".i foi. XXVII. CINCINNATI., OHIO, SATURDAY, MARCH ~7, 185 8. NO. 13.

- . ation, '.' Behold you guide! confide in me,:- poor?" I do not mean iiJ re;:pect to its influ-I thonght f'lmiliar to theologi LOS, which reO'ards (ltatyolic QtcIeyntpy anh ~hbrrmte. counsel and equity; ismine,-I lead in the way ence as tendioi? to separate them from that ?er as a kind of' image o~ ' the Most Holy Trin­ of justice, in the midst of the paths of judg- which to them is most vitally essential-their Ity. As the Daughter of the Father, the Mother P!ll~ TED AND PUDLI SilED EVERY SATURDH >lORNING BY mf\ut." This boasting is vain! If the gnid- religion. Here, God kno ~ s, it is sad enough. of the. Son, and the Spouse of the Holy Ghost, J 0 H N P. W A L S H, ance of the State in regard to the poor, be at But I mean its influence as a system of relief she shadows furth in herself, faintly of course P bl' 7' Establishment any time good, it is so because of the indirect to the state ofp ~verty. Are our public schoo's because she is a creature, but nevertheless trul 'I til< Oltholic TeLegraph Printing and u 15 ""!] ~ I v' , " Oh' influence of the Church of God. It is so, in pre·eminently schoo l ~ for poor children? 'To ~ Ie relations of the Three Divine Persons. She 170 Sycamore Street, Cin(lin.nati, 10, spite of its own mercenary spirit and policy. secure their establishment, this was theargu IS as it wcre :i still translucent lake in whose Jt $2 oOp'" a1tn:um" JJW'" WI_'C_n(!clivel'ed by 0'<1' carriers, $250 But notwith:;tanding the presence and in- menL-this was the boast. Has the a~gun~ent bosom won ~ erful. attributes o~ ' God, and far dis- tC. v l ra h and Advocate being published wi th my direct influenoe of' the Church in this country, proved to .be sound- the boast been Just!fied tant heavenly heights, are mirrored with faith- ~proM.Tbe Olt.lOtholn '..,~ n l~~ir eco Oln~~e theud offiit ctoial thOrgae pnatrOll of th}lgee Di oocf ethese oCatholicfI,oui s' IV hat has the State system oIYained for the poor? by the practical results? Facts will answ, I' ful distinct ness. IVe know more of God's ville, Istro~ "{ of Keu tucky. In the first place, has its realized it obj e (Jt~ in this: que, stion! Facts now stariug upon u.s ill m.ercy, .of' His condccens. ion, of His intimacy IIl6rgy and III Y t MARTIl! JOHN, Bishop of L ouisville. ~ 1 Vh I lJ f H regard to the adyancement of its own power: the very aspect of almost every schoo v 0 Wit I ::tIS creatures, 0 IS characteristic ways LOUlSI'ILLE,Au g. 6,l S53. __ -in regard to tbe, low political purpose of can Irsten to the names, mark the residence-, because of' the li!,ht which He has made t~ " C A.TnOJ.1C TEJ.1WUAPH AND AnVOCATE."-You are •• b . d ' b h d d d I . i\I tl h Id I I P UDl,t S nE~O F b), ' hm) "pprobutionuf yourpape l',andto state strenlJ:thening ItS Ownlllterests yprostratlOg un. 0 servet e re3s an arrogant emeator Sllne on l ' ary, lanwes ou ese lave known, authorized t l?t '"the Ol' ''an of my di ocese . May the Divino all distinctions in reli"O'ion? Has it proyed it- onhe pupils, and.. not confess that, in manv and we bave come. also to understand better that,! adop 1 aSour l ab o~' s \Vith s u ~ce s :~d Your most devoted h ProVldcllce crOwny tA.,il-ish op ofCleveland. self the instrument of unity? Has it pro- di~tricts, the poor are compal"atively driv n t at we either knew or might have known in friend, - . duced a feeling of brotherhood among the youth 'out, and that the institution has become one other w.ays. Thus Gud' s perfections in him- Olthl)lic Te!e!]~ap h and Advocate is r~ comm ~,:,d e d to t.he " If H Th o . . f the Covi ng ton Diocese as an mtel'os,lUg :tnd In- of different nations and religions' brought to:. of aid to the sufferinO' rich. That a h eav), .., e, is dealings with His creatures, and the Mbol.'C' 0 , d as tho medium by which ollicbl commmu· gether in its schools? If human nature has t ·, x has fallen up.on the"'peolle-the industrious fashion of his redee ning ,,0'1' ,ce, the p; s libilitic> rl.r~~~~~~ ~:fIf~ea~aci~ to them. . . ' . ~ """ I tG EO RGE ALOYSIU~ CARRELL, n"hop ofCovtngton. not changed, and human testimony be IJ'qt working classes-to lift the burdens of educ':,· Jf holiness, the inventiveness ot' divine love- I dlnllyrocommend t.he CatTwlic ,!ele!]raph to'theconfidence utterly fillse, a directly opposite result has been tion from artificial wealth, and help to sustain His'b trainingI H ' of. the s:lints, His guidance of th~ cor t orthe Catholics of this DIOcese . and sball feel porso- experienced. 'l'he jeer of Paddy upon the among u~ a system of ext, avagance and luxury lJ urc J, IS ID ward walk with the souls that SlIdI SUPbPlored' by the'efforts of tho clergy and laity to obtain for I . 1 b h f' 'd Z d . t II I d' I fAt " k H' II tl th" . n,1 .,g d 0 1 ~npara sl~ce 0 , . Im,~a - yo circulation. . . . ns JOY, t e taunt 0 ater a n papL8 e e t Je era ugus an corrup- ,ee Jes? I?gs a.re . wntten upon !tanlUerease ,tJ.n.,ArchbishopnjCmctnnatt, UPJn the Catholic boy, the contempt of po- tlOn and magDlficence. , ~ 'Iary 1.lke Ineroglyplncal IDscnptlOns, e a~ ily to CI ~Ol "N AT I, Nov . 2, 1854. verty visited upon the poor boy, so common And this is the circumstance, whicll, more be deCiphered by the light of faith and the in­ in the play-ground, have tended not to 'increase than any other, darkens the prospect of State telligellt surmises of devotion. So,"by her do. Church and State Charities Compared; fellowship and mutual love; while every wnrd reform in o'ur public school system. Thl' lours, He has h .~ng abQut her a complete re- With Special Reference to the System ~ f N ew YO'rk State of Protestant insolence, slyly aimed by the power of wealth, linking itself with the instl'u- vel a ~ion o.£" the g!,eat mystery of suffering. He Charities. Two L ect"res, del-i'vered b"1 InvltatLOn of h ChI' I' f' b I' f ' d I h f t I II t d h h tile Society of St. ViI/ cent de Pa" l, N,w Y o-k, at th. self sufficient teacher against teat 0 IC re 1- ments 0 un e Ie ,an tIe sc emes 0 sec a- las I umma e In er t at pregnant doctrine, Tabemacle, Ja7L1w'ry 29th and Febr1tary 26th, 1807, by gion, is silently treasured up in the heart of rian bigotry, is likely for a long time, we. fear, that ~uffe l' illg is the only tne consolation to be L. 8ILLDIA:>' IVES, LL.D. the Catholic child to embitter his memury aOlI to make us toil and suffer under this heavy drawn from luve, where divine things are con- fix upon his mind a power of prejudice which burden of our political task· masters. But the cerned. She had no sin of her own for which the strength of divine charity can hardly over- hour of uur release will come. Patient endul" to suffer. She had no I-enulty to I a; for t4~ . come! And t)Ien, what must be the effect of ance, and firm, unflinching protest, with the fall of Eve. She. was not included in the law Wo rks of Oharity not EntTltsted to the State. this system upon the feelings' of Catholic pa- light .of common sense on our side, will ere of sin. She was in the order of heaven's pur-' (Continued from our last.) rents towards the wisdom and the patern~1 10n O' ensure it. Self-interest and political in poses, foreseen before the decree permittin cr And bow, I ask, does the government sys- character of'the State? A system which com trig;e may triumph for a season; but they can- gin. She ulso had no world to redeem. AU . I' . d pels them to give their money to support that not always stand unrebuked before the Ameri· her dear blood, the sweet fotintain and well- tern of education, as respects 1'e IglOn an ~ d f P which their consciences oblige them to con- can .people. In this land of freedom, a day 01 hea 0 the recious Blood, could not havq morals in Prussia, -differ from that of the State demn! Which tukes from many of the poor judgment is sure to overtake every oppressor; wash ed away one venial sin, nor save the soul of New York? So f3r as principle and prac- amonO' them all means of education for their and it will be a day of justice to the oppressed! of' one new-born babe who had no actual sin ~t tical effect is concerned, I answer, in nuthing. child~en, but such as endanger the salyation of -a day that will remove heavy burdens from all to expiate. She was simply immersed in an It is true, the legal provisions of Prussia go their SOUlS! Is this a system, I ask, likely tu the shoulders of Catholics, and many sorrow- unspeakable sea of love, and therefore the del­ somewhat further than those of New York; produce in the State a bond of union amonj? from their hearts. uge?f SOf:'OW passed over her soul, and into it~ her citizens, or to generate, in their. Dl!nds, [End of Lecture I.-Lecture II. in our by nght, Just t~S the ~reen turbulent rivers run which is owing simpl8'to the fact that Prussia respect and Yenerution for State authonty ? t ] ~own unquestIOned llltO the sea. Her s uffer~ has the power to effect that by open legislation But again, what ill the ma.nifest operation of nex . - __ ~_. IIll?S close the mouth of conlplaint for eyer. which the fY ol'ernment here dares not attempt, this system in regard to the morals of the FATHES, FABER'S new work, The Foot 0/ Wlt~ sweet con~traint and unanswerable per-

