFTA”; also see 16/1, 7; 21/3, 3-4 17/1, 1 – “Zebulon M. Pike Expedition Bicentennial SFTA Project”; more=17/2, 5 18/3, 1 – “NPS Funds SFTA Manager” 18/4, 3 – SFTA can now sell SFNHT pins and patches 19/1, 1, 3 – Clive Siegle hired as SFTA manager 10/1/04; 21/3, Clive’s last “manager’s report” 20/2, 7 – Joanne VanCoevern, “Why is the Trail Rendezvous Always Held in Larned?” 20/4, 1, 4-8 – Marc Simmons, “SFTA—The Early Years” 20/4, 1, 13-14 – Ruth Olson Peters, “Remembering 20 Years as a SFTA Officer” 20/4, 8-11 – Hal Jackson, “SFTA—Mature Years” 20/4, 40 – “From the Editor” [Leo Oliva] provides his 20-year perspective on the SFTA 21/3, 7 – “SFT Hall of Fame” – also, 22/2, 18 23/1, 1, 5 – 1st five Hall of Fame inductees; 24/3, 4 – Hall of Fame exhibit planned at SFTC, Larned 24/1, 4 – Joanne VanCoevern, “Rediscovery Survey” 24/3, 1, 24 – Jeff Trotman, “Preservation is SFTA Goal” 25/1, 5-6 – five new Hall of Fame inductees 25/3, 1, 4 – “Ruth Friesen Named Next Wagon Tracks Editor” 25/4, 1, 3-7 – Joanne VanCoevern, “SFTA History, 2006-2011” 25/4, 7 – Margaret Sears, “Fond Memories of Our Early Leaders”

C. Evidence of the physical trail (includes trail threats + compliance issues) 2/3, 5 – trail ruts lost at SE SF new golf course, but others saved; 3/4, 4 – ruts in SF being surveyed 4/3, 7 – SFT evidence (or lack of same) noted – see Max Moorhead’s book, pp. 58-59 5/1, 7 – two additional ruts have been discovered along the Dry Route. 5/2, 10 – Greg Franzwa, “The Old Trail Changes” – structural changes, good and bad 8/3, 5 – be on the alert for threats to Trail remnants 9/1, 5 – photos of “SFTA member John J. Warner standing in the swale of the Fort Hays-Fort Dodge Road at the Sawlog Creek Crossing” and “A party of riders in the ruts of the Fort Hays-Fort Dodge Road on the Warner Ranch…” 8/4, 4 – “Reenactment of 1850s Trail Survey [of Ft. Leavenworth-to-Ft. Scott military road] 9/2, 6 – KC Area Historic Trails Assn has id’d the path of the Ft. Leavenworth-Fort Scott Military Road, will place 138 markers along it. [photo in Shawnee, KS] 9/3, 23 – Cañada de los Alamos, NM wants to preserve a two-mile stretch of the SFT 11/3, 9 – upcoming Clayton Fly-In (Trail Pilots Assn); also 11/4, 3; 12/2, 5 (2 arts); 12/2, 24; 12/4, 23 – trail swale at Blue Ridge Bible Church (Kansas City area) bulldozed over 13/3, 10 – “Rare Jackson County Trail Swales Discovered” (on Bingham-Waggoner Estate, just south of Independence (MO) Square – dedicated, see 15/1, 1 13/4, 3 – “Help Needed to Save Swales in Kansas City” 14/1, 21 – “Donations and Grants Save Kansas City Swales” [see 13/4, 3] 14/4, 27 – “Help Needed to Protect Trail and Glorieta Site” 17/4, 22 – aerial photos (shows ruts?) of Wagon Mound and San Miguel del Vado, NM 18/2, 1, 3 – Deanne Wright, “Wind Farms a Threat to the SFT” 19/1, 13-14 – Phyllis Morgan, “A Fantastic Flight Over the SFT” – she saw lots of ruts 20/4, 2-3 – George Donoho Bayless, “President’s Column,” notes loss of ruts in Santa Fe [quotes Mike Olsen from his 1992 report] and protests expansion of the tank training ground at Piñon Canyon in southeastern Colorado. 21/1, 1 – “Historic Trail Threatened in Colorado” (see 20/4, 2-3) – more on 21/1, 2 and 21/2, 1; 21/2, 13-14 21/1, 21 – Simmons Point is deteriorating, no plans to preserve it 21/2, 3 – Tom Hall, “Arrow Rock Facing Hog Confinement Facility” – 5 miles N of town

