Published Every Saturday at $2:00 Per Annum , ', Rev
AN VOCATE , "IN NEOESSARIIS UNIT AS, IN DUBIIS LIT ~RTAS, IN OMNIBUS CARITAS." L rrEt'Z1LUW! ~ :PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT $2:00 PER ANNUM , ', REV. ED ~VARD ])'URGELL, EDITOR. --- ' VOL. XX.f C INC INN A T I, 0 H I 0, SAT U R DAY, D E 0 E ~i B E 11, 6, 1851. ~NO. 49 ' =-==~~~==========~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~====~~~. Editor of C,t1lOlic Telegraph and Advocate. assumption Oli the part of Bishop Griswold, as Ijudge, some of his [the Pope's] saints were not ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETy-EXHIDITION OF AG- LETTERS TO AN EPISCOPALIAN, UPON A PUBLICA, P Tb' 1 nON OF THE LATE BISHOP GRISwol.n, ENTITLED that which has been cited! He might with as among (he best of Christians; and whether RICULTURAL RODUOE,- e society's annua "THE REFORlIATION: A BRIEF EXPOSITlON OF much if t C t f' I th d . d btl' I" 'f' for farm prouuce for 1851 commenced on , no lar grea er appearance 0 propn- I ey are sav,e ,even, IS ou u. 0 asper- ~how\V d d h ' ,. IT'ld ' SOME OF THE ERRORS AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE h e nes ay on t ell' premises III .\.1 ' are·street. CHURCH OF ROME." No. G. eLy ave maintained, that the accountability of Isions like these, I would reply in the language 'ehe produce for IV hich premiums are offered DEAR 8m-With respect to the" sale of in- children to tbeir parents for any misconduct on of the late Dr. Milner, Itddressed to one' of his c~nsi"t of whil.e and re I seed wheat, barley, Qulgenccs," against which Bishop Griswold has their piU·tS, substituted the fear of their progen- cOl'l'espondents: "It is certain that the supel'- \;Jere, uats, field beans, fieU peas, vetches, tur- itOI'S for the fear of God.
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