The ONLY Paper Dedicated Specifically To North Lake County Volume 37 • Issue 19 The Fort Rock Grange will host a community potluck, October 14th at the Grange Hall. October 1, 2017 DESERT WHISPERS Desert Whispers - Newspaper 57334 Christmas Tree Rd. / P.O. Box 181 Christmas Valley, Oregon 97641 Phone: 541-576-2216 Fax: 541-576-2272 Community Potluck at 2017 Fire Season Still
[email protected] Ft Rock Grange, Oct 14 in Effect in Klamath Read DESERT WHISPERS online at: The autumn breezes are beginning to flicker through the Fort Rock basin. As the and Lake Counties Fire officials in Klamath and Lake What’s Inside... haying and farming season winds down,Th e the members of Fort Rock Grange have Counties would like to remind the public September Weather .........................2 a community potluck planned for Sat- that fire season is still in effect on lands Got an Idea? Let’s hear it! ................4 urday, October 14th at 6:00pm. It’s time protected by the Oregon Department of Obituary ..........................................4 for a hearty meal! Bring the whole familyThe Forestrye h T (ODF) Klamath-Lake District. Pickleball and Walking....................4 and come visit with your neighbors and This affects all private, county, state for- North Lake School News .................5 Sage Heestlands,n and Cthose Bureaua fof Landé Man- friends. Drinks and table service will be Senior Bus Schedule ........................5 provided. Bring your favorite dish and see agement (BLM) lands under contract and Electronics Recycling ......................6 what’s new at the Fort Rock Grange Hall. agreement west and east of Highway 97 in 87114 Christmas Valley Hwy, former location of The Pines Trunk -or- Treat 2017 ......................6 The FortS Rocka Grangeé gf welcomesea HC everyone.