0) l' Z' Th f' country? s,ua.sl vene.ss they I.mpose silence on all the suf- except by insh. wnspo I.C)I. e measures 0 (I C' th S if l''''a)'7J CRI'chal'd OJ When, in 1834-5, the reform party in Eng- ,Le )'oss, 01' e 0 1'1'OWS 0 U( i;I - te~'mg cblldren ot our Heavenly Father. The both, however, tend inevitably to the same re- land soufYht amon" other thinO's, to separate son), whillh comes out very seasonably this salllts cun doubt no longer that suffering is the -, . tl t d b th ",,, '" .J • '1' d f" . su It, au" are manlles~ y promp eye same religion frum education, Parliament appointed week, is inscribed to Lady Georgiana Fullerton, one gran,.! sum Itu e 0 Chnst. Vve, ~ too, in, interested moti'V'e; which is, to make the au a co'mmittee or commission to look into the "in affectionate -remembrance of a season vI' our extreine lowliness, whose patience is of so' thority of religion succumb to the authority of history of' tl;e system in oth~r hods, and to re- darkness, which God consecrated for Himself, th~n ~ texture that it was threadbare almost lV Ihe State I. In other words·, to subJ'ect the in- port the result. That report I read at the b" e th n' comll10n sorl'ow" The Pre~"ce b en Itb"ilS n.ewh' learIn, not to be silent only; time with O'reat interest and care, and althougb Y a mol' a . ' lu ut to ear WIt gent eness, and eyen wistfully fallible truth of God to the will of dependent, [have not'" been able to meet with it sillce, ] ~hortly traces its history since the first sketch to think the time may COtile when we shall ac- erring, alld corrupt man!* well remember, that the comparative amounl at St. Wilfrid's in the summer of 11l47," and tually loye, thu~ suff~ring which seems to be! But it may be urged, that this dreilded ef. 'Jf' crillle in countries where religion was em 'its subsequent recas in"'. the guld(Jn com In whICh Love repays our lo\e. . I feet ot' the State system is neut.rnlized by thr braced ill the system of education, and where "It is ' now t~elve ; e11r8 since the Author • ••• • ' age ncy of Christian lllen in the various depart- it was not, was, in the general ratio, of about became a tertiary or t.h e ancient Order of' th ~ All Mr. 'K enelm Digby's works are so char- ments of trust. This was relied upon in the one to nine. So startling adnd une.xpectedfw: 8ervites, and so bound to adrance, as Illuch a~ acteristic that there is !Jone of them which if the disclosure, that it cause even SOlDO 0 t 1:. he might be able to do so, the Devution to tht published anonymously, it would be POsfl'ble' to C(!se uf Prussia; but its good effect was never boldest refurmers at once to shrink fr D1 a mea· ~ " S~ven Dolours ; and he has always confessl d to attribute to any other author. Yet we doubt realized. 'fhe vicious principle of the system 8ui'e manifestly fraught with such mischievou> himself the Obligation. When tIe Lun~on.vheth e r anyone uf them is so full of character': Was foun{ to be too strong for the remedy. cousequences. Oratory was founded in 1849, the Hosary oj istic beauties as" The Children's Bower' or [Is oper~tion was shown to be something like a So marked and fearful have been the moral the Seven Dolours was adopted as one ot it~ What You Like," Longman3 (2 vols. fep. 8 ~0.): system of dietetics upon a constitution thor- effects of the educational system in Prussia, public characteristic practices, and other mea8- which reached us just after we last went to . . db' h t d' bl that its original admirers and advocates,-such ures were taken with success to propagatc the press. N one ,of M.r. Digby's books inyite or ou ghI y vltlute y an III eren an Illeura e as Cousin and his re,;pectable literary associ -.levotl·on. 'l'here seems some warrant "ur' be· bId' d h II h U l' ear a last.y rea mg, an we s a ereaftelj disease, That good Christian men are often ates -have long since rtltired in disgust aDd lil ving that graces and blessings ba ,'e accom return to this; meanwhile, we will only S:lY intrusted with the management of State plaU8 hOl'l~or from its defence. The enorlllOUS in· panied tbis humble apusto:a te of'that practic(- f a i~ is, m,ore evidently than any other, p essed for enlightening and aiding the poor, we are crease of tbe crilllinal d'Jcket, and the shock- so 'dear to our Blessed Mother. like rwh wIDe out of the broken grape, or like h b B I" . ding immorulities in high pl!1ceg, under the veil The Treatise is now submitted with much the odour of some fragrant shrub by the rude' most appy to elieve. ut t liS IS an acci ent of a religious sect, have tended to o1'en the diffidence to those who love our Lady's honor, hand of sorrow, and there is no aspect in which -something external to the system itself- eyes of' these Dl ert, and lead them tu better and the spread of all devotion to her, with u this author is so natural or so pleasinO', as wheh and often keeph it from at once acting Ollt its tboughts alld sounder principles. N@w, iu hope that they may feel less disappointment i he gives us least of his logic and n~ost of hid n nuture and becomin . intulerable. It is that seekinO' an answer to tbe questlOll, " What ha~ reading it than the Authur has done in writiu, affec tions and instincts. '£here is little need which prevents se; ular governments now been the Illoral eff<:: ct of tbe sall!~ syst.em ill it; and may not be haunted, as he has bee!J that we should recolllmend t.he book to every fr?t;. utterly falling back into that cruel neglect. this country?" we are prepared, almost III an- throu" hout with an ideal which he could nO I reader.-Lolldon R egister. of tbe poor which characterized pagan gOY- ticipation of the fa cts of the case, to pronounce reach~ and 'a vexation that, when he had said ernments before the Christian era. If the that effect most disastrolLs. But when w ~ all he could in the best way he could, it shoulu •••• State acts upon hiO'hel' principles or unde, look into these fa c~s-:vhen we coPt~mplate always seem so little to be said Gf ')1ary, that it The Indian N ews has an article to sh, w nobler influences n~w than it did in P,WUtl the evidence cr?wdwg In UP?ll us frOlll all almost appeared as if' it had better not haV e that, in the last twenty years, the natives of t~lIles, it s indebted for it, sol ely to the lJh~is- quarters of the J1)creas.e of cr.lme. all!. ong our been sUI'd at all. The thought oi the love thai [d' I b d'd bl t ~ ~ n la lave een taxe consl era y more than Ian Uhurch. It will not do, thcn, for tbe poor native youth,-crIme winch llJdlCutes an pl'Omoted the endeavour is howeyer, some com State to boast of its doing, in a Chri ~ ti a n mun - utter prost~ation in their minds of: all. moral pensation .for the imperfec~ion of' its succes~. " :Z,453,882 rupees or at the ra"e of £122,694 ner, any charitable act,-inasllluch as we call sense,-whlCh makes the old me~ of thiS on~e The work itself is divided into nine chapters: per annum, for the Ecclesiastical E,tablish­ IhoWthat theChristiansourcefi'om whichit bor· quiet city start and look round III terror, as II h fi' 'h l\1 d" tl I t lllent. The London Wee lcl~ R egister adds, ' row~d its dispo~ition to do such act at a:l, cun just wakened from some fri.,btt'ul dleam iu t erst, on' t e r' urtry om - 1e as, OIl "All this time, tbere are more than a million dv It much better. It will not do for the State which they had been sudJenty transported illtu "the Compassion of Mary." Of th\) seven in to native Christians in India;. but they are Ca- rsn at.ch a lamp from the illuminated temple an age of darkness and trL'achery and blood- termediate, one is occupied with ell ch D olour ~ Ohnstian faith and love, and.-scattering its when we contemplate this evidet c~, we Our notice of the book must of course be defer- tholies. L et us have fair and full supply of e~b l e rays here and there allHd the shaduw~ cannot mistake the cause-cannot fail in our NElitary C~uplains for Protestant and Catholic of h red, but the following extract is very appro.. . I d' um an wretchedness-to make the proclam- secret c.:nvietiorlP, whatever may be our W0r B, . soldiers ID n lU, on equal terms in all re- -:-- to ascII'be the terrible change to an n.baLdoll. priate to the commencement of Lent. tTl' .' t' d I" I'k • " If ~ . Bpec s. liS, Jus ICe an re \

TRIAL OF FATHER CONWAY M nda) The hrge crowu who we e III the hall ou ts de the COlI COURT OF QUEEN S BENCH-THURSDAY now cheered loudly appa ent,ly uuder the Imp e s on that tr revelcnd defcn rant h d been acquItted As Mr 0 Iltlgan I f~ 1l'At Queen ut the Prosecut1On of lie -"Uor",y Ge,,., a! , COUI the wab loudly cheered e Rev Peter Conway COURT OF QUEEN S BENCH (CONTINUED FROM oun L,\ST) ~lONDA.Y EBB 2 Tnal of t le Rev Luke Ryan THE DEFENCE-Mil 0 n ..... GAr;; S SPEECH

!'he court was crowded thIS mormng by a larg'" number of ::ombers oftbe tnr ladle!; find gel tlen en nxJOu s to) ('ar U e address to thp Jur y of tbl'! dl~tJDgulf:bed lcsdmg coun el for the J8vereud tl tVCrsel A very st ong Interest 'Was c' meed III tho

I I ~


Arnval of Ellllgrant SlllPS at New York ThUl sday March 4 Siup John J Boyd Thomas Liverpool Dec 21 wllh mdse and 137 passengers tu Wm Tyooll Jan 3 lal 5750 Ion 2010 John Magstagham fell off the mam lOp­ sail yard 0' el boald and was lost F eb 13 lat 3910 Ion 52 Levl Brmswater a seaman dlGd 28th Int 40 14 Ion 66 38 spoke slup A Z Gleen from Liverp ool for New YOlk March 1 lut 4027 Ion 60 10 Morr! LewIs fell off the mUlI1 royal yald and was lost The J J B has expellenced heav} "estedy gales hus!l men SiCk and frosled Took a pilot from the A B Neilson No 21 20 miles S ofNatuckot Fllday M31ch 5 Steamship New York (B ) McMillan Greenock F eb 14 6 P M With mdse and passengers to Roberl CI Rig Has expenenced heavy gales [10m Weslw o~ all the passage On the 18tlr ult was struclt by light mg winch spilt the fore royal mast IIIo1day March 8 Steamship Roanoke Sk\lmel Ports nouth &c wlh mdse .nd passenJers to Ludlam and Pleaos n Is W ed nesday Murch 10 SteamshIp Kmgaroo (Br) J effley Liverpool Feb 24 With md,e und pnosengers to J G Dale Sutmday March 13 Ship Neptune Pe \body Liverpool IFeb 7 wllh md~ and 3P passengers to C II Malshall and Co Feb 25 lal 41 43 Ion 42 12 olg ll t\ized olllP ViClolla boun~ W 3d lnst I h nnpson Reed seeman of Wlnlehoven England dIed ot mfl tmmallOn of the lungs [he shIp ::ill R Peel jwm Llvel pool an Ived on FI day repOi ts-Left Llverpool Jan 6 Cape Clear 1 ili has 40 paosengel s and IS consigned to C Grin ell Experienced constnnt westerly gales has been W01 GeOlge s ShoullO days vnth heavy N W snowstorm~ and the ohlp covered with Ice Took a pIlot oll12~ 30 miles S E of he Hlghfallds Bark (fOi melly Sill]) Mallhu s Vll1eyanl Robmsoo from GJ lSgOW Dec 30 WIth mdse to Dunham col Dimon ..

