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Tossups by Kentucky

1. The protagonist of this work is a rich Bostonian who attempts to cure his insomnia with hypnosis. The cure works too well, however, and he finds himself waking up 113 years later in a radically different socialist Boston, to which he gradually learns to adjust with the help of Edith

Leete, the great-great graddaughter of his fiancee. Such are the circumstances surrounding Julian West in, FTP, what Utopian novel by Edward Bellamy?

answer: _Looking Backward_: 2000-1887

2. Entering the at the age of 13, this man served under Nelson in the West Indies and in the Americas, where he was almost kidnapped by Washington in 1782. Though the rank of Lord High Admiral was revived for him by George Canning in 1827 for this service, he was unpopular for his

many love affairs with women such as Dorothea Jordan, and he had to abandon both the Navy and Jordan when he ascended to the British throne. FTP name this British monarch, also known as the Sailor King, who succeeded his brother George IV in 1830.

answer: _William IV_

3. A lecturer at Dacca University, India, in 1924 this mathematician published _Planck's Law andthe Hypothesis of Light Quanta _ which attracted the attention of a famous physicist who sought him out for collaboration. Together they worked on equations to explain the behavior of particles not limited to single occupancy of the same state, which were named for him by Dirac. FTP name this man, whose collaboration with Einstein led to their famous statistics, suggesting a new form of matter recently discovered.

answer: Satyendra Nath _Bose_

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4. While transporting purple dye from Phoenicia to Athens this man became shipwrecked and decided to spend his free time reading philosophy, ultimately deciding to foillow the teachings of Crates the Cynic. It was under the tutleage of Crates that he wrote his _Republic_, and soon he

began to acquire pupils, like Cleanthes, of his won, teaching in the painted collonades of the agora. FTP name this man, whose wanderings in the Stoa provided the name for his new philosophy. answer: _Zeno of Citium_

5. During World War I this man served in the Italian air force and after the war he led a force and occupied the Dalmatian city of Fiume, which he ruled as dictator for almost a year. By that time his literary fame had been established by such plays as _La Gioconda_ and _Franchesca Da Rimini_, based on his love affair with the actress Eleonora Duse, the novels _The Intruder_ and _Triumph of Death_, and such poetry collections as _In Praise of Sky, Sea, Earth, and Heroes_. For 10 points name this Italian poet best known for such works as _Canto Novo_ and _Prima Vere_.

Answer: Gabriele D'Annunzio

6. In 1843 this man earned a medical degree but soon learned that medicine bored him, and he tried his hand at both law and journalism before giving these up to move to California in 1850. From there he attempted to start a revolution in Baja California in 1853, which proved unsuccessful, but in 1855 similar effort, financed by American businessmen, fared better in

Nicaragua. FTP name this adventurer, deposed in 1857 and later executed in an attempt to regain power in 1860.

answer: William _Walker_

7. Because radiation of this type does not depend on the temperature of the objects which emit it, it is often called nonthermal radiation. It occurs when charged particles that are moving at speeds close to the speed of light when their paths are altered by magnetic fields, and it is found in

such celestial bodies as quasars, the Crab Nebula and Jupiter. FTP name this type of radiation named for devices, such as those found at Fermilabs and CERN, which produce it.

answer: _synchotron_ radiation

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8. Among the ports along this body of water are the cities of Taganrog, Mariupol, and Yevsk, and Berdyansk. Composed of fresh water separated from the more saline Syvash by true Arabat Spit, it is about 210 miles long, 85 miles wide, and fed by such rivers as the Don abd Kuban, whose silt

deposits make it very shallow. For 10 points name this body of water connected to the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait, located between the Ukraine and Russia.

Answer: Sea of Azov

9. In the attempt to escape creditors down-and-out screenwriter Joe Gillis pulls into the driveway of Norma Desmond, a faded silent-film star who is trying to make a comeback with a screenplay she has written. Gillis agrees to edit her work and ends up becoming her lover, but when he leaves her for another younger woman she goes insane and shoots him. This is, for 10 points, a plot summary of what 1950 classic starring William Holden, Gloria Swanson, and Erich von Stroheim?