D. DAR markers and other SFT markers, selected references: 3/1, 3 – DAR marker now in Cañoncito, end of W-bound off ramp 3/1, 8 – SFT oval historical markers, erected 11/16/1948; also 3/3, 6; 4/1, 9; 4/2, 5 (CO schools); 4/3, 9 (in KS); 5/1, 4, sign sold for $520; 7/3, 5 – “Duo [Bob Williams & Loren Otis, of White City, KS] Tracks Trail in Search of Oval Markers”; also 7/4, 5; 14/2, 6; 15/4, 23; 15/4, 27; 21/4, 19; 22/2, 27. 4/2, 4 – story of DAR markers, also “plainsmen” reunion in 1909. 4/3, 3 – SFT Highway Bill Becomes KS Law 4/4, 5 – Michael McDonald is researching the placement of DAR markers along the trail 6/1, 7 – National Old Trails Road signs uncovered by Ralph Hathaway; response in 6/2, 4, and 6/3, 3 8/1, 9 – DAR Time Capsule just opened (9/12/93) near Council Grove, from 1908 – pretty rusted out 8/4, 5 – art. on the Madonnas of the Trail [vandalized at Lexington], Jane Mallinson 13/4, 4-5 – Shirley Coupal, “Trail Tales: Seeking Missing Kansas DAR Markers” 14/1, 7 – Shirley Coupal, “Trail Tales: Kansas DAR Marker Rededications” [see 13/4, 4-5] 18/4, 2-3 – Hal Jackson, “My Marker Wish List” (where he wants markers to be placed) 22/1, 25 – booklet out on DAR markers in Pawnee, Edwards and Ford counties.

E. Santa Fe Trail historical research (general references): 4/2, 3 – Mark Gardner received a merchants-related grant 4/3, 1 – Mike Olsen sponsoring a conference on NM traders, to be in 8/90 in Las Vegas 4/3, 4 – Patrice Press just published an 18-page errata to its 1989 Maps of the SFT book. (!) 4/4, 23 – ad for Gene and Mary Martin, Trail Dust, “it is approved by the US National Park Service” (!) 10/3, 7 – Marc Simmons, “A Problem with Mule Packing Terminology” 10/4, 4 – “Hinchey Diary [1854, see 10/3, 11] Tests Pitman [shorthand transcription] Skills” 12/3, 6-7 – Marc Simmons, “Bullwhacking” (similar to 10/3, 7) 12/3, 10 – David Clapsaddle, “American Indian Horse” 13/2, 1 – after a survey, very little interest in having the symposium papers published. Selected symposium papers (and keynote addresses) to be published in WT; some remaining copies available of the 1995 and 1993 symposium proceedings. 14/2, 16-17 – Marc Simmons, “Matches Strike the Trail” 14/3, 14 – Marc Simmons, “The Uses of Geography” 14/3, 22 – Marc Simmons, “Lost Heroes: Only a Few Hispanos Recorded Their Civil War Years” 15/2, 22 – Marc Simmons, “Old New Mexicanisms” – “sadly, our NM Spanish is slipping away” 16/4, 5 – Phyllis S. Morgan, [J. W. Chatham] “Journal Recovered” – had been noted as stolen from UNM in 1990 (see May 1990 WT article) 17/4, 23 – two Pike-related items 18/3, 19 – “Kansas History to publish Pike issue in 2006” 19/4, 6 – Margaret Sears, “Anna Belle Cartwright: Trail Scholar and Sculptor” 20/2, 9-10 – Julie Daicoff, ed., “Scouting the Trail Online” (SFT internet resources) featured in this issue along with 20/3, 7 and 20/4, 30-31 20/3, 21 – Phyllis Morgan recently wrote a bio/bibliography about Marc Simmons 20/3, 21 – “The recent discovery of court records in St. Charles, MO, for the years 1805-1826, indicate there was trade between Missouri and New Mexico at least 10 years before William Becknell made his successful trip in 1821. Details are awaited.” 22/3, 8-9 – Alice Anne Thompson, ed., “Living Links” spotlights Faye Gaines and Jane Mallinson 26/1, 19-20 – Mike Olsen, “Can I Copy Your Copy On My Website?” 26/4, 13 – Mike Olsen, “Cyber Ruts: Researching the Santa Fe Trail on the Internet” 27/1, 10-11 – Mike Olsen, “Cyber Ruts: Researching on the Internet – Library of Congress” 27/2, 16-17 – Mike Olsen, “Cyber Ruts: Researching on the Internet – Digitized Newspapers Online” 27/3, 14-15 – Mike Olsen, “Cyber Ruts: Researching on the Internet – Journal and Magazine Articles 27/4, 10-11 – Steve Schmidt, “Cyber Ruts: Researching on the Internet – Maps” 28/1, 14-15 – Mike Olsen, “Cyber Ruts: Researching on the Internet – More Maps” 28/3, 12-13 – Mike Olsen, “Archives and Collections Aid in Santa Fe Trail Research; Thomas R. Donnelly Library”