COVI:'oJGTON :\.~D r 'li'XnGTON-'" 00 A P M-215 P ~I-arr D LllvIl1e 11 P M CINel"N

[ ITTLE ~II~>r1-6 A ~f 9 40 A "I 4 30 l' 711 ClNCI NN ~ 1 "D MARIETn-[Parkersbu g)-From L tt1eM~ Depot-540 (Byt rno eand W tShlD gtOll Ci ty Express) 330 ClNCINN

Rome. Catholic Population. The Atlantic Cable-Sec:md Attempt. manner; milking appropriate allusions to tho

· R th L' H' We again ask atten'tion to this important The (neatest scientific experiment o'f tile history of'Ireland, and drawinoO" upon Moore for The GI:01'na l e d ~ oma announce'! a-" IS " . d YI L " B subject and to our desire to make a reliable age we live in, the laying_ a submarine cable some of his sparkling gems to grace bis periods. Boliness has appomt.e : gr. ticlen onaparte, , " The diffcrence betwecn the American and Brit- already private Chamberlin, as on c of the Pon- estimate of the population of each diocese in across the Atlantic, is about to be resumed, ish Con~titut ion s was cle;trly exhibited, and the tifical Prelates. the United States. Surely, it is not presuming and th.e Niagara has just sailed, under favor· effects of the different governments pointed out. The Romln coiTes'pondent of' the JOU1'nal de overmuch to ask of thosc, who are most inter- able, auspices, to co·operate with her former He alluded to the long list of eminent Irish l'l/xelles notifi es t"lle death of Cardinal Gazzoli, ested in the matter, to ~ld our endeavors. We companion the A": melllnon the favorite of names, and closed with a touching tribute til B wish to do fi C tl I' t t' t' a C·'t· as s tbe BI'I'tl- "o h Navy.'" Th.e tllr'(;e thousand ml'les' the Irishman's love for his native land. . 'der of Deacons, on the 18th Feb. His or a 10 IC S a IS ICS, _ S Ii. po - "" • of tile ol The third Toast was then announced: Eminence was born at Terni, 18th March, sible, what De Bow has done for the general of cable will be equally divided between the Olt1' Nat'tve Lrmd. 1771; and was preconised as Cardinal, on 'the statistics of the cocntry. When our popula- two vessels. The failure of the first attt~mpt Music-National ~'ir. 2nd Ji.l1y, 1832. On the 17.h inst" the fu- tion is known, even approximately, it will oe was the result-of an accident wh'ich n'ay now This toast was responded to by Mr. T. C. ral of Cnrdinal Fieschi took,place, at which comparatively easy for each diocese to use it in easily ,be 'avoided_ '1'here is one benefi t al· Rnright in one of the best speeches we J'emern:' ne . - '1 fl . f' I' I bel' to have heard at such a meeting. It would 'hev Holy Father himself attended, and pro- mnny Important detal s. ways oWlDg rom lai ure, namely experienee, b'e Impractlca . b Ie in the limits of our necessal'ily nounced the absolution after the Mass, celebra- In our last we gave an estimate, previously which in the hands of the wise and brave, is brief report to give our readers an adequate ted by Cardinal Barnabo. From the church made in ' these columns, of the C;otholic popu- often the beginning of success, ,The error in idea of it, even were -it possible to picture its of the Twelve Apostles, His Holiness went to lation ,of the city of Baltimore, fixing it at 80,. the former trial was in the machinery for pay- grace, compactness and eloquent delivery. W~ ' Oratory of Caravitn, 'where there was Ex- 000 'There. are certaID . Iy very d'ffiI eren t 0PI- . mg. ou t th e COl.'1 It was pre d'IC t e d an d t h e must therefore decline a ta'lk so nearly approach. tIle - h fl ' ing to impossibility. He reviewed the interest- 'lt'lon of Blessed Sacl'am ~ nt during- the p' ray" nlons as to t . e correctlle~s 0 t lUt estimate; but prediction unfortunately verified, that the first POS ~ " ing history of his native country, and in draw- ers of the Quamnt' OTe. After making>his ado- those who differ have no principle to guide thcir serious applicatio:1 of the bra~es would snap ing the veil upon her present low estate, h~ ration, the Holy F a th ~ r admitted to the honor own estimate. It is merely a guess as to whether the cable like a pipe stem. Many improve., concluded by saying" 'Poor Ireland has suf. f the bac·io del piete the general of the Jesuits it may not be so much more or less than the ments have beer. made, such as deepening the iered, and her oppressor well may fear the curse O - d W f grooves and applying a partial check to diminisb for him' who treads on the hearts of the free.' the members of the Company who had num b er asslgne. ' e are weary 0 '"'uesses. and XT tIt' t' d '" the velocity of the cable without stopping th e But a' better day may come: The li~,O" ht of her . ' d t d h t th S . P fif \ 've wan our popu a IOn es IOJate on some " hasteb~ 0 0 onor 0 e ovel'elgn on I . ;lvowed principle, or in some known manner wheels. It is also proposed to dispense with furmer glory may shine again in meridian splen- . Telegraphic news from Rome of' the 20th of so that it can be safely asserted and maintained the application of the brakes by increasing the dol', on the hills and dales of Old Erin, that February, in the unilJe1's, ni entions the death :i~ a real approximation to the truth; so that all speed of the ship when there is any undue land most dear to our souls; the land which 'con­ of Cardinal Savelli, as having occurred on the may ~now and fe,el 1\lat we have, a comparative waste of matorial. The damage was done be- tains t\1 e bleached bones and humid clay of our ious. Four other Ca'rdinals amo;]O" securIty fur the correctness of the assigned fore, when the simultaneous stoppage of the uncestors; t4e land to which o~r sad hearts day p rev , >- numbers wheels and the rising of the Niagara's stem wish ever to return. In conclus~on, I can but whom is Cardinal Tosti, are seriously ill. ,Thp W e h~ve suffidently intimated the clements imposed a fatal strain that would have parted echo the sentiment ofh!lr Goldsmith, in refer. pontifical Government has ht exam- ~nd muddy. The gaieties ot' the grand monde, Dr. Norris, in the absence of the gentleman pIes of. PatJiotism and Valor-dear;; the hear owever, have gone on as usual. The Princes Net Populutio'n, 277,680 to whom the response was alloted, made a'ver.y of every citizen-Mr. Price. Borghese has giv~n a series of recep~ion s and Tbe net alllount of the Catholic population neat und appropriate speech. The' 17th 01 The Jaclcson Gua1·ds-Maj. Dun». balls-the latter were closuil a day or two since of the Dioeese of (Jinciill1 ati here found to bc March was a' day dear to the heart of every By Mr. John Brownlee: for the Len ten season by a most brilliant turn- two hundred and seventy-seven thousand six Irishman, no matter in wha't region of the earth The SOilS 0/ St. Patriclc of ireland antI o~t. Queen Christina was. there, besides 318 hundred and eighty, is obtained by cieducting his lot might be cast. The Dr. alluded, in well the Sons oj St. Andl'cw 0/ &,otland:' may ~ the usual guests. DanCIng was k ept up till from the aggregate five per cent. ot its number, chosen language to the recollection of' early eteroul friendship exist between them as Irish· A.M., and champagne flew about brisky.- on account of mixed fall1ilies, ~adult baptis,ms, days, in connection with this anniversary. He men and Scotchmen are brother Celt;! London R eg1'stel", Feb. 27. and occas~onal inaccuru~i es . 'Ye believc tEat well rcmembered! w?en .a child, r~ving the 'l'he :tn~el'ican Revolution: sacred to every ••• , pe-r cent. IS am'ply suffiCIent to cover all eITO'IS, green fields and hIll Sides Itl search of the earl- lover of Llberty-l\fr. Brown, of Hancock Cu. leaving the balance as a fair approximation of iest Shamrock, and the joyful greetings which The Shield G1tal'ds--T, O'Oonnell. b F?REST L E~VES FOR HOO' BEDS.-·It may the ~ctu"l Catholic population.-Cath. Mi1'ro1'. hailed the dawning of the festive day, sending The Memol'!! 01 Dr. Scott-Drank standinO' / well to rem md readers that leaves fr0:11 the , joy to every heart. The 17th uf March Wl1S a and in sil ence. ",J ~rest (especially of oak trees,) are of great ser­ day 01' rejuicing as muc.h or more to the Irish- The City of T oledo: may she prosper, and Ylce to mix with stable manures 10r hot beds FIRE AND Loss OF LIFE.-Earlyon Wed­ Ulan, as waS the" Glol'lous Fourth of J lily" to be_renowned for Charity and J ustice-J. T. ~~ the prop?rtion of one-third, or one-halt if nesday morning, the 3d inst., the three-story the American. The teachings of their patron Maher. 't! e ~a~ure IS short, as .a means of prolon O'in O' building No. 126 Tclioupitoulusstreet, New 'Or­ Saint; he w~s rejoiced to know, ,had ' not been '1'h ~ Great West-Thos. Foley. Ie penod of fermentation and heat. S~m~ leans, IJa., occupied by Daniel Murray as a resi­ care and J'ud t - . _. lost UP O,l Ius countrymen, as the honored ob- QUite a number of comic and sentimental llla' gmen IS necessary m mixing the dence and grocery, was destroyed by fire, with servance of the day ~mply tes tified. He then songs were sun~ with much applause, and thEt t tenals, to secure the proper de rrree of mO'is­ its contents, and two daughters of Ylr. Murray, read the second sentiment. "wee sma' hours" were O"rowinO" fast when the n~~\SO as to fa:vor ~ he fermentive "process, and aged respectively ten anu twelve years, and a The. Consti~1tti~n of t!!e United States. mcetin~ adj(mr~ed-ana'" a very pl e;tsa nt and will ave t~e pile become dry after a time, as it man nanied Piltrick Durats, periShed in the MUSic-Hall Columbia. halllioDlous festive occasion-marched offin the is' sometlmes ~o'. if dry leaves or much straw flames. l'1'r. Murray was in Mobile, Ala., 'at ~lr. Dunl~p .waR. called upon to respond, ranks of "the things that were," to the tune Incorporated mIt. - Oultiva tOI·. the time. whlch be dld lU bls usual able ahd earnellt. of" Auld Lang Syne."-Toledo (0) Blade. 4 CATHOLIC T -E 1 E G RAP H AND ADVOCATE.

