The Regional East Atmospheric (REALM) Raymond M. Hoff C. Russell Philbrick Kevin J. McCann Penn State University Belay Demoz Jens Reichardt Kevin Strawbridge JCET/NOAA CREST, UMBC MSC, Center for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) David N. Whiteman Tom McGee Fred Moshary NASA GSFC Barry Gross Sam Ahmed Pat McCormick NOAA CREST,CCNY NOAA CREST, Hampton Demetrius Venable Mike Newchurch Everette Joseph U. Alabama Huntsville NOAA CAS, Howard University What’s a lidar mesonet and why?

• Europe has funded several lidar networks (TOR, EARLINET, ….) and this is because funding agencies (EC, national) find value in cooperation across geographic boundaries • In the U.S., agency boundaries (NASA, EPA, NOAA, DOE, etc.) are an impediment to making cooperation on such a lidar network possible Regional East Mesonet: REALM UMBC CREST GSFC CCNY HU

Penn State MSC UAH UMBC Facilities (Hoff and McCann)

• ALEX Raman LIDAR –355 nm

–N2, H20, • Elastic LIDAR – 532 nm, 1064 nm – , Boundary Layer, Subvisible Cirrus • UAWL • Integrating •GPS Suominet • Bomem AERI Interferometer ALEX is currently being used for AIRS validation during the ABOVE experiment.

Comparison of ALEX

H2O mixing ratio profile in late April with the Dulles (IAD) ∆x = 50 km ∆t ~ 1 hr Elastic Lidar Facility (ELF) - 532/1064 nm backscatter

May 15, 2002 Surelite Nd- 30 m fiber- YAG will coupled detector be mounted box will come here off south port

UMBC Atmospheric Water vapor Lidar (UAWL) GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar (SRL) 2002 IHOP David Whiteman, Belay Demoz 0.76 m and 0.25m telescopes –High/Low ranges •Nd:YAG (9 W @ 355 nm) •Full aperture scanning •Windows for all-weather operations •12 channel AD/PC data acquisition •Measurements –Water vapor mixing ratio –Aerosol , extinction, depolarization –Cirrus properties –Liquid water REALM Lidar Observation Station CCNY Sam Ahmed Lab Platform Mobile Unit

Channels 4 3

Wavelengths 355/532/1064 355/532/1064 (nm) 260-1600 (OPO- 450-1600 (OPO, 0.1 cm-1 BW) 5 cm-1 BW) Rep Rate 20-100 Hz 10 Hz

Telescope 20” Dobsonian 14” Cassegrain

Detectors PMT and APD PMT and APD

Raman Yes Planned


Support Inst. CIMEL YES MFRSR Penn State LAPS Lidar Facility (heritage from the LAMP instrument)

C.Russ Philbrick

MSC – RASCAL (Rapid Acquisition Scanning Aerosol Lidar) Kevin Strawbridge

• 26’ mobile lab, generators, air/ground communications etc. • 14” optical path, two 24” mirrors (one fixed, one scans) • 50 Hz Nd:YAG, 550mJ @ 1064 nm • 3 m resolution along beam axis • scan speeds of up to several degrees/s MSC - ALIAS (Aerosol Lidar Instrument for Atmospheric Studies)

• 10 Hz, Nd:YAG - 1064nm(>500mJ) 532nm (>500mJ) • 14” Celestron Telescope • log amps on both 1064/532 nm • 12-bit data acquisition cards • vertical resolution - 3.75m • temporal resolution - typically 1s - 1 min NSSTC Regional Atmospheric Profiling Center for Discovery RAPCD (Mike Newchurch)

Dome Shutters

Dome Locked at zenith Acrobat DocumentOzone Lidar

7 foot roof lidar ~NORTH dome Doppleron Lidar Scanner support pi llar 8 foot base r nte ped estal ce to r ter te on roo f for en en 13’ t c c 7 ft cherry ee to 8 foot 0 f ter x 2 n Do p ple r picker ro ce pp t lidar a ee 11’ 6 f sc an 1 strat /trop lidar bench ox cir cle Doppler lidar bench pr ap scanner Chimney 5 30 ” 48” 30” 30”

ped estal Solar FTIR ped estal Chimney 4 on roo f for on roo f for 5 ft cherry 7 ft cherry 26’ picker picker Dome Floor 21’ 8”

30 ” 30 ” 30” 30” Chimney17’ 3 Horizontal FTIR sk y-v iew horizontal Railing 13’ trop aerosol lidar bench FTIR bench

semi-transparent green bl ock shows elevated 9’ scanner platform on roof, 8’ 3” Dome 15 ft E to W and 26 ft N to S 8’ 3” approx 2 ft clearance on outer walkway

13’ 9” 13’ 9”


Janu ary 10, 2001 each floorspace square i s 2 ft x 2 ft; each laboratory floorspace is 20 ft E to W x 22.5 ft N to S white circles with soli d borders show positions of chi mneys, accurate to 1/2 inch, and interior diameters faded blue blocks around light chimneys show optical benches in laboratories below cherry picker boom circle indicates Lidminimum boom lengthClosed Chimney 2

Lid Closed Grating Top Chimney 1 Dome Floor Dome Legs 915MHz GPSreceiver 5mmast Roof Top radarantenna withoutclutterpanels) T,RH generator electronics inside NSSTC Regional Atmospheric Profiling Center for Discovery RAPCD

AµOR (Applied Microparticle and Radiometry) MIPS (Mobile Integrated Profiling System) RAPCD MSFC’s Aerosol Optics Measurements Available (X) or Planned (F) For 2002, everyone is on the move. For Calipso validation And AIRMAP and INTEX, maybe we can stay put! ABOVE

AIRS BBAERI Ocean Validation Experiment (Wallace McMillan, PI) - AIRS first light experiment

July 18 – September 18, 2002

BBAERI (uplooking)

ELF (cloud clearing)

Snow white

+ standard CERES val. products Invitation

• Membership is voluntary • Membership is free (except for QA participation) • Opportunities abound …. Field of Dreams

• Build it and they will come….

Corn field

Baseball diamond

Concession stand and museum

Bank (6 miles)