Samuel Simms Medical Collection

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Samuel Simms Medical Collection Shelfmark Title Author Publication Information Clinical lectures on diseases of the nervous system, delivered at the Infirmary of La Salpêtrière / by Charcot, J. M. (Jean London : New Sydenham Society, Simm/ RC358 CHAR Professor J.M. Charcot ; translated by Thomas Sv ill ; containing eighty-six woodcuts. Martin) 1889. Simm/ p QP101 FAUR Ars medica Italorum laus : la scoperta della circolazione del sangue è gloria italiana. Faure, Giovanni. Roma : Don Luigi Guanella" 1933 Brockbank, Edward Manchester (Eng.) : G. Falkner, Simm/ p QD22.D2 BROC John Dalton, experimental physiologist and would-be physician / by E. M. Brockbank. Mansfield, 1866- 1929. Queen's University of q Z988 QUEE Interim short-title list of Samuel Simms collection (in the Medical Library). Belfast. Library. Belfast : 1965-1972. Sepulchretum, sive, Anatomia practica : ex cadaveribus morbo denatis, proponens historias et observationes omnium humani corporis affectuum, ipsorumq : causas reconditas revelans : quo nomine, tam pathologiæ genuinæ, quà m nosocomiæ orthodoxæ fundatrix, imo medicinæ veteris Bonet, Théophile, Genevæ : Sumptibus Cramer & Simm/ f RB24 BONE ac novæ promptuarium, dici meretur : cum indicibus necessariis / Theophili Boneti. 1620-1689. Perachon, 1700. Jo. Baptistæ Morgagni P. P. P. P. De sedibus, et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis libri quinque : Dissectiones, et animadversiones, nunc primum editas, complectuntur propemodum innumeras, medicis, chirurgis, anatomicis profuturas. Multiplex præfixus est index rerum, & nominum Morgagni, Giambattista, Venetiis : Ex typographia Simm/ f RB24 MORG accuratissimus. Tomus primus (-secundus). 1682-1771. Remondiniana, MDCCLXI (1761). Ortus medicinae, id est Initia physicae inaudita : progressus medicinae nouus, in morborum vltionem Lugduni : Sumptibus Ioan. Ant. ad vitam longam / authore Ioan. Baptista Van Helmont ... ; edente authoris filio Francisco Mercurio Van Helmont, Jean Baptiste Huguetan, & Guillielmi Barbier, Simm/ f R128.7 HELM Helmont ; cum eius praefatione ex Belgico translata. van, 1577-1644. 1667. Joannis Schenckii a Grafenberg ... Observationum medicarum rariorum : libri VII in quibus nova, abdita, admirabilia, monstrosáque exempla ... proponuntur / a Joan. Georgio Schenckio, tertiùm accuratiss, Schenck von illustratum ; modò verò ab innumeris præcedentium editionum mendis, Car. Sponii, operâ Grafenberg, Johannes, Lugduni : sumptibus Ioannis Antonii Simm/ f R128.7 SCHE vendicatum. 1530-1598. Huguetan, 1643. A system of dissections, explaining the anatomy of the human body : the manner of displaying the Bell, Charles, Sir, 1774- Edinburgh : printed for Mundell, Simm/ f QM34 BELL parts, and their varieties in disease. 1842. 1798. Explicatio tabularum anatomicarum Bartholomaei Eustachii : anatomici summi : auctor recognovit, Albinus, Bernhard Leidae : Joannem & Hermannum Simm/ f QM25 ALBI castigavit, auxit, denuo editit / Bernardi Siegfried Albini. Siegfried, 1697-1770. Verbeek, 1761. Scarpa, Antonio, 1752- Ticini : In typographeo Petri Simm/ f QL945 SCAR Anatomicae disquisitiones de auditu et olfactu / auctore Antonio Scarpa. 1832. Galeatii, 1789. MacAlister, John Young Simm/ p R35 MACA (Letter to Stephen Paget concerning the history of the Royal Society of Medicine). Walker, Sir, 1856-1925. London, 1912. A medicinal dictionary : including physic, surgery, anatomy, chymistry, and botany, in all their branches James, R (Robert), Simm/ f R121 JAME relative to medicine. Together with a history of drugs / By R. James. 1703?-1776. London : T. Osborne, 1743-45. Northern Ireland. Health services scheme: medical certification for national insurance purposes : notes for the guidance Ministry of Health and Simm/ p RA494 NORT of general medical practitioners. Local Government. (Belfast), 1958. Simm/ p RA485 GREA Manual for the use of local Treasury medical officers. Great Britain. Treasury. London, (1958?). Hall, Marshall, 1790- Simm/ R117 HALL Practical observations and suggestions in medicine / by Marshall Hall. 1857. London : J. Churchill, 1845. Die menschlichen Parasiten und die von ihnen herrührenden Krankheiten : ein Hand- und Lehrbuch Leuckart, Rudolf, 1823- Simm/ RC119 LEUC für Naturforscher und Aerzte / von Rudolf Leuckart. 1898. Leipzig : C. F. Winter, 1863-1876. William Harvey : a history of the discovery of the circulation of the blood / by R. Willis ... With a portrait Willis, Robert, 1799- Simm/ QP26 WILL of Harvey, after Faithorne. 1878. London : C.K. Paul & co, 1878. West Port murders : or, An authentic account of the atrocious murders committed by Burke and his associates, containing a full account of all the extraordinary circumstances connected with them, also, a report of the trial of Burke and M'Dougal, with a description of the execution of Burke, his Burke, William, 1792- Simm/ RA425 BURK confessions, and memoirs of his accomplices, including the proceedings against Hare, &c. 1829. Edinburgh : Ireland, 1829. Études sur la bière : ses maladies, causes qui les provoquent, procédé pour la rendre Pasteur, Louis, 1822- Simm/ QR151 PAST inaltérable; avec une théorie nouvelle de la fermentation / par L. Pasteur. 1895. Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1876. 1 Shelfmark Title Author Publication Information Notes ad recollections of a professional life / by William Fergusson ; edited by his son, James Fergusson, William, London : Longman, Brown, Green, Simm/ R489 FERG Fergusson. 1773-1846. and Longmans, 1846. Malpighi, Marcello, Simm/ f R128.7 MALP Opera medica, et anatomica varia. 1628-1694. Venetiis, 1743. Clinica del Parigino Spedale di S. Luigi ossia trattato compiuto delle malattie della pelle / traduzione Alibert, Jean-Louis- Simm/ f RL61 ALIB italiana di M.G. Levi. Marie, 1768-1837. Venezia : Antonelli, 1835. Scarpa, Antonio, 1752- Simm/ f RD621 SCAR Traité pratique des hernies, ou mémoires anatomiques et chirurgicaux sur ces maladies : planches. 1832. Paris : Gabon, 1812. The localisation of cerebral disease : being the Gulstonian lectures of the Royal College of Physicians Ferrier, David, 1843- Simm/ RC340 FERR for 1878 / by David Ferrier. 1928. London : Smith, Elder, 1878. Ferrier, David, 1843- Simm/ RC340 FERR The Croonian lectures on cerebral localisation. 1928. London : Smith, Elder and Co, 1890. Pathological and practical researches on diseases of the brain and the spinal cord / by John Abercrombie, John, Edinburgh : Printed for Waugh and Simm/ RC340 ABER Abercrombie. 1780-1844. Innes, 1828. A treatise on the nature, symptoms, causes, and treatment of insanity / with practical observations on lunatic asylums, and a description of the Pauper Lunatic Asylum for the county of Middlesex at Simm/ RC340 ELLI Harswell. Ellis, W C, Sir. London : Holdsworth, 1838. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1887 Simm/ RC340 EARL The curability of insanity : a series of studies. Earle, Pliny, 1809-1892. (c1886). Syphilis of the brain and spinal cord : showing the part which this agent plays in the production of paralysis, epilepsy, insanity, headache, neuralgia, hysteria, hypochondriasis, and nervous London : Baillière, Tindall and Cox, Simm/ RC340 DOWS derangements / by Thomas Stretch Dowse. Dowse, Thomas Stretch. 1879. Des polynevrites en general des paralysies et atrophies saturnines en particular etude clinique et Paris : Acienne Librairie Germen Simm/ RC340 DEJE anatomo-pathologique / par Madame Dejerine-Klumpke. Dejerine-Klumpke, A. Bailliere et C. Felix Alcan, 1889. Acute hydrocephalus, or, water in the head : an inflammatory disease, and curable equally by the same Davis, David Daniel, Simm/ RC340 DAVI means with other diseases of inflammation / by David D. Davis. 1777-1841. London : Taylor & Walton, 1840. Davey, James George, Simm/ RC340 DAVE The ganglionic nervous system : its structure, functions, and diseases / James George Davey. 1813-1895. London : John Churchill, 1858. Simm/ RC340 DAGO Traité des maladies mentales / par H. Dagonet ; avec la collaboration de J. Dagonet, G. Duhamel. Dagonet, Henri. Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1894. On apoplexy, including apoplexia hydrocephalica, or, water in the head : with an introductory account of the opinions of ancient and modern physiologists, respecting the nature and uses of the nervous Cooke, John, 1756- London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Simm/ RC340 COOK system / by John Cooke. 1838. Orme, Brown, 1820. Copeman, Edward, Simm/ RC340 COPE Collection of cases of apoplexy : with an explanatory introduction. 1809-1880. London : Churchill, 1845. Clouston, T. S. (Thomas Simm/ RC340 CLOU Clinical lectures on mental diseases. Smith), Sir, 1840-1915. London : J. & A. Churchill, 1904. Clouston, T. S. (Thomas London : J. & A. Churchill, 1898 Simm/ RC340 CLOU Clinical lectures on mental diseases / by T.S. Clouston. Smith), Sir, 1840-1915. Edinburgh : Neill. Clouston, T. S. (Thomas London : J. & A. Churchill, 1887 Simm/ RC340 CLOU Clinical lectures on mental diseases / by T.S. Clouston. Smith), Sir, 1840-1915. Edinburgh : Neill. Clouston, T. S. (Thomas Simm/ RC340 CLOU Clinical lectures on mental diseases. Smith), Sir, 1840-1915. London : J. & A. Churchill, 1883. Clark, Archibald London : Baillière, Tindall and Cox, Simm/ RC340 CLAR Clinical manual of mental diseases : for practitioners and students / by A. Campbell Clark. Campbell. 1897. Cheyne, John, 1777- Dublin : Gilbert & Hodges; (etc), Simm/ RC340 CHEY A second essay on hydrocephalus acutus, or dropsy in the brain. 1836. 1815. 2 Shelfmark Title Author Publication Information Cheyne, John, 1777- Edinburgh : Mundell, Doig, and Simm/ RC340 CHEY An essay on hydrocephalus acutus,
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