St. Paul confutes both in a conclusive man- The Treatise on Penance. (For the 'reJegraph.) ner, by showing that neither the blood of The part of Dogmatic and Moral Theology Hymn for a Lenten Vigil. Abraham, nor the virtue~ of the heathen~, but which treats of the Sacrament 'of Penance is " Watch therefore; for ye know not at what hour your Lord doth come."-SI. Matt. xxiv. 16. ' R~V.S.H.RO~~~RANS, D.D.,} ...... EDITORS the pure grace of God, can drect salvation. hi~hly important and full of intricacies. In \'&RY REV. E. PURCELL, This ·gift.of God compriJes the graces of all the Dogmatic part, it is necessary to establish Watch to· night with penance, vigil , fast and the Sacraments, sanctification, final persever- (1) its existence as a Sllcrament against the weeping; OFFlUE-No 170 SYCAMORE STREET. ABOVE F IFTH. ar.ce, eternal life. But as they all begin from Protestants; (2) what contrition is necessary as Pray for all the sleeping; fo r the sinner pray. Let not sloth 0' ercome us lest He see us slumber , faith, since no one will approach Sacraments of its matte,' j (3) the Divine institution and ne- Cincinnati, 0., Saturday, March 27, 1858. whidl he knows nothing, or be sanctified with- cessity of Confession; (4) the unlimited power 'When He comes to number His elect away., out knowin~ what ~anctification is, the whole of forgiving sins in the Church; (5) the neces- h " ' t C th l' T 1 raph a d Advocate . - '" ' . . Foolis VU'''lDS perished slothful and belated Pos age on a 0 1C e eg n supernatural system IS not unaptly callert a sys- Sl ty of satisfactIOn; (6) that the absolutIOn of h·t h ! - . . , Within Hamilton County ... " ..... ,...... Free tem of faith, or simply faith. tbe priest is not a declaratory but a judicial act; For w 1 e yet t ey walted, 10, the BndegrOOIIl Within Ohio, per year ...... 13 ct. In' this sense, faith is synonymous with the (7) the power of the Supreme Pontiff und of the came. To any part of the United states, per year ...... 26 ct" B f Oh, may none be with us who the vigil feareth g-race of the Redeemer, and includes good ishops 0 reserving cases. . ~ , works, which grace enables men to perfOlJIl; In the Moral part, difficult questiops occur Lest when Ohrist appeareth he be struek . with shame. LAST Mass will commence next Sunday and and in this sense it is used by St. Paul. almost innumerable. Even to the clearest thence'forth on Sundays and Festirnls, until Hence St. Paul believed in the' necessity of mind, imbued with tIle profoundest learnitJg of Sh Id .• . . . . further notice, in the Cathe.dral, at 10, A. M. good works, as much as St. James. The faith what has been written by Doctors of th~ ou your tepl:d S?lflt tIre of Supp}lcatIOD, Tenebrm at 4, P. M., on Wednesday, Thurs­ .. . b I' f . h . k 01 h . ... . I d d' Let your meditatIOn be how prayed' h e lDSISts on 1S not e le W1t out wor s any lUrc, many pOl11uo remalD s Irou e 1Il mys- " . . ' day, a~d Friday. UTI del' Should you

ians are antaoO'o'nistic, and 'thinks it probable Instead of aimlessly b ~ ating the air, by hold. '--4 ••• ~ a.tion; looking forl'l ard to that" crown of. life .Rev. Mr. Quinlan's Lecture. that St. James wrote to coufu'te " Paul." mg these meetings and making "eloquent whicb fadeth not away." He left a wife and " Ii . A very intelligent and_respectable audience St. Puul, he says, h~d a system which might prayers or what they know not, let the .hull re~t and be' huppy forever. . works. In tbe thirteenth chapter, 2 verse, he Marietta Railroad will all be paid their h~rd- or to deliver some oth, er discou. rse which he may Though friends mourn his loss" to die was his "uin," says expressly th'at though a man may have all d ' L t f th bl - 1 May they meet him in heaven together to reig~. ~ , earne wages. e some 0 e a est reVlva - select, as from the general satisfaction his lee- , ••• ~ faith, if he has not charity, he' is nothing; and ists go among the directors and stockholders, ture last evening 8S 'yell as the previous even- We learn that ])r. W m. M. Daily, President in the 13th v., he declares that charity is bctter and see wh!lt they can do in this connexion. ing has. given, we believe he would be greeted of tbe State University at Bloomington received than either faith or hope. ••• . with a larger audience than has been in attend- 11 severe castigation at the hands of Dr. Mur· Perhaps the editor .of the Commercial is not pby, of Bloomington. The facts are about NOT 10 . th 0" t' D 'l G ance heretofore.-Dayton Em'Ylire. th <' I b bl I them: aware that' the Epistle to the Romans is the one ' ng smce e mcmna 1 at y az- '1.' ese, so HII' as we lave een a e to earn erverted by Calvin and J,uther to t11, e support ette ' which . had pl'evl'ously. publl'shed th e L en t en •• • Dr.. Murphy and his lady, thoug~. h Dot members P I t Ii h D f C' . Conversion. of any church, 'were favorable to the Methodist of their s y ~ tem of faith alone. In that Epistle regu n l~ns, or t e 1O.cese 0 IllClnnati, persuasion. At a revival 111 thc Ohristian 1 fi d th bl tl t . 11 W c are able to state that the Hev. Robert the Apostle undertakes to prove that grace is grave y III ~rme . e pu Ie, la certal.n. we Church in Bloomington, Dr. Murphy and his ' not due to human nature, but the free gift of reg~l a ted, IlldustrlOu~, weI! to .do. famlhes ,of Wilson, M.A., of Brighton, and formerly of lady became satisfied in their own minds that God through Jesus Christ. He does this to Thlrd Ward were . actuall~ subslstmg on one Staplefield, near Orawley, Sussex, has been re- the Christian Ohurch. held the true don trines. confound the pride of both ~he J e wi s~ and meal. ~ day, notwlt~8~andmg the cheap.ness of ceived into the . Mr. Wilson of tbe Bible, and expressed a drtermination to , ~lOns f Th Ed t d t th k h' was at one time, we are informed, Secretary of unite wi~h tbe sa~d church. at ~ome future. time, Gentile converts to Ohristianity, in Rome. The proVlc '. e 1 or seeme 0 111 t. 18 St. Nicholas's ColleO'e Shoreham and took an O~ heallng of thls~ determm a tlOn, D~. Dady reo Jewish Ohristians wished to take the hiO'h est to be an eVldence that there was someth111g .. . 10' .' paired to the house of Dr. Murphy, III order, if . deb 10 rotten in the political economy of the world active wterest III the educatIOnal schemes of possible, to induce lIirs. Murphy to chan g~er place, and to exact elerence, . eca use they had '" . : U T d d ~ Abraham for their father and had come into and very pOIntedly Illqmres what IS to oe done, Mr. n 00 ar .- London R egister. notion and become a member of the Meth ,disl the Ohurch, as it wcre, by inheritance. The in so alarming. a state. of affi.airs? We would . • • • Ohurch. Finding his entreaties unavailing, be d hIE S OBITUARY.-The Rev. Joseph Lenon, died used some harsh language to Mrs. 1\1. Dr. M. Gentiles, on the other hand, boasted of their recommen 1m to walt untl aster nnday. I 5 h f'l h f '1 H being in :111 adJ·oinin,,:!. r0 0111 , overbeard the t 1e t 0 ~. arc , 0 cance r, at ,I OUllt ope ,. ~ fid elity to tbe law of nature, and thought that • ••• - near Baltimore : havin~ most devoutly received abusive I:tnguage, rush ed into the room and · t . t 't f t't d d gave Dr. Daily a sound drubbing with his can e. b y t helr emperance,. III egn y, or I u e, an DUNIGAN AND BROTHER hare issued the fa- the Sacraments of the Oh.urch. The Ruv. tbo • v If the facts are as we have heard them, other natural virtues, they had Inid God under mOllS Missiun Prayer-Book in a small cheap Pastors and his frie?ds generally are requested Doctor did not receive a lick amiss.-Bedford a sort of obligation to call them to the Faith. form. to remember him in the Holy Sacrifice. (Ind.) Independent. _ CATHOLIC TELEGRA, H AND ADVOCATE. 5 ,..~~~~~~~~~~~~-n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - ~' , ~ ~~~~====~~~======~~==~ ~ ~ ' Later from Utah. (Yor C,tholic Telegraph.) (For the Telegraph.) West, 1 was about to say, but that would be LUIS Tuesday March 23.-The L eav- St. Patrick's Day Celebrated by the Ger- MEMPHIS, TENN., Feb. 27, 1858. ungracious, ~.nd I will say anywhel·e. The S~rt hO Ti1~es of th~ 9th in s~. says that two man, French, and Irish. Very R ev. Edit01'S,-I sit at an open win- General wa~ not very well up in his English, enW ies of infantry, and two of cavalry left A I:iSU MPTION, 18th March. dow; the roses are in bud) and the peaches and she was determined that he should speak compaD f' U h Tb a fo rt yesterday or ta. .e ?omman Rev. and Dear Sir'l,-As every occurrence ready to blossom. I left Cleveland a week nothing else. I thought at first, his silence the b t three hundred and tlurty men. . .. numbers a ou k' C I I H ff d that IS calculated to uDlte the mmds of our ago, with good sl eighing, the lake frozen out and quiet was Spanish hauteur, but fo und h desicrn overta 'mg 0 on e 0 man an , . Ch . I T ey . h the supplv train for ColQnel John· CatholIcs, and strengthen the bonds of rlS' of sight, and the mercury very neighborly him later as warm-hearted and social a gentle­ esco~t ~~p from Fort Laram ine. This train, tian charit,y or to increase devo tion, is in itself with Mr. Zero. But I must go a little further man as one could desire fo r a fellow traveller. ston s aa , d' ' h ·1 I d ,.~ . ts of one hundred an SIxty eaVI y a en a means ot prod1lcm O" good, and consequently back. On the Cin~innati and IVlississippi road, a conslS' . bl' h . t f " ~ . aons. Th e Rep1.lbl~can pu IS es extrltC so of some interest to our holy Church I wish to I left Toled) on Saturday, the 6th, and went train we were c bout to meet was so good as to ' 11'8 0 • I tter from Colonel Johnston dated . '. . 