Answer: _Sunset Boulevard_

10. His accomplishments include winning 22 games in 1903 and striking out 349 batters in 1904 , a record which stayed on the books until broken by Koufax in 1965. In 1905 he bested Cy Young in a 20-inning duel and in all he led his league in strikeouts seven times, six consecutively, but despite these feats he is perhaps best known for exploits like wrestling alligators, touring in the melodrama "The Stain of Guilt," and chasing fire engines. FTP anme this unusual name this turn-of-the-century pitching star for the Athletics, whose antics more than earned him his famous nickname.

answer: Edward "Rube" _Waddell_

11. Though his studies at Harvard were a success except for disapproved love affair with Mary Monahan, he is deemed unfit to run the family business and instead becomes a man-about-town before marrying the more suitable Catharine Bosworth. He later dabbles in conservative Boston politics, but his health declines after the

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Stock market Crash. Such, FTP, is the life of what recently-deceased character as told by Horatio Willing, the title character of a novel by John Phillips Marquand?

answer: The Late _George Apley_

12. Legend states this ancient king was exposed by his priestess-mother at birth and raised by a gardener, though his fortunes improved when he was made royal cup-bearer of King Ur-Zababa of Kish, whose throne he later took over. His victory over king Lugalzagesi of Ur lead to a gradual conquest of most of Mesopotamia and the establishment of an empire which he ruled from his capital city of Agade. For 10 points name this ancient soldier and king, founder of

the Akkadian dynasty.

Answer : Sargon

13. After receiving his medical degree from the University of Uppsala in 1802 this man became a professor of medicine, botany, and pharmacy in Stockholm. When not occupied by professorial duties he began to experiment with a large variety of chemical compounds, which resulted in a new theory of dual electrolysis, which stated that all compounds had positive and negative

components, and a fairly accurate table of atomic weights. For 10 points name this scientist whose experiments also resulted in the discovery of Cerium, Selenium, and Thorium.

Answer: Jons Jakob Berzelius

14. After losing the benevolence of Siva for transgressions, this asura was given the choice of being reincarnated twelve times as Vishnu's friend or three times as his enemy. He chose thelatter, and was dispatched in his third incarnation, Sisupala, by the avatar Krishna and by the avatar Naramsimha in his second, Harinyakashipu. FTP name this demon, whose

resumed his original name in his second incarnation, which was destroyed by the avatar Rama.

answer: _Ravana_

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15.Margaret suspects that her husband is having an affair with the mysterious Mrs. Erlynne, whom he financially supports though he claims his interest is honorable. When he invites Mrs. Erlynne to a dinner party over Margaret's objections she decides to leave her husband and run offwith Lord Darlington, but she is dissuaded from this by Mrs. Erlynne herself, who is actually Margaret's mother. For 10 points identify this play named for a possession of Margaret thought to be stolen by Mrs. Erlynne, one of the best known works of Oscar Wilde.

Answer: _Lady Windermere's Fan_

16. The war was launched on November 30th from Murmansk, when several million men attempted to attack a badly outnumbered force of defenders. Astonishingly, however, the invaders had not counted on the extreme cold of the invaded country, and by the time the Mannerheim line was breached and the city of Viipuri was taken, the invading army had suffered over a

million casualties to only 25,00 of the enemy. FTP name this four month conflict of 1939-1949, through which the Soviets gained a naval base on the Hanko Peninsula as well as valuable cold-weather fighting lessons.

answer: _Winter war_ (accept Russo-Finnish war)

17. After studying economics at at Berkeley this man taught at the University of Washington and Washington University and has served as economic consultant to the governments of Russia, Argentina, Peru, and the Czech Republic. His theories, which are contained in such works as

_Structure and Change in Economic History_ , argue that certain legal institutions must be present in addition to technical innovations for economic development to take place. FTP name this man, winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize with Robert W. Fogel for his work in the "new economic history" known as cliometrics.

answer: Douglass C. _North_

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18. While serving in the French army this man became friends with soldiers who had served under the Emperor Maximilian , listening with fascination to their descriptions of the exotic landscapes of Mexico. These stories inspired some of his most famous paintings, lush pictures of tropical scenes in such works as _Sleeping Gypsy_ and _The Snake Charmer_, made while working in the customs house of Paris. FTP name this leader of the naive art movement known as Le Douanier, or "The Customs Officer", perhaps most famous for his "Yadivigha's Dream".

answer: Henri _Rousseau_ (accept an early hit with "Le Douanier")

