Risk Groups: Viruses

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Risk Groups: Viruses Risk Groups - Viruses BL indicates the Biosafety Level; RG indicates the Risk Group BL RG RG RG RG RG 2 Absettarov, TBE Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus 4 4 4 implied 3 3 4 (Grp B Arbovirus) 3 Acute haemorrhagic Picornaviridae taxonomy 2 2, conjunctivitis virus different Entero- (AHC) virus 70 4 Adenovirus Adenoviridae 2 2 (incl. animal) 2 2 (human, all types) 5 Aino X-Arboviruses 6 Akabane X-Arboviruses 7 Alastrim Poxviridae Restricted 4 8 Aphthovirus Picornaviridae 2 4, Foot-and- mouth disease viruses 9 Araguari X-Arboviruses 10 Astroviridae Astroviridae (feces of 2 2 children and lambs) 11 Avian leukosis virus Viral vector/ 1 3 (ALV) Animal retrovirus (wild strain) 12 Avian sarcoma virus Viral vector/ 1 3, Animal retrovirus (Rous sarcoma virus, RSV wild strain) 13 Baculovirus Viral vector/ 1 Animal virus 14 Barmah Forest Togaviridae/ Alphavirus 2 (Grp A Arbovirus) 15 Batama X-Arboviruses 16 Batken X-Arboviruses 17 Bebaru virus Togaviridae/ Alphavirus 2 2 2 2 (Grp A Arbovirus) 18 Bhanja X-Arboviruses Risk Groups - Viruses BL RG RG RG RG RG 19 Bimbo X-Arboviruses 20 Bloodborne hepatitis Unclassified 2 implied 2 implied 3 (**) D 3 viruses not yet viruses identified 21 Bluetongue X-Arboviruses 22 Bobaya X-Arboviruses 23 Bobia X-Arboviruses 24 Bovine Viral vector/ 3 (wild strain) immunodeficiency Animal retrovirus virus (BIV) 25 Bovine leukemia Viral vector/ 1 3, Bovine virus (BLV) Animal retrovirus lympho- sarcoma virus wild strain 26 Bovine papilloma Papovavirus/ 1 2 virus Animal virus vector 27 Bovine spongiform Unconventional agents, 2 3 encephalopathy prions (BSE) 28 Buenaventura X-Arboviruses 29 Buffalopox virus: 2 Poxviridae 2 implied 2 2 implied 2 2 viruses (1a vaccinia variant) 30 Bunyamwera virus Bunyaviridae/ Bunyavirus 2 2 2 2 2 Group 31 Bunyavirus Bunyaviridae/ Bunyavirus 2 Group 32 Cabassou X-Arboviruses 33 Cache valley X-Arboviruses 2 see arbovirus table 34 California Bunyaviridae/ Bunyavirus 2 2 see 2 2 3 human, encephalitis Group arbovirus table (incl 2 animal virus LaCrosse, Lumbo and snowshow hare) Risk Groups - Viruses BL RG RG RG RG RG 35 Camel pox virus Poxviridae 2 implied 2 2 implied 3 36 Cardiovirus Picornaviridae 2 all isolates 2 Encephalo- myocarditis Group 37 Central European Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus 4 4 3 V (**) Tick-borne (Grp B Arbovirus) encephalitis virus, TBE 38 Chick embryo lethal Viral vector/ orphan CELO Animal virus 39 Chikungunya virus Togaviridae/ Alphavirus 2, high 3 arbovirus 3 3 3 (**) 3 (Grp A Arbovirus) passage table arbovirus table (recent strains;vaccine isolates) strain131/25 40 Chim X-Arboviruses 41 Cocal X-Arboviruses 42 Coltiviruses Reoviridae 2 2 2 (incl. Colorado Tick Fever) 43 Congo Crimean Bunyaviridae/ 4 4 (Crimean 4 4 4 4 haemorrhagic fever Nairoviruses -Congo) TBE 44 Coronavirus Coronaviridae 2 2 2 2 human (human, bovine) 45 Cowpox virus Poxviridae 2 V 2 2 implied 2 2 46 Coxsackie Picornoviridae/ 2 2 2 2 2 Enterovirus (Types A and B) 47 Creutzfeldt-Jacob Unconventional 2 3 3 3 (**) D 3 2 C,G disese agents/prion 48 Cytomegalovirus Herpesviridae/ 2 2 2 2 2 (HH5) 2 (CMV) Betaherpesviridae all isolates Genus HHV5 Lymphocryptovirus 49 Dengue virus Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus Type 1-4 2 2 