8 prIvate e H th t h h ! d Inform my fellow-brethren of a beautIful ex· ruurv 5. e says a e as recel\Te no , ... to Cleveland, where at night I 'found myself try the strength of a bridge we were to cross in Feb '. t'Oll from Government since the 22d ample of fraternal love and soird pIety, whIch, communIca I enjoying the warm hospitalities of the Right a few moments. The rails spread apart, and f October, and complains that the contract~r s according to the admonition of our Lord, should R everend and good Bishop Rappe, and waiting three passenger cars were thrown off the track, ~lke mo re than three months to carry the ma.lls always characterize his disciples. The the arrival of Dr. Brownson. But he came and rolled down a steep bank, dislocating to Utah , wh en th e contract says that the serVIce Irish had several times intimated that they not. On I attended Mass at the should.er.s, bruising many, nnd burning a few, I b don e monthly. He also says that the. . . Sun~ay, sha I e h f II 0 ds and action can greatly deSIred to have .the day of theIr llIus- Mormons ave, u y as w r . . , beautiful cathedral with a lar"e and .edifyincr but krlIrng no one. We were very gla.d to ·f' t inten tions that they will no lon"cr tnous Patron celebrated. The R ev. A. Van- In the af'ternoo: I accompanied wait I'or repairs, and pass over in safety. JllaDl es , • . " con o-~· eO"ation . sub mit to any gov~ rnm e nt .b ut that of theI.r own; dendriessche felt a little uneasy, for he knew the "Ri~ht Reverend Bishop to Vespers at the At Sandovai, while waiting for a down train ihnt tbe people of. the U ~IOn must submtt to an well that the slightest partiality might be very . ohurch"ofthe Immaculate Conception, more than o~ the lillinois Central, the station was filled and usurpation of tdhe~r The~rItorld' t khavel adg?v- offensive to the remainder ot' h is flock. He a mile in the suburbs of' the city, around which WIth a large and very respectable party of rnment erecte m tell' mi s !lC now e glllg h e. dependence upon or allegiance to the Fed- t erefore showed that tl::eir wishes were sanc- is rapidly gathering a large Catholic congre- French immig~an.ts . fo~' St. Louis, who had ~;a l authority, or act wi th vigor and force to tioned Qr the Church, and supported them by gatior.; and later I had the great h appiness of come up the MIS~I~SIPPl, but were obliged to ropel them to succumb; and expresses fin motives of general interest, and was indeed being present at the Benediction of the Blessed ~ake , to , t~e ,cars at Ca.iro, on .account of the , : ru est hope that every e~ertion wil~ be made very successful. On the Sunday previous, h e Sacrament, in the sweet little 9h apelof the ICe. 1hey were beanng th eIr long , voyage !orwurd supplies early m the SP!lllg, .under to · atlllounced High Mass and sermon, and re- a sufficient guard 0f mounte d men. Ursuline Nuns, which reminded me of many well, and the long neck ed bottles sticking out o • 0 commended the devotion to the whole congre- happy hours in the Convent chapel at Brown of their baskets, and two violin cases, were . An old man na med J edediah Preble mlu- gation; stating that we had all more or less county. e:-idence ~h~t they hope~ not_to d.i.B of home· dered bis wife at Whitefi eld, Me., last week. obligations towards the great Saint, for teasons Mr. Brownson came on alonday afternoon, Sickn ess, If It could pOSSIbly. be aVOIde d. Albert Place wus suspicious that all was not he shortly mentioned. and lectured at the Melodeon in the evening I W1S fortunatlll in finding at Cairo, anq . ht nd forc ed an entrance into the house. The long expected day was very wet and , to a good audience. At the solicitation of the ready to leave, one of the most beautiful boats I!" ,a . ' . . H~ found Preble sittinl!: at the table, nearly storm:)" yet comp~ratlvely speaklllg there was Oatholic 'young Men's Library Association, he ~n our Western waters, the Diana. Nothing naked his shirt saturated with blood. He said a good congregatIOn present. ,Ve saw some lectured again, for its benefit, on Tuesday even- III the way of a steamboat need_ bE! more ele­ inO"· but it stormed all day and the house was gant or orderly than this superb boat. You Id S~I-meaning his wife-had ' fallen out of of the faithful sons of St. Patrick come from a oJ . . 1 ~ ed and hurt herself, and he had to get his own great distance; nay, nine miles on foot, through scarcely a benefit. I was,' however, glad to breakfast a la carte as at tL fi'rst-class hotel. breakfast. While there, Place h ~ ard Ilome faint rain and mud, was not considered too much 'hear both lectures. They were more popular Your seat is reserved for you at every meal; graa ns , and saw a person on a bed in the room. nor too• severe, • in order• to enjoy• the happiness iri their character than I expected, and deli- and the cookery and attenda.nce were every . He reported what he had seen, when the neigh- of aSSIstIng at Mass and receIve the Braad ~f vered in a manly, pleasing style. They did thing that could be. desired; with one excep­ bors repaired to the house and found Mrs. Prc- Angels on that dear a~d memorable day of t~elr not cover much ground, but the space marked tion, ,common to many hotels and steamboats, ble 'dead and h er body horribly mutilated. beloved Apostle. TIllS noble example of pIety ou,t could sc'arcely be worked over more t~Ol."- the bill of fare left a Catholic who wished to o. 0 is surely a great re.proach to our lukewarm Ca- oughly. As to the great reviewer, personally, !reep Lent, to a very lneage!' diet 'indeed. THE EAR'rHQUAKES IN ~APLEs.-The Otfi- tholics, and sweet as honey to the frevent oneH. I think he bears acquaintance be'tter than mo~t I had scarcely been settled on ~he Diana, cial J01l1'nal of the Two Sicil-ies, of the 18th This strongly' proves that the zeal ancI" ardor men, whose reputation has impressed me. In before I became interested in a K entucky, ult" publishes a complete list of aJI the victims which their holy Patron had instilled in the person and conversation, he is very much as I gentleman, whom I found by his conversatio l). of the memorable earthquake of December 16, hearts of their forefathers are still alive; and expected to find him; and this is not often the to be a man of some note-Captain Craig, 1857. The total number of dead amounts to that they have also kept intact and unshaken case with diszinguished writers. His recent formerly, and for . eleven years, keeper of the ' 9,350; and the wounded 1,359. It appears the faith and virtues of their. ancestors, al­ lecturing tour has been very successful con- State penitentiary at Frankfort. _His account throughout the list, that, contrary to what is though_ they are frequently exposed to the sidering the times, and honorable alike to his of prison life in that institution was be tter the case in b'lttles and other circumstances greatest dangers and snares of' their innumer­ position as a Oatholic Reviewer, and to the than any book I could find . He told Ole of' where human life is at stake, the number of able enemies. Thi~ .invaluable treasure they Catholic clergy and people who h ave made several cases, where criminals had. been re­ dea d has greatl;: exce~d~d that of tlie persons have brought to this country as the- greatest this handsome t estimonial as an aclmowledg- formed, and become, after the manner of 'the more or less se rIously lllJureli. Thus at Mon·. . . ment of his services to the Catholic cause. Rect to which Captain C. belongs, good Chris­ te murro, a ' p,lac e,of'· 7 000 l·llhabitant~" 5 "000, biesslllg, Heaven In Its bounty, could. bestow were crushed to ,death by the falling houses, upon them; also do they often sacrIfice every It may se~m a little absurd of me to speak tians. I asked him what proportion he though and 500 severely injured. worldly advantage rather than forsake their re- of my own lectures, after mentioning those of could be reformed, under the most favorab Ie 0" ligion and lose their poor soul. WOllld to Dr Brownson, but as I have spoken of them circumstances. H e thinks ten per cent. And INSUFFICIENT PREPAYMENTS 'OF POSTAGE God we might see these good old times return, in other places I may as well complete the re- this, when we think of the m'eans used, and BY THE PRUSS'IAN CLOSED MAIL.-The Post and behold those touching ' scenes, when the cord. I commenced, at the Melodeon, on the lack of mea~s in the hands of Protestants, Office 'department of Prussia having directed the attention of the Postmaster General to the poor and the rich, the o.1d and the young, par- Monday evening, the 15th, to about eight mlls~ be considered ·an encouraging estimate. circumstance that large numbers of letters are take of the marriage f'e;,Lst of the Lord! What hllndred persons; which is considered here a I was pleased to fiqd a man . of so much _kind - ; received in the mails from the United States a nourishing food! what a refreshing feast! very good house. The second night there ness, zeal, and devotion. At night, I -talked which have be ~ n partially prepaid by the sen· Such uncommon repasts would render the ties were about a thousand; the third there were with a gentleman until one O'clock, and think ders, and are in consequence charged to the re- of charity'indissoluble, and woul d preserve us thirteen hundred, filling the house to its ut- he will pass through the rest of his life,with ceivers as wholly unpaid, we are requested to state, for the information of the ptlblic, ann frpm ever being hungry or thirsty for forl;>idden most capacity, and many not 1:Jeing able to gain more respect of tge Catholic Church, imd fewer particularly those - having correspondence with pleasures. After the Gospel, his reverence ,admission. The crowds, the total lack of_ven- prejudices against it. Germany by the PruEsian close'd mail, that the having congratulated the people on their punc- ' trIation, the crowd poison, like that which On Wednesday morning, I arrived at this provisions of the United State.s and Prussian tual attendance, addressed them in an a.ppro- causes ship fever and jail ' fever, at last took fine city of the Blufls. Among other beauties, Postul Convention recluire that -the postage . riate discourse, from which I will Eelect one effect upon me, and the next night, my forty- it boasts thehandsomBst CaLholic Church in upon. letters transmitted betw een the two coun- P tries shall either be fully pt·epaid or wholly un- instance, so interesLing, according to my hum- second lecture this winter, I went home with a the Mississippi Valley. This is not my esti- .I paid. 'l'he combined single ra!e of postage be· ble opionion, to all Catholics. " Christians,)) violent fever; was ' unable to com'plete my mate, for I have seen but few of them; bu t tween the Un "i ted States and its Territories und he said, "you pt\actically allOW what your course, and as soon as I was strong enough to it is very beautiful. The weather is like June . ~ Prussia, including' all the States belongin~ to Church and Faith is, namely, Catholic or U ni. ridEl, I took t.he cars for Cairo and then a I hope here to recover my strength in a few , the Germ an Austrian Postal Union, is thirty cents on each letter or paacket not exceedin g: versal; for indeed. she does recognize ueither s te ~mer to Memphis. weeks, and then proceed to such work as ma yt half an ounce i-n weight, of' which prepayment boundaries nor cOl1ntries. Who is 'not edified Going to the Union Railroad office, Cleveland, demand the doing.-Your son and servant in ~n ndvance is optionaY in either country, but it and l:.ighly pleased to see on this occasion I had an illustration of'material progress in the our Lord, T. L. N.