19. Among the highlights of this show are dramatisations of erotic encounters in the style of Alfred Hitchcock and its hosts fascination with Delta Burke, a fine lady whose physical virtues are contrasted with those of the bus-station skank. Call-ins and letters are encouraged and answered as long as there is an ample supply of the Cognac Casvasier, but when this runs out the show must end. This is, FTP, what show hosted by Leon Phelps, after whom it is named, which aims to answer "all your romantic queries" as seen on SNL?

answer: _The Ladies Man_

20. A classmate of Jefferson Davis at Transylvania University and West Point, this man served in the Black hawk War before resigning to serve in the army of the Republic of Texas, becoming a general and later its Secretary of War. Returning to the US Army in 1855, he saw service in the

"Mormon War" before joining the Confederate Army, becoming commander of the Army of the West in 1861 shortly before his only battle. FTP name this general, who bled to death from a minor wound before he could finish the job at Shiloh.

answer: _A_lbert Sidney _Johnston_

21. From the Greek for "less recent", this epoch featured the evolution of such equine forms as the Parahippus and Pliohippus, the first dogs and bears, and the first hyenas. Commonly divided into six ages -the Aquitanian, Burdigalian, Langhian, Serravallian, Tortonian, and Messinian-

it also featured the appearance of the sabre-toothed cat, an early form of the gibbon, and the hominind Ramapithecus. FTP name this epoch following the Oligocene and preceeding the Pliocene.

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22. Born circa 1336 of obscure origins, by 1357 this man was already a general of some repute who was made vizier to the khan Tughlaq Temur of Transoxania before turning against him and setting himself on the throne. He then embarked on a series of conquests which encompassed Persia, Fars, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Georgia, as well as parts of

India while making his capital, Samarkand, a center of architectural splendor and culture. For 10 points name this Tartar ruler, whose life was dramatized by Christopher Marlowe.

Answer: Timur the Lame (accept Tamer lane, Tambor-Lenk)

23. After the death of his father Redmond is sent to live with his uncle Brady, where he soon gains a reputation as a bully and falls in love with his uncle's daughter Nora. Mistakenly thinkinghe has killed a man in a duel over her, he flees to the continent, where he contrives to

marry a rich widow and become a landed gentleman and member of parliament before the widow'sson, Lord Bullington, has him arrested. Such are the exploits of what unsympathetic character, who assumes a new name, that of the title, in a work by William Thackeray?

answer: _Barry Lyndon_

24. The leaf of this plant is heart-shaped and has traditionally been a symbol of love in Italy. Consisting of dried leaves of genus, Ocimum, an annual herb of the family Lamiaceae which is native to India and Iran, the dried large-leaf varieties have a fragrant aroma faintly reminiscent of

anise, and a warm, sweet, aromatic, mildly pungent flavour, and tea made from it is a mild stimulant . FTP name this common spice, whose name is derived from the Greek for king.

answer: _basil_

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prove that Stiva will no longer love her if her beauty is gone, which later turns out to be the case, but she eventually forgives Laca and they find happiness together. This is, for 10 points, a very brief sketch of what opera by Leos Janacek?

Answer: _Jenufa_

26. Initially a musician, this man began to study the psychology of music under Carl Stumpf and developed an early form of a lie detector. His discovery that feebleminded children can solve problems when they can grasp the overall structures involved, and his observation of the phi phenomenon, a deceptive sense of motion, lead him to formulate a new approach holistic

towards psychology with colleagues Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Khler, which he named "configuration". FTP name this developer of a psychology known by its original German name, "Gestalt".

answer: Max _Wertheimer_

Bonuses by Kentucky

1. Recently some music researchers discovered a composition lost since the reign of Queen Victoria. Answer these questions about it, 10 points each.

A. Identify the composer, Victoria's favorite, of the newly unearthed piece, entitled "Sonata in Dmajor for Two Pianos".

answer: Felix _Mendelssohn_-Bartholdy

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B. For the two piano parts Mendelssohn chose as performers himself and this composer of the "Praeludum". For 10 points name this performer, Mendelssohn's sister.

answer: _Fanny_ Hansell-Mendelssohn

C. Researchers found Mendelssohn's "Sonata" in this building; name this structure, theworld-famous library of Oxford College.

answer: _Bodleian_ Library

2. To get himself pysched up to play at an ACF event, the author of this packet likes to listen to a tape he has made of some popular songs which he finds inspirational. Identify the musicians of the following songs which may be found on this tape, 10 points each.