F. Partnership for the National Trails System (Ross Marshall reports) 11/3, 2; 13/2, 5-6 15/1, 5 17/1, 22 and 17/3, 3 18/1, 19 19/1, 18; 19/2, 5; and 19/4, 5 21/3, 9 22/2, 4 23/1, 4; 23/2, 5; and 23/3, 4 24/2, 3-4 and 24/4, 5-6 25/1, 7; 25/2, 4; 25/3, 21; and 25/4, 17 26/2, 5; 26/3, 4; and 26/4, 5 27/2, 6; 27/3, 4; and 27/4, 4 28/1, 5; 28/2, 6; and 28/3, 6 29/1, 6; 29/2, 8; 29/3, 9; and 29/4, 8 30/1, 5; 30/2, 9; 30/3, 9; and 30/4, 8

V. Merchant Series (M1, M2, etc. - see note in 2/4, 6 re: Mark L. Gardner’s coordinating role):

1 = 1/2, 7-8 – Mark L. Gardner, “Malcolm Conn: Merchant on the Trail” 2 = 1/3, 6 – David A. Sandoval, “Mariano José Chaves: Merchant on the Trail” 3 = 1/4, 7-8 – Richard R. Forry, “Richard Gentry: Trader and Patriot” 4 = 2/1, 10 – Katie Davis, “Seth M. Hays and the Council Grove Trade” 5 = 2/2, 10-11 – Mark L. Gardner, “John Simpson Hough, Merchant on the Trail” 6 = 2/3, 8-9 – Michael Dickey, “M. M. Marmaduke: Santa Fe Trader and Missouri Governor” 7 = 3/1, 11 – Marc Simmons, “Bernard Seligman: Jewish Merchant on the Trail” 8 = 3/3, 10 – Virginia Lee Fisher, “George C. Yount: a Calif. Pioneer Who Went West on the Old SFT” 9 = 4/1, 6-7 – William P. O’Brien, “Hiram Young: Black Entrepreneur on the SFT” 10 = 4/2, 12-14 – Virginia Lee Fisher, “Jedediah Smith’s Last Journey” 11 = 4/3, 9 – Carrie Blanchard, “John Burns Locke: Trail Freighter and Pioneer” 12 = 5/2, 24-25 – [Reuben Gentry, from 1883 newsp], “Reuben Gentry: Trail Merchant” 13A = 6/1, 9-10 – “Theodore Weichselbaum: Merchant on the Trail, Part I” [1908, in KSHS archives] 13B = 6/2, 13-15 – “Theodore Weichselbaum: Merchant on the Trail, Part II” 14 = 6/4, 8-9 – James E. Romero, Jr., “Samuel Bowman Watrous, Pioneer Merchant” 15 = 7/3, 1, 18-19 – Mary Jo Cunningham, “Calvin Moses Dyche: Freighter on the Trail” 16 = 8/2, 4-6 – William B. Claycomb, “James Brown: Forgotten Trail Freighter”