IS not perm'itted to pay less than the whole different nations present in the church, in order 'ra'ilroad line. " 'Which is ,the best and quick- 0 • 0 • combined rate. The postage on a letter or to return their most sincere thanks to the Most est route to Cairo?" t enquired. ' ,I There are THE BISHOP OF KINGSTON.-His Grace the l . packet above ' half an ounce, a nd not over one High for the torrents of graces lIe has show- five routes, all at the same price, and you can Archbishop has received , the Bulls -appOinting '. ounce, is sixty cents; above an ounce, but not ered upon His faithful missionary St. Patrick."­ exceeding two ounces, one 'dollar and twenty Who could express the feelings of the Irish take your choice," said the agent. As he sold the Rev. Mr, Horan to the See of Kingston . . ~cnt.~, and so on, an additional sixty cents be- I . Ii II . h' tickets for all alike, and- would not give any The consecration will take place next May, in l~g charged for each additional ounce or frac. upon seeing 't leu e ow parIs lOners pay such S~. Patrick's Church of Queben.-Toronta - t f great respect and honor to Him who is so dear the preference, I took the one which allowed Mil'ror. Ion 0 an ounce. Persons, theref(1re, mailing to their hearts? It is easily understood how me to stay over Monday in Cincinnati. letters for transmission in the PruBsian closed ·Il ·1 The day of adventures in travelling is 'past. mail should be particular to prepay the full ~~\: i~~~en:~~:y c~~~'l7°rnJg:~ ~t~1~::te ~~~~~~ Some years since Lord Talbot was granted 'a ,postage, or none at all. You buy a through ticket, check your baggage, which is of such absolute necessity. This divorce by the English House of L ords ; his blessed harmony of minds has already' achieved take yonr book, and in due time, or after the wife, a modest and unassuming 'woman, having The Capture by the French. of C;~to~, many !t0od things in our parish, and will, with usual de}ays, arrive at your journey's end. I been charged with crime with an illiterate , There were several hand-to-hand encounters, the help of God, completely finish our churc~. h ave narrow escapes sometimes, but no acci, groom .. The principal witness against her was and it is said that the General had to use his the famIly clergyman, Rev. Mr. Sergeant, who , Honor and glory to our illustrious St. Patrick, dents. r~volver to disem barrass himself of the pertina­ the great Apostle of Ireland, Yours, swore he c,mght her in the act .of crime. This CIOUS Tartar. The escalade was accomplished A. S. Among the ' passengers from Cleveland to clergyman lately gwe himsalf up to the au­ under the fire of our own ships. General Cincinnati, was a Chinese woman, from Macao, thoriLies, confessing that he had peljured him­ Straubeuzee was barely upon the wall before he Information Wanted China, having in charge two bright and pretty self by conspiracy, and that he had no reason was. Obliged to leave it. The Chinese, waving Of ALICE QUIN, a native of the Parish of to suspect the state of affairs which he had children, ten or twelve years old; born of an sworn to. He is now almost insane from re- theIr banners, and beatin" their tomtoms, and Mayo, Qneen's county, Ireland. She arrived brandishing their shieldS," threatened the flank American father and Chinese mother, and who morse. The prosecution of Lady Talbo t made in the United States about twelve years ago, and rear ot the assailants, and so hot was the had been sent home to Kentucky, to be edu- her a'maniac, and she dierI without recovering fire t?at Colonel Holloway'S Adjutant was shot and when last heard of was in New Yorkt cated. The children with a Chinese mother .her reason. Lord Talbot, atter .having an act ' by hIS side, and in a few minutes afterwards Address her brother; PATRICK QUIN, and servants and th: father speakinO" Chinese of P~r1iam~nt passed for his especial benefit, the Colonel himself was shot in the knee. The Corner of Columbia and Western Row, Cin'ti. .' " . marrIed a woman who proved, herself, all he had . Wound did not however drive him from the habltu~lIy, could not speak a word of ~ngIr s h; charged his first wife with, and soon deserted field. His presence and energy were required lIIctry and Martha Society. but theIr sturdy nurse could, and_she IS to stay him. He died horribly, in the midst of his to prevent his men from rushing in upon the The regular monthly meeting of the Mary and Martha Society until they are well settled, and then return to beastly orgies with a comp'my of depraved- ~~ a tte~ed foe, who were firing from under cover. will be held in the bnsement of the Cathedral on next Sunday China WOD;len. Thus vengeance has overtaken all the the hrclI ch co lors were the firs to wuye from (to-morrow) aftl' rnoon, immediately after YeJiipers. . parties to this diabolical conspiracy. ellJbrasures uf J"in's Fort. The loss in On the same train was a Mexican General, t~e R,eceipts from- Marchls'to March 24, 185S. Mr. Whiteside, having accepted the office 0 killed and woundcl! durin" this short siege does J. S. Julien, Findley, to ~'ebru:\r y I2 , 185 9 ...... •.• .••••• •..•...... $2 'gO on his way to Cairo, New Orleans, and Mexico, Attorney Genera l for I relund, the writ of clec·- , not amount to more th;n ninety·six English Jame511ou lgl'r , Cllillicotbe, to .1auuH.ry 1,1859 ...... 2 00 and having in charge one or the most beuuti- tion for Enniskillen was tran'smitted ou Tues­ thirty-four French. -Condensed from ~lrs. Amelia ~lcC urlhy, tihdbyville, to January 1, 1858 ...... 2 00 ~ Hev. S. Bateaux, llay of ::)t. Lo uis, to May .j., 1859 ...... 2 00 ful young ladies I have ever seen-in the day from the Hanaper Office. glish p apers. Patrick Duffy, ~· rankrort, \0 September 9, IS5S ...... 2 00 u CATHOLIC TELEGR1PH AND ADVOCATE. tel ~ in (From F ather F aber's Poems,) similarity to the character of their Master, and sham. And in future, wh enever I find Soup- documen t (prod ucin g the certificate of his ' arl Easter Communion. for fulfilling the dut ies which they have under­ ers troublesom e in any part of Ireland, I sh all listment at 'Templemore, signed by NIl', Mas:n, 5Y' I. taken to perform. threaten to h a : ~ Captain R ogers se n~ down -No ; although h e had been rej ected onl n) th ere on a recr?Jtlll g party ; and sh.all few dnys prev iously in this city (sensation).'1 Without going bnck on the crimsoned page ~ lln pl o ~ e rn The mystery of mysteries! some men of IOfluen.(;e there .to 1TlVlt ~ ~apta ln Th ~ Mayor-Prisoner, were yo u asked t h~. ~ Now let the pure in heart draw nigh, of Irish history, to learn if this picture has H elsham to spend a few days lD the V!c!nt /~ /} cf quest,lollS befo re the ma gistrate ? . U( W 'hile every pulse is beating high been the true original of the Reformation j the Protestant Bishop of the d'ist'l'ict- ve'ibu7lt Cashen-Yes, sir. With love and holy fear; without referring t.o the plunder, the confisca­ sat. .. . Capt, R ogers-I'll make a convert of ~ tion, the bani shm ent, tIle torture, the gibbet, The foll OWIng IS the account o~ the, tl'lal r~- before I'm don e with you (laughter). YOj For Christ bath risen at break of day, ferred to, tuken from the old unfiInchlOg K Il- 'rhe Mayor-He ca. n be prosecuted fur And bids UR from the world away the exclusion, with which this system (in the lcenlllJ J Olwnal: jury. P!1. In name of God) has been form erly enforccd, let - And haste to_meet Him here. CASHEN THE SOUPER. Cashen - I was going home to SCe Iii ~ us confine our inquiry within the last few years moth er-- ) II. in Ireland, and ask what are the qualities by PETTY SEBSIONS COURT-Monday. MI'. Quinn - Oh, Cashen, the only pl a~ ;! The mystery of mysteries! which modern sonperism has sought to advance l\f ag i~tr a tes present-the Mayor, D. Cullen yo~'1l ever go to is G a ll ~ws-g-r e~ n (laughter). ~ and '1'. Hunt, Esqrs., and Colonel Jones. The Mayor-The prisoner IS sentenced ~ Ii' The Angds and Archangels come the Lutheran Gospel amongst the people. Captain R ogers v. C~ sh e n. three months' imprisonment, with hard labm, P' The plan hao ber.n so incongruous, and the On wings of light hom out their come Clerk-Bring forward Cashen. after which I shall communicate witl~ the la; In ranks of glory wheeling: working machinery so prodigiously unfitted to Captain Rogers-Let him out of th e dock, offi cers of the Crown, in order to have him p ~ Our souls shall mix and blend with theirs, produce the desired results, that if we did not and bring him on the table, till we shall have a secuted for perjury_ In loud thank-offerings and pl'3yers, see the thing reduced to practice before our full view of him (laughter). Mr, Quinn-A.h, Cashen, there's your S c ri ~ Before the Altar kneeling. tilCes; and if we did not see the agents pel'iorm­ Cashen was accordingly brought out of his ture and soup for you-that will be the end ~ den, and ordered to stand on the witness table; more of you (laughter). ing their parts in the strcets j and if we did and he certainly was one of the most repulsiv e Casllen was then removed by the police, ani III. not read their placards on the walls j and per­ specimens of humanity it was ever our lot to we were surprised not to see some of his form a .". The mystery Qf mysteries! fectly know the class of men working at this witn e s ~ -a fit disciple of Souperism, and a liv- associates there to 'Sympathize 1\'ith him in tIl The souls that still in dimness dwell monstrous experiment, no man living 01' no de­ ing illustration of the" mission." Blind of an hour of adversity, and supply him with 80ml ~ eye, with the head of a centaur, and hail' of those tracts which he had so oftell diRturl t~ Deep in the Church invisible, parted soul could have ever believed that such standing out horizontally on all sides like por- throughout this city. Even the Rev, Mr, Fi re. From doubt and care re'llote,­ a trial was ever made in the whole worl9 to cupine quills, he was a perfect type of the sIVin- brand was absent on the solemn occasion a n~ They too shall keep the feast to-day, bring m en to God, as the lata diabolical Mis­ dler and the sou per-the pCl'ver,; and the per- there was not even a word of' Episcopal 'sym. And to their cells, though far away, sion of the Irish Sou pel'S ! jurer. , pathy for the pmjured Sonper. The hymn of joy 'shaH flout. In every town in Ireland where their agents Captain Rogers-Come'up, C'ashen I want to CAPTAIN HELSHAM'S LETTER. were employed, tl1ese wretcheu men were show the Bench that you are blind, This (ud- To the P 1'otestants of Kilk enny 1oho s(fJ?l ed In! IV. ' known as the irreclaimable outcas ts of Catcolic dressing the Bench) is a gross case of fraud- 1I1enwr'ial to the Bishop of O:;SO I';/} and Fernl The mystery of mysteries! society, tbe scum of tbe purlieus :Jf vice the of obtaining money under false pretences ,..