A. Song three on the tape is the song "Am I Evil?', a Diamondhead song remade by this bandand originally placed on their first album, _Kill 'Em All_, though it is not included on later releasesof the album.

answer: _Metallica_

B. Also on the tape is the extremely mellow "Wandering Stars" by this band, taken from their album _Dummy_.

answer: _Portishead_

C. Since he once had the it running through his head during the entirety of the 1996 UT-Dallas tournament, and since his team placed second there, the song "Straight On" was put on thtape for good luck. Though dubbed from the band's greatest hits album, it was originally on their _Dogand Butterfly_.

answer: _Heart_

file:///Continuity/Other/Princeton%20Stuff/College%20Bowl/Questions/IL%20tournament/Kentucky.html Page 9 of 25 Untitled 10/9/00 5:21 PM 3. Answer the following questions about the life and works of the British poet , 10 points each.

A. Crabbe was able to pursue a literary career largely through the patronage of this political philosopher most famous for his _Reflections on the French Revolution_.

answer: Edmund _Burke_

B. Perhaps Crabbe's best known poem is "The Village", a harsh reply to what Crabbe consideredthe pastoral oversimplification of this man's "The Deserted Village". Name this man, also knownfor _She Stoops to Conquer_.

answer: Oliver _Goldsmith_

C. Another of Crabbe's poems is "The Borough", in which this character, a brutal fisherman, isdepicted. Name this character, later the subject of an opera by Benjamin Britten.

answer: _Peter Grimes_

4. It is a little-known fact that George Washington was not the first president of the United States; rather, he was the first president of the United States under the Constitution. Under the Articles of the Confederation, however, seven men preceded him as President of the United

States. Identify the following such officeholders from clues, 10 points each.

A. The first President of the United States was this man, a Maryland congressman and the only man other than Charles Carroll from that state to be enshrined in Statuary hall. Identify this man, no relation to the musical act which bears his name.

answer: John _Hanson_

B. The fifth President was this man, a general perhaps best remembered for leading the army into an ambush by Little Turtle on the banks of the Wabash river in 1791.

answer: Arthur _St. Clair_

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C. The fourth President was Virginian, famous to viewers of _1776_ as the man who proposed American independence and who later helped pass the declaration of independence.

answer: Richard Henry _Lee_

5. Identify the following seemingly unrelated chemical elements from descriptions on a 10-5 basis.

A. 10 points: Discovered in 1923 Dirk Coster and George Charles von Hevesey in zircon, this element is present in small amounts in most zirconium compounds. It is used in gas-filled and incandescent lamps, as a "getter" for scavenging oxygen and nitrogen nuclear control rods, and in alloys with iron, titanium, and niobium.

5 points: Named for the ancient word for Copenhagen, this element has the atomic number 72.

answer: _Hafnium_

B. 10 points: Credit for the discovery of this element is shared by J.L. Soret and Per Thodor Cleve in 1878. A rare-earth metal of transition Group IIIb, it is one of the most paramagnetic substances known, and it is used as a component of some electronic devices, while its trivalent ion has been used as a catalyst for ortho-para hydrogen conversion.

5 points: With atomic number 67, this element was named for the Swedish hometown of its discoverors.

answer: _holmium_

C. 10 points: Discovered in 1907 by Georges Urbain and Carl Auer von Welsbach, who called it "casseiopeium", this rare-earth metal of transition Group IIIb is found in the compounds xenotime and euxenite. Its nucleotides are used in cracking, alkylation, hydrogenation, and polymerization alloys.

5 points: With atomic number 71, the more common name of this element was derived from the ancient name for Paris.

answer: _Lutetium_

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6. Possibly one of the most heinous acts of betrayal in Greek mythology occurred when the son of Pelops seduced the wife of his brother, a betrayal which was gruesomely rewarded.