VI. Museums/Historic Sites Series (MHS1, MHS2, etc.):

#1 – 1/2, 6 – Ruth Olson, “Santa Fe Trail Center” [Larned, KS] #2 = 1/3, 4 – Michael E. Duncan, “Mahaffie Farmstead and Stagecoach Stop Historic Site” #3 – 1/4, 5 – Charles Bennett, “Palace of the Governors” #4 – 2/1, 4 – Richard R. Forry, “Arrow Rock SHS” #5 – 2/2, 6 – Betty Romero and Ralph Hathaway, “Coronado-Quivira Museum, Lyons, KS” #6 – 2/3, 6 – Rick Wallner, “Bent’s Old Fort NHS” #7 – 2/4, 4 – T.J. Sperry, “Fort Union NM” #8 – 3/1, 6 – Sylvia D. Mooney, “Cave Spring” #9 – 3/2, 11 – George Elmore, “Fort Larned NHS” #10 – 3/3, 7 – Joy Poole & Mark Gardner, “Baca House, Bloom House & Pioneer Museum, Trinidad, CO” #11 – 3/4, 9 – Nada Burton, “Council Grove on the Santa Fe Trail” #12 – 4/1, 8 – John Loleit, “Pecos Pueblo on the SFT” #13 – 4/2, 15 – Joseph L. Cartwright, “Fort Osage, Missouri” #14 – 4/3, 12-13 – V. James Sherer, “Boot Hill Museum, Dodge City, Kansas” #15 – 4/4, 15-16 – Fern Bessire, “Wagonbed Spring,” has Bill Brown photo #16 – 5/1, 7 – Marie Belt, “Wagon Mound” – editorial apologies, 5/2, 2 #17 – 5/2, 12-14 – Dan and Carol Sharp, “Cold Springs and the SFT” #18 – 5/3, 7 – Dixie Munro, “Big Timbers Museum” [Lamar, CO] #19 – 5/4, 6-9 – Roger Slusher, “Lexington and the SFT” #20 – 6/1, 8 – Betty Braddock, “Kansas Heritage Center” [Dodge City] #21 – 6/2, 10 – Patricia Heath, “Kearny County Historical Society Museum, Lakin, KS” #22 – 6/3, 9-11 – Ralph Hathaway, “Ralph’s Ruts” #23 – 6/4, 5-8 – Harry C. Myers, “Point of Rocks, New Mexico” #24 – 7/1, 7-11 – Phil Petersen, “Boggsville: A Trail Settlement” #25 – 7/2, 11-12 – Helen C. Brown, “Morton County and Its History Museum” #26 – 7/3, 11-17 – H. Denny Davis, “Franklin: Cradle of the Trade” #27 – 7/4, 7-8 – Michael J. Palomino, “Raton Museum” #28 – 8/1, 8-9 – Ron Parks, “Kaw Mission State Historic Site” Also … 30/3, 20 – Myrna Barnes, “Morton County Historical Society Museum” 30/3, 21 – Patricia Lenihan, “Corporal Briney’s Military Journey: Pecos National Historic Park” 30/3, 22 – Michael Dickey, “Silver Spoons and Quinine Pills: Arrow Rock State Historic Site” 30/3, 23 – Larry Bourne, “Boggsville Historic Site” 30/3, 24-25 – Ariel Mondlak, “Over the Trail and on Campaign: A Soldier’s Bible at Fort Union”

VII. Museum Information:

A. Museum News (Anna Belle Cartwright, ed.): 14/1, 21-22; 14/2, 14-15; 14/3, 19-20; 14/4, 18-19 15/1, 16-17; 15/2, 20; 15/3, 16-17; 15/4, 20-21

B. The Caches (Museum News, Paula Manini, ed.) 19/4, 1; 20/1, 12; 20/2, 10-11; 20/3, 7-9; 20/4, 17-18; 21/1, 20-21; 21/2, 20-22; 21/3, 15-16; 21/4, 19-20 22/1, 25-27; 22/2, 24-26; 22/3, 20-22; 22/4, 21-23 23/1, 24-26; 23/2, 24-26; 23/3, 27-29; 23/4, 24-25 24/1, 24-26; 24/2, no report; 24/3, 24-26; 24/4, 22-24 25/1, 23-24; 25/2, 22-23; 25/3, 25-26; 25/4, 26-27

VIII. Youth Articles:

26/1, 20 – Chris Day, “History of Santa Fe Trail Youth Trips” 26/2, 22 – Jacquelyn Ferriera, “Young People and the Trail” 26/3, 5 – Chris Day, “Young People and the Trail” 26/4, 15-16 – Nancy Logan and Chris Day, “Young People and the Trail: Early Youth Trip Diary 1991” 27/1, 13 – Lynsay Flory, “A Young Person’s Perspective on the SFTA Rendezvous” 27/2, 14 – Marcia Fox, “Youth on the Trail: Traveling Trunk Available” 27/3, 13 – “Youth on the Trail: History Project Create Winners” [re: Christian Becker] and “Fourth Graders Challenged by Fort Larned” 27/4, 17 – “Youth on the Trail: Trail Trip Provokes Thoughts About Differences”