- per- abandoncd (in some cases) of the noted h ,: unts petra ted by the prisoner now before you. On Gentlemen and F ellow Prot es ta nts-Ha~ WI Oh! far and wide through all the earth, of London, Birmingham, and Dublin infamy. the 3rd of F ebruary he offered himself' for en - presented our Memorial to the Bishop of OUI Emotions of unwonted mirth 1' bese creatures, 'in several instances, acknow­ listment in this city, when he was rej ected for Diocesc without maturely weighing its purrorl And feeling strange shall be; ledged at their deatb, "that they sold them­ blindness of one eye. H e thell went over to -had we founded our opinion Ol~ the ipse dixil And secret sounds shall come and go, selves to the Devil for the means of support; Templemore, and enlisted there after his reject- of the day-had we not delayed the public el, ment in Kilkenny. The doctor, before passing pre~sion ~f o,ur,dissen; ( unsuppordt~d by f~cll)l Harmonious as the throbbing flow that they joined the Soupers in , peljury; that they lived in blas phemy; that tbeir lives were him, asked him if he could see well, upon which agalDst t Ie manner 0 propagan Ism pursued Of ,the mysterious sea_ spent in deceit j and that tbey considered Cashen asked him for a pen and ink to show by the Iribh Church M issioll Society, we migbl themselves the emissaries of Satan on earth." the doctor how small he could write j and thus he charged with too hasty conclusions and by v. These are not my words: tbey have been ex­ passed himself off as a person possessing good confounding hypothesis with fads by ourselvl'.! The mystery of mysteries! tracted from the dying declarations of the sigot. 'l'emplcmore being in my district, he open to censure and rebul[e., was sent to me as a recruit. I at once reco O' - The columns of the Kilkenny Jow'nal of 'The dead and living shall be one, wretches whom the head Soupers bribed to j oin this confederation of perdition. The Provincial nized him, and seeing that he hai p e lju r ~d Saturday last, recording the judgment of our And thrills of fiery transport run, journals have recorded numbelless imtances of himself, I asked him where he had received Chief i.\1agistrate agianst the " convert"-Oasheo ' With sweetest power through all ; this language of despair and ot' retraction ut­ his religious education . At this time I did not late memb er of the lHissionary Society, full; For one in heart and faith are we, tered by dying penitents wh en the crimes of' the know the pi-ison er's antecedents. I did not corroborates how carefully the Protestahb And moulded one, our Head! through Thee, pas ~ Ilpostacy, and wh en the cominO' terrors of know that he had belonged to the Mission watched the progress of this mission. How hOURe in Collier's,lane. I wa& surprised at this deeply we felt the unjustifi able insults hurl ed The Body Mystical! God's judgments, wrenchcd froU! their IlCfonies the true expression of their own guil~ and utter indifference with reg:ud to the perjury he by such misc reabts at the R oman Catholic reli. had committed, and I accordingly asked him gion ,; disgraceful to Ohristianity, and debasing VI. wrung from them the exact definition of the profaneness and the hypocrisy of their masters. where he had received his religious education, and degrading to the Protestant and his creed, The mystery of mysteries! The lies, the lllulignit,y, the infamies of these wh en he 'replied that he was "a Con vert !" The Homan Catholic lIJay well feel proud of From E ast to West the world shall turn, agents, are familiar to alJ those localities where This was my first clue to his evangelical career. his mild and unostentatious propagl1ndiSIDI And stay its busy feet to learn thcy resided; and' the Courts of the Ma O'is­ Upon which I said-" My boy, I'll make a while we Protestants blush at the scenes of Ie\,. convert of you. I'll con vel t you from being a ity and ribaldry enacted daily in the lanes aud , The musical vibration; tr~tes, where their daily contentions with the people were decided, record instances (as re­ swindler and a scoundrel by getting you three outlets of our city, by the quonda:n associate! While Saints and Angels high shall raise ported) of palpable perjury on the part of' the months in jail, the penalty of your re-en list- of the converted convict. In one vast choir the hymn to praise Sou per Agents. If there be anyone libel ment under the provi&ions of the )1utiny Act." Is it to be wondered at then that our church. The Feast of our Salvation. greater than another on the character of God -The prisoner did not commence his swind- es are so thi?ly att~~ded, that so many of' o~r --~-...... - ~ it is to utter His name in slander, to a ppe'lr i~ ling on this occasion. It is nut long since, as I Protesta~t fello;'l'-Cltizens have deserted theu irFl'om the Dubliu Telegraph.J Hi< service with the lips of peljury, and to call have been informed, that he got a £1 note to places.of worshIp and .adopted. anotl~er creed REV. DR. C A H ILL men to worship Him with a ton gue scarlet with change from the Rev, Mr. Drape~, and never J\n ~r~ m ~ccordance. With their feelIngs and On the Principal Souper of Kilkenny Tried admitted blasphemy. If the Devil came on returned w'ith the chan O'e of the note (lau CY h- opmlOns of the sanctity and respect for the use for Perjury. earth to .s e ~uce D,1ankind in a human shape, ter). A most precious c~nvert he is (l a ught~·), of the Gospel? . could he deVise a more characteristic form than and I am sure his superiors ought to feel proud Both PJ'otestan~ an.d Roman, Catholtc ho?or BA:NGOR, Thursday, Feb. 25, 1858. to practice all the vice of Souperism under the of him. I ask the court to inflict the full pen- ~nd reFpect those o~~al~ed cl~rg-ym6n wh? thlDk On'e 'of the most singular facts associated name anu the profession of 'the true servant of alty at ptesent, although it is for perjury, and It no disgrace to V~Slt lD their lowly cabins the with t,he history. of what is called the Reforma- God. This scheme of tea chin O' the Gospel of not swindling, that he should be tried (sensa- poor and the afiiIcted-:-to read to them-:-to tion, is that its preachers and official agents Christ through the agency o( th~ Devil reminds tion It is too bad that officers should be im- comfort them, and to Instruct them-domg have ever employed for its propagation meam me of the saying ot' V ultaire to Diderot, the posed upon by scou,ndrels of'this class, but th ey them~ e lv ~ s tl~e work of their Great .Master, French Infidel, namely: "If," said V oltail'e may r ~ st assured that they will not impose upon tre~dll1g m ~I~ footpaths and n?t handln ~ ove r more opprobrious, and indeed more iniquitous, "t, we Ive pOOl' I'11 'lter ate fI' Sh ennen established' me, and that if they attempt it they may expect their holy 11lIS~IO.n to the u?orduLDed streetrao· than would be adopted in the most degraded throughout the whole earth surclv detection and punishment. tel'S of tl~e ))l1sslOn3ry SOCI ety. . soheme of political deceit or mercanti1e swindle. five learned men, such as D 'Alembert hedel:­ Captain ll ogel's then requested one oftlte po- Let bIgots ponder well and conslde: h ~w And the next most astonishing circumstance isk of Prussia, ]~ar a ille, you and mys ~lf, oll O'ht lice test the prisoner's blindness by covering much , further they may proceed. Ml sch~e f an the disci.pline of this State religion, is, that to succeed in planting D e i. ~m in its place." " If his" his bright eye," and leaving the blind grave and deep has been done already. r.l1ld SouperisUi could succeed, it would be a pracli­ eye to roam at large around the building. arg?m~nt and whol~some ex.ample may r~ m,o:e ~he Protestant laity, so remarkable for good- cal proof of the saying of Voltaire. ' While the test was being applied the whole preJudice, an.d ultl.mately mduce convl~tlO I breeding, for spotless honor, for pure, virtuous I shall now introduce to the reader the trial court was in a roar of laughter at the ludicrous ~her~,premedltated In sult, rouses every eVil ~a ! . l~v es , could lend their sanction to a system in of a Souper-Catholic called Cashen before the scene, While the Souper was looldug throu O' h SlOn 111 our natures and clouds our rct\son wl ~h which slander, injustice, persecution, and inap- Mayor of KilkenllY· Captain Roo ' ~l'S the rc- the" blind p eeper." " thc dark curtains of bigJtl'y .-Ti·usting to yo~r cruiting offi cer of' a lar,,"e milita;"y district, is Capt. Roo-ers said-Well Casben, what can kind indulgence, I remain, gentlemen, yours In paaseable malignity, are the instruments used th.e pI:osecutor. Captain Rogers is a rigid, con- you see! , " very grea t tr~th. . f -:J r th'e furtherance of this incongruous Gospel. SClentLOus Protestant; and without wishill O' to Cashen (O'Tuffiy)-NothinO'. GEORGE P. HELSHAM, L~. ~,.' Yet it has been so from the beginnin g; and it H. ~ ter him, public consent ass i

~em; to banish them j to kill them, CINCINNATI PRICES CURRENT. DANIEL n :\.NN.A.N. FltA.:S-K LYONs Ashes. rCOTI ected Weekly 1 Fish. Hannan & Lyons, ~eroJldner to force them into SoupeIisll1 These Pots 'iil lb, ...... $0 5% Cod, Dry, 'il\ lb ...... $0 4% 10 llr f f' b h h '1 Pearls 0 6 Shad, B"lt . 'il\ b,lr!el,. 14 0 Whelesale a.nd RetaIl Dealers In all kmds of FRESH and the cause 0 our ears: ut w en t e VI e SAL'r Ml!:ATS. blxth Street, between tha Convent and Bl oad· are . ,. II d . ~oda Ash...... , 0 4Y, Salmon ...... ) ... 25 0 way, Cmcmnatl, O. feb6·3mpd t OJ is uprooted, Its emIssarIes expe e , Its Salaeratus, Clty 0 4 White FISh...... 0 0 sy~ eos eXlJOsed , its funds withdrawn, and the Do couutlY ...... 0 4:!4 niackerel, No 1. .... 18 0 O B eeswax. J. Hopkins, P3 : sc h e~e abandoned, there is then no Ion · Yellow o 24 g~ ~ ~~ : ~ ...... 1~ g \ TIN WARE MA N U~'ACTURER. en tIf C . I I d Blooms. Do. No 1, sh . 13 0 Corner of Seventh and Syclimorll stl-ee t s, s.nd106 Vine street, pretex t for to!tul'log tlCpOOrj an nu Oommon, Ii? lb ...... 1 50 Do. No 2, do .... 12 0 above FIfth. ClUclun.ltl ~er a peace and confidence will be restored. Kmcy . .. .. 2 0 Do. No t3, do. 0 0 An assortment ot 'l'In ·Ware l\.ept on hand. J ob WOlk lD l TIn, Copper, Sheet Iron. a nd ZInc mh29 12m tiOOa D: W. C. Sh Foundry .... 0 0 Do ball el , . 0 0 Dlence ofthose parents III the nelghborhood "ho m,!..y pI efel that Hoop Poles, hhd .. . 0 (J vent the unpleasant sound produced by the clapper Jarrmg 01:. 'rea Kettle, ~ dnz ... 5 0 ihlllrchlldrell,shoOlld returllTh~~~el\~~eIY day. Coal. Do , ballel ..... t ... 00 ~~~I::;:) and the mlost approved plan of Iron yokes, wheels, and Do, keg...... 0 0 TmtIOll, includmg tbe same branches already specified. ~float. 'iil bushel .... 0 8 A warrantee against break~e of Bell or hangings (If properl) payable o;:enll anuually In adva.nce, pel Se:::;sion of ten YOu:'hlOgheny, in yald. 0 12 Ltquors. rung)Isgiven for one year. CommunIcatIOns wIll reCeIye prompt Pomeloy ...... 0 10 and a 1I . lf months ...... $25 00 DR~NDIJ::S. attentlOn by addressing GEOHGE L. HANI~S, BrownsvIlle ...... 0 0 JUDJOI Class ...... 20 00 Alex FOl ignette ~ gal 4 10 ap22 Nos. 120 and 122 East /'Iecond street, Omcmnati. For fl1rthel pa.l hculats a.pply to the Sisters lesldmg iu the 'Vhbelmg ...... : ...... 0 0 C011l ce 1'tIllrtin . . 4 10 Peach 01 ch'lrd ...... 0 0 Jon PUGH. WM. KIRB Institution 1\I,lgJOi Y • ..... •• ...... 6 0 m1l SR. IlIARGARET C GEORGE, Mother Superior. Winnefled...... 0 0 ~~thlel ..... 