
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX (2008) 2375.pdf

HEBES , : SLOPES AND STRATIGRAPHY OF INTERIOR LAYERED DEPOSITS. E. Hauber1 , K. Gwinner1, A. Gendrin2, F. Fueten3, R. Stesky4, S. Pelkey5, D. Reiss6, T. Zegers7, P. MacKinnon3, R. Jaumann1, J.-P. Bibring2, G. Neukum8, 1Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Ruther- View metadata, citationfordstr. and 2,similar 12489 papers Berlin, at core.ac.uk Germany ([email protected]); 2Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Orsay,brought to you by CORE France; 3Department of Earth Sciences, Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada; 4Pangaea Scientific,provided by Institute Brockville, of Transport Research:Publications Canada; 5Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, USA; 6Institut für Planetologie, Univ. Münster, Germany; 7ESTEC, ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands; 7Institute of Geosciences, FU Berlin, Germany.

Introduction: Despite more than three decades of steepness are frequent in lateral direction. This corre- analysis, the origin of the Interior Layered Deposits sponds to the observation that individual layers can (ILD) in the (VM) trough system is rarely be traced over significant lateral distances. still unknown. This study focusses on Hebes Chasma Stratigraphy. The vertical sequence of ILDs shows (HC) in the central VM, which is unique because it distinct changes in their morphology, enhanced by the contains a huge mesa of ILD in a completely closed erosion patterns. In the eastern part of Hebes , depression. It builds on an earlier study [1], where we the stack of ILDs is characterized (from top to bottom) mapped the distribution of sulfates identified by the by the following sequence, which is well exposed in a imaging spectrometer, OMEGA, and where we also landslide scar (Fig. 3; labeled with letters): (a) top pla- showed the layer geometry (strike and dip) on the teau of Hebes Mensa (±flat-lying), (b) material weath- ILD deposit of Hebes Mensa. Here we present new ered into a spur-and-gully morphology (slope 35-40°), results related to the stratigraphy of ILDs, their slopes, (c) a dark talus apron (25-30°), (d) an irregularly ap- and structural deformation (faulting). pearing unit characterized by massive hills and knobs Data: We use high-resolution Digital Elevation (overall slope of <10°), (e) a unit weathered into very Models (DEM) (Fig. 1) derived from HRSC stereo small yardangs (15-20°), (f) a unit weathered into images [e.g., 2,3] for slope measurements, and new coarser yardangs (20-30°). Nearby, exposed in another images from the Context Imager (CTX) on Mars Re- landslide scar, the vertical sequence (labeled with connaissance Orbiter (MRO) [4]. Unfortunately, at the numbers) is similar (units 1-6), but another unit time of writing only two images of Hebes Chasma (unit 7) is exposed beneath and separated by a putative taken by the HiRISE camera [5], also on MRO, were unconformity (cf. Fig. 4). This lowermost unit displays available, and these do not show significant details of finely layered material that is locally cut by NE- Hebes Mensa and related ILDs. trending faults (Fig. 5). Importantly, only this lower- Results: We present our results in two sections. most unit was found to be associated with sulfates in First, we show the slope distribution on ILDs. Second, this area. It can be traced around the western, northern, we present preliminary observations of the strati- and eastern walls of a topographic depression which graphic characteristics of ILDs. marks one of the deepest parts of Hebes Chasma. Slope distribution. Surfaces slopes of ILDs display Conclusions: The ILDs in Hebes Chasma display distinctly different values (Fig. 2). Shallower parts a variable morphology, which is reflected in variable typically show slope values of 10-20°, while steeper surface slopes. Both vary not only in vertical, but also parts can reach slopes of 30° and more. The steepest in horizontal (lateral) direction. It seems that a com- areas (>40°) are scars of landslides that developed on plex formation history has been responsible for their the flanks of Hebes Mensa. The steepness is often cor- current appearance, including postdepositional tectonic related with morphology. The shallower parts are char- deformation. The morphological variability is associ- acterized by finely layered units with layer thicknesses ated with a compositional variability, since OMEGA in the range of meters (when observed in CTX resolu- data show spectral evidence for hydrated sulfates only tion of ~6m/pixel). In contrast, steeper parts and cliffs in discrete parts of the ILDs. In the study are of eastern are often made up of visually more massive deposits, Hebes Mensa, these sulfate-bearing layers correspond where no layering is visible in CTX or MOC resolu- to the stratigraphically lowest parts of the ILDs. The tion, but extremely fine layering is visible in HiRISE results are still preliminary and do not allow an unam- images (25-50 cm/pixel) down to the resolution limit biguous interpretataion of the geologic history. How- (e.g., HiRISE image PSP_003975_1790, covering the ever, our model of ILD formation, developed in an- SE corner of Hebes Mensa). Laterally, bands of com- other study area (western ) [6], is in parable slope values can sometimes be traced over agreement with our results shown here, highlighting >>10 km, but typically, as in the case of their mor- the importance of tectonic processes and including a phology, ILDs are extremely variable, and changes in formation of sulfates by groundwater circulation. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX (2008) 2375.pdf

References: [1] Hauber et al. (2006) LPS XXXVII, Abstract #2022. [2] Gwinner et al. (2008) PERS, subm. [3] Scholten et al. (2005) PERS, 71(19), 1143- 1152. [4] Malin, M. C. et al. (2007) JGR, 112(E5), CiteID E05S04, doi: 10.1029/2006JE002808. , Abstract #1402. [5] McEwen, A. S. et al. (2007), JGR, 112(E5), CiteID E05S02, doi: 10.1029/2005JE002605. [6] Fueten et al. (2008) JGR (in review).

Fig. 1. Shaded representation of DEM derived from HRSC data. White box outlines Fig. 2. White arrow indicates viewing direction in Fig. 4. “D” shows de- pression bounded by finely layered sulfate material. Fig. 4. Simulated 3D-views of estern Hebes Mensa. Top: Shaded DEM. Bottom: False col.our HRSC im- age. Labeling as in Fig. 3 and text. “D” shows depres- sion bounded by finely layered sulfate material. The 3D-views show the diverse character of the ILDs. Next steps will involve the comparison of the stratigraphy found here with ILD stratigraphy in other parts of Valles Marineris.

Fig. 2. Slope map. Approximate colour scheme: Blue 0-10°, 10-20°, yellow: 20-35°, red: >35°. Note the vertical and horizontal variability of slopes.

Fig. 5. Detail of CTX image, showing finely layered units that exhibit spectral evidence for hydrated sul- fates. Note the NW-trending faults cutting the ILD material. Similar faults were observed to cut ILDs in Fig. 3. Detail of CTX mosaic with labeled units dis- western Candor Chasma [6] and are evidence for wide- cussed in text. “?”: Stratigraphically lower ILDs spread post-depositional deformation of ILDs by re- (equivalent to unit 7) covered by eolian material??? gional faulting.