A. First, for 10 points, name this brother of Atreus, whose sons conceived on Atreus's wifeAerope were fed to him in a banquet.

answer: _Thyestes_

B. Thyestes got revenge by secretly raising this son of Atreus, thought to be dead, and later sending him to kill Atreus, knowing that the boy would die in the process. For 15 points, name this son of Atreus.

answer: _Pleisthenes_

C. Thyestes later seduced his own daughter and produced a son by her who would later cause untold amounts of grief for a son of Atreus. For a final five points name this man, who later seduced Agamemnon's wife Clytemnestra.

answer: _Aegisthus_

7. Identify the following works of Stephen Crane from a brief description, 10 points each.

A. In this work a Swede comes to Nebraska looking for some dime-novel Wild West excitement, but finding none, provokes several fights which result in his death. While investigating the murder the other characters show the isolated nature of the universe.

answer: _Blue Hotel_

B. Scratchy Wilson, and old-time gunfighter, tries to recapture some of his old glory in his sparring with Sheriff Jack Potter, but when he gets the drop on Potter only to discover that he doesn't even carry a gun, he finally realises the old days are over in this work.

answer: _Bride Comes to Yellow Sky_

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C. The dialogue between a reporter, a cook, an oiler, and a ship's captain forms most of the plotof this work, in which the tragedy of a maritime disaster is increased when one of the four men dies just as he is about to reach safety.

answer: _The Open Boat_

8. Since Mohammed died without a male heir there was a question as to who would succeed him. While Ali, his son-in-law, pressed his claim, the rule of the Moslem community ultimately passed to this man. For 10 points each:

A. Name this man, whose brief reign from 632 to 634 saw the completion of the Koran and the Wars of the Apostasy.

answer: _Abu Bakr_

B. Abu Bakr was the father of this woman, the favorite wife of Mohammed in whose company he died. Name this woman, who later rebelled against the caliphate of Ali before being captured at the Battle of Camel and put under house arrest.

answer: _Aisha_

C. Abu Bakr was succeeded by this man, father of another of Mohammed's wives, Hafsa, whoruled the Moslem community for 10 years until assassinated by a Persian slave in 644.

answer: _Umar_ (I)

9. This bonus will test your knowledge about the people and things associated with the investigation of the planet Neptune. Answer the following about these, 10 points each.

A. The existence of Neptune was postulated mathematically by this astronomer. Name this man, who mistakenly attempted to explain the unusual orbit of the planet Mercury by conjecturing the existence of a large asteroid, which he named Vulcan.

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B. The Great Dark Spot and several satellites were discovered during the 1989 flyby of this space probe.

answer: _Voyager 2_

C. The second moon of Neptune to be discovered was found by this man, who also found the satellite Miranda and the existence of a disk-shaped belt of comets orbiting the Sun at a distance of 500 to 1,000 astronomical units, the "belts" named for him.

answer: Gerard _Kuiper_

10. Identify the following rivers which may be found in England, 10 points each.

A. Originating with the confluence of the Ouse and Trent rivers, this inlet of the North sea runs beside such ports as Kingston upon Hull, Grimsby, Immingham, and Goole.

answer: _Humber

B. Perhaps the most famous of all English rivers, this river rises in the Cotswolds of Gloucestershire and winds eastward before meeting the North Sea at The Nore. lies beside this river, whose tributaries include river include the Churn, Coln, and Mole rivers.

answer: _Thames_

C. This river is formed at Stockport by the junction of the Goyt and Tame, draining large areas of the Lancashire and Cheshire plains before entering the Irish Sea. The important cities of and lie beside it.

answer: _Mersey_

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11. The knee-jerk answer when the words "Italian film director" are uttered is "Fellini", doing a grave injustice to several other directors who aren't nearly as terrible as Fellini. Identify theseother Italian directors, 10 points each.

A. This director has made such films as _Europa_, _Rome, the Open City_, and _Germany Year Zero_. He is perhaps better known for his lovely daughter, who has appeared in such films as _Immortal Beloved_ and _Blue Velvet_.

answer: _R_oberto _Rossellini_

B. This man has appeared as an actor in such films as _Andy Warhol's Dracula_, 1957's _AFarewell to Arms_, and _Anna of Borrklyn_, which he also directed. He is better known for such films as _Gate of Heaven_ and _The Bicycle Thief_.

answer: Vittorio _de Sica_

C. The director of _120 Days of Sodom_, thisman is better known for such Mediveal and Classical films as _The Decameron_, _The Canterbury Tales_, _Medea_, and _Edipo Re_.

answer: Pier Paolo _Pasolini_

12. Around the 9th century a broad division had emerged in the French language between the speech of the north of Gaul, which had suffered most from the invasions, and that in the more stable, cultured, and linguistically conservative south. This division, resulted in two distinct

dialects of French, classified by the word used for "yes".