4 10 & (,hoco ate. :!,. .. Pugh Kirk, Attorneys at LIlW, . ... I 7. SELVES' BUILDING, ThIrd street, between MalO and Walnut. No.1, 'il\ lb ...... 0 11 "VIINES. PROSPECTUS OF , , Cnffee . .. CDICINNATI, O. Madei, a, ~ gallon ...... 3 0 , PartIcular altentIOn gIven to Convevancin~ mak,ing tlbstiactE l'IIOUN'Jr ST. MA.RY'S COLLEGE, J,l"I"a,Govelnment,1i\ tb 0 17- Do, SO Ul h SIde, 0 Q. fl'itle, and to jieal Estate tranSaf'tIOlls gene;ally. NEAR CINCINNATI, OHIO. ltlO...... 011% Burgundy Port . . 1 75 This InstItutlOll will tie opened on Monday, the 15th of Ssp St Dommgo ...... 0 0 Portuguese GO"Hnment 2 60 E • .A.. THOMPSON , T. A. NE$]IlTn t,mber,18,6 H"vana ...... 0 0 Loudon Dock Port .. 3 50 Thompson ~ Nesmith, It IS sItuated on one of the hills overlooking the city of Cin- Lagua) ra ...... 0 0 WhIte Wll1e '1il bUll eJ 40 0 ATTOKNEYS A'r I,AW, _ Clonatl, III a pOSItion unrlVltlled for healthy an and beautIful Drugs u'J1d Dyes. Claret, In boxes " 10 0 BANK BUILDINGS, nOlth,west corner of 1hird and MaID Sp Irk Catl1wb", 'Ill doz. II 0 Stl eets, Cincinnati, OhIO sep 13 12m Ift:r~bJect IS -to ,affOl d to pupils a thorough education under Al~~~, I ISo~~i~~! .::"·::.: g!~ StIll do ...... 6 0 Cathohc. mtiuences Alum .., ...... 0 4 I SPJRITS M. REGAN, The regulal chssical and scientific co~r~e is of eight years, All10tto ...... 0 40 Alcohol 76 and 98, PIO f 041 WInsky, (!ommon '" 0 163- DEALER IN FANCY AND S'l'APL~; DRY GOODS, EMIlROID thouO'h student s from othel IllstitutIOns wIll be allowed t o enter ... , 0 22 cry, Cloaks, Mantles, Shawls, &c., No 150 .blfth: st between Ract: the n~ore adv lUced cl'lssc~ upon sabsf..1.ctOl y exanuDlltlOn .. : 0 25 .Molasses I and Elm, CmclnnatI, Oh;o / The course ot 1l1structlOll WIll embrace the Gieck and Latin Allow Hoot ...... 0 12 New OrIe~lns, ~ gallon. 0 35 I3ngulges, Hhetollc, LOgIC, Mathematics SUlveY1n:s, Natural Aqu tfor tis ...... 0 12 Sugar House,. . .. 0 0 lAMES APPLEGATE, A H POUNSFOH), Philosophy, OhemI~try, Astronomy. and Book·keepIng. Borax, crude ...... nope CountIY.. ... 0 0 H.MUELliLICKINGER, JOHN D. RYAN The connection of the Gollege wIth the CincInn~h Provlllcfal Do, refined ...... 0 30 .Ni.dls &;c. & Semmary, affords peculIar fdClhtil!s fol' thorough instruction of Balsam Copalva...... 0 55 N ail~, 10d, i1 kag ...... 0 0 APPLEGATE CO., the pupIls in the German, FJ ench, and ItalJan langullrres Bleaching Powders ... 0 71~ Do., , Bd, ...... 3 60 BOOK&ELLEHS, PUBLISHERS, STA'l'IONERS, AND BLANE The disCiplIne of the College" ill, be paterllal ,but ;Igilant- Bllm.:;tone, r oll ...... 0 4X Do, 6d, ...... 48f> BOOK MANm'AC'l'UREHS. the stu lents belllg always uuder the ~ye of tneir Prefect, or .f!'lonr BulphUl, ...... 0 b Do., 5d, ...... : .. 0 0 sep22 No 33 Main street. Professor • , I ChamphOl 0 35 Do., 4d, : ...... 0 6 The domestic arrangements of the Institution ale un.der the Do It>fined ...... 0 45 Do, 3d, ...... 0 0 A. Lotze's Improved Patent Warm Air !Upermtendance of the Slf~ters of ChLlrity r Cochlne.tl ...... 1 25 SpIkes, Cast ...... 0 0 Furnaces, Th'c auspIces undel WhlCh thIS college IS placed. and the cord!al COppt'1 as ., .•... •.... 0 2 Do, Wrought ...... 0 0 EOR HEATING PUBLIC AND PHIVA'l'E DWELLINGS. approbatiOn extended to It by the Most Rev. AIChblshopand the ClerUTI 'ra.lt.\r ...... 0 33 O'ls. The snbscrlber would Inlorm the Public that he Las been get Clergy of the DIOcese, .l re sufficient Ito wal rant the confidence Gmseng ..•...... 0 48 Ta..nn ers', ~ 6allon ...... 0 0 ting up a new :Furnace, supellOl to any ]'nrnact' eYer b, ouglit John Keeshan, Druggist and Apothecary. f<'lorence, 30. in flasks .. . 0 0 th!lt It will de serve a hIgh ,ank among Catholio lllsbtutlOns of liLdl" Aleppo ...... 0 40 befOIe the Pubhc, for burmng Bltuunnous Coal or '\iood and Dealel in Drugs, Medicmes, Paints, Oils. V~t.rD18h e s , &c. iUTnmg amply reward the patronage" hich no doul.t Gum Copal ...... 0 70 French. I? bottles ...... 0 0 N W corner ·Walnul and Sixth strt"ets, CmclDlla an d U are WRI r'lDted in ever y I espect . 1'hese FUI naces h.tve Silt· ti: Oi1ye, 1f, gllllon, ...... 0 0 gIv e ~ ------lullref'llrllOflom the pHrents and gUi1rd illDs of youth Do A I hol test notice. on reasonal'l":l terms. sep30 Bostou , CHARLES CONAHAN. ~John'sHotelforTnvalids-, - S'al,eltoo t , Seneca .... 075 Ve l dIg lIS .. • ...... 0 30 REFERENCES. AN.D HOAtE Fall THE SICK, Do Do, V., ... .. 040 Rags I Church Ornaments! The ~lo"t Reverend Arch Bishop PURCELL, and ReveTend Clergy. W. O. W Gano, Esq, Cash,er oj the Lafayette Ba'llk'lIg Company. H.18been removed frum the coruel of Jiroad W,ty rr ome for the ~ S I c k 1 '"" Ith a beautiful VieW· ;:Iuf the 'Ohio rIve Do Do , I efined .... 0 0 CinclUMtl has Just been publIshed A catalogue ,",ll be sent , post 1£ T N A INS U RAN C E COM PAN Y, NeIVport, CO vlU~ton a.nd the ldJ.Lcen t ~ scenery of K (~lltucky SarSap:1.IIlb, Hond, .. t tl 4\ l! laxseed. ~ 56 fb ...... 0 85 p!lld. to auyperson by applYl')g to the above film. 000 l\'l~nn street CanalY, ~ bushel ...... 0 78 ovel the Cky tanislas' Preparatory College Oast ...... 0 18 Los~es Paid, $10,437,312 ~s COT T C 0 U N T Y, Ie E N 'I' -U C Ie Y, Oranges, 'iil box ...... 3 0 Shear, ...... 0 19 City Insurance Company, Agencles }n the principal towns and cities thlOUghout the or 8 tdeslgned to tr.lIn aind educarte C.lthohc boys from ~he Rue Lemons ...... 3 " I Soap. OF CINCINNATI, OHIO, NO.8 FRON'] S'l'REE'l', BETWEEl'i UnIOn. 1 h 0 that of 12 years all the b llallch e ~ of a th"lOU rh ~ng 1II. It Ralsms ..t ...... 275 C.. t,le , 'il\ lb ...... 0 15 MAIN AND SYCAMOIIE FIRE AND MARINE DntECTOltS­ 1'or,ICIES ISSUED WITHOUT DELAY BY :Udand CI,h;Slcul J~du catlOn WIll be t.aught, as far as ~the age Do Do half llo .... 1 40 r CmcinnatI, ...... 0 7 GeOl ge Callisle. It ""\ V Booth, l!: S HaInes. James P KIlb, eth, J .M .TAS H CAR'l'ER, EEq, Agent, No. 40 Maln stJ eot.. capaCIty of the boy s ill ly req Ulre Lay.e Do , W box, ...... • 3 25 R tlm, ...... 0 5 Bla.lr, A. D E Tweed, It l\i BIshop. J W Donohue, J D Lehmer ~ J W G SHiH.ALL, do, pro tem , 1\ o.ln V;ne street. B '1' .,; R III S : Bloom RaIsins ...... Q 0 ' Do, Wlnte ... :...... 0 0 N Gregory, Secl~etary; E S Il,unes, Plesldent; Wm P StlattoD J J HOOKER, do,, ' }'u!ton(17t1lWard.) ~d) and TmtlOu in all the ijuluches tauO'ht including ;..: Clustel, do . ... 0 0 , Spices. gurveyor Ri:sks confined to thIS City, haung no agencies. P. S. BUSn, do, CovIngton Ky. "trnensch and German ..... 0 , • ~ 100 00 Smyrna do, ~ lb ...... 0 0 E, .:> Sultan a , do, ...... 0 18 Cassi.l, In mats...... 0 46 C. P Buohanan, dO . , Ne·wpol't, Ky . Cloves ...... 0 2" Adam Geis, Branch, No. 171 Vine street, ~~PbohCl\t l ~'~' m~;t b~ ;~ad;'ai the Cathed';a1:' Cdv;;;gi~nJ.s/o Flgs.1i\ lb...... 0 12 Ginger, ground ...... 0 10 ..... WHOLESALE AND.RETAIL PhcutlonY WIll he s(lnutted Into the College unless prevIOUS ap Dontl~cal P?wer havmg ~nd mistress of' the lodging gave much infor- anarchists in France counted on somethiilg from !!!::£!2E!'!!!~:::-!!!!!'!""!~~~==~~~~=~~~!!!~ 1 oblIged hUll to take flight, It was m LOll'don he mation recrardin'" the comin" and O'oin'" of the 14th January' without bein" accomplices . ED WARD DUNIGAN & BROTHER, <....J 00 0 0 b 0 ,~., 'C ) ti~ ~t· Bo~ght , :efuge; he afterwards traver~ed Bien'i, the El)glishman Hodge, and Outrequin. they were expectants; and it was no longer to JA~HS B. KIRKER, Piedmont, SWlt.zer"~nd, LO~1ba:dy,-concert~llt-. ' £'ierri introduced G-.~ omez as if he were a the poignard and the pistol they had recourse- 371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, hIt t t Il b h d ...... ITave just issued the following interesting works: ' e~eryw ere ~evo u !Onary In .ngu.e~, rav.a!llg ~tran.ger, to e. ll'~ as Orsini's servau.t. they had asked from chemistry its mos't terri- ~[y 'flUP TOFIU N C~] , ~ lively book onravels, byllCl.l. r. WIth false passports, and ,dlsg~I,sl.ng, hImself RudlO passed h~m.se lf. off for a merc?ant In ble secrets. The speaker said, he hastened to Donelan. 1 vol., 12mo. 7i\(:, under the false !lame o~ Plto-Ce.sl; In 1855 bepr, and as Or~lnI passed for an EnglIshman, add that this complot was not conceived in ~\-'I~{~~It~,~"O~! ·~ i' .~,urtE:·'~~O~te/ ;~l;: 1!~kO~r, i::; di;ti> he was taken up at Vlenna,-under the false whom Parisians are accustomed to see in France, but in Eno"land-in that country, guislled nAdemptorist. compilor of the ~lissio n ~oo~d f II author of Qu ~s ti o us of the Soul. 1 YOl. , 14!uJO. 7ill). ,name 0 - errvage. . H e. was s~spec ,t e d 0,f h av- search of beer! that wal! intended to I~o~ very -wh@se protecting laws seemed to shock our pec- THE CJNVEWf, 01' Leaves from my E"'pel'iencr, by ~l !D.g attempt~d the I!fe of the 1!imperor of Aus· natural. HudlO stood to tulk to OrSInI, as a pIe, but which, after all, must be respected, be- SA:I'~~~:~0~'u~~·, ~:. Ji~~;tiol;:"f~~ t1~2~~nyer of Contc.;' tna. ImprISoned at ,Mantua. In Jl:1arch? 18?o, tradesman mi6.'ht. do. When the woman was cause they were the laws of a great people. tion, by the Yen, ~'llthel' Augustine Baker, Mook of~ I t l! I t f h h' h P d Order of St. Bouudici. 1 vol., 12mo. One dolbr. - an d , b' roug I b e"ore th.e speclu. cour .01' Ig III t e room lern was seate and at brea kf'ast , After recapulating the biography of Orsini, the THE HISTOR.Y Oli' IRE LA ND, from its earliest KingSWb treason~ he succeeded III escapIng dUrIng the with Orsini: Gomez wuitcd on them as a 8er- Procul'eur penetrated t,he hearts of the assem-' last Chief, by l'homas IlIoore. 2 vols., Bvo. Four dol"" night; three months later he re-appeared at vant; liut returninO' some time afterwards un· bly by his eloquent fervor when he offered ~n They have in ,Press, ~, '11 d b k d A G h 30 h o . 'R.O:lfE; its Churches, its Charities, nnd its School~! bY -!IJ Mar s~ 1 es, an em ar e ror enoa t e t expededly into the room, she found Rudio ac t of thal1ks"ivincr to Providence for havinO' w, H. Neligan, LL,D" T.C.D. 1 voL, 12mo. Wllh'" June, 1856; he then returned. to Lo~don, 3eated at the table very Dear Orsini, and in ;: pared the pr~ciou~ lives of thei'r Majetie ~ TAL~o:t~Jbot~j'~J1~s 6~·I'r~-\.uLy~0~;n~ev. J. W. Cumml~ where. he appears t? h.av.e ever bIn(\e l'eSl~e~ , 'earnest conver.ation with him, and Gomez recalli'bg each trace of that terrible evening, in v.D. 1 vol., 12mo. 75c. The bIOgraphy of .PWrrI IS only anoth~r SI~l1' leaning familiarly against the chimney takinf!; language full of' ep1otion. He dwe1t upon the ___m_h_2_7_3_t_--:--:-:.,...-:_-;- ______lar tale. He marned at },yons, and hiS wd'e, part in the conversation. Thus the four con- guilt of the three subordinate conspirators, and J . .H.ichardson, who 0 has, been heard, say. s she passed sO,me years spirator:; were asselllbled in Paris, tho grenades then returned to Orsini, throwing oft' from him DE1;lened, 1: (JAllIES B. KIRKER,) Y ~ charged to watch hIm. He was III England In fire. Thi8 was a most dangerous operation. and the advocate of Orsini addressed the au- mar20,4t 371 Broadway, New or