Attended, Namely, John Marshall,Ferrier, Wooldridge, Pye
E. SHARPEY-SCHAFER 77 June 7th, 1884 (at Oxford). This was the first meeting of the Society to be held at Oxford, where Professor Burdon Sanderson was now established. The following members were present at the dinner, which was held at Magdalen College: Professor Burdon Sanderson in the chair, Messrs W. B. Carpenter, E. A. Schiifer, D. Ferrier, E. Klein, A. Gamgee, F. J. M. Page, F. Gotch, C. H. Golding-Bird, W. H. Gaskell, and several guests (not specified). This was preceded by a scientific meeting. No business is recorded as having been transacted at the dinner. November 8th, 1884 (at the Cafe Monico). This was the ninth Annual Meeting. Professor M. Foster in the chair. Fourteen other members attended, namely, John Marshall, Ferrier, Wooldridge, Pye, Roy, Bell, Cash, Lea, Page, Groves, Gaskell, McCarthy, D'Arcy Power and Yeo. Mr W. Heape was present as a guest introduced by Lea. MrWalt er Heape (F.R.S. 1906) is the well-known embryologist. At this meeting, besides the election of Committee, Dr W. H. Gaskell was elected Treasurer vice Mr G. J. Romanes, resigned; a cordial vote of thanks to Mr Romanes for his services being passed. The finances were reported as satisfactory but the printing of the Proceedings had greatly reduced the usual credit balance. Twelve new members were elected as follows: W. Watson Cheyne, A. de Watteville, J. McGregor Robertson (Glasgow), G. A. Buckmaster (Oxford), V. A. H. Horsley, J. McWilliam, Sydney Ringer, E. F. Herroun (King's College), J. W. Barrett (King's College), E. B. Poulton (Oxford), Sidney Hickson (Oxford), W.
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