A. For 10 points identify the dialect, also known as Francien, which became the basis for modern French.

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B. Modern French descended from langue d'oil, though this language, also known as Occitan, wasused extensively in the songs of the troubadours. answer: _langue d'oc_ i

C. Langue d'oc is the basis for this modern dialect spoken in southern France by over a millionpeople, including residents of the department of France from which language gets its name.

answer: _Provencal_

13. In a single manuscript dated circa 1400 there are preserved four poems, all thought to be written by one anonymous poet who is now given two names, each derived from one of the works he has supposedly written. For 10 points each:

A. First, give either of the names for this poet, the author of _Patience_ and _Cleanliness_ in addition to his more famous works.

Answer: _Pearl_ poet or _Gawain_ poet_

B. One of the works from which this poet has acquired a name is this work, the story of a Knight of the Round Table and his temptation to commit adultery on his way to play the beheading game with a mysterious man, later revealed to be Bercilak. Name this work.

Answer: _Sir Gawain and the Green Knight_

C. The Gawain poet's other name comes from this work, a dream vision is which a jeweler isconsoled for the loss of his daughter, allegorically represented by the title object; the poem is actually written in the shape of the object.

Answer: _Pearl_

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14. One of the most interesting men in history has got to be the English admiral Robert Blake, whom, though forgotten today, shouldn't be. Answer the following questions about thisremarkable man, 10 points each.

A. Until he was 40 Blake lived as a quiet merchant in Somerset, but in 1640 he was elected to this body, whose abrupt dismissal hastened the progress of the English Civil War. Name this Parliament, which convened from April 13 to May 5, 1640.

Answer: _Short_ parliament

B. Blake then began his military service in the armies of the Commonwealth, but he still held his parliamentary seat through the Long parliament and Rump Parliament, finally being elected to this Parliament before its dissolution by Cromwell . Name this skeletal Parliament also known as the

"Nominated" parliament.

Answer: _barebones_ parliament

C. Though an able commander on land, it is as an admiral that Blake's managed what is perhapshis greatest accomplishment, a total defeat of the Royalist fleet commanded by this man at Cartagena in 1650. Name this man, better known as a general, who was defeated at Marsden Moor and Naseby by Cromwell.

Answer: _Prince Rupert_ of the Rhine

15. Identify the following effects from Physics from a brief description, 10 points each.

A. Defined as a sudden increase in the flow of an electrical current through a nonconducting or semiconducting solid when a sufficiently strong electrical force is applied, this effect is responsible for the phenomenon of breakdown in insulators and in semiconductors, where it is called the

Zener effect.

answer: _avalanche_ effect

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B. Demonstrated experimentally by the Einstein-de Haas or the Barnett method, this effect is the change in the magnetization of a magnetic substance produced when the angular momentum of the atoms of the substance changes when subjected to a strong magnetic field.

answer: _Gyromagnetic_ effect

C. Discovered in 1934 by Willard Harrison Bennett, this effect is the self-constriction of a cylinder of an electrically conducting plasma formed when an electric current is passed through a gaseous plasma, setting up a magnetic field that tends to force the current-carrying particles together.

answer: _pinch_ effect

16. Identify the following heresies of the early church, 10 points each.

A. This heresy, also known as Cataphrygianism or New Prophecy, was started circa 156 by a Phrygian Christian convert after whom the movement was named, who went into self-induced trances in which he claimed the paraclete, or spirit of truth, manifested itself in him. Though its members were excommunicated in the West in 177, it continued to flourish until officially stamped out by an edict of Justinian I in the 500's and its most famous convert was Tertullian of Carthage.

Answer: _Montanism_

B. Started by a British clergyman after whom it was named, this heresy asserted the essential goodness of human nature and the freedom of will, denying the concept of original sin. Its later leaders included Celestius and Julian of Eclanum, against whom Augustine of Hippo engaged in unbridled literary polemic; and it was finally stamped out by the Council of Ephesus in 431.

