Zazf'):::::' Name: Name: Address: Secl CEWS GEVM AREA, KORBA , Cc
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Gontract t r -:_:+ lr.,:':ltll' GEMC-51 1687776992847 , '2 /-ZAZf'):::::' Organisation Details Buyer Details Type: Central PSU Name: Anit Kumar Jain Ministry: Ministry of Coal Designation: DeputyManagerExcavation Department: Materials Management Contact No.: 75879-9j287- Organisation Name: South Eastern Coalfields Limited Email lD: anitkdmar jain@nic in Ofiice Zone: Secl Bilaspur Cg GSTIN: Address: sEclloEWS GEVRAAREA, KoRBA, cc, KORBA CHHATTISGARH-495452, India Financial Approval Detail Paying Authorityi Details IFD Concurrence: No Name: Deepak Dewangan Designation of Administrative Approval: GM, CEWS Designation: AM FINANCE Designation of Financial Approval: AFM Email lD: deepak dewangan8.185@nic in GSTIN: sEcL CEWS GEVM Address: AREA, KORBA , cc, Korba, CHHATTTSGARH-495452, tndia Seller Details Company Name: RAKESHKUMARKEDIA Contact No i 090093021 08 Email iD: [email protected] C/O. M/S.D,C.KEDIA,,NEAR Address: OLO PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK., KORBA,, CHHATTISGARH-49567S. - tvl-tvttr vefllteo: Yes MSE Social Category General rvrDi Ljenoer: Male GSTIN: 22ACOPK2155Q128 Product Details Price (lnclusive of all Duties and Taxes in INR) Total Order Vatue (in INR) Consignee Detail S.No Delivery To Be Completed By Name: Shambhu Sharan Sah Designation: SO MM Email lD: ss sah0536@nic in Contact: 0942-5534008- Petroleum Jelly GSTIN: 22MDCS2O66EgZL (RAMWAX) A{dre*; .QE9! cEyM ABFA, ,, . ., .", | --t:t' - r | ::: KORBA, CHHATTISGAR H.495452, India Product Specification for petroleum Jelly (RAMWAX) Specification Description translucent,soft mass cotofless vuuulltr>) dt lvulll ltrtllPYtdlulc for lconforming to lS: 4887(Latest) - Petroleum Jelly lCosmetic lndustry CM/L Numbe(Write NA if not applicable) Packing Avai|abiIityofTestReportfromcentralGovVNABL/|LAcaccredited|abtoprove Test RePort write NA if Test report is not Details Tesi Report to be submitted to the Buyer on Demand available Terms and Conditions 1. General Terms and Conditions with the General detailed in the schedule above' in accordance is forthefc supply ofthe cooos anol orservices, Contract between thehF Sellerseiler and the Buyer'Buver, (src) and/ or 1.1 This / services specific special rerms and conditions GeM portar (unress othe*ise superseded by Goods Terms and conditions (crc) as availabre on the (ATG)' as applicable BID/Reverse Auction Additional Terms and Conditions Inrespectofitemsrequiring'l:,"'l*'tland/orcommissioningandotherservicesinthe l.2Termsofderivery:FreeDeriveryatsiteincrudingroading/unroading price cost of the iame is also included in the contract product category specification / src / ATc)' and the scope of suppry (as indicated in respective Anymodificationthereto ,r.3Derivoryperiod: TheDeriveryperiod/Timeshailbeessenceofthecontractandderiverymustbecompletednotlaterthansuchdate(s) Sha||bemutua||yagreeoandincorporatedinthecontractaSpertheprovisionsoftheGTC'l lawful for the Buyer to fodeit either obligations under ihe contract it shall be or negrects to observe or perform any of his 1.4 performance security: rf the seiler fairs furnished by the Seller in whole or in part, the Performance Security Breakupof GS'f revies/transporiation/loading-unloadingchargesetc l.5Tax6sandDuties: contractpricesareailincrusiveie.incrudingailtaxes,duties,rocar Goods and Services Tax (GST) / invoice seller sfiall undertake that the invoice / bill on GeM Whire submitting the bilr shail be indicated by the seiler whire raising on which GST has the Rules made there under and that the Goods payabre under the provision on the rerevant Act or charged on this bi, is not more than what is goods are correct under the and the charges on account of GST on these the GST Act or the Rures made there under been charged have not been exefipted under provision of that Act or the rules made there under' price(s) shall be allowed to seller over 3nd above the contract taxes: contract prices are ail incrusive hence no reimbursement 1.6 octroi Duty and / or other rocar : and other levies of-local bodies etc)' of town duty; Dutyi Terminal Tax towards payment of local taxes (such as.lew Qotroi given in the GTC shal| be applicable here of |iability between Buyer and Se||er as 1.7 Limitation of Liability: The provisions of |imitation applicable here AND .ELLER as grven in the GTC shall be provisions of DrspurE RES.LUTT.N BETWEEN BU'ER 1.8 Resorution of disputes: The s) specified in the contract' the Buyer of the Goods/services within the original/re rf the seiler fails to deliver any or ail 1.9 Liquidated Damages: d o'5o/o per week or part ofthe covered under Force Majeu ' @ the Liquidated Damages for the deray, unless wi' be entiaed to deducvrecover nysortwhatsoever Incase'Se'vtce weekof derayedperiod.aspre-estimateddamagesnotexceedingl0%ofthecontractvaluewithoutanycontr shall be applicable for the Contract l Level Agreement (SLA) is applicable the same 1.10 Financial Certificate: authority received the sanction ofthe competentfinancial ,1.10.1 The expenditure involved forthis purpose has l.lo.2Thefundsareavai|ableundertheproperheadinthesanctionbudgeta||otmentfortheconcemfinancia|year of the Goods being ordered toru )sign the supply order or incur the liability 1.10.3 | have been fully authorizedlrir"o ryby thetne departmentoepanmerrt t.llThebiddershouldsubmitaSelfdec|arationtotheeffectinbidde|sofficia||etterheadthattheiragencyn date (Itfi DY. @neral Hmrgr - r'-FltsGBrRA valid for paympnt/ is requlred Print out of this document ls not Note: This is system generated file No signature .