2,Types 1-4 3, type 1-4 3 2 (Grp B Arbovirus) (Types 1-4), Risk Groups - Viruses BL RG RG RG RG RG 3 50 Dhori X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 51 Dog sarcoma Viral vector/ Animal virus 52 Dugbe X-Arboviruses 53 Eastern equine Togaviridae/ Alphavirus 2 V 2 V 3 3 V 3 3 encephalomyelitis (Grp A Arbovirus) (EEE) 54 Ebola virus Filoviridae 4 4 4 4 4 4 55 Echoviruses Picornoviridae/ 2 2 2 2 2 Enterovirus 56 Ectromelia Orthopoxvirus (mousepox) 57 Elephantpox virus Poxviridae 2 2 implied 2 2 (variant of cowpox) 58 Entero Picornoviridae/ 2 2 Enterovirus 59 Epstein-Barr virus Herpesviridae/ Gamma- 2 2 2 implied, 2 2 2, (EBV) herpesviridae HH4 Lympho- cryptoviru s (EB- like) 60 Everglade virus Togaviridae/ Alphavirus 3 arbovirus 3 3 (**) 3 (Grp A Arbovirus) table arbovirus table 61 Feline leukemia Viral vector/ 1 3 wild strain virus, FeLV Animal retrovirus 62 Feline sarcoma Viral vector/ 1 3 wild strain virus, FeSV Animal retrovirus 63 Flanders-Hart Park Rhabdoviridae from 2 arbovirus 2 virus mosquitoes table arbovirus table (see Zinsser, pg 777) and birds, human sx 64 Gammaherpes Herpesviridae / Gamma- 3 herpesvirinae 65 Ganjam X-Arboviruses (USDA permit) Risk Groups - Viruses BL RG RG RG RG RG 66 Garba X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 67 Germiston X-Arboviruses 3 3 see arbovirus table 68 Gerstmann- Unconventional agents, 2 implied 3 implied 3 (**) D (d) 3 2 C,G Straussler- prions Scheinker syndrome 69 Getah X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 70 Gibbon leukemia Viral vector/ 1 virus (GaLV) Animal retrovirus 71 Gordil X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 72 Guanarito Arenaviruses 4 4 4 4 73 Guaratuba X-Arboviruses 2 arbovirus 2 table arbovirus table 74 Guinea pig herpes Viral vector/ 1 Animal virus 75 Hamster leukemia Viral vector/ 1 Animal virus 76 Hantaan (Korean Bunyaviridae/ see also sin 3 3 3 3 3 3 haemorrhagic fever) Hantaviruses nombre virus 77 Hanzalova,TBE Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus 4 4 4 implied 3 3 4 (Grp B Arbovirus) 78 Hart Park virus Rhabdoviridae 2 arbovirus 2 (see Zinsser, pg 777) table arbovirus table 79 Hazara virus Bunyaviridae/ 2 arbovirus 2 2 2 4 Nairoviruses table arbovirus table 80 Hepatitis A virus, Picornoviridae/ 2 V 2 2 2 V 2 2 human enterovirus Hepatovirus all type 72 hepato- viruses 81 Hepatitis B virus Hepadnaviridae 2 V 2 2 (includes 3 (**) V, D 3 2,G.V Delta agent, HDV) 82 Hepatitis C Togaviridae/ Pestivirus (hepatitis non- 2 2 2 3 (**), D 3 2 Risk Groups - Viruses BL RG RG RG RG RG (Canada) A,non-B) (unclassif ied) 83 Hepatitis D Hepadnaviridae Delta, only 2 2 3 (**) V, D 2 (Delta) virus (b) pathogenic with (unclassif HBV inf. ied) 84 Hepatitis E virus Calciviridae 2 2 2 3 (**) 3 2 unclassified 85 Herpes saimiri Herpesviridae/ 3 2 Rhadinovirus 86 Herpes simplex Herpesviridae/ Alpha- Type 1 and 2 2 2 (types 1 and 2) 2 2 2 2,E viruses herpesviridae (EC) (HHV 1 (types 1 and 2) and 2) 87 Herpesvirus ateles Herpesviridae/ 1 3 Rhadinovirus 88 Herpesvirus saimiri, Herpesviridae/ Animal 1 Genus Rhadinovirus virus vector 89 Herpesvirus simiae Herpesviridae/ Alpha- 3/4 4 4 3 3 human, 2 4 (B virus) herpesviridae animal 90 Herpesvirus zoster Herpesviridae/ Alpha- 2 2 2 2 2 2,E (Varicella) herpesviridae (VZV, HHV3) 91 Human B lympho- Herpesviridae 2 HHV 6 2 2 tropic virus (Herpes types 6 (HBLV- and 