COVERAGE OF THE ELECTIONS OF APRIL, 1975 IN THE DIÁRIO DE NOTÍCIAS AND THE JORNAL NOVO: A STUDY CASE Cobertura de las elecciones de abril de 1975 en el Diário de Notícias y el Jornal Novo: un caso de estudio DOI: Recibido: 07/10/2018 Aceptado: 10/12/2018 Publicado: 15/12/2018 Helena Lima ORCID Universidade do Oporto,
[email protected] Rita Luis ORCID Universidade NOVA de Lisboa,
[email protected] Como citar este artículo: LIMA, Helena y LUIS, Rita (2018): “Coverage of the elections of April, 1975 in the Diário de Notícias and the Jornal Novo: a case study”, en Revista Internacional de Historia de la Comunicación, nº 11, pp. 23-40. 23 Helena Lima y Rita Luis Abstract: The Portuguese Revolution of April 1974 ended 48 years of dictatorship. The political evolution that followed the coup gave rise to a revolutionary process, the On- Going Revolutionary Period, which gained momentum, after March 11, 1975, opening "the path to socialism". As a side effect, the state became the owner of almost all the press. The first democratic elections took place on April 25, 1975. For the first time in almost 50 years, the press had the opportunity to do the cover in an environment of freedom of expression. However, the media were not immune to the revolutionary process and the newspapers were affected by the struggle for control of the information. The purpose of this study is a first approach in order to understand the news process and strategies to cover the electoral campaign in the press.