Answer: _Pelagianism_

C. One of the earliest of the heresies, the name of this heresy is derived from the Greek for "to appear" or "to seem". Some of its members of this set believed that Jesus did not really die on the cross but was replaced by Simon of Cyrene or by Judas Iscariot; more believed that Christ was never human at all, but an illusion so that God could appear directly to humanity in human form. It was fought by Ignatius of Antioch.

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17. Identify the author from works, 30-20-10.

A. 30 pts: _Nana_, _Three Cities: Lourdes, Rome, Paris_; _Therese Rauquin_

B. 20 pts: _The Dram-Shop_; _The Downfall_

C. 10 pts: _Germinal_; the letter _J'Accuse_

answer: Emile _Zola_

18. Identify the following French generals from their exploits in the first World War, 10 points each.

A. Appointed cheif of the French general staff in 1911, this man earned a reputation for level-headedness on the Wars of the Frontiers and showed great brilliance in his counterstroke at the Marne, though his apparent lack of preparedness at Verdun resulted in his being relieved of command in 1916, on the same day as he was made a marechal of France.

answer: Joseph Jacques Cesaire _Joffre_

B. Joffre's right hand man at the Battles of the Marne, Ypres, and the Somme, this man wasroiginally forced into retirement by Joffre's dismissal, but after the disasters of Second Somme hewas made Supreme Allied Commander and co-ordinated the defeat of Ludendorff in 1918.

answer: Ferdinand _Foch_

3. Succeeding Petain at the battle of Verdun, this man replaced Joffre in 1916 and attempted a major offensive in 1917, whose failure caused widespread mutiny in the French armies which resulted in his removal, to be replaced by his former superior Petain.

answer: Robert _Nivelle_

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19. Forced by his fiancee to see _Good Will Hunting_, the author of this packet emerged from the experience nauseated, though as a consolation he acquired the idea for this bonus. Answer the following questions about mathematics mentioned in that film, 10 points each.

A. Professors at MIT are alerted to the genius of their janitor when he leaves on a chalkboard the solution to a problem from this series of problems named for this man, a French scientist who invented it to show how the conduction of heat in solid bodies may be analyzed but which now has many other applications.

answer: Jean-Baptiste-Joseph- de _Fourier_

B. When being described to the psychiatrist Sean McGuire, played by Robin Williams, Hunting is compared to this man, an Indian prodigy who taught himself mathematics from an old textbook but lived in obscurity until he was discovered by Godfrey Hardy, making contributions to the theory of numbers which include pioneering discoveries of the properties of the partition function.

answer: Srinivasa _Ramanujan_

C. A great deal of friction develops between Williams and the MIT professor who discovers Hunting due to William's character's supposed jealousy of this prize won by the professor, anaward equivalent to the Nobel prize among mathematicians established in 1932 by the man for who they are named and awarded every four years to mathematicians under 40.

answer: _Fields_ medal

20. While not one of the nation's most brilliant generals, General Nelson Miles managed to takepart in some of the most interesting events in United States history. Identify these people and events from Miles's career, 10 points each.

A. Miles was a brigadier general in time to command part of Grant's army in this May 5-7, 1864battle, in which the Union Army suffered an appalling 15 percent casualty rate at the hands of Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia.

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B. A major player in the so-called Indian Wars following the War Between the States, in 1877 he defeated this Sioux leader at the Battle of Wolf Mountain. Name this leader who died while attempting to escape confinement on a reservation, most famous for directing the massacre of Custer at Little Bighorn.

answer: _Crazy Horse_

C. Following the Spanish American wars Miles made a nuisance of himself via his vociferous opposition to the efforts of this man, Secretary of State under Roosevelt, to reform the armed forces. Name this man, whose later deeds while Secretary of State earned him a Nobel Peace Prize in 1912.

answer: Elihu _Root_

21. Over the course of the summer the NHL has seen quite a bit of roster reshuffling, with some pretty big stars from several teams relocating to new clubs. Identify the recently transplanted player from clues, 10 points each.

A. Philadelphia recently sent this high-profile so-called defenseman to Chicago, perhaps with the intention of finding a player who can actually play defense. Name this man, this highest scoring defenseman in NHL history.

answer: Paul _Coffey_

B. The start of this season has seen this player sniping for the Dallas Stars. Name this goal-producing right wing, formerly the mainstay of the St. Louis Blues.

answer: Brett _Hull_

C. For this season the Carolina Hurricanes have acquired, or, more appropriately, re-acquired, this quiet superstar from the Pittsburgh Penguins. Name this man, who carried Hartford in the 80'sbefore playing beside to Mario Lemieux and Jaromir Jagr for most of the nineties.

answer: Ron _Francis_

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22. Identify the following Art movements on a 5-10-15 point basis.