7) HHV6) 92 Human Retroviridae/ Lentiviridae 1, 2 (AIDS 2/2+/3 3 2 or 3 3 (**) D 3 2 G, E Immunodeficiency virus causing) (Types 1 and 2) (HIV) Types 1 and 2 Oncornavirus C 93 Human T-cell Retroviridae/ Types 1-3 (EC 2/3 3 3 3 (**) D, 3 2,G,E lymphotropic viruses Oncovirinae/ 1 and 2) (Types 1 and 2) types 1 Types I (HTLV) Genus and 2 and II Oncornavirus C 94 Hypr,TBE Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus 4 4 4 implied 3 3 4 (Grp B Arbovirus) 95 Ibaraki X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 96 Influenza virus Orthomyxoviridae vaccine strains: 1 Risk Groups - Viruses BL RG RG RG RG RG (vaccine strain) A/PR8/34, A/WS/33 97 Influenza virus, Orthomyxoviridae Types A,B, and 2 2 (types A,B, C) 2 2, 2 human, 2,V Types A-C C (EC) V for 3 animal recent types A, B (types A, B, isolates only C) 98 Inhangapi X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 99 Inini X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 100 Israel Turkey Mening. X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 101 Issyk-Kul X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 102 Itaituba X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 103 Japanese B Flaviviridae/ 3 arbovirus 3 3 3 V 3 3 encephalitis Flavivirus (Grp B table arbovirus table Arbovirus) 104 Japanese Flaviviridae/ 2 encephalitis, Flavivirus (Grp B Nakayama Arbovirus) 105 Junin virus Arenaviruses 3V/4 4, 3 (v) 4 4 4 4 106 Kairi(x) X-Arboviruses i 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 107 Khasan, Koutango X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 108 Kokobera Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus (Grp B Arbovirus) 109 Kumlinge,TBE Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus I 4 4 4 implied 3 3 (Grp B Arbovirus) 110 Kunjin Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus 2 arbovirus 2 2 2 (Grp B Arbovirus) table arbovirus table 111 Kuru Unconventional 2 3 3 3 (**) D (d) 3 2 C,G agents/prion 112 Kyasanur Forest, Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus 4 4 4 3 (**) V 3 4 TBE (Grp B Arbovirus) Risk Groups - Viruses BL RG RG RG RG RG 113 Kyzylagach X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus table 114 LaCrosse virus X-Arboviruses 2 arbovirus 2 table arbovirus table 115 Langat virus X-Arboviruses 2 arbovirus 2 table arbovirus table 116 Lassa fever virus Arenaviruses 4 4 4 4 4 4 117 Lentivirinae , except Retroviridae 2 HIV-1 and HI 118 Looping ill , TBE Flaviviridae/ Flavivirus 3 arbovirus 3 4 implied 3 (**) 3 (Grp B Arbovirus) table arbovirus table 119 Lucke (frog) virus Viral vector/ Animal virus 120 Lymphocytic Arenaviruses neurotropic 2/3 3 3 3, 3 3 choriomeningitis strains neurotropic (neurotropic) virus 121 Lymphocytic Arenaviruses other 2 2 2 2, 2 choriomeningitis viscerotrophic CDC- virus (Canada:lab viscero- adapted) trophic 122 Machupo virus Arenaviruses 4 4 4 4 4 4 123 Marburg virus Filoviridae 4 4 4 4 4 4 124 Marek's disease Herpesviridae/ Animal 1 (vector) 3 (birds) virus virus vector 125 Mason-Pfizer Viral vector/ 1 monkey virus Animal retrovirus 126 Mayaro virus Togaviridae/ Alphavirus 3 arbovirus 3 3 3 (Grp A Arbovirus) table arbovirus table 127 Measles virus Paramyxoviridae/ 2 2 implied 2 V 2 2,V Morbillivirus 128 Middelburg X-Arboviruses 3 arbovirus 3 table arbovirus
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