A. 5 points: "Announced" by Filippo Marinetti in 1909 in the Paris Newspaper Le Figaro, this artistic movement was mainly centered in Italy and emphasized the dynamism, speed, energy, and power of the machine and the vitality, change, and restlessness of modern life in general. Painters

who worked in this style were Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carr, Luigi Russolo, Giacomo Balla, and Gino Severini.

answer: _Futurism_

B. 10 points: named by Guillaume Appolinaire, who used the term to describe the work of the Symbolists, this was a trend in Cubist painting that gave priority to colour. Among the painters working in this style were Robert Delauney, Fernand Lger, Francis Picabia, and Marcel Duchamp.

answer: _Orphism_

C. 15 points: Also known as Luchism, this principally Russian art movement was founded by Mikhail Larionov, who painted its first work, "Glass," in 1909 and wrote the movement'smanifesto in 1912. A synthesis of Cubism, Futurism, and Orphism, it was concerned with spatial forms which are obtained through the crossing of reflected beams from various objects; the

movement ended when when Larionov and its other founder, Natalya Goncharova, departed for Paris

answer: _rayonism_

23. Heuristics are strategies that can be applied to a variety of problems, usually - but not always - yielding a correct solution. People often use heuristics that reduce complex problem solving to more simple judgmental operations. Given three of the most popular heuristics used in matter of

personal finance, identify them, 10 points each.

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answer: _representative_ heuristic

B. This heuristic is used to evaluate the frequency or likelihood of an event on the basis of how quickly instances or associations come to mind. An example would be a person's overestimatingthe divorce rate if he or she can quickly find examples of divorced friends.

answer: _availability_ heuristic

C. People who have to make judgements under uncertainty use this heuristic by starting with a certain reference point and then modifying it insufficiently to reach a final conclusion. An example is a person assessing the price of a modem using his the price of his own as a starting

point; depending on the price of his modem, the price of the other may be over- or underestimated.

answer: _anchoring and adjustment_ (accept _anchoring_ heuristic)

24. Identify the poet, 30-20-10.

A. 30 points: This man won Pulitzer Prizes for poetry collections _A Further Range_ in 1936 and _A Witness Tree_ in 1942.

B. 20 points: In 1925 he won his first Pulitzer for his _New Hampshire: A poem with Notes and Grace Notes_

C. 10 points: In 1914 he published the collection _North of Boston_, which contained such poems as "Mending Wall," "The Death of the Hired Man," and "After Apple-Picking".

answer: Robert _Frost_

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25. Answer the following questions about the study of a disease, 10 points each.

A. In 1905 Fritz Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann found the Treponema pallidum, the organism responsible for this illness. Name this venereal disease, also known as the French disease.

answer: _syphilis_

B. In 1907 this man earned a Nobel Prize for his blood serum test for syphilis.

answer: August von _Wassermann_

C. In 1910 Paul Ehrlich discovered this compound, arsenic compound 606, which provided a complete cure for syphilis.

answer: _salvarsan_

26. Answer the following questions about a historical people on a 15-10-5 point basis.

A. 15 points: Though they called themselves Ruman, a reference to their own beliefs that they descended from the Romans who occupied Dacia in the second and third centuries, this people was given the name by which they are now known from the Slavs. Playing a major part in the formation of the Second Bulgarian empire, these people inhabited Transylvania before moving

on to the area that would eventually become Romania. For 15 points name these people, who still make a small percentage of Romania and Moldova.

answer: _Vlachs_

B. One of the constituent parts of Roomania was this province, whose name is derived from the Vlachjs, which was founded by Radu Negru in 1209. For 10 ,points name this region, which was united with Moldavia to form modern Romania.

answer: _Walachia_

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C. Perhaps the most famous ruler of Walachia was this man, the fervent opponent of Turk Sultan Mehmet II, whose fame is built on his favorite grisly method for execution of his enemies. For 5 points, name this man, known as "the Impaler", whose name was made famous by an 1897 novel.

answer: _Vlad tepes_ or _Vlad III